11g upgrade DST package

when I am querying this view it is showing the DST_UPGRADE_STATE as UPGRADE. I have done the upgrade a week ago but still status is showing as UPGRADE.
SQL> select property_name, substr(property_value, 1, 30) value from database_properties where property_name like 'DST_%' order by property_name;
and when I query the ALL_TSTZ VIEW for the tables in upgrade state , it returns no rows
SQL> select owner, table_name, upgrade_in_progress from all_tstz_tables where owner='SYSMAN';
no rows selected..
How to resolve this issue as "DST_UPGRADE_STATE" is showing as "UPGRADE"
Edited by: shakilshaikh on May 12, 2010 12:45 AM

One last question regarding this 11gR2 upgrade.
My APPS and BA team are now asking what kind of testing they should be doing on an upgraded 11gR2 instance.
Can anyone who has upgraded an instance (DB only) shed some light on this aspect of the QA testing process?Since the database upgrade does not change any of the underlying objects under Oracle EBS schemas, you need to do basic checks to verify this upgrade. Examples are ..
- You can shutdown/startup the database with no issues
- No errors are reported in the database log files
- Submit concurrent programs and make sure it completes successfully
- Make sure CM and all services are up
- Create/Update Users/Responsibilities
- Make sure AutoConfig complete successfully

Similar Messages

  • Oracle packages - nested table cursor - 11g upgrade testing

    I have a package call Crisis_Contacts. This package has a function(generate_file) in it that has a create cusor statement which calls on another function(split) in another package called NCF_UTL. In testing our code for a 11g upgrade the cursor statement calling on the split function is throwing a Error: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4814], [5], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] when compiling the package, which it was not doing prior to upgrade. Can you suggest a possible workaround or mod to this code to stop the error from occuring.
    Basically, this code is reading html files and spliting them into section and loading them into the cursor. Then the cursor is read to write them to a table. Then it reads the table and transmits the lines of html to another location.
    CREATE OR REPLACE package body ACADMGR.crisis_contacts as
    function generate_file( file_type in varchar2,
    person_pidm in integer := null,
    person_id in varchar2 := null,
    dry_run in varchar2 := 'N',
    pidm_filter in varchar2 := null,
    include_placeholders in varchar2 := 'N',
    comments in varchar2 := null ) return integer is
    cursor typeDef is
    select * from crisis_contact_file_type ccft
    where ccft.file_type = generate_file.file_type;
    file_type_def typeDef%rowtype;
    cursor fieldDef is
    select * from crisis_contact_file_field ccff
    where ccff.file_type = generate_file.file_type
    order by seq asc;
    type r_typ is ref cursor;
    r r_typ;
    datasel varchar2(32767) := '';
    r_pidm integer;
    pers_pidm integer := person_pidm;
    prev_pidm integer;
    r_tag varchar2(255);
    r_val varchar2(4000);
    type field_list is table of varchar2(256);
    type field_index is table of integer index by varchar2(256);
    type val_list is table of varchar2(4000);
    type req_tbl is table of boolean index by varchar2(256);
    req_fields field_list := field_list();
    all_req_seen boolean;
    fields field_list := field_list();
    vals val_list := val_list();
    field_idx field_index;
    out_id integer;
    out_line integer := 0;
    buf varchar2(4000);
    saved_out_line integer := 0;
    xml_section_lf_delims ncf_utl.split_tbl := ncf_utl.split_tbl( ncf_utl.crlf, chr(13), chr(10) );
    cursor splitcur( txt in varchar2 ) is
    select column_value line from table(ncf_utl.split( txt, xml_section_lf_delims ));
    cursor get_output is
    select text from crisis_contact_file_line
    where output_id = out_id
    order by line_no asc;
    log_time date := sysdate;
    log_seq integer := 1;
    procedure outp( txt in varchar2 ) is
    --dbms_output.put_line( txt );
    insert into crisis_contact_file_line
    ( output_id, line_no, text )
    ( out_id, out_line, txt );
    out_line := out_line + 1;
    procedure split_outp( txt in varchar2 ) is
    if txt is not null then
    for r in splitCur( txt ) loop
    outp( r.line );
    end loop;
    end if;
    open typeDef;
    fetch typeDef into file_type_def;
    close typeDef;
    if pers_pidm is null and person_id is not null then
    select distinct(spriden_pidm) into pers_pidm from spriden
    where spriden_id = person_id;
    end if;
    insert into crisis_contact_file_out ( file_type, comments ) values ( file_type, comments )
    returning output_id into out_id;
    datasel := gen_outfile_sql( file_type, pers_pidm, pidm_filter, include_placeholders );
    if dry_run = 'Y' then
    ncf_utl.output_text( datasel );
    split_outp( file_type_def.preamble );
    buf := '';
    for f in fieldDef loop
    fields(fields.last) := f.alias;
    field_idx(f.output_field) := fields.last;
    if f.mandatory = 'Y' then
    req_fields(req_fields.last) := f.output_field;
    end if;
    if file_type_def.file_mode = 'DELIM' and file_type_def.print_heading = 'Y' then
    buf := buf || case when fieldDef%rowcount > 1 then nvl(file_type_def.delimiter,',') else '' end ||
    nvl(file_type_def.quote,'') || nvl(f.alias,f.output_field) || nvl(file_type_def.quote,'');
    end if;
    end loop;
    if length(buf) > 0 then
    end if;
    --outp( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' );
    --outp( '<recipients>' );
    open r for datasel;
    fetch r into r_pidm, r_tag, r_val;
    exit when r%notfound;
    if prev_pidm is null or prev_pidm != r_pidm then
    if prev_pidm is not null then
    split_outp( file_type_def.record_end );
    all_req_seen := true;
    --check and reset 'seen' flags for required fields
    for i in 1..req_fields.count loop
    if vals(field_idx(req_fields(i))) is null then
    all_req_seen := false;
    end if;
    end loop;
    --if not all_req_seen then
    -- rollback to USER_START;
    -- out_line := saved_out_line;
    --end if;
    if all_req_seen then
    buf := '';
    for i in 1..fields.count loop
    if file_type_def.file_mode = 'XML' then
    outp( ' <' || fields(i) || '>' || vals(i) || '</' || fields(i) || '>' );
    elsif file_type_def.file_mode = 'DELIM' then
    buf := buf || case when i > 1 then nvl(file_type_def.delimiter,',') else '' end ||
    nvl(file_type_def.quote,'') || vals(i) || nvl(file_type_def.quote,'');
    end if;
    end loop;
    if file_type_def.file_mode = 'DELIM' then
    end if;
    end if;
    end if;
    --savepoint USER_START;
    --saved_out_line := out_line;
    if r_tag != 'endofdata' then
    split_outp( file_type_def.record_start );
    end if;
    for i in 1..fields.count loop
    vals(i) := null;
    end loop;
    end if;
    prev_pidm := r_pidm;
    if field_idx.exists(r_tag) then
    if r_val is not null then
    vals(field_idx(r_tag)) := r_val;
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    if pers_pidm is not null then
    split_outp( file_type_def.record_end );
    end if;
    split_outp( file_type_def.postamble );
    --for o in get_output loop
    -- dbms_output.put_line( o.text );
    --end loop;
    end if;
    return out_id;
    end generate_file;
    procedure gen_and_transmit( file_type in varchar2,
    username in varchar2, pass in varchar2,
    pidm_filter in varchar2 := null,
    include_placeholders in varchar2 := 'N',
    comments in varchar2 := null,
    url_base in varchar2 := null, url_path in varchar2 := null,
    ssl_wallet_path in varchar2 := null, ssl_wallet_pass in varchar2 := null ) is
    out_id integer;
    out_id := generate_file( file_type, pidm_filter => pidm_filter,
    include_placeholders => include_placeholders,
    comments => comments );
    --transmit_file( out_id, username, pass,
    transmit_file( out_id, 'mhaywood', '------------',
    url_base => url_base, url_path => url_path,
    ssl_wallet_path => ssl_wallet_path, ssl_wallet_pass => ssl_wallet_pass );
    end gen_and_transmit;
    UTL_HTTP.set_persistent_conn_support( true, 10 );
    create or replace
    cr VARCHAR2(1) := CHR(13);
         lf VARCHAR2(1) := CHR(10);
         tab VARCHAR2(1) := CHR(9);
         whitespace CHRLIST := CHRLIST( ' ', tab );
         pos INTEGER := 1;
         len INTEGER;
         brk INTEGER;
         curbrk INTEGER;
         lnbrk INTEGER;
         whtbrk INTEGER;
         i INTEGER;
    len := LENGTH(BUFFER);
         WHILE pos <= len
         WHILE SUBSTR( BUFFER, pos, 1 ) IN ( cr, lf )
         pos := pos + 1;
         END LOOP;
         --find the next newline type char, or pos+250 if one isn't found
    lnbrk := LEAST( NVL(NULLIF(INSTR( BUFFER, cr, pos ),0),pos+250),
                             NVL(NULLIF(INSTR( BUFFER, lf, pos ),0),pos+250) );
         --after the loop:
         -- whtbrk should be the last whitespace char before LINE_LEN + pos
         -- (or == pos, if none found)
         -- curbrk should be == 0 or the 1st whitespace after LINE_LEN + pos
         whtbrk := pos;
         curbrk := pos;
         FOR i IN 1..whitespace.COUNT
         curbrk := INSTR( BUFFER, whitespace(i), whtbrk + 1 );
              IF curbrk <= pos + LINE_LEN AND curbrk >= whtbrk THEN
              whtbrk := curbrk;
              END IF;
              EXIT WHEN curbrk > pos + LINE_LEN OR curbrk = 0;
              END LOOP;
              EXIT WHEN curbrk > pos + LINE_LEN;
         END LOOP;
         brk := LEAST( len + 1, lnbrk, NVL( NULLIF( whtbrk, pos ), pos + 250 ),
                        NVL( NULLIF( curbrk, 0 ), pos + 250 ), pos + 250 );
         dbms_output.put_line( SUBSTR( BUFFER, pos, brk - pos ) );
         pos := brk;
         END LOOP;
    function split( str in varchar2, d0 in varchar2, d1 in varchar2 := null,
    d2 in varchar2 := null, d3 in varchar2 := null,
    d4 in varchar2 := null, d5 in varchar2 := null,
    d6 in varchar2 := null, d7 in varchar2 := null,
    d8 in varchar2 := null, d9 in varchar2 := null )
    return split_tbl pipelined is
    pos integer := 1;
    curidx integer;
    idx integer;
    delims split_tbl;
    idx_delim varchar2(32767);
    len integer := length( str );
    if d0 is null then
    --split on whitespace
    delims := split_tbl( ' ', chr(9), chr(10), chr(13) );
    delims := split_tbl( d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9 );
    end if;
    idx := -1;
    --we want the lowest value of IDX > 0
    for i in 1..delims.count loop
    curidx := instr( str, delims(i), pos, 1 );
    if curidx > 0 then
    if idx = -1 or curidx < idx then
    idx := curidx;
    idx_delim := delims(i);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    if idx > 0 then
    --if splitting on whitespace, treat any amount of it as
    --a single delimiter
    if d0 is not null or idx > pos then
    pipe row( substr( str, pos, idx - pos ) );
    end if;
    -- also make sure to ignore trailing whitespace
    if d0 is not null or pos <= len then
    pipe row( substr( str, pos ) );
    end if;
    end if;
    pos := idx + length( idx_delim );
    end loop;
    end split;
    function split( str in varchar2, delimiters in split_tbl := null )
    return split_tbl pipelined is
    i integer;
    cursor spcur( d0 in varchar2 := null, d1 in varchar2 := null,
    d2 in varchar2 := null, d3 in varchar2 := null,
    d4 in varchar2 := null, d5 in varchar2 := null,
    d6 in varchar2 := null, d7 in varchar2 := null,
    d8 in varchar2 := null, d9 in varchar2 := null ) is
    select column_value v from table (split(str,d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9));
    function x( i in integer ) return varchar2 is
    if delimiters.exists(i) then
    return delimiters(i);
    return null;
    end if;
    for r in spcur( x(0),x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),x(6),x(7),x(8),x(9) ) loop
    pipe row( r.v );
    end loop;
    end split;

    Curious behavior, but irrelevant, IMHO, since one never switches back and forth between two releases in the real world. All that STARTUP UPGRADE does is that it enables upgrade scripts to be run - it does not prevent statements like CREATE USER from being executed since the upgrade may create new needed accounts

  • 11g Upgrade Issues and Questions

    I am upgrading database from to 11g in EBS, Apps version is
    I have performed patch set installation tasks & Apply additional RDBMS patches
    Now my query is that I have to copy InitSID.ora from 9i to 11g before or after database Upgrade(using DBUA)?
    When I have to set Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 11i before or after database Upgrade(using DBUA)?

    The output of utlu111i.sql script is as below before upgrade.We have to make any modification before upgrade.If yes where I have to do the changes.
    SQL> @utlu111i.sql
    Oracle Database 11.1 Pre-Upgrade Information Tool 04-09-2010 12:55:26
    --> name: PROD
    --> version:
    --> compatible: 9.2.0
    --> blocksize: 8192
    --> timezone file: V4
    Logfiles: [make adjustments in the current environment]
    --> The existing log files are adequate. No changes are required.
    Tablespaces: [make adjustments in the current environment]
    --> SYSTEM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 8052 MB
    --> ODM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 10 MB
    --> APPS_UNDOTS1 tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 299 MB
    --> APPS_TS_TX_DATA tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 2322 MB
    --> APPS_TS_QUEUES tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 70 MB
    --> OLAP tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.
    .... minimum required size: 16 MB
    Update Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.1 init.ora or spfile]
    WARNING: --> "compatible" must be set to at least 10.1.0
    Renamed Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.1 init.ora or spfile]
    -- No renamed parameters found. No changes are required.
    Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 11.1 init.ora or spfile]
    --> "optimizer_max_permutations"
    --> "row_locking"
    --> "undo_suppress_errors"
    --> "max_enabled_roles"
    --> "enqueue_resources"
    --> "sql_trace"
    --> "background_dump_dest" replaced by "diagnostic_dest"
    --> "user_dump_dest" replaced by "diagnostic_dest"
    --> "core_dump_dest" replaced by "diagnostic_dest"
    Components: [The following database components will be upgraded or installed]
    --> Oracle Catalog Views [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle Packages and Types [upgrade] VALID
    --> JServer JAVA Virtual Machine [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle XDK for Java [upgrade] VALID
    --> Real Application Clusters [upgrade] INVALID
    --> OLAP Analytic Workspace [upgrade] UPGRADED
    --> OLAP Catalog [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle Text [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle XML Database [install]
    --> Oracle Java Packages [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle interMedia [upgrade] VALID
    --> Spatial [upgrade] VALID
    --> Data Mining [upgrade] VALID
    --> Oracle OLAP API [upgrade] UPGRADED
    Miscellaneous Warnings
    WARNING: --> Passwords exist in some database links.
    .... Passwords will be encrypted during the upgrade.
    .... Downgrade of database links with passwords is not supported.
    WARNING: --> Deprecated CONNECT role granted to some user/roles.
    .... CONNECT role after upgrade has only CREATE SESSION privilege.
    WARNING: --> Database contains stale optimizer statistics.
    .... Refer to the 11g Upgrade Guide for instructions to update
    .... statistics prior to upgrading the database.
    .... Component Schemas with stale statistics:
    .... SYS
    .... OLAPSYS
    .... MDSYS
    .... ODM
    WARNING: --> Database contains INVALID objects prior to upgrade.
    .... The list of invalid SYS/SYSTEM objects was written to
    .... registry$sys_inv_objs.
    .... The list of non-SYS/SYSTEM objects was written to
    .... registry$nonsys_inv_objs.
    .... Use utluiobj.sql after the upgrade to identify any new invalid
    .... objects due to the upgrade.
    .... USER APPS has 3 INVALID objects.
    WARNING: --> Database contains schemas with objects dependent on network
    .... Refer to the 11g Upgrade Guide for instructions to configure Network ACLs.
    .... USER APPS has dependent objects.
    .... USER MDSYS has dependent objects.
    SYSAUX Tablespace:
    [Create tablespace in the Oracle Database 11.1 environment]
    --> New "SYSAUX" tablespace
    .... minimum required size for database upgrade: 500 MB
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> spool off

  • Oracle DB 10g to 11g Upgrade

    We have a SAP Oracle Database, the size is 1.5 TB.
    The Hardware details are
    Application – SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5 SPS6
    Database – Oracle
    OS Platform – AIX 5.3 TL05, SP06
    HW – 8 Dual Core CPU’s, 256 GB RAM on DB-CI server
    Test Environment : 32 GB RAM
    Please from your experience let me know how much time will a 10g to 11g upgrade will take.

    There are several parameters you have to check before upgrading. Commonly it is independent of size of database.I think it will take as minimum 1 hour. Check the links to speed up upgrading and to consider pre-upgrade preparation:

  • Oracle 11g upgrade: How to update stale statistics for sys and sysman?

    I am in the process of testing Oracle 11g upgrade from Oracle I have run utlu111i.sql on the 10g database.
    The utility utlu111i.sql reports about the stale statistics for SYS and SYSMAN components.
    I executed dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats; dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('SYS'); and dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('SYSMAN');
    After that the utlu111i.sql still reports the stale statistics for sys and sysman. Does anyone know how to get rid off this warning successfully?

    Does anyone know how to get rid off this warning successfully?Just ignore the warnings. Check The Utlu111i.Sql Pre-Upgrade Script Reports Stale Sys Statistics - 803774.1 from Metalink.

  • Oracle 11g upgrade in AIX 6.1 with HACMP

    Hi Friends,
    As i have two Power Servers running in AIX 6.1 with oracle 10g in HACMP in which SAP application is running.
    The one is standalone Database and other is central Instance.
    I have done the 11g upgrades successfully in my DEV and QAS servers which are non-cluster Environment.
    Now i want to do the same upgrade in PRD which is in HACMP.
    Please let me know what are the areas should i concentrate specially for cluster environment servers.

    DB Filesystems
    Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
    /dev/hd4 4.00 2.62 35% 15438 3% /
    /dev/hd2 8.00 5.03 38% 57744 5% /usr
    /dev/hd9var 4.00 2.85 29% 10914 2% /var
    /dev/hd3 4.00 3.50 13% 2575 1% /tmp
    /dev/fwdump 1.00 1.00 1% 13 1% /var/adm/ras/platform
    /dev/hd1 1.00 1.00 1% 6 1% /home
    /dev/hd11admin 0.25 0.25 1% 107 1% /admin
    /proc - - - - - /proc
    /dev/hd10opt 1.00 0.58 43% 9040 7% /opt
    /dev/livedump 0.25 0.25 1% 7 1% /var/adm/ras/livedump
    /dev/lv_oracle 2.00 1.86 8% 21 1% /oracle
    /dev/lv_ora_pip 2.00 2.00 1% 80 1% /oracle/PIP
    /dev/lv_usr_sap 2.00 1.92 5% 78 1% /usr/sap
    /dev/lv_sapmnt 2.00 0.62 70% 978 1% /sapmnt
    /dev/dumplv 95.00 32.80 66% 26790 1% /dump
    /dev/saparchlv 2.00 1.99 1% 57 1% /home/pipadm
    /dev/lv_pip_64 10.00 5.73 43% 18988 2% /oracle/PIP/102_64
    /dev/lv_mirlogA 1.00 0.61 40% 6 1% /oracle/PIP/mirrlogA
    /dev/lv_mirlogB 1.00 0.61 40% 6 1% /oracle/PIP/mirrlogB
    /dev/lv_oraarch 200.00 121.48 40% 433 1% /oracle/PIP/oraarch
    /dev/lv_oralogA 1.00 0.59 41% 8 1% /oracle/PIP/origlogA
    /dev/lv_oralogB 1.00 0.59 41% 8 1% /oracle/PIP/origlogB
    /dev/fslv01 2.00 1.97 2% 102 1% /oracle/PIP/saparch
    /dev/lv_sapbkp 5.00 5.00 1% 40 1% /oracle/PIP/sapbackup
    /dev/lv_sapchk 5.00 5.00 1% 80 1% /oracle/PIP/sapcheck
    /dev/lv_data1 200.00 86.26 57% 30 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata1
    /dev/lv_data2 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata2
    /dev/lv_data3 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata3
    /dev/lv_data4 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata4
    /dev/lv_data5 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata5
    /dev/lv_data6 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata6
    /dev/lv_data7 200.00 84.92 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata7
    /dev/lv_data8 200.00 84.93 58% 26 1% /oracle/PIP/sapdata8
    /dev/lv_saporg 20.00 20.00 1% 7 1% /oracle/PIP/sapreorg
    /dev/saptrance 5.00 4.92 2% 588 1% /oracle/PIP/saptrace
    /dev/lv_inventry 2.00 1.99 1% 55 1% /oracle/oraInventory
    /dev/lv_102_64 10.00 5.05 50% 11044 1% /oracle/stage/102_64
    /dev/hd4 4.00 1.99 51% 14429 3% /
    /dev/hd2 8.00 5.01 38% 57680 5% /usr
    /dev/hd9var 4.00 3.38 16% 10936 2% /var
    /dev/hd3 4.00 3.82 5% 1362 1% /tmp
    /dev/fwdump 1.00 1.00 1% 18 1% /var/adm/ras/platform
    /dev/hd1 1.00 1.00 1% 55 1% /home
    /dev/hd11admin 0.25 0.25 1% 5 1% /admin
    /proc - - - - - /proc
    /dev/hd10opt 1.00 0.58 42% 9024 7% /opt
    /dev/livedump 0.25 0.25 1% 8 1% /var/adm/ras/livedump
    /dev/lv_oracle 2.00 2.00 1% 9 1% /oracle
    /dev/lv_ora_pip 2.00 2.00 1% 52 1% /oracle/PIP
    /dev/lv_usr_sap 10.00 10.00 1% 17 1% /usr/sap
    /dev/lv_client 2.00 1.86 8% 16 1% /oracle/client
    /dev/lv_smnt_pip 10.00 2.20 78% 114142 18% /sapmnt/PIP
    /dev/lv_sap_pip 10.00 8.10 19% 1577 1% /usr/sap/PIP
    /dev/lv_sap_cms 5.00 5.00 1% 8 1% /usr/sap/ccms
    root@pagedb:/ $ su - orapip
    pagedb:orapip 1> echo $ORACLE_HOME
    i have upgraded successfully in my DEV and QAS.
    So can i go with the same procedure as i went with non-cluster Env.

  • 11g Upgrade from in SUSE 10.

    Hi Gurus,
    We have 11g Database upgrade on our EBS 11i environment, database size is around 1.3 TB, i already did test upgrade it was not satisfactory results what client is expecting regarding downtime, i followed manual upgrade as i am very much familier with that, i your views and suggestions to reduce upgrade downtime.
    11g Upgrade from in SUSE 10.

    Is your database is RAC or NON-RAC.
    If you are going for patchset upgrade then you can go for roll upgrade patch.
    as you know, you cannot escape the downtime always. ;-)
    i already did test upgrade it was not satisfactory results what client is expecting regarding downtime, i followed manual upgrade as i am very much familier with thatOracle introduces DBUA with many features, still why you are not going for DBUA?
    You have to test the TEST environment using DBUA ;-)
    If for example For 1.3 TB you are going to consistent backup, still you have down time. then there is no point to think on UPGRADE duration.
    but you can perform pro-actively like.. install the 11g ORACLE_HOME before the downtime. & so on.

  • 11G Upgrade - EBS 12.1.2

    I have a few questions on the 11G upgrade.
    DB - - OS - zLinux
    EBS - 12.1.2 - SLES 10-SP3
    I am following note 1058763.1 (Interoperability Notes Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2.0) - and am at step 23 - Implement and Run Autoconfig
    Referring to 387859.1 (Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12), I have finished unzipping the appsutil.zip file to the $ORACLE_HOME on the database tier using the unzip -o appsutil.zip.
    The next step in 387859.1 requires running autoconfig on the DB tier - for which I don't find the $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts folder.
    Section 3.2 of 387859.1 refers to Installing JRE on the Database tier - however when I run the java -version command - I already get the following output on the upgraded 11g home.
    tebsdb01:EBST1:/t01/product/db11.2.0.3 > java -version
    java version "1.6.0"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pxz6460sr9fp3ifix-20111215_04(SR9 FP3+IV12154))
    IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 Linux s390x-64 jvmxz6460sr9-20111214_97396 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    J9VM - 20111214_097396
    JIT - r9_20101028_17488ifx31
    GC - 20101027_AA)
    JCL - 20110727_04
    tebsdb01:EBST1:/t01/product/db11.2.0.3 >
    My first question - what steps have I missed that have resulted in a missing $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts folder
    My second question - if my java version is already 1.6.0, is there a need to continue with instaling JRE on the database tier?
    This is the first time I am running through a 11g upgrade - hence the plethora of questions.
    Thanks so much in advance for your help.

    One last question regarding this 11gR2 upgrade.
    My APPS and BA team are now asking what kind of testing they should be doing on an upgraded 11gR2 instance.
    Can anyone who has upgraded an instance (DB only) shed some light on this aspect of the QA testing process?Since the database upgrade does not change any of the underlying objects under Oracle EBS schemas, you need to do basic checks to verify this upgrade. Examples are ..
    - You can shutdown/startup the database with no issues
    - No errors are reported in the database log files
    - Submit concurrent programs and make sure it completes successfully
    - Make sure CM and all services are up
    - Create/Update Users/Responsibilities
    - Make sure AutoConfig complete successfully

  • Inhibiting port from upgrading a package?

    Seems port doesn't want to upgrade this package…
    Dora:~ roy$ sudo port upgrade outdated
    --->  Computing dependencies for transmission
    --->  Fetching distfiles for transmission
    Error: transmission 2.42 requires Mac OS X 10.7 or greater.
    Error: org.macports.fetch for port transmission returned: incompatible Mac OS X version
    Please see the log file for port transmission for details:
        /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org _release_ports_net_transmission/transmission/main.log
    Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
    To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
    How can I have port either forget about that package without removing any binaries, or forcefully have it keep that package in its current version and go on upgrading the rest?

    Maybe disabling "testing" in /etc/pacman.conf is an option for you.  So Xorg (and other packages)  will be updated when it's in the stable repos...
    This is probably interesting for you: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman
    Last edited by gorilla (2011-04-11 22:49:11)

  • Yum upgrade all packages problem (SOLVED)

    I keep getting this error when trying to do a YUM UPGRADE ALL?
    Oracle Linux 6.4
    Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, security
    Cleaning repos: epel ol6_UEK_latest ol6_latest virtualmin virtualmin-universal
    Cleaning up Everything
    Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, security
    Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again
    Edited by: 981499 on Mar 20, 2013 7:23 PM

    I tried deleting it but still no luck.
    Reinstalled it and no go either.
    With it elrepo deleted this is the error I get.
    Upgrading all packages with command yum clean all ; yum -y update ..
    Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, security
    Cleaning repos: ol6_UEK_latest ol6_latest virtualmin virtualmin-universal
    Cleaning up Everything
    Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, security
    *http://public-yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL6/UEK/latest/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 6 - "Couldn't resolve host 'public-yum.oracle.com'"*
    Trying other mirror.
    Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: ol6_UEK_latest. Please verify its path and try again
    *.. upgrade failed!*
    Edited by: 981499 on Mar 20, 2013 6:43 PM

  • Customer exit is not functioning after ECC upgrade/support package

    It seems our customer exit is not functioning after ECC upgrade/support package. I tried to activate the project again, no use. please help. Thanks! (see below for the enhancement info)
    COZF0002 Change purchase req. for externally procured component
    *&  Include           ZXCOZU02
    CONSTANTS: lcc_eban(25)   TYPE c VALUE '(SAPLCOBC)EBAN'.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_eban>   TYPE eban.
    DATA: l_fkstl TYPE prps-fkstl.
    Move values from the LUW to the Internal Table
    ASSIGN (lcc_eban) TO <fs_eban>.
    If the field symbol is "NOT' empty then proceed
    IF ( <fs_eban> IS ASSIGNED ).
    if WBS work order, get cost center from PRPS
      IF ( caufvd_imp-auart = 'ZM05' ).
        SELECT SINGLE fkstl INTO l_fkstl FROM prps
          WHERE pspnr = caufvd_imp-pspel.
        IF ( sy-subrc = 0 ).
          WRITE l_fkstl TO <fs_eban>-zzfistl.
    if not WBS WO, move cost center minus leading zeros to funds center
        WRITE caufvd_imp-kostl TO <fs_eban>-zzfistl.

    Did you mean set a break point in the follow code?(Include ZXCOZU02), I tried set a break point in this code, but It didn't stop .
    *& Include ZXCOZU02
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_eban> TYPE eban.
    DATA: l_fkstl TYPE prps-fkstl.
    Move values from the LUW to the Internal Table
    ASSIGN (lcc_eban) TO <fs_eban>.
    If the field symbol is "NOT' empty then proceed
    IF ( <fs_eban> IS ASSIGNED ).
    if WBS work order, get cost center from PRPS
    IF ( caufvd_imp-auart = 'ZM05' ).
    SELECT SINGLE fkstl INTO l_fkstl FROM prps
    WHERE pspnr = caufvd_imp-pspel.
    IF ( sy-subrc = 0 ).
    WRITE l_fkstl TO <fs_eban>-zzfistl.
    if not WBS WO, move cost center minus leading zeros to funds center
    WRITE caufvd_imp-kostl TO <fs_eban>-zzfistl.

  • Want to upgrade my package!

    Hi all,
    Would be very greatful for some help!
    We are with BT for broadband (op 1) and Phones (eve and weekend)
    I have now called BT twice asking to upgrade our package to the £15.99 anytime plan with op 1 broadband and to pay the line rental saver in one payment. 
    On the first call, the advisor went through the terms and conditions, confirmed the price, spoke to the acc holder etc etc. Then said that his system had an error and wouldnt let him put it through, but that he would call me by the end of last week (which he didnt).
    I phoned again today, to have the same process. The advisor read out the name of the plan and that it is a 12 month contract, then said he couldnt do it on his system and it was his guess that the system has a fault and to try again another time or to do it online.....it wont let me do it online, it doesnt display the package as an option!
    The switch in packages would save us over £30 a month, and the new contract starts tomorrow for the phone (with the current package) I NEED to make a reduction in this cost hence why I called up almost 10 days ago to do just that, before I went into another contract.
    Well folks, what can I do? How can I get my package changed? After the above conversations, can BT still come back to us and tell us that they cannot change us? If it does get changed to the plan we requested, can we ask for it to be backdated to the date we initially called? I presume both advisors would have to input details of my calls on some kind of record.
    Many Thanks in advance,

    Hi Shosh,
    Sounds like a spanner rattling around somewhere in system here.
    Drop me an email to [email protected] and I'll get it straighted out and get the offer applied.
    I'll need your BT account and telephone number and a link back to this thread please.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)”
    td-p/30">Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • How NOT to upgrade a package while pacman -Syu

    This may sound confusing, but I am trying to keep my system up to date with the latest software, but I do not want to upgrade one package or else I am 110% sure I will break my system.
    So when I run pacman -Syu, it tells me that I have 4 packages to upgrade, one being the package I do not want to update. So far the only way I found to upgrade my system but still keeping it unbroken is having to manually install all theremaing upgrades using
    pacman -S name_of_packages_that_need_to_be_upgraded.
    which can be a long list (3 in this case), especially if I don't do it for awhile.
    My question is, is there a way to stop pacman from trying to always upgrade the one package I do not want and upgrade all the rest just like its supposed to?
    I have not found a way to do this, but I am not fluent enough with the package manager to know if there is a command for this task. If there isn't such a command, then how hard would it be to add this functionality? I know this kinda goes against the arch way, but so does manually upgrading each package individually. KISS
    Any help would be appreciated and I can clearly understand if this can't be resolved.
    Last edited by jacko (2008-01-02 14:12:28)

    Misfit138 wrote:Put the ignorepkg = in your pacman.conf. That way you don't have to type it ever again.
    I will add, I put this under the general options part of pacman.conf for anyone who is confused that is reading this. Great tip this one here is. One more question though? would u put multiple packages on one line or would u add a ignorpkg = for every package u don't want upgraded?
    LogFile     = /var/log/pacman.log
    HoldPkg     = pacman glibc
    #XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
    ignorepkg   = lib32-glibc

  • [Urgent] Some questions about OID/OSSO 10g - 11g upgrade

    Dear all,
    We are under doing upgrading assessment of OID/OSSO 10g to 11g for a customer. After reviewed the 'upgrading guide', we still have some questions as below:
    1.     Whether the ‘10g DIP profiles’ will be still available after the OID 11g upgrade? Currently there are some sync of AD<->OID and DB->OID.
    2.     Whether the ‘WNA’ function will still work after the upgrade?
    3.     Is there a big change of OID API from 10g to 11g? If so, I think a big effort maybe on application modification.
    4.     I found that there is a OAM Basic version for OSSO 10g upgrade. So if this OAM Basic will migrate the OSSO configuration (like external application) automatically, or it must be re-configed after the upgrade?
    5.     Currently customer config OID 10g as BPEL/ESB’s identity store. So does BPEL/ESB 10g is certificated with OID 11g also? I didn’t find the certification so far.
    Thank you in advance and any comment are welcome.

    Dear all,
    We are under doing upgrading assessment of OID/OSSO 10g to 11g for a customer. After reviewed the 'upgrading guide', we still have some questions as below:
    1.     Whether the ‘10g DIP profiles’ will be still available after the OID 11g upgrade? Currently there are some sync of AD<->OID and DB->OID.
    2.     Whether the ‘WNA’ function will still work after the upgrade?
    3.     Is there a big change of OID API from 10g to 11g? If so, I think a big effort maybe on application modification.
    4.     I found that there is a OAM Basic version for OSSO 10g upgrade. So if this OAM Basic will migrate the OSSO configuration (like external application) automatically, or it must be re-configed after the upgrade?
    5.     Currently customer config OID 10g as BPEL/ESB’s identity store. So does BPEL/ESB 10g is certificated with OID 11g also? I didn’t find the certification so far.
    Thank you in advance and any comment are welcome.

  • [Urgent] Some questions about Oracle Portal 10g - 11g upgrade

    Dear friends,
    We are under doing upgrading assessment of Oracle Portal from 10g to 11g. After reviewed the 'upgrading guide', we still have some questions as below:
    1. Whether the 'Instant Portal' feature remain in Oracle Portal 11g? If yes, how to migrate the Instant Portal 10g sites? If no, any workaround?
    2. Whether the old 10g Page Group and Pages will be still available after 11g upgrade? Also can customer import the old 10g transportset into Portal 11g?
    3. How about the customized Portal 10g objects (such as customized template, style, attributes) after 11g upgrade? Still be usable?
    4. Customer use PDK to develop many portlets in 10g. Can they use JDeveloper 11g to migrate their old project to 11g automatically?
    Thank you in advance and any comment are welcome.

    1. Whether the 'Instant Portal' feature remain in Oracle Portal 11g? If yes, how to migrate the Instant Portal 10g sites? If no, any workaround?Instant Portal is not available anymore in Oracle Portal 11g. The Instant Portal page groups will be migrated to standard Portal page groups. Maintenance of the Instant Portal can be done with the standard Portal tools. The Instant Portal tools are not available anymore.
    Whether the old 10g Page Group and Pages will be still available after 11g upgrade? Also can customer import the old 10g transportset into Portal 11g?Old 10g Page Groups are migrated to Portal 11g. They will still be available after the upgrade.
    Export/Import through transports sets has always been limited to instances of the same version. It is not supported between versions as documented in the Administration Guide :
    [11.2.1|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14571_01/portal.1111/e10239/cg_imex.htm#CCJBCCGD] System Requirements
    Before exporting and importing content, ensure that your system meets the minimum system requirements, as described in this section.
    * Export and import functions only within the same release of Oracle Portal and the same patch release, for example, release 10.1.4 to release 10.1.4 or release 11.1.1 to release 11.1.1. You cannot export and import between two different releases, such as release 10.1.2 to release 10.1.4 or release 10.1.4 to release 11.1.1.
    How about the customized Portal 10g objects (such as customized template, style, attributes) after 11g upgrade? Still be usable?Customized objects get migrated as well. Certain types (e.g. PL/SQL item types) need to be checked after upgrade as the behavior of the PL/SQL code may differ between database versions. This is particularly of concern when the 10.1.4.x Portal uses a 10.1 database. A database upgrade to either 10.2, 11.1 or 11.2 is necessary as Portal 11g is not supported with RDBMS 10.1.
    Customer use PDK to develop many portlets in 10g. Can they use JDeveloper 11g to migrate their old project to 11g automatically?Never done this, but the Portal framework is able to consume JPDK providers which are running in older versions of the toolkit. If the providers are running in standalone OC4J containers, you would be able to upgrade the framework and keep the providers in their OC4J containers. This will allow you to focus on the framework first and worry about your providers later.

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