11gR2.0.3 Grid Infra Installation

As I have started configuring DNS, DHCP and GNS got the following error:
Result: Default user file creation mask check passed
Checking consistency of file "/etc/resolv.conf" acros
Checking the file "/etc/resolv.conf" to make sure onl
File "/etc/resolv.conf" does not have both domain and
Checking if domain entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" i
domain entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent
Checking if search entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" i
search entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent
Checking file "/etc/resolv.conf" to make sure that on
All nodes have one search entry defined in file "/etc
Checking all nodes to make sure that search entry is
All nodes of the cluster have same value for 'search'
Checking DNS response time for an unreachable node
Node Name Status
macrac2 failed
macrac1 failed
PRVF-5636 : The DNS response time for an unreachable node exceeded "15000" ms on following nodes: macrac2,macrac1
File "/etc/resolv.conf" is not consistent across nodes
Check: Time zone consistency
Result: Time zone consistency check passed

As I’m dying with this stuff for few days I will be grateful for someone who can really drilled down to the configurations and helps me to overcome the following problems
My DNS configuration
Vbox host name     Full name     Eth0 (public)     Eth1(private)     Eth2 (private)     Eth2 (private)
macrac1 (a RAC node)     macrac1.amil.com
macrac1 (another RAC node)     macrac1.amil.com
macnam (DNS server)     macnam.amil.com
Gateway:     (This is the IP of main windows machine)
Sub domain: cluster01.amil.com
MACRAC2 machine configuration and MACRAC1 machine configurations are almost same so I’ve only queried MACRAC2 machine
[root@macrac2 ~]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
search cluster01.amil.com amil.com
[root@macrac2 ~]# cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost
# Public macrac2.amil.com macrac2 macrac1.amil.com macrac1 macnam.amil.com macnam
# Private macrac2-priv2.amil.com macrac2-priv1 macrac2-priv2.amil.com macrac2-priv2 macrac2-priv3.amil.com macrac2-priv3
[root@macrac2 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
NAME="System eth0"
DOMAIN="cluster01.amil.com amil.com"
[root@macrac2 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
NAME="System eth1"
DOMAIN="cluster01.amil.com amil.com"
eth2 and eth3 as accordingly.     
Name server configurations as follow:
[root@macnam named]# cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost macmac.amil.com macnam
[root@macnam named]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
NAME="System eth0"
DOMAIN="cluster01.amil.com amil.com"
[root@macnam named]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
NAME="System eth1"
DOMAIN="cluster01.amil.com amil.com"
eth2 and eth3 as accordingly.     
vi /etc/resolv.conf
[root@macnam named]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
search cluster01.amil.com amil.com
options {
listen-on port 53 { any; };
//# listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
directory "/var/named";
dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
// allow-query { localhost; };
recursion yes;
dnssec-enable yes;
dnssec-validation yes;
dnssec-lookaside auto;
/* Path to ISC DLV key */
bindkeys-file "/etc/named.iscdlv.key";
managed-keys-directory "/var/named/dynamic";
logging {
channel default_debug {
file "data/named.run";
severity dynamic;
zone "2.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
type master;
file "amil.com.reverse";
allow-update { none; };
zone "3.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
type master;
file "priv.cloud.reverse";
allow-update { none; };
zone "4.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
type master;
file "priv2.cloud.reverse";
allow-update { none; };
zone "5.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
type master;
file "priv3.cloud.reverse";
allow-update { none; };
zone "amil.com." IN {
type master;
file "amil.com.zone";
notify no;
zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "named.ca";
include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
include "/etc/named.root.key";
These are the files that I’ve created:
This is my /var/named/ directory
[root@macnam named]# ls
amil.com.reverse named.empty priv3.cloud.reverse
amil.com.zone data named.localhost priv.cloud.reverse
amil.com.zone~ dynamic named.loopback slaves
chroot named.ca priv2.cloud.reverse
Forward zone file
[root@macnam named]# cat amil.com.zone
$TTL 1H ; Time to live
$ORIGIN amil.com.
@ IN SOA macnam root.amil.com. ( 0 ; serial
3H ; refresh
1H ; retry
1W ; expire
1D) ; minimum
NS macnam ; name server for amil.com
macnam A
cluster01-gns A ; A record for the GNS
macrac1 IN A
macrac2 IN A
macrac1-priv1 IN A
macrac2-priv1 IN A
macrac1-priv2 IN A
macrac2-priv2 IN A
macrac1-priv3 IN A
macrac2-priv3 IN A
;sub-domain(cluster01.amil.com.) definitions
$ORIGIN cluster01.amil.com.
@ IN NS cluster01-gns.amil.com. ; name server for the cluster01-gns.amil.com
 Actually I’m not a Linux networking guy and don’t know why I add these entries as I was following a guide 
Revers zone files
This is for eth0
[root@macnam named]# cat amil.com.reverse
$ORIGIN 2.168.192.in-addr.arpa.
@ IN SOA macnam.amil.com. root (
0 ; serial
3H ; refresh
1H ; retry
1W ; expire
1H ) ; minimum
2.168.192.in-addr.arpa. IN NS macnam.amil.com.
IN NS macnam.amil.com.
111 IN PTR macnam.amil.com.
112 IN PTR macrac1.amil.com.
113 IN PTR macrac2.amil.com.
115 IN PTR cluster01-gns.amil.com.
This is for eth1
[root@macnam named]# cat priv.cloud.reverse
$ORIGIN 3.168.192.in-addr.arpa.
@ IN SOA macnam.amil.com. root (
0 ; serial
3H ; refresh
1H ; retry
1W ; expire
1H ) ; minimum
3.168.192.in-addr.arpa. IN NS macnam.amil.com.
IN NS macnam.amil.com.
111 IN PTR macnam-priv1.amil.com.
112 IN PTR macrac1-priv1.amil.com.
113 IN PTR macrac2-priv1.amil.com.
This is for eth2
[root@macnam named]# cat priv2.cloud.reverse
$ORIGIN 4.168.192.in-addr.arpa.
@ IN SOA macnam.amil.com. root (
0 ; serial
3H ; refresh
1H ; retry
1W ; expire
1H ) ; minimum
4.168.192.in-addr.arpa. IN NS macnam.amil.com.
IN NS macnam.amil.com.
111 IN PTR macnam-priv2.amil.com.
112 IN PTR macrac1-priv2.amil.com.
113 IN PTR macrac2-priv2.amil.com.
This is for eth3
[root@macnam named]# cat priv3.cloud.reverse
$ORIGIN 5.168.192.in-addr.arpa.
@ IN SOA macnam.amil.com. root (
0 ; serial
3H ; refresh
1H ; retry
1W ; expire
1H ) ; minimum
5.168.192.in-addr.arpa. IN NS macnam.amil.com.
IN NS macnam.amil.com.
111 IN PTR macnam-priv3.amil.com.
112 IN PTR macrac1-priv3.amil.com.
113 IN PTR macrac2-priv3.amil.com.
Finally this is my dhcp configuration file:
[root@macnam named]# cat /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
# DHCP Server Configuration file.
# see /usr/share/doc/dhcp*/dhcpd.conf.sample
# see 'man 5 dhcpd.conf'
ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name "cluster01.amil.com";
option domain-name-servers;
option time-offset -18000; # Eastern Standard Time
default-lease-time 86400;
As I have the above configuration I’m getting an error when trying to configure my database and I got the following situations as well:
[root@macrac2 ~]# dig cluster01-gns.amil.com
; <<>> DiG 9.7.3-P3-RedHat-9.7.3-8.P3.el6 <<>> cluster01-gns.amil.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43795
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1
;cluster01-gns.amil.com. IN A
cluster01-gns.amil.com. 3600 IN A
amil.com. 3600 IN NS macnam.amil.com.
macnam.amil.com. 3600 IN A
;; Query time: 5 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Aug 24 08:11:36 2012
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 93
[root@macrac2 ~]# dig cluster01.amil.com
; <<>> DiG 9.7.3-P3-RedHat-9.7.3-8.P3.el6 <<>> cluster01.amil.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 7288
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;cluster01.amil.com. IN A
;; Query time: 3 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Aug 24 08:13:31 2012
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 36
[root@macrac2 ~]# dig sky-scan.cluster01-gns.amil.com
; <<>> DiG 9.7.3-P3-RedHat-9.7.3-8.P3.el6 <<>> sky-scan.cluster01-gns.amil.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 4932
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
;sky-scan.cluster01-gns.amil.com. IN A
amil.com. 3600 IN SOA macnam.amil.com. root.amil.com. 0 10800 3600 604800 86400
;; Query time: 2 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Aug 24 08:14:34 2012
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 97
########################### BUT ##########################
[root@macrac2 ~]# su - grid
[grid@macrac2 ~]$ srvctl config scan
SCAN name: sky-scan.cluster01.amil.com, Network: 1/
SCAN VIP name: scan1, IP: /sky-scan.cluster01.amil.com/
SCAN VIP name: scan2, IP: /sky-scan.cluster01.amil.com/
SCAN VIP name: scan3, IP: /sky-scan.cluster01.amil.com/
[grid@macrac2 ~]$ nslookup macnam.amil.com
Name: macnam.amil.com
[grid@macrac2 ~]$ nslookup macrac1.amil.com
Name: macrac1.amil.com
[grid@macrac2 ~]$ nslookup cluster01-gns.amil.com
Name: cluster01-gns.amil.com
[grid@macrac2 ~]$ nslookup cluster01.amil.com
** server can't find cluster01.amil.com: NXDOMAIN
[grid@macrac2 ~]$
Edited by: Ora_Bunny on Aug 23, 2012 7:57 PM

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    Expected Value
    : 512
    Actual Value
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    Expected Value
    : 512
    Actual Value
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    Actual Value
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    Expected Value
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    Actual Value
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    Actual Value
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    : 65536
    Actual Value
    : en1=
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    Expected Value
    : 655360
    Actual Value
    : en1=
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    Expected Value
    : 655360
    Actual Value
    : en1=
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    this could be just from ntp.
    The following note might be of assistance:
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  • Grid infra 11gR2 installation help required

    i have some problem.do not know how to solve it?
    i need to install grid infrastructure advanced installation.
    scenario and question:
    i have a raw(74GB) device under ASM on how to put it into the cluster its not under OCFS2,what to do(under OEL5.4)?
    and in another machine(with ip i want to load 11gR2 grid as well as 11gR2 db but how to qualify it to the cluster-aware ASM-ocfs2 disk??i had a a partition /dev/sda3 as LVM group with two mounted partion /ASM1 and /ASM2 as empty ext3 in this machine.what to do?

    I guess this will help-- http://blog.ronnyegner-consulting.de/2009/09/14/oracle-11g-release-2-install-guide-%e2%80%93-grid-infrastructure-installation/
    -- http://husnusensoy.wordpress.com/2009/10/30/how-to-install-oracle-11g-release-2-on-oel-5-4-on-virtualbox-installing-grid-infrastructure/
    To identify the storage requirements for using Automatic Storage Management, you must determine the number of devices and the amount of free disk space that you require. To complete this task:
    1.     Determine whether you want to use Automatic Storage Management for Oracle Database files, recovery files, or both.
    You do not have to use the same storage mechanism for , Oracle Database files, and recovery files. You can use a file system for one file type and Automatic Storage Management for the other.
    If you choose to enable automated backups and you do not have a shared file system available, then you must choose Automatic Storage Management for recovery file storage.
    If you plan to enable automated backups during the installation, then you can choose Automatic Storage Management as the storage mechanism for recovery files by specifying an Automatic Storage Management disk group for the fast recovery area. Depending on how you choose to create a database during the installation, you have the following options:
    o     If you select an installation method that runs Oracle Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant in interactive mode, then you can decide whether you want to use the same Automatic Storage Management disk group for database files and recovery files, or you can choose to use different disk groups for each file type. Ideally, you should create separate Automatic Storage Management disk groups for data files and for recovery files.
    The same choice is available to you if you use Oracle Database Configuration Assistant after the installation to create a database.
    o     If you select an installation type that runs Oracle Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant in silent or response file mode, then you must use the same Automatic Storage Management disk group for data files and recovery files.
    2.     Choose the Automatic Storage Management redundancy level that you want to use for each Automatic Storage Management disk group that you create.
    The redundancy level that you choose for the Automatic Storage Management disk group determines how Automatic Storage Management mirrors files in the disk group and determines the number of disks and amount of disk space that you require, as follows:
    o     External redundancy
    This option does not allow Automatic Storage Management to mirror the contents of the disk group. Oracle recommends that you select this redundancy level either when the disk group contains devices, such as RAID devices, that provide their own data protection or when the database does not require an uninterrupted access to data.
    o     Normal redundancy
    To optimize performance and reliability in a normal redundancy disk group, Automatic Storage Management uses two-way mirroring for data files and three-way mirroring for control files, by default. In addition, you can choose the mirroring characteristics for individual files in a disk group. Alternatively, you can use two-way mirroring or no mirroring.
    A normal redundancy disk group requires a minimum of two failure groups (or two disk devices) if you are using two-way mirroring. The effective disk space in a normal redundancy disk group is half the sum of the disk space in all of its devices.
    For most installations, Oracle recommends that you use normal redundancy disk groups.
    o     High redundancy
    The contents of the disk group are three-way mirrored by default. To create a disk group with high redundancy, you must specify at least three failure groups (a minimum of 3 devices).
    Although high-redundancy disk groups provide a high level of data protection, you must consider the higher cost of additional storage devices before deciding to use this redundancy level.
    3.     Determine the total amount of disk space that you require for the database files and recovery files.
    If an Automatic Storage Management instance is already running on the system, then you can use an existing disk group to meet these storage requirements. If necessary, you can add disks to an existing disk group during the installation.
    Use the following table to determine the minimum number of disks and the minimum disk space requirements for the installation:
    Redundancy Level     Minimum Number of Disks     Data Files     Recovery Files     Both File Types
    External     1     1.8 GB     3.6 GB     5.4 GB
    Normal     2     3.6 GB     7.2 GB     10.8 GB
    High     3     5.4 GB     10.8 GB     16.2 GB
    4.     Optionally, identify failure groups for the Automatic Storage Management disk group devices.
    If you intend to use a normal or high redundancy disk group, then you can further protect the database against hardware failure by associating a set of disk devices in a custom failure group. By default, each device comprises its failure group. However, if two disk devices in a normal redundancy disk group are attached to the same SCSI controller, then the disk group becomes unavailable if the controller fails. The controller in this example is a single point of failure.
    To avoid failures of this type, you can use two SCSI controllers, each with two disks, and define a failure group for the disks attached to each controller. This configuration would enable the disk group to tolerate the failure of one SCSI controller.
    If you define custom failure groups, then you must specify a minimum of two failure groups for normal redundancy disk groups and three failure groups for high redundancy disk groups.
    5.     If you are sure that a suitable disk group does not exist on the system, then install or identify appropriate disk devices to add to a new disk group. Apply the following guidelines when identifying appropriate disk devices:
    o     The disk devices must be owned by the user performing the grid installation.
    o     All the devices in an Automatic Storage Management disk group should be the same size and have the same performance characteristics.
    o     Do not specify multiple partitions on a single physical disk as a disk group device. Automatic Storage Management expects each disk group device to be on a separate physical disk.
    o     Oracle does not recommend the use of a logical volume as a device in Automatic Storage Management because the logical volume is capable of hiding the physical disk architecture which prevents Automatic Storage Management from optimizing I/O across physical devices.

  • Installation grid infra 11g r2  error

    OEL 5.4
    11R2 Grid Infra for Standalone
    when starting 'Automatic Storage Managment Configuration Assistant' i get error INS-20802 (during installation)
    INFO: Command /opt/u02/app/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/asmca -silent -oui_internal -configureASM -diskString /dev/oracleasm/disks -diskGroupName DATA -diskLi
    INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn.handleProcess() entered.
    INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn: getting configAssistantParmas.
    INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn: checking secretArguments.
    INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn: starting read loop.
    INFO: Processing: SYS_PASSWORD_PROMPT for argument tag -sysAsmPassword
    INFO: Processing: ASMSNMP_PASSWORD_PROMPT for argument tag -asmMonitorPassword
    INFO: End of argument passing to stdin
    INFO: Read:
    INFO: Read: Configuring ASM failed with the following message:
    INFO: Read: Adding Monitor user failed. The following error occured:
    INFO: Read: ORA-00922: missing or invalid option
    INFO: Read:
    INFO: Read:
    INFO: Completed Plugin named: Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant
    have idea ?

    the error doesn't tell me anything but I can tell you how I am used to do it. My open source tool kit is installing Grid Infrastructure with a command like:
    /var/opt/oracle/repository/11.2.0/distribution/grid/runInstaller -silent \
      -responseFile /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager/response/11_2_0_1_GRID.rsp \
      FROM_LOCATION=/var/opt/oracle/repository/11.2.0/distribution/grid/stage/products.xml \
      -ignoreSysPrereqs -logLevel info oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.name=DATA01 \
      oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.redundancy=EXTERNAL \
      oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disks=ORCL:DISK01 \
      oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.diskDiscoveryString=ORCL:*response file is available at:
    maybe this helps.
    Furthermore see the following blog:
    since Grid Infrastructure is not working out of the box. ;)
    OCP 9i

  • Where to download 11gr2 Grid infra structure for Windows

    I am not seeing the software of Oracle 11gR2 grid infra structure for Windows. Please let me know the link to download the grid infra structure for Windows.

    AFAIK there is no software for windows 32-bit. but it is there for 64-bit. you can download from here

  • Grid Infrastructure installation on Windows 2008 R2 problem

    Hello there,
    I tried to install Grid Infra 11gr2 on windows 2008 R2. I followed all the documentation, but i'm unable to install it. It always end with an error at the grid configuration step (OracleOHService ends unexpectedly, ohasd log says "caught exception"). I've got an SR opened, no answer for the moment ...
    Did someone a least managed to install grid infra on 2008 R2 ?
    It is certified, 2008 R2 is mentioned in the documentation, this is not my first RAC installation on windows (10g, 11gr1 on 2003, 2008 R1). But this time I'm totally stuck.
    PS : I love Linux.

    Make sure you have the shared storage configured correctly, on either Oracle ASM or OCFS for Windows. In my testing, i used a storage cabinet and iSCSI to connect to the disks.
    If you have attempted to install Grid once, then before attempting another installation, you must clean out the failed installation (http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/install.112/e10817/rem_orcl.htm#CHDGBBIJ) and zero out the disks used by Oracle ASM. Also, use the asmtool to mark the disks so that Oracle ASM can identify them correctly.
    Also, make sure that Microsoft Clustering is disabled (and preferably not installed) on the servers you are using in your Oracle cluster.
    Most of the time, a failed installation is due to the shared storage not being configured correctly, or being configured so that it works during installation of Oracle Grid, but once the server is restarted, Oracle Grid fails to start.

  • Oracle Grid infrastructure installation tutorial

    Dear friends who can help me by providing some link for Oracle Grid infrastructure installation
    tutorial. I need installation procedure description with GNS, SCAN as well as DNS and DHCP
    configuration for Grid Infra. I already searched in NET and can't found same exhaustive instructions.
    I just want to compare my and others installations ways.
    I hope see your comments soon.
    thanks in advance

    ora_tech wrote:
    Refer blog post by Guenadi Jilevski:
    This might be helpful :)
    X A H E E Rthanks for quick answer :)

  • Command return code of 255 (65280) during Grid Infrastructure Installation

    I am trying to create a 2-node RAC 11gR2. I am using OEL 5 Update 4. I am using NFS as shared storage. The time on both node is same. Both nodes have 4GB RAM each. Following is my IP settings from /etc/hosts on both nodes:
    [oracle@vis ~]$ cat /etc/hosts
    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost
    # Public vis.awc.com vis vsstest.awc.com vsstest
    #Private vis-priv.awc.com vis-priv vsstest-priv.awc.com vsstest-priv
    #Virtual vis-vip.awc.com vis-vip vsstest-vip.awc.com vsstest-vip
    # SCAN rac-scan.awc.com rac-scan
    #NAS nas1.awc.com nas1
    I am getting error during the Grid Infrastructure installation, when I run the root.sh script through root. Following is the logfile showing the error (/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_vis.log):
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: The configuration parameter file /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params is valid
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: Checking for super user privileges
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: User has super user privileges
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: ### Printing the configuration values from files:
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/s_crsconfig_defs
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: ASM_DISCOVERY_STRING=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: ASM_DISKS=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: ASM_DISK_GROUP=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: ASM_REDUNDANCY=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: ASM_SPFILE=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: ASM_UPGRADE=false
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: CLSCFG_MISSCOUNT=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: CLUSTER_GUID=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: CLUSTER_NAME=rac-scan
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: CRS_NODEVIPS='vis-vip/,vsstest-vip/'
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: CRS_STORAGE_OPTION=2
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: CSS_LEASEDURATION=400
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: DIRPREFIX=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: DISABLE_OPROCD=0
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: EMBASEJAR_NAME=oemlt.jar
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: EWTJAR_NAME=ewt3.jar
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: EXTERNAL_ORACLE_BIN=/opt/oracle/bin
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: GNS_ADDR_LIST=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: GNS_ALLOW_NET_LIST=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: GNS_CONF=false
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: GNS_DENY_ITF_LIST=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: GNS_DENY_NET_LIST=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: GNS_DOMAIN_LIST=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: GPNPCONFIGDIR=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: GPNPGCONFIGDIR=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: GPNP_PA=
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: HELPJAR_NAME=help4.jar
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: HOST_NAME_LIST=vis,vsstest
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: ID=/etc/init.d
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: INIT=/sbin/init
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: IT=/etc/inittab
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: JEWTJAR_NAME=jewt4.jar
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: JLIBDIR=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/jlib
    2010-02-02 11:58:05: JREDIR=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/jdk/jre/
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: LANGUAGE_ID=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: MSGFILE=/var/adm/messages
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: NETCFGJAR_NAME=netcfg.jar
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: NETWORKS="eth0"/,"eth1"/
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: NEW_HOST_NAME_LIST=
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: NEW_NODEVIPS='vis-vip/,vsstest-vip/'
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: NEW_NODE_NAME_LIST=
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: NEW_PRIVATE_NAME_LIST=
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: NODELIST=vis,vsstest
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: NODE_NAME_LIST=vis,vsstest
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OCFS_CONFIG=
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OCRCONFIG=/etc/oracle/ocr.loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OCRCONFIGDIR=/etc/oracle
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OCRID=
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OCRLOC=ocr.loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OCR_LOCATIONS=/u01/shared_config/ocr_configuration
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OLASTGASPDIR=/etc/oracle/lastgasp
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OLRCONFIG=/etc/oracle/olr.loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OLRCONFIGDIR=/etc/oracle
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OLRLOC=olr.loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OPROCDCHECKDIR=/etc/oracle/oprocd/check
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OPROCDDIR=/etc/oracle/oprocd
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OPROCDFATALDIR=/etc/oracle/oprocd/fatal
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: OPROCDSTOPDIR=/etc/oracle/oprocd/stop
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: ORACLE_OWNER=oracle
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: ORA_ASM_GROUP=dba
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: ORA_DBA_GROUP=oinstall
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: PRIVATE_NAME_LIST=
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: RCALLDIR=/etc/rc.d/rc0.d /etc/rc.d/rc1.d /etc/rc.d/rc2.d /etc/rc.d/rc3.d /etc/rc.d/rc4.d /etc/rc.d/rc5.d /etc/rc.d/rc6.d
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: RCKDIR=/etc/rc.d/rc0.d /etc/rc.d/rc1.d /etc/rc.d/rc2.d /etc/rc.d/rc4.d /etc/rc.d/rc6.d
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: RCSDIR=/etc/rc.d/rc3.d /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: RC_KILL=K19
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: RC_KILL_OLD=K96
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: RC_START=S96
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: SCAN_NAME=rac-scan.awc.com
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: SCAN_PORT=1521
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: SCRBASE=/etc/oracle/scls_scr
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: SHAREJAR_NAME=share.jar
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: SILENT=false
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: SO_EXT=so
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: SRVCFGLOC=srvConfig.loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: SRVCONFIG=/var/opt/oracle/srvConfig.loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: SRVCONFIGDIR=/var/opt/oracle
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: VNDR_CLUSTER=false
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: VOTING_DISKS=/u01/shared_config/voting_disk
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: ### Printing other configuration values ###
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: CLSCFG_EXTRA_PARMS=
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: CRSDelete=0
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: CRSPatch=0
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: DEBUG=
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: DOWNGRADE=
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: HAS_GROUP=oinstall
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: HAS_USER=root
    2010-02-02 11:58:06: HOST=vis
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: IS_SIHA=0
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: OLR_DIRECTORY=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cdata
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: OLR_LOCATION=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cdata/vis.olr
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: ORA_CRS_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: SUPERUSER=root
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: UPGRADE=
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: VF_DISCOVERY_STRING=/u01/shared_config/voting_disk
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: addfile=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_addparams
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: crscfg_trace=1
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: crscfg_trace_file=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_vis.log
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: hosts=
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: oldcrshome=
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: oldcrsver=
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: osdfile=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/s_crsconfig_defs
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: parameters_valid=1
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: paramfile=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: platform_family=unix
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: srvctl_trc_suff=0
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: unlock_crshome=
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: user_is_superuser=1
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: ### Printing of configuration values complete ###
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: Oracle CRS stack is not configured yet
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: CRS is not yet configured. Hence, will proceed to configure CRS
    2010-02-02 11:58:07: Cluster-wide one-time actions... Done!
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: set owner/group of OCR path
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: Oracle CRS home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: Host name = vis
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: CRS user = oracle
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: Oracle CRS home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: GPnP host = vis
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: Oracle GPnP home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: Oracle GPnP local home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: GPnP directories verified.
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: Oracle CRS stack is not configured yet
    2010-02-02 11:58:17: ---Checking local gpnp setup...
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: The setup file "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" does not exist
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: The setup file "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer/cwallet.sso" does not exist
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: The setup file "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/prdr/cwallet.sso" does not exist
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: chk gpnphome /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis: profile_ok 0 wallet_ok 0 r/o_wallet_ok 0
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: chk gpnphome /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis: INVALID (bad profile/wallet)
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: ---Checking cluster-wide gpnp setup...
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: The setup file "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/profiles/peer/profile.xml" does not exist
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: The setup file "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/wallets/peer/cwallet.sso" does not exist
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: The setup file "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/wallets/prdr/cwallet.sso" does not exist
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: chk gpnphome /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp: profile_ok 0 wallet_ok 0 r/o_wallet_ok 0
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: chk gpnphome /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp: INVALID (bad profile/wallet)
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: gpnp setup checked: local valid? 0 cluster-wide valid? 0
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: gpnp setup: NONE
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: GPNP configuration required
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Validating for SI-CSS configuration
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Retrieving OCR main disk location
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Unable to retrieve ocr disk info
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Checking to see if any 9i GSD is up
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: libskgxnBase_lib = /etc/ORCLcluster/oracm/lib/libskgxn2.so
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: libskgxn_lib = /opt/ORCLcluster/lib/libskgxn2.so
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: SKGXN library file does not exists
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: OLR location = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cdata/vis.olr
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Oracle CRS Home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Validating /etc/oracle/olr.loc file for OLR location /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cdata/vis.olr
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: /etc/oracle/olr.loc already exists. Backing up /etc/oracle/olr.loc to /etc/oracle/olr.loc.orig
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Oracle CRS home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Oracle cluster name = rac-scan
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: OCR locations = /u01/shared_config/ocr_configuration
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Validating OCR
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Retrieving OCR location used by previous installations
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Value () is set for key=ocrmirrorconfig_loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc3
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc4
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc5
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: Checking if OCR sync file exists
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: No need to sync OCR file
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: OCR_LOCATION=/u01/shared_config/ocr_configuration
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: OCR_MIRROR_LOCATION=
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: OCR_MIRROR_LOC3=
    2010-02-02 11:58:18: OCR_MIRROR_LOC4=
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: OCR_MIRROR_LOC5=
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Current OCR location=
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Current OCR mirror location=
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Current OCR mirror loc3=
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Current OCR mirror loc4=
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Current OCR mirror loc5=
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Verifying current OCR settings with user entered values
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Setting OCR locations in /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Validating OCR locations in /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Checking for existence of /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Backing up /etc/oracle/ocr.loc to /etc/oracle/ocr.loc.orig
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Setting ocr location /u01/shared_config/ocr_configuration
    2010-02-02 11:58:19: Creating or upgrading Oracle Local Registry (OLR)
    2010-02-02 11:58:20: OLR successfully created or upgraded
    2010-02-02 11:58:20: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/clscfg -localadd
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: Keys created in the OLR successfully
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: GPnP setup state: none
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: Creating local GPnP setup for clustered node...
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: Oracle CRS home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: Oracle GPnP wallets home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: Checking if GPnP setup exists
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer/cwallet.sso wallet must be created
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: Removing old wallets/certificates, if any
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: Creating GPnP Root Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:21: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet create -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/root" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:22: Creating GPnP Root Certificate...
    2010-02-02 11:58:22: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/root" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -self_signed -dn "CN=GPnP_root" -keysize 1024 -validity 9999 -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:24: Exporting GPnP Root Certificate...
    2010-02-02 11:58:24: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet export -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/root" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -dn "CN=GPnP_root" -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/root/b64certificate.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:25: Creating GPnP Peer Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:25: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet create -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -auto_login -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:25: Creating GPnP Profile Reader Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:25: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet create -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/prdr" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -auto_login -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:26: Creating GPnP PA Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:26: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet create -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -auto_login -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:27: Adding private key to GPnP Peer Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:27: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -dn "CN=GPnP_peer" -keysize 1024 -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:28: Adding private key to GPnP PA Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:28: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -dn "CN=GPnP_pa" -keysize 1024 -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:29: Creating certificate request for GPnP Peer Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:29: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet export -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -dn "CN=GPnP_peer" -request "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer/certreq.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:30: Creating certificate request for GPnP PA Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:30: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet export -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -dn "CN=GPnP_pa" -request "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa/certreq.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:31: Creating certificate for GPnP Peer Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:31: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki cert create -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/root" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -request "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer/certreq.txt" -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer/cert.txt" -validity 9999 -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:32: Creating certificate for GPnP PA Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:32: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki cert create -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/root" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -request "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa/certreq.txt" -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa/cert.txt" -validity 9999 -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:33: Adding Root Certificate TP to GPnP Peer Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:33: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -trusted_cert -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/root/b64certificate.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:34: Adding Root Certificate TP to GPnP Profile Reader Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:34: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/prdr" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -trusted_cert -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/root/b64certificate.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:34: Adding Root Certificate TP to GPnP PA Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:34: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -trusted_cert -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/root/b64certificate.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:35: Adding PA Certificate as a TP into a GPnP Peer Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:35: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -trusted_cert -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa/cert.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:36: Adding peer Certificate as a TP into a GPnP PA Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:36: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -trusted_cert -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer/cert.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:37: Adding PA Certificate as a TP into a GPnP Profile Reader Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:37: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/prdr" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -trusted_cert -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa/cert.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:38: Adding peer Certificate as a TP into a GPnP Profile Reader Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:38: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/prdr" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -trusted_cert -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer/cert.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:39: Adding PA Certificate as a TP into a GPnP Peer Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:39: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -user_cert -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer/cert.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:40: Adding peer Certificate as a TP into a GPnP PA Wallet...
    2010-02-02 11:58:40: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa" -pwd gpnp_wallet1 -user_cert -cert "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/pa/cert.txt" -nologo
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: GPnP Wallets ownership/permissions successfully set.
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: GPnP Wallets successfully created.
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: <--- GPnP wallets successfully created
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: Creating GPnP peer profile --->
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: Oracle CRS home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: Oracle GPnP profiles home = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: Oracle GPnP profiles parameters:
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: paloc==
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: cname=rac-scan=
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: cssdisco=/u01/shared_config/voting_disk=
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: cssld=400=
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: asmdisco==
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: asmspf==
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: netlst="eth0"/,"eth1"/
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: ocrid==
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: clusterguid==
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: Checking if GPnP setup exists
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml profile must be created
    2010-02-02 11:58:41: OCRID is not available, hence not set in GPnP Profile
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: ClusterGUID is not available, hence not set in GPnP Profile
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: gpnptool: run /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/gpnptool create -o="/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" -ovr -prf -prf_sq=1 -prf_cn=rac-scan -prf_pa="" -hnet=gen -gen:hnet_nm="*" -gen:net=net1 -net1:net_ip="" -net1:net_ada="eth0" -net1:net_use="public" -gen:net=net2 -net2:net_ip="" -net2:net_ada="eth1" -net2:net_use="cluster_interconnect" -css=css -css:css_dis="/u01/shared_config/voting_disk" -css:css_ld=400 -asm=asm -asm:asm_dis="++no-value-at-profile-creation--never-updated-through-ASM++" -asm:asm_spf=""
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: Running as user oracle: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/gpnptool create -o="/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" -ovr -prf -prf_sq=1 -prf_cn=rac-scan -prf_pa="" -hnet=gen -gen:hnet_nm="*" -gen:net=net1 -net1:net_ip="" -net1:net_ada="eth0" -net1:net_use="public" -gen:net=net2 -net2:net_ip="" -net2:net_ada="eth1" -net2:net_use="cluster_interconnect" -css=css -css:css_dis="/u01/shared_config/voting_disk" -css:css_ld=400 -asm=asm -asm:asm_dis="++no-value-at-profile-creation--never-updated-through-ASM++" -asm:asm_spf=""
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: s_run_as_user2: Running /bin/su oracle -c ' /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/gpnptool create -o="/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" -ovr -prf -prf_sq=1 -prf_cn=rac-scan -prf_pa="" -hnet=gen -gen:hnet_nm="*" -gen:net=net1 -net1:net_ip="" -net1:net_ada="eth0" -net1:net_use="public" -gen:net=net2 -net2:net_ip="" -net2:net_ada="eth1" -net2:net_use="cluster_interconnect" -css=css -css:css_dis="/u01/shared_config/voting_disk" -css:css_ld=400 -asm=asm -asm:asm_dis="++no-value-at-profile-creation--never-updated-through-ASM++" -asm:asm_spf="" '
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: Removing file /tmp/fileXUKYkK
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: Successfully removed file: /tmp/fileXUKYkK
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: /bin/su successfully executed
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: gpnptool: rc=0
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: gpnptool output:
    Resulting profile written to "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml".
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: gpnptool: run /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/gpnptool sign -p="/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" -o="/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" -ovr -w="file:/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer" -rmws
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: Running as user oracle: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/gpnptool sign -p="/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" -o="/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" -ovr -w="file:/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer" -rmws
    2010-02-02 11:58:42: s_run_as_user2: Running /bin/su oracle -c ' /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/gpnptool sign -p="/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" -o="/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml" -ovr -w="file:/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/wallets/peer" -rmws '
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Removing file /tmp/file4E7Vnj
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Successfully removed file: /tmp/file4E7Vnj
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: /bin/su successfully executed
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: gpnptool: rc=0
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: gpnptool output:
    Resulting profile written to "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/gpnp/vis/profiles/peer/profile.xml".
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: GPnP peer profile create successfully completed.
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: <--- GPnP peer profile successfully created
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: GPnP local setup successfully created
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Registering ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: init file = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/init/init.ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Copying file /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/init/init.ohasd to /etc/init.d directory
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Setting init.ohasd permission in /etc/init.d directory
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: init file = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/init/ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Copying file /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/init/ohasd to /etc/init.d directory
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Setting ohasd permission in /etc/init.d directory
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Removing "/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S96ohasd"
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Removing file /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S96ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Failure with return code 1 from command rm /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S96ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Failed to remove file:
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Creating a link "/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S96ohasd" pointing to /etc/init.d/ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Removing "/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S96ohasd"
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Removing file /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S96ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Failure with return code 1 from command rm /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S96ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Failed to remove file:
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Creating a link "/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S96ohasd" pointing to /etc/init.d/ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Removing "/etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K19ohasd"
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Removing file /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Failure with return code 1 from command rm /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Failed to remove file:
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Creating a link "/etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K19ohasd" pointing to /etc/init.d/ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Removing "/etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K19ohasd"
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Removing file /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:43: Failure with return code 1 from command rm /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Failed to remove file:
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Creating a link "/etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K19ohasd" pointing to /etc/init.d/ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Removing "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K19ohasd"
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Removing file /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Failure with return code 1 from command rm /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Failed to remove file:
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Creating a link "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K19ohasd" pointing to /etc/init.d/ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Removing "/etc/rc.d/rc4.d/K19ohasd"
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Removing file /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Failure with return code 1 from command rm /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Failed to remove file:
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Creating a link "/etc/rc.d/rc4.d/K19ohasd" pointing to /etc/init.d/ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Removing "/etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K19ohasd"
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Removing file /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Failure with return code 1 from command rm /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K19ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Failed to remove file:
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Creating a link "/etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K19ohasd" pointing to /etc/init.d/ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: The file ohasd has been successfully linked to the RC directories
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: Starting ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:44: itab entries=
    2010-02-02 11:58:49: Created backup /etc/inittab.no_crs
    2010-02-02 11:58:49: Appending to /etc/inittab.tmp:
    2010-02-02 11:58:50: h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
    2010-02-02 11:58:50: Done updating /etc/inittab.tmp
    2010-02-02 11:58:50: Saved /etc/inittab.crs
    2010-02-02 11:58:50: Installed new /etc/inittab
    2010-02-02 11:58:55: ohasd is starting
    2010-02-02 11:58:55: Checking ohasd
    2010-02-02 11:58:55: ohasd started successfully
    2010-02-02 11:58:55: Creating CRS resources and dependencies
    2010-02-02 11:58:55: Configuring HASD
    2010-02-02 11:58:55: Registering type ora.daemon.type
    2010-02-02 11:58:59: Registering type ora.mdns.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:00: Registering type ora.gpnp.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:01: Registering type ora.gipc.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:02: Registering type ora.cssd.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:04: Registering type ora.cssdmonitor.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:07: Registering type ora.crs.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:08: Registering type ora.evm.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:09: Registering type ora.ctss.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:10: Registering type ora.asm.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:13: Registering type ora.drivers.acfs.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:14: Registering type ora.diskmon.type
    2010-02-02 11:59:34: ADVM/ACFS is configured
    2010-02-02 11:59:35: Successfully created CRS resources for cluster daemon and ASM
    2010-02-02 11:59:35: Checking if initial configuration has been performed
    2010-02-02 11:59:35: Starting CSS in exclusive mode
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gipcd' on 'vis'
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.mdnsd' on 'vis'
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gipcd' on 'vis' succeeded
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'vis' succeeded
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gpnpd' on 'vis'
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'vis' succeeded
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'vis'
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'vis' succeeded
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssd' on 'vis'
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.diskmon' on 'vis'
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.diskmon' on 'vis' succeeded
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssd' on 'vis' succeeded
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: Querying for existing CSS voting disks
    2010-02-02 12:00:04: Performing initial configuration for cluster
    2010-02-02 12:00:51: Start of resource "ora.ctssd -init" Succeeded
    2010-02-02 12:00:51: Creating or upgrading OCR keys
    2010-02-02 12:00:51: Command return code of 255 (65280) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/ocrconfig -upgrade oracle oinstall
    2010-02-02 12:00:51: Failed to create Oracle Cluster Registry configuration, rc 255
    2010-02-02 12:00:51: Exiting exclusive mode
    2010-02-02 12:00:51: Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.crsd -init
    2010-02-02 12:00:51: Stop of resource "ora.crsd -init" failed
    2010-02-02 12:00:51: Failed to stop CRSD
    2010-02-02 12:01:20: Initial cluster configuration failed. See /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_vis.log for details

    I am trying to setup Oracle 11gR2 RAC setup on RHEL 5.4 64-bit machine, during grid installation i am also getting the same error.
    2010-07-12 03:12:42: Removing file /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K19ohasd
    2010-07-12 03:12:42: Failure with return code 1 from command rm /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K19ohasd
    2010-07-12 03:12:42: Failed to remove file:
    2010-07-12 03:12:42: Creating a link "/etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K19ohasd" pointing to /etc/init.d/ohasd
    2010-07-12 03:12:42: The file ohasd has been successfully linked to the RC directories
    2010-07-12 03:12:42: Starting ohasd
    2010-07-12 03:12:42: itab entries=
    2010-07-12 03:12:47: Created backup /etc/inittab.no_crs
    2010-07-12 03:12:47: Appending to /etc/inittab.tmp:
    2010-07-12 03:12:47: h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
    2010-07-12 03:12:47: Done updating /etc/inittab.tmp
    2010-07-12 03:12:47: Saved /etc/inittab.crs
    2010-07-12 03:12:47: Installed new /etc/inittab
    2010-07-12 03:13:03: ohasd is starting
    2010-07-12 03:13:03: Checking ohasd
    2010-07-12 03:13:03: ohasd started successfully
    2010-07-12 03:13:03: Creating CRS resources and dependencies
    2010-07-12 03:13:03: Configuring HASD
    2010-07-12 03:13:03: Registering type ora.daemon.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:04: Registering type ora.mdns.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:04: Registering type ora.gpnp.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:04: Registering type ora.gipc.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:05: Registering type ora.cssd.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:05: Registering type ora.cssdmonitor.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:06: Registering type ora.crs.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:06: Registering type ora.evm.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:07: Registering type ora.ctss.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:07: Registering type ora.asm.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:08: Registering type ora.drivers.acfs.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:08: Registering type ora.diskmon.type
    2010-07-12 03:13:35: ADVM/ACFS is configured
    2010-07-12 03:13:35: Successfully created CRS resources for cluster daemon and ASM
    2010-07-12 03:13:35: Checking if initial configuration has been performed
    2010-07-12 03:13:35: Starting CSS in exclusive mode
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gipcd' on 'lodvmrhn3'
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.mdnsd' on 'lodvmrhn3'
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'lodvmrhn3' succeeded
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gipcd' on 'lodvmrhn3' succeeded
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gpnpd' on 'lodvmrhn3'
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'lodvmrhn3' succeeded
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'lodvmrhn3'
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'lodvmrhn3' succeeded
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssd' on 'lodvmrhn3'
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.diskmon' on 'lodvmrhn3'
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.diskmon' on 'lodvmrhn3' succeeded
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssd' on 'lodvmrhn3' succeeded
    2010-07-12 03:14:04: Querying for existing CSS voting disks
    2010-07-12 03:14:05: Performing initial configuration for cluster
    2010-07-12 03:14:06: Start of resource "ora.ctssd -init" Succeeded
    2010-07-12 03:14:06: Creating or upgrading OCR keys
    2010-07-12 03:14:06: Command return code of 255 (65280) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/ocrconfig -upgrade oracle oinstall
    2010-07-12 03:14:06: Failed to create Oracle Cluster Registry configuration, rc 255
    2010-07-12 03:14:06: Exiting exclusive mode
    2010-07-12 03:14:06: Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.crsd -init
    2010-07-12 03:14:06: Stop of resource "ora.crsd -init" failed
    2010-07-12 03:14:06: Failed to stop CRSD
    2010-07-12 03:14:34: Initial cluster configuration failed. See /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_lodvmrhn3.log for details
    Please hel me to resole the issue.
    I have followed exact steps mentioned in the http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/11g/OracleDB11gR2RACInstallationOnLinuxUsingNFS.php

  • How do I define 2 disk groups for ocr and voting disks at the oracle grid infrastructure installation window

    It may sound too easy to someone but I need to ask it anyway.
    I am in the middle of building Oracle RAC on Linux. I have 2 storage and I created three LUNs in each of storage so 6 LUNs in total look in both of servers. If I choose NORMAL as a redundancy level, is it right to choose my 6 disks those are created for OCR_VOTE at the grid installation? Or should I choose only 3 of them and configure mirroring at latter stage?
    The reason why I am asking this is that I didn't find any place to create asm disk group for ocr and voting disks at the oracle grid infrastructure installation window. In fact, I would to like to create two disk groups in which one of groups contains three disks those were brought from storage 1 and the second one contains rest three 3 disk that come from the last storage.
    I believe that you will understand the manner and help me on choosing proper way.
    Thank you.

    You have 2 Storage H/W.
    You will need to configure a Quorum ASMDisk to store a Voting Disk.
    Because if you lose 1/2 or more of all of your voting disks, then nodes get evicted from the cluster, or nodes kick themselves out of the cluster.
    You must have the odd number of voting disk (i.e 1,3 or 5)  one voting disk per ASM DISK, So 1 Storage will hold more voting disk than another storage.
    (e.g 3 Voting Disk - 2 voting stored in stg-A and 1 voting disk store in stg-B)
    If fail the storage that hold the major number of  Voting disk the whole cluster (all nodes) goes down. Does not matter if you have a other storage online.
    It will happen:
    You must configure your Clusterware same as RAC extended
    Check this link:
    Explaining: How to store OCR, Voting disks and ASM SPFILE on ASM Diskgroup (RAC or RAC Extended) | Levi Pereira | Oracl…

  • Oracle grid infrastructure installation take long time on step 15 (perform prerequisite checks )

    Oracle grid infrastructure installation take long time on step 15 (perform prerequisite checks ) 
    I'm starting install and configure Oracle RAC 11gR2 on redhat 6.3 , when i reached step 15 (perform prerequisite checks ) it's taking long time more than 10 hours and still checking .... i closed it and start installation again it's same still waiting in perform prerequisite checks 75% complete
    it is normal ?? what should i do ?? how i can monitoring installation steps and why this step take all this time please help .

    Pl identify which exact version of 11gR2 - currently only is certified/supported on Linux 6.x - Oracle&amp;reg; Database - if you are using or, then you will need to use Linux 5.x

  • 11g R2 RAC - Grid Infrastructure installation - "root.sh" fails on node#2

    Hi there,
    I am trying to create a two node 11g R2 RAC on OEL 5.5 (32-bit) using VMWare virtual machines. I have correctly configured both nodes. Cluster Verification utility returns on following error \[which I believe can be ignored]:
    Checking daemon liveness...
    Liveness check failed for "ntpd"
    Check failed on nodes:
    PRVF-5415 : Check to see if NTP daemon is running failed
    Clock synchronization check using Network Time Protocol(NTP) failed
    Pre-check for cluster services setup was unsuccessful on all the nodes.
    While Grid Infrastructure installation (for a Cluster option), things go very smooth until I run "root.sh" on node# 2. orainstRoot.sh ran OK on both. "root.sh" run OK on node# 1 and ends with:
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 1967 MB    Passed
    The inventory pointer is located at /etc/oraInst.loc
    The inventory is located at /u01/app/oraInventory
    *'UpdateNodeList' was successful.*
    *[root@rac1 ~]#*
    "root.sh" fails on rac2 (2nd node) with following error:
    CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.evmd' on 'rac2'
    CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.evmd' on 'rac2' succeeded
    Timed out waiting for the CRS stack to start.
    *[root@rac2 ~]#*
    I know this info may not be enough to figure out what the problem may be. Please let me know what should I look for to find the issue and fix it. Its been like almost two weeks now :-(

    Hi Zheng,
    ocssd.log is HUGE. So I am putting few of the last lines in the log file hoping they may give some clue:
    2011-07-04 19:49:24.007: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: KillBlockThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 2180 > margin 1500  cur_ms 36118424 lastalive 36116244
    2011-07-04 19:49:26.005: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: DiskPingThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 4150 > margin 1500 cur_ms 36120424 lastalive 36116274
    2011-07-04 19:49:26.006: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: KillBlockThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 4180 > margin 1500  cur_ms 36120424 lastalive 36116244
    2011-07-04 19:49:27.997: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:49:27.997: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:49:33.001: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:49:33.001: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:49:37.996: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:49:37.996: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:49:43.000: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:49:43.000: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:49:48.004: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:49:48.005: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:12.003: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:12.008: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: DiskPingThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 1660 > margin 1500 cur_ms 36166424 lastalive 36164764
    2011-07-04 19:50:12.009: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: KillBlockThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 1660 > margin 1500  cur_ms 36166424 lastalive 36164764
    2011-07-04 19:50:15.796: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: KillBlockThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 2130 > margin 1500  cur_ms 36170214 lastalive 36168084
    2011-07-04 19:50:16.996: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:16.996: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:17.826: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: DiskPingThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 1540 > margin 1500 cur_ms 36172244 lastalive 36170704
    2011-07-04 19:50:17.826: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: KillBlockThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 1570 > margin 1500  cur_ms 36172244 lastalive 36170674
    2011-07-04 19:50:21.999: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:21.999: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:26.011: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: DiskPingThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 1740 > margin 1500 cur_ms 36180424 lastalive 36178684
    2011-07-04 19:50:26.011: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: KillBlockThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 1620 > margin 1500  cur_ms 36180424 lastalive 36178804
    2011-07-04 19:50:27.004: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:27.004: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:28.002: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: DiskPingThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 1700 > margin 1500 cur_ms 36182414 lastalive 36180714
    2011-07-04 19:50:28.002: [    CSSD][2997803920]clssnmvSchedDiskThreads: KillBlockThread for voting file ORCL:DATA sched delay 1790 > margin 1500  cur_ms 36182414 lastalive 36180624
    2011-07-04 19:50:31.998: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:31.998: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:37.001: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes
    2011-07-04 19:50:37.002: [    CSSD][2901298064]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes
    *<end of log file>*And the alertrac2.log contains:
    *[root@rac2 rac2]# cat alertrac2.log*
    Oracle Database 11g Clusterware Release - Production Copyright 1996, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
    2011-07-02 16:43:51.571
    [client(16134)]CRS-2106:The OLR location /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/cdata/rac2.olr is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/client/ocrconfig_16134.log.
    2011-07-02 16:43:57.125
    [client(16134)]CRS-2101:The OLR was formatted using version 3.
    2011-07-02 16:44:43.214
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2112:The OLR service started on node rac2.
    2011-07-02 16:45:06.446
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2772:Server 'rac2' has been assigned to pool 'Free'.
    2011-07-02 16:53:30.061
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2302:Cannot get GPnP profile. Error CLSGPNP_NO_DAEMON (GPNPD daemon is not running).
    2011-07-02 16:53:55.042
    [cssd(17674)]CRS-1713:CSSD daemon is started in exclusive mode
    2011-07-02 16:54:38.334
    [cssd(17674)]CRS-1707:Lease acquisition for node rac2 number 2 completed
    [cssd(17674)]CRS-1636:The CSS daemon was started in exclusive mode but found an active CSS daemon on node rac1 and is terminating; details at (:CSSNM00006:) in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/cssd/ocssd.log
    2011-07-02 16:54:38.464
    [cssd(17674)]CRS-1603:CSSD on node rac2 shutdown by user.
    2011-07-02 16:54:39.174
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.cssdmonitor' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 16:55:43.430
    [cssd(17945)]CRS-1713:CSSD daemon is started in clustered mode
    2011-07-02 16:56:02.852
    [cssd(17945)]CRS-1707:Lease acquisition for node rac2 number 2 completed
    2011-07-02 16:56:04.061
    [cssd(17945)]CRS-1605:CSSD voting file is online: ORCL:DATA; details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/cssd/ocssd.log.
    2011-07-02 16:56:18.350
    [cssd(17945)]CRS-1601:CSSD Reconfiguration complete. Active nodes are rac1 rac2 .
    2011-07-02 16:56:29.283
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2403:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service on host rac2 is in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 16:56:29.551
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2407:The new Cluster Time Synchronization Service reference node is host rac1.
    2011-07-02 16:56:29.615
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 16:56:29.616
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 16:56:29.641
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2401:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service started on host rac2.
    [client(18052)]CRS-10001:ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
    [client(18056)]CRS-10001:ACFS-9322: done.
    2011-07-02 17:01:40.963
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2757:Command 'Start' timed out waiting for response from the resource 'ora.asm'. Details at (:CRSPE00111:) in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ohasd/ohasd.log.
    [client(18590)]CRS-10001:ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
    [client(18594)]CRS-10001:ACFS-9322: done.
    2011-07-02 17:27:46.385
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:27:46.385
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 17:46:48.717
    [crsd(22519)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:46:49.641
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:46:51.459
    [crsd(22553)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:46:51.776
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:46:53.928
    [crsd(22574)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:46:53.956
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:46:55.834
    [crsd(22592)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:46:56.273
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:46:57.762
    [crsd(22610)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:46:58.631
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:47:00.259
    [crsd(22628)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:47:00.968
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:47:02.513
    [crsd(22645)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:47:03.309
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:47:05.081
    [crsd(22663)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:47:05.770
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:47:07.796
    [crsd(22681)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:47:08.257
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:47:10.733
    [crsd(22699)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:47:11.739
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:47:13.547
    [crsd(22732)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:47:14.111
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 17:47:14.112
    [ohasd(16188)]CRS-2771:Maximum restart attempts reached for resource 'ora.crsd'; will not restart.
    2011-07-02 17:58:18.459
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 17:58:18.459
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    [client(26883)]CRS-10001:ACFS-9200: Supported
    2011-07-02 18:13:34.627
    [ctssd(18020)]CRS-2405:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service on host rac2 is shutdown by user
    2011-07-02 18:13:42.368
    [cssd(17945)]CRS-1603:CSSD on node rac2 shutdown by user.
    2011-07-02 18:15:13.877
    [client(27222)]CRS-2106:The OLR location /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/cdata/rac2.olr is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/client/ocrconfig_27222.log.
    2011-07-02 18:15:14.011
    [client(27222)]CRS-2101:The OLR was formatted using version 3.
    2011-07-02 18:15:23.226
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2112:The OLR service started on node rac2.
    2011-07-02 18:15:23.688
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-8017:location: /etc/oracle/lastgasp has 2 reboot advisory log files, 0 were announced and 0 errors occurred
    2011-07-02 18:15:24.064
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2772:Server 'rac2' has been assigned to pool 'Free'.
    2011-07-02 18:16:29.761
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2302:Cannot get GPnP profile. Error CLSGPNP_NO_DAEMON (GPNPD daemon is not running).
    2011-07-02 18:16:30.190
    [gpnpd(28498)]CRS-2328:GPNPD started on node rac2.
    2011-07-02 18:16:41.561
    [cssd(28562)]CRS-1713:CSSD daemon is started in exclusive mode
    2011-07-02 18:16:49.111
    [cssd(28562)]CRS-1707:Lease acquisition for node rac2 number 2 completed
    2011-07-02 18:16:49.166
    [cssd(28562)]CRS-1605:CSSD voting file is online: ORCL:DATA; details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/cssd/ocssd.log.
    [cssd(28562)]CRS-1636:The CSS daemon was started in exclusive mode but found an active CSS daemon on node rac1 and is terminating; details at (:CSSNM00006:) in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/cssd/ocssd.log
    2011-07-02 18:17:01.122
    [cssd(28562)]CRS-1603:CSSD on node rac2 shutdown by user.
    2011-07-02 18:17:06.917
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.cssdmonitor' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:17:23.602
    [mdnsd(28485)]CRS-5602:mDNS service stopping by request.
    2011-07-02 18:17:36.217
    [gpnpd(28732)]CRS-2328:GPNPD started on node rac2.
    2011-07-02 18:17:43.673
    [cssd(28794)]CRS-1713:CSSD daemon is started in clustered mode
    2011-07-02 18:17:49.826
    [cssd(28794)]CRS-1707:Lease acquisition for node rac2 number 2 completed
    2011-07-02 18:17:49.865
    [cssd(28794)]CRS-1605:CSSD voting file is online: ORCL:DATA; details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/cssd/ocssd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:03.049
    [cssd(28794)]CRS-1601:CSSD Reconfiguration complete. Active nodes are rac1 rac2 .
    2011-07-02 18:18:06.160
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2403:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service on host rac2 is in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 18:18:06.220
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2407:The new Cluster Time Synchronization Service reference node is host rac1.
    2011-07-02 18:18:06.238
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:06.239
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 18:18:06.794
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2401:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service started on host rac2.
    [client(28891)]CRS-10001:ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
    [client(28895)]CRS-10001:ACFS-9322: done.
    2011-07-02 18:18:33.465
    [crsd(29020)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:33.575
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:35.757
    [crsd(29051)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:36.129
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:38.596
    [crsd(29066)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:39.146
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:41.058
    [crsd(29085)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:41.435
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:44.255
    [crsd(29101)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:45.165
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:47.013
    [crsd(29121)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:47.409
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:50.071
    [crsd(29136)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:50.118
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:51.843
    [crsd(29156)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:52.373
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:54.361
    [crsd(29171)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:54.772
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:56.620
    [crsd(29202)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:57.104
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:58.997
    [crsd(29218)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/crsd/crsd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:18:59.301
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2765:Resource 'ora.crsd' has failed on server 'rac2'.
    2011-07-02 18:18:59.302
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-2771:Maximum restart attempts reached for resource 'ora.crsd'; will not restart.
    2011-07-02 18:49:58.070
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 18:49:58.070
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 19:21:33.362
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 19:21:33.362
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 19:52:05.271
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 19:52:05.271
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 20:22:53.696
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 20:22:53.696
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 20:53:43.949
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 20:53:43.949
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 21:24:32.990
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 21:24:32.990
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 21:55:21.907
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 21:55:21.908
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 22:26:45.752
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 22:26:45.752
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 22:57:54.682
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2412:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service detects that the local time is significantly different from the mean cluster time. Details in /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/log/rac2/ctssd/octssd.log.
    2011-07-02 22:57:54.683
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2409:The clock on host rac2 is not synchronous with the mean cluster time. No action has been taken as the Cluster Time Synchronization Service is running in observer mode.
    2011-07-02 23:07:28.603
    [cssd(28794)]CRS-1612:Network communication with node rac1 (1) missing for 50% of timeout interval.  Removal of this node from cluster in 14.020 seconds
    2011-07-02 23:07:35.621
    [cssd(28794)]CRS-1611:Network communication with node rac1 (1) missing for 75% of timeout interval.  Removal of this node from cluster in 7.010 seconds
    2011-07-02 23:07:39.629
    [cssd(28794)]CRS-1610:Network communication with node rac1 (1) missing for 90% of timeout interval.  Removal of this node from cluster in 3.000 seconds
    2011-07-02 23:07:42.641
    [cssd(28794)]CRS-1632:Node rac1 is being removed from the cluster in cluster incarnation 205080558
    2011-07-02 23:07:44.751
    [cssd(28794)]CRS-1601:CSSD Reconfiguration complete. Active nodes are rac2 .
    2011-07-02 23:07:45.326
    [ctssd(28861)]CRS-2407:The new Cluster Time Synchronization Service reference node is host rac2.
    2011-07-04 19:46:26.008
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-8011:reboot advisory message from host: rac1, component: mo155738, with time stamp: L-2011-07-04-19:44:43.318
    [ohasd(27261)]CRS-8013:reboot advisory message text: clsnomon_status: need to reboot, unexpected failure 8 received from CSS
    *[root@rac2 rac2]#* This log file start with complaint that OLR is not accessible. Here is what I see (rca2):
    -rw------- 1 root oinstall 272756736 Jul  2 18:18 /u01/grid/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/cdata/rac2.olrAnd I guess rest of the problems start with this.

  • OEM grid control installation

    i am trying to install the OEM grid control on my machine configured with statis IP address
    After installation when configuration assistants start to configure. i face the following error continuously.
    java security configuration assistan fails with the following errors
    jaznca.log at "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\em\cfgtoollogs" contains the following
    Oracle JAAS [Fri Mar 10 18:01:55 GMT+05:00 2006]: exception: null
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    at oracle.security.jazn.util.JAZNInstallHelper.resync(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.security.jazn.util.JAZNInstallHelper.setCredentials(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.security.jazn.util.JAZNInstallHelper.main(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: oracle.ias.sysmgmt.exception.TaskException: TaskMaster initialization failed.
    Root Cause: Subscription request timed out after 120000 millseconds. Possible causes: OPMN may not be running, you may have an OPMN running in an alternate ORACLE_HOME using duplicate port values, or OPMN may be misconfigured.
    Resolution: check the system configuration and make sure that the client can access the repository database.
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.sysInit(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.sysInit(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.sysInit(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.init(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.EntryPoint.init(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.security.jazn.smi.DcmUtil.resyncInstance(Unknown Source)
    ... 7 more
    I started the OPMN manually and clicked on RETRY to configure this assistant. again failed and now
    jaznca.log contains the following
    Oracle JAAS [Fri Mar 10 18:06:50 GMT+05:00 2006]: exception: null
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    at oracle.security.jazn.util.JAZNInstallHelper.resync(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.security.jazn.util.JAZNInstallHelper.setCredentials(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.security.jazn.util.JAZNInstallHelper.main(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.lang.Exception: At instance:EnterpriseManager0.lhrpc419.lhr.systemsltd.com Error:See base exception for details.
    Base Exception:
    oracle.ias.sysmgmt.exception.TaskException:OPMN process startup has timed out.
    Resolution: Try starting the OPMN process using the command line utility "$ORACLE_HOME/OPMN/bin/OPMNctl start". If the OPMN process does not start check the log files in $ORACLE_HOME/OPMN/logs for more information.See base exception for details.
    at oracle.security.jazn.smi.DcmUtil.resyncInstance(Unknown Source)
    ... 7 more
    ons.log at "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\em\opmn\logs" contains following
    06/03/10 18:05:32 [4] ONS server initiated
    06/03/10 18:05:47 [4] Logging disabled
    06/03/10 18:05:49 [4] ONS server initiated
    06/03/10 18:05:49 [2] BIND (No error)
    06/03/10 18:05:49 [2] - listener BIND failed
    06/03/10 18:05:49 [4] Listener thread 860: (0x401) terminating
    06/03/10 18:05:49 [2] BIND (No error)
    06/03/10 18:05:49 [1] Local listener terminated
    can you guide that how to catter with this?

    Are you doing the Grid Control installation into a new Oracle Home? I would try a fresh installation...Typically, the installation itself is fairly straightforward..

  • 10g R2 Grid Control Installation

    I want to go for 10g R2 Grid Control Installation...
    I have setup like this
    Oracle 10g R2 Grid Controller
    Oracle 10g R3 patchset
    Small PC with 2 GB RAM and 80 GB HDD
    Target Nodes:
    Oracle Applications Database Tier Node with 10g Database
    Oracle Applications Tier Node
    Oracle 9i Database standaalone
    I want to install the 10gR2 Grid control on the SMALL PC on Linux...
    I will Apply the Patchset 10g R3 on top it...
    Then I want to install the OEM Grid Control Agent in Target Nodes...Where can I get this software...Please sched some light on this

    Cannot we install 10gR2 Grid Control on Existing
    Target Database Server in a seperate Oracle Home with
    a seperate user for installation..It is adviceable to use the same oracle user in a different Oracle Home.

  • Configuration Assistant failed during OEM 10g Grid control installation

    Hi i got an error while installing OEM 10g Grid control on Windows 2008 32bit server.
    Installation of OEM 10g was successfull but during configuration im getting an error "ORA-12560: TNS: protocol adaptor error". hence configuration assistant get failed to create emrep database. i stopped the TNSListener service and started db creation using DBCA again i got the same error. please find the below logs from db10g/cfgtoollogs/cfgfw
    INFO: oracle.assistants.dbca:About to execute plug-in Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
    INFO: oracle.assistants.dbca:The plug-in Oracle Database Configuration Assistant is running
    INFO: oracle.assistants.dbca:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.assistants.dbca:ExitCode=1
    INFO: oracle.assistants.dbca:The plug-in Oracle Database Configuration Assistant executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=1
    INFO: oracle.assistants.dbca:The plug-in Oracle Database Configuration Assistant has failed its perform method
    Note: i got one more error during installation which is "Failed to initialize OCR" and "OS error in starting service OracleCSService"
    INFO: Calling Action ntServicesActions10. ntStartService
         selectedNodes = null
         serviceName = OracleCSService
    INFO: Exception thrown from action: ntStartService
    Exception Name: StartIndeterminate_OS_ErrorException
    Exception String: OS error in starting service OracleCSService
    Exception Severity: 0
    please provide me the solution.

    [Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic Configuration|http://download-uk.oracle.com/docs/html/B12012_03/toc.htm]

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