11gr2 RAC install on RHEL fails with "failed to create or upgrade olr"

New 11gr2 install on empty Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 machine fails with "failed to create or upgrade olr"
Error during config steps. First script ran OK (orainstRoot.sh) on both nodes.
Second script failed on DB01, and I haven't run on DB02, as it's supposed to complete on DB01 first.
[root@RiskmgmtDB01 oraInventory]# cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
[root@RiskmgmtDB01 grid]# ./root.sh
Running Oracle 11g root.sh script...
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [usr/local/bin]:
Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...
Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
Creating /etc/oratab file...
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root.sh script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
2010-11-12 10:35:13: Parsing the host name
2010-11-12 10:35:13: Checking for super user privileges
2010-11-12 10:35:13: User has super user privileges
Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
Creating trace directory
PROTL-16: Internal Error
Command return code of 41 (10496) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/ocrconfig -local -upgrade oracle oinstall
Failed to create or upgrade OLR
[root@RiskmgmtDB01 grid]#
Looking on the net, anyone who has hit this has had a problem with permissions, so as suggested I ran:
[root@RiskmgmtDB01 grid]# /usr/sbin/getenforce
[root@RiskmgmtDB01 grid]# /usr/sbin/setenforce 0
/usr/sbin/setenforce: SELinux is disabled
[root@RiskmgmtDB01 grid]# /usr/sbin/getenforce
As this is already set to disabled, I don't think it will help.
The two other threads similar to this are:
root.sh failed with signal 11 while installing 11gR2 grid infrastructure
root.sh script fail to run on OEL5.4
But neither works. I've raised a support request, but if anyone else has a bright idea ....
Thanks, Duncan

This document seems to apply: PROTL-16 Reported while Executing OCRCONFIG [ID 1123453.1]
It recommends running CVU, but that showed no issues.
So next step is the uninstall, as per: How to Proceed from Failed 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure (CRS) Installation [ID 942166.1]
However "$GRID_HOME/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -verbose -deconfig -force -lastnode" fails:
# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -verbose -deconfig -force -lastnode
2010-11-15 17:11:21: Parsing the host name
2010-11-15 17:11:21: Checking for super user privileges
2010-11-15 17:11:21: User has super user privileges
Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
Can't open /etc/oracle/scls_scr/node01/root/ohasdrun for write: No such file or directory at /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/s_crsconfig_lib.pm line 1021.
So no further along yet ...

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    I'm looking for an 11gr2 RAC install Guide on Solaris 10 x86 using 2-3 containers. I need to have the NFS server reside in the global zone or on a 3rd container visable to the two rac containers.
    Please share me installation guide!
    Thank you!
    PS - I currently have run into an install issue -
    Can't change ownership on /oracle/products/11.2.0/ocr/: not owner at /oracle/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_lib.pm line 5014.
    I suspect the NFS share params from the NFS server in the global zone are not 100% correct to the two rac zones/containers.

    Have you visited Oracle Support Services website (formerly metalink) to determine if your desired configuration is supported?
    Last time I looked it was not.
    That said Oracle database installation guides are fully documented online.

  • Run root.sh Failed to create or upgrade OLR (oracle11gr2+AIX6.1)

    2011-12-29 19:38:54: The configuration parameter file /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params is valid
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: Checking for super user privileges
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: User has super user privileges
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ### Printing the configuration values from files:
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/crs/install/s_crsconfig_defs
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ASM_DISCOVERY_STRING=/dev/rup*
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ASM_DISKS=/dev/rupdisk0,/dev/rupdisk1,/dev/rupdisk2
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ASM_DISK_GROUP=CRS
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ASM_REDUNDANCY=NORMAL
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ASM_SPFILE=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ASM_UPGRADE=false
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CLSCFG_MISSCOUNT=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CLUSTER_GUID=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CLUSTER_NAME=yhscluster
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CRS_NODEVIPS="yhsscore1vip/,yhsscore2vip/"
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CRS_STORAGE_OPTION=1
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CSS_LEASEDURATION=400
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: DIRPREFIX=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: DISABLE_OPROCD=0
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: EMBASEJAR_NAME=oemlt.jar
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: EWTJAR_NAME=ewt3.jar
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: EXTERNAL_ORACLE_BIN=/opt/oracle/bin
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: GNS_ADDR_LIST=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: GNS_ALLOW_NET_LIST=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: GNS_CONF=false
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: GNS_DENY_ITF_LIST=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: GNS_DENY_NET_LIST=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: GNS_DOMAIN_LIST=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: GPNPCONFIGDIR=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: GPNPGCONFIGDIR=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: GPNP_PA=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: HELPJAR_NAME=help4.jar
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: HOST_NAME_LIST=yhsscore1,yhsscore2
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ID=/etc
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: INIT=/usr/sbin/init
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: IT=/etc/inittab
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: JEWTJAR_NAME=jewt4.jar
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: JLIBDIR=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/jlib
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: JREDIR=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/jdk/jre/
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: LANGUAGE_ID=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: MSGFILE=/var/adm/messages
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: NETCFGJAR_NAME=netcfg.jar
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: NETWORKS="en2"/,"en3"/
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: NEW_HOST_NAME_LIST=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: NEW_NODEVIPS="yhsscore1vip/,yhsscore2vip/"
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: NEW_NODE_NAME_LIST=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: NEW_PRIVATE_NAME_LIST=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: NODELIST=yhsscore1,yhsscore2
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: NODE_NAME_LIST=yhsscore1,yhsscore2
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OCFS_CONFIG=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OCRCONFIG=/etc/oracle/ocr.loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OCRCONFIGDIR=/etc/oracle
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OCRID=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OCRLOC=ocr.loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OCR_LOCATIONS=NO_VAL
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OLASTGASPDIR=/etc/oracle/lastgasp
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OLD_CRS_HOME=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OLRCONFIG=/etc/oracle/olr.loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OLRCONFIGDIR=/etc/oracle
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OLRLOC=olr.loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OPROCDCHECKDIR=/etc/oracle/oprocd/check
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OPROCDDIR=/etc/oracle/oprocd
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OPROCDFATALDIR=/etc/oracle/oprocd/fatal
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OPROCDSTOPDIR=/etc/oracle/oprocd/stop
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ORACLE_BASE=/oracle/grid/app/grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ORACLE_OWNER=grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ORA_ASM_GROUP=dba
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ORA_DBA_GROUP=dba
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: PRIVATE_NAME_LIST=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: RCALLDIR=/etc/rc.d/rc2.d
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: RCKDIR=/etc/rc.d/rc2.d
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: RCSDIR=/etc/rc.d/rc2.d
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: RC_KILL=K19
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: RC_KILL_OLD=S96
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: RC_START=S96
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SCAN_NAME=yhsscan
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SCAN_PORT=1521
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SCRBASE=/etc/oracle/scls_scr
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SHAREJAR_NAME=share.jar
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SILENT=false
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SO_EXT=so
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SRVCFGLOC=srvConfig.loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SRVCONFIG=/var/opt/oracle/srvConfig.loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SRVCONFIGDIR=/var/opt/oracle
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: VNDR_CLUSTER=false
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: VOTING_DISKS=NO_VAL
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ### Printing other configuration values ###
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CLSCFG_EXTRA_PARMS=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CRSDelete=0
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CRSPatch=0
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: DEBUG=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: DOWNGRADE=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: HAS_GROUP=dba
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: HAS_USER=root
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: HOST=yhsscore1
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: IS_SIHA=0
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OLR_DIRECTORY=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/cdata
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: OLR_LOCATION=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/cdata/yhsscore1.olr
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ORA_CRS_HOME=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: REMOTENODE=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: SUPERUSER=root
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: UPGRADE=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: VF_DISCOVERY_STRING=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: addfile=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_addparams
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: crscfg_trace=1
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: crscfg_trace_file=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_yhsscore1.log
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: hosts=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: oldcrshome=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: oldcrsver=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: osdfile=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/crs/install/s_crsconfig_defs
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: parameters_valid=1
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: paramfile=/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: platform_family=unix
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: srvctl_trc_suff=0
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: unlock_crshome=
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: user_is_superuser=1
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: ### Printing of configuration values complete ###
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: Oracle CRS stack is not configured yet
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: CRS is not yet configured. Hence, will proceed to configure CRS
    2011-12-29 19:38:54: Cluster-wide one-time actions... Done!
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Oracle CRS home = /oracle/grid/11.2/grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Host name = yhsscore1
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: CRS user = grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Oracle CRS home = /oracle/grid/11.2/grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: GPnP host = yhsscore1
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Oracle GPnP home = /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Oracle GPnP local home = /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp/yhsscore1
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: GPnP directories verified.
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Oracle CRS stack is not configured yet
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: ---Checking local gpnp setup...
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: The setup file "/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp/yhsscore1/profiles/peer/profile.xml" does not exist
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: The setup file "/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp/yhsscore1/wallets/peer/cwallet.sso" does not exist
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: The setup file "/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp/yhsscore1/wallets/prdr/cwallet.sso" does not exist
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: chk gpnphome /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp/yhsscore1: profile_ok 0 wallet_ok 0 r/o_wallet_ok 0
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: chk gpnphome /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp/yhsscore1: INVALID (bad profile/wallet)
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: ---Checking cluster-wide gpnp setup...
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: The setup file "/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp/profiles/peer/profile.xml" does not exist
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: The setup file "/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp/wallets/peer/cwallet.sso" does not exist
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: The setup file "/oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp/wallets/prdr/cwallet.sso" does not exist
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: chk gpnphome /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp: profile_ok 0 wallet_ok 0 r/o_wallet_ok 0
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: chk gpnphome /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/gpnp: INVALID (bad profile/wallet)
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: gpnp setup checked: local valid? 0 cluster-wide valid? 0
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: gpnp setup: NONE
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: GPNP configuration required
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Validating for SI-CSS configuration
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Retrieving OCR main disk location
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Unable to retrieve ocr disk info
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Checking to see if any 9i GSD is up
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: libskgxnBase_lib = /etc/ORCLcluster/oracm/lib/libskgxn2.so
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: libskgxn_lib = /opt/ORCLcluster/lib/libskgxn2.so
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: SKGXN library file does not exists
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: OLR location = /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/cdata/yhsscore1.olr
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Oracle CRS Home = /oracle/grid/11.2/grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Validating /etc/oracle/olr.loc file for OLR location /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/cdata/yhsscore1.olr
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: /etc/oracle/olr.loc already exists. Backing up /etc/oracle/olr.loc to /etc/oracle/olr.loc.orig
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Oracle CRS home = /oracle/grid/11.2/grid
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Oracle cluster name = yhscluster
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: OCR locations = +CRS
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Validating OCR
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Retrieving OCR location used by previous installations
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Value () is set for key=ocrmirrorconfig_loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc3
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc4
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Opening file OCRCONFIG
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Value () is set for key=ocrconfig_loc5
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Checking if OCR sync file exists
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: No need to sync OCR file
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: OCR_LOCATION=+CRS
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: OCR_MIRROR_LOCATION=
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: OCR_MIRROR_LOC3=
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: OCR_MIRROR_LOC4=
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: OCR_MIRROR_LOC5=
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Current OCR location=
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Current OCR mirror location=
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Current OCR mirror loc3=
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Current OCR mirror loc4=
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Current OCR mirror loc5=
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Verifying current OCR settings with user entered values
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Setting OCR locations in /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Validating OCR locations in /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Checking for existence of /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Backing up /etc/oracle/ocr.loc to /etc/oracle/ocr.loc.orig
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: Setting ocr location +CRS
    2011-12-29 19:38:56: User grid has the required capabilities to run CSSD in realtime mode
    *2011-12-29 19:38:56: Creating or upgrading Oracle Local Registry (OLR)*
    *2011-12-29 19:38:56: Command return code of 255 (65280) from command: /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/bin/ocrconfig -local -upgrade grid dba*
    *2011-12-29 19:38:56: /oracle/grid/11.2/grid/bin/ocrconfig -local -upgrade failed with error: 255*
    *2011-12-29 19:38:56: Failed to create or upgrade OLR*
    帖子经 905068编辑过

    Command return code of 255 (65280) during Grid Infrastructure Installation

  • Oracle 11gR2 RAC Grid installation - Configuration of ASM failed,

    Hi guys,
    Trying to install/configure Oracle 11gR2 Grid for 2 nodes RAC on Suse 10, root.sh failed with this error:
    2010-08-19 15:30:47: Querying for existing CSS voting disks
    2010-08-19 15:30:47: Performing initial configuration for cluster
    2010-08-19 15:30:48: Start of resource "ora.ctssd -init" Succeeded
    2010-08-19 15:30:48: Configuring ASM via ASMCA
    2010-08-19 15:30:48: Executing as oracle: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -diskGroupName DATA -diskList ORCL:DATA1,ORCL:DATA2 -redundancy EXTERNAL -configureLocalASM
    2010-08-19 15:30:48: Running as user oracle: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -diskGroupName DATA -diskList ORCL:DATA1,ORCL:DATA2 -redundancy EXTERNAL -configureLocalASM
    2010-08-19 15:30:48: Invoking "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -diskGroupName DATA -diskList ORCL:DATA1,ORCL:DATA2 -redundancy EXTERNAL -configureLocalASM" as user "oracle"
    2010-08-19 15:30:51: Configuration of ASM failed, see logs for details
    2010-08-19 15:30:51: Did not succssfully configure and start ASM
    2010-08-19 15:30:51: Exiting exclusive mode
    2010-08-19 15:30:51: Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.crsd -init
    2010-08-19 15:30:51: Stop of resource "ora.crsd -init" failed
    2010-08-19 15:30:51: Failed to stop CRSD
    2010-08-19 15:30:51: Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.asm -init
    2010-08-19 15:30:51: Stop of resource "ora.asm -init" failed
    2010-08-19 15:30:51: Failed to stop ASM
    2010-08-19 15:31:12: Initial cluster configuration failed. See /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_oracle-node2.log for details
    oracle-node2:/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig #
    Can any one please help/assist/guide ... how to move forward?
    Thanks in advance.

    failed ... with the same error
    2010-08-19 16:52:05: Start of resource "ora.ctssd -init" Succeeded
    2010-08-19 16:52:05: Configuring ASM via ASMCA
    2010-08-19 16:52:06: Executing as oracle: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -diskGroupName DATA -diskList ORCL:DATA1,ORCL:DATA2 -redundancy EXTERNAL -configureLocalASM
    2010-08-19 16:52:06: Running as user oracle: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -diskGroupName DATA -diskList ORCL:DATA1,ORCL:DATA2 -redundancy EXTERNAL -configureLocalASM
    2010-08-19 16:52:06: Invoking "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -diskGroupName DATA -diskList ORCL:DATA1,ORCL:DATA2 -redundancy EXTERNAL -configureLocalASM" as user "oracle"
    2010-08-19 16:52:08: Configuration of ASM failed, see logs for details
    2010-08-19 16:52:08: Did not succssfully configure and start ASM
    2010-08-19 16:52:08: Exiting exclusive mode
    2010-08-19 16:52:08: Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.crsd -init
    2010-08-19 16:52:08: Stop of resource "ora.crsd -init" failed
    2010-08-19 16:52:08: Failed to stop CRSD
    2010-08-19 16:52:08: Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.asm -init
    2010-08-19 16:52:08: Stop of resource "ora.asm -init" failed
    2010-08-19 16:52:08: Failed to stop ASM
    2010-08-19 16:52:30: Initial cluster configuration failed. See /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_oracle-node1.log for details
    oracle-node1:/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig #

  • Install of SAP HANA Studio Dev Ed v1.00.80 fails with "Could not create the Java Virtual Machine"

    Scope: JVM error during initial install of SAP HANA Studio Developer Edition v1.00.80, Win86/32bit
    Source: installation files pulled from HANA Studio tab at https://hanadeveditionsapicl.hana.ondemand.com/hanadevedition/, which is a link from the main HANA site of http://scn.sap.com/community/developer-center/hana.  zip folder: "sap_hana_win32_studio_rev80"
    Targeted O/S: Windows 7, 32-bit, local Java is SE 7, update 67.   Java environment has been confirmed via checks provided at http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
    Actions taken:
    Attempted to update the installation's eclipse.ini file by reducing the -Xmx value; see details below.
    Read thru postings such as http://scn.sap.com/thread/3390626 and the threads it recommended.
    Checked OSS (ie Note 1859686 - HANA Studio does not start)
    Description of installation error:
    Shortly after executing "hdbinst", it fails with the error "Could not create the Java Virtual Machine".  I've verified that there is nearly 3G of memory free.  What I did notice, as shown in the attached files, is that Eclipse is part of this installation and it's pre-loaded with the "eclipse.ini".  I firmly believe the solution could be to reduce parameter "-Xmx1024m" to "-Xmx512m" but it's a catch-22 because even after updating eclipse.ini (in installation folder C:\Program Files\SAP\hdbstudio\tmp_p2director2014.08.13_13.36.44\director), the install program requires that the "hdbstudio" folder to be empty upon restarting it.
    Since the installation is basically a package with a lot of .jar files, there is no eclipse.ini file available in the source install folder; otherwise, updating it there would be the easiest solution if that option were available. The file is only available in the targeted deployment folder above.
    If you have encountered this same error and were able to resolve it, I would be grateful to know of your solution.  Thanks very much.
    FYI: the HANA Client installed with no issues.
    Jim Cleek
    FYI: the images below reflect the sequence of images produced during the installation.
    after clicking OK above, the screen below gets updated (see the "is not empty" msg).
    Below is the eclipse.ini file located in the deployed/target folder:
    Message was edited by: Jim Cleek
    FYI: Using information from the SAP HANA Database - Studio Installation and Update Guide, I tried to override the installation's use of its eclipse.ini file by passing my own modified version (with "-Xmx512m") of that file that was placed in a separate folder.  The cmd used via DOS window was "hdbsetup.exe -a studio --configfile=C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\eclipse.ini" and even though it successfully launched the SAP HANA Lifecycle Management gui, it failed on the first step with the same JVM create error as above because it appears to have used its own eclipse.ini file, which has "-Xmx1024m".

    Update: a message was opened with SAP but unfortunately they could not provide a resolution for this particular scenario.  They admitted that the eclipse.ini file cannot be updated since it is bundled as part of the installation package.  One point to make that I did not make before was that this was being attempted on an Oracle VirtualBox (4.3.10); the SAP HANA contact said he assumed that SAP has not tested this particular scenario, thus it could not be supported.
    Resolution: the end result was to abort trying to install SAP HANA Client and Studio on the Oracle VirtualBox but to install it locally on my own desktop, which runs on Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit with 8G of memory.  The SAP HANA files below were downloaded, extracted and installed successfully in the order shown.
    FYI: the Studio installation detected that a 64-bit version of Java was not installed so I installed that and then adjusted the User environmental variable JAVA_HOME to point to that new path, leaving the System variable still pointing to the pre-existing 32-bit Java path.
    SAPCAR 7.20 -> Windows on x64 64bit:  SAPCAR_315-20010453.EXE
    IMDB_CLIENT100_80_0-10009664.SAR   Revision 80 for SAP HANA CLIENT 1.00
    Support Package SAP HANA CLIENT 1.00 Windows on x64 64bit
    IMC_STUDIO100_80_0-20007647.SAR   Revision 80 for SAP HANA STUDIO 1.00
    Support Package SAP HANA STUDIO 1.00 Windows on x64 64bit
    jre-7u67-windows-x64.exe - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1880261.html
    Jim Cleek
    HP Enterprise Services

  • 11gr2 Rac Install: Stuck at the DNS SCAN portion.

    Hi Guys, it's Xev.
    Ok, I have followed his install guide to the dot. http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/11g/oracle-db-11gr2-rac-installation-on-oel5-using-virtualbox.php#install_grid_infrastructure
    During the Grid Infrastructure install portion, it's stops me and tells me that "No Locally adapter is defined" when I am right here, it won't let me past this point right below...
    Now, this install document, tells you to put the 3 SCAN Ip addresses in the /ect/hosts file and does not tell you that you need to install DNS on a server and configure it, or does he? The way he says it to
    me just doesn't make sense.
    My question is to only people that have actually installed 11gr2 RAC using VirtualBox and using oracle linux 5.8.
    He says in the install document this right here, but some how i think he is just flat out wrong.
    I quote from the install document,,,
    If you are not using DNS, the "/etc/hosts" file must contain the following information. localhost.localdomain localhost
    # Public ol5-112-rac1.localdomain ol5-112-rac1 ol5-112-rac2.localdomain ol5-112-rac2
    # Private ol5-112-rac1-priv.localdomain ol5-112-rac1-priv ol5-112-rac2-priv.localdomain ol5-112-rac2-priv
    # Virtual ol5-112-rac1-vip.localdomain ol5-112-rac1-vip ol5-112-rac2-vip.localdomain ol5-112-rac2-vip
    # SCAN ol5-112-scan.localdomain ol5-112-scan ol5-112-scan.localdomain ol5-112-scan ol5-112-scan.localdomain ol5-112-scan
    Note. The SCAN address should not really be defined in the hosts file. Instead is should be defined on the DNS to round-robin between 3 addresses on the same subnet as the public IPs. For this installation, we will compromise and use the hosts file. This is not possible if you are using onward.
    If you are using DNS, then only the first line needs to be present in the "/etc/hosts" file. The other entries are defined in the DNS, as described here. Having said that, I typically include all but the SCAN addresses..
    So, Guys, what does he actually mean with this? MY Grid install fails when it's trying to resolved the scan. DO I need to install DNS like he gives in the link above, OR can the install work with the SCAN in the /ect/hosts file? I Personally think this is just wrong, and you have to have DNS working 3 ip round-robin for the SCAN to work.
    Please only reply to this thread if you have actually successfully installled 11rg2 Rac (11.0.1) on Oracle Linux 5.8 using VirtualBox, or actually know where i am going wrong by your own experience, not just goggle searching.....but you got it to work....
    I am begging on my knees for help with this, since I have been at this for weeks now.
    If you help me through this, I'll be your friend

    Hi Shivendra,
    I followed the instructions on shivenracdba: configure DNS for Installtion of Oracle Grid Infrastructure RAC cluster
    named starts right up with no errors, but when i try to do the nslookups for both nodes and the scan cluster it fails with these errors...
    This is what happens on rac, the primary node.
    [oracle@rac1 grid]$ nslookup rac
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ** server can't find rac: SERVFAIL
    [oracle@rac1 grid]$ nslookup rac2
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ** server can't find rac2: SERVFAIL
    [oracle@rac1 grid]$ nslookup rac-cluster-scan
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ** server can't find rac-cluster-scan: SERVFAIL
    This is what happens on rac2, the secondary node.
    [oracle@rac2 ~]$ nslookup rac
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ** server can't find rac: SERVFAIL
    [oracle@rac2 ~]$ nslookup rac2
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ** server can't find rac2: SERVFAIL
    [oracle@rac2 ~]$ nslookup rac-cluster-scan
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
    ** server can't find rac-cluster-scan: SERVFAIL
    Now, this is what I for all the files that I have configured......I hope they are right?
    Do i need to run the named DNS server on both nodes? It's running on both nodes now...and the service starts..
    Here are all my files that pertain to the DNS configuration for RAC.
    These are the files that are on "rac" the primary node....
    [root@rac1 named]# cat forward.zone
    $TTL 86400
    @          IN     SOA    rac.  rac. (
                             42 ; serial (d. adams)
                             3H ; refresh
                            15M ; retry
                             1W ; expiry
                             1D ) ; minimum
    @          IN   NS     rac.
    rac       IN   A
    localhost                     IN A
    rac2                          IN A
    rac-vip                       IN A
    rac2-vip                      IN A
    rac-cluster-scan              IN A
    rac-cluster-scan              IN A
    rac-cluster-scan              IN A
    [root@rac1 named]# cat reverse.zone
    $TTL 86400
    @        IN     SOA    rac.  rac. (
                             42 ; serial (d. adams)
                             3H ; refresh
                            15M ; retry
                             1W ; expiry
                             1D ) ; minimum
    @         IN   NS   rac.      IN   PTR  rac.           IN   PTR  localhost.      IN   PTR  rac2.      IN   PTR  rac-vip.      IN   PTR  rac2-vip.      IN   PTR  rac-cluster-scan.      IN   PTR  rac-cluster-scan.      IN   PTR  rac-cluster-scan.
    [root@rac1 named]# cat named.rfc1912.zones
    zone "rac" IN {
                     type master;
                     file "forward.zone";
    zone "72.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
                     type master;
                     file "reverse.zone";
    [root@rac1 named]# cd /var/named/chroot/etc
    [root@rac1 etc]# ls
    [root@rac1 etc]# cat named.conf
    options {
    listen-on port 53 {; };
    # listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
            directory "/var/named";
            recursion yes;
    logging {
            channel default_debug {
            file "data/named.run";
            severity dynamic;
      include "named.rfc1912.zones";
    [root@rac1 etc]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
    # Generated by NetworkManager
    # No nameservers found; try putting DNS servers into your
    # ifcfg files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts like so:
    # DNS1=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    # DNS2=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    # DOMAIN=lab.foo.com bar.foo.com
    search rac2
    search rac
    and this is the content of my /ect/hosts file on rac, the primary node.
    [root@rac1 etc]# cd /etc
    [root@rac1 etc]# cat hosts
    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail.               rac1.localdomain rac1 localhost.localdomain localhost
    ::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
    #eth1 - PUBLIC rac rac2
    #VIP rac-vip rac2-vip
    #eth2 - PRIVATE rac-pvt rac2-pvt
    These are the files that are on "rac2" the secondary node....
    [root@rac2 named]# cat forward.zone
    $TTL 86400
    @          IN     SOA    rac.  rac. (
                             42 ; serial (d. adams)
                             3H ; refresh
                            15M ; retry
                             1W ; expiry
                             1D ) ; minimum
    @          IN   NS     rac.
    rac       IN   A
    localhost                     IN A
    rac2                          IN A
    rac-vip                       IN A
    rac2-vip                      IN A
    rac-cluster-scan              IN A
    rac-cluster-scan              IN A
    rac-cluster-scan              IN A
    [root@rac2 named]# cat reverse.zone
    $TTL 86400
    @        IN     SOA    rac.  rac. (
                             42 ; serial (d. adams)
                             3H ; refresh
                            15M ; retry
                             1W ; expiry
                             1D ) ; minimum
    @         IN   NS   rac.      IN   PTR  rac.           IN   PTR  localhost.      IN   PTR  rac2.      IN   PTR  rac-vip.      IN   PTR  rac2-vip.      IN   PTR  rac-cluster-scan.      IN   PTR  rac-cluster-scan.      IN   PTR  rac-cluster-scan.
    [root@rac2 named]# cat named.rfc1912.zones
    zone "rac" IN {
                     type master;
                     file "forward.zone";
    zone "72.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
                     type master;
                     file "reverse.zone";
    [root@rac2 etc]# cat named.conf
    options {
    listen-on port 53 {; };
    # listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
            directory "/var/named";
            recursion yes;
    logging {
            channel default_debug {
            file "data/named.run";
            severity dynamic;
      include "named.rfc1912.zones";
    [root@rac2 etc]# cd /etc
    [root@rac2 etc]# cat resolv.conf
    # Generated by NetworkManager
    # No nameservers found; try putting DNS servers into your
    # ifcfg files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts like so:
    # DNS1=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    # DNS2=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    # DOMAIN=lab.foo.com bar.foo.com
    search rac2
    search rac
    [root@rac2 ~]# cd /etc
    [root@rac2 etc]# cat hosts
    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail.               rac2.localdomain rac2 localhost.localdomain localhost
    ::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
    #eth1 - PUBLIC rac rac2
    #VIP rac-vip rac2-vip
    #eth2 - PRIVATE rac-pvt rac2-pvt
    That is everything on both nodes...
    Shivendra, what am I to do??

  • 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure and 11gR2 RAC install as separate users (RH 5)

    We are about to set up a few new RH 5 clusters and are trying to make a decision if we should install 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure and 11gR2 RAC as the same user (oracle) or as separate users (grid and oracle) as per Oracle documentation.
    I would like to know what other people are doing and their experiences with this.
    Here are some concerns that we have:
    1) Does Oracle support has an 11gR2 cluster environment where grid infrastructure and oracle database are installed as separate users ? I have been to a few Oracle 11gR2 demos and they always have a simple install where everything is installed as a single user.
    2) Potential permission issues that we might hit iif we use separate users, for example
    - grid control agent - which user do we install it as and will it be able to access both grid and oracle files ?
    - database listener will run as grid user. Is this going to cause any permission issues ?
    Thanks in advance for your answers

    It is all dependent on your business whether your business needs to separate between privileged user for storage administrator (ASM) or database level. It is recommended to have user separation but not mandatory.
    see http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/install.112/e17212/toc.htm for the details
    permission issues might happen if the configuration is not correct. for example you might see ORA-12537 when configuring the system
    Hope this helps

  • Backup failed with Error: (-50) Creating Directory

    Repeats ad nauseum.
    This is backing up to a second internal drive that is an exact duplicate (in terms of HD model and size).
    Does anyone know what Error -50 means? Lack of permissions? Invalid name (doesn't seem like it)?
    8/30/08 9:06:37 AM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd Starting standard backup
    8/30/08 9:06:37 AM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd Backing up to: /Volumes/Sliffy Time/Backups.backupdb
    8/30/08 9:06:58 AM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd Error: (-50) Creating directory 2008-08-30-090658.inProgress
    8/30/08 9:06:58 AM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd Failed to make snapshot container.
    8/30/08 9:07:03 AM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd Backup failed with error: 2

    Hi Glenn,
    Thanks for the suggestion. Nope, it's not listed. The only thing listed is my Time Machine volume.
    After a reboot, Time Machine seems to be working. It's making backups on schedule and the logs look good, not reporting any strangeness.
    A bit bummed about these phantom errors that go away on reboot. I'll keep on eye on the error/reboot frequency.

  • Failed with status 400 creating new room.

    I am using the server API to create a new room, but I fail with a response code of 400. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
    I'm using the sample Java server integration code to do this.

    Hi Raff,
    Here are the logs when I set Utils.DEBUG = true;
    http_get: http://connectnow.acrobat.com/xoomxo?mode=xml&accountonly=true&
    Redirecting to https://na2.connectnow.acrobat.com/xoomxo?mode=xml&accountonly=true&
    http_get: https://na2.connectnow.acrobat.com/xoomxo?mode=xml&accountonly=true&
    Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 177
    http_post: https://services.acrobat.com/account/wsapi/auth/v1 <request><username>[email protected]</username><password>bizzybaz1</password></request>
    Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 127
    http_get: https://na2.connectnow.acrobat.com:443/xoomxo?mode=xml&accountonly=true&gak=cmVuZ2EqbmExci oxMjcwYzUwMDgyMipFQ1E5WjdHMkpENUE1NDlLUFpDUVA4UU1OUg==
    Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 323
    http_post: https://na2.connectnow.acrobat.com:443/xoomxo mode=xml&room=xoomxoroom2.15_Room&template=dateroomtemplate&gak=cmVuZ2EqbmExcioxMjcwYzUwM DgyMipFQ1E5WjdHMkpENUE1NDlLUFpDUVA4UU1OUg==
    HTTP error 400
    Does this show what might be causing the error?

  • OPatch failed with error code 73/EMR3 upgrade

    Upgrade to R3
    Appl patch 4329444 according R3 readme.
    in directory with the patch:
    $ opatch apply
    Invoking OPatch
    Oracle interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved..
    Oracle Home : /apps/oracle/product/em10g/db10g
    Central Inventory : /apps/oracle
    from : /apps/oracle/product/em10g/db10g/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version :
    OUI version :
    OUI location : /apps/oracle/product/em10g/db10g/oui
    Log file location : /apps/oracle/product/em10g/db10g/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch-2007_Jul_09_13-58-13-MDT_Mon.log
    Failed to load the patch object. Possible causes are:
    The specified path is not an interim Patch shiphome
    Meta-data files are missing from the patch area
    Patch location = /trash/em10gr3unzip
    Details = PatchObject constructor: Input file "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/actions" or "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/inventory" does not exist.
    Apply Session failed: PatchObject constructor: Input file "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/actions" or "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/inventory" does not exist.
    System intact, OPatch will not attempt to restore the system
    OPatch failed with error code 73
    $ cat /apps/oracle/product/em10g/db10g/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch-2007_Jul_09_13-58-13-MDT_Mon.log
    SEVERE:OPatch invoked as follows: 'apply '
    INFO:Starting ApplySession at Mon Jul 09 13:58:13 MDT 2007
    INFO:Starting Apply Session at Mon Jul 09 13:58:13 MDT 2007
    SEVERE:OUI-67075:Failed to load the patch object. Possible causes are:
    The specified path is not an interim Patch shiphome
    Meta-data files are missing from the patch area
    Patch location = /trash/em10gr3unzip
    Details = PatchObject constructor: Input file "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/actions" or "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/inventory" does not exist.
    SEVERE:OUI-67073:Apply Session failed: PatchObject constructor: Input file "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/actions" or "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/inventory" does not exist.
    INFO:System intact, OPatch will not attempt to restore the system
    INFO:Finishing ApplySession at Mon Jul 09 13:58:13 MDT 2007
    INFO:Total time spent waiting for user-input is 0 seconds. Finish at Mon Jul 09 13:58:13 MDT 2007
    INFO:Stack Description: java.lang.RuntimeException: PatchObject constructor: Input file "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/actions" or "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/inventory" does not exist.
    INFO:StackTrace: oracle.opatch.PatchObject.<init>(PatchObject.java:1089)
    INFO:StackTrace: oracle.opatch.PatchObjectUtil.loadPatch(PatchObjectUtil.java:996)
    INFO:StackTrace: oracle.opatch.ApplySession.loadAndInitPatchObject(ApplySession.java:1076)
    INFO:StackTrace: oracle.opatch.ApplySession.process(ApplySession.java:4027)
    INFO:StackTrace: oracle.opatch.OPatchSession.main(OPatchSession.java:912)
    INFO:StackTrace: oracle.opatch.OPatch.main(OPatch.java:506)
    $ OPatch failed with error code 73
    Not sure what the OPatch is looking for.
    Any hints?

    Apparently, it is looking for "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/actions" or "/trash/em10gr3unzip/etc/config/inventory. May be you can try again unzipping/uncompressing the patch and then applying the patch.

  • Package distribution frequently failing with Failed to get object class and CSendFileAction::AddFile failed; 0x800706ba

    Dear Experts,
    Frequently I see packages that are being transferred over WAN links failing with the below posted error.
    We're running SCCM 2012 SP1, the DP's are rate limited and firewalled.
    Some applications end up on the DP's fine (even OS images), some don't. When they don't, the issue is non-recoverable, even if I retry it 100 times the error will remain the same while other applications do distribute properly. This seems like there can't
    be a firewall issue at play. Logs on the DP's do not show any errors.
    Here is the PkgXferMgr.log
    Attempt to write 750652 bytes to \\SERVER\SMS_DP$\Content_0a017ff5-3a9b-4794-ab57-e4e50ba2db79.1-F6BCF13B583E95DC14FBA81B712675EAD0A2A8D25D1C5127B3E79519897D1337 at position 394372096 SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:53:42 AM 7476 (0x1D34)
    Wrote 750652 bytes to \\SERVER\SMS_DP$\Content_0a017ff5-3a9b-4794-ab57-e4e50ba2db79.1-F6BCF13B583E95DC14FBA81B712675EAD0A2A8D25D1C5127B3E79519897D1337 at position 394372096 SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:53:44 AM 7476 (0x1D34)
    Sending completed [E:\SCCMContentLib\FileLib\F6BC\F6BCF13B583E95DC14FBA81B712675EAD0A2A8D25D1C5127B3E79519897D1337] SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:53:44 AM 7476 (0x1D34)
    Failed to get object class SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:54:05 AM 7476 (0x1D34)
    ExecStaticMethod failed (800706ba) SMS_DistributionPoint, AddFile SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:54:05 AM 7476 (0x1D34)
    CSendFileAction::AddFile failed; 0x800706ba SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:54:05 AM 7476 (0x1D34)
    Deleting remote file \\SERVER\SMS_DP$\Content_0a017ff5-3a9b-4794-ab57-e4e50ba2db79.1-F6BCF13B583E95DC14FBA81B712675EAD0A2A8D25D1C5127B3E79519897D1337 SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:54:06 AM 7476 (0x1D34)
    CSendFileAction::SendFiles failed; 0x800706ba SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:54:06 AM 7476 (0x1D34)
    CSendFileAction::SendFiles failed; 0x800706ba SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:54:06 AM 7476 (0x1D34)
    Notifying pkgXferJobMgr SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 6/4/2014 11:54:06 AM 7476 (0x1D34)

    0x800706ba = "The RPC server is unavailable."
    This is often associated with some sort of network connectivity issue but is very hard to track down without watching the traffic because there is no way to know why traffic didn't make it.
    Generally, it is also associated with WMI communication so it's possible that WMI is having issues or is being blocked on the destination system.
    If this is happening sporadically on the same DP for the same content but works for other content, that would indicate to me that some type of network filter or security mechanism is in place that has for some reason decided that that content should not
    be allowed. This is pure speculation though.
    Do you happen to have a WAN accelerator in place or something else that is supposed to help, scan, or filter traffic? If so, this is where you should concentrate your investigation and exclude ConfigMgr traffic from interference.
    Jason | http://blog.configmgrftw.com

  • 11gR2 RAC Install Doc on HP-UX

    Hi ,
    My client is planning to go for 11gR2 on RAC ASM.I know the normal steps how we will follow for RAC install on Linux.
    In the case of HP-UX , It does need some packages before going for install.
    Please guide me the steps and procedure how we will follow the 11gR2 RAC on HP-UX.
    Sharing any real time or oracle doc is helpful to me.
    Thanks & Regards,

    I raised the same thread under Grid->Install
    Thanks to all

  • 11gR2 RAC install fail when running root.sh script on second node

    I get the errors:
    ORA-15018: diskgroup cannot be created
    ORA-15072: command requires at least 2 regular failure groups, discovered only 0
    ORA-15080: synchronous I/O operation to a disk failed
    [main] [ 2012-04-10 16:44:12.564 EDT ] [UsmcaLogger.logException:175] oracle.sysman.assistants.util.sqlEngine.SQLFatalErrorException: ORA-15018: diskgroup cannot be created
    ORA-15072: command requires at least 2 regular failure groups, discovered only 0
    ORA-15080: synchronous I/O operation to a disk failed
    I have tried the fix solutions from metalink note, but did not fix issue
    11GR2 GRID INFRASTRUCTURE INSTALLATION FAILS WHEN RUNNING ROOT.SH ON NODE 2 OF RAC USING ASMLIB [ID 1059847.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    it looks like, that your "shared device" you are using is not really shared.
    The second node does "create an ASM diskgroup" and create OCR and Voting disks. If this indeed would be a shared device, he should have recognized, that your disk is shared.
    So as a result your VMware configuration must be wrong, and the disk you presented as shared disk is not really shared.
    Which VMWare version did you use? It will not work correctly with the workstation or player edition, since shared disks are only really working with the server version.
    If you indeed using the server, could you paste your vm configurations?
    Furthermore I recommend using Virtual Box. There is a nice how-to:

  • RAC using SUN Geo Clusters with Fail over

    Hi ,
    My customer is in the process of investigating and deploying Sun GeoClusters to fail over a RAC from one location to another, the distance between the primary and fail over site is 1200km, they are going to use TrueCopy to replicate the storage across the sites.
    I am in the process of gathering information and need to find out more detail and if any one has any knowledge of this software.If anybody knows about the clients who are using(some urls) the same please let me know.

    TrueCopy is a way of replicating storage offsite. RAC works using a single source for the database. That means that RAC can not be used simultaneously at both locations with the files being used locally.
    If my memory serves me well, Hitachi TrueCopy was OSCP (oracle storage compatiblity program) certified, but the OSCP program seems to be discontinued per januari 2007 (see http://www.oracle.com/technology/deploy/availability/htdocs/oscp.html)
    That means that you can use TrueCopy to replicate the storage layer to another location (according to the OSCP note), and use the replicated storage to startup the RAC database in case of failover.

  • Post install failing with Java Exception creating the Oracle Context

    I have not been able to complete the post-install portion of the OID which is run by the Oracle 9iAS Infrastructure installer.
    Is there a way to create the Oracle Context and whatever else is part of the /ldap/postcfg/postcfg script without the use of the Java assistants? I am getting a Java exception when creating the Oracle Context.

    are you trying to install ias on Linux or windows??

Maybe you are looking for

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