2 ipods with 1 PC

Is it possible to run a 20g and a 6g mini on the same PC
. My PC is using windows and is set up for the 20g (mine). I just bought a 6g mini for my daughter and wondering if I have to load her software as well. Or can this even be done?!

Welcome to Apple Discussions.
Yes, of course you can. I am running 3 iPods (a 1G 4GB mini, a 2G 6GB mini, and a 1GB shuffle) with my PC and all work great.
There is no need to load the software CD from the iPod mini. Just run the iPod software updater in Start -> Programs -> iPod, connect the iPod mini, and choose to restore. If successful, follow the on screen instructions. Make sure you choose a name different from your original iPod.
Then take a look at this: Using Multiple iPods with one computer

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    Another way. You can use a USB flash drive & the camera connection kit.
    Plug the USB flash drive (works the same with an SD card) into your computer & create a new folder titled DCIM. Then put your movie/photo files into the folder. The files must have a filename with exactly 8 characters long (no spaces) plus the file extension (i.e., my-movie.mov; DSCN0164.jpg).
    Now plug the flash drive into the iPad using the camera connection kit. Open the Photos app, the movie/photo files should appear & you can import. (You can not export using the camera connection kit.)
    Using The iPad Camera Connection Kit
     Cheers, Tom

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    Is the following document of any help with that?
    [How to use multiple iPods with one computer|http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1495]

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    Hi ...
    I have a problem with my ipod touch:
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    Thanks for your answer.
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    Go to Settings > General > Usage and see how much is shown available and how much is in "Other".

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    ipod with colour   Windows XP Pro  

    if still does not solve try this
    . Windows users having trouble with their iPods should locate a Mac user. In many cases when an iPod won't show up on a PC that it will show up on the Mac. Then it can be restored. When the PC user returns to his computer the iPod will be recognized by the PC, reformatted for the PC, and usable again. By the way, it works in reverse too. A Mac user often can get his iPod back by connecting it to a PC and restoring it.
    a. It does not matter whether the format is completed or not, the key is to erase (or partly) the corrupted firmware files on the Hard Drive of the iPod. After that, when the iPod re-connected with a computer, it will be recognized as an fresh external hard drive, it will show up on the iTunes 7.
    b. It is not a difficult issue for a Mac user to find a window base computer, for a PC user, if they can’t find any Mac user, they can go to a nearest Apple Shop for a favor.
    c. You may need to switch around the PC and Mac, try to do several attempts between “Format” and “Restore”

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    Anyone have any suggestions? I appreciate your ideas.

    Physician - heal thyself!!!!!!
    Well after pick away at this problem for a few weeks (alone) I think I have solved the problem. Through my countless iterations of trying every combination of plugging and unplugging various USB devices in various USB ports, I realized that the one combination I had not tried was unplugging EVERY device from the G5 itself including the keyboard. But wait, I need the keyboard to input text into the computer don't I? I had completely forgotten that there are two USB ports on the back of my Apple monitor. So I plugged the keyboard into the port on the monitor and guess what? The G5 not only recognized the iPod but allowed me to restore factory settings and actually sych it with iTunes.
    So, what I learned is that this G5 will not work with this 60 GB iPod with Color screen unless it is the ONLY USB device plugged into tone of the three USB ports. Right - I am sure the Apple Engineers view this as a "feature". Shyaa - right!
    Well, it not idea but at least it works. It's pain to unplug every other USB device when you want to sych your iPod but I suppose that's the price we pay.
    Is the question answered? No, not really. I still don't know if it's a hardware problem, an OSX problem, or an iPod problem. My guess is that since it's a G5 running a Power PC chip, the fellas at Apple won't give this a second look.

  • HT4623 I have an iPod with iOS 4.2.1 and would like to up date version 5. The pc I normally sync with has XP operating system. So I can't up date to iTunes 10. And my iPod doesn't show the software update button shown in the article. What can I do?

    I have an iPod with iOS 4.2.1 and would like to up date to version 5. The pc I normally sync with has XP operating system. So I can't up date to iTunes 10. And my iPod doesn't show the software update button shown in the article. What can I do?

    You cannot update it if you can't get the latest version of iTunes. Actually, the latest version of iTunes will run in XP if you have Service Pack 2. Also, you posted in the iPad forum, and your profile shows you have an iPad, but in your post, you say it is an iPod. Is it an iPad or an iPod?

  • Can I have more than one ipod with more than  music library on one computer

    I was just wondering if i could have 2 different ipods (one a 5th generation and the other ipod touch) with 2 different music libraries on the same computer and itunes? because right now im using my parents computer and my fiance is using my laptop and we're moving so we'll only have one computer in the next few weeks. So if anyone could try to give me an answer or have a solution that would be fantastic lol!

    See these articles about using more than one iPod on one computer, and with either one or more iTunes libraries.
    Multiple iPod installations.
    How to use multiple iPods with one computer.
    If you have the latest iTunes, an easy way to create a new library is to hold down the 'alt' key whilst opening iTunes (for Macs), or hold down the 'shift' key (for Windows).
    This will give you the option of either using the current iTunes library or creating a new one.
    There are various methods of transferring different songs to different iPods with a single iTunes library.
    One is to manage the songs manually.
    With this setting, you can drag and drop songs/playlists etc onto the iPod from iTunes, and also delete and/or edit songs which are currently on the iPod without affecting the iTunes library.
    If you wish to keep the convenience of automatic sync, then you could set the iPods to sync with "selected playlists". This setting can be found in the iPod summary screen under the 'music' tab. With this setting, different playlists can be transferred and later deleted from each iPod without affecting any playlists stored in iTunes or the playlists on the other iPods.
    Also, on the 'summary' main page you will see the option to "only sync checked items". With this setting selected, if you remove the check marks from any songs in iTunes, they will not be transferred to the iPod. You can restore the check mark if you want to put the songs back on the iPod at a later date.
    Be aware that when playing songs in iTunes, any songs that do not have a check mark against them will be skipped over and will not be played.

  • How to use two seperate iPods with one iTunes. Different Music Preferences

    My Wife and I both have 80 Gig iPods. We like different Music. How can we both use the same Windows XP computer and have different music lists?

    See: How to use multiple iPods with one computer
    Forum Tip: Since you're new here, you've probably not discovered the Search feature available on every Discussions page, but next time, it might save you time (and everyone else from having to answer the same question multiple times) if you search a couple of ways for a topic, both in the relevant forums, in the User Tips Library and in the Apple Knowledge Base before you post a question.

  • I share an itunes account with my sister on two different computors. I want to create my own seperate account. Will I be able to sync my ipod with my new account without losing anything?

    I share an iTunes account with my sister, though on two seperare computors. I want to create my own account. Will I be able to sync my iPod with my newly created account without losing anything?

    as long as you make sure your iTunes is authorized for both Apple ID's, yes.

  • Using 2 iPods with one iTunes account.

    I share a computer with someone who also has a iPod and we have one version of iTunes downloaded. Although we have seperate user names iTunes seems to autosync what she's put in the library to my iPod and vise-versa. We would love to share some of the files that we pay for, but we certainly don't want to share everything. Is the best option for us to just sync our files manuelly instead of auto-syncing?

    There are actually a few methods for using more than one iPod on a single computer: How To Use Multiple iPods with One Computer
    Just to summarise what's in the link above which is a little out of date:
    Method one is to have individual Mac or Windows user accounts which by definition would give you completely separate iTunes Music folders and libraries.
    Method two is to set your preferences so that any or all of iPods get updated with only certain playlists within one library:
    Loading songs onto iPod automatically - Windows
    Choosing the update option "Sync Music - Selected playlists" allows you to create a playlist specifically for each iPod and drag the tracks you want into it. If you tire of the list and want to change it, you just add or remove the songs you don't want. The ones you take out out remain in the library to be used by the other iPod. You can read more about playlists at these links:
    iTunes: Creating playlists of your favorite songs
    How to create a Smart Playlist with iTunes
    Another option when using a single library is to set any or all of the iPods to manual update: Managing content manually on iPod

  • Can I sync 2 different iPods with one Computer

    I want to buy a second iPod (Shuffle) and synch it with part of my content in iTunes. Is it possible?

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Of course you can. I use 2 minis and 1 shuffle with my computer, and I am going to get a nano too.
    Check this: Using Multiple iPods with one computer

  • How do i synce two different ipods with one computer??

    i recently purchased an ipod 5th generation for my other half which i have set up an account for and comes up when i plug in but the home page always comes up with my ipod stuff which is a 4th generation ipod. i have no problem with mine as it stores songs etc but when i plug the other one in it deletes whats on there and i have to manually tick all the songs again to sync back on to it. is this normal?? i am using a windows xp and have no issues with the computer and my ipod just the other one. i also have updated itunes to itunes 9 so the 5th generation ipod can download stuff. it seems to store songs and then when i go to download or update it takes them off and am back to square one!!!! please help!!

    Is the following document of any help with that?
    [How to use multiple iPods with one computer|http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1495]

  • Can I use more than one iPod with one computer?

    I have a (hopefully) quick question. Can I use two iPods with one user account on one computer? Can iTunes keep two different iPods separate with different syncing rules for the same user account and iTunes library? I'm interested in the answer for both Mac and Windows machines.
    TiBook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    You can use more than on iPod on one computer, and you can also use one iPod on more than one computer. Check out these articles:
    Hope these help you out!
    Best wishes,

  • Can i use my ipod with more than one computer?

    i synched my ipod with one computer, hooked it up to another and it says i can't sync with more than one library? it says i have to restore it but i dont want to delete my music off of my ipod, i just want to add the music from this other library

    I have two different iPods and two computers. I regularly use either iPod on either computer.
    First set the preferences so itunes will not automatically sync when ipod is connected.
    Then connect the ipod and set itunes to manually manage music.
    Drag and drop whatever content you want to the device showing on the left.
    If this was the default setup, there wouldn't be all these posts about people losing all their music when they connect their ipod.

Maybe you are looking for