2 Libraries with iTunes Match

If I create two iTunes libraries on the same PC.  Can one be linked to Itunes Match and the other not.  I only want to sync from one library to the cloud and not both.  Is this possible?

Tried it out and works a treat.  Great if you have a large library on an external drive and then want to have your tunes "On the Go".  Simply create a new library "On the Go", then sign on to Match and you can download or play the tracks you want on the go.  Excellent for a Netbook, with limited drive space.

Similar Messages

  • How to Share BPM Data with iTunes Match?

    To ensure my Songs have current lyrics and reasonably accurate 'beats per minute (BPM)' data I've regularly used 3rd party tools.  Using one of the computers with my complete library this data is updated typically on adding new Songs / Albums.  Have noted recently that the lyrics, BPM and so on immediately updates on the library concerned.  However, these updates do not appear to be replicated with iTunes Match?
    Whilst the Songs are immediately listed for download on all other libraries, the additional data is not being shared.  How can iTunes Match be tempted to share such data?
    [I do have an inelegant method under a post for Metadata from early '12 but hoping that a neater solution has now been identified?]

    After careful assessment it appears that there are no improved methods for reliable sharing of Song data with iTunes Match beyond the basic method identified in this thread.
    Investigation by beaTunes reached the following conclusion:
    Even if beaTunes updated those privileged fields - I don't think that guarantees that all other fields are also synced.
    Sounds to me like iTunes Match is fundamentally flawed :-("
    It would be very helpful if Apple would allow users of iTunes Match and 3rd party developers to signal when Song data has been updates such that iTunes Match can ensure Songs across the (up to) 10 devices are synchronised.
    Until such time, only adding Songs with iTunes Match off, updating Song data as needed prior to switching iTunes Match on seems the pragmatic route forward.  For Songs otherwise imported they need to be removed and re-added in this style to yield consistent Song data.

  • With iTunes Match, does each library you enable on the same computer count as separate device?

    I have four iTunes libraries on my Mac, my main iTunes library, one for Christmas, one for Christian, and one for CDs. Additionally, my husband and daughter each have their own computers with a single library on each.  Since we are only allowed 10 devices with iTunes Match (per Apple ID), including computers, I need to know if each of my four libraries on my Mac will count as a separate device if I enable each of them for Match. If so, this would cause us to exceed the maximum number of devices needed for all of us.
    Also, if I use Match for all four of my libraries, is there any way to maintain my separate libraries without having everything from all of them end up intermingled with each other? If not, I suppose I may as well consolidate my other three libraries with my main library. 

    All the libraries you add to Match are merged together, so you may as well consolidate them.
    In that case I assume that the first question becomes irrelevant, but I will try to answer it anyway. Whilst you are allowed 10 devices, only 5 of them can be computers. However, it does state "devices" rather than libraries, so I think that each computer would only count as one even if you have more than one library.
    I haven't got multiple libraries on the same computer though, so my assumption may be wrong. If so I'm sure someone will correct me.

  • On my iPhone 5 (since activating with iTunes Match), I CAN NOT see all my music. There are artists that I can not see, nor their songs. BUT I can see them on the iPad3 and on iTunes on my PC.

    I can NOT see all my songs on iPhone5 since activating iTunes Match about a week ago!
    ALL songs are available on my iPad3
    ALL songs are available on my Win7 computer iTunes
    I just did:
    Transfer purchases from iPhone and a Music Sync
    NOTHING. Tunes and artists are still NOT SHOWING on my iPhone5\
    BUYING another copy makes it available on te iPhone, but at double the price
    However, some show as PURCHASED, so I can't get another copy on the iPhone
    This problems is ONLY on the iPhone 5

    It might take a while (30 minutes or more) for the initial sync to finish.
    When it finishes, here's how to see all you desktop bookmarks:
    # Press the "Search" button on your Android phone, or tap in the Firefox address bar.
    # Press the "Bookmarks" button (with a star icon).
    # Tap the "Desktop Bookmarks" folder.

  • Issues with iTunes Match on iPhone

    I am having some frustrating issues with iTunes Match and my iPhone 4 iOS 5.
    1) When using cellular data (3G), the songs simply do not play from the music app. It works fine when connected to wifi.
    Under settings, cellular data has been enabled for use in the music app.
    2) iTunes match constantly switches off spontaneously on iPhone. I need to go back to the settings to enable it every single time I use the app.
    I feel that iTunes Match was a total waste of money, considering the only reason I invested in it was to have my library accessible from my iPhone.
    Any help would be much appreciated!

    iTunes match doesn't work like that and if you don't like it then your best option is to turn it off and go back to syncing. However if you make sure that your device has a good Wi-Fi connection, re-downloading all your content shouldn't really be a big issue.

  • I have a problem with iTunes Match...

    ...and not like an 'oh man, this bolt's too big for this hole' problem, more of a 'hey man, if you don't stop doing that then you and me gona have a problem' problem.
    For starters, I found that enabling the iTunes Match service means that I can't manually synch any files or playlists to my device.  So when I travel to an area without wifi or phone signal, which happens more than Apple obviously thinks, I can't listen to any of my music. Whose bright idea was that??!
    Secondly, when I do enable iTunes Match, I often find that changes I make on my computer (shuffling the order of songs on playlists, adding new files to my library etc.) don't always correlate with the Match service, for instance I made a playlist on my computer but it doesn't appear on my phone, or I set a playlist on iTunes to order itself by the date the files were added, but on my phone they appear in whatever order they **** well please.  It unfortunately doesn't 'just work'.
    And thirdly, although this isn't really connected to the Match service but rather just a chance for me to vent as I'm already doing it, when I heard they were bringing 'wifi synching' to iOS I was really excited. Then I found out it would only synch while your iDevices were plugged in and charging.  THEN I found out that every time I plugged my phone in it would automatically try to synch, waking up my laptop if it wasn't already awake. So every night I would plug my phone in by my bed, turn over to go to sleep, then have to get up 20 seconds later to re-sleep my machine; this could happen at random points during the night.
    I'm not expecting Apple to change their products over the dissatisfaction of one disgruntled user, I'm just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same problems and has found any ways around them.  Also I must say as annoying as certain aspects of iTunes Match are, it's still a fantastic service (in theory...).

    peanutismint wrote:
    I hope they manage to fix the playlists issue, hopefully by the next couple of updates.  I figured the syncing/waking thing would be what it was meant to do.  I wonder if there's a command line or something I can tweak in settings to stop my Mac waking on LAN/Bluetooth etc....
    In System Prefs > Energy Saver > Power Adapter unselect the option for "wake for network access." Although this may have the effect of preventing wireless syncing. I'm not sure.
    peanutismint wrote:
    The downloading of songs is pretty much useless as a feature in my situation, as by the time you're out of signal and can't stream music, neither can you download it (and if I were expected to download it first in case of signal loss then doesn't that negate the need for a streaming music service anyway?!)
    iTunes Match doesn't stream to iOS devices, all songs are downloaded. If you have not done so, you can enable "use cellular data" to download music by going to Settings > Store and setting the option to ON. To answer your question, though, yes, pre-downloading of tracks is the "best practice" for using an iDevice with iTunes Match enabled.

  • How can I access songs that have been uploaded to my iCloud with itunes Match on a different (work) PC?

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    Please Help

    Place that first folder of photos that you synced to the iPad within the main folder of photos that you sync from and select them to sync again. You can place any number of subfolders within the main folder that you sync from and select those folders to sync. Just "tick"(select) the folders in the photos tab in iTunes.
    iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes

  • How do I sync iTunes playlists on my iPhone with iTunes Match?

    My experience with iTunes Match so far has been mixed.  On one hand, the face of iTunes on one computer to the next is virtually identical, and the streming over the wi-fi from the laptop at work to my home computer is perfect.  At the same time, iTunes Match on my iPhone seems terrible.  Playlists don't sync and are deleted from my iPhone.  Songs that are already on my phone, for some reason, still make my phone spin and drain my battery life.  Even after disabling the "allow cellular data over 3G" message, or whatever it is, is turned off, still the phone keeps spinning and draining battery life.  So, in one sense, iTunes Match is nice because I can access my music from multiple computers, but in another, the mobile connection - which should be awesome and seemless - is terrible.  Is there a way, aside from turning iTunes Match off, syncing manually to iTunes, and loading my playlists like the old way (which isn't a perfect science now, either)...Basically, how can I sync my playlists from iTunes on my computer to iTunes on my iPhone using iTunes Match?

    With iTunes Match enabled on an iOS device direct syncing with iTunes via USB or Wi Fi is disabled. To sync in the traditional way iTM must be disabled on the iOS device. At this time is it either/or.

  • Can I sync contacts and calendars with iTunes Match enabled?

    I’m getting an iPhone in a couple of weeks and really want iTunes match but the more I read about it the more I’m wondering whether it’ll be worth the hassle. I’ve loads of old CD rips at 128 kbps and protected iTunes files, also at 128 kbps, and what really attracts me is the idea of upgrading all these to unprotected 256 kbps.
    I have a Macbook for personal use and a PC for work, being able to sync both computers to the phone will be essential for me. I know that I wouldn’t be able to sync music with iTunes match enabled but if I can sync contacts and calendars and drag Office documents to the phone from both computers that would be OK.
    Please could someone tell me whether this would be possible?

    Brij011 wrote:
    I think I understand now, it's nothing to do with syncing music - everything is synced through iTunes. Have I understood properly?
    Yes. Including music.
    Brij011 wrote:
    This could be a major blow for me as I'll be using the iPhone mainly for work so I will have to Sync with the PC. If I understand this correctly, once I decide to sync with Outlook on the PC as the main priority I can no longer sync with the Macbook?
    What if I ditch iCloud and sync everything through USB?
    If it is possible for you to do so you might want to consider signing up for an iCloud account <http://www.apple.com/icloud/setup/pc.html>. Keep in mind that iCloud and iTunes Match are seperate services. One does not require the other. However iCloud will work with Outlook 2007 and up so you can keep all your contacts in sync across the devices. You can also sign up for iTunes Match if you want. Or you might even consider using Google to do what you want. It is not necessary for you to keep syncing via USB, unless that is just what you are comfortable doing.

  • Can I used an older iPod with iTunes Match

    I have an older iPod Classic running version 1.3.  Can it be upgraded so that it can sync with iTunes Match?

    The iPod classic cannot independently connect to the Internet nor sync directly with iTunes Match, but can be synced with an iTunes library containing songs downloaded through iTunes Match.

  • Since upgrading to 7.0.3 (iPhone 5 64gb, with iTunes Match enabled) all of my music wiped off my phone.  Downloading it again, most of the artwork has been mixed up with other artists, and I'm no longer able to stream or download over 3G? Any ideas?

    Since upgrading to 7.0.3 (iPhone 5, 64gb, with iTunes Match enabled) almost all of my music has vanished from my phone (weirdly some hasn't).
    Downloading it again, most of the artwork has been mixed up with other artists, and I'm no longer able to stream or download over 3G (all tracks greyed out), though my network settings etc are all set correctly.
    Lastly since upgrading to iOS 7.0.1 (and beyond) Genuis has become effectively useless: it continually asks me to connect to wi-fi, and if I do it creates playlists mostly composed of tracks by the same artists or those very obviously linked to them- previously it created brilliant, nuanced playlists.
    Are these things connected, and how do I fix them?

    I have done this on numerous occasions but I think that my Iphone has a defect. After many tries, reinstalls, deletion of content, changing content to be stored on external hard drive, deleting itunes and cleaning computer I managed to get all of the songs on and things seemed okay for a while.
    The problem returned about a week ago after downloading a new album from Itunes. I now have 12.5k of songs leaving 10gb spare on Iphone which should be more than enough room to operate properly. Last night it seemed to be dowloading ok (after doing all of the above again for the umpteenth time) this morning it revealed that it had just synched 2.5k of songs and 18gb of "other" on the contents bar. it wont synch now as it says its over capacity. So the 18gb of "other" would probably be corrupted data that means it must corrupt each song as it tries to synch it.
    The 2.5k of songs it did synch are working on the Iphone as is every song in the library on Itunes. I did completely delete the new album I bought and redownloaded it from the store then tried to synch just that album and it worked fine.
    Just about time to dump apple I think!

  • I updated my iphone 4 with iO6.1.  I now no longer have any of my music available with iTunes match.  I've turned iTunes match on and off on my phone and on and off on my computer. I am not restoring my phone to factory settings.

    I updated my iphone 4 with iO6.1.  I no longer have any music on my phone even with itunes match.  I've turned my phone off and on. I've turned my imac off and on. I've turned off imatch on my computer and turned it back on. I've turned imatch off on my phone and turned it back on.  I spent HOURS on this yesterday.  Coincidentally, two of my playlists were deleted from itunes.  So I spent  quite a bit of time recreating them only to find them missing again today. The ONLY way for me to get music on my phone is to click on the ...more tab and go to shared and pull music from my actual desktop.  Restoring my iphone is not an option.  I am completely frustrated so if anyone can help, that would be great

    From my post on what seems like the same issue (found here: https://discussions.apple.com/message/21087892#21087892)
    Take the following steps:
    1) while connected to wifi, toggle off then back on the Show All Music and iTunes Match options shown in my original post. Important: I did this step before, but wasn't connected to wifi, and my music disappeared. Subsequently, I connected to wifi and turned off and then back on those options and everything came back though it was grayed out and my only option was to download music.
    2) To get streaming over cellular back, go into Settings>General>Cellular and scroll down to the "Use Cellular Data for:" options and make sure the iTunes option is set to 'On'
    The above steps will bring back the streaming capability which seemed to go away when you update to 6.1. It didn't ACTUALLY go away, but something about the update toggled off the iTunes option in step 2 above.
    I did a final test by turning off wifi, opening Music app and selecting a song. It played successfully without downloading! Crossing my fingers, but I think I'm good to go!
    Hope this helps!

  • Playback issues with iTunes Match on iPhone 4 (iOS 5.0.1)

    I'm running into several odd issues when playing songs on my iPhone with iTunes Match enabled. The problems I've experienced are:
    A song partially plays, then skips to the next song.
    Sometimes songs will not pause, pause after a 2-3 second delay, or pause, then start playing again when I press the pause button.
    Sometimes there is a 3-5 second delay when playing songs that have already been downloaded.
    Sometimes a song will play distorted, it just sounds like static.
    Once, I pressed play on my iPhone and it just started playing random songs, some that had not even been downloaded before.
    A few times, when I pressed play on already downloaded songs, nothing happened.
    Now, some notes about these problems I've been having: I have a mix of matched, uploaded, and purchased songs. I haven't found a pattern as far as the type of songs that any of the issues occur with. With problem 1, I can kind of understand this happening if the song hasn't completely downloaded, but this happens even for songs that I've downloaded. It doesn't always skip the song in the same place and I can even go right back to the same song and play it all the way through again with no problems. With problem 2, it seems like maybe I'm just being impatient here, however, I'm not sure why there's a delay when these are downloaded songs and the artwork has already been downloaded. Sometimes if I just wait about 10-15 seconds it will finally start playing, but again, that seems odd since I've already downloaded the song. Problem 2 and 3 are kind of similar. I've noticed that sometimes when this happens that I can see the "network processing" indicator in the status bar, but sometimes not. It's a little odd to see my iPhone going out to the network to play a song that I have already downloaded and have the artwork (assuming metadata as well) for the song. Problem 4 has happened just a few times, but usually happens immediately after I unpause the song or start playing a song. Again, I can go back and play the same song normally and have played the same song before previously. Once, it caused the Music app to just crash entirely. Not much to say about problem 5 other than I checked shuffle and it was off. Just a little odd. Not much to say about problem 6 either other than it hasn't happened in a few weeks now.
    Sorry for the wall of text, but it just seems that there are a bunch of odd issues going on that I haven't seen anyone else have aside from problem 1. I've already tried turning iTunes Match off and on. I've deleted all songs twice. I haven't jailbroken my phone or anything. I can't find a pattern because it happens with matched, purchased, and uploaded songs. Sometimes it will happen to 1 song, I will try it again some other time on the same song. I listen to music for about 6 hours a day using WiFi and at least one of these problems happens about every 2 days.
    Aside from the problems I've been having, the service is great. I do understand it's fairly new and even with all of that, I still think the positives outweigh the negatives, especially for just $25.
    I'm lost, though. Anyone have any ideas?
    Message was edited by: burakkuchi - Added problem 6.

    When I went to restore my phone, I may have found the cause of these problems. I never deleted all of my original synced songs before enabling iTunes Match.
    When I just went to do the restore, I figured I'd delete all of my songs, then disable iTunes Match. After deleting about 3.5 GB of music and disabling iTunes Match, I ran the sync to backup my iPhone. It said there was still 2.2 GB of music. I checked my phone just in case and there was 2.2 GB there, probably the original synced songs that I never removed.
    Anyway, I'm doing the restore now just in case and will respond tomorrow with how everything is working.

  • I can't sync iPod classic with iTunes Match since I have updated to iTunes 11

    When I open iTunes (11) and connect my iPod (classic) it does not recognise the device.  I am using iTunes Match.   My question is how do I transfer the music from PC to my iPod?  I just bought a new PC and thought getting Match would be useful and save time transferring from my old PC.  It was fine to begin with until the iTunes 11 update.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    The iPod classic not bring recognized is unrelated to iTunes Match. You should post this problem to either the iPod Classic forum https://discussions.apple.com/community/ipod/ipod_classic or the iTunes for Windows forum https://discussions.apple.com/community/itunes/itunes_for_windows. Probably the former.
    FYI it is only iOS devices that cannot be synced via USB with iTunes Match enabled.

  • I am not able to connect with Itunes Match. I constantly receive the message error 4010

    I am not able to connect with Itunes Match. I constantly receive the error 4010.

    I can run the general "Update iTunes Match" from the menu but cannot add individual tracks by right-clicking (control-clicking) on them the way I usually do. Then I get the 4010 error message.
    Based on other posts here, I can assume the problem is not just me.

Maybe you are looking for