2 skype phones 1 office, 2 calls at the same time?

Hi, I am currently using the skype software you download to your computer. I know when I'm on a call, and someone else rings at the same it, it rings in my ear. If I had 2 skype phones, and I was on a call on 1 phone, and someone else calls, could someone else pic up the second call on the second phone?

We want to welcome you Verizon Wireless. The iPhone 6 Plus is a great phone. You can contact 2 people at the same time and then merge those calls. If they call someone and then merge those calls you can have more people on the line. The most that you can call out is 2.
Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    As far as I know you can't, which sort of makes sense, it seems logical to pause whatever you are doing while you take a phone call, which after all is the primary function of a phone.

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    I do this all the time. I call one for the combobox that has a list of the people, a
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    In your sample though mak another  result="getDataListener(event)" and name it getDataListener2, so there is a dataprovider for the first and a seperat for the second.
    If your going to the same event the second one will replace the first one.
    Hope this helps

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    Hey tomas.micovcin,
    I'm slightly confused by your question so i'd like to try and clarify a few things. 
    You have two AD7760. Each AD7760 is then connected to its own CED1Z. Is that correct?
    Next i'm confused between which of the two following scenario's you're interested in. 
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    2. You're interested in building code in LabVIEW that will acquire and process the data from the hardware. You then want to deploy this code to your Evaluation Board.
    Which of these scenarios are you interested in? If none of these, what are you trying to accomplish?
    Also... could you go into more detail on what you mean by "if is possible use LabView program \download from www.analog.com\, becouse i can,t find in "source code " place where i can choose name of usb port where is connect." I'm kind of confused as to what you're asking here. 
    Tim A.
    National Instruments

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    Morning DeeHutton,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at this article:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Best of luck,

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    There's no proper way to do it - although forcing another instance of Skype as a different user seems to work... but test it thoroughly yourself before using with clients. Audio plays from both apps, not sure about mic. input. I'm not recommending it, and only tested briefly with Skype, but anyway...
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    su test -c "/Applications/Skype.app/Contents/MacOS/Skype &"; exit
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    I would suggest that you isolate the problem. You may start the isolation by connecting a computer directly to the router (hard wired connection). Observe the connection for couple of hours. If the connection is stable, problem might be on the wireless settings of the rotuer. If the connection is not stable, do further isolation. Connect the computer directly to your modem. Observe the connection for couple of hours. If the connection is not stable, call your internet service provider. If the connection is stable, problem might be on the router itself. Upgrade the firmware first (firmware available in the website: Ver.2.0.03 Build 9). After the upgrade, reset and reconfigure your router.

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    andar pandar wrote:
    So I used to be able to use skype video chat and photo booth at the same time but now photo booth says that there isn't a camera connected when I try opening it while I'm skyping. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
    Look to right of this page under 'More Like This' and have a read through similar threads.
    Good Luck

  • In using my Skype phone number, others cannot call...

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    littman zvi

    Have you tried this.
    First check that your privacy settings are set to ''Allow calls from anyone''.
    Then change them to "Allow SkypeIn calls from Only people from my Contacts List".
    Save and wait for 5 minutes.
    Log out from your Skype account and log back in.
    Change settings back to "Allow calls from Anyone".
    Save and wait for 5 minutes.
    Log out from your Skype account and log back in.
    If you found a post useful, please give Kudos. If it helped to fix your issue, mark it as a solution to help others.
    Thank You!

  • All phones in the office ring at the same time but no CDR data

    I've got something weird going on in my Tokyo office. About every 90 days or so all the phones in the office ring at the same time and there is no caller id displayed on any of the phones. I have tried running CDR reports on both the phones and the Gateway and I come up with no data.
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    31 - 7945
    2 - 7911
    1 - 7936
    2 - 7937
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    My 7945 is running 9-3-1 firmware
    My 7911 is running 9-3-1 firmware
    My 7936 is running 3-3-21 firmware
    My 7937 is running 1-4-4-0 firmware
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    If the caller id details are not appearing on the phones then the first option is to enable detailed callmanager traces on callmanager servers to which these phones register ( preferably all servers ) so that the call related details can be captured. It should show the gateway from which the call is coming in as well as calling party info.
    Link showing how to setup and capture traces from cucm

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    Settings > FaceTime > iPhone Cellular Calls > OFF

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