(2nd gen?) ipod nano, 4gigs, Out of memory?

My daughters ipod says it has used 3.63 gigs for songs, but she only has 115 songs on it. The specs on line say it should hold alot more. Do I have to do something to get the additional space/songs on it?
Thanks, I am a rookie.

The advertised song capacity of any of the iPods is a calculation based on 4 minute songs encoded in AAC format at a bit rate of 128 kbps. Longer songs and songs encoded at a higher bitrate or in uncompressed formats take up more space. If for example you imported full size, uncompressed CD files (AIFF format) or WAV files you would get significantly fewer on. What format are the songs you have imported? Go to iTunes and right click on one of your songs, choose Get Info>Summary and look at "Kind" to see what format you are using: iTunes: About import settings and hard disk space
If you have imported uncompressed files they can be converted in iTunes. You can use iTunes to convert any copy protection free songs in your library another format. When you convert a song in iTunes it will be converted to the format that you have set to import your CDs in. Converting creates a second copy of the song in the format you have chosen which gives you the opportunity to either keep or delete the original. If you are using iTunes 8 go to Edit>Preferences>General and click on Import Settings, change your option to AAC for example. Go back to your library and highlight the songs you want to convert and go to the Advanced menu at the top of your iTunes window and choose "Create AAC version": iTunes: How to convert a song to a different file format

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      Windows XP  

    No.  You can turn your 6G Nano in to be recycled at your local Apple Store for a 10% discount towards the purchase of a new one. Otherwise, your only other option would be to sell the iPod on Craigslist or eBay and use the proceeds from the sale towards the purchase of the new 7G nano.

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    As Lougoose and others have said, the "Music Videos" folder is simply there by default in the iTunes software, and does not have to do with your nano having the ability to play videos or not.
    If you'd like to let Apple know about this, as a possible feature in a future update of iTunes or iPod firmware, write your suggestion on these Feedback forms:
    iPod Nano Feedback
    iTunes Feedback

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    You get this problem when the option 'Sync Music - Selected playlists' is being used to sync your iPod. If the playlist selected is deleted from iTunes the iPod no longer has a location to sync from and you get an error. (Syncing selected playlists by the way is a useful setting to use when the iPod is smaller than the iTunes library). However you can make a new one or make use of an existing one.
    Open iTunes and create a playlist to update your iPod from, call it -My iPod for example (the dash will position it at the top of the playlists in Sources). You can make it a smart playlist that picks the songs for you or just a normal one and drag whatever content you want to have into the playlist. If you are making a smart playlist limit it to just less than the size of your iPod (for example 3700MB for a 4G iPod Nano. Now connect your iPod and when it appears in the Source list click on the iPod icon to bring up the preference tabs in the main pane. Go to the Music tab and choose Sync Music and the Selected playlists radio button. Choose the playlist you just made from the selection and click Apply. You can also sync from any existing playlists by choosing the same setting, you just need to make sure that the size of the playlists don't exceed the capacity of your iPod:
    lost libraryHow to create a Smart Playlist with iTunes
    Syncing Music to iPod
    To make a random playlist go to File>New Smart Playlist.
    Uncheck "Match the following rule"
    Check "Limit to" put "3700" in the number box, choose "MB" from the first list box, choose "Random" from the next list box. Check "Live Updating"
    When you want to change the selection in the smart playlist just delete everything in it and it will add a new selection. When you want to change the normal playlist just delete out what you don't want and drag in a new selection.

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    I would have to disagree with you. I like the shake and shuffle feature. I would assume people also use ipods for travelling/commuting. Bus rides, trains, flights and so on.
    But, to each their own opinions I guess.

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    Ummm.. didn't you read the box or Apple website BEFORE you bought it?
    You've made it through almost 3 large OS updates without complaint so I don't see how Apple wronged you.
    This is your fault for not looking into this beforehand. There were major changes in OSX starting with X.3 that made it so that some software would not be compatible with the operating systems below that version. iTunes is such software.
    * Your nano needs iTunes 7 to sync.
    * iTunes 7 does not work is OS9, OSX.1, or OSX.2
    Just like it won't work in Windows 98 or ME
    An operating system made FOUR and a HALF YEARS ago can not be expected to support into perpetuity hardware that did not exist back then.
    Your laptop works just fine, you have no problems upgrading cheaply to X.3 (you don't NEED X.4 despite your claims) and you can cut the pathetic comparisons to how "simple" windows makes it with anything.
    He11, their own Zune isn't even supported by Vista.
    I for one am glad the OS is updated in approximately 12-18 month intervals instead of allowing it to languish on its laurels. The gains in features are a good thing not a curse. If you want them people are free to upgrade at their discretion. No one is forcing you to upgrade the OS and no one made you buy the Nano. The requirements are all over the place and it was your job to look into it before buying it.

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    I think it needs to be charged. Try keeping it connected to the computer for some time. Then disconnect and connect again. And I hope you have itunes installed in the PC as the iPod can be synced only with that. Here's the link to download itunes http://www.apple.com/itunes/
    Also check the apple site for further syncing info.

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    If iTunes is recognising your iPod you should have no errors when you go to restore it. Restoring your iPod will erase the hard drive, reload the software and put it back to default settings. Once the restore is complete follow the on screen instructions and it should connect to iTunes and give you a prompt to automatically update your library onto the fresh installation: Restoring iPod to Factory Settings with iTunes 7

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    Thanks for your time!

    I'm glad (selfishly glad, I guess) that someone else is going through this too. Just upgraded to new iTunes and now my little 2GB nano isn't even recognized. Tried everything you did as well. No worky.
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    will apple warranty work on my unit?

    First off, be sure that you've fulle connected the headphones/ear buds to the iPod correctly. I know it's a simple thing, but sometimes is accidentally looked over, and can be the cause of this type of issue.
    Next, I wold suggest that you restore your iPod.
    If a restore doesn't help, and you're iPod is still under the 1-year warranty, I would suggest that you send your iPod in to get it repaired/replaced. Apple could possibly cover for it witht he warranty (although I can't guarantee it).
    You can place an iPod service request online here -> iPod Service
    Most likely, if a restore doesn't help your situation, then it's an internal sound problem with the iPod that will have to be replaced by Apple.

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    I did the 5 Rs
    any ideas

    More specifically, do this:

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    It does this every time I try. I've even tried reinstalling itunes 7.
    So I am now stuck with a useless nano.

    You might be getting a conflict from another USB device and/or network device. Try connecting just your iPod, (and keyboard and mouse), and disconnect from any network you might be on and try again to Restore it. You might also want to download and reinstall iTunes.

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    I've just had a similar problem, the solution I found may work for you.
    When I plugged in my fully loaded iPod, I received a message saying that my iPod was too full to sync photos. After this I discovered that it had erased the pictures and I couldn't get them back on. Similar to your problem. As I had only had 252k of space left, I deleted a couple of albums, leaving about 90Mb of space. I was then able to re-sync and the photos copied across fine. I then replaced the albums back and turned off the photo sync so it doesn't happen again.
    It seems that the iPod is underestimating how much space it has free. When I put the albums back, even though I knew there was enough space, it still said that it couldn't copy all the tracks across. I just copied the remainder one by one and they fit fine.
    I hope this works for you, though our problems aren't identical.
    Good luck.
    iBook G4 800 MHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

  • 2nd gen ipod nano wont sync

    ahhh, my ipod refuses to sync it just comes up with a message "the ipod "dave" cannot be synced.the disk could not be read from or written to." ahh please help i only have about and 1/8 of what i want onthere
    dell xp   Windows XP  

    Have you had a chance to look at this troubleshooting page? It may be of some help: "Disk cannot be read from or written to" when syncing iPod

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