2TB vs. 1TB Hitachi internal drives

I need to add 2-3 new internal drives. Has anyone had better reliability with 1TB vs. 2TB internal hard drives?

I have not bought any 2TB but I have WD Black and Green in 1TB and 1.5TB.

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    Showing on the desktop would actually be bad as it would mean it was pre-formatted for Mac or even as NTFS.
    And no need to swap around and try different slots and drives if Disk Utilty won't.
    Sometimes if you have Windows installed you could then use Hitachi disk utility and recertify the drive or diagnose it better. WD Lifeguard also.
    Packing, box and how it was shipped use to and can be a killer for hard drives if not done right.

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    On my 17" MacBook Pro I use the eSata port for Black X Duet Hard Drive Docking station where I put 2 1TB Hitachi internal drives. They are swappable and are about $80.00US. I use the USB port for my system backup and a G-force 500 MB bus powered portable drive on the FW800 port just for the heck of it. It works out really well for me.

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    Would appreciate some advice.
    I have a MacPro and a second 1TB (blank) internal drive (arriving today)
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    Hi deepshade,
    have a look/read at the BootCamp Installation Guide to be found here http://www.apple.com/support/bootcamp/ or inside the BootCamp Assistant in OSX.
    Especially the pages 6 and following.
    In essence, partition the second HD to one partition (using GPT as partition scheme (Option-button)) and MacOS Extended (Journaled) as file system.
    Then use the BootCamp Assistant to repartition that HD to two partitions making the needed Windows partition.
    32GB might be too small for your useage. In general about 40GB are recommended but with installing Office and some other apps I would recommend something in the 70-80GB area.
    And since resizing the Windows partition is quite a hassle to do, I wouldn't think "too small"
    It might be needed for the Windows installation to pull-out the HD in Bay1 (and according the Installation Guide this might also be the case just for the repartitioning with the BootCamp Assistant), so you should think about a temporary clone of your OSX from HD1 to the OSX partition on HD2, but your mileage might vary on this.
    And lastly FYI, there is a whole Forum dedicated to Apples BootCamp here http://discussions.apple.com/category.jspa?categoryID=237

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    Thank you all.

    Hello again guys.
    So i've switched the internal drives and now i have the ssd one for OS and programs and the other one and the only that i had is now for footage but i have a question.
    I had some problems during the migration from the HDD to SSD. First time things seemed to be fine but when i was in windows (already with the SSD), an error was always occuring. So i've formatted the SSD, tried again and things went fine these time (still dont know why that error occurred the first time).
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    Thank you. Best regards.

  • Internal Drive 1TB or 2TB?

    Hi all,
    My intent to have a 27" i7 2.93 paired with a FW800 Raid0 G-Raid 2TB drive for video editing and my photography work.
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    Question is should I buy the iMac with a 1TB or 2TB internal drive?
    I'm sure 1TB is ample for OS and Apps, but I wondering is resell value and flexibility would justify the extra cost.
    Any comments appreciated.

    Hello P:
    but I wondering is resell value and flexibility would justify the extra cost.
    I seriously doubt that resale would be affected. I don't see any "flexibility" benefit - based on your description of planned use.

  • Hitachi 1TB Energy Efficient Drive For a G5

    Hi Gang
    Experience has shown staying clear of so-called 'Green' drives is a not a bad idea. WD came out with a few of them, and the reviews were lousy.
    OWC has a special on 1TB Hitachi drives, but they're listed as 'Energy Star' drives. I own several 2TB drives, but they're not the same. The price is right for these 1TB drives, but I don't want to get into these 'Energy' drives. I do a lot of Video editing.
    Does anyone have any knowledge about these drives? http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Hitachi/0F10383/

    Hi Chris
    Nice hearing from you.
    Ok then, since as usual, I depend on these drives for Video/Media storage, looks like a good deal.
    I was more concerned with the possibility that this drive might compare unfavorably to those WD Green drives which so many filmmakers don't like.
    Thank you

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    Also is it possible to link the two Mac OSX partitions so that it looks and acts as a single drive. (I am assuming that ColdStorage does that by default, but if not, my question stands.)
    Thanks in advance so any information anyone can provide.

    I started over.
    > diskutil list
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *3.0 TB     disk0
       1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:                  Apple_HFS Internal                3.0 TB     disk0s2
       3:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB   disk0s4
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *1.0 TB     disk1
       1:                  Apple_HFS LaCie                   1.0 TB     disk1s1
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *4.0 TB     disk2
       1:                  Apple_HFS 4TB_Seagate             4.0 TB     disk2s1
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *4.0 TB     disk3
       1:                  Apple_HFS 4TB-03                  4.0 TB     disk3s1
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *64.0 GB    disk4
       1:               Windows_NTFS MOVIES                  64.0 GB    disk4s1
    > diskutil cs list
    No CoreStorage logical volume groups found
    > sudo gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk0
    gpt show: /dev/disk0: mediasize=3000592982016; sectorsize=512; blocks=5860533168
    gpt show: /dev/disk0: PMBR at sector 0
    gpt show: /dev/disk0: Pri GPT at sector 1
    gpt show: /dev/disk0: Sec GPT at sector 5860533167
           start        size  index  contents
               0           1         PMBR
               1           1         Pri GPT header
               2          32         Pri GPT table
              34           6        
              40      409600      1  GPT part - C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
          409640  5858853952      2  GPT part - 48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
      5859263592     1269536      3  GPT part - 426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
      5860533128           7        
      5860533135          32         Sec GPT table
      5860533167           1         Sec GPT header
    > sudo gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk1
    gpt show: /dev/disk1: mediasize=1000204886016; sectorsize=512; blocks=1953525168
    gpt show: /dev/disk1: MBR at sector 0
           start        size  index  contents
               0           1         MBR
               1           1        
               2  1953525166      1  MBR part 175
    Note that disk1 onwards are all external. I can unplug them if it helps.

  • Anyone using a 1TB internal drive on a MacBook Pro?

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    Yes, I have this drive installed in my 2010 17". Fits fine. I have heard that it also fits in the 15". A couple of things:
    The drive is only 5200 rpm, so expect startup to be a tad slower. Not awful, just a little slower. I never really restart my Mac so this is only an issue every once in a while - mostly during system updates.
    This drive has anti-drop/shock protection built-in, unlike the Apple drives. To avoid any issues, I disabled the built-in protection. A quick google will tell you how to do this. It is a couple of lines entered into the terminal. The setting is remembered after the lines are entered.
    The one annoying bit that took a little while to figure out was the drive was making *a lot* of noise due to excessive head parking. It is set up out of the box to very aggressively conserve power. There is a solution to this and it is a small program called "hdapm" it is a little command line tool that sets the driver to a less agressive power saving mode at startup. There are also instructions online for this. google "hdapm" for details. You need to download the binary, stick it in a folder, then set up a very small startup script to point to it. All done.
    The drive is excellent and huge. Very quiet after the head parking issue was solved. I've been running mine for about 2 months or so now. Highly recommended.

  • I have an iMac about a year old. It has OSX 10.8.3 with iMovie 9.0.8. Is there a way to get iMovie to store and use iMovie Events on an external drive? Raw video is eating up my 1TB internal drive.

    I have an iMac about a year old. It has OSX 10.8.3 with iMovie 9.0.8. Is there a way to get iMovie to store and use iMovie Events on an external drive? Raw video is eating up my 1TB internal drive.

    Yes, you can import to an external drive by choosing it from the Import Screen.
    Once an Event or Project is in iMovie, it is best to move it to the external using iMovie, so the Project does not lose links to the Event.
    For full instructions on how to do this, see this link.

  • 1TB Hitachi Drives in Xserver G5?

    Has anyone tried this yet or knows if it would be possible to install the 1TB Hitachi drive in an xserve G5? I have a Dual 2.0GHz G5 xserve with 3 drive bays. Currently 80x2 and a 500GB.

    Hi George,
    If you are going to be the guinea pig I'll be very interested in the results.
    While searching for these drives I came across this.
    And this, check the title (Please note this drive is not suitable for RAID)..
    Please keep this thread infomed.
    G5 Duel 2.3GHz, iMac 2.33GHz intel, Xeon Xserve   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

  • I just backed up my 1TB (mostly full) internal hard drive to an external 1TB Time Machine drive, and it says I'm fully backed up. Why is the Time Machine drive only half full?

    I have a 1TB internal drive in my MacBook Pro (15", mid-2009, running Snow Leopard). A couple days ago I decided to format my unused 1TB external drive and use it for Time Machine, so I could wipe/format my internal drive for the Mavericks upgrade I've been putting off. Time Machine backed up the entire drive, and it appears to have successfully worked! Except that Finder shows 157 gigs free on my internal drive and 463 gigs free on the external... I'm hesitant to erase everything in case some stuff didn't get backed up and might disappear. A Google search tells me that Time Machine doesn't compress files at all... so where the heck did those 300 gigs go? Is there really 300 gigs of stuff on my internal drive that Time Machine just decided didn't need to be backed up?

    By default Time Machine will not back up all files, i.e. temp file, cache, and system files. Also you can set Time Machine to exclude some folders/files, take a look at this link for more information.  http://pondini.org/TM/11.html

  • Imac has 2tb internal drive, can i use a 2 tb external for TM?

    I wiild like to use a 2 tb drive to backup my imac (2tb) with TM. Does time machine do a full disk backup or only the used memory? I haven't seen and drives larger than 2tb if this wont work.

    TM as any other backup tool backs up used disk space, not the whole disk capacity. how much data do you have on the internal drive? note that TM drive should generally be at least two times bigger than the total amount of data you are backing up. you might want to look at a RAID array to use as a backup drive if you don't satisfy that ratio. or you can use a different backup solution which doesn't require as much space on the backup drive. see this post by kappy for options

  • Recently installed a 1TB hitachi travelstar hard drive into my Macbook 10.6.8  however Time Machine says not configured hence cannot back anything up

    Recently installed a 1TB Hitachi travelstar hard drive into my Macbook (13inch mid 2010) OS X 10.6.8 .
    However now having problems with configuring , latest issue my Time Machine says Not Configured hence cannot back up using this device !
    Can anyone help ?

    You installed the new hdd with new install of Mac OS .. or did you recover your old TM setup??
    If TM cannot locate the Time Capsule .. is it visible in airport utility or finder??
    Are you even using a TC?? If you are using an external drive you need to spell it all out.
    Time Machine may not recognise the old backup.. you can usually inherit the old one.
    See B5 and B6 here.
    Otherwise use A4.. delete the existing TM setup and reconfigure it from scratch. If you do that TM should discover and reuse the old backups if possible.. but a new hard disk might not be possible it may need to start over.

  • Two 2TB internal drives in tandem for Time Machine; only one backup deletes.

    I'm using two 2TB internal drives in tandem for Time Machine and deleted some backups while in Time Machine. They deleted from drive A, but drive B still has the files. Is there a way to delete these? I tried unmounting drive A in Disk Utility but then I can't enter Time Machine.
    I love the dual backups, but should I be able to do dual deletes of all backups? I don't see a way to accomplishg this except to force Time Machine to do a backup, then do that again so it switches drives, but that seems a bit convoluted.
    If one of you guru types has an answer I'd be most interested.
    Mac Pro 3.1 8 Core ML.3

    You can manually deal with this by using the "Browse Other Backup Disks" function which is accessed via holding the opt/alt key and while selecting the TM icon in the menu bar.
    You can then delete the instances of the desired files in each backup set.
    Not elegant, but I wouldn't expect that this will be done automatically, as there are a lot of permutations of how you use multiple backup sets.

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