3 DAG node Maintenance

I need to perform maintenance on my 3 DAG node. My primarily is in a Data center in Los Angeles CA, and DR site is in Miami, FL.  MB1 holds all the active databases, MB2 and MB3 passive database copies. MB3 is on a DR site.
What is the correct procedure and process to accomplish this with limited user interruptions or creating more issues ?
Please advise,
My DAG environment
Exchange 2010 SP3 RU2
Windows 2008R2 enterprise
Data center 1 in LA
MB1 Active copy
MB2 Passive Copy
DR Data center 2 in FL
MB3 passive copy.

In answer to your questions:
Do you mean, the following steps:
on mb3 mailbox, I run StartDagServerMaintenance.ps1 , performing maintenance, than StopDagServerMaintenance.ps1, reboot  mb3 and check all services are running, than follow the same steps for mb2 and mb1?  If I misunderstood or if there are
better alternatives, please advise.
Yes.  No need to move the databases until you need to patch the server hosting them.
I am not clear as mb3 and mb2 contain passive data base copies, and mb1 has all active database copies.  would mb2 and mb3 remain passive, until I do maintenance on mb1 ?
Yes.  As I said, why move the databases if you don't need to?
When I perform maintenance on MB1,  and running StartDagServerMaintenance.ps1 follow by  StartDagServerMaintenance.ps1 when maintenance is completed, will it automatically switch-over to MB2 or MB3? or do I have to do the switch over manually.
I recommend you move the databases manually, and you specify that they be moved to MB2.  If they are moved to MB3, all users with mailboxes in those databases will need to exit Outlook and reopen it to get into their mailbox.  If you have a CAS
Array in LA, this won't be necessary.

Similar Messages

  • DAG Node Join Fail–0x5b4

    Unable to add member to DAG
    A server side database availability group administrative operation operation failed with a transient error. 
    Please try the operation again. Error:  An error occured
    while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API failed "CreateCluster() failed with 0x5b4.
    Operation returned because timeout period expired
    I am using Exchange 2013 SP1 on win2012 R2
    Server1(MB CAS)
    MAPI- Replication NIC :
    Server2(witness Server)
    MAPI - Replication NIC :
    i just assigned the ips to replication NIC thats it.Do i need to team the adapters on exchange and witness server?
    I hav created DAG with below settings
    New DAG name :MYDAG(disabled CNO in dsa.msc)
    Witness server : ws.mydomain.com
    witness directory : c:\dag01
    ip : is this right ip(i have assigned mapi ip of witness server i.e
    please guide me

    add-databaseavailabiltygroupserver started on machine MAIL1.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] add-dagserver started
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] commandline:         $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters }
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Option 'Identity' = 'EX2K13DAG01'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Option 'MailboxServer' = 'MAIL1'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Option 'DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIpAddresses' = ''.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Option 'WhatIf' = ''.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Process: w3wp w3wp.exe:9120.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] User context = 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'Everyone'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'BUILTIN\Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'BUILTIN\Users'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'NT AUTHORITY\SERVICE'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'CONSOLE LOGON'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'NT AUTHORITY\This Organization'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'LOCAL'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'IIS APPPOOL\MSExchangeECPAppPool'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   Member of group 'BUILTIN\Administrators'.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Updated Progress 'Validating the parameters.' 2%.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Working
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Mailbox server: value passed in = MAIL1, mailboxServer.Name = MAIL1, mailboxServer.Fqdn = mail1.mydomain.com
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] LogClussvcState: clussvc is Stopped on mail1.mydomain.com. Exception (if any) = none
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] The IP addresses for the DAG are (blank means DHCP):
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Looking up IP addresses for EX2K13DAG01.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   EX2K13DAG01 = [ ].
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Looking up IP addresses for mail1.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   mail1 = [ fe80::5de4:72e2:a34a:59a8%12,, ].
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Looking up IP addresses for mail1.mydomain.com.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26]   mail1.mydomain.com = [ fe80::5de4:72e2:a34a:59a8%12,, ].
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] DAG EX2K13DAG01 has 0 servers:
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] According to GetNodeClusterState(), the server MAIL1 is NotConfigured.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Updated Progress 'Checking if Mailbox server 'MAIL1' is in a database availability group.' 4%.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Working
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] GetRemoteCluster() for the mailbox server failed with exception = An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. 
    Error: Cluster API failed: "OpenCluster(mail1.mydomain.com) failed with 0x6d9. Error: There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper". This is OK.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Ignoring previous error, as it is acceptable if the cluster does not exist yet.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] DumpClusterTopology: Opening remote cluster EX2K13DAG01.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] DumpClusterTopology: Failed opening with Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Shared.AmGetFqdnFailedNotFoundException:
     The fully qualified domain name for node 'EX2K13DAG01' could not be found.
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Shared.AmServerNameCache.<>c__DisplayClass1.<ResolveFqdn>b__0(Object param0, EventArgs param1)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Shared.SharedHelper.RunADOperationEx(EventHandler ev)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Shared.AmServerNameCache.ResolveFqdn(String shortNodeName, Boolean throwException)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Shared.AmServerNameCache.GetFqdn(String shortNodeName, Boolean throwException)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Shared.AmServerName..ctor(String serverName, Boolean throwOnFqdnError)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.DumpClusterTopology..ctor(String nameCluster, ITaskOutputHelper output)
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Dumping the cluster by connecting to: EX2K13DAG01.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] DumpClusterTopology: Not dumping, since the cluster could not be contacted.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] The new server (MAIL1) is not a member of a cluster, nor are the other servers (if there are any other servers).
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] The computer account EX2K13DAG01 does not exist.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] InternalValidate() done.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Updated Progress 'Adding server 'MAIL1' to database availability group 'EX2K13DAG01'.' 6%.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Working
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Connecting to server 'mail1.mydomain.com' via WMI...
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Fetching the network adapters and including the ones without default gateways.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] mail1.mydomain.com has an address: default gateway(s)= [valid]
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] IP address derived that's suitable for clustering DHCP/IPv6:
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] mail1.mydomain.com has an address: fe80::5de4:72e2:a34a:59a8/64 default gateway(s)= [invalid]
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] The address falls under the network (
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Updated Progress 'Forming cluster named 'EX2K13DAG01' on server 'MAIL1'.' 8%.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Working
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Forming cluster named 'EX2K13DAG01' on server 'MAIL1'. The cluster address is/are [], and the cluster network prefix
     length is/are [24].
    [2015-01-08T01:30:29] The following log entry comes from a different process that's running on machine 'MAIL1'. BEGIN
    [2015-01-08T01:30:29] [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Updated Progress 'Forming cluster named 'EX2K13DAG01' on server 'mail1'.' 2%.
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] Working
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseInitialize, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 5, szObjectName = EX2K13DAG01, dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseInitialize, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 5, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateNodeState, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 10, szObjectName = mail1.mydomain.com, dwStatus =
    0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateNodeState, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 10, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateNodeState, ePhaseType = 4, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 10, szObjectName = Find a suitable domain controller for node mail1.mydomain.com.,
    dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseQueryClusterNameAccount, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 15, szObjectName = EX2K13DAG01, dwStatus =
    0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseQueryClusterNameAccount, ePhaseType = 4, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 15, szObjectName = Bind to domain controller \\mail1.mydomain.com.,
    dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseQueryClusterNameAccount, ePhaseType = 4, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 15, szObjectName = Check whether the computer object EX2K13DAG01
    for node mail1.mydomain.com exists in the domain. Domain controller \\mail1.mydomain.com., dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseQueryClusterNameAccount, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 15, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseQueryClusterNameAccount, ePhaseType = 4, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 15, szObjectName = Computer object for node mail1.mydomain.com exists
    in the domain., dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateClusterNameAccount, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 21, szObjectName = EX2K13DAG01, dwStatus
    = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateClusterNameAccount, ePhaseType = 4, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 21, szObjectName = Checking for account information for the computer
    object in the 'UserAccountControl' flag for CN=EX2K13DAG01,OU=ExchangeDAGGroup,DC=mydomain,DC=com., dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateClusterNameAccount, ePhaseType = 4, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 21, szObjectName = Enable computer object EX2K13DAG01 on domain
    controller \\mail1.mydomain.com., dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateClusterNameAccount, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 21, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseConfigureClusterAccount, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 26, szObjectName = EX2K13DAG01 in organizational
    unit OU=ExchangeDAGGroup,DC=mydomain,DC=com dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseConfigureClusterAccount, ePhaseType = 4, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 26, szObjectName = Get GUID of computer object with FQDN: CN=EX2K13DAG01,OU=ExchangeDAGGroup,DC=mydomain,DC=com,
    dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseConfigureClusterAccount, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 26, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateNetft, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 31, szObjectName = mail1.mydomain.com, dwStatus = 0x0
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateNetft, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 31, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateClusDisk, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 36, szObjectName = mail1.mydomain.com, dwStatus =
    0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseValidateClusDisk, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 36, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseConfigureClusSvc, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 42, szObjectName = mail1.mydomain.com, dwStatus =
    0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseConfigureClusSvc, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 42, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseStartingClusSvc, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 47, szObjectName = mail1.mydomain.com, dwStatus = 0x0
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseStartingClusSvc, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 47, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:27:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseFormingCluster, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 52, szObjectName = EX2K13DAG01, dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:30:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseFormingCluster, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseFatal, dwPercentComplete = 52, szObjectName = EX2K13DAG01, dwStatus = 0x5b4 )
    [2015-01-08T01:30:26] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseFailureCleanup, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseStart, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 52, szObjectName = mail1.mydomain.com, dwStatus = 0x0
    [2015-01-08T01:30:29] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseFailureCleanup, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseContinue, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 52, szObjectName = EX2K13DAG01, dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:30:29] ClusterSetupProgressCallback( eSetupPhase = ClusterSetupPhaseFailureCleanup, ePhaseType = ClusterSetupPhaseEnd, ePhaseSeverity = ClusterSetupPhaseInformational, dwPercentComplete = 52, szObjectName = , dwStatus = 0x0 )
    [2015-01-08T01:30:29] The operation wasn't successful because an error was encountered. You may find more details in log file 
    [2015-01-08T01:30:29] WriteError! Exception = Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.DagTaskServerTransientException:
     A server-side database availability group administrative operation failed with a transient error. Please try the operation again. Error: An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API failed: "CreateCluster() failed with
    0x5b4. Error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired" ---> Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Shared.ClusterApiException: An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API failed: "CreateCluster() failed with
    0x5b4. Error: This operation returned because the timeout period expired" ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: This operation returned because the timeout period expired
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ClusApi.AmCluster.CreateExchangeCluster(String clusterName, AmServerName firstNodeName, 
    String[] ipAddress, UInt32[] ipPrefixLength, IClusterSetupProgress setupProgress, IntPtr context, Exception& failureException, Boolean throwExceptionOnFailure)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ActiveManagerServer.ClusterFactory.CreateExchangeCluster(String clusterName, AmServerName firstNodeName, String[] ipAddress, UInt32[] ipPrefixLength, IClusterSetupProgress setupProgress, IntPtr context, Exception&
    failureException, Boolean throwExceptionOnFailure)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.DagHelper.CreateDagCluster(String clusterName, AmServerName firstNodeName, String[] ipAddresses, UInt32[] 
    netmasks, String& verboseLog)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace (Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Shared.ClusterApiException) ---
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.DagHelper.ThrowDagTaskOperationWrapper(Exception exception)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.DagHelper.CreateDagCluster(String clusterName, AmServerName firstNodeName, String[] ipAddresses, UInt32[] netmasks, String& verboseLog)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ReplayService.ReplayRpcServer.<>c__DisplayClass40.<RpcsCreateCluster>b__3f()
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Cluster.HaRpcExceptionWrapperBase`2.RunRpcServerOperation(String databaseName, RpcServerOperation rpcOperation)
       --- End of stack trace on server (mail1.mydomain.com) ---
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Cluster.HaRpcExceptionWrapperBase`2.ClientRethrowIfFailed(String databaseName, String serverName, RpcErrorExceptionInfo errorInfo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.ReplayRpcClientWrapper.RunCreateCluster(AmServerName rpcServerName, String clusterName, AmServerName firstNode, String[] ipaddrs, UInt32[] netmasks, String& verboseLog)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.AddDatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer.FormCluster()
    [2015-01-08T01:30:29] Updated Progress 'Done!' 100%.
    [2015-01-08T01:30:29] COMPLETED
    add-databaseavailabiltygroupserver explicitly called CloseTempLogFile().

  • Shutting down secondary DAG node

    Two Exchange servers setup in a DAG.
    I need to expand the log VM on our secondary Exchange server (2013). I am very new to DAG Exchange administration. I am aware there are scripts to initiate DAG maintenance. I am just curious if this can be
    safely accomplished by going through the steps below?
    Suspend each mailbox db through EAC on the primary Exchange server
    Shutdown the secondary
    Expand the log VM
    Boot up the secondary Exchange server
    Resume DAG replication through Primary EAC
    Thank you,

    Thank you for the feedback. I found another good overview of what I will go through tomorrow morning. There are also some scripts that were recommended in the 2nd link.
    Set Exchange server into DAG maintenance mode
    Suspend the DAG member from the cluster
    Suspend-ClusterNode –Name Ex13DR
    Disable database copy activation.
    Set-MailboxServer Ex13DR –DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $true
    Review the existing database copy auto activation policy, so that you can return it to the same configuration after you’ve completed the upgrade.
    Get-MailboxServer EX13DR| Select DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy
    DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy : Unrestricted
    Set the auto activation policy to “Blocked”. If the policy is already set to “Blocked” then there is no action required.
    Set-MailboxServer EX13DR –DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked
    Put the server into maintenance mode.
    Set-ServerComponentState EX13DR –Component ServerWideOffline –State InActive –Requester Maintenance
    Taking Exchange Server Out of Maintenance Mode
    Set-ServerComponentState EX13DR –Component ServerWideOffline –State Active –Requester Maintenance
    Resume-ClusterNode –Name EX13DR
    Set-MailboxServer EX13DR –DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Unrestricted
    Set-MailboxServer EX13DR –DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $false
    Set-ServerComponentState EX13DR –Component HubTransport –State Active –Requester Maintenance

  • Removing mailbox server from Exchange 2010 DAG - Node not fully cleaned up

    We are in the process of decommissioning some old Exchange 2010 servers. I have just attempted to remove one of our mailbox servers and have received a number of errors, related to its removal from the DAG.
    I have already removed the Public Folder replicas and all mailbox database copies. I then tried to evict the server from the DAG and received the following warning:
    I then ran the command that was recommended, from another server and in an administrative command prompt:
    I have looked in this log on both the server I ran the command on, a CAS server, and the mailbox server itself and can see no evidence of this error 2 that is listed here.
    If I run the Powershell command to look at the DAG I cannot see it there any more. I am assuming that this error message might only be an issue if I was planning on re-using this server somewhere else in Exchange or perhaps adding this server to another
    DAG. But I just want to decommission it.
    Can anyone put my mind at rest as to whether this is a genuine concern or not. If not my next step is to uninstall Exchange 2010 from this server and turn it off.

    Hi Belinda,
    I get the following:
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
    Name             Member Servers                                                         
    Operational Servers
    DAG01            {WSR-EX-01, WSR-EX-101, WSR21}
    It doesn't look like that server is part of the DAG any more as far as I can see. I just can't explain that error message reported from the cluster command. As far as I can see the server is isolated. I already removed its database copies as a pre-requisite
    before removing it from the DAG as per this guide:
    I found a nice little script that gave reports on your Public Folder configuration and it highlighted that some of our folders were not being replicated properly across our mailbox servers. This helped me in removing these services from the server.
    It is currently doing nothing at this time as far as Exchange Services are concerned.

  • DAG member, PF database host, and hub maintenance (6hr power-off)

    We have an EPO test coming up in one of our data centers that requires me to power off 2 of our 4 DAG members. In preparation for this I’ve been reading up on DAG member maintenance best practice as well as deconstructing the Start[Stop]DagServerMaintenance.ps1
    script. After testing in my lab I noticed that the iteration of Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy is followed by the parameter -ActivationOnly and sets ActivationSuspended to True. Why only suspend copy activation and not database copy processes? Does the script
    assume that DAG member maintenance does not include server shutdown or is suspending database copy processes not actually necessary? 
    Also, one of the DAG members I have to power off serves 1 of 3 of our PF databases. I’ve noticed that the Start[Stop]DagServerMaintenance.ps1 scripts do nothing for PF databases. Should I just unmount it and rely on standard PF replication to update it when
    I mount it back? Do I need to change my databases over to use a different PF database?
    The power-off duration is 6 hours so I'm not too worried about log build up. Our CAS servers are VMs and will be “motioned” to our other data center. We have two Hub Transport servers, I plan to simply power one of them off. Am I missing anything?

    Your understanding and the article you provided on Managing Database Availability Groups seems to be inline with what I've described. However,
    just our of curiosity can you or anyone else explain why the script StartDagServerMaintenance.ps1
    only runs Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -ActivationOnly? In other words, why does the script only suspend copy activation and not the copy process? 
    "Did the two Hub Transport servers locate in the same AD site?", yes they are in the same
    AD site but different physical locations. The article on HSS helped explain HT HA. 
    Thanks again! 

  • Exchange 2010 Decommisioning a DAG member from a 3 node Dag

    Hi Guys,
    What the safest way to remove one server from a 3 Node Dag.
    Currently I am planning the following steps:-
    Remove Exchange server MAIL03 from DAG
    1.Start up Exchange Management Console
    2.Go to Organization Configuration > Mailbox > Database Management;
    3.if mail boxes are mounted on MAIL03, Select the database where ” Mounted on Server” reads the MAIL03;
    3.1.Select Move Active Mailbox Database;
    3.2.Select the Mailbox server i.e. MAIL01\MAIL02 to host the mailbox database copy and select Move;
    5.When the move has finished, select the database copy hosted on the MAIL03 in the lower pane. There, select Remove.
    6.Remove the MAIL03 server from the DAG. Select tab Database Availability Groups;
    7.Select the DAG the MAL03 server is a member of and select Manage Database Availability Group Membership;
    8.Select the server and click the red cross to remove it from the list. Click Manage to proceed with the actual removal;
    9.When finished the mailbox server is no longer member of the DAG.
    10.Rebalance Mailbox Databases in DAG.
    What do you guys recommend?
    Also after the removal of the DAG node, what the best way to reduce the Passive Database/Transaction logs? our current setup is as follows:-
    I want to remove the drives L,M,N,O

    Based on your description.
    If you want to remove drives only from that server and leave databases working on the rest of nodes:
    1. Remove database copy on that server.
    2. Remove drives.
    It is not required to move mailboxes from these databases. In this scenario you will not be able to re-add copy of these databases because all nodes need to have the same drive
    If you want to remove L, M, N, O from all servers:
    1. Move mailboxes from these databases.
    2. Remove them (copies and empty dabatabes).
    3. Remove drives.
    There is no need to remove server from DAG if you just want to remove database copy from one node. 
    Hope it helps,
    If this post helps resolve your issue, please click the "Mark as Answer" or "Helpful" button at the top of this message. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others
    find the answer faster.

  • 3 Node DAG with DR site

    Hi team,
    I have a primary site with 2 CAS (WNLB) and 2 MBX servers with DAG configured. I want to extend this to include a DR site with 1 CAS and 1 MBX server. FSW on Primary site is set to CAS server.
    If the PRimary site goes down completely, is it correct that the DR DAG member will not come up since there's no majority?
    related to Q1, what steps do i need to follow to get the DR DAG node up and running?
    If I set up a secondary FSW on the DR Site CAS, can I get majority vote and get the DR DAG node up automatically?
    What's DAC's role here?
    Thank you.

    Hi Crypto,
    1.If the PRimary site goes down completely, is it correct that the DR DAG member will not come up since there's no majority?For a 3 server DAG it will be offline if two servers
    are lost.  You must manually intervene at this point. we discourage automatic fail-over of DAG to DR manual fail-over is better. Make sure DAG is in DAC mode.
    2. related to Q1, what steps do i need to follow
    to get the DR DAG node up and running?
    Install a server with all roles and add the MBX server to the DAG install an ADC in DR site and point Exchange server in DR to the ADC in DR using Set-ADServerSettings. Configure alternate witness(FSW in a 3 member DAG check next question's answer). 
    Please check this to configure alternatewitness server and enable DAC on the DAG. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd297934(v=exchg.150).aspx
    3.If I set up a secondary FSW on the DR Site CAS, can I get majority
    vote and get the DR DAG node up automatically?
    In a 3 member DAG FSW is being ignored. Read this. You have to manually bring the DR Exchange online.
    4.What's DAC's role here?
    We enable DAC to prevent split-brain when data center goes offliine.
    Please read this http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/23333.exchange-2013-dag-datacenter-failover-and-disaster-recovery.aspx
    Please read this to understand the HA changes in CU1
    Thanks, MAS
    Please mark as helpful if you find my comment helpful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.
    Hi MAS,
    Thank you and sorry for the delay. Can I have the same setup with 3 nodes under a single site and keep one node as a DR location (But not in an AD Site)?
    Thank you,

  • Exchange 2010 3 node DAG and split datacenters

    Hi all,
    I have a Exchange 2010 setup with 3 DAG nodes, 2 servers in Primary site & one in DR site, 2 active directory Sites, one domain controller per site. All roles on each server.
    Each server has a single NIC, with the following configs:
    Primary Site:
    MBX1 IP = - Network Name MAPI-Primary
    MBX2 IP = - Network Name MAPI-Primary
    Cluster IP =
    DR Site:
    DRMBX1 IP =  - Network Name MAPI-DR
    Cluster IP =
    Dag name = DAG1
    Under the DAG Networks, I see 3 Networks
    DAG1_MAP1-Primary with the subnet and the 2 MBX Network IP's in it.
    DAG1_MAP1-DR with the subnet and the 1 DR MBX Network IP in it.
    and one called DAG1_Replication, which has a subnet and NO NIC's in it. I think this was an original replication subnet used when there was only 2 nodes in the DAG and a cross over cable was used.
    Can I delete the DAG_Replication network from the config?
    Should I consolidate the 2 DAG1_MAPI-Primary and DAG1-MAPI-DR networks under one simply called DAG1-MAPI?
    When I look at cluster manager on each of the 2 Nodes MBX1/2, I can see the 3 Nodes. Trying to run cluster manager on the DR node, and I can't connect to the DAG1 cluster, get an error saying not ready. Am I right in thinking this should not be
    happening? I have a managed firewall, but don't have access too logs, any idea what ports could be dropped from DRMBX1?
    Cluster manager on the 2 working nodes shows an error:
    Cluster Network Name is not online, and the Cluster Core resources panel shows cluster name DAG1 Offline, with ONLY 1 IP address, the DAG VIP ( being online. Should I see the other DAG VIP as well? Is this also a manifestation
    of the firewall?
    I have inherited this config, so I am not fully sure what a correct working condition should report look like. Any help on a clearer understanding would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance !!

    In answer to your first question, yes, if no server is listed with an IP address in that replication network, you can delete it without affecting the DAG operations.
    As for your second question, if your servers are in different subnets, you need at least two networks defined in your DAG.  And since your servers are in different Windows sites, I have to assume they are in different subnets.  I believe that if
    you check them in the EMC, you will only see IP addresses for the local servers in each network.  So no consolidation is possible.
    On your question about Cluster Manager, don't do anything in Cluster Manager - my personal experience has been that the Exchange toolset is sufficient for all management tasks related to an Exchange DAG.  What are you trying to determine?  Also,
    Microsoft doesn't support a DAG installed across a firewall - either you open all ports between these servers (and all domain controllers in your forest), or you will have an unsupported configuration.
    For your final question, I assume DAG1 is your DAG's network name, and those two IPs are the ones for the two datacenters.  If this is the case, only one IP address will be active at a time.

  • Node Majority DAG, How to recover when quorum is lost

    I have EXchange 2013 SP1 DAG, Node Majority where 2 MBX servers in the primary site and 1 MBX server in the DR Site. If there is a simultaneous loss of the 2 MBX servers in the primary site as in a power failure, then quorum will be lost. 
    How can I recover operations using the MBX Server in DR?????

    Hi ,
    Agree with Pavan.
    Datacenter switchover is the only option.If there is simultaneous failure happened on all the nodes in the primary site or else an primary datacenter failure then there wouldn't be an enough time for the cluster to recalculate and adjust the quorum.So the only
    way is to do an datacenter switchover.
    Reference link for datacenter Switchover :
    Above mentioned article is for exchange 2010 even though the steps defined on that article is same for exchange 2013.
    Reference kink for Dynamic quorum : 
    Please reply me if anything is not clear.
    Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham

  • Content Index State Failed - Exchange 2010 2 Node Dag

    Last night I needed to restart one of my Exchange 2010 DAG nodes.  I moved all Active Database copies of this node to the other node in the DAG.  I then restarted the node with no Active Database copies.  When the server came back up I moved
    the Active Database copies back onto the node that they were initially on.  The node that I restarted now shows the ContentIndexState of all Databases as "Failed".  Test-replicationhealth gives the following results:
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server S01
    Name                                          Status         
    CopyQueue ReplayQueue LastInspectedLogTime   ContentIndex
    Length    Length                             State
    DB01-MS01 (A-B)\S01                     Mounted         0         0                                                       
    DB02-MS01 (C-D)\S01                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 9:57:40 AM           Failed
    DB03-MS01 (E-G)\S01                     Healthy         0         1          
    1/26/2011 10:02:38 AM         Failed
    DB04-MS01 (H-J)\S01                     Mounted         0         0                                                        
    DB06-MS01 (M-N)\S01                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 10:02:25 AM         Failed
    DB07-MS01 (0-P)\S01                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 9:57:17 AM            Failed
    DB08-MS01 (Q-R)\S01                     Mounted         0         0                                                       
    DB09-MS01 (S-T)\S01                     Mounted         0         0                                                        
    DB05-MS01 (K-L)\S01                     Mounted         0         0                                                        
    DB10-MS01 (U-V)\S01                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 10:01:59 AM          Failed
    DB11-MS01 (W-Z)\S01                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 9:57:50 AM           Failed
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server S02
    Name                                          Status         
    CopyQueue ReplayQueue LastInspectedLogTime   ContentIndex
    Length    Length                             State
    DB01-MS01 (A-B)\S02                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 10:00:36 AM  Healthy
    DB02-MS01 (C-D)\S02                     Mounted         0         0                                               
    DB03-MS01 (E-G)\S02                     Mounted         0         0                                               
    DB04-MS01 (H-J)\S02                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 10:02:29 AM  Healthy
    DB06-MS01 (M-N)\S02                     Mounted         0         0                                               
    DB07-MS01 (0-P)\S02                     Mounted         0         0                                                
    DB08-MS01 (Q-R)\S02                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 10:02:32 AM  Healthy
    DB10-MS01 (U-V)\S02                     Mounted         0         0                                                
    DB11-MS01 (W-Z)\S02                     Mounted         0         0                                               
    DB05-MS01 (K-L)\S02                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 10:02:21 AM  Healthy
    DB09-MS01 (S-T)\S02                     Healthy         0         0          
    1/26/2011 10:01:33 AM  Healthy
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>test-replicationhealth
    Server          Check                      Result     Error
    S01          ClusterService             Passed
    S01          ReplayService              Passed
    S01          ActiveManager             Passed
    S01          TasksRpcListener         Passed
    S01          TcpListener                  Passed
    S01          DagMembersUp           Passed
    S01          ClusterNetwork            Passed
    S01          QuorumGroup               Passed
    S01          FileShareQuorum            Passed
    S01          DBCopySuspended            Passed
    S01          DBCopyFailed               Passed
    S01          DBInitializing             Passed
    S01          DBDisconnected             Passed
    S01          DBLogCopyKeepingUp         Passed
    S01          DBLogReplayKeepingUp       Passed
    I appreciate any help.  Thank you.

    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus
    Name                                          Status         
    CopyQueue ReplayQueue LastInspectedLogTime   ContentIndex
    Length    Length                             State
    DB01-MS01 (A-B)\01                                 Mounted        
    0         0                                  Healthy
    DB02-MS01 (C-D)\S01                               Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 11:05:45 AM  Healthy
    DB03-MS01 (E-G)\S01                               Mounted         0        
    0                                  Healthy
    DB04-MS01 (H-J)\S01                                Healthy        
    0         0           1/28/2011 11:07:50 AM  Healthy
    DB06-MS01 (M-N)\S01                               Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 11:02:12 AM  Healthy
    DB07-MS01 (0-P)\S01                                Mounted        
    0         0                                  Healthy
    DB08-MS01 (Q-R)\S01                               Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 11:09:08 AM  Healthy
    DB09-MS01 (S-T)\S01                                Mounted        
    0         0                                  Healthy
    DB05-MS01 (K-L)\S01                                Mounted        
    0         0                                  Healthy
    DB10-MS01 (U-V)\S01                               Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 11:02:53 AM  Healthy
    DB11-MS01 (W-Z)\S01                              Mounted         0        
    0                                  Healthy
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus
    Name                                          Status         
    CopyQueue ReplayQueue LastInspectedLogTime   ContentIndex
    Length    Length                             State
    DB01-MS01 (A-B)\S02                              Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 11:08:27 AM  Healthy
    DB02-MS01 (C-D)\S02                              Mounted         0        
    0                                  Healthy
    DB03-MS01 (E-G)\S02                              Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 11:10:36 AM  Healthy
    DB04-MS01 (H-J)\S02                               Mounted         0        
    0                                  Healthy
    DB06-MS01 (M-N)\S02                              Mounted         0        
    0                                  Healthy
    DB07-MS01 (0-P)\S02                              Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 10:58:23 AM  Healthy
    DB08-MS01 (Q-R)\S02                              Mounted         0        
    0                                  Healthy
    DB10-MS01 (U-V)\S02                               Mounted         0        
    0                                  Healthy
    DB11-MS01 (W-Z)\S02                              Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 11:09:45 AM  Healthy
    DB05-MS01 (K-L)\S02                               Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 11:09:42 AM  Healthy
    DB09-MS01 (S-T)\S02                              Healthy         0        
    0           1/28/2011 11:08:34 AM  Healthy

  • Exchange Server 2010 DAG requirement

    Hi i am configuring Exchange server 2010 with DAG. i read that Enterprise level OS must have needed for MS-Exchange DAG
    but i have 4 Windows Server 2012 standard. can i configure my DAG setup on it?
    It will be like 4 hyperv
    DAG Node 1 – Windows Server 2012 standard.(MS-Exchange 2010)
    DAG Node 2 – Windows Server 2012 standard.(MS-Exchange 2010)
    Domain Controller – Windows Server 2012 standard.
    FSW Server – Windows Server 2012 standard.
    Is it right environment setup for DAG?

    For Exchange 2010 DAG installation you need:
    1. Windows 2012 Standard or Datacenter.
    2. Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise or Datacenter.
    Each node of DAG must have the same version of OS, both version and edition.
    Your setup will be fully supported.
    Hope it helps,
    http://www.codetwo.com/?sts=3470 If this post helps resolve your issue, please click the 'Mark as Answer' or 'Helpful' button at the top of this message. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.

  • Network DR test causes Exchange DAG network to fail (Failover Cluster Manager reports comms errors)

    We have a DAG configured between 2 mailbox servers, one in each of our main data centres. Our comms team recently performed a DR test between our 2 data centres, switiching from the main production link to the backup link. During this outage the Failover
    Cluster Manager reported errors, with each mailbox server reporting the other as uncontactable. The Events that were logged include the following:
    Isatap interface isatap.{02ADE20A-D5D4-437F-AD00-E6601F7E7A9D} is no longer active. (EventID 4201)
    Cluster node 'MAILBOX_SERVER' was removed from the active failover cluster membership. The Cluster service on this node may have stopped. This could also be due to the node having lost communication with other active nodes in the failover cluster. Run the
    Validate a Configuration wizard to check your network configuration. If the condition persists, check for hardware or software errors related to the network adapters on this node. Also check for failures in any other network components to which the node is
    connected such as hubs, switches, or bridges. (EventID 1135)
    File share witness resource 'File Share Witness (\\WITNESS_SERVER\SHARE_NAME)' failed to arbitrate for the file share '\\WITNESS_SERVER\SHARE_NAME'. Please ensure that file share '\\WITNESS_SERVER\SHARE_NAME' exists and is accessible by the cluster. (EventID
    Cluster resource 'File Share Witness (\\\WITNESS_SERVER\SHARE_NAME)' in clustered service or application 'Cluster Group' failed. (EventID 1069)
    The Cluster service is shutting down because quorum was lost. This could be due to the loss of network connectivity between some or all nodes in the cluster, or a failover of the witness disk. Run the Validate a Configuration wizard to check your network
    configuration. If the condition persists, check for hardware or software errors related to the network adapter. Also check for failures in any other network components to which the node is connected such as hubs, switches, or bridges. (EventID 1177)
    The Cluster Service service terminated with service-specific error A quorum of cluster nodes was not present to form a cluster. (EventID 7024)
    The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s).  The following corrective action will be taken in 5000 milliseconds: Restart the service. (EventID 7031)
    Looking at the Cluster Events in the Failover Cluster Manager Snap-In i see a heap of Event ID 47 (cannot activate the DAG databases as the server is not up according to Windows Failover Cluster Service) and:
    Node status could not be recorded. This could prevent some network failure logic from functioning correctly. NodeStatus:IsHealthy=True,HasADAccess=True,ClusterErrorOverrideFalse,LastUpdate=5/2/2011 8:25:42 AMUTC Failure:An Active Manager operation failed.
    Error: An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API '"ClusterRegSetValue() failed with 0x6be. Error: The remote procedure call failed"' failed.. (EventID 184)
    Forcefully dismounting all the locally mounted databases on server 'BACKUP_MAILBOX_SERVER. (EventID 307).
    Our Comms team doesn't believe it is a comms issue as they did not log any network communication errors between the servers in the two sites (using icmp). So if it is not a comms issue, how can I configure the Failover Cluster Manager to be resilient to
    this type of network failover event.

    Isn't it also true that in a stretched DAG with even numbered nodes, the PAM needs to be in the same site as the active DAG node?  If the connection between both nodes goes down, and the PAM is in the "passive" site, the primary node will
    dismount the databases since it can't check with the PAM to make sure its safe for it to be up.  
    In a even-numbered node stretched DAG, the PAM changes to the DR/passive site everytime a failover occurs, but doesn't automatically switch back when you reactivate the primary node.

  • DAG discussion for a small organization

    We are currently running an Exchange 2010 Standard server and we have about 30 mailboxes.  I'd like to move from this to Exchange 2013.  Additionally, we've been having some outages with our internet service lately and I'd like to build some
    redundancy into the system.
    My thoughts are spinning up a machine on Azure that would only run Exchange 2013 and creating a DAG between the office server and the hosted server. 
    Part of the specifics I had considered was setting up a VPN client connection from the hosted machine to the office network, and I would add a second MX record in our 1and1 DNS zone file with a secondary priority.
    I am fairly certain that this setup will work properly as a secondary that will sync once the main office is back online and minimal email will be missed, but I just wanted to open up a discussion on this to see if this is best practice, what other considerations
    I may have missed, or any other suggestions.

    Some questions / considerations:
    Apparently, Exchange is not even supported in Azure.
    Even if that was not a deal-breaker for you...
    Where will you place the File Share Witness?
    If the FSW is in the main site, and if the entire main site is inaccessible, the DAG node in Azure might provide a second copy of your email but the databases will not mount and will not provide client access. You can have an Alternate File Share Witness
    but you still need to consider the location. And the fact (as far as I know) that the Alt-FSW does not automatically "kick-in" if the primary FSW is unavailable.
    How would client machines find the DAG node in Azure when the main site is unavailable? How do you adjust DNS records?
    Using MX records for high availability is not considered an optimal solution. But I think it might be the least of your problems given the issues mentioned previously.
    In what I'll call "professional-grade" implementations of Database Availability Groups, high availability for the Client Access and Hub Transport roles is provided by some sort of load balancing solution (preferably with a physcial or virtual appliance).
    Rigging the MX records isn't really a satisfactory substitution for that.
    Otherwise... Office 365 would be an ideal solution for an organization with 30 mailboxes.
    Have you seen the pricing on Azure hosted servers with sufficient specs to run Exchange?
    I would tend to think that O365 would be a better solution both financially and for high availability.
    If you just want basic Exchange functionality (no need for legal hold, DLP, archiving), I believe the package per user, per month is $4 (Exchange Online Plan 1).
    4 x 30 = 120 x 12 = $1440 per year.
    My two cents... 
    Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

  • Moving Exchange 2010 Mailbox replicated databases path in DAG environments.

    Hi there,
    I’m trying to get some feedback on the topic of moving Exchange 2010 Mailbox replicated databases path in DAG environments.
    Here is the situation: I currently have a 3-Node DAG (Node 1 and Node 2 are in my main datacenter, and Node 3 in my Disaster Recovery (DR) site in a remote location.
    I have DB copies in Node 2 and Node 3. The thing is that the DB copies in Node 2 are in an older storage box and since we got a new storage box, I need to move the DBs and related logs of Node 2 to the new storage box
    I have found some information about how to deal with this (below I’m listing a KB link) but I would like to reconfirm a couple of things to make sure I’m understanding this correctly
    Move the Mailbox Database Path for a Mailbox Database Copy:
    According to the KB: “If the mailbox database being moved is replicated to one or more mailbox database copies, you must follow the procedure in this topic to move the mailbox
    database path”
    Would this apply to my case even when I’m moving the BDs copies and Logs on Node 2 as opposed to Node 1 where the source DBs are?
    On step #3 in the procedure, you are supposed to “Remove all mailbox database copies for the database being moved. After all copies are removed, preserve the database and transaction log files from each server from which the database copy is being removed
    by moving them to another location. These files are being preserved so the database copies do not require re-seeding after they have been re-added.”
    Then in Step # 7, you are supposed to “Add all of the database copies that were removed in Step #3”
    As far as I know, when you add a copy of a database, Exchange creates the copy DB and starts to seed the replica servers with an up to date copy of the DB and all the current transaction logs at that point…according to the instructions
    above, you are supposed to re-add the DB copied we preserved...does it mean that we need to wait for the DBs seed process to finish after “adding the DB copy” and then replace the new DBs copies and logs created by the “Add database copy” function with the
    DB and logs preserved in Step #3?
    Thanks in advance for your feedback!

    Hi there,
    What the article is stating is that once you have removed the copies you can keep the existing transaction log files and database edb file to allow you not to have to do a full seed. You can do this by using the -seedingpostponed parameter in
    However, and quite honestly, if your database isn't that big and your are not worried about performing a full copy of the database again to the other DAG members once you have moved your database to its preferred new location, just add the copy in the normal
    way and remove the legacy files afterwards.
    Oliver Moazzezi | Exchange MVP, MCSA:M, MCITP:Exchange 2010,Exchange 2013, BA (Hons) Anim | http://www.exchange2010.com | http://www.cobweb.com | http://twitter.com/OliverMoazzezi

  • Seed mailbox database copy through replication network (DAG members on different subnets in different sites)

    Good afternoon
    I currently operate a two node DAG in our primary site supporting one mailbox database. I plan to introduce a third DAG node in our datacenter which is in a different Active Directory site. Both current DAG members replicate over a dedicated replication
    network to keep the traffic separate from the MAPI traffic. The third DAG member will also have a dedicated replication network adapter (of course, on a different subnet). Ideally I would like to seed the database at a time of my choosing, rather than at the
    moment I add the mailbox database copy (I know how to achieve this), but I would like to specify which network the data replicates over.
    According to the following (see below link) under the 'Seeding and Networks' section as my two DAG members will be on different subnets in different sites Exchange will make the decision to use the MAPI network adapters of the target and source server.
    'If the source server and target server are on different subnets, even if a replication network that contains those subnets has been configured, the client (MAPI) network will be used for seeding.'
    Am I able to force Exchange to use the replication network adapters of both source and target server when I initiate the seeding process? I have a 200+ GB mailbox database that will need to replicate over a 100Mbps internet connection to our secondary
    site and I would like to keep that traffic to the replication network I have configured.
    Any insight would be helpful.

    If you want to specify the networks for seeding, you can use the
    Network parameter when running the
    Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy cmdlet and specify the DAG networks that you want to use.
     If you don't use the Network parameter, then the system uses the following default behavior for selecting a network to use for the seeding operation:
    If the source server and target server are on the same subnet and a replication network has been configured that includes the subnet, the replication network will be used.
    If the source server and target server are on different subnets, even if a replication network that contains those subnets has been configured, the client (MAPI) network will be used for seeding.
    If the source server and target server are in different datacenters, the client (MAPI) network will be used for seeding.
    So please use the Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy cmdlet with
    NetWork parameter to specify which DAG network should be used for seeding.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

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