3 important questions about ML.

3 questions:
1. How to turn off notification icon in menu bar?
2. How to turn off search engine in launchpad?
3. How to turn on battery time information in menu bar?
Thanks in advance.

but didnt read the manual?
Didnt looik very hard did you! I found this on Google
This involves hacking your System folder; make appropriate backups and proceed with caution!
To disable Notification Center entirely (which will cause its icon to not appear in the Menu Bar), you can go to /System/Library/CoreServices and select Notification Center.app. Press ⌘I to Get Info. Click the Lock icon at the bottom of the screen to unlock the settings (you will be prompted for your password). In the Sharing and Permissions portion of the pane, click the plus sign. Add your account as a special user, then set the Privilege column to Read & Write for yourself. Then, in the Name and Extension field, add the letter x to the beginning of the file name, dismissing any warnings the system throws your way.
Reboot the system.
Note that this eliminates the icon, but also all Notification Center functionality.
alternatively you can search google for macbartender - icon is gone, functionality remains. Google it and thank me later.

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    Hello Community!
    I have got 3 important questions about SAP HANA.
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    I have got 3 important questions about SAP HANA.
    - Our Company has all up about 150 SAP - Systems.
    - 12 Systems are ERP-Systems.
    => We consider about SAP HANA at the moment.
    => Is it possible to put all the 12 ERP-Systems in ONE SAP HANA or do I need one seperate HANA for each ERP-System? Yes it is quite possible to put all the ERP/CRM/SCM or other components on one HANA. You need to check for pricing/users/RAM (storage)
    => If it is possible, can you tell me the disadvantages when I use 1 HANA for the 12 ERP-Systems.
    There are no disadvantages as of now.. improve existing planning, forecasting, pricing
    optimization and other processes
    => Is there a Storage-Limit in the HANA (I think no, because of 64 bit).
    There is no limit on Stotrage: You need check how much Data you need on RAM (Real time processing) Storage.Minimum you can buy is 64 GB and multiple of it for (RAM)
    => Can I still make realtime-analytics with 1 HANA for 12 SAP Systems?
    Yes certainly..
    => Can I run ONE HANA with different non-SAP-Systems?
    YEs you can run HANA for 3rd party S/W or non-sap systems for your real time anlytics.
    It has ODBC and JDBC both and you can combine it with other systems.
    => Is there a Demo-Center from SAP or IBM, where I can test and see the HANA before I buy it?
    (I do not mean the Fujitsu TDS Demo Center)
    This you need to check with your local SAP Service channel..
    It would be nice, when you would answer all my questions.
    Thank you.

  • A very important question about the HostSample-Help needed!

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    To add a bit more detail. Before you run the application from FlashBuilder, open the same browser you will use to run/debug the application in FlashBuilder and install certificate.
    . when the "This Connection is Untrusted" warning appears
    . expand the "I Understand the Risks" item
    . click the "Add Exception..." button
    . on the "Add Security Exception" dialog, ensure "Permanently store this exception" is checked
    . click "Confirm Security Exception" button
    . when the "Certificate Error: Navigation Blocked" page appears, click "Continue to this website (not recommended)"
    . click on the "Certificate Error" icon in the browser address bar
    . in the "Untrusted Certificates" popup, click "View Certificates"
    . click on the "Certification Path" tab of the "Certificate" dialog
    . select the root certificate (certificate at the root of the tree)
    . click "View Certificate..." button
    . click "Install Certificate..." on the "Certificate" dialog that appears
    . click "Next" on the "Certificate Import Wizard"
    . select "Place all certificates in the following store" button and click "Browse..."
    . select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" on the "Select Certificate Stores" dialog and click "OK"
    . click "Next" button, and then "Finish" button
    . click "Yes" on "Security Warning" dialog that appears
    The other alternative is to enable http access using "emctl secure unlock". This is not recommended for a production site.

  • Important Question About Moving Files

    Aloha DW Community
    I need help/confirmation on this before i do it. I have
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    all over the place, in places they just should not be stored. i am
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    thank you in advance
    all the best to you

    Do all of your organizational moves within DW's Files panel.
    You should be
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "sinewave zero" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fcf30e$s5h$[email protected]..
    > Aloha DW Community
    > I need help/confirmation on this before i do it. I have
    inherrited the
    > website
    > from hell; that meaning the folders on my computer and
    on the server are
    > very
    > unorganized. There are images all over the place, in
    places they just
    > should
    > not be stored. i am getting ready to switch to a new
    service provider for
    > the
    > site so i want to start as fresh as possible. i have
    already downloaded
    > the
    > whole site from the server to my local computer. i have
    gone through and
    > deleted all the old files that are no longer needed. now
    before i upload
    > this
    > site to the new server i want to collect all the images
    that are spread
    > about
    > and place them in the same folder. my question is this -
    if i gather all
    > the
    > images together and upload the site, will dreamweaver
    correct all the link
    > paqths that have been switched around by me moving all
    the pictures? i
    > know DW
    > does this, but i am not sure if it will do it on such a
    large scale.
    > if you know the answer, please let me know.
    > thank you in advance
    > all the best to you
    > e~

  • Important Question About N95 New FirmWare?

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    while i am updating if :
    *the PC shutdown
    *someone call me and the mobile ring at the updating process
    *the electricity went off
    *the internet connection have a problem
    *the battery become empty at the updating process
    WHAT Will Happen to The Phone????
    somebody says its over,the mobile is gone,its damaged
    Can i just restart the process from the begining or what?
    &Does the Backup process that i had done it at the PC is useful to get back the old Firmware or its just for the files i installed on the phone??
    thx gus.............

    while i am updating if : ... see here
    *the PC shutdown
    - you should get "Software update failed".
    *someone call me and the mobile ring at the updating process
    - calls can be made and received while the software is being downloaded. The call will be terminated automatically when the update phase begins.
    *the electricity went off/*the internet connection have a problem/*the battery become empty at the updating process
    - Power or internet connection was lost during the update. The update may have been successful. Remove the battery and if the software was not updated, try again.
    *Does the Backup process that i had done it at the PC is useful to get back the old Firmware or its just for the files i installed on the phone??
    - Nokia device firmware cannot be downgraded. Once you have upgraded your device, you will not be able to restore it to the earlier version.

  • Some important question about JPA!!!

    Hi there, I have a web application written in Java 1.4
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    Collection getList(String className, string tableName)
    That do follwing tasks:
    Get set of properties from class schema (by className)
    Get record set from table
    Each row of record set do:
    - Create object and set properties value from column that named the same name of property.
    - Add object to collection
    Return collection
    As my knowledge, in JPA, each entity class schema is mapped with a table schema. So, this function can't migrate. But in my application case, there are about 50 tables, mapping entities to each table is not good idea. Is there another solution?
    2. In database design, a table have composite PKs that merge from many part, each part is a property of entity too, for example table User have column User_ID = Agency_ID + Deparment_ID + SeqNum. How I can map Agency and Department properties of User entity to the table User?
    Please help me, thanks
    Thank you.

    Hi uvnet,
    I think the old code can run in java 1.5 with a minor change but the problem is I want take advantage of using 1.5 especially JPA (big change :D ).
    Anyway, the sample code would be:
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Map;
    import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
    import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
    public class DAO {
         public Collection getList(String className, String tableName, int encoding) {
              Object objDescriber = null;          
              ResultSet rs = null;
              Map map = null;
              Iterator properties = null;
              ArrayList<Object> returnValue = new ArrayList<Object>();
              try {
                   objDescriber = (Object)Class.forName(className).newInstance();
                   try {
                        map = BeanUtils.describe(objDescriber);
                        properties = map.keySet().iterator();
                        //Get ResultSet from Table
                        rs = getResultSet(tableName);
                        while (rs.next()) {
                             while (properties.hasNext()) {
                                  String name = (String) properties.next();
                                  String typeName = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(objDescriber, name).getName();
                                  //Get value from current row and column name of ResultSet
                                  Object value = getValue(rs, name, encoding);
                                  try {
                                       Object obj = (Object)Class.forName(className).newInstance();
                                       PropertyUtils.setProperty(obj, typeName, value);
                                  catch (Exception ex) {
                   catch (Exception ex) {
              catch (Exception ex) {
              return returnValue;

  • Very important question about fm record

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  • Important question about my code

    Okay so here's the deal, I have been working on creating the 6/49 lottery game and so far everything works fine, however I have one problem with how the program runs.
    The instructions are as follows: The program generates 6 random numbers from 1 to 49, then it asks the user to input 6 numbers, and if they guess the generated random numbers they win a prize.
    This is where the problem's at, the program generates 6 random numbers, let's say for this topic's sake : 1,2,3,4,5,6. Now if the user inputs let's say 12,34,56,6,9,11 the program should say 1/6 correct since the user guessed the number 6. However since the user entered 6 as the 4th number, it says that the user has gotten 0/6 correct!
    Tell me what I'm doing wrong here please... here's my code.
    import java.util.Random;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class GameBeta
         public static void main (String args[])     
         }//end main
    public static void mGame()
              Random randomNumbers = new Random();
                String sInput,
                          win = "";
              int iNumber=0,
    int array [] = new int [50];
         for (int i=1; i<=6; i++)
                   randNumber = 1 + randomNumbers.nextInt(49);
                   array [randNumber] = randNumber;
                   //get the numbers from the user
                   sInput=JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter winning number");
                   //convert strings to integers
                   catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
                        System.out.println ("Invalid input please try again");
                        System.exit (0);
                  }//end catch
                   if (match==3)
                        prize = 10;
                        if (match==4)
                             prize = 1000;
                             if (match==5)
                                  prize = 10000;
                                  if (match==6)
                                       prize = 1000000;
              for ( int counter = 1; counter < array.length; counter ++)
                      if (counter % 7 == 0)
                                System.out.printf("%s\n", array [counter]);
                            System.out.printf("%s ",  array [counter]); 
         System.out.println ("You have got: " + match + " correct answers!");
    }//end class Assignment1

    Is there a specific reason your using a static method to run your app?
    I modified your code slightly so that it will run as a app and you shouldn't get the cannot access non-static method from a static context...
        public static void main(String args[])
            GameBeta gm = new GameBeta();  // create a new instance of your game
            gm.mGame();  //  run the game
            gm = null;  // release the object to gc
            System.exit(0);  //  exit gracefully
        }//end main
        public void mGame() {
        //  the rest of your code....I hope it gives you some insight..

  • A simple import question about previously existing folders

    I just bought Lightroom (so excited!) and am importing my photos. I already have a pretty significant organization of folders on my Mac for all my photos. Does Lightroom recognize all previous folders and I can just move them in bulk or do I need to import them folder by folder? Thanks!

    Simply select Pictures or the root folder and in the import dialog choose "Add"
    Lightroom does not hold images it will reference the folders and files on your hard drive or connected external hard drive.
    Go to the Library menu and put a check-mark against "Show photos in sub folders"

  • 2 important questions about Macintosh

    1. Is it normal that the total amount of files on Macintosh HD changes from one minute to another (by just opening a program)?
    (for example: 539.967 files --> 540.345 ...)
    2. I´ve just had about 450 GB left on Macintosh for months, suddenly I only had about 400 GB left (I haven´t installed any programs with an amount of 50    GB...)
    Can there be a virus? I have Norton Internet Security 5.0 installed and no virus was found...
    Please reply soon.
    Thank you very much! :-)

    First, it is normal for the number of files to change. The System constantly creates temporary files.
    (for example: 539.967 files --> 540.345 ...)
    That seems quite normal.
    You don't have a virus. Read this general introduction to malware and Macs.
    Most people here have had very bad experiences with Norton. I don't know about the latest version, which you may have, but I wouldn't allow it on my computer. If you want any A-V (but generally not necessary) either get ClamXav or Sophos free for Mac (some have reported issues with that, however.)
    For the sudden loss of 50GB, read this article from Pondini, which includes most of the troubleshooting steps to find missing drive space.
    You should also get OmniDiskSweeper (free) and set it to run as root, so you can see any other users.
    To run as root, copy/paste in Terminal, hit return, give your pword, which you won't see as you type it in, hit return again.
    sudo /Applications/OmniDiskSweeper.app/Contents/MacOS/OmniDiskSweeper

  • Important question about bootcamp

    I need a new notebook for college. I went to the apple store to ask some questions. I need bootcamp in order to run certain programs like CAD, and 3D rendering software that only comes on windows.
    I asked the specialist if bootcamp came on the regular macbook. he said no, it only comes on the macbook pro. I obviously believed him but now I am looking at the apple site and it says that it DOES come with bootcamp. Who is right? the specialist or the website?
    I really really need bootcamp but I cannot afford a macbookpro. I would have to take out a student loan.

    He just wanted to up-sell you the more expensive MacBook Pro. BootCamp will run fine on MacBook. You can use your old copy of XP, but a retail copy (not the one that came with your other Windows computer, the so-called recovery disks). And it also needs to include SP2. Once you have it installed (along with the drivers from your MacBook's Leopard disk), you have 30 days to activate it. You can try to activate it online. If it doesn't let you, try using a phone-call. If it still doesn't let you, then you need to get a new copy of Windows XP and enter the new serial number.

  • I have an important question about icloud?

    I recently subscribed to apple's service to increase my icloud storage to 10 gb.
    But i think that i have a wrong impression of how icloud works?
    My iphone 4s is left with very little internal storage(100mb).....so i thought that i could use icloud to store data that i can no longer store on my phone.
    Is it possible to save downloaded games and music onto icloud instead of saving it into the iphone's internal storage? If it is not possible, i think i want a prorated refund...

    Using iCloud doesn't increase the storage on your device.  iCloud is designed to back up your phone and sync data on your phone to other devices sharing the same iCloud account.  The only exception is if you subscribe to iTunes Match, which is totally separate from your iCloud account.  In that case your music library can be deleted from your phone and played/downloaded as desired from your iTunes Match account in iCloud.
    Apple's policy is to grand refund on storage upgrades within 15 days.  It it's been longer all you can do is call a plead your case and see what they will do for you.  The number is in this post: https://discussions.apple.com/message/16968425#16968425.

  • 2 important questions about my old 8600

    1.) I want to connect it to my network via USB (since I dont have a long enough ehternet) how can I do this. It will be through my iMac (10.3.9) and I want to be able to browse the web, print, and file share on both. Thanks. (The 8600 has OS 9.1)
    2.) I want to install Mac OS X Panther on my 8600 but Xpostfacto requires a G3/G4 processoe and it only has a 604ev. Is there a way to drag and drop the system and library onto the 8600 from my iMac? Cause I know you can do this with OS 9 with the system folder.
    Thanks again and happy 4th of July!

    1) You don't have a long enough ethernet cable, but you DO have a long enough USB cable? That's mighty odd considering that USB cable length can't go much past 15 feet without a signal repeater, while ethernet can comfortably go a hundred feet or more without a problem. (And ethernet cables are cheaper, too.) In short: You're barking up the wrong tree. Plug an ethernet cable into your computer and go nuts.
    2) Even if that were technically possible -- which it isn't -- it would also be stealing, as you don't have licenses for both computers. If you want to run OS X on your un-upgraded 8600 you will need to invest in OS X 10.2 as that's the last version of OS X that'll work with the 604 processor (and XPF).

  • Important Question about reFit and EFI

    Hi guys
    I have a problem, and although I have rEFIt installed on my EFI hard drive since it does not detect a fusion Drive.
    So now I want to delete it, but you would have to help me find the correct terminal command out
    Here are the commands to create:
    From a Terminal or command-line prompt, run the following commands:

    $ sudo mkdir /efi 
    This will create the mount point for the EFI system partition

    $ sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /efi 
    This command will mount the EFI system partition (usually hidden from Mac OS X) into /efi. The EFI system partition is basically a 200MB FAT32 partition which is, by default empty.
    NOTE: Please, take into consideration that EFI system partition is usually the first partition on the built-in hard disk, which is usually /dev/disk0s1, although it could be different on your system.

    open /efi 
    This will open the /efi folder in Finder.
    Now, download rEFIt and copy the contents of the efi folder into /efi.
    In the end, you should have the following subdirectories on your machine:
    Now, we will bless the EFI system partition:

    sudo bless --mount /efi --setBoot --file /efi/efi/refit/r 
    THANK YOU!!!!

    If you just wanted to run shell commands, this might work. You would need to create links on the linux host to match the Mac equivalent. I did this with Shake a long time ago.

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    Only where minor gerontophiles and adult pedophiles
    kind regards,
    Jos ( I didn't say that! honest! ;-)The special hell for you, I'm afraid. :)

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