3000+ 400 Mhz Bus Speed

May sound like a stupid question, but why is there a 3000 as a 333MHz chip and also a 400MHz chip?
And if its just about backwards compatibility then what's with the £20 price difference.

yeah I guess that makes sense  

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  • This is what i have:eMac Machine Model:     PowerMac6,4   CPU Type:     PowerPC G4  (1.5)   Number Of CPUs:1   CPU Speed:     1.42 GHz   L2 Cache (per CPU):     512 KB   Memory:512 MB   Bus Speed:     167 MHz   Boot ROM Version:     4.9.2f1? can i update

    this is what I have
      Machine Model:          PowerMac6,4
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    can i update to snow leopard?? and how?  im having a hard time its my first mac.   I need to to create documents, Im trying to avoid buying a new computer.

    You cannot upgrade to snow leopard. Snow leopard was the first of os x to drop support for the motorola ppc processors. The latest you could possibly run would be leopard.
    Hope it helps,

  • G4 Bus Speed

    I'm running a Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors) and was wondering if there's any way to update the bus speed? currently I've got 167 MHz.
    presumably there would be no point in updating my processor from 1.25 GHz with 167 bus speed?

    is it all pretty much governed by bus speed?
    Of course, bus speed is a limiting factor, though processor speed, cache size/location of cache are equally as, or more, important. RAM controller speed, and CAS rating of memory chips, amount of memory, GPU speed, and VRAM clock also contribute to system performance/limitations.
    Faster processor means faster handling of data, resulting in faster system response.
    Dual processors allow for additional data threads to be processed simultaneously, resulting in faster system performance.
    A larger cache, closer to the processor (L2 vs. L3) allows for a greater amount of data to be buffered (temporary storage) within easy reach of the processor, resulting in faster system performance.
    A slow bus can benefit from a faster processor, this is a given. A larger L2 and/or L3 cache also increases performance, this is proven.
    How much of an improvement all of this makes, depends on the overall configuration of a system, and from where the upgrading began. In the case of a 400mhz system going to a dual 1.8ghz processor, the difference is around 400-500% improvement. Depending on the process/application, though, the bus will, in fact cause the processor to slow down, while waiting for the rest of the system to "catch up", if you will...
    In the case of a 1.25ghz machine moving to a dual 1.42. with the exception of multi-tasking, the overall improvement in performance will be slight, due to the slight increase in processor speed. But, with multi-tasking, video, graphics intensive work, etc., a dual processor, even of the same speed, will greatly improve the performance by virtue of the multi processing ability of the dual. This is why current systems have moved to multiple multi-core processors. Here lies the potential for greatly improved performance and speed.
    But, again, all system components need to be optimized for optimal performance. Back to the bus issue, in the end, the slower (relatively speaking) bus of a G4 will be the ultimate limiting factor of a
    machines performance.
    Let us not forget, though, the Sawtooth was once considered a "Super Computer" and exports were initially seen as a national security issue. The MDD is a further refined/enhanced machine, and has good life left in it, even in todays "speed is everything" mentality.
    do you reckon upgrading the CPU will make much difference
    Keeping the above discussion in mind, browse the database at XBench, and you can see how various processors compare in performance in the MDD.
    I will say that moving from a single to a dual processor, of higher speed, can be seen as a worthwhile upgrade.

  • Can the PCU from a Power Mac G4 w/400 mhz be upgraded to something higher?

    Hi Everyone,
    I got a few questions that I've been trying to answer since I discovered that the CPU's in the power macs can be upgraded. I got a power mac g4 that I picked up at my local dump for $20. I use to be a standard dell man but once I got my hands on the power mac, I've been hooked. From what I've been reading in the forums, it may be possible to upgrade the cpu on my power mac. I have one slight problem though, I can't tell what model I have. From what I can gather, I may have a sawtooth model (AGP?) but, I'm not too sure. So my questions are as followIs:
    1. Is their some type of marker on the Mac that can tell what model it is?
    2. Once the model has been confirmed, can it's particular cpu be upgraded and if so, how high?
    3. Besides adding more memory (she has 1.5 GB) is their anything else I can do to make her faster?
    Well, any help that can be provided would be great!
    Bronx, NY
    P.S. here's the hardware overview:
    Machine Model: Power Mac G4
    CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (2.9)
    Number Of CPUs: 1
    CPU Speed: 400 MHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 1 MB
    Memory: 1.5 GB
    Bus Speed: 100 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: 4.2.8f1
    Serial Number: XB0470QQJ3B
    Sales Order Number: M7891LL/A

    1. Is their some type of marker on the Mac that can tell what model it is?
    Based on the model number, here's your Mac:
    It is a Gigabit Ethernet model.
    The linked page lists many of the options that you have.
    Further info is here:
    2. Once the model has been confirmed, can it's particular cpu be upgraded and if so, how high?
    Processor wise, the GE also had a dual 450MHz and a dual 500MHz processor. These would be a plug and play upgrade.
    You could also use a processor from a Quicksilver, by adding power to the 4th mount lug of the processor daughtercard.
    These processors range from 733MHz to dual 1.0GHz.
    More regarding that topic here:
    Most any aftermarket processor from old makers like Gigadesigns, FastMac, OWC and Powerlogix will work. Current makers of CPU upgrades from Newertech and Sonnet are also available.
    Single processors are available up to 2.0GHz and duals up to 1.8GHz.
    3. Besides adding more memory (she has 1.5 GB) is their anything else I can do to make her faster?
    In OS 9, 1.5GB is the max RAM supported.
    In OS X, 2GB is fully supported. 4x 512MB DIMMs are the max RAM supported.
    A new hard drive (current ATA/IDE model) is always a great way to boost performance. Old drives are just that, and don't have the cache and other technological benefits that current drives do.
    Graphics can also be boosted.
    Find a PC version of a Radeon 9800 Pro and flash it to Mac ROM, or, buy a pre-flashed card on eBay in Apple Components.
    The 9800 Pro is the top upgrade for 2x AGP graphics machines.
    You can also add USB 2.0 support with a PCI card. Get any card that has the NEC chipset, and you are good to go.
    Don't forget to get a later model optical drive.
    Any Pioneer model will have the best native support in OS X.
    In OS X versions lower than 10.4.9, use the appropriate Patchburn utility to get full burn support.
    There are other possibilities, but this should get you started.

  • G60-519WM motherboar​d bus speed, CPU support list

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    Below is the link to the Maintenance & Service Guide for your notebook.
    Supported processors are listed in Chapter 1, starting on page 1-1.

  • OS 9 running very slow on 400 MHz G4 'Mystic'

    I've posted this before, but may have accidentally done it under my other account (I made a second one a while ago when I forgot about my first one). However, the situation has changed [slightly] since then, so I'll just tell it like it is.
    It's a 400 MHz G4, 128 MB RAM (512 MB virtual memory, Gigabit Ethernet/'Mystic' machine. It previously had 256 MB of RAM, but I decided to try it with just the original stick when it was performing even worse than it is now. As it turns out, it performed better with the one stick of it's original RAM, so I've kept it like that. My most frequented application is the 'iCab' browser.
    So, here's my problem, it's just very, very slow. I wouldn't complain if it wasn't that bad, but it really is just that bad. Now, based on everything I've heard from other 'old Mac' users, OS 9 should be nice and fast and iCab shouldn't be much of an issue. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Almost any time I open a new page it takes around 10 seconds to open, and I almost always have to abort some Javascript to save time [so far, this hasn't kept any sites from working]. Even after choosing to abort, I have to wait longer for it to go through with it. Whenever it gets stuck in some Javascript (I doubt that many websites could have buggy Javascript, especially since I have to do it on Apple Discussions as well), the entire OS stops responding. The clock [which shows seconds] stops, I can't change tabs or applications, etc. The only reason I don't suspect that the entire OS crashed is because the arrow still moves. This happens with an app that gets caught up in doing something, but since I use iCab the most, that's the best app off of which I can base my experiences.
    So, is it really supposed to work like this? It's so bad that it's lagging even as I type this, and I only have two other browser tabs open. I collapsed the window to look behind it for anything else and even doing that, it lagged. By the way, the only other thing open is a Finder window.

    Hi, videoCWK -
    Also, what would be the consequences of not fixing it soon? Could the problem get worse?
    Directory problems usually get worse over time, sometimes quickly. When that happens, if you're lucky the initial symptoms will be files or programs that fail to open; if you're not lucky, the OS will no longer work.
    You should repair it before anything negative happens to the operation of the computer.
    Could this be fixed with an OS 9 install disc?
    Not exacctly. The only utility available for repair work on the CD is Disk First Aid. Although DFA is smart enough to diagnose such a problem, it does not have the ability to make repairs to the directory.
    You could use such a disk to deep wipe (re-initialize and format) the hard drive. This is usually not a fun thing to do, since it fully erases the hard drive. You would first need to back up anything you do not want to lose (unless you already have current backups); deep wipe the drive; then re-install the OS and all programs you need, and copy needed files from their backup archive.
    DiskWarrior is a very good utility to have on hand. The latest version of it that boots/runs under OS 9 is v. 2.1.1. It can usually fix this kind of directory damage with no loss of files, leaving your hard drive in the exact same configuration you've become used to.
    Additional things you can do to improve the speed and responsiveness of OS 9 -
    • In the Extensions Manager control panel, disable (uncheck) all extensions for services you do not use. Doing this will reduce the footprint of the OS - all active (checkmarked) extensions are loaded at startup, whether they are needed or not.
    For example, if you do not use File Sharing you can disable all extensions related to that service. In case you're not familiar with Extensions Manager's features, you can set up new sets of extensions with names you give them; this allows reasonably rapid switching between sets. Note that a restart is required whenever you make changes to the active set, or change sets.
    There is also an additional pane available at the bottom of its window - click the triangle next to "Show Item Information" and that pane will appear; then, whenever you clkick on the name of an item in the list, any additional info about it will be displayed there. This info can help you determine whether you need that item active or not.
    • Don't go font crazy. Like extensions, all fonts in the Fonts folder are loaded at startup. Having a ton of fonts in there will slow down the OS.
    • Since you have a relatively small amount of RAM in the machine, avoid bells and whistles type utilities, meaning those that affect the look and feel of the machine. These can include items such as BeHierarchic, DefaultFolder, PowerOn Utilities, and others. Though many of those are good and can be useful, they do add to the OS's burden on the CPU, and to RAM consumption.
    • Avoid having a picture displayed on the desktop. Best is a single color, not even a pattern.

  • UP CPU FW800 1ghz 133 mhz bus.....Is hard work : (

    What is the best option
    http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=19 For
    The giga CPU you can set the speed clock 1.33 to 1.53???
    or is best
    MDD Cpu dual 1.42 (in this i must to change the bus speed ......)
    Thanks for the help
    FW800 1ghz 133 mhz bus   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    the Apple CPU uses 1.4 GHz rated 7455B chips.
    the Giga CPU uses overclocked 1.25 GHz 7455B chips.
    Changing the bus speed on the MLB is a bit of a chore, but the Apple CPU *MAY* overclock better.

  • Bus Speed on LimeBook

    This Lime iBook is slowing down more and more as I add stuff to it. I'm wondering how much bus speed has to do with it, accessing and all that. I perform all the regular maintenance and use macJanitor also. Is it just a consequence of older technology and slow processor speeds? Mine is the SE with 466 mhz CPU.

    RichardIf you are using more and more of your Hard Disk space the system is limited on the amount of virtual memory it can use. It is advisable to leave at least 10% of your hard disk free. I assume you are using Mac OS 9 (this was what would have been supplied with your Lime iBook originally. The hard disk could also do with de-fragmenting now and again under OS 9. (Although you shouldn't do this if you do have OS X installed.) You can tell the bus speed of a mac by looking in the System Profiler. The Processor speed is also a good hint. Your processor is 466. 466/66.67 = 7. This is the multiplier (usually an integer). If you go to the Control Panel and Energy Saver there is an option check box which can reduce the multiplier to 5.5 ... 5.5x 66.67 = 366MHz - this saves battery power - only available on the 466 iBooks and Powerbooks. Many of the overclocking mods for Macs involve changing the multipier - but this involves serious hardcore soldering so it's not an option unless Apple builds in the option.
    To get your iBook to go fast I recommend you:
    Up your RAM to the maximum (576Mb)
    Upgrade the Hard Disk or purchase a Firewire External Drive.
    My other tip would be to not buy brand new software - it invariably requires more processing power (as it is aimed at today's machines). Look out for the same (geniune) software but older versions on eBay.

  • Clocking bus speed

    I know that on the beige desktop 266mhz apple computers you can clock the bus speed from 66mhz to above 80mhz, so how exactley do I go about this?

    This page has the jumper settings and some discussion:
    If your RAM is only PC-66, running the bus faster than 66 MHz runs it faster than its specified and tested speed. This may make it flaky. It is very difficult to decide what the problem is when your memory is flaky.
    If you are considering expanding your memory, using the faster memory from the Blue & White G3, which is otherwise identical, may put your mind at ease about memory problems.
    Overclocking can sometimes improve performance 5, 10, or 15 percent. It can also break things, so it is not something to try on the Mac you need every day. It can make things unreliable. If you really need a big speedup, you should think about a newer old Mac.
    If you are starting with a 266, you can buy cast-off processors from faster G3 Macs pretty cheaply. a 300 MHz with a bigger cache can often be had on eBay for US$35 or less.

  • K7T Turbo2 Ver.5 133 mhz bus

    I am sure this issue has been addressed numerous times: However, I cannot get my K7T Turbo2 Ver. 5 system board to accept the 133 mhz bus with my Athlon 1700+ CPU.  I have installed 133 mhz memory and, (as recommended in this forum), purchased and installed a 450 Watt power supply.  This does not resolve the problem. When I jumper "J17" to 133MHZ (open), windows XP halts during the boot.  Windows XP will only load in the shorted jumper position.  The maximum CPU speed I can obtain is 1100 MHZ!!  When I originally installed the CPU, I used white heat transfer lube between the CPU and the Athlon cooling fan.  I have tried repeatedly to resolve this problem since I purchased the board....no success much frustration!
    Attached Devices: HD's IBM-DTLA-307015, WDC WD400BB-AUA1; Display MSI GeForce4 MX/440; IDE DVD ROM 16X; Optorite CD/RW 4802; Voyetra Santa Cruz audio card; Lexmark X63 all-in-one printer; Linksys Ethernet adapter.
    If anyone has a point by point solution please advise!!

    The only other thing you might try is to barebones the system, just a video card , the ram and a harddrive attached, and try to boot then. If the system boots then, you have a conflict with a piece of hardware.you proceed ,adding one piece at a time, until you find whats causing the problem. Sometimes audio cards or Nic cards can cause problems.and sometimes just by switching the slots they are located in, can help. Good Luck BD.51  :D  

  • IMac DV 400 mhz G3 CPU upgrade

    Ok i have a iMac DV Slot loading with a G3 400 mhz processor in it is is possible to upgrade to a G4 processor and if i can how much should it cost and where can i have it done?
    iMac DV G3 M5521 Mac OS X (10.3.9) 400 mhz 512K L2 Cache/ 192 ram/ 20 gig hd/dvd

    fastmac.com offers a G4 processor upgrade, and there have been a few other processor upgrades available from various companies. The problem with slot loaders is that the CPU is soldered to the board, and thus requires you to send your entire logic board to them.
    Its not particularly cheap either, and when you are done, you still have the same outdated graphics card, small screen, slow system bus, less capable optical drive, etc. YOu may find your money better spent on something like a used eMac or G4 iMac, which can probably be had pretty cheap nowadays and offer a lot more advantages. If you have a screen around, a mac mini would be a much better deal.

  • 1.25 167 MHZ processor upgrade for a dual 867 133 MHz bus

    Having upgraded my MDD with a dual 1.25 processor, I am left with a single 1.25 processor at 167 MHZ bus. Can I use this to upgrade a dual 867 MHZ MDD? I know I won't get the original speed due to lower bus freq, but I'd like to use it anyway, especially if the heatsink fits.

    Hi there, that's going to leave you with a single 1 GHz CPU vs. 2 867s, unless you also bump the speed multiplier, but...
    Info on 167MHz Bus Speed Mods for Dual G4 867 (DDR) System ...
    If you need more help, there are many former xlr8yormac.com/bbs users here that have done such things...

  • Any hope for Powermac G4 400 mhz?

    I have GB running on a Powermac G4 400 mhz and, not surprisingly, it gives me the "disk too slow" message after more than 3 or 4 tracks. Without investing too much $, is there any hope for upgrading this to a more workable solution for GB, or would I be better off going to a mini w/1.42 Ghz? I'm concerned that the mini might not work that much better.

    I'll offer an opinion...
    If you can slip a Mini and an external FireWire drive into your budget, that's the way I would go (If you're willing to turn a screwdriver and shop around online for a few weeks, a nice sized FW drive and enclosure can be purchased separately for a total under $100. For some more money a very nice sized drive can be had)
    The weakest link in the Mini is the very slow HD it has. Add the FW drive and you'll have a lot more machine than I use as my recording machine in the studio (800Mc iBook)
    Naturally it depends how far/hard you plan to go/push.
    Effects and software instruments are very processor intensive. Audio is mostly HD intensive.

  • Should I install iPhoto 5 on my 400 MHz G3?

    I have a slot-loading iMac, G3, 400 MHz, with 576K RAM. I've just installed Tiger (10.4.3) on it and it's running well.
    I use iPhoto 2 extensively but its sluggishness when the library reaches 2000 photos or so is an annoyance.
    I've been led to believe that a later version will give us better performance in iPhoto. I don't care about the other apps in iLife.
    I can't go all the way to iLife '06 because it requires a G4.
    I've read that some of the photo-editing capabilities in iPhoto 5 require a G4.
    My questions:
    (1) Would iPhoto 5 work acceptably on my machine?
    (2) What advantages would it have over iPhoto 4?
    (3) Would iPhoto 4 be a better choice for this machine?
    iMac DV (slot-loading) 400 Mhz Mac OS X (10.4.3)

    You might want to try iPhoto Buddy to make smaller libraries first. I don't remember 2 all that well and went straight to the 5 series. The editing is a bit stronger in 5 and there's some smart sorting features that make life a bit easier.
    It's a tough call. I use Photoshop Elements on my G3.

  • Can I install Tiger on 400 MHz G3?

    My daughter has a 400 MHz G3 (10 GB drive, 1 GB RAM, Firewire, slot-loading DVD) currently running OS X 10.3. We are finding that she does not have access to all web content, because of outdated Flash player. In order to upgrade Flash player, she needs OS X 10.4.
    Checking Apple's specs, it seems like 10.4 should be okay on her machine, but I've seen some comments implying that it may not be. Does anyone have a certain answer on this?
    I have a Mac mini, which came with 10.4.7. Can I use my system disks to install on her computer?
    I know this is not the G4 forum, but just as long as I'm typing, I have the same questions about my other daughter's G4 (466 MHz, 1 GB RAM, running 10.3.9 now)

    Michele Braun wrote:
    My daughter has a 400 MHz G3 (10 GB drive, 1 GB RAM, Firewire, slot-loading DVD) currently running OS X 10.3. We are finding that she does not have access to all web content, because of outdated Flash player. In order to upgrade Flash player, she needs OS X 10.4.
    Checking Apple's specs, it seems like 10.4 should be okay on her machine, but I've seen some comments implying that it may not be.
    Does anyone have a certain answer on this?
    I would rely on Apple.
    It will run. Some people may feel it will be too slow.
    I have a Mac mini, which came with 10.4.7. Can I use my system disks to install on her computer?
    I know this is not the G4 forum, but just as long as I'm typing, I have the same questions about my other daughter's G4 (466 MHz, 1 GB RAM, running 10.3.9 now)
    For tiger, you need 256meg of memory.
    There is no need to partition. You can save hard drive space by doing a custom install. Leave out the print drivers you do not need and the languages you do not need. Doing so you will need about three gigabytes of space.
    outoforderorder explains how...
    By the way, here it is how you find the terminal application.
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
    From: san francisco,ca
    Registered: Apr 27, 2007
    Re: Do the widgets drain system resources and power?
    Posted: Apr 28, 2007 2:51 PM
    I tend to think dashboard is neat, but not neccesary for my everyday workflow.
    it is possible to enable and disable it as needed,
    by entering the following commands into the terminal:
    #To turn Dashboard off:
    defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES
    #To turn Dashboard on:
    defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean NO
    #*You have to restart the Dock after making either change for it to take effect:
    killall Dock
    Bye Bye Dashbaord
    Disable Spotlight, Bonjour and Dashboard:
    If you have a second Mac computer, you may be able to use target disk mode.

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