32 and 64bit MSIs for Java Version 8

Hi guys.
Where can I get hold of the MSIs for the MSI Enterprise Installer (for both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems): jre-8version-windows-i586.msi and jre-8version-windows-x64.msi

I was looking for the same thing...Stumbled on this page
Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 20 Release Notes
found this
"The MSI Enterprise JRE Installer is only available as part of Java SE Advanced or Java SE Suite. For information about these commercial products, see Java SE Advanced and Java SE Suite."
I guess we will have to use a script to delete the start menu items.

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    What is your OS? You can use SAPCCMSR.exe to monitoring  IT Reporting Java system on Solman.
    Go to solman rz21 create a csmreg user. and configuration fil for agent. copy configuration fil on usr/sap/ccms/..
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    first of all do not post twice. you want help in this forum, one post is enoough. Two post doesnt help you at all.
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    Email:[email protected]

    I also had problems when trying to install 1.5.0. I must have downloaded the offline installation file at least a dozen times and always got the 1335 error. I tried just about all the "recommended solutions", but none of them worked for me. I downloaded the file through WellGet, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. The installation file downloaded through WellGet and Firefox had identical results (error at the same point in the installation "timeline", but the file downloaded through Internet Explorer errored at bit later, which seemed weird, but I guess different software runs differently (obviously!)...
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    give it right now some official recommendations for the JAVA Version if we migrate BW 7.01 to HANA 7.4.
    Werner Schubert

    Hi Werner Schubert,
    Apart from what Michael has suggested, please see if the following link gives you some help.

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    What to give in SLD for java Server proxy, i have given Web as Java.....is this what the error says.Help is highly appreciated.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Request Message Mapping
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:P3>Fatal Error: com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.Parser~</SAP:P3>
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>Während des Anwendungs-Mappings com/sap/xi/tf/_Folder_MM_ wurde eine com.sap.aii.utilxi.misc.api.BaseRuntimeException geworfen: Fatal Error: com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.Parser~.</SAP:Stack>

    Refer this configuration guide:
    Refer these too:
    Java Proxy Inside Story Part I
    Java Proxy Inside Story Part II
    Message was edited by: S.R.Suraj
    Message was edited by: S.R.Suraj

  • ANN: XML Parser for Java Version

    Oracle announces the release of version of the XML
    Parser for Java now available for free download on the Oracle
    Technology Network. This version features an integrated XSLT
    Processor that is compliant with the recently released W3C XSLT
    1.0 Proposed Recommendation.
    This parser includes the following new features from previous
    * XSLT Extension Function support is now available
    * XSL Output has been enhanced to provide support for PrintWriter
    and OutputStream for XML Documents and Doc Fragments.
    This is the fourth maintenance release of v2 and includes a
    number of bug fixes. See the included readme.html for details.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network

    This is covered by patch for bug 2199206. Thanks

  • Monitoring memory and thread management for Java 1.4.2_04

    I have an application which is using Java version 1.4.2_04. The application deployed in Customer site is having some memory issues. There are observing java.exe going 100% in Task Manager. The same application (of higher version)
    uses Java 1.5 is not seeing any issues.
    Now Customer needs the root cause of the issue and i would like to check the code which is causing the issue. I came to know we can monitor threads and memory using JConsole. Since we are using Java 1.4, i installed Java 1.6 on a remote machine and tried connecting to the problematic machine. But it failed to connect.
    i have added the option "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=8880" when starting JVM (this i have provided inside ServletExec batch file, ServletExec is my web server).
    Any idea how to connect to the problematic machine from remote using JConsole. Or any other tools i can use on Java 1.4 to nail down the problem..
    Please provide pointers.
    I have another doubt on Java version 1.4, since there were many memory issues, am i hitting any defect in Java 1.4

    hari.r wrote:
    Please provide pointers.You need to tell you sales/marketing/business requirements people that they must come up with an end of life policy for customers on older versions.
    Unless your company has a service contract with Sun you right now, can no longer insure that the VM will remain secure nor even really running.
    See the following for the java VMs that you are using.

  • OJC (OracleJavaCompiler) and Microsoft VM for Java 5.0

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    I created test applet
    package test;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class AppletTest extends Applet
         public AppletTest()
              catch(Exception e)
         private void jbInit() throws Exception
              System.out.println("TestApplet init");
    With simple html page
    <APPLET CODE="test.AppletTest" HEIGHT="200" WIDTH="200" ALIGN="bottom">This browser does not appear to support Applets.</APPLET>
    And i get following error message in IE6 java console.
    Microsoft (R) VM for Java, 5.0 Release
    o ohje
    t tyhjenn�
    s suorita viimeistelij�t
    r tietoj�tteen ker��minen
    m muistin k�ytt�
    l lopeta
    � s�ieluettelo
    Error loading class: test.AppletTest
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.AppletTest
         at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
         at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
         at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.securedClassLoad
         at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
         at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
         at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.run
         at java/lang/Thread.run
    If i compile the code with previous version of JDeveloper (9.0.3) all works fine. Is there something special with ojc?
    (I just have to use Microsoft VM, so i can't update my browser java runtime)

    Thanks Rob!
    I was trying to find that setting. It looks like that "Target:" is somehow involved with "Character Encoding". The comboboxes are so close each other. I did not opened that combobox before. The content of that combobox clearifies the meaning.
    If you read that panel from left to right the settings are:
    1.) "Character Encoding"
    2.) "Target:"
    3.) "Use Default Encoding"
    But anyhow, Thanks a lot of your help!

  • EWA for Java Version 7.0

    We are doing system monitoring for our ABAP & Java systems.
    As part of this, we were able to get EWA for all ABAP Systems, But the same is not working in JAVA.
    Is that possible to generate or configure EWA for Java Systems with version 7.0
    Please Advise. .

    Hi Arun,
    Please note that the requirements for EWA for ABAP and JAVA systems are very different.
    To generate EWA reports for JAVA systems you have to install solution manager diagnostics.
    Please take a look at the notes below:
    976054   Availability of EWA for Non ABAP components
    1010428 End-to-End Diagnostics
    1274287 End-to-End Diagnostics SP18(EHP1)- SP19 - SP20 - SP21 - SP22
    If you have already done that, please check the troubleshootings guide attached to note 1332428 and the troubleshooting for workload analysis in service.sap.com/diagnostics -> Media Library.
    Hope this can help.

  • I'm looking for Java version j2sdk-1_4_2_16-windows-amd64

    Hello everyone.
    I need Java version j2sdk-1_4_2_16-windows-amd64
    On SUN site are only versions j2sdk-1_4_2_13-windows-amd64 and j2sdk-1_4_2_17-windows-amd64.
    Could enyone has this version?
    Thank you.

    it was very hard to find  and you have to register at the sun website (should be free).
    PS: I don´t know why the link is crossed out. Should work anyway.
    I hope i could help.

Maybe you are looking for