3D Solar System problems

I'm trying to simulate a solar system and I have those two problems
- I can't add a sattelite to a planet (the moon to the earth)
- I can't make a planet turn on itself (only the central one: the sun)
Here is my source. Thanks for helping.
Sorry for the comments in french.
You can send your answers to [email protected]
class Espace
*     Auteur : Leli�vre Antoine                                   *
*     Fichier : Espace.java                                   *
*     Fonction: Reconstitution de notre systeme solaire *
*     Date: 09/02/04                                             *
import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.SimpleUniverse;
import javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup;
import javax.media.j3d.Transform3D;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import javax.media.j3d.TransformGroup;
import javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D;
//import javax.media.j3d.Alpha;
//import javax.media.j3d.RotationInterpolator;
import javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere;
import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
import javax.media.j3d.Background;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.image.TextureLoader;
//import javax.media.j3d.Texture2D;
import javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent2D;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Espace extends JFrame
     public Espace()
          super("Systeme Solaire...");
          // creation du canvas
          Canvas3D canvas = new Canvas3D(SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration());
          // cr�ation de la sc�ne, regroupement des objets
          BranchGroup scene = createScene();
          // cr�ation de l'univers de la scene 3D
          SimpleUniverse univers = new SimpleUniverse(canvas);
          // on met le plan de projection en arriere par rapport � l'origine
          // on place la sc�ne dans l'univers "univers"
          //arret du programme lors du clic sur la croix
     * creation d'un groupement d'objet *
     public BranchGroup createScene()
          // creation du BG principal
          BranchGroup ObjPrinc = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup terre = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup mars = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup saturne = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup jupiter = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup venus = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup mercure = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup lune = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup uranus = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup neptune = new BranchGroup();
          BranchGroup pluton = new BranchGroup();
          TextureLoader loader=new TextureLoader("fond.jpg",this);
          ImageComponent2D image=loader.getImage();
          Background bg=new Background(image);
          bg.setApplicationBounds(new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0,0,0),150d));
          Animation MonAnimation = new Animation();
          //------ Debut Objet Lune-------
          //Planete Lune = new Planete();
          //Transform3D Translation1 = new Transform3D();
          //Translation1.set(new Vector3f(0.05f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
          //TransformGroup TranslateGP1 = new TransformGroup(Translation1);
          //------ Fin Objet Lune -----
          //------ Debut Objet Terre -------
          Planete Terre = new Planete();
          Planete Lune = new Planete();
          Transform3D Translation = new Transform3D();
          Translation.set(new Vector3f(0.4f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
          TransformGroup TranslateGP = new TransformGroup(Translation);
          //------ Fin Objet Terre -----
          //------ Debut Objet Saturne -------
          Planete Saturne = new Planete();
          Transform3D Translation2 = new Transform3D();
          Translation2.set(new Vector3f(0.9f, 0.0f, 0.2f));
          TransformGroup TranslateGP2 = new TransformGroup(Translation2);
          //------ Fin Objet Saturne-----
          //------ Debut Objet Mars -------
          Planete Mars = new Planete();
          Transform3D Translation3 = new Transform3D();
          Translation3.set(new Vector3f(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
          TransformGroup TranslateGP3 = new TransformGroup(Translation3);
          //------ Fin Objet Mars -----
          //------ Debut Objet Jupiter-------
          Planete Jupiter = new Planete();
          Transform3D Translation4 = new Transform3D();
          Translation4.set(new Vector3f(0.7f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
          TransformGroup TranslateGP4 = new TransformGroup(Translation4);
          //------ Fin Objet Jupiter -----
          //------ Debut Objet Venus-------
          Planete Venus = new Planete();
          Transform3D Translation5 = new Transform3D();
          Translation5.set(new Vector3f(0.3f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
          TransformGroup TranslateGP5 = new TransformGroup(Translation5);
          //------ Fin Objet Venus -----
          //------ Debut Objet Mercure-------
          Planete Mercure = new Planete();
          Transform3D Translation6 = new Transform3D();
          Translation6.set(new Vector3f(0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
          TransformGroup TranslateGP6 = new TransformGroup(Translation6);
          //------ Fin Objet Jupiter -----
          //------ Debut Objet Uranus-------
          Planete Uranus = new Planete();
          Transform3D Translation7 = new Transform3D();
          Translation7.set(new Vector3f(1.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
          TransformGroup TranslateGP7 = new TransformGroup(Translation7);
          //------ Fin Objet Uranus -----
          //------ Debut Objet Neptune-------
          Planete Neptune = new Planete();
          Transform3D Translation8 = new Transform3D();
          Translation8.set(new Vector3f(1.45f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
          TransformGroup TranslateGP8 = new TransformGroup(Translation8);
          //------ Fin Objet Neptune -----
          //------ Debut Objet Pluton-------
          Planete Pluton = new Planete();
          Transform3D Translation9 = new Transform3D();
          Translation9.set(new Vector3f(1.7f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
          TransformGroup TranslateGP9 = new TransformGroup(Translation9);
          //------ Fin Objet Pluton-----
          //----- d�but objet Soleil -----
          Planete Soleil = new Planete();
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,Soleil.AjoutPlanete("soleil.jpg",0.15f),-1,3000);
          //----- fin 2eme objet
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,terre,-1,10000);
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,saturne,-1,294500);
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,mars,-1,18800);
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,jupiter,-1,118600);
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,venus,-1,6100);
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,mercure,-1,2400);
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,uranus,-1,840000);
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,neptune,-1,1640000);
          ObjPrinc = MonAnimation.Rotation(ObjPrinc,pluton,-1,2470000);
          //am�lioration du processus d'affichage
          return ObjPrinc;
     public static void main(String[] args)
          Espace MonEspace = new Espace();
class Animation
*     Auteur : Leli�vre Antoine                                        *
*     Fichier : Animation.java                              *
*     Fonction: Animation de la scene                     *
*     Date     : 14/02/04                                        *
import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Sphere;
import javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup;
//import javax.media.j3d.Transform3D;
import javax.media.j3d.TransformGroup;
import javax.media.j3d.Alpha;
import javax.media.j3d.RotationInterpolator;
import javax.media.j3d.BoundingSphere;
public class Animation
     public Animation()
     public BranchGroup Rotation(BranchGroup GroupeObj,Sphere UnePlanete,int NbTour,long tps)
          TransformGroup TG = new TransformGroup();
          //Donner la possibilit� a l'objet de bouger
          // Ajout de la sphere � l'objet charger de l'animation
          // Configuration du nombre de tour et la vitesse
                    // ici tourne ind�finiment (-1) et prend 60 secondes pour faire un tour
          Alpha alpha = new Alpha(NbTour,tps);
          RotationInterpolator Rotation = new RotationInterpolator(alpha, TG);
          Rotation.setSchedulingBounds(new BoundingSphere());
          return GroupeObj;
     public BranchGroup Rotation(BranchGroup GroupeObj,BranchGroup TG1,int NbTour,long tps)
          TransformGroup TG = new TransformGroup();
          //Donner la possibilit� a l'objet de bouger
          // Ajout de la sphere � l'objet charger de l'animation
          // Configuration du nombre de tour et la vitesse
                    // ici tourne ind�finiment (-1) et prend 60 secondes pour faire un tour
          Alpha alpha = new Alpha(NbTour,tps);
          RotationInterpolator Rotation = new RotationInterpolator(alpha, TG);
          Rotation.setSchedulingBounds(new BoundingSphere());
          return GroupeObj;
class Planete
*     Auteur : Leli�vre Antoine                                   *
*     Fichier : Planete.java                                   *
*     Fonction: Ajouter une plan�te                         *
*     Date     : 09/02/04                                        *
import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Sphere;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.image.TextureLoader;
import javax.media.j3d.Appearance;
import javax.media.j3d.ColoringAttributes;
//import javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent;
import javax.media.j3d.Texture;
import javax.media.j3d.Texture2D;
import javax.media.j3d.TextureAttributes;
import javax.media.j3d.ImageComponent2D;
import java.awt.Container;
public class Planete
     public Planete()
     * Cr�ation d'une nouvelle planete     *
     *     Param�tre: Nom du fichier image *
     *               Rayon de la plan�te     *
     * Renvoie     : l'objet Sphere           *
     public Sphere AjoutPlanete(String NomImage,float Rayon)
          Appearance AppTexture = AjoutTexture(NomImage);
          Sphere NouvellePlanete = new Sphere(Rayon,Sphere.GENERATE_TEXTURE_COORDS,35,AppTexture);
          return NouvellePlanete;
     *     Ajout du texture sur la sphere     *
     * Param�tre: Nom du fichier image *
     *     Renvoi : L'objet Appearance     *
     private Appearance AjoutTexture(String NomImage)
               Appearance Apparence = new Appearance();
               // chargement d'une image pour texture
               TextureLoader loader = new TextureLoader(NomImage,new Container());
               ImageComponent2D image = loader.getImage();
               // instanciation de l'objet texture
               Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(Texture.BASE_LEVEL,Texture.RGBA,image.getWidth(),image.getHeight());
               texture.setImage(0, image);
               // ajout de la texture � l'apparence
               Apparence.setTextureAttributes(new TextureAttributes());
               return Apparence;
          catch(NullPointerException e1)
               // Creation d'une texture uni dans le cas ou le fichier image n'exciste pas
               Appearance Apparence = new Appearance();
               ColoringAttributes bleu = new ColoringAttributes();
               return Apparence;

Couple of suggestions:
1. Get rid of everything else except the earth and moon. You have too much happening at one time to figure out what is wrong.
2. Re-post the new slimmer version of your code using the [code ] [code ] tags (without the space after the word 'code') so I can read it. See http://forum.java.sun.com/features.jsp#Formatting for more help.
3. Don't use .jpg files in your example. I don't have those files so I can't compile your code on my machine.
4. If you are getting any errors, post the entire stack trace.

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    If possible, please file a support request for this issue through the My Oracle Support portal so that the details of the issue can be captured.
    With that said, executing the following commands may provide a viable workaround:
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    1 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
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    9 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
    # prtvtoc /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s2
    * /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s2 partition map
    * Dimensions:
    * 512 bytes/sector
    * 189 sectors/track
    * 255 tracks/cylinder
    * 48195 sectors/cylinder
    * 59127 cylinders
    * 59125 accessible cylinders
    * Flags:
    * 1: unmountable
    * 10: read-only
    * Unallocated space:
    * First Sector Last
    * Sector Count Sector
    * 48195 2849481180 2849529374
    * First Sector Last
    * Partition Tag Flags Sector Count Sector Mount Directory
    2 5 01 0 2849529375 2849529374
    8 1 01 0 48195 48194
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    First off, RAID-5 or RAID-6 is fine for database performance unless you have some REALLY strict and REALLY astronomical performance requirements. Requirements that someone with lots of money is willing to pay to meet.
    You're running a single small x86 box with only onboard storage.
    So no, you're not operating in that type of environment.
    Here's what I'd do, based upon a whole lot of experience with Solaris 10 and not so much with Solaris 11, and also assuming this box is going to be around for a good long time as an Oracle DB server:
    1. Don't use SVM for your boot drives. Use the onboard RAID controller to make TWO 2-disk RAID-1 mirrors. Use these for TWO ZFS root pools. Why two? Because if you use live upgrade to patch the OS, you want to create a new boot environment in a separate ZFS pool. If you use live upgrade to create new boot environments in the same ZFS pool, you wind up with a ZFS clone/snapshot hell. If you use two separate root pools, each new boot environment is a pool-to-pool actual copy that gets patched, so there are no ZFS snapshot/clone dependencies between the boot environments. Those snapshot/clone dependencies can cause a lot of problems with full disk drives if you wind up with a string of boot environments, and at best they can be a complete pain in the buttocks to clean up - assuming live upgrade doesn't mess up the clones/snapshots so badly you CAN'T clean them up (yeah, it has been known to do just that...). You do your first install with a ZFS rpool, then create rpool2 on the other mirror. Each time you do an lucreate to create a new boot environment from the current boot environment, create the new boot environment in the rpool that ISN'T the one the current boot environment is located in. That makes for ZERO ZFS dependencies between boot environments (at least in Solaris 10. Although with separate rpools, I don't see how that could change....), and there's no software written that can screw up a dependency that doesn't exist.
    2. Create a third RAID-1 mirror either with the onboard RAID controller or ZFS, Use those two drives for home directories. You do NOT want home directories located on an rpool within a live upgrade boot environment. If you put home directories inside a live upgrade boot environment, 1) that can be a LOT of data that gets copied, 2) if you have to revert back to an old boot environment because the latest OS patches broke something, you'll also revert every user's home directory back.
    3. That leaves you 10 drives for a RAID-6 array for DB data. 8 data and two parity. Perfect. I'd use the onboard RAID controller if it supports RAID-6, otherwise I'd use ZFS and not bother with SVM.
    This also assumes you'd be pretty prompt in replacing any failed disks as there are no global spares. If there would be significant time before you'd even know you had a failed disk (days or weeks), let alone getting them replaced, I'd rethink that. In that case, if there were space I'd probably put home directories in the 10-disk RAID-6 drive, using ZFS to limit how big that ZFS file system could get. Then use the two drives freed up for spares.
    But if you're prompt in recognizing failed drives and getting them replaced, you probably don't need to do that. Although you might want to just for peace of mind if you do have the space in the RAID-6 pool.
    And yes, using four total disks for two OS root ZFS pools seems like overkill. But you'll be happy when four years from now you've had no problems doing OS upgrades when necessary, with minimal downtime needed for patching, and with the ability to revert to a previous OS patch level with a simple "luactivate BENAME; init 6" command.
    If you have two or more of these machines set up like that in a cluster with Oracle data on shared storage you could then do OS patching and upgrades with zero database downtime. Use lucreate to make new boot envs on each cluster member, update each new boot env, then do rolling "luactivate BENAME; init 6" reboots on each server, moving on to the next server after the previous one is back and fully operational after its reboot to a new boot environment.

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    I'm not sure of the exact error issued, but if one uses the Apache version that comes bundled with Solaris, then problems arise. If that's not what you've done, then never mind. Here's the warning from the documentation
    PDF =
    HTML = http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-4770
    Caution - Do not use the version of Apache HTTP Server that comes bundled with Solaris 9 Operating System or with Solaris 10 Operating System. The bundled Apache HTTP Server package is incomplete. Any attempt to Install Agent for Apache HTTP Server on a bundled version of Apache HTTP Server is likely to fail.
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    To work around this problem, place a copy of libX11.so.4
    into the /usr/lib
    directory. This will allow
    you to run the Calendar Server 2.x installer in the -nodisplay
    mode. You can find the
    libjava.so in the
    directory under the installation
    program tree.

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    All systems are Solaris 10 built from the 5/08 OS.
    thanks in advance.

    SAP Suggest to use backup/restore or R3load .
    Yes - because that´s the most uncomplicated way.
    if I want to create a trace file manually and shut down database,sap .
    copy over  data files /origfile/logs from os level to target system and recover the system and install sap.
    There´s no issue with that if you know what you´re doing
    If you don't use sap mentioned procedure  in that case SAP does not provide any support .
    If you have a problem with that copy procedure itself you will be on you own. if the target system is running already you will still get support of course because nobody asks you later, how you did the copy.

  • System copy on target system problem

    Dear All
    Please help me
    I system copy on targer system problem (Java Migration Tool Kit) and debug with SAP NOTE 1119190 but I can't find jmt.jar.
    This is log runJmt.log
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sap.engine.offline.OfflineToolStart.main(OfflineToolStart.java:81)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/sdt/util/vers/VersionException
         at com.sap.sdt.jmt.migrationtool.MigrationToolImport.createVersion(MigrationToolImport.java:984)
         at com.sap.sdt.jmt.migrationtool.MigrationToolImport.startTool(MigrationToolImport.java:172)
         at com.sap.sdt.jmt.migrationtool.MigrationToolImport.main(MigrationToolImport.java:1062)
         ... 5 more

    Dear All
    Please help me
    I system copy on targer system problem (Java Migration Tool Kit) and debug with SAP NOTE 1119190 but I can't find jmt.jar.
    This is log runJmt.log
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sap.engine.offline.OfflineToolStart.main(OfflineToolStart.java:81)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/sdt/util/vers/VersionException
         at com.sap.sdt.jmt.migrationtool.MigrationToolImport.createVersion(MigrationToolImport.java:984)
         at com.sap.sdt.jmt.migrationtool.MigrationToolImport.startTool(MigrationToolImport.java:172)
         at com.sap.sdt.jmt.migrationtool.MigrationToolImport.main(MigrationToolImport.java:1062)
         ... 5 more

  • Run filters on folder - 4.7.0 Temporary System Problem

    When I try to run filters on folder to clean up my inbox into my folders I am getting this message -
    An (SMTP) error occurred while sending mail. The server responded: 4.7.0 Temporary System Problem. Try again later (WS). t6sm1646118qai.10 - gsmtp.
    How can I fix this, my inbox is horrifying!
    Filters do work on start up, but only if I haven't opened them via mobile. And I can create and sort new filters.

    That sounds like your using filters to send mail. If you sending lots of mail gmail will simply stop sending as your outside the terms of use. Hence the temporary nature of the error.

  • What's with the new edition of Pages using Maverick?  Google rejects the files  with the following message attached "The reason for the problem: 5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 552-'5.7.0 This message was blocked as its content security threat?

    I recently upgraded both Pages 09 (I believe) and went to OSX 10.9 Maverick .... now I am unable to send a pages document to a friend on gmail.  Google rejects the message and attachment with the following explanation -
    The reason for the problem:
    5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 552-'5.7.0 This message was blocked because its content presents a potential\n5.7.0 security issue.

    Same Problem here
    IWORKS 09    pages, keynote, numbers does not send in MAIL (mac) because of "This message was blocked because its content presents a potentialsecurity issue"
    its a problem not only on GMAIL but also Live, Hotmail, Yahoo, and other services...
    The problem is that gmail and others haved yet accepted the latest iworks 09 files. its a problem that apple can ask then to fix but its up to the gmail and others to fix it.
    1 - Send it by exporting to office files
    2 - Saving the files as old iwork documents
    3 - Command P and save as PDF
    4 - Save in icloud and send the URL
    So you can still send them but have to take a bit more of your time
    i hope you understand my english is not optimal
    And if you have any questions feel free to ask me

  • Serious System Problems. Pictures and Documents folders are opening iPhoto when clicked. iPhoto Library gone.

    I have been speaking to Old Toad for the majority of today trying to fix my iPhoto Library as its become corrupt and I cannot get my photos/videos back into iPhoto. After many many suggestions I seem to have created some serious system problems.
    If anybody can be of assisatance that would be a great help.
    I am a mac dummie, recently transfered so foolproof guidance will be helpfull!
    (Unfortunatly.. and now I know the importance, I haven't used time-machine and my mac isn't backed up. If i restore to factory settings I will loose the 600+ photos and videos I had in my iPhoto Library.... which dissapeared, which is the whole reason why I created the first thread)
    Thank you!!

    It appeared to me that somehow the OP's Picture folder was converted into an iPhoto Library as his screenshot of the PIctures folder looked like the inside of a library.
    This statement by the OP make me think it might be more than just an iPhoto issue (the bold text):
    I am unable to drag the Picture folder to the desktop, It wont move, and iPhoto (which is still empty) just opens.
    Some how the same is happening with Documents,

  • System problems (all new hardware)

    well as the subject says i have system problems, let me explain in details.
    this happened yesterday, when i use the computer (moving the mouse arround) the computer is fine and works as it should CPU, GPU and so on is fine and normal in usage and temp but as soon as i let go of the mouse and wait arround 2 min, all my 8 cores (i7 3.5Ghz) goes 100% and GPU goes 100% with 70C ++ temp and the fans starts running crazy.... but as soon as i start moving my mouse arround again everything goes back to normal :S
    and this affects movies i watch and games, making it lagg like crazy :S
    i have NEVER EVER EVER in my life encounter such a strange error / fault whatever it is :S i have tryed unplugging my mouse, still encounter the problem, tryed installing GPU driver again (fresh install), tryed rolling back GPU driver, but that didnt work.... as i figured out that my entire system was overloading when i wasnt "using" the computer (moving the mouse arround) :S
    and just to be clear, all hardware is BRAND NEW!!!! motherboard, cpu, memory, watercooling system (CPU)..... and they worked fine uptill yesterday :S (strangly enough right after i installed Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012) :S but i dont think that has ANYTHING to do with this "error"...
    i could also mention that when i have "Task Manager" up this error doesnt happen (with the 100% on all 8 cores and GPU getting 70C and so on)....
    REALY need some help here!!!?

    MEM: 2 x 2Gb A-DATA Tech DDR3-1333Mhz | 2 x 8Gb Kingston DDR3-1333Mhz
    Are you mixing these two kits? bad idea, try with just one kit at a time.
    OC: CPU @ 4.2Ghz 77W
    Remove any oc, to be safe: >>Clear CMOS Guide<<

  • System problems? Neither my iPhone nor my wife's is able to make calls. Rebooted, restored, etc. Is Verizon experiencing problems?

    System problems? Neither my iPhone nor my wife's is able to make calls. Rebooted, restored, etc. Is Verizon experiencing problems?

    Probably , it's a big country , if you tell your general location a user in that area might be able to confirm your problem an an outage

  • CCMS Error - There are system problems on the remote host (system failure)

    I have installed the SAPCCMSR agent in the AccAD(Accelerated Application Delivery) server. However, when I execute OS07 and try to view the CPU usage, I encountered this error:
    There are system problems on the remote host (system failure)
    Message no. S1308
    Any idea what does the error mean?

    Thanks for replying. The problem has been resolved after upgrading the sapccmsr.

  • Espn2-ios6-get system problem, try again later error-why

    I tried to get the ESPN app to work yesterday. i was asked to provide my Time Warner name and ID. After providing the information, I got a system problem error. Is this a iOS6 problem? Has anyone else run into this?

    first: please avoid cross postings. You've posted exactly the same here: {message:id=10652291}
    Second: Why do you think this is an APEX Listener related issue? Do you actually use APEX Listener to access your APEX instance?
    "System Unavailable. Please try again later."Which system is throwing that error? It could be an application server (e.g. GlassFish) you've deployed APEX Listener to. If so, the log file to search would be the one of your application server...
    Please decide which of the two threads you want to follow. Either way, provide some additional information on your scenario... Just the APEX version isn't enough to answer your questions...

Maybe you are looking for

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    Ok the mail server works fine for both internal users (smtp and pop are 192.168.x.xxx) External users work fine pop and smtp (mail.timeact.co.uk) Now trying to switch over to IMAP as users hot desk and remote. When I put mail.timeact.co.uk as the ser

  • Software Update doesn't install Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 1

    The installation blue bar gets about 60% of the way across the screen then seems to freeze and doesn't go any further. Has anyone else had any similar problems with this install? All other software updates are fine.