4.2 DM DTS Error

I have a 4.2.419 installation and have the following error when running an import from the DM.<br>
Type Mismatch (log below)<br>
[Package Result = Error]<br>
Package:                     Import<br>
Appset:                      SCAS<br>
Application:                 FINANCE<br>
Request Time:                2009-09-30 16:38:05<br>
Start   Time:                2009-09-30 16:38:05<br>
End     Time:                2009-09-30 16:38:06<br>
Total   Time:                00:00:01<br>
1. Assign initial parameters:        completed  in 0 sec.<br>
2. Convert data:                     completed  in 1 sec.<br>
3. Load and process:                 Failed  in 0 sec.<br>
FILE= DATAMANAGER\DATAFILES\Uploads\FY08Q4\sin1test.csv<br>
[Member Selection]<br>
ENTITY: SIN1C0000<br>
TIME: FY08.M12<br>
[The list of conversion file in each transformation file]<br>
Transformation file: DATAMANAGER\TRANSFORMATIONFILES\System Files\TypicalFixed.xls<br>
[ Type mismatch ]<br>
[EvModify Script Detail]<br>
09-30-2009  16:38:05 - Debug turned ON<br>
INFO(%TEMPFILE%, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\PrivatePublications\hiren\TempFiles\Temp8usu_3_.tmp)<br>
TASK(CONVERT data, INPUTFILE, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\DATAMANAGER\DATAFILES\Uploads\FY08Q4\sin1test.csv)<br>
TASK(CONVERT data, OUTPUTFILE, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\PrivatePublications\hiren\TempFiles\Temp8usu_3_.tmp)<br>
TASK(LOAD AND PROCESS, FILE, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\PrivatePublications\hiren\TempFiles\Temp8usu_3_.tmp)<br>
INFO(%FILE%, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\DATAMANAGER\DATAFILES\Uploads\FY08Q4\sin1test.csv)<br>
INFO(%APPPATH%, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\)<br>
INFO(%DATAPATH%, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\DataManager\DataFiles\)<br>
INFO(%SELECTIONPATH%, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\DataManager\SelectionFiles\)<br>
INFO(%CONVERSIONPATH%, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\DataManager\ConversionFiles\)<br>
INFO(%TEMPPATH%, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\PrivatePublications\hiren\TempFiles\)<br>
INFO(%LOGICPATH%, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\Adminapp\FINANCE\)<br>
INFO(%TRANSFORMATIONPATH%, C:\Everest\Webfolders\SCAS\FINANCE\DataManager\TransformationFiles\)<br>
INFO(%APP_LIST%, FinanceDetail,FinanceRisk,FinanceCF,FinanceAdj,Status,Finance,Rate)<br>
INFO(NSEQ, 3)<br>
INFO(BPU, )<br>
I have a problem when viewing server diagnostics:<br>
Under SCAS Appset > DTS Packages > import.dts DTS Package does not exist or Error.<br>
I have tried exporting data and this works OK, importing from CSV files & SQL files using DTS OR DM results in either a DTS error (which i cannot trace) or a DM error (as log above).<br>
I have also created a custom DTS in Enterprise manager that just has the DumpLoad task and tried to import into SQL data that i exported from SQL - the export works OK, but the import of the same data fails. <br>
I am logged in as a system admin of both the server & outlooksoft.<br>
Edited by: Hiren Amin on Sep 30, 2009 4:42 PM
Edited by: Hiren Amin on Sep 30, 2009 4:43 PM

Dear Sorin,
Hi, the regional settings seem to be correct as i have just tried import in Appshell with success.
I believe you are correct that there is a problem with my appset settings. I have correlated all of the settings back to appshell (the paths etc). They all look OK (i.e same as appshell) in tbldefaults.
I have only a entry for CollabRoot C:\Everest\Webfolders and not 'Webfolders' which is the same as Appshell
Still have problem with import.dts in server manager.
This appset is a dump from another environment and i have followed procedures as per bpc 5.0, im not sure what else there  is in 4.2.
Edited by: Hiren Amin on Oct 1, 2009 11:57 AM

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  • Causing duplicate records

    generally we use the following api to insert records. but it is causing duplication of records. plz give me some guide lines.
    /* Formatted on 2006/04/21 15:31 (Formatter Plus v4.5.2) */
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY cec_ipc_transactions_api
    p_transaction_type VARCHAR2,
    p_order_number NUMBER,
    p_header_id NUMBER,
    p_order_id VARCHAR2,
    p_original_order_id VARCHAR2,
    p_version NUMBER,
    p_cancel_flag VARCHAR2,
    p_success OUT BOOLEAN,
    p_error_message OUT VARCHAR2,
    p_order_source IN VARCHAR2
    DEFAULT 'MarketPlace Router Store',
    p_business_entity IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'UNK'
    x_header_id NUMBER;
    x_order_number NUMBER;
    x_statement_id NUMBER;
    x_task_id NUMBER;
    x_org_id NUMBER;
    x_transaction_type VARCHAR2 (60);
    x_transaction_type_old VARCHAR2 (60) := NULL;
    x_error_message VARCHAR2 (2000);
    x_coe_flag VARCHAR (1) := NULL;
    -- Added on 10 FEB 2005
    x_errcode VARCHAR2 (240);
    x_errmsg VARCHAR2 (240);
    v_procedure_name VARCHAR2 (80) := '<11i Procedure Name>';
    v_tran_control_rec xxcca_iei_ne_util.cca_iei_tran_control_rec;
    -- 5/16/99 -- add open_flag = 'Y' to preven DTS errors when cancelling orders
    -- Everest Migration 10.7 to 11i ---Change Date '14 JUL 2004'
    -- Get header id of respective order for update with nowait option from oe_order_headers_all
    CURSOR lock_header (p_header_id NUMBER)
    SELECT ooha.header_id header_id
    FROM oe_order_headers_all ooha,
    xxcca_oe_order_headers_ext xoohe
    WHERE ooha.header_id = p_header_id
    AND ooha.header_id = xoohe.header_id
    AND NVL (xoohe.cms_customer_version, -999) < p_version
    AND ooha.open_flag
    || '' = 'Y'
    FOR UPDATE OF xoohe.cms_customer_version NOWAIT;
    cec_debug_pk.DEBUG ('Begin CEC_IPC_TRANSACTIONS_API.log');
    CEC_DEBUG_PK.debug('EAH ord: ' || p_order_number
    || ' hdrid: ' || p_header_id
    || ' ordid: ' || p_order_id
    || ' origid: ' || p_original_order_id
    || ' vers: ' || p_version
    || ' src: ' || p_order_source
    || ' ent: ' || p_business_entity);
    IF p_header_id IS NULL
    x_statement_id := 10;
    -- Everest Migration 10.7 to 11i ---Change Date '14 JUL 2004'
    -- Get the header id, org id, order number of the respetive order from oe_order_headers_all
    SELECT header_id, org_id, order_number
    INTO x_header_id, x_org_id, x_order_number
    FROM oe_order_headers_all
    WHERE order_number = p_order_number;
    -- Everest Migration 10.7 to 11i ---Change Date '14 JUL 2004'
    -- Get the org id, order number of the respective order from oe_order_headers_all
    SELECT org_id, order_number
    INTO x_org_id, x_order_number
    FROM oe_order_headers_all
    WHERE header_id = p_header_id;
    --TD #38404 - Added exception handler
    x_header_id := p_header_id;
    END IF;
    IF x_org_id IS NULL AND NVL (p_version, 1) = 1
    SELECT org_id
    INTO x_org_id
    FROM cec_ipc_transactions
    WHERE original_order_id = p_original_order_id
    AND NVL (version, 1) = p_version
    AND org_id > -1000
    AND ROWNUM = 1;
    END IF;
    IF x_org_id IS NULL AND NVL (p_version, 1) = 1
    SELECT TO_NUMBER (meaning)
    INTO x_org_id
    FROM cec_lookups
    WHERE lookup_type = 'CEC_ORG_ID'
    AND lookup_code = p_business_entity
    AND ROWNUM = 1;
    x_org_id := -1000;
    END IF;
    x_transaction_type := p_transaction_type;
    If the transaction type is a terminal transaction type,
    then we try to update the version in xxcca_oe_order_headers_ext.
    If the record is locked, set the transaction type to
    IF x_transaction_type IN
    (cec_globals_pk.coe_manual_rlse, cec_globals_pk.coe_ec_applied)
    FOR c IN lock_header (x_header_id)
    -- Everest Migration 10.7 to 11i ---Change Date '14 JUL 2004'
    -- Updae the cms customer version of the respective order in xxcca_oe_order_headers_ext table
    UPDATE xxcca_oe_order_headers_ext
    SET cms_customer_version = p_version
    WHERE header_id = c.header_id;
    -- Handle locked record
    IF SQLCODE = -54
    x_transaction_type := cec_globals_pk.coe_locked;
    -- if the record is locked, we want to save the
    -- old trans type so we can later restore it
    x_transaction_type_old := p_transaction_type;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    -- If the change is "done" either by automatic application or by
    -- release of all IC change holds, we want to send out the
    -- order acknowledgments
    -- This is done by inserting into CCA_NOTIFY_CHANGES table
    IF x_transaction_type IN (cec_globals_pk.coe_manual_rlse,
    AND NVL (p_version, 1) > 1
    -- Commented the insert and changed as follows on 10 FEB 2005
    /*INSERT INTO cca_iei_tran_control
    -- Added on 10 FEB 2005
    SELECT cca_iei_tran_control_s1.NEXTVAL
    INTO v_tran_control_rec.DATA.source_id
    v_tran_control_rec.DATA.control_id := x_order_number;
    v_tran_control_rec.DATA.header_id := x_header_id;
    v_tran_control_rec.DATA.tran_ack_q := 999;
    v_tran_control_rec.DATA.tran_code := 'IC_CHANGE';
    v_tran_control_rec.DATA.tran_status := 'NEW';
    v_tran_control_rec.DATA.tran_type := 'ORDER';
    v_tran_control_rec.DATA.request_start_time := SYSDATE;
    v_tran_control_rec.DATA.source_system := 'IC_CHANGE';
    v_tran_control_rec.DATA.attribute5 := v_procedure_name;
    xxcca_iei_ne_util.insert_cca_iei_tran_control (
    END IF;
    IF x_transaction_type = cec_globals_pk.coe_print_and_tear
    AND (NVL (p_version, 1) > 1 AND x_header_id IS NULL)
    x_transaction_type := cec_globals_pk.coe_ec_applied;
    END IF;
    /* Try to update existing record in CEC_IPC_TRANSACTIONS for this
    header_id / version combination.
    If none is found, then create a new one.
    Usually, the Query will create the record and others will update
    It is possible that another transaction type will result in the
    creation of the CEC_IPC_TRANSACTIONS record if the order was not
    imported yet or if ERP was down at the time of Query.
    x_statement_id := 20;
    x_coe_flag := NULL;
    IF x_transaction_type = cec_globals_pk.coe_submitted
    SELECT 'X'
    INTO x_coe_flag
    FROM cec_ipc_transactions
    WHERE status_code
    || '' NOT IN (cec_globals_pk.coe_aborted,
    AND ( erp_header_id = x_header_id
    OR ( original_order_id = p_original_order_id
    AND order_source <> 'ALL'
    AND NVL (version, 1) = NVL (p_version, 1);
    x_coe_flag := NULL;
    END IF;
    IF NVL (x_coe_flag, 'YY') != 'X'
    UPDATE cec_ipc_transactions
    SET status_code = x_transaction_type,
    status_code_old = x_transaction_type_old,
    operation_code = DECODE (
    'CANCEL', operation_code,
    DECODE (
    1, 'INSERT',
    DECODE (
    'Y', 'CANCEL',
    change_query_date = DECODE (
    cec_globals_pk.coe_queried, SYSDATE,
    change_submit_date =
    NVL (
    DECODE (
    cec_globals_pk.coe_submitted, SYSDATE,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_print_and_tear, SYSDATE,
    change_complete_date =
    DECODE (
    cec_globals_pk.coe_manual_rlse, SYSDATE,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_aborted, SYSDATE,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_expired, SYSDATE,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_ec_applied, SYSDATE,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_print_and_tear, NULL,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_submitted, NULL,
    WHERE ( ( original_order_id = p_original_order_id
    AND order_source <> 'ALL'
    OR erp_header_id = x_header_id
    AND NVL (version, 1) = NVL (p_version, 1);
    -- If update failed, then insert
    x_statement_id := 30;
    INSERT INTO cec_ipc_transactions
    (ec_header_id, version, status_code, operation_code,
    load_code, change_query_date, change_submit_date,
    change_complete_date, erp_header_id, error_message,
    order_id, original_order_id, org_id, order_source,
    SELECT cec_headers_s.NEXTVAL, p_version, x_transaction_type,
    DECODE (
    1, 'INSERT',
    DECODE (p_cancel_flag, 'Y', 'CANCEL', 'UPDATE')
    DECODE (
    cec_globals_pk.coe_queried, SYSDATE,
    DECODE (
    cec_globals_pk.coe_submitted, SYSDATE,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_print_and_tear, SYSDATE,
    DECODE (
    cec_globals_pk.coe_manual_rlse, SYSDATE,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_aborted, SYSDATE,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_expired, SYSDATE,
    cec_globals_pk.coe_ec_applied, SYSDATE,
    x_header_id, x_error_message, p_order_id,
    p_original_order_id, x_org_id, p_order_source, SYSDATE
    -- Since we bump the version of the change hold, we want to send
    -- all previous print and tear versions to manually released as well
    ELSIF x_transaction_type = cec_globals_pk.coe_manual_rlse
    UPDATE cec_ipc_transactions
    SET status_code = x_transaction_type,
    change_complete_date = SYSDATE
    WHERE status_code
    || '' IN (cec_globals_pk.coe_print_and_tear,
    AND ( erp_header_id = x_header_id
    OR original_order_id = p_original_order_id
    AND NVL (version, 1) < NVL (p_version, 1);
    -- Fix incident 3241
    ELSIF x_transaction_type = cec_globals_pk.coe_aborted
    UPDATE cec_ipc_transactions
    SET status_code = x_transaction_type,
    change_complete_date = SYSDATE
    WHERE status_code
    || '' IN (cec_globals_pk.coe_queried)
    AND ( erp_header_id = x_header_id
    OR ( original_order_id = p_original_order_id
    AND order_source <> 'ALL'
    AND NVL (version, 1) < NVL (p_version, 1);
    -- Fixed incident 2771
    ELSIF x_transaction_type = cec_globals_pk.coe_submitted
    UPDATE cec_ipc_transactions
    SET status_code = cec_globals_pk.coe_expired,
    change_complete_date = SYSDATE
    WHERE status_code
    || '' IN (cec_globals_pk.coe_queried)
    AND ( erp_header_id = x_header_id
    OR ( original_order_id = p_original_order_id
    AND order_source <> 'ALL'
    AND NVL (version, 1) < NVL (p_version, 1);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    p_success := TRUE;
    p_error_message := x_error_message;
    cec_debug_pk.DEBUG ('End CEC_IPC_TRANSACTIONS_API.log');
    p_success := FALSE;
    cec_debug_pk.get_error (
    cec_debug_pk.set_token (
    cec_debug_pk.set_token (
    TO_CHAR (x_statement_id)
    cec_debug_pk.set_token (x_error_message, 'SQLCODE', SQLCODE);
    cec_debug_pk.set_token (x_error_message, 'SQLERRM', SQLERRM);
    p_error_message := x_error_message;
    END LOG;
    END cec_ipc_transactions_api;

      CURSOR lock_header (p_header_id NUMBER) IS
        SELECT ooha.header_id header_id
          FROM oe_order_headers_all ooha, xxcca_oe_order_headers_ext xoohe
         WHERE ooha.header_id = p_header_id
           AND ooha.header_id = xoohe.header_id
           AND NVL (xoohe.cms_customer_version, -999) < p_version
           AND ooha.open_flag|| '' = 'Y'
        FOR UPDATE OF xoohe.cms_customer_version NOWAIT;i'm not sure why you had this predicate in your where clause of your cursor:
               AND ooha.open_flag|| '' = 'Y'when you can simply
               AND ooha.open_flag = 'Y'
               AND Nvl(ooha.open_flag,'X') = 'Y'also you only had one loop structures which is to update and not insert. could it be that the procedure log is being called out from other pl/sql within it's loop structure that cause duplication in inserts.

  • (WARNING: ps7_ethernet_0: No reset found) and (WARNING: ps7_usb_0: No reset found)

    Hello Everyone,
    *Before stating my problem I would like to say I am fairly new to Linux and Petalinux, I just started working with the two this summer.
    I am following the Petalinux Reference Guide UG1144 (v2014.4) and I am currently trying to import my hardware configuration from Vivado to my Petalinux Project on my Ubuntu Virtual Machine. When I import the hardware description with the petalinux-config command, by giving the path to .hdf file, I recieve Two Warnings.
    WARNING: ps7_ethernet_0: No reset found
    WARNING: ps7_usb_0: No reset found
    ^I am not sure what these warnings are or how to solve them.^
    My Petalinux Project is named: petalinux_soc
    Here is a copy of what shows up in the terminal after I put the command in:
    james@james-virtual-machine:~/petalinux_soc$ petalinux-config --get-hw-description='/home/james/petalinux_vivado_project/petalinux_hw_project.sdk'
    INFO: Checking component...
    INFO: Getting hardware description...
    INFO: Rename design_1_wrapper.hdf to system.hdf
    ****** hsi v
    **** SW Build 1071353 on Tue Nov 18 16:37:08 MST 2014
    ** Copyright 1986-2014 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 5 seconds
    source /home/james/petalinux_soc/build/linux/hw-description/hw-description.tcl -notrace
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Fri Aug 7 13:47:53 2015...
    INFO: Config linux
    [INFO ] oldconfig linux
    [INFO ] generate DTS to /home/james/petalinux_soc/subsystems/linux/configs/device-tree
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 0 seconds
    WARNING: ps7_ethernet_0: No reset found
    WARNING: ps7_usb_0: No reset found
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Fri Aug 7 13:48:10 2015...
    [INFO ] generate linux/u-boot board header files
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 0 seconds
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Fri Aug 7 13:48:16 2015...
    [INFO ] generate BSP for zynq_fsbl
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 2 seconds
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Fri Aug 7 13:48:23 2015...
    INFO: Config linux/kernel
    [INFO ] oldconfig linux/kernel
    INFO: Config linux/rootfs
    [INFO ] oldconfig linux/rootfs
    Also the guide says that the "petalinux-config --get-hw-description" should launch the top system configuration menu; however, I have yet to see this. Any thought as to why?
    Thank you,
    James Berkley

    I followed the link you shared and I was able to remove the warnings. I followed the instructions of the user named rankeney; however, this is what is displayed afterwards.
    james@james-virtual-machine:~/petalinux_soc$ petalinux-config --get-hw-description=</home/james/petalinux_vivado_project/petalinux_hw_project.sdk
    INFO: Checking component...
    INFO: Getting hardware description...
    cp: omitting directory ‘/home/james/petalinux_soc/build’
    cp: omitting directory ‘/home/james/petalinux_soc/components’
    cp: omitting directory ‘/home/james/petalinux_soc/hw-description’
    cp: omitting directory ‘/home/james/petalinux_soc/subsystems’
    ****** hsi v
    **** SW Build 1071353 on Tue Nov 18 16:37:08 MST 2014
    ** Copyright 1986-2014 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 5 seconds
    hsi::get_sw_cores: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00.20 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 104.719 ; gain = 3.000 ; free physical = 71 ; free virtual = 0
    source /home/james/petalinux_soc/build/linux/hw-description/hw-description.tcl -notrace
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Tue Aug 11 10:01:43 2015...
    INFO: Config linux
    [INFO ] oldconfig linux
    [INFO ] generate DTS to /home/james/petalinux_soc/subsystems/linux/configs/device-tree
    INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 1 seconds
    INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting hsi at Tue Aug 11 10:01:55 2015...
    ERROR: Failed to post config linux
    make[1]: *** [autogen-dts] Error 1
    make: *** [post-config-auto-dts] Error 255
    ERROR: Failed to config subsystem linux.
    Python error: <stdin> is a directory, cannot continue

  • Error in script - 'Results' is not a member of 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.ScriptObjectModel'

    I'm trying to set up a script task in SSIS (my first attempt at doing so, so bear with me).    Part of this is code I have pulled from other examples I found on the internet.    
            Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
    on the above line, I'm getting error
    'Results' is not a member of 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.ScriptObjectModel'
    Can you tell me what's wrong?
    Imports System
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Math
    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
    <System.AddIn.AddIn("ScriptMain", Version:="1.0", Publisher:="", Description:="")> _
    <System.CLSCompliantAttribute(False)> _
    Partial Public Class ScriptMain
     Inherits Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase
     Enum ScriptResults
      Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success
      Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure
     End Enum
        Public Sub Main()
            Dim mgr As ConnectionManager
            mgr = Dts.Connections("FTP_Connect")
            Dim conn As FtpClientConnection
            conn = New FtpClientConnection(mgr.AcquireConnection(DBNull.Value))
            Dim fileNames(0) As String
            fileNames(0) = "LEVEL01.TESTFILE"  'user can avoid using / in file name here
                conn.ReceiveFiles(fileNames, "c:\holddata", True, True)
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
        End Sub
    End Class

    I think error is here - Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success, it can't find the enumerator
    name "Results". The enumerator name that you gave (or by default) "ScriptResults"
      Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success
      Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure
     End Enum
    So, try with this statement 
     Dts.TaskResult = Dts.ScriptResults.Success
    //this is last 3rd line from bottom

  • Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state

    we have developed packages to do the followings
    Extract data from DB2 Source and put it in MS Sql Server 2008 database (Lets Say DatabaseA).From MS Sql Server 2008 (DatabaseA)
    we will process the data and place it in another database MS Sql Server 2008 (DatabaseB)
    We have created packages in BIDS..We created datasource connection in Datasource folder in BIDS..Which has DB2 Connection and both Ms Sql Server connection (Windows authentication-Let
    say its pointing to the server -ServerA which has DatabaseA and DatabaseB).The datasource connections will be used in packages during development.
    For deployment we have created Package Configuration which will have both DB2 Connection and MS SqlServer connection in the config
    We deployed the packages in different MS SqlServer by changing the connectionstring in the config for DB2 and MS SqlServer...
    While runing the package we are getting the following error message
    Code: 0xC0016016     Source:       Description: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for
    use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available.

    Hi Surendiran,
    This is because the package has been created by somebody else and the package is being deployed under sombody else's account. e.g. If you are the creator then the package is encryption set according to your account and the package setup in SQL server is
    under a different user account.
    This happens because the package protection level is set to EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey which encrypts
    sensitive information using creator's account name.
    As a solution:
    Either you have to set up the package in SQL server under your account (which some infrastructures do not allow).
    Set the package property Protection Level to "DontSaveSensitive" and add a configuration file
    to the package and set the initial values for all the variables and all the connection manager in that configuration file (which might be tedious of-course).
    The third options (which I like do) is to open the package file and delete the password encryption entries from the package. Do note that this is not supported by designer and every time you make changes to the connection managers these encryption entries come
    Hope this helps. 
    Please mark the post as answered if it answers your question

  • Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B

    I have developed several SSIS packages with the last Beta of VS2005 / SQL Server CTP. After the public release I tried to uninstall the CTP-Versions to install the msdn finals but this time I got lost and was not able to satisfy the requirements of the final setup of VS2005. So I decided to install the whole pc again and after some hours I had a clean machine (XP with latest SQL Server 2005 Standard and VS2005 Professional).   Now I have tried to open my SSIS-Project but getting the following error:   Error loading ImpNetqNewsRss.dtsx: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Schlüssel ist im angegebenen Status nicht gültig.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available.
    After some “googleing” I found this thread: http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showpost.aspx?postid=22739&siteid=1   If I’m right the solution should be to use a Package Password, but I can’t figure out where I have to go enter/change a password. I even can’t remember I that ever used a password on my old installation for a dtsx-package??   Any help is welcome…   Regards, Dirk

      Let's Say your package name is MyPackage
      In Visual Studio  Go to Control Flow Tab.
      Righ Click on an empty area inside the window not clicking  "Data Flow Component" .  pop up menu click the the properties to get to the properties window of MyPackage package.
    Under the Security Area -> You will see 
            ProtectionLevel              -- Change that to EncryptSensitiveWithPassword
            PackagePassword          -- enter password->  temp
    This should do the trick however to be sure:
    Below you will connection managers:
    Database Connections (if more than one preform on all) 
      Double Click your connection to get the property pages. Click "ALL" under the Connection Link on Left Side. Scroll Down to Security Area.
      Provide the followings:
       Password  (for the sql userid being used)
       Persist Security Info  = True
    Save the Package and connect to SQL Integration Srvices in SQL Manager  (To Server e.g; DBServer (Integration Services) 
      Stored Packages -> MSDB -->  Right Click --> choose Import Package
      in the property dialog box 
                  Package Location :   File System 
                  Package Path  -- Choose the location of your dtsx file.  (MyPackage.dtsx)
      Leave everything default.
      Click OK.
      Dialog box will appear asking for the Package Password 
      Provide the password-> temp
      You have successfully imported the package called MyPackage.
      In order to create a job.   
      In the job Step->
           Type:  SQL Server Integration Services Package
           In the General Tab:
                     Package Source :  SSIS Package Store
                     Server : DBServer  (Where we stored our package above)
        Click the button for the package:  Choose your package  (MyPackage)
       Click OK :
        It will ask the package password again :  temp
                    Package has successfully been loaded to Job Step.  Now you can schedule and do a test run on the job.
      Thanks for the patience of reading for those who are expert.
      - Azhar

  • DTS TO SSIS Migration wizard throws error

    I have a DTS Package which I am trying to migrate to Integration services in 2008. I have msxml3.dll and msxml6.dll but still I get the error
    #Time=3:29 PM
    #Message=Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsRuntimeException: Failed to save package file "C:\Users\ishwarya.gnanasekar\Documents\Load_Data_working_{6A78F89F-1315-477E-A833-9CA49D1CC82A}.dtsx" with error 0x800A0BB9 "(null)".
     ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC001100E): Failed to save package file "C:\Users\ishwarya.gnanasekar\Documents\Load_Data_working_{6A78F89F-1315-477E-A833-9CA49D1CC82A}.dtsx" with error 0x800A0BB9 "(null)".
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ApplicationClass.SaveToXML(String FileName, IDTSPersist100 pPersistObj, IDTSEvents100 pEvents)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.SaveToXml(String fileName, Package package, IDTSEvents events)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.SaveToXml(String fileName, Package package, IDTSEvents events)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.MigrationWizard.DTS9HelperUtility.DTS9Helper.SaveToXML(Package pkg, String sFileLocation)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.MigrationWizard.Framework.Framework.StartMigration(PackageInfo pInfo)
    It would be helpful if anybody provides a solution to this.

    I have done it several times and every old (dts) package was  NOT successful upgraded , I just opened a new projects and re-wrote the package..:-(
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • DTS 2000 Short date error in Windows 7 (64 bit)

    When using the DTS 2000 Package Designer in 2008 SQL Server Management Studio in Windows 7 (64 bit),
    and when trying to use the Build Query functionality, I get the following error message:
    An unexpected error occurred.
    [MS Visual Database Tools] - Short date
    I don't get this error on my machine running Windows XP. The regional settings on both machines are the same.

    Hi Everyone,
    I know this is a very old thread.  But it came up as the first hit in Google when I searched the error message.
    I still have the requirement to update an old DTS package that has been migrated to SQL Server 2008 R2 and couldn't find a solution anywhere.
    I didn't want to experiment with client tools on my Database Server so here is what I did on my Windows 7 64 bit machine.
    I installed Microsoft Windows Virtual PC and then installed Windows XP Mode as a virtual machine.
    Then I installed the following stuff in the virtual XP machine.
    SQL Management Studio 2008 tools.  Of course I needed to install the SQL 2005 backward compatibility stuff as described elsewhere and quite a few other prerequisites that the management studio installer nicely pointed out to me. (You
    will probably also need SQL 2000 Client  Tools and SQL 2000 SP4)
    Once that was all in place I no longer received the "Short Date" error message and I could update my old DTS packages.
    I can even run Server Management Studio as a XP Mode Application directly in Windows 7 and it looks just like any other native application.
    I have told my boss years ago that this DTS stuff is all hanging on by a thread.  I'll also tell him the thread just got a bit thinner :)
    Hope this helps someone else stuck in this position.

  • Error in DTS Package.

    Could any body help me to find solution to this below error:
    "This Version of DTS Package can not be Saved directly to the package.
      Please a dynamic script and as to EvDTSModify Task Script"

    If you are using SQL 2000, you will need to modify the package via the SQL 2000 DTS editor.  The eData > Organize Package modification process will not work with the SQL 2000 DTS packages, only SQL 2005 SSIS packages.
    In the DTS editor, you will need to edit the EVDTSModify task to include the change you are attempting to make in the Advanced tab editor.

  • DTS BItrate error

    Just started to see this occurring in EncoreDVD 2.
    It may have been happening before, I cannot remember.
    but - when I load up a DTS file with a bitrate of 1509Kb/sec, or 1.5Mb/sec, why does Encore display a bitrate of 0.38Mb/sec?
    I am guessing this is simply a parsing error.

    That would do it, alright.
    It doesn't display a per channel bitrate for the 24 bit PCM though.

  • Suddenly started getting error: Unable to start program 'DTS' when try to execute SSIS Package

    Me and my team member suddenly started getting following error when try to execute SSIS Package in SSDT (VS 2010)
    I searched everywhere but virtually no information available about this Error. Anyone has suggestion on how to fix this error?
    NOTE: Tried to execute package from command line and it works...   
    Error starting debugging.
    Unable to start program 'DTS'.
    Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80040038. (Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger)
    <a href="http://binaryworld.net/blogs"> Visit My Blog</a>

    Hi Nayan,
    According to your description, the SSIS package works fine when you execute it with command line, when you execute it in SSDT, you got the error message: Unable to start program 'DTS'.
    To troubleshoot the problem, I would suggest you to upgrade SSDT to latest patch. Please refer to the following steps:
    Download and install the latest Microsoft SQL Server Service Pack.
    Cumulative Update package SQL Server Service Pack.
    Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Feature Pack 2.
    For more information about Visual Studio 2010 Feature Packs, please refer to the following document:
    If the problem remain unresolved, i would appreciate it if you could give us detailed information about the error, it will help us move more quickly toward a solution.
    Wendy Fu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

  • WMP11 C00D11B1 error when using Dolby live or DTS Connect

    I can't play any media in WMP whatsoever with either DTS Connect or Dolby Digital Li've enabled, although I am using Windows 7 so maybe I'm just asking for trouble, anyone else have this issue?
    X-Fi XtremeMusic

    = Appreciate the help guys, the default audio device was already set on speakers, just in case I switched around a couple of times, but to no avail. I had a good look though quite a few of the suggestions on the techarena forum, but again nothing worked (tried the MS DRM upgrade site and the registry entry). Oh if it helps I'm using Win7 x64 (yeah I know, I am asking for it...)
    Thanks again!

  • Need to convert DTS packages to SQL Server 2012 environment.

    Hi Friends,
    As Part of the Project Requirement,we need to convert DTS packages to SQL Server 2012 environment.
    Please sugest me best approach.

    Best approach is to re-design the packages in SSIS 2012 directy if it is feasible. Because most of the DTS feaures are discontinued and also you will have to clean up all errors that you are going to get after migration.
    Discontinued Integration Services Functionality in SQL Server 2012
    Otherwise you need to migrate it first to 2008R2 and then 2012 version.
    Below ones would be helpful for you:
    Migrate DTS packages to SSIS (SSIS2008R2)
    Support of DTS packages in 2008 R2
    Known DTS Package Migration Issues
    Vaibhav Chaudhari

  • "Value cannot be null" error when trying to edit or create Maintenance Plan in SQL Server 2008

    I have SQL Server 2008 installed on Windows Server 2008 64bit, every time I try to open or create a new Maintenance Plan I receive the error:
    Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: component (System.Design)
    Program Location:
       at System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerHost.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.GetDesigner(IComponent component)
       at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration.DtsDesignerService.OpenDesigner(String connectionString, Object connection, String objectUrn)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.MaintDesignerMenuHandler.Invoke()
    And in the Design view screen
    "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is unable to load this document: Could not load type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.runtime.Wrapper.IDTSPackageSigning100' from assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRunTimeWrap, Version=, Culture=neutral'. 
    I have searched for a possible solution and have tried some suggestions of registering the msxml6.dll but and have installed VS2008 SP1 but I'm not in a position where I can do a full reinstall of SQL Server right now. Any help is appreciated. My SQL server
    environment information is below. 
    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
    10.0.1600.22 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 )
    Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools
    2007.0100.1600.022 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 )
    Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
    6.0.6002.18005 (lh_sp2rtm.090410-1830)
    Microsoft MSXML 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18943
    Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.4206
    Operating System 6.0.6002

    I digged a little deeper and figured out it was a missing directory/file in %TEMP%. Seems some CleaningTool removes all files/directories in %Temp% and after that SSMS was not working any longer. The missing file is actually not needed, but the
    missing directory causes the "Value cannot be null" error.
    My missing file name was:
    But the file name changes on every startup.
    So my missing directory name was:
    After creating a empty directory with the name "2" in %TEMP% all went back to work fine for me.
    I'm not sure the directory name is every time the same, but you can discover your missing file with the process monitor from Sysinternal Tools and filters to "Process Name is ssms.exe" and "Path contains AppData\Local\Temp"
    Hope this helps other people to solve their issues too.
    Thank you!! When I run %temp% it takes me to "C:\Users\Admin ...~\AppData\Local\Temp\some random number". At first the random number was 3, after I logged off and back on it was 2. My temp variable in enviromental variables is correct. I looked on another machine
    running SQL2008 and temp is correct there. If I try to rename the numbered folder SSMS stops working. Any idea?

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