4 days old and still not working!

This has got to be the most complicated help site I have ever been on!!!Anyway my problem is, I have had the Zen Nano for 3 days and I cannot get any of my music to transfer onto the stupid thing
!!! I have downloaded disc that came with it and taken it off again, I have checked my computer for problems and virus's, I have taken off programs that I download my music from. I keep getting pop ups saying that I need to change to format 2 or 3 and nothing I try seems to work on this stupid thing
!!! Anyone who has had the same problems please could you come back to me asap, I'm tempted to be throwing it out of the window
!!! Thanks.

[size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">You are probably not going to be happy with my advice, but here goes. [size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">?[size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">Go to the top of the forum list on this page and you will see several Frequently Asked Questions type of permanent postings. Read them all. Also, go to the top of this page and click on Support and then click on Product Documentation. You will be able to download the full manual for this Creative Nano Player. Make sure you get the Zen Nano downloads and not the Nano Plus. Same when you go to the Downloads Page listed under Support.[size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">?[size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">You can only play?wma and MP3 files on the Nano or audiobook files from Audible, NetLibrary and Overdri've. ( formats 2 and 3 are the type of files usually associated with Audible audiobooks)?The Nano?will not play any subscription music or music transferred from i Tunes.
For iTunes music, it must be converted first.[size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">?[size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">Hopefully, this will get you started. Maybe some of the other forum members can give you more information later.[size="2" face="Comic Sans MS">luvmyrescuedogsMessage Edited by luvmyrescuedogs on 2-06-200604:22 PM

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