4Gen shuffle  problem selectthis unit chapter audio books

I have 16 chapter audio book on this IPOD. I hold down voice over button until chapters are being read and then release it I tried pressing voice over or play/pause to select a chapter. Doing either one will not select a chapter. Reverts back to where it was when I started. What am I doing wrong???
Help is appreciated.

People are having the same problem in another thread: "Only plays 1 (ONE) Podcast - No matter what I do" http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2649381&tstart=0
And that includes me! Even if you put multiple podcasts or audiobook files onto a playlist or smart playlist and then put it on your iPod shuffle, only one of them will play. To get the next one on the list to play you have to use Voice Over to scroll forward and then click play, which is ridiculous.
My only advice is to get podcasts and audiobooks directly from websites, if possible, i.e., not as a podcast subscription through itunes. That way, your shuffle will not treat the files as podcasts and you'll avoid the hassle of trying to get them to play in order as a simple playlist.
Obviously something is wrong with the way podcasts are implemented in 4th gen shuffle. Hope this gets fixed soon.

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    You don't have to make a playlist. I was checking if you did a create a playlist which might have led to it showing in music app. Check to make sure the media kind is audio books. You can do this by:
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    Hope this helps!

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    Alderete wrote:
    There are two ways you can go. The simplest route, as the article turingtest2 points to describes, is to create playlists for each of your books, and simply handle the tracks manually.
    But, if you want to take advantage of various iTunes features, like cover flow, grid view, list view with the book artwork showing, etc., you'll need to do a little more work, to get iTunes to properly group and order all of the tracks together.
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    But that's the problem... iPod firmware ONLY looks at the NAME... I've just checked and iPhone/iPod Touch works the same way. You can make things pretty in iTunes by treating the audiobook as you would any other multi-disc album, but if you label the tracks as Audiobook instead of Music then they get jumbled up on your iPod/iPhone unless you use a track naming scheme with alphabetically ordered track names.
    Often when importing audiobooks from CDs, the disc and track #s will be semi-random, and you need to fix them. There's no point in setting both the Disc and Track #s, just make sure one is blank (you can do this when you set the Album field, as described above). I generally set the disc # fields to blank, and use the track # fields to set the order. You'll have to do this track-by-track, a bit of a pain, but not really that bad.
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    http://aldoblog.com/2008/01/how-to-join-multiple-tracks-into-a-single-audiobook- file/
    Yep, I've done it once... Seemed like too much effort to repeat for all my books.

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    it (the ipod) does not keep the shuffle order I created.
    Not sure I understand this. What do you mean by "I created"? Shuffle sequence isn't created by the user, it's meant to be entirely random.

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    Look at the file extension of one of the audiobooks you're talking about. If it ends with *.m4p then it reads as music in the Ipod. Follow the path "MyDocument, MyMusic, ITunes and in your ITunes folder change the extension to *.m4b then reload it into your Ipod. That should do the trick. I downloaded a ton of "This American Life" from ITunes and that was the problem.

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    MC754LL/A iPod shuffle 2 GB
    Model A1373
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    If you press and hold the fast forward or rewind button, it will scan forward through the current track. That at least will let you get where you want to be quicker, without having to reconnect to itunes.
    Also, check this application out for some audiobook handling nirvana:

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    Ipad 2 w/ iOS 5

    iOs 5 Bug identified...
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    Thank you for taking the time and trouble to reply, Santo!
    I tried your suggestion, but it didn't seem to help, but then I noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. Half of the discs were titled "Disc XXX" and the other half were titled "Disk XXX". (Notice the spelling of "Disc" vs. "Disk".) Once I made the spelling uniform, everything was fine.
    Thanks again!

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    Any ideas ?
    Thanks in advance,

    I am having the same problem. Have you found a solution yet?
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