5230 won't auto detect my handsfree device

every time I get into the car i have to go into the phone and "connect to audio device"  how do i get it to auto detect  and connect when the handsfree is turned on?

Hello Kenc1842 and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
I would give article KB03391 "How to pair a BlackBerry smartphone with Bluetooth enabled devices"  a look.
If you need further support, you can contact your wireless service provider.
Thanks and have a great day!
Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
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    This USB faq may help.
    An SMC reset may help you mount disks.
     DALE

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    Whenever you connect to a network, you should automatically receive the address of at least one DNS server from the Internet gateway. That will not happen if you've manually set DNS server addresses in the Network preference pane. Have you done that?

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    Reset the SMC and PRAM
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    About NVRAM and PRAM
    Next try Safe Mode boot and and then normal boot
    OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?

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    As far as I'm aware, it's just an HTML file and the file name of the multiscreen.html can be changed to whatever you like. You should be able to change the name to what you want.
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    Cheers... Rick

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    Built2Last: (good questions!)
    I tried your suggestion by removing PCI cards and made FURTHER progress. I found out that my firewire card, the Syba NEC1394-P3, has some compatibility issues with my other PCI cards. I found this out because:
    1. it worked fine after I placed it in a non-comm (orange) slot and removed my soundcard (X-Fi) and Belkin wireless modem, and
    2. a tech support representative from Syba told me that that particular firewire card has compatibility issues
    Also, SD-NEC-4F is our older model firewire card.
    Our new firewire card (SD-PCI-4F) is using VIA VT6306 chipset and no customer complain about any installation issue so far.
    If the SD-NEC-4F still giving you trouble, I'll suggest you to return it and exchange for the SD-PCI-4F firewire card.
    At least he is honest and wants to help, so I remain impartial towards Syba.
    So I figured out the firewire card, but not the onboard firewire. Ok, but check this out! When the Syba card was working, I could plug in BOTH the external hard drive AND either of the Canon camcorders to the Syba firewire card. Windows all three devices just fine. Again, the onboard firewire would ONLY detect JUST the external hard drive, but would not detect either of the Canon camcorders. It seems as though the ball again is knocked back into MSI's court on this issue. Any ideas?
    As for drivers, I checked for drivers for: onboard firewire, add-in firewire card, and Canon camcorders.
    -I cannot find where there is an MSI firewire driver for my onboard firewire port. I originally guess that it was part of my chipset driver installer, but the README doesn't say anything about it. It is also not an additional download on MSI's website. But since it detects an external hard drive I figure I must already have it.
    -The add-in firewire card does not have drivers. I repeat, they do not exist. The manual and Syba's website both state that drivers for the card are included all versions of Windows back to Windows 98.
    -Canon's website has a driver/software download page but it also appears that drivers do not exist for the Canon camcorders.
    Yes the camcorder is set to VCR mode.
    Yes the IEEE1394 is correctly installed, since external hard drive connects okay.
    I tried two DV cables and both are connected fine.
    The camcorders do not support USB as far as I can see, and if they do, I'm not using it.

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    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Preferences_not_saved
    * [[Preferences are not saved]]

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    I think you can run version 3.6:
    I just read today about a separately maintained, unofficial version of Firefox for 10.4 users called TenFourFox. They are somehow repackaging the latest Firefox to work on 10.4 (''on non-Intel Macs''). You might want to research it and see whether it makes sense for you: http://www.floodgap.com/software/tenfourfox/

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    Please tell me who to turn that system ON again? Thanks a lot!
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    Charms -> Settings -> Power -> Shut down
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  • HELP! BIOS not auto detecting

    Well have my new MSI P965NeoF V2. With the Intel E7200 and a G7200 Nvidia card.. 2 gigs of memory.
    The problem I am having is , the system will not auto detect the Maxtor 80 Gig or my Quantem DVD player in BIOS. It will detect both of them and actually boot from the Maxtor.. But the xp version I have on the system is bad, so I will have to restore....
    The system will not "See" or acknowledge my dvd payer with the xp cd in it...
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    both these drives are the IDE drives. I have disabled the SATA functions for now. (In the future will get SATA Devices)
    Cabling and jumper settings are correct..
    SO what do I do?

     Do/did you have HDD on primary IDE and ODD on secondary IDE? How old are the ribbon cables? If they have been taken off & put back in too many times you may need to use new ones. I have had to replace them in the past for that reason as they ended up being no good after too many times in & out. And yes I would get SATA HDD. I'm not sure about yours but most of the older MBs won't suppoert SATA ODDs.

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    I have been fighting with a pair of Linksys switches, on and off over the past days. What I want to do is very simple, uplink two swtiches via a Fiber connection.
    I have been supplied with equipment, which on paper is compatible, but in reality seems incompatible.
    I have:
    - 2 x MFEFX1
    - 1 x SLM224P-G5
    - 1 x SRW224G4
    - (also a SRW224P - aparently after some digging listed as incompatible with the MFEFX1)
    I have upgrade the firmware on the SRW224G4 to 1.2.2b to support the MFEFX1.
    I have Firmware 1.0.1 on the SLM224P, listed as auto-detecting the MFEFX1.
    According to the (now seemingly unavalable) document: "Linksys100M-SFP-SwitchSupport-noteV1.3.pdf" all the above should now be supported.
    I have updated the port configuration on the SRW224G4, and this shows "100M-ComboF" and seems to be OK.
    On the SLM224P, however, I see the port as a "1000M-ComboF" and the link stays down.
    I see a led light-up on the SRW224G4 for the connection, but nothing else.
    At this point I wish that I was supplied with the Gigabit Fiber modules that seem to be more compatible with the various switches (including our SRW224P - that detects the MFEFX1 as a 1000M-ComboF device. I tried this before finding the above 'compatibility' document).
    Can anyone supply me with some information so that I can get this fiber connection working? Trying to set any options on the SLM224P to tell it to use only a 100M connection gives an error about this being a 1G port and so can only run a 1G speed.
    Thanks for any help

    aponikikay, thanks for the feedback.
    The document linked is the quick-start guide that came printed with the miniGBIC. I did see that list. It looks like the other document (Linksys100M-SFP-SwitchSupport-noteV1.3.pdf) might not be so acurate.
    I am going to have the SLM switch replaced by a SRW224G4P that is listed as supported. I just wonder why I was supplied with the one set of equipment in the first place...

  • CSCus23563 - Jabber unable to auto-detect proxy in IE10 and IE11

    Please note that the workaround to use an earlier version of IE is not an option for Windows 8.

    yes here we are using auto detect proxy setting bcz for quich change of network . like a user is working in my office and in second half he will be on a client side . so he will just connect his device without any IP configuration . and also there is no need to remember IP settings.
    so pls help me to resolve to this issue .

  • Bluetooth did not detect any Bluetooth device even iPhone  please help me

    I have iPhone 4 my Bluetooth did not detect any Bluetooth
    Device even iPhone so I can not transfer any data to other iPhone
    Please help me

    That is correct.
    This has  never been a feature of iphone.
    Bluetooth is supported for stereo headsets/speakers, telephone headsets/handsfree devices, some keyboards, some peer-to-peer apps from the apps store, tethering where provided by the carrier.
    Other than these, it will not connect to another phone/device/computer/etc.

  • Audigy NX / Win XP not detected as USB Device! Can't Inst

    My NX which is under a month old all of a sudden is not being detected by Windows XP anymore. I plugged it in today (it was working fine a few days ago) and it was giving washed out music when playing a CD - like everything was muffled and the bass was dominating. I unplugged it, replugged it in but Windows detected the USB device as "Audigy NX" and tried to reinstall the hardware, but failed, and that was the end of it - It did not appear under my device manager profiles, nor could I get it to work anymore with my laptop. I removed all the Audigy NX software, unplugged everything, went into safe mode and uninstalled the drivers, reinstalled the drivers... what it comes down to is that Windows won't even detect the hardware when I pull the cable out and plug it in again. What do I do when all the drivers & problem solutions are dependant on Windows seeing my USB device. (I even uninstalled the USB roots on my computer and redetected them.. it only found my USB mouse, but no the Audigy NX.) I haven't made any hardware or software changes since I last used it - I have been operating Windows XP Home edition, SP2 with no problems with the NX up until now. Perhaps its a Windows thing, but maybe you can offer some help.

    Try doing a Cleansweep for the sound card. This information can be found at the Knowledgebase.

Maybe you are looking for