5310 camera on standby

Myphone's camera will not work but just tells me "camera on standby". I have updated the software, cleared the memory and restored factory settings but none of these have worked! Any suggestions gratefully received please

please try this solution, hope it works

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    Since the phone has come back from repair I can not use the camera feature, I have no idea how to remove "Camera on standby"

    They always perform a software update after a repair, but it sounds like in your case something went wrong here.
    You don't say what kind of phone you have. If it is an S60 "Symbian" model, you can reformat it with the code *#7370#; if the phone is compatible with NSU (www.nokia.com/softwareupdate) you could reinstall the latest software yourself using your PC.
    Failing both of those, you would have to go back to the repairer and tell them a new problem has been caused by the work they did.
    Message Edited by mccbleue on 23-Feb-2009 07:57 PM

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    That is quite a common issue. In all cases, I am aware of, this is a hardware failure: Your camera is broken.

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    This program may be able to do it:
    Try the demo and see if it works. You will need to have bluetooth on your computer as it doesn't work using a cable.
    If it doesn't you may be able to find alternative programs by searching google.

  • Camera on standby

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    Reset to factory default & check again. You provably got a backup already.
    Message Edited by android on 23-Nov-2008 01:09 PM
    Knowledge not shared is knowledge wasted!
    If you find it helpfull, it's not hard to click the STAR..

  • C3- camera on standby (need a solution)

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    Have you recently updated the firmware of the phone?
    Nokia C7: Running on Nokia Belle
    "If I'm helpful in anyway, a click of appreciation on the star would be nice"

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     cheer's pat.

    normally camera goes to standby mode when battery is low. if it is not the problem you mentioned, take it to where ever you bought.
    Glad to help

  • Camera in standby mode...

    Hello to anyone that reads this,
    Ive a nokia 6280 and have a problem with the camera stuck in standby mode..
    Anyone got advice on how to take it off ?..
    Ive upgraded the firmware and still no joy..

    The carbon or flex might have been damaged. As adamf mentioned, better take your phone to a Nokia Service Center.

  • Camera on Standby - Memory Full - Problem Solved o...

    Thanks to some guy mentioning that this might be rooted in Nokia's formatting of the MicroSD card I was lead in the right direction to solve this problem on my phone!!!!  Indeed I have my phone set to route all pictures to the Memory Card. My memory card is big, there is plenty of room on it....but I was getting the dreded error mentioned in the subject line. I could go into the IMAGE folder and delete a picture or two and get rid of the problem. But it never dawned on me to go to that folder and MARK ALL the pictures, then MOVE them to a NEW FOLDER that I created.
    This steps to doing this are less than obvious. You have to create your new folder on the memory card, ok easy, then go to your overstuffed destination folder and MARK ALL, then MOVE, then select the place to move them by using the OPTIONs button to drill down to the new folder instead of the top level of the MEMORY CARD.
    Now you might be able to skip moving these and just create a new folder and in CAMERA MODE drill down thru the options to get to Settings and change the destination to save the photos/videos. I didn't try this. I wanted it all to stay as I had it, going to the IMAGE folder as Nokia originally set it up.
    THIS SOLVED MY PROBLEM. I was scratching my head on this for a year!!!! And DUH it was really right in front of me... I KNEW the folder would take more pics as soon as I deleted some. But it didn't dawn on me to EMPTY that destination folder to another folder on the phone. I knew I could have backed them all up to my PC. Just was too lazy. 
    I think what threw me for the longest time was that I knew the memory card had PLENTY of room. So really this was a formatting issue Fat16?  that restricted the number of files or the total capacity in MB in any one particular folder. 
    Yahoooooo my phone goes into CAMERA MODE like a snap again!   And taking pictures is no problemo!!!
    Now if I could only get that old 5300 I have to boot again. That's another issue.  

    I have the same problem with my nokia 7100s-2, when i try to take pictures it says camera is on standby.The phone is not using a memory card.
    Ukhozi olumaphiko

  • 6280... camera on standby

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    09:50 PM

    No ....I have been on the phone to T Mobile today, to see what they can do as the 6280: 1. Crashes randomly when texting 2. Randomly loses numbers from it's memory 3. Has software which may have been cleverly designed by Nokia marketing people, so that you can only view your 'backed-up' personal contacts when you have a NOKIA PHONE connected! ie Viewing my contacts will be very very difficult if in future I decide not to upgrade to another Nokia phone.... 4. Has no camera function. T-Mobile have offered me a swap, but I know that I lose my rights if I take this. They have referred me to Nokia, Nokia, what can you do please? I'm a business user who wants a phone that works without problems, and can back up my contacts for now and the future should I choose a phone that is not a Nokia phone. If Nokia are not prepared to do anything (???Response awaited) then I will go to my local trading standards as I consider the phone to be unfit for the purpose for which it was sold to me....

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    now my second problem is the camera when i open the camera its ok, then i exit and open again and it says "camera on standby" i press continue and nothing happend even i restart my fone nothing happend still the same, i never drop the fone or spill water on it but its going crazy... what seen to be the prob?? help!

    1st try free up some of the phones memory by deleting unwanted items clear your text messages inbox and sent remove unwanted files such as images and videos ,then try update the software then perform a factory reset the code is 12345,if your still having trouble take it to a nokia care point
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • 2720 fold - camera stuck on standby

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    I haven't managed to update the firmware as the site says there's currently a problem and to try later. Has anyone else here had this issue, and if so, do you know a solution?  Is it just a firmware issue? I did some Googling and saw one other person asked a similar question on Yahoo Answers, but got no reply, so I know it's not just me.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    menu > settings > factory settings > reset all
    this path prefered as my Nokia 6303 classic, so if this path is wrong please try to find it under settings.
    Hard reset will erase all your data on phone memory. Please backup your data first.
    Glad to help

  • Problem with Nokia 6700 Camera

    i can't use the Camera for my new Nokia 6700, always showing that the Camera on Standby
    some knows what is the problem?

    Dear Freind
    i had this problem, and it take more than 3 months to solve
    first nokia russia where i m working refuse to the guarantry becasue it's bought from lebanon
    i lebanon they send more for 100 KM to Nokia care
    Nokia care said that need to change the camera but is not available
    after one month and several calls and fighting my telephon came back to be with camera
    that because i trust nokia and i didnt try the telephon before purchasing as my telephon Camera didnt work since the purchasing time
    So, your telephone need for camera, is better to go to other service to change the camera (not Nokia) and sale your telephone because camera it's commun problem with this model of Nokia
    i am very sorry to say that as since the last 15 years i didnt use other than nokia telephons but now i gone for other trade

  • Nokia 6303c Problem with camera, says camera on st...

    nokia 6303c Problem with camera, says camera on standby solution, any body got any solutions
    many thanks in advance

    try to free up some of your phones memory delete unwanted files ,delete text ,images etc or move to memo card
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

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