7.7.1 new ?bug - date added

7.7.1 allows me to get my iPod connected to my computer fast and without freezing iTunes. So that is quite a relief. However, now I have a new (and more minor) problem: since the upgrade, when I add tracks to the iPod, it shows the Date Added as the date I added tracks to the computer, not the date I added tracks to my iPod. I am on manual sync and having the separate dates has been a big help to me in figuring out which tracks I need to add.
Is this a bug or something I can fix in preferences somewhere?

That is very odd; that is not how it worked before, for my 2G or my iPod Classic. Date Added has always had a different series of dates for my iPod vs my iTunes library; I confirmed this by looking at the different music library lists when my iPod was connected to my computer. I have been doing manual syncs once every couple weeks, and it's easy to figure out the days I added them to the iPods because they are in big batches on the same day at nearly the same time. This is until the last update, and the most recent songs match the iTunes library.
I kind of prefer it the other way; I'd like to get that setup back...

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    Hi Experts,
    i have a requirement where while creation of sales order, when user enters the requirement date,i have to calculate the new requirement date ( adding transit time and other time ) and send it to APO , to bring the ATP result based on this new calculated date.
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    Now, i am not sure, how i should pass this new date to APO , which FM , Badi or BAPI would be used ?
    Please help and let me know if i am supposed to detailed it a little more.

    Hi Bharat,
    Normally the new calculated requirement/delivery date will be updated in APO through the CIF.
    However you can influence the transfer with enhancement CIFSLS03 (influence sales-order-specific data directly before it is sent to SAP APO available on ECC side).
    Please see the below description.
    Regards, Marius
    In this enhancement, you can transfer customer-order-specific data to SAP
    The associated component EXIT_SAPLCSLS_002 provides you with tables that are
    required for the transfer. In particular, these are:
    Requirements table ET_SL_REQ
    Item table ET_SL_DOC
    Field catalog ET_ATPFIELD
    You can use this exit to create or change documents in the ERP system as well
    as for the initial data transfer.
    The data is transferred to SAP APO after this exit is called.
    If you use program /SAPAPO/CIF_DELTAREPORT3, you have to add the
    corresponding logic to function module EXIT_SAPLCID3_001. For more information,
    see the documentation for
    enhancement CIFCID3.

  • A sorting songs by the "date added" bug on iPhone and iTunes?

    So I've run accross a bug (maybe) that has really been annoying me for a few months now. It has been present since like iOS5 beta 3. It has to do with how my songs are sorted on my iPhone. I've always had my songs sorted by "date added" and I have never had a problem with them showing up in that way. During the beta, my songs started showing up backwards on my phone. My oldest songs would show up first on my phone's iPod even though in my iTunes they were sorted with the newest songs on top. I figured this was a bug and that it would be fixed by apple in the later versions of iTunes and after the official release of iOS5, but I was wrong. It didn't fix after I receieved my 4S. On a side note, I was having this problem initially on my iPhone 4, and it continued on to my iPhone 4S. This is probably one of the MOST ANNOYING problems I've had with my iPhone because my car displays my songs in the order they are on my phone too, and in my car I have to use a wheel and not a touchscreen to scroll all the way to the bottom (you get my point). I haven't actually found a fix for this to where everything works as it is supposed to, but today as I was tinkering with my iTunes to finally fix this problem I decided to sort all my songs by "newest songs modified" just to see if it would fix my sorting problem. It worked. My phone now has all my new songs on top of each of my playlists in ONLY the playlists I choose to have sorted in that specific way. After I realized this fixed my problem, I tried to re-sort all my songs by "date added" again just to see if it would fix my problem because having them sorted by "date modified" is an annoying problem I just dont want to have. It didn't work. So right now, I am sorting my songs on my phone by "date modified" because "date added" doesnt sort them the way it is supposed to when any playlist is transferred from my iTunes to my iPhone. Anyone know whats up? How can I let apple know about this annoying problem? Could it just be me and my computer? I've gone through multiple versions of iTunes, iOS5s including beta, and I've had the problem on two different iPhones. Coincidence? By the way I'm running windows 7, and no, I haven't searched much for this problem on forums or on google because it seems too specific to my situation (and im too lazy to look hard enough).

    my problem started with the recent upgrade and this idea (sort on PC iTunes by date modified) worked. I did have to remove my playlist from my phone first and then resync to get things to respond but it seems to work. Why on earth Apple does not provide a mechanism for sorting ON THE F*&^ING PHONE is beyond me. For a company who's mantra is building things that 'they'd want to use' this gaff cannot possible fit into that paradigm.

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    Hi 1283ar.
    Unfortunately, iOS 7 is too hard to push for the iPhone 4 and therefore has a lot of effects turned off to try to get it to run as smoothly as possible.
    However, it becomes better and better with each update coming but it's hard to do anything about the hardware on an already released phones.
    If you still have trouble or think they are too hard. My tip is, if so, to restore your iPhone 4 and make a clean setup with no iCloud backup. But all your photos in a photostream so you can access it later.

  • Got a new Mac, my iTunes is whack, (No Play Count or Date Added)

    Hello, everybody. It's been a rough night.
    I currently own a G4 iMac and I just got a brand new Macbook. The Macbook is very nice, it's extremely speedy and I am sure I will grow to love it. We've got just one hurdle to get through together: the organization of my music in iTunes. Now, I've had the iMac for five years, and not long after I got it adding music to it became something of an importance, it was my music player. Over the past five years I've not only added thousands of songs, but meticulously and very specifically organized them into playlists based on the number of spins they have and when they were added. To a lot of people I know this sort of thing isn't a huge deal, but for me this organization became, and I kid you not, a huge, huge part of my life.
    So I get the new Macbook, fire it up and use Migration Assistant, (with the iMac in Target Disk Mode), to move my data over. When it's done I open the iTunes and am greeted with... nothing. Well, okay, all of my music is there, that's nice, (it's what iTunes is for, etc etc), but NONE of my play count or date added information remains. I weep inside.
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    1. The iMac, (running Tiger), still has iTunes on it, with all the information, nothing seems to have changed on that end.
    2. The Macbook has a hard drive full of music with no playlist, play count or date added data.
    3. I do own an iPod where I backed up the music before the move. I know that the data information on playlists, play count and date added is on the iPod. I do not dare plug it in to the new machine for fear of the unknown.
    Which brings me here, is there some way, any way of rectifying this? Here is what I would like:
    1. For the Macbook iTunes to look EXACTLY like the iMac's does.
    2. For it to work with both my old iPods without question.
    This has been long, and I fear that some may pass it over as something too much of an banality to be needed help with. But like some collect shoes or hats, I collect music. It's a lovely collection and it's a large part of who I am. I could start all over, but that's sort of like saying the world could start over if it by chance happened to forget how to turn. It would take a lot of effort, and there would be some (more) tears, but I could move on. But I really, really don't want to. I just want things to be the way they were. I'd very much like to have this information present, and I thank you all for your time.

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    I got the new iPhone5 back in Dec, I hooked it up to my computer for the 1st time this wk.  It deleted all new data added since Dec (notes,contacts,texts,pics, info added to apps) and reverted back to all my old data (literally uploaded all of my old texts and 1400 old pics and deleted anything new).  How can I retrieve all the lost data?? Please help!!

    SkyDaughter29 wrote:
    My current situation: I have soooo many texts on my iphone and I haven't deleted many because I need the information contained in them for future reference and for legal purposes.  I would really like to find a means and way to save them other than on the phone itself. I've done searches for various apps yet I'm not finding what I think I would need.  It appears Apple does not sync the texts between the iphone and my MacBook Pro.
    Try the computer apps PhoneView (Mac) or TouchCopy (Mac & PC):
    Best of luck.

  • I want to retain my itunes 'date added' information when transferring to my new macbook pro

    Hello There
    I think even before I ask this, that I know what the answer will be, so please don't laugh at me, just sympathise..
    I have a lot of music. A lot. So much I need to use the date added to keep it all organised and know where I am. Previously I used a computer from work for everything, but just got a shiny new macbook pro - woo hoo!
    First thing I did was transfer my itunes library. I use a HD so pretty easy, simply hold down the option key whilst starting itunes, select the library on my HD and wallop, off we go. After a few minutes of chugging all my music is there and my playlists. Fantastic I thought, but then hold on - date added says today. This can't be right I say to myself, some of these files were added in 2008...
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    Done a fair bit of research and I think the answer is there is not an answer. Being the wise old owl that apple is, it has decided that users will not want this information if they ever move or buy new computers, so while it will keep your playlists, it won't have this bit of info. My only option has been to create spreadsheets of old list for reference.
    I'm hoping out there someone will tell me that apple have realised this is rubbish and have fixed, or will say fret no longer, here is the magic workaround, but I haven't found anyone who can yet. Does anyone have the answer?
    Until then, I will continue to perform this awkward workaround and stick pins into the apple voodoo doll.
    Mr Sherlock

    weird very weird. today i did this again today after already being unsuccessful earlier. exactly the same thing as i have done before, exactly. didn't try to import. didn't say damaged library, copied everything in including date. have tried it about 10 times no luck. today it just worked.
    how weird is that?
    oh well JG - maybe you mixed a magic potion for me?
    anyway, thank you for all the help.
    to anyone else reading this all i can say is keep trying, you never know. follow the above advice. you may feel exasperated and think you have done it already, but keep trying.

  • New Mac, how to keep Date Added info in new iTunes

    Yesterday I bought a new iMac, replacing my older one.
    I have 66GB of iTunes Music & Videos which I saved on an external hard drive. I copied the "iTunes" folder from my Mac onto the hard drive.
    I know I can just drag the folder into iTunes on my new Mac, but I would lose all the "date added" and "play count" information. I see that in the iTunes folder I saved, there is an "Album Artwork" folder, an "iTunes Library database file", an "iTunes 4 Music Library database file", an "iPod Games Library database file", and an "iPod Games" folder.
    Does the iTunes Library database file contain all the information? Because I tried to replace that file with the current one on my new Mac, and when I opened iTunes, all my songs, playlists, and data added information was there, but all the songs had an exclamation mark beside them. So then I dragged the iTunes folder into iTunes but then I had doubles of each thing.
    So my question is, how can I import my music by keeping the Date Added, Play Count, and playlist information?

    Normally if you want a trouble free move, all your music files must be in the iTunes Music folder as designated in the preferences.
    However if you music is on an external drive and the full path to the music files will NOT change, this is no essential. iTunes cannot tolerate any change to the path to music files that are not in the iTunes Music folder. If the files are in the iTunes music folder, it can tolerate changes to the path above the level of the iTunes Music folder.
    All the data on playlists, count, ratings is in iTunes Library.itl which by default is in ...My Music\iTunes assuming you haven't moved it. This iTunes folder also contains your album artwork, so you need to save the whole folder.
    When you have iTunes installed and working and before you add any more music, you will need to replace the iTunes folder created by the new installation of iTunes with your original iTunes folder and ensure the path for the iTunes Music folder is correctly set in the preferences.
    Because it sounds as though you have a somewhat non standard arrangemnt, I can't be sure that what I have said is exactly right but I hope I have given you neough to sort it out.

  • Upgrading to new MacBook Pro but want to keep date added

    Hi Guys,
    My 2008 MBP is coming to the end of its life (that or I just want a new one!) and I want to a new MBP. However I'm a DJ a rely heavily on my itunes library, the biggest feature being the date added column and then secondly playlists. Could someone tell me how I can migrate my Itunes library to the new MacBook keeping the date added (and ideally all other data including playlists, tags, ratings) all in tact?
    Many Thanks

    Yes, everything will be the same. Just make sure you take the folder named iTunes and drop it into ~/Music. When you launch iTunes it will all be there.

  • How do I display my columns, like "date added" in the new iTunes?

    I updated iTunes. I like to play the music I most recently added first. I had this all sorted into neat columns in the old iTunes and now I cannot seem to sort by "date added" or "date modified".

    If you don't see anything when you connect your ipod it's meybe something wrong with the USB cable, If you have another you can try that.
    try to shut down or restart your ipod and then connect it.

  • BPS Web New master data (info object value) added to planning area

    Dear all,
    I am working with BPS in Web.
    Here you can add lines.
    The user wants to add a new value of the lead column, ´
    which is not yet active in the master data of the info object envolved here.
    He simply wants to enter the new value in the opened new line and the
    system should store(add) that value to the master table,
    so that he could directly plan KF values to that new line.
    I know that we can use FM 'RSDMD_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES_TEXTS'
    to post directly new values to the bespoken info object.
    Where and how could I add this function to the process.
    It seems that the BSP dispatcher doesn't pass that line
    because the "invalid" line is rejected  in a step before ??
    Many thanks for your help in advance ! 

    Transaction RSD1 gets you into infoobject maintenance and it more or less equivalent to RSA1 and infoobject althought they have some better listing facilities for infobject in infocubes than RSA1.
    Are you really sure you want to give your users the ability to create new master data without any validation and potentially compromising your data quality and data integrity? 
    Sometimes in BPS you have to ask whether or not you should even though you could...

  • Adding new Customer data KNA1

    I'm looking for a function or a Bapi that let you add new Customer data. And I have to specify the new customer number being used ( comes from an import file )
    The tables that seem to be getting populated are
    The important bit is also specifying the customer number I want to use and not having SAP give me the number.

    Hi Sims,
    I see that you marked the post as answered, but there was an open ended question in your latest post. Did you find an answer or you still need help?
    Standard SAP's account group for prospect customer is 0005. This is what you should see in your KNA1 record for all the prospective customers. If not, then you must be a using a custom account group. In config, this account group must have been configured to allow external numbering. Here is the path in config for verifying that(tcode SPRO).
    Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG)
    -->Financial Accounting
       -->Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
          -->Customer Accounts
             -->Master Records
                -->Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records
                   -->Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts
                   -->Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups
    Next thing is to load them into your system automatically. How are prospective customers registered? Do you get a file or do prospective customers register online? If they are registered online, then you need some kind of connectivity with SAP(so what is it) and a suitable RFC or BAPI. Right now, I don't see any standard BAPI or RFC that will enable you to create customers with external numbering. So you may have to use IDOC functions or a custom RFC function for the purpose.
    If you are getting this information on a file, then you can use LSMW to load the customers. Please let me know your scenario so that we can come up with a solution.

  • Adding New Employee Data

    I need to add a new Employee data, which transaction allow me to do that?
    By the way, I have create a web service out BAPI_PERSDATA_CREATE, when i try to use the web service to create a employee data, it keep giving me Deserialisation failed error. How to solve this?

    Look at  the following OSS notes
    -Note 892944 - Deserialisation failed
    -Note 830340 - SOAP request - Deserialisation failed
    -Note 1118825 - Providing the payload with synchronous Web services
    Good luck !

  • [Desktop] Bring Back Local File Info Editing and Dates Added!

    I would like to see the functionality for changing the track info for local files and the sorting of when the local file was added to come back. I used these functions a lot because I have a large amount of music saved on my computer, and I add more often. I liked the ability to change the track's info to make it easier to search for and more organized. The date added function was also essential for organizing my local files because I would have to search through thousands of files just to find the file that I just added. Since these functions were on an older version of Spotify, I don't understand why they would be omitted in the newer versions. Also, fixing the bugs that prevent local files to be synced to my phone for offline playing would be helpful as well.

    Updated: 2015-07-09Hi and thanks for your contribution! A similar idea has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please!

  • Itunes resets Date Added

    My computer turns off by itself quite a lot and sometimes my library has to be recovered if I was using Itunes when it happened. It usually all comes back but sometimes it resets the Date Added on all songs and it's so frustrating because that's one of the hugest ways I look at and organize my music. Does anybody know what to do, or even know what I'm talking about?

    That might be hard to fix. I think iTunes 7 makes a backup of your library. You could try moving the new library (in ~/Music/iTunes/), putting back the old one, and letting iTunes re-upgrade it. See if that works. Could be some obscure bug in 7.
    I checked all my dates and they're ok.

Maybe you are looking for