720p video in 1080p timeline has black borders

I have Premiere Cs6, with Windows 7.
I want to mix 1080/50p and 720/30p videos, and correctly downsize it to 720/25p in Adobe Media Encoder.
1. When I choose 720/25p timeline, all the 1080p videos looks like zoomed (the middle of the video image can be seen). The 720p videos are fine
2. If I choose 1080/25p timeline, the 1080p videos are fine, but the 720p ones has black border on all 4 sides:
Please help me how to do it correctly, to be able tho get a proper 720/25p video from these sources, without borders.
Thank you!

The timeline should match the final output so use a 720p25 timeline.
If you have a 720p as your output you have a 1280x720 canvas. If you drop a 1920x1080 video on it will be too big. Do as SAFEHARBOR11 said....
In Premiere Preferences, there is a checkbox for "Default Scale to Frame Size". If you enable that, when you Import clips they will automatically fit the current editing size.
...OR for each clip open up the effects->motion and change the scale of the 1080p footage (1280/1920=66.6666%) - it won't divide nicely so you'll have to do 66 instead of 67% so that you don't get black edges.
As for output frame rate... do you have to do 25fps? If it's not for broadcast - it is my understanding that most PAL countries have BD players that can understand 24fps as well. I say this because maybe you'd be better off retiming the 50i footage to 48i (a 4% slowdown) and thus 24fps. You do this by right clicking and Interpret Footage-> 24fps instead of its 25fps.
You can then edit between the two cameras without throwing frames on the floor since the 720p30 will 3:2 pulldown to 24fps too.
BUT, you only need to do that if the shudder from dropping 1 in 25 frames on the floor has a worse look than slowing down the original footage. It is easier if you're editing back and forth with the two cameras to drop those frames but perhaps slowing down would be better for you.
Some professionals cringe at the idea of throwing frames on the floor, others that the original is slowed down. It's up to you.
As some food for thought....
When I was on the DVD authoring team for the "Dune" release in Australia ('98) the telecine of the original film was sped up from 24 to 25fps. We then sped up and pitch shifted back down the 5.1 audio track to match.
Another example [I didn't work on] is "The Thomas Crown Affair" release in the USA. The title menus must have been done in the UK (or Oz) and not pitch shifted because it has a 4% higher pitched music vs the film. - it's very noticeable because from the root menu it goes straight to the same piano tune in the film and drops a couple tones. (^dink dink dink^.... ^dunk dunk dunk^) In the film itself you have no idea that the feature was [or was not] stretched 4% to fit to 25fps or 30fps (ie 24fps original 3:2 pullup).
my 2bits.

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    fcp will automatically scale the image to fit the sequence settings. Quality should be ok but you might get slightly better quality using compressor to batch scale the clips before bringing them into fcp by adjusting the frame controls. You might also find the workflow a little simpler once you're in fcp as you won't have to render clips if they match the sequence settings.

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    buy any commerical camcorder (I use a sony handy cam )that  has the feature you desire and purchase pinnicle usb 500 adapter so you can connect the camera to the usb port on your computer all for under 1000;

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    Is anyone able to help me? Any hint would be much appreciated.
    I'm attaching some files that may be important to solve the issue:
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    # exec gnome-session
    # exec startkde
    # exec startxfce4
    # ...or the Window Manager of your choice
    # add terminus and dina fonts to xfontsel
    xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local
    # set background and wallpaper
    xsetroot -solid "#1A1A1A"
    feh --bg-scale /home/rent0n/.wallpapers/archlinux-zenburn-wide-grey.jpg
    # start window manager
    exec i3
    # exec wmii
    # exec dwm
    ! urxvt
    urxvt.title: urxvt
    urxvt.background: #1A1A1A
    urxvt.foreground: #999999
    urxvt.cursorColor: #5E468C
    urxvt.borderColor: #1A1A1A
    urxvt.borderless: false
    urxvt.internalBorder: 3
    urxvt.externalBorder: 3
    urxvt.scrollBar: false
    !urxvt.font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-*--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
    !urxvt.boldFont: -misc-fixed-medium-r-*--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
    urxvt.font: xft:terminus:pixelsize=12
    urxvt.boldFont: xft:terminus:bold:pixelsize=12
    ! colors
    *color0: #333333
    *color8: #3D3D3D
    *color1: #8C4665
    *color9: #BF4D80
    *color2: #287373
    *color10: #53A6A6
    *color3: #7C7C99
    *color11: #9E9ECB
    *color4: #395573
    *color12: #477AB3
    *color5: #5E468C
    *color13: #7E62B3
    *color6: #31658C
    *color14: #6096BF
    *color7: #899CA1
    *color15: #C0C0C0
    # This configuration uses Mod1 and Mod4. Make sure they are mapped properly using xev(1)
    # and xmodmap(1). Usually, Mod1 is Alt (Alt_L) and Mod4 is Windows (Super_L)
    # ISO 10646 = Unicode
    # font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
    # font -misc-fixed-medium-r-*--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
    font -xos4-terminus-bold-r-*--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
    # Use Mouse+Mod4 to drag floating windows to their wanted position
    floating_modifier Mod4
    # Fullscreen (Mod4+f)
    bind Mod4+41 f
    # Stacking (Mod4+r)
    bind Mod4+27 s
    # Tabbed (Mod4+w)
    bind Mod4+25 T
    # Default (Mod4+e)
    bind Mod4+26 d
    # Toggle tiling/floating of the current window (Mod4+Shift+Space)
    bind Mod4+Shift+65 t
    # Go into the tiling layer / floating layer, depending on whether
    # the current window is tiling / floating (Mod4+t)
    bind Mod4+28 focus ft
    # Focus (Mod4+j/k/l/;)
    bind Mod4+43 h
    bind Mod4+44 j
    bind Mod4+45 k
    bind Mod4+46 l
    # (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
    bindsym Mod4+Left h
    bindsym Mod4+Down j
    bindsym Mod4+Up k
    bindsym Mod4+Right l
    # Focus Container (Mod1+Mod4+j/k/l/;)
    bind Mod1+Mod4+43 wch
    bind Mod1+Mod4+44 wcj
    bind Mod1+Mod4+45 wck
    bind Mod1+Mod4+46 wcl
    # (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
    bindsym Mod1+Mod4+Left wch
    bindsym Mod1+Mod4+Down wcj
    bindsym Mod1+Mod4+Up wck
    bindsym Mod1+Mod4+Right wcl
    # Snap (Mod4+Control+j/k/l/;)
    bind Mod4+Control+43 sh
    bind Mod4+Control+44 sj
    bind Mod4+Control+45 sk
    bind Mod4+Control+46 sl
    # (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
    bindsym Mod4+Control+Left sh
    bindsym Mod4+Control+Down sj
    bindsym Mod4+Control+Up sk
    bindsym Mod4+Control+Right sl
    # Move (Mod4+Shift+j/k/l/;)
    bind Mod4+Shift+43 mh
    bind Mod4+Shift+44 mj
    bind Mod4+Shift+45 mk
    bind Mod4+Shift+46 ml
    # (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
    bindsym Mod4+Shift+Left mh
    bindsym Mod4+Shift+Down mj
    bindsym Mod4+Shift+Up mk
    bindsym Mod4+Shift+Right ml
    # Move Container (Mod1+Mod4+Shift+j/k/l/;)
    bind Mod1+Mod4+Shift+43 wcmh
    bind Mod1+Mod4+Shift+44 wcmj
    bind Mod1+Mod4+Shift+45 wcmk
    bind Mod1+Mod4+Shift+46 wcml
    # Workspaces (Mod4+1/2/…)
    bind Mod4+10 1
    bind Mod4+11 2
    bind Mod4+12 3
    bind Mod4+13 4
    bind Mod4+14 5
    bind Mod4+15 6
    bind Mod4+16 7
    bind Mod4+17 8
    bind Mod4+18 9
    bind Mod4+19 10
    # Move to Workspaces
    bind Mod4+Shift+10 m1
    bind Mod4+Shift+11 m2
    bind Mod4+Shift+12 m3
    bind Mod4+Shift+13 m4
    bind Mod4+Shift+14 m5
    bind Mod4+Shift+15 m6
    bind Mod4+Shift+16 m7
    bind Mod4+Shift+17 m8
    bind Mod4+Shift+18 m9
    bind Mod4+Shift+19 m10
    # Mod4+Enter starts a new terminal
    bind Mod4+36 exec /usr/bin/urxvt
    # Mod4+Shift+q kills the current client
    bind Mod4+Shift+24 kill
    # Mod4+v starts dmenu and launches the selected application
    # for now, we don't have a launcher of our own.
    bind Mod4+55 exec /usr/bin/dmenu_run -i -fn -xos4-terminus-bold-r-*--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 -nb \#1A1A1A -nf \#999999 -sb \#1A1A1A -sf \#31658C
    # Mod4+Shift+e exits i3
    bind Mod4+Shift+26 exit
    # Mod4+Shift+r restarts i3 inplace
    bind Mod4+Shift+27 restart
    # The IPC interface allows programs like an external workspace bar
    # (i3-wsbar) or i3-msg (can be used to "remote-control" i3) to work.
    ipc-socket ~/.i3/ipc.sock
    # 1-pixel Border
    new_window bp
    # Colors
    # class border background text
    client.focused #999999 #999999 #1A1A1A
    client.focused_inactive #1A1A1A #1A1A1A #999999
    client.unfocused #1A1A1A #1A1A1A #999999
    client.urgent #31658C #31658C #999999
    bar.focused #999999 #1A1A1A #999999
    bar.unfocused #1A1A1A #1A1A1A #999999
    bar.urgent #31658C #1A1A1A #999999
    # Workspaces
    workspace 1 main
    workspace 2 www
    workspace 3 mail
    workspace 4 misc
    Thank you very much.

    rent0n wrote:I'm forced to move to wmii then, even if it hasn't all the nice features of i3 and configuring it it's quite a mess, at least it seems to manage urxvt perfectly...
    You will most probably have those borders in wmii, too. I have them.
    It really is an urxvt issue. There is something in the manpages about it, I think (not sure).
    I doesn't bother me too much so I just left them there.

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    Hi Ya,
    I have some concert footage that I edited in FCP (some in 4.3, some in 16.9) that I have montaged together to form a "sampler" of what the act in question have done over the years. I want to put this on youtube, which needs a 320x240 frame size so I created a 320x240 sequence, added my montage to this, resized the clip til I was happy and exported. No matter what setting I use to export, I seem to end up with a box that has black borders round the movie instead of the movie filling the 320x240 frame, except when I DON"T specify 320x240 as an export size, in which case I get a movie that looks ok but it's 576x520! (i'm UK based so the 4.3 footage was this size??)
    Any suggestions?
    Many Thanks

    this had me stumped for a long time, but i think whats happening is that the quicktime movie player window defaults to a bigger size than 320 x 240, so it shows the movie at its correct sizer in a bigger window. if you resize the window the black sidebars go away. the movie properties say the movie is the correct size, so it should be fine. if you embed it in an html page it plays correctly as well.

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    Hi all,
    I have DSLR video shot at 1080P.  I knew the final product would need to be 720P which was fine since I wanted to be able to move (dolly, zoom in or out) the full sized 1080p clips in the 720P timeline.
    The problem I am seeing is that the video exports much softer than the original 1080P footage.
    So if any of you have a good workflow of how you would perform this talk, I would love it if you could share it with me.
    Some of the clips I am allowing FCPX to "fit" the 1080P footage to the 720P frame, other clips I am using at the native 1080P size (larger than the 720P timeline) and doing the post production moves (dolly, zoom in, zoom out)
    The 720P video will end up on Vimeo.
    Thanks for any advice,

    Easiest way:
    Share > Vimeo
    on the share dialog ... next to the last line -> uncheck Set size automatically and select HD 720p Video Sharing
    If you need access before exporting to vimeo:
    Go back out to the Projects pane and with your video selected:
    If you want to keep your original 1080 format as well then duplicate the project
    in the inspector, select the Properties pane.
    at the bottom of the pane is a wrench icon -> click it.
    reset your video properties to 720HD (you may have to settle for 30p rate.)
    double click your newly resized video
    "Share" > Export as usual

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    If the clips are not actually missing, you could try to refresh the timeline by using cmd-0 and then going to the timeline options tab. Then select name only where it says "thumbnail display". Press ok to accept the change, then repeat the process to add thumbnails back to your timeline.

  • [Solved] After watching several youtube html5 720p videos, Firefox (version 33) display or screen turns black and aero transparency in windows 7 turns opaque.

    Hello ! I just want to share something familiar with that black display or screen occurs for some people. When I watch youtube videos, I used to watch them in html5 720p videos (not flash videos, https://www.youtube.com/html5 ). I upgraded firefox to version 33. No black display when I used it. Randomly and after watching several html5 videos on youtube, aero transparency in my windows 7 turns opaque and firefox display goes all black. Firefox doesn't respond at any command. I need to kill his process in task manager in order to close it. When I open firefox again, normal display goes. To relaunch aero transparency in windows 7, I need to restart the service whose name is, I think, "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager". I use windows 7 in french and the service name is "Gestionnaire de sessions de Gestionnaire de fenetrage".
    To solve this, I upgraded my graphic driver but this didn't work. I tried to put "layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled" to false in "about:config" menu. No random black display but some html elements turned black for some seconds or definitely when firefox rendered web pages. I tried to uncheck "Use hardware acceleration when available" in options menu. No random black display but html5 720p videos didn't play smoothly.
    Then, I chose to watch youtube 720p videos again with flash player and no random black display and html5 720p videos played normally.
    Here are my graphic acceleration infos :
    Date du pilote 7-2-2014
    Description de la carte NVIDIA GeForce GTS 360M
    DirectWrite activé false (6.2.9200.16492)
    Fenêtres avec accélération graphique 1/1 Direct3D 11 (OMTC)
    GPU #2 active false
    ID du périphérique 0x0cb1
    ID du vendeur 0x10de
    Pilotes de la carte nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    RAM de la carte 1024
    Rendu WebGL Google Inc. -- ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTS 360M Direct3D9Ex vs_3_0 ps_3_0)
    Version du pilote
    windowLayerManagerRemote true
    AzureCanvasBackend skia
    AzureContentBackend cairo
    AzureFallbackCanvasBackend cairo
    AzureSkiaAccelerated 0
    I hope this will be useful to solve this problem in future versions or to someone.

    This is happening to me too, I don't know if this is an Adobe Flash Player 11.5's bug or it's just my computer. All my browsers, chrome, IE9, Fox, doesn't even load anime videos. I tried reinstalling 11.5 many times, it have no effect but I use IE9 64-bit to run the videos that couldn't run. I waited 25 min for a JW player to load an episode of anime and I'm sick of it.

  • Youtube video has black border around it

    I impoted a short clip from my camera (640x480 4:3 ratio) into the organizer, then from there opened a premiere elements project and shared the video to Youtube.  The video in premiere element looks fine, it has black stripes on the left and right sides which I think is normal given the source resolution/ratio.  The final video on Youtube, however, has a larger black border around the entire video, including black space at the top and bottom. Why is this, how can I get rid of this extra border?

    This usually indicates a mismatch between your source video and your project settings.
    Which camcorder model did your video come from and how did you get it into your computer?
    When you started your Premiere Elements project, which project settings did you select?
    My free Basic Training tutorials on Premiere Elements support site Muvipix.com will show you how to set up a project properly.

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    When I rotate my video clip so that is isn't viewed sideways, it has black bars on both sides and some of picture is missing. Can I rotate the image so it plays rightside up without the black bars? The image was taken by an iPhone. I am viewing it on PC

    Just to recap, this is a collection of ports I have collected over time for people who needed this information when setting up the HP ePrint app so that they could view their email from within the app.  I am certain other applications also need this information.  Although lengthy, I could not find a more comprehensive place to retrieve this information.  Feel free to post additional information, faulty information, or other related topics below as this is simply a collection of data and it would be practically impossible to test all of them. Thank you!
    Don't forgot to say thanks by giving "Kudos" if I helped solve your problem.
    When a solution is found please mark the post that solves your issue.
    Every problem has a solution!

  • When i'm editing my video in the timeline it looks perfect, but when i save the video and replay it on quicktime it has these weird lines? does anyone know how to fix that?

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    As Tom states, that's interlacing.
    Interlacing was invented when the TV was born, to carry 1/5 the frame with each Hz of the electricity rating. In the US, that's why you use 30 fps (or 29.nnn) in the US and we use 25 fps in europe as the electricity is 60Hz/50Hz.
    Interlaced video should ONLY (I repeat ONLY) be used for analog TV signal transports.
    Each and every digital TV set today, including all the computer screens, is Progressive, updating the full frame at each screen refresh. And most TV's even refresh much quicker, newest TV's refresh a 800Hz..! (giving then problems with the newest LTE spectums..)
    If your source media in interlaced, ask why! And stop shooting interlaced.. ;-)
    If you have interlaced video, make sure you apply the DeInterlace setting when you import and transcode it.

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    When you first import your video, before you do anything, do you have a red line over the video on the timeline?
    If you do have a red line as described above, your project and your video do not match
    Read Bill Hunt on a file type as WRAPPER http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037
    What is a CODEC... a Primer http://forums.adobe.com/thread/546811
    What CODEC is INSIDE that file? http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... a screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing
    For PC http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ or http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en
    For Mac http://mediainfo.massanti.com/
    Once you know exactly what it is you are editing, report back with that information... and your project setting, and if there is a red line above the video in the timeline, which indicates a mismatch between video and project

  • Can I rotate a video without having the black borders?

    Hi, I shot some movie on my camcorder. I had the camcorder at a right angle at the time. When I rotate it on imovie11 I am left with black borders either side. How can I remove these? I'd really appreciate some help asap with this as I am editing the project right now.... Thanks in advance!

    Please - no offence - no irony in this at all - just bit of lack of phantasy (in my department). BUT
    If You don't like it scaled up to fill sideways and You don't want black borders.
    Is it stretched sideways You want . Short fat people and all scaled just sideways - or.
    What do You want and wherefrom would that information be retrieved that should fill the black borders ?
    What's not recorded can't be created magically as far as I know.
    So I guess that You need to explain much more how You think it should look and with what material it would be created.
    Yours trying to get a picture of this - Bengt W

  • Black borders, Adobe CS4 & Canon Eos 550D

    Hi All,
    Im pretty new to the video scene, and ive got adobe cs4 for a while but never
    used it alot, now im recording video's with a canon eos550d with a great quality,
    but allways after my bounce there appears 2 black borders up and down.
    the video output format from the canon is: 1920 by 1080 .MOV H264
    when I import it in a default page template called "DV PAL Widescreen 48K"
    and using the youtube HD setting the output gives 2 black borders at the top of the movie and the bottom.
    I tried to put the project to 1080p but then ive got no possibility to hit "enter" and a quick offline render..
    is there a way to fix this ?
    Thanks in advance,

    You want a sequence with 1080p square pixels, for a frame size of 1920 x 1080. The presets in CS 4 are in the AVCHD section that would match this, dependent on the frame rate at which you shot and whether your camera shoots progressive or interlaced video. Chose the one that matches the frame rate you actually shot at, you can export at a different frame size and frame rate after editing. The fact that the presets are designed for editing video compressed using AVCHD doesn't really matter as long as the sequence settings match the actually footage.

Maybe you are looking for

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