8310 IMAP/POP email

For one of my email accounts they are going to stop supporting non-SSL enabled connections, will this effect the push email to my blackberry 8310?  If so can it be fixed?
Phone details:
Curve 8310
OS vers. (306)

It shouldn't.  Most email is non-ssl.
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  • Imap/ pop email configurat​ion

    I have an issue with my Email (Pop mail) on Blackberry Z10. I'm only able to receive emails, The outgoing server is not working. I'm using the etisalat network (in Dubai - UAE).
    Is this a common problem?
    any special configuration to be done?

    Thanks for the reply Bob79.
    We are investigating some issues with regards to SMTP servers.  To make sure your server is part of this issue, we are going to need logs.  Please contact your network service provider and ask to be transferred to BlackBerry so we can verify.
    I appreciate your patience.
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  • The Skinny on IMAP vs POP Email and work arounds

         It took me a while to figure out email so I figured I'd share what I've learned so far.  Do feel free to reply with more useful tips for us all if anyone has some.
    First email accounts are either IMAP or POP and the first step was figuring out the difference:
       Mirror of the server
    What is done one place is done everywhere because you are looking at the server.
           Advantage: can access email from multiple devices/locations
           Disadvantage: May have to mark as read individually when adding to a new device
       Independent of the server
    What is done one place stays that place because you have moved it from the server.
            Advantage: once it's delivered the mail can be viewed offline
            Disadvantage: where ever it is delivered once, the other divices do no have access to the mail
    Think of the server as a huge mailbox as big as a room!
    With IMAP the mail stays in the mailbox until you delete it permenently,
        but once it is deleted it has moved out of the main part of the huge mailbox into the trash can in the room of the huge mailbox (the trash folder settings decide when the trash gets taken out and deleted permenently) when deleted permenently it is no longer in the trash can in the huge mailbox it has been taken out the the dump.
    If you read it then it's like opening the mail but leaving it in the huge mailbox.
    If you move it to another folder then it's like moving it to the desk in the room but still in the mailbox.
    With POP the mail is taken out of the mailbox and moved to the computer (in the other room)
    Once you request/download your mail it is taken off of the server and whatever is done with the mail the server no longer has access to it
    If you read it (or move it to a folder) it is the same thing as Mom taking the mail out of the huge mailbox and putting it in the car, if Dad checks the mailbox the mail may have been delivered by Dad is not going to find it because it is no longer in the mailbox it is with Mom in the car.
    Here a link that helped me figure it out:
    So after you decide wether you want to use IMAP or POP which email carrier is which?
    Microsoft Exchange is IMAP
    MobileMe is IMAP
    Yahoo! mail is IMAP
    Hotmail is IMAP
    Gmail is IMAP can be set up as POP
         see here for that:  https://discussions.apple.com/message/8149520#8149520
    ~Most web-based email is IMAP (if it is designed to be accessed via the web by ANY computer it's likely IMAP)
         settings for incomming/outgoing servers:   http://www.emailaddressmanager.com/tips/mail-settings.html
    AOL is POP can be set up as IMAP (origanally intended to be used with only one computer via the ISP)
          see here for that: http://email.about.com/od/aoltips/qt/Access_an_AOL_Email_Account_with_any_POP_IM AP_Email_Program.htm
    Comcast is POP
    Qwest is POP
    Earthlink is POP
    ~Most ISP (internet service providers) email from a cable/internet company of a business specific email is a POP account
    Use this chart HT1277 ( http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1277 ) for contacting your service provider or IT department to acquire the proper settings for your email account!
    Finally, as promised, work around for your email:
        If you only have access to a POP email account and it won't work on your iPhone or want it to act like an IMAP account, then follow these steps~
    1)   Get a free IMAP email account (using Gmail for this example)
    2)  Sign in to your Gmail account
    3)  Click the gear icon in the upper-right
    4)  Select Gmail settings
    5)  Select the Accounts and Import tab
    6)  Under Send mail as, click Add another email address
    7)  In the 'Email address' field, Enter your name and alternate email address (ie the POP address)
    8)  Choose use Gmail's servers to send your mail
    9)  Click Next Step>>
    10) Click Send Verification
                 (Gmail will send a verification message to your alternate email address to confirm that you own it)
    11) Open your other account and click the link in the message Gmail sent
    12) Add your new Gmail account to your iphone
    You will be able to send, receive, reply, forward, delete, and manage folders of your other address through your Gmail address on your phone and it will appear to the recipients as though it came from your other address.

    Allan, I have run into questions in this area recently since I got my iPhone. I have a long time Charter ISP POP email account which I've accessed with Apple Mail. This has worked fine. I also have a Yahoo web based account which I've also used separately.
    Now when I set up my Yahoo account on my iPhone it worked great. But when I set up the Charter account it resulted in an IMAP account with incoming and outgoing servers being mobile.charter.net. Charter website implies that all email accounts on all mobile devices must be set up like this. My question is whether I can, or should, try to set up the account manually as a POP on my iPhone so it will behave similarly to the Charter POP account in my iMac?
    I've run into some conflicts after using my iPhone to access my Charter email. My inbox on my desktop iMac in Apple Mail will give me the message that another client is accessing the email account when I try to get new mail soon after my iPhone has been accessing the Charter account. I've wondered whether this is a conflict between IMAP and POP?
    Confusing. Thanks.
    Steve M.

  • TS3276 how do you change a Pop email account to a IMAP

    One of our family's email accounts does not work properly.  We have multiple Apple products.  My son's email was originally set up on my MacBook Pro as a Pop account.  Then it was set up on my iphone as a Pop account.  Next it was set up on the Ipad as an IMAP account because that was how my daughter's email was set up on it.  The email works on the MacBook every once in awhile.  It works on my iphone whenever a new email is incoming.  The rest of the time it says invalid password.  AT&T says that MacBook Pros can't handle Pop email.  (although it used to work just fine)  How can I change his email from a Pop to an IMAP?

    MacBook Pro's (along with any other Macintosh) can handle POP email just fine.  The email type is set by your mail provider, so you just need to create a mail account (in the Mail preferences) with the settings they specify.

  • How to set up basic POP email on N8

    I've been reading up on all the email discussions about the N8, and it seems like some things work fine, while others need more development.
    In my case, I would like to set up email using a basic POP email account setup.  I have no need for "push" email right now - as I see it, receiving an email every half hour or so on my phone is an improvement over waiting until I get to my PC.
    Ideally, I would like to leave the messages on my email server, so they will later on be downloaded to my PC.
    I've noticed the following in one of the email discussions here:
    "Cant believe no one else has responded with this before given the time this thread spans. I had this problem until I deleted and re-created my email (POP) accounts and then NOT accept the TOS at the end of the setup process. If you say YES and accept the terms, then your email accts get setup thru the Nokia messaging service and sent emails may get saved somewhere, but certainly not on the phone. You do not have to say yes to the TOS, just decline and finish setting up the email account."
    Since I'm perfectly happy with the way email works on my laptop, using my existing servers, I think I should decline the TOS as described above.
    I've found lots of guides on how to set up email on the N8.  Can anyone here recommend one for how to do (only) what I need, in order to manually set up POP email on a N8, using the identical server information and settings that I now have on my laptop?  Or, if this doesn't exist, can someone post the necessary steps here?

    I have had a little play with this but will just outline what I found seems to happen because I did not thoroughly test it. Others experiences may be different.
    If setting up a new account and one selects one of the listed email service providers and not "Other" then it sets up an IMAP account and gives the choices that Rayhipkiss describes together with the terms and conditions acceptance request. This can be seen after the setting up by looking in the settings for the server (which often, maybe always?, is a nokia.supl.imap one). If one deletes the server and server ports and replaces them with the same email service provider's pop and smtp servers and ports then the same setup choices that Ray mentions still remain. Once the account is set up you can always go back and change the server and port entries in the N8 setup for that account (see below for a difference).
    However, even though one has set the pop ports it still seems to do an imap connection - this can be tested by setting up a Gmail account where one can turn off and on allowing imap server connections in the settings on ones Gmail account's setting on the webmail site. One finds that disallowing imap connections but allowing pop connections blocks the N8 even if one has entered the pop servers and ports on the N8.
    Now, if when setting up the account on the N8 one selects "Other" it normally (see below) gets one to enter the address and pass for the account and then goes straight to allowing you to enter the servers and ports. Now if one enters these and it then takes one straight to the client for you to collect and send email. But now if you go back into settings for that account one gets the setting choices that I outlined i.e. the one that includes "Don't sync to server". If set up as a pop account it seems to behave as a pop account - for example, if one turns on the imap servers at the Gmail denying pop connections then if one tries to collect mail Gmail comes back with a certificate error (the certificate is for imap not pop). Unlike the settings menu giving the other settings Ray outlines this settings menu does not allow one to nominate a reply to address different to the address sent from and nor does it allow one to go back and change the server and ports. To change the server and ports as far as I can see if set up this way one has to reset up the account from the start.
    OK, even stranger, then what I found is if I set up an account using the offered service providers, not using the "Other" choice then deleted that account and then reset up the same account using the "Other" choice it then behaved as Ray outlines including the terms and conditions acceptance request and also behaves as an imap account even if one enters the pop servers and ports. So the "Other" account setup choice seems to behave differently according to whether one has previously setup that account using one of the non "Other" service provider choices or not?????
    I don't know if anyone wants to experiment further and discover more or clarify the behaviours. I just did some quick playing around so did not analyse it much, however the above is the general gist of what I found. It is sometime since I set up email accounts on my E52 but from memory it behaved much the same way as the N8 does and is generally weak on handling pop accounts - in fact I would suggest that many who think they are using pop servers will find that behind the scenes it is really using imap ones.
    A real downer for me is for a pop account there seems to be no way to set up a reply to address in the sent emails that is different to the address sent from. This need for me being due to the way I manage emails across several machines.
    I'm off to have a beer

  • Can I use a POP email account on an iPhone

    I have a POP email account. I use it on my iMac. My Mail settings are to delete emails as soon as I've downloaded them.
    Can I set up my email account on my iPhone? Can the two devices synch my email? i.e. if I send an email from my iMac will this email show up in my iPhone sent mailbox / if I delete an email from my phone will it also be deleted from my iMac / will emails sent to me go to both devices?
    Remember this isn't an IMAP account with emails residing on a server, but a POP account that neither stores sent or received emails.
    Thanks for any help

    POP does not provide for synchronization between clients. Only IMAP or Exchange accounts do that. By default, POP will delete from the server as soon as it's downloaded, meaning that if your computer downloads it, it can not be downloaded to your phone and vice versa. It is possible to configure some POP mail clients not to delete messages from the server after downloading, but not all servers will honor this request.
    POP is generally considered obsolete. Especially in the world of mobile devices and multiple computers.
    If your email provider does not support IMAP, you may want to look for a new one.
    You could conceivably use a free service that supports IMAP, like gmail, to gather in the mail from the mail service you're using now.

  • I cannot add a new pop email account in my "iphone 6"

    I cannot add a new pop email account in my iphone, when i confirmed "saving account" it is automatically being closed and kick-out me from?
    It is iPhone 6 and the system is iOS 8.1
    I am going to select "Others" and then my user name, password and "next".
    Then IMAP and POP settings screen is coming. I am going to select "POP" with my incoming and outgoing server details.
    And finally I am going to proceed with "save".... So... pupff........ it is going, closing, kicking me out. Maybe 20-25 times since yesterday I try it but no win.
    What should I do for these my friends. This is my business email... It was working before in iPhone 5s and afte iPhone 6 I make reset for 5s.
    I try later on for 5s again. It make me the same thing also. They are not allowing me to add a new pop email address.

    Is it your own domain?
    Have you tried setting up as Exchange?

  • Deleting emails automatically when using a POP email

    Is there a way of deleting any emails automatically from my POP email when i've deleted them in mail on my iphone 4?
    I have my email set up correctly with push switch to on and everything else seems to sync up fine, but when i log into my webmail account or Outlook on my laptop the emails that i've deleted on my iphone are still listed in the inbox as unread.
    Any ideas anyone?

    There are settings in your mail configuration to delete when ... One option is to say delete when removed from Inbox.
    Thus when you delete it, then the NEXT check of mail it will let the server know to delete them.
    Have to remember, POP was not designed for todays world of mobile devices and checking in multiple places. It was a basic protocol for people to check from one place.
    Consider using IMAP if your service allows it.

  • POP Email on WP8 (Lumia 920) - Error Code 80004005

    Hello Astra 2025,
    Sorry to contact you on a differnet issue.
    I have had problems with my POP e-mail on my Lumia since i got it so cant receive my woork e-mails.
    Can you please point me towards a discussion that references this or do you have some background knowledge as I have hit a dead end with Nokia....
    please read the following thread:-

    I do not know how to set up an IMAP account in my shared hosting account with Plesk, which provides POP3/SMTP access to emails.
    I am a Microsoft Partner, develop Microsoft based solutions, and genuinely like the Microosft platform.  Still, after about 6 months and many hundreds of dollars later, I find myself running out of patience.  How long should I be patient for a solution, when Nokia/Microsoft/T-Mobile will not give me a solution or be part of the process.
    Microsoft Partner Support, as mentioned, told me this morning in response to a follow-up from yesterday that there is nothing else that they can do and that the situation is out of their hands.  If it is out of their hands and they do not want to do anything about it, then what about me?
    Should I bite the bullet, return the phone, and sadly jump onto the Samsung Galaxy S4 Android bandwagon?  If I do that, I will feel cheated, as I really would like to use Windows.  I kind of like the Windows Phone 8 interface.  How long should I be patient?
    Email is a big issue.  I am sure that there are other issues too, just I am not aware of it left.
    By the way, I never received an Portino update.  The last update was the one that Microsoft gave back in November, which caused the problem in the first place.
    Thanks for your comment.  :-) It is nice to know that I am not alone I am not alone in suffering with this problem.
    I really am thinking that this 80004005 error is a deal breaker, which is so sad.
    By the way, Nokia cannot do anything.  Microsoft owns the OS and it is up to the carrier, T-Mobile USA in my case, to do something about the problem.  Microsoft posts major updates, which causes breaks and annoyances. T-Mobile is resonsible for minor updates and fixes.  T-Mobile, as you can tell by visiting t-mobile.com (as of 5/2/2013) is no longer interested in the Windows platform (okay Catwalk announced, but that has the same problem.  Catwalk is a Lumia 922 or so, as I understand things).  T-Mobile will not post an update.  They never have, so why start now?

  • HELP!!!  I deleted a POP email account w/4000+ messages in it and they disappeared

    I have been told all my messages are gone forever but I find that just hard to believe.  If this were a Windows machine I could recover them because it just deletes the first character in the name of the file.  Am I to believe that Apple doesn't have something even remotely similar?
    I have been able to recover a few hundred from my iPhone which also had access to the POP account but many years of emails are just not there.
    I thought for sure I could delete the account and recreate it as I was making it an IMAP account but I'm having no luck getting most of my life for the past 4 years back.  (And yes, I know, I should have backed up - but I hadn't in over a year.)  Lazy I know so please don't rub it in. 
    I drove 100 miles to go to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store and that is how I learned to recover the ones on the phone but that was a painfully slow process of doing them pretty much one at a time because I'd select 50 or so and some would be able to be moved and some wouldn't - which was frustrating so I finally just went through and kept the ones that were most important. 
    Anyone got any good news or ideas for me to try? 

    "Note that you were warned that this would happen and approved it.  When you delete an e-mail account in Mail, you are shown a message like the following:"
    You didn't read my problem - I said I deleted a POP email account.  I always read the messages that pop up and in Mail when you delete a POP account - IT DOESN'T TELL YOU NUTHIN!  It just deletes it - which *** for me.  Fortunately, I had an iPhone and on that device I had about a 1000 messages that I could recover but on all my POP accounts I download them from the server onto my Mac so they were only on Mail (the really old ones that I wanted to keep.)  I had to move them into another directory one by one basically because when I would move 50 some of them would move and some wouldn't and I never did figure out that problem.  Basically the ones that would not move are the ones that were associated with my domain changes with GoDaddy, and there were a lot of those.  Have no idea as to why only those were resistant to moving but I can get all that data from GoDaddy anyway.
    This thread is now moot seeing as how I've recovered everything I can and am going to just move on - and back up more often.  ;-)

  • Does anyone know a workaround for setting up a POP email account using 8?  Worked before I upgraded. Apple level 2 support has no idea. Thanks

    POP account rather than IMAP on 8.

    Setup pop email account on iPad
    https://support.exabytes.sg/kb/a2819/how-to-setup-pop3-email-account-in-ipad.asp x

  • Playbook POP Email

    I can not setup my pop emails on my playbook native email client. Gmail setup went just fine but wont setup my work email. Keep on getting a message that the remote server is not responding or is off-line. Setting has been verified numerous times. I did ping the pop address as well and did receive the result back. Am I the only one experiencing this problem?

    I have the same isue. Came here looking for a solution. Tried both POP and IMAP.

  • Just set up POP email account - only seeing inbox folder

    I have just set up a POP email account and it has found it successfully and downloaded all my inbox messages however I cannot see my "sent" messages or drafts and I also have a sub folder underneath the inbox which I cannot see.
    Do I have to manually set up each subfolder or does the Iphone not automatically see the same subfolders when it connects? Also every email stays showing as un-read even if it is read on the server, even when I refresh the Iphone it still says un-read. Do POP accounts not automatically sync with the server or is there something I can do to set this up or an APP that will do this? Please can anyone help?
    Thank you for any help or information.

    With POP email accounts, the mail 'lives' with the client, not on the server. So, Sent and Drafts on the iPhone will only contain messages sent from or being composed on the iPhone. Any subfolders set up in the mail client on your computer are only on that computer. You can pull messages from the server to the Inbox on the phone if the mail client is set to leave the messages on the server for a period of time, since from the iPhone's perspective they are new.
    POP is really designed for accessing your email only from one client. If you want to use several devices and access the same account, you are better off with an IMAP account, where all the mail 'lives' on the server.

  • Problems with POP email accounts set up on iPad air why can't I send emails?

    I have an Ipad Air and am having problems with POP email account set up.
    I can receive emails however I cannot reply or create a new email and send it.
    Is there something I need to fix in Outgoing settings? these are the same as on my MacPro using same ISP provider Optus the only difference is that the Ipad has a prepaid sim card - however still with Optus.
    Could someone help please? Thank you

    iOS: Unable to send or receive email
    Can’t Send Emails on iPad – Troubleshooting Steps
    Setting up and troubleshooting Mail
    Using a POP account with multiple devices
    iOS: Adding an email account
    iOS: Setting up an Outlook.com, Hotmail, Live, or MSN email account
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Microsoft Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010 may not display contacts and calendars after sync
    Server does not allow relaying email error, fix
    Why Does My iPad Say "Cannot Connect to Server"?
    How to Delete Email on the iPad
    How to Mass Delete Emails from iPhone and iPad Inbox (with video)
    How to Sync Contacts with Your iPad Using iTunes
    http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-sync-contacts-with-your-ipad-using- itunes.html
    iOS: 'Mailbox Locked', account is in use on another device, or prompt to re-enter POP3 password
    iCloud: Create a group and add contacts to it
    eMail Groups - You can use a third party app that many users recommend.
    MailShot -  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mailshot-pro-group-email-done/id445996226?mt=8
    Group Email  -  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mailshot-pro-group-email-done/id445996226?mt=8
    iPad Mail
    Configuration problems with IMAP e-mail on iOS with a non-standard SSL port.
    http://colinrobbins.me/2013/02/09/configuration-problems-with-imap-e-mail-on-ios -with-a-non-standard-ssl-port/
    Try this first - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.)
    Or this - Delete the account in Mail and then set it up again. Settings->Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Accounts   Tap on the Account, then on the red button that says Remove Account.
     Cheers, Tom

  • POP Emails disappearing from email server

    I have a POP email address, set up on both my iPhone5 and laptop Outlook. All mail is coming to my phone. Some of the messages aren't showing up on Outlook. And all of the messages are deleted from my mail server (which is hosted by a local company in Houston).
    All the correct boxes are checked.
    On iPhone Settings>Mail>Advanced, "Delete from Server" is selected to "Never."
    In Outlook, under the specific account settings, the box that says "Leave copy on the server" is checked.
    I called mail provider and went through this with them. They had me re-check those boxes and, of course, they were correct. (I have three other email accounts on my phone and a bunch for business on Outlook) and every other address is working fine.
    The provider's answer was that it must be a device problem and that I should check with Apple or AT&T.
    Just wondering if anyone else has seen the same problem.

    That's because POP will delete messages from the server entirely when it downloads them. Set up Outlook to use IMAP instead. If you can set up the iPhone and iPad to use IMAP, there is no reason you can't set up your computer to use IMAP.

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