
Using Audio MIDI Setup to change the sample rate to 96kHz causes Quicktime Player to play back 24/96 files through my 2496 card with severe crackly distortion. Using Logic Express to playback at 96kHs is fine. Does QT not support 96kHz?

Simple question, your souce is 96/24 ? ie dvd audio.
If i play dvd film dts or dobly digital, it reverts to 48/6 direct sound.
Also my decoder decodes 94/24 bitstream.

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    Well, I am new to high-end sound cards, and I may be misinterpreting the terminology, but the sound card is supposed to be a 24bit/96kHz card.
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    Whilst the 'standard' RIFF format specification usually accomodates 16 bit data, there is of course no reason that you can not create your own extension. It just won't be playable by Media player using the 'standard' installed drivers or codec. This may not be a problem....
    WAV files can and do support other formats, you just need to know how to handle them......
    There is howerver a 4GB limit (related to the pointer size in the WAV specification) which with higher bit depths on the sampling does start to become a bit of a problem.
    To give you a few samples of other types of wav files check out the following site here
    The following definitions for WAV audio formats may also be of interest here
    Good luck with 24 bits.

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    Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for your valuable insight on all of this and your testing. I get your point re me being in the minority. However I still doubt this a case of being on the bleeding edge of technology and notwithstanding that the files are huge, it has been part of the spec. If Adobe allows 24/96 in various other encoding output options then I feel it should for DVD, and certainly should for BDR. I suspect all BDR players support it. 
    For the 15 years I've been in this biz, my work has been coprporate - as is the fundraising video I produced for the symphony. Since one rarely (if ever) gets a chance to record symphony orchestras and my 788T allowed it, I logically chose 24/96. I guess I need to research the optional Dolby Digital or MPEG encoding of audio for this kind of programming (never used or needed it since no corporate accounts ever complained about the stereo PCM audio.)
    Very interesting re i7+GPU acceleration being faster than Max encoding. Please tell me where you got that info. I assume there's been reliable testing. I know one thing: Max doesn't heat up my CPU and GPU. I currently have an i7 980 hex core with a GTX470. (as I understand it, GTX is fine for Premiere editing; Quadro isn't really needed unless doing heavy graphics in After Effects).
    Here's one for you that you may not already know: according to Adobe's own site, you need an approved GPU card with SDI out in order to take full advantage of what it calls "Graphics for Video" output (I think it's supposed to reduce latency issues with output to an external monitor.
    Nvidia now has a special plugin to properly allow Mercury Transport passthru.  BMD, for example, is now claiming that their devices allow Mercury Transmit passthru but says nothing re needing an approved card with SDI out and the special plugin to make it work. I understand that even without SDI out, one does get external monitoring without using a Matrox or other third-party i/o box. When I call Matrox or BMD they know nothing. Ditto for the NVidia guy I spoke to.
    I've been planning my new budget to include an HP Dreamcolor monitor but that doesn't have SDI in. MOTU said that their device with SDI-in does output RGB via its HDMI or component out. (Dreamcolor requires RGB signal).
    I've always used Canopus, Matrox or BMD but now I'd like to get away away from these third-party i/o solutions due to being troublesome with buggy drivers just adding more complexity and complications than they're worth. If Nvidia offers SDI out and, by nature, the output is RGB, and I find a monitor that has SDI but doesn't cost a fortune. (currently using a Sony LMD2030W production monitor), why do I need a third-party i/o solution? (other than if I want 96kHz).
    I welcome any further insights you have these third-pary devices becoming obsolete re your comment above re Max encoding not being as fast i7-GPU acceleration. As well as anything I'm positing.
    Thanks again, Jeff!
    w smith  

  • Rx2 or rex files in media browser at 96khz and up

    help please....
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    Any nudge as to how to solve this from the forum folks would be highly appreciated!
    Or would my only choice be to drop another 60 euro on Audiofinder?

    Hi bston475,
    Please provide us some more information mention below.
    1. The version of Premiere Pro that you are using
    2. Do you have an external drive that you are trying to access.
    3. Mention the formats of the clips that you are using.

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    Thank you cconnaker for your helpful reply!
    Patrick, I understood (from reading the Benckmark Media wiki) that there was an issue of iTunes truncating 24 bit wordlength to 16 on playback of 96/24. I have no way of measuring this on my system and wanted to ensure that the effort I am going to to rip vinyl will be rewarded by the highest quality of playback in iTunes instead of the recording/playback software I use.
    Helpfully, cconnaker has confirmed this.

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    The driver that I used is downloaded from Windows Update.(Ver. 5.2..200, release on 2/4/2007)
    Or ...should I update it via Creative web? Thanks~!

    I reccomend using the ones from Creative's website, on my Audigy SE it allowed 96kHz capability.

  • 24-Bit, 96kHz Microsoft PCM WAVs result in no audio in any media player

    Hi guys,
    I have some downmixes saved by other progarms as 24-Bit 96kHz Stereo WAV files that play fine in all media players. However, when I save these or any other upconverted 16-bit files in Audition 3.0 as "Microsoft PCM WAV" (24-Bit, 96kHz, Stereo), they do not play in any of my media players. The file appears to be playing but there is no sound. The only differences I can see in the file attributes are that there is a new "Audio Format" attribute whose value is "PCM" - this attribute does not exist on the other (working) files. However, if I save the file as a "32-Bit float" Microsoft PCM WAV in Audition, they play fine! Here is an image to explain:
    I would think that it is a codec problem but I didn't think WAV files required third party codecs in Windows XP? Any ideas?

    Never mind, I realised that the problem lies in the WAV format used. According to some websites I have visited, high resolution and/or surround sound WAV files can only be played back natively if they are in WAVE EXTENSIBLE format and the files I was saving were in PCM format. I solved this by setting ffdshow to handle all WAV files using DirectShow instead and the files now play back fine. :)
    Out of curiosity, I see no WAVEX save format in Audition although it exists in Audacity (an open source audio editor) - is there a way to save WAV files in this format?

  • Saving in 96KHz 24 Bit-Depth

    I am a newbee and I have a problem. I just imported a Premier Pro project into Adobe Audition. The Premier Pro project was linked to 96Hz sample rate, 24 bit-depth audio and I have the sample rate preference in Audition set to 96Hz, yet when I selected to "Edit in Adobe Audition" it imported the audio files into Audition as 48Hz audio files and I can only save the session at 48Hz sample rate and 16 bit-depth. Why is this? Also, Premier Pro linked to the media on my hard drive, while Audition seems to have imported the media into the project. Is this normal?

    codywinton92 wrote:
    It depends on what you mean by saved. When I imported the .wav audio files into Premier Pro, it didn't copy them into the project, but linked to the files on my hard drive. I doubt that it converted them down, because when I checked the meta data of the files in Premier Pro's media bin, they registered as 96khz 24 bit audio files.
    Well, assuming that it works in a similar way to Audition (and we have to until somebody who actually knows what happens in PP tells us), it could well be that the files are stored as 96k/24 on your drive (hence the metadata report), but when imported into a PP project they get opened at the project rate. And if that's 48k/16, then that's what will get linked to Audition - the local copy files as they actually are in the session, rather than what you have stored.
    Audition does the same thing. If you have a file stored at one rate, but a multitrack session running at a different one, then it will only let you put the contents of that file into your different-rate session after it's created a local copy at the correct rate.
    What you (or we...) need is somebody who's familiar with doing the round trip between Audition and PP, and actually knows what happens. It's all very well for me to guess, but I must admit that I'm only doing this because nobody else has attempted to answer you.
    One thing is pretty certain, though. And that is that what the help desk told you is absolutely irrelevant. This is about file handling, not drivers. Sometimes I really wonder about some of their crib-sheets!

  • Aud 2 NX - Cant Select 96Khz Sampling Rate/Dolby Digital Light doesn't Illuminate when playing DV

    I'm running a Audigy 2 NX (USB) on a Toshiba 240-504 Notebook through the rear USB port, the speakers I am running are Logitech X530's (A bargain if you can get them, but that's beside the point =])
    I cannot select 24Bit/96Khz from the Device Control applet, I should be able to. All I can select is 24bit/48Khz.
    Also, when I'm playing Dolby Digital content such as a DVD through PowerDVD, the Dolby Digital light on the card does not illuminate, is this expected behaviour? The light Illuminates if I use the product showcase demo cd though, by the way. Also, slightly off topic, does anyone know what settings I should be using for PowerDVD? Is CLMEI-2 ok?
    I will post anymore information you need to know at request. Thanks very much for your time reading this.

    Are your notebook using USB2.0 as those options are only available if you are using USB2.0. There's a chart in the manual also that shows these. Also, the Audigy 2 NX dolby indicator will only light up if it's decoding AC3 material. If you are using PowerDVD, you will need to config PowerDVD to use SPDIF and passthrough the AC3 signal to the sound card for decoding.

  • Audigy 2 - 96kHz playb

    Hi, I just read the box from my Audigy 2 card, and it says it supports 24-bit/96kHz playback. So, as a test, I loaded up an mp3 file and converted it to 24-bit, and then upmixed it to 96kHz. However, when I click play, the sound plays for approximately one second before completely stopping (the program is still in playback mode, but just halts when the sound stops). I also noticed this when I tried the 24-bit/96kHz video linked from what was the X-Fi page. Are there some other drivers I need to have to get this to work? My drivers are up to date. For the video, I tried both Windows Media Player and the VLC player. Thanks.
    I suppose I should mention I'm not using digital output, if that hel
    4. Speaker system.
    WinXP ProMessage Edited by mikeyrb on 08-28-2005 07:09 PM

    mikeyrb wrote:
    Hi, I just read the box from my Audigy 2 card, and it says it supports 24-bit/96kHz playback. So, as a test, I loaded up an mp3 file and converted it to 24-bit, and then upmixed it to 96kHz. However, when I click play, the sound plays for approximately one second before completely stopping (the program is still in playback mode, but just halts when the sound stops). I also noticed this when I tried the 24-bit/96kHz video linked from what was the X-Fi page. Are there some other drivers I need to have to get this to work? My drivers are up to date. For the video, I tried both Windows Media Player and the VLC player. Thanks.
    I suppose I should mention I'm not using digital output, if that hel
    4. Speaker system.
    WinXP ProMessage Edited by mikeyrb on 08-28-2005 07:09 PM
    If you try this using WAV format file, does it work then.
    Here is a free pro samplerate/bit-depth converter you can use, if you haven't one already.

  • ASIO Recording 24 bit (48 or 96kHz) A2 Platinum

    I have read at kX Project that the Audigy 2 drivers from July 2004 enables 24 bit/96 kHz ASIO recording with the A2 ZS series. Can I get the same with the A2 Platinum eX? So far I have been using kX drivers with good results, but only with 6 bit and 48 kHz.
    Thanks for someone to answer!
    Sture in Sweden

    "The SB Audigy ASIO 24/96 is only available with the Audigy 2 Platinum EX which uses ASIO 2.0 driver and is fixed on 24-bit/96khz. When using Cubasis you should always have one of these drivers selected and not the Multimedia or the directX drivers. You can adjust the buffer latencies from the ASIO control panel in the Audio System setup from the default 50ms up to 500ms and down to 2ms."
    taken from knowledge base
    search "ASIO recording" pick the top article

  • Audigy 2 ZS 24-bit/96kHz Recording support

    According to Creative's website,on Feb 2004,
    only SBAudigy2Plat.Pro had --> ASIO 2.0 Low Latency Multi-Track Recording Support (24-bit/96kHz)
    See http://web.archi've.org/web/2004028023909/http://www.soundblaster.com/products/Audigy2ZS_platinum_pro/compare.asp
    But now, after Audigy4's release, the website's comparision chart shows all the members of the Audigy2 family can do 24bit/96kHz ASIO 2.0 Recording.
    Please clarify this ?
    Were any new driver released by Creative to add support for 'ASIO 2.0 Low Latency Multi-Track Recording(24-bit/96kHz)'
    for Audigy 2 ZS, as well as Audigy 2 ZS Platinum ?

    This has been added to the drivers. Make sure you are running the latest drivers and this should update you to ASIO 2.

  • 24/96KHZ how can I choose 96K

    I've a USB version of the Sound Blaster 24 Li've. It works well so far. But when I go to device control, I only see 48 and 44.KHZ as a selection. How can I take an advantage to choose input and output of 96KHZ sampling rate?

    I think you are referring to the digital out setting, which could indeed be limited to 48khz. The only way I know you could output 96 via SPDIF is by enabling the Bit-Matched Recording (I'm not exactly sure how it's called for you card, but you can find it in the Audio Console somewhere close to that 44./48 setting you were referring to). But that leaves you in the?dry because this assumes you have another digital audio player at home that has a digital out [SPDIF] AND can output 96Khz through it. That way you could record the exact bit stream that's coming in through your digital input without Creative's?processor tampering with it at it's internal default 48khz sampling rate (!)?The normal, directx recording format is selected from the recording application [Creative Recorder or Sony Sound Forge] prior to hitting the record button and there should be no problem recording 24/96.

  • Any audiophiles in the house? 24bit 96KHz audio and up!

    I don't mean you twiddle knobs either...  :wink:
    I've been looking into replacing my CD player and in fact my whole hi-fi system. My wife says it is ugly (because it's all racked, black, bachelor pad stuff). It will break my heart to get rid of my fabulous Audiolab amp and my AE109 speakers but the CD player is barely used and the tuner has already been removed...
    Anyway, I've been investigating high resolution audio files. These are higher bitrate and higher sample rate than CDs and as such offer the prospect of higher quality sound. As an experiment I downloaded an album I already own on CD at 24bit 96Khz then ripped the CD into iTunes as an Apple Lossless file. Because iTunes doesn't support FLAC files I had to use XLD to convert them into Apple Lossless files and then imported these into iTunes.
    So playing them back-to-back in iTunes there is a massive difference in sound quality.
    Since then I have learnt that iTunes won't play anything higher quality than 16 bit 44.1KHz and automatically downsamples anything higher. To get around this the settings can be adjusted for high resolution using Audio MIDI Setup. I have now done this and reimported the two pairs of files. Now the sound quality is even better.
    However, it is all let down by the speakers I use with my iMac. These are Harmon Kardon Soundsticks and the matching sub-woofer. These are connected via USB. Fortunately the iMac has a digital output so I could use a Toslink cable to connect these to some powered speakers such as these...
    However they are mega bucks and really too big for my desk. Then I started thinking these could work in my lounge on suitable stands and if I could find a way of playing my hi-res files downstairs then I could lose the whole hi-fi system and replace it just with these powered speakers.
    That opens another can of worms. Up to now I've used an Apple TV downstairs wired to my hi-fi to play digital files. I transfer them from the iMac via ethernet using a pair of those adaptor things that distribute internet using the mains circuit. That all works well except the Apple TV does not output files of higher quality than - you guessed it - 16 bit 44.1KHz.
    So I have two questions...
    Does anyone know of any good quality, low-cost, Toslink enabled active speakers for use with my iMac and second, is there a way of transferring and playing the high res files through a Toslink enabled, Mac compatible server. If so which one?
    And finally has anyone got the AVI active speakers I provided the link to and if so what do you think of them?

    The ATV supports 24bit 48kHz, which sounds MUCH better than 16/44. Unless you have a very serious—deep-6-figure-cost—listening room, the bit depth is what's going to make the difference.
    I'd consider myself an extraordinarily picky audiophile, but in the theater—and especially in the living room—the difference between 96khz and 48khz (or 88.2 and 44.1) on 24bit files is negligable.
    Try 24/48 files on the ATV...the bit depth is the key to the quality...very few speakers in the sub-5-figure range are responsive/detailed enough to get anything out of 96k samples they're not getting out of 48k when they're already working with 24bit information.

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