9i Portal servlets not working

[06/07/2001 16:10:02:002 GMT+10:00] page/ContentFetcher Exception, name=content-fetcher12
java.io.IOException: Stream closed
at oracle.webdb.page.ExpandablePipedWriter.write(ExpandablePipedWriter.java, Compiled Code)
at oracle.webdb.page.ContentFetcher.run(ContentFetcher.java, Compiled Code)
[06/07/2001 16:10:02:003 GMT+10:00] page/Error writing message for content=118
[06/07/2001 16:10:07:012 GMT+10:00] page/ContentFetcher Exception, name=content-fetcher17
java.io.IOException: Stream closed
at oracle.webdb.page.ExpandablePipedWriter.write(ExpandablePipedWriter.java, Compiled Code)
at oracle.webdb.page.ContentFetcher.run(ContentFetcher.java, Compiled Code)
[06/07/2001 16:10:07:013 GMT+10:00] page/Error writing message for content=92
[06/07/2001 16:10:22:475 GMT+10:00] page/ContentFetcher Exception, name=content-fetcher14
java.io.IOException: Stream closed
at oracle.webdb.page.ExpandablePipedWriter.write(ExpandablePipedWriter.java, Compiled Code)
at oracle.webdb.page.ContentFetcher.run(ContentFetcher.java, Compiled Code)
[06/07/2001 16:10:22:479 GMT+10:00] page/Error writing message for content=91
[06/07/2001 16:10:22:478 GMT+10:00] page/ContentFetcher Exception, name=content-fetcher3
java.io.IOException: Stream closed
at oracle.webdb.page.ExpandablePipedWriter.write(ExpandablePipedWriter.java, Compiled Code)
at oracle.webdb.page.ContentFetcher.run(ContentFetcher.java, Compiled Code)
[06/07/2001 16:10:22:480 GMT+10:00] page/Error writing message for content=97
Any ideas ? This happens when we press the navigator button in portal. This error is produced in Jserv.log
any help much appreciated.

Hi Frank,
I followed the signing directions creating a certificate and signed the host.jar file. I
added host.jar to ARCHIVE_JINI entry. Java console shows it being loaded, but, I am
still not being prompted to trust code. Java console shows error:
Loading http://jonjon:8889/forms90/java/f90all_jinit.jar from JAR cache
Loading http://jonjon:8889/forms90/java/local.jar.sig from JAR cache
Downloading http://jonjon:8889/forms90/java/host.jar to JAR cache
connectMode=HTTP, native.
Forms Applet version is : 90290
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed.
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
Host.fmx still displays but nothing seems to happen when I type in command and push Host.
Any other ideas will be appreciated

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  • Portal is not working...Please help ASAP

    Dear SDN,
    Our Portal development server is not working...when I enter the URL in IE, it gives Page cannot be displayed message..I tried giving different values but still it's not working.
    I have also taken the remote access of the Development server & tried opening the portal, but not working..what could be the reason?
    pls help

    Hi harini,
    I did this several time but it's still not started. The developer trace info is like this:-
    trc file: "F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\work\dev_jcontrol", trc level: 1, release: "640"
    node name   : jcontrol
    pid         : 4748
    system name : J2D
    system nr.  : 00
    started at  : Thu Feb 07 11:47:04 2008
    arguments   :
        arg[00] : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\os_libs\jcontrol.exe
        arg[01] : pf=F:\usr\sap\J2D\SYS\profile\J2D_JC00_epserver
    [Thr 2708] Thu Feb 07 11:47:04 2008
    [Thr 2708] *** ERROR => Invalid property value [box.number/J2DJC00epserver] [jstartxx.c   789]
    [Thr 2708] *** ERROR => Invalid property value [en.host/epserver] [jstartxx.c   789]
    [Thr 2708] *** ERROR => Invalid property value [en.port/3201] [jstartxx.c   789]
    [Thr 2708] *** ERROR => Invalid property value [system.id/0] [jstartxx.c   789]
    JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties;F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\SDM\program\config\sdm_jstartup.properties]
    -> ms host    : epserver
    -> ms port    : 3601
    -> OS libs    : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\os_libs
    -> Admin URL  :
    -> run mode   : normal
    -> run action : NONE
    -> enabled    : yes
    Used property files
    -> files [00] : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties
    -> files [01] : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\SDM\program\config\sdm_jstartup.properties
    Instance properties
    -> ms host    : epserver
    -> ms port    : 3601
    -> os libs    : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\os_libs
    -> admin URL  :
    -> run mode   : normal
    -> run action : NONE
    -> enabled    : yes
    Bootstrap nodes
    -> [00] bootstrap            : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties
    -> [01] bootstrap_ID5926700  : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties
    -> [02] bootstrap_ID5926750  : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties
    Worker nodes
    -> [00] ID5926700            : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties
    -> [01] ID5926750            : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties
    -> [02] sdm                  : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\SDM\program\config\sdm_jstartup.properties
    [Thr 2708] JControlExecuteBootstrap: execute bootstrap process [bootstrap]
    [Thr 2708] [Node: bootstrap] java home is set by profile parameter
         Java Home: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06
    JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [bootstrap]
    -> node name       : bootstrap
    -> node type       : bootstrap
    -> java path       : C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06
    -> java parameters : -Djco.jarm=1 -Djco.jarm=1
    -> java vm version : 1.4.2_06-b03
    -> java vm vendor  : Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    -> java vm type    : server
    -> java vm cpu     : x86
    -> heap size       : 128M
    -> root path       : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\cluster
    -> class path      : .\bootstrap\launcher.jar
    -> OS libs path    : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\os_libs
    -> main class      : com.sap.engine.offline.OfflineToolStart
    -> framework class : com.sap.bc.proj.jstartup.JStartupFramework
    -> registr. class  : com.sap.bc.proj.jstartup.JStartupNatives
    -> framework path  : F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\os_libs\jstartup.jar
    -> parameters      : com.sap.engine.bootstrap.Bootstrap ./bootstrap ID0059267
    -> debuggable      : yes
    -> debug mode      : no
    -> debug port      : 60000
    -> shutdown timeout: 120000
    JStartupStartJLaunch: program = F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00/j2ee/os_libs/jlaunch.exe
    -> arg[00] = F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00/j2ee/os_libs/jlaunch.exe
    -> arg[01] = pf=F:\usr\sap\J2D\SYS\profile\J2D_JC00_epserver
    -> arg[02] = -DSAPINFO=J2D_00_bootstrap
    -> arg[03] = -file=F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties
    -> arg[04] = -nodeName=bootstrap
    -> arg[05] = -nodeId=-1
    -> arg[06] = -syncSem=JSTARTUP_WAIT_ON_4748
    -> arg[07] = -jvmOutFile=F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\work\jvm_bootstrap.out
    -> arg[08] = -stdOutFile=F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\work\std_bootstrap.out
    -> arg[09] = -locOutFile=F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\work\dev_bootstrap
    -> arg[10] = -mode=BOOTSTRAP
    -> arg[11] = pf=F:\usr\sap\J2D\SYS\profile\J2D_JC00_epserver
    -> lib path = PATH=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06\jre\bin\server;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06\jre\bin;F:\usr\sap\Python\.;F:\oracle\J2D\ora92\jre\1.4.2\bin\client;F:\oracle\J2D\ora92\jre\1.4.2\bin;F:\oracle\J2D\ora92\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-972B-080009EF8C2A}\bin;C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-972B-080009EF8C2A}\bin\OpC;F:\usr\sap\J2D\SCS01\exe;F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\exe;F:\usr\sap\J2D\SYS\exe\run
    -> exe path = PATH=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06\bin;F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\j2ee\os_libs;F:\usr\sap\Python\.;F:\oracle\J2D\ora92\jre\1.4.2\bin\client;F:\oracle\J2D\ora92\jre\1.4.2\bin;F:\oracle\J2D\ora92\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-972B-080009EF8C2A}\bin;C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-972B-080009EF8C2A}\bin\OpC;F:\usr\sap\J2D\SCS01\exe;F:\usr\sap\J2D\JC00\exe;F:\usr\sap\J2D\SYS\exe\run
    [Thr 2708] Thu Feb 07 11:47:12 2008
    [Thr 2708] *** ERROR => invalid return code of process [bootstrap] (exitcode=66) [jstartxx.c   1433]
    [Thr 2708] JControlExecuteBootstrap: error executing bootstrap node [bootstrap] (rc=66)
    [Thr 2708] JControlCloseProgram: started (exitcode = 66)
    [Thr 2708] JControlCloseProgram: good bye... (exitcode=66)
    Pls tell me how to trace this error...

  • I am using IE version 7.0. But, portal is not working

    I am using IE version 7.0. But, portal is not working properly pls tel whether i hav to put any patch if yes pls tel what is the patch level for that......

    Have u checked ur host entry . 
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc . Open the host file in notepad.
    If entry is not there , add entry for portal
    EX:  IP address tabspace EPhostname tabspace epdomain<fully qualified path >
      10.x.x.x tabspace xxxxxxxxx tabspace *****.com or .net
    if entry is there ,
    go to internet explorer>tools>internet options>connection>lansettings-->
    if ur using proxy server for ur LAN  clcik on advanced
    Do anot use proxy server for adress begining with
    there give ur portal hostnamewith astric(*).
    Hope it helps u .

  • Urgent--custom servlet not working with https/gateway of the portal server

    We have created the custom servlet to add some more authentication to the login screen. I have explained detaildely below.
    We have set if password reset change password screen should come by using identity server.
    First screen comes which asks �user id� and �password�.
    after this next screen comes with �old password�, �New Password� and �Confirm Password� (as we have forcefully asked user to change password after reset by using identity server ).
    On this page we have added two new filed �Date of Birth� and �Date of Joining�.
    And we are forcefully transferring request to our Custom Servlet which will validate the �Date of Birth� and �Date of Joining� from the database and submit the same a form as required by Login Servlet to validate the default parameters �old Password�, �New Password� and �Confirm Password� (which is the default validation without adding custom Servlet).
    This whole process is working with �http� protocol and giving �unable to connect� host with �https� protocol.
    Without custom Servlet process is like this, which is working
    Login (usrid, password) � Login (Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password) � Portal home Page
    With custom Servlet , Which is not working with �https� Protocol. we are getting the message "Authentication Failed" screen.
    Login (usrid, password) --> Login (Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password , Date of Birth, Date of Joinig) --> Custom Servlet validate Date of Birth, Date of Joining --> Login (Old password, new Password, Confirm Password) --> Protal Home Page
    This one works with http, whereas this one gives the "Authentication Failed" screen with the https.
    Please let me know if anybody have implemented this and help me to resolve the issue.
    Best Regards

    I am also getting this error message in the sun ONE webserver error log file....
    [20/Nov/2004:13:42:39] failure ( 6162): for host trying to GET /amserver/UI/Login, service-j2ee reports:
    StandardWrapperValve[LoginServlet]: WEB2792: Servlet.service() for servlet LoginServlet threw exception
    at com.sun.identity.authentication.UI.AuthenticationServletBase.onUncaughtException(AuthenticationServletBase
    at com.iplanet.jato.ApplicationServletBase.fireUncaughtException(ApplicationServletBase.java:1023)
    at com.iplanet.jato.ApplicationServletBase.processRequest(ApplicationServletBase.java:469)
    at com.iplanet.jato.ApplicationServletBase.doPost(ApplicationServletBase.java:324)
    at com.iplanet.jato.ApplicationServletBase.doGet(ApplicationServletBase.java:294)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:787)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:908)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(StandardWrapperValve.java:771)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:322)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:212)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:209)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:509)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(NSAPIProcessor.java:161)
    at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(WebContainer.java:586)
    Ramkumar R

  • Servlets not working in tomcat-4.1.24

    Servlets are not working in a new context which I have created in tomcat-4.1.24. if i put the same servlet in examples context it is working. jsps are working in the new context also. any idea????

    Suppose your servlets class is called "app", you need to add this in your web.xml file

  • Portal buttons not working for transaction type iviews

    Our buttons on our portal transaction programs quit working.  We are currently on ecc6,ehp5, portal 7.02.  The buttons still work on our test and production systems, so it's not a browser issue.  The buttons work on the newer webdynpro programs in our dev portal.  Please get back with me if you have any ideas on how to fix this button problem.  Thanks, Mike

    Hi Ajay,
    Double posting
    [ITS services not working for Transaction iview with gui for html -;

  • Portal event not working

    I am try to handle portal event in my WD ABAP i view. The event is fired by WD Java team viewer iView in MSS. What I want is when someone select an employee from team viewer iview from MSS, my WD ABAP iview should react accordingly.
    I check SAP note 1112733 for corresponding solution to handle event but it didnt worked. My WD ABAP application is not able to subscribe to the event.
    I wrote the following code in WDINIT method of my view
    DATA: l_api_component  TYPE REF TO if_wd_component,
            l_portal_manager TYPE REF TO if_wd_portal_integration,
            view TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller.
      l_api_component = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
      l_portal_manager = l_api_component->get_portal_manager( ).
      view ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
    portal_event_namespace = 'urn:com.sap.mss.employeesearch'
    portal_event_name      = 'selection_changed'
    view                   = view
    action                 = 'RECIEVE_EMP_DATA' ).
    and the code written in event handler method is:
    METHOD onactionrecieve_emp_data .
      DATA: evt_name TYPE string.
      DATA lo_nd_gc_event_data TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
      DATA lo_el_gc_event_data TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
      DATA ls_gc_event_data TYPE wd_this->element_gc_event_data.
      DATA lv_event_string LIKE ls_gc_event_data-event_string.
    navigate from <CONTEXT> to <GC_EVENT_DATA> via lead selection
      lo_nd_gc_event_data = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_gc_event_data ).
    get element via lead selection
      lo_el_gc_event_data = lo_nd_gc_event_data->get_element(  ).
    get single attribute
          name =  'EVENT_STRING'
          value = 'before handle' ).
      evt_name = wdevent->get_string( name = 'PORTAL_EVENT_NAME' ).
      IF evt_name = 'selection_changed'.
        lv_event_string = wdevent->get_string( name = 'PORTAL_EVENT_PARAMETER' ).
    get single attribute
          name =  `EVENT_STRING`
          value = 'handled' ).
    In debugging mode, I am not able to go inside my event handler method.
    Please help why this event is not getting handled .
    Vishal Kapoor

    Jon MB wrote:
    > Hi Thomas
    > Please, can you confirm the restriction above applies to the following scenario?
    > - We have an ECC system with the following URL: ecchost.domain.suffix
    > - We have a portal with the following URL: portalhost.subdomain.domain.suffix
    > We have configured the portal for domain relaxing and SSO is working fine.
    > Each system is under the same domain (domain.suffix), but in different subdomains.
    > Shoudl this be the cause of ABAP WD applications not working? Is there any way to fix this without changing the URLs?
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Jon
    I'm not a portal consultant, so I can only related the requirement from the WDA side that the domains must be the same. I don't know if the domain relaxation on the portal sise will take take of the subdomain.  My guess is that if you are having problems, that it doesn't.  You would probably need to ask this question in the portal forum or discuss with a portal consultant.
    > Is there any way to fix this without changing the URLs?
    I don't know of any.
    >Shoudl this be the cause of ABAP WD applications not working?
    What do you mean, not working?  Is the portal eventing just not work or are you not able to load the WDA applications at all.

  • CWA using customized portal does not work IPAD 2

    Hi all,
    I have another interesting case that I have been testing for more than a month but it is not working. Cisco provides templates to create the customized portals for LWA or CWA. However, Success Page HTML does not work on LWA and Cisco ISE uses internal default success page.
    On my specific case, we need to move from LWA to CWA in order to minimize the number of redirections and the customized portal for login and AUP work fine BUT when the SUCCESS PAGE is presented on the IPAD, the button on the top right corner never changes from CANCEL to DONE even though the Authentication is successful. We modified multiple times the HTML Files following Cisco Templates and the following link (which looks like has an error) with the same incorrect behavior. Only works if I click the go back arrow on the IPAD so I move back to the AUP page (not an acceptable workaround).
    Reference Link:
    In the link, Cisco mentions version patch 8 as the version to be used on the ISE devices running the customized templates. However, we recently moved from to patch 3. I created a brand new VM running patch 3, imported the cisco templates for login, AUP, success and error and I am still getting the same problem on IPAD 2 for SUCCESS PAGE even though I am using Cisco Templates.
    I could give a try configuring another VM running patch 8 and use the Cisco templates + IPAD 2 but that is not a good solution.
    Have anyone experienced the same problem?

    I opened a case with Cisco TAC, let's see what happens. In the meantime, I created a VM ISE which will be running patch 8 so I will upload the Cisco HTML Files on it and see it this option works properly on IPAD 2, IPAD 4, Chromebook, Win 7 and Samsung Tablets.

  • Frame access from servlet not working

    Dear all,
    I am running my servlets on Tomcat 5.5 and using JDK 1.6. I have a small program that uses codecs to access frames from a video file. PreAccessCodec implements Codec interface and PostAccessCodec extends PreAccessCodec. I set the two codecs into the processor's codec chain. The program is implemented as a thread and once started grabs frames and stores the images in a certain interval. The problem is this: whenever I start the thread from a main program, everything runs without a glitch. However, when I put the code in init() method of the servlet, I get the following error message:
    The input format is not compatible with the given codec plugin: com.mapper.utils.PostAccessCodec@69d02b
    Failed to realize: com.sun.media.ProcessEngine@1478a43
      Cannot build a flow graph with the customized options:
        Unable to add customed codecs:
    Error: Unable to realize com.sun.media.ProcessEngine@1478a43 I am using netbeans 5.5.1 to deploy my servlets. I doubt that the problem is with classpaths because the servlet doesn't complain when I am using JMF's classes like Processor.
    I would really appreciate any help.
    Thank you.
    Message was edited by:

    The GE.iH() method should return false for
    a ..head-full ..en-headed, not headless
    environment, and I expect (from what you
    reported above) that will return false for both
    your servlet and application, and is apparently
    not the problem.It returned false when I tried GE, and it was not the problem as you suggested. However, I now noticed in the logs:
    I use Netbeans for the development, and I tried using -Dheadless=true and -Dheadless=false, it did not change anything...
    I think it is time to check that assumption
    more carefully.
    My impression is that PreAccessCodec and
    it's 'Post' equivalent are mentioned a lot in JMF
    example code, but are custom classes,
    built to suit the use at the time. Did you write the
    Pre/PostAccessCodecs for this app.?Yes I customized them from the JMF sample codes. They are in the classpaths and are correctly read by the servlet. I did some logging and I actually saw that the code inside Pre/PostAccess was logging when my servlet was run.
    So, what I am thinking, is that while the JMF
    based Processor class may well be on the
    classpath, perhaps Pre/PostAccessCodec classes
    are not.
    oes a jar appear in the WEB-INF/lib directory,
    that contains the Pre/PostAccessCodec.class?
    Failing that, are the classes themselves in
    WEB-INF/classes/(sub-dir according to package name)/ ?Nevertheless, just to double check I checked WEB-INF directory and the classes appear correctly in their appropriate 'package-folders'.
    I figured out where exactly the thread was not running. In my PostAccessCodec class, I had overloaded getSupportedInputFormats() function to return RGB format.
    public Format [] getSupportedInputFormats() {
    Format [] fomats = {new RGBFormat()};
    return fomrats;
    When I changed it to return {VideoFormat()}, the codec initializes, but I get nothing when I want to access the frame.
    I guess I will have to start another thread.
    @moderators, please move the post if it is inappropriate to put it in this thread, my apologies.
    The problem is still there and I am not able to get the frame access not working from the servlet. :(
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • Hello Experts Portal search not working

    Hello Experts,
    we are using standard KM search iview for displaying custom search results in Portal,we have maintained Search Control set and Search option set properties of iview.
    We have created custom control set and option set in KM ,we also configured the indexing in index management.
    After this configutration search is working for documents which resides in 1 Folder of KM but with same configuration it is not working for the documents residing in 2nd folder.
    Any input ,help and suggestion are most welcome.
    Thanks & Regards,

    First check whether your TREX is working or not in System admin-> monitoring-> TREX monitor
    then check wheher all your documents are indexed properly or not.  for this check in Index monitor and check your index id.
    If it is not proper then try to reindex or reset failed index documents.
    If is is fine then check your search option set and search component set whether it is pointing to your index id or not.
    Then check your search iview.

  • Move jsp code into servlet, not work!!

    I am new in servlet and java, I can use jdom to read xml file
    into a jsp file, but whan I move jsp code into servlet, they are not work
    have any ideals?

    <%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@ page import="java.io.File,
    org.jdom.output.*" %>
    String Records = "c:/XMl/Quotes.xml";
    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
    Document l_doc = builder.build(new File(Records));
    my servlet
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import org.jdom.*;
    import org.jdom.input.*;
    import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
    import org.jdom.output.*;
    public class XmlJdom extends HttpServlet
    String Records = "c:/xml/Quotes.xml";
    SAXBuilder builder = null;
    Element Author = null;
    Element Text = null;
    Element Date = null;
    * Initializes the servlet.
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
    super.init(config); //pass ServletConfig to parent
    // JDOM can build JDOM trees from a variety of input sources. One
    // of those input sources is a SAX parser.
    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
    catch ( org.jdom.JDOMEXception e)
    public void doGet(
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
         throws IOException, ServletException
         PrintWriter out = null;
         out = response.getWriter();
         Document l_doc = builder.build(new File(Records));
    Element root = l_doc.getRootElement();
    //get a list of all recode in my XML document
    String l_pages = root.getChild("quote");
    String Iterator e = l_pages.iterator();
    while ( e.hasNext())
    Element l_quote= (Element) e.next();
         Element l_Author = l_quote.getChild("Date").getChild("Text");
    XMLOutputter l_format = new XMLOutputter();
    String ls_result = l_format.outputString(l_doc);
    catch( org.jdom.JDOMException e )
              if( out != null)
    Please tell me, what is wrong!!!
    Element root = l_doc.getRootElement();
    /* get a list of all the links in our XML document */
    List l_pages = root.getChildren("quote");
    Iterator Myloop = l_pages.iterator();
    while ( Myloop.hasNext())
    Element l_quote= (Element) Myloop.next();
         Element l_Author = l_quote.getChild("Date").getChild("Text");
    XMLOutputter l_format = new XMLOutputter();
    String ls_result = l_format.outputString(l_doc);
    ls_result = l_format.outputString(l_doc);

  • JSP/Servlets not working after upload

    I have a JSP file and some servlets that work fine on my PC running Tomcat.
    I just uploaded them to my web server (which supports servlets/jsp and has apache web server running), but they do not work. The jsp file does not run, it just displays the source code.
    Strangely, the support people at my server say the jsp files run ok when they view them. But when I view them from my browser it just shows source code.
    Do I need to configure something in my program? Or is it a server problem?

    Very hard to help without seeing the page - the answer is in the code  :-)
    Can you please point a link to your page?
    Are you sure you uploaded all the image files, and that the paths to the images are all correct?
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles

  • Portal can not work with abnormal increased /usr/sap/SID file space

    hi experts,
    I got a problem today on our HR portal.
    At first I can't login the nwa, then I checked tha OS of portal, I saw that the file system /usr/sap/SID's used spaces increase very quickly, though I increase the free spaces for emergency use, the portal still can not work and the free space is still missing. I just solved by restart the SAP service.
    Did anyone face the same problems before?
    System information
    OS --> AIX v5.3
    Database --> Oracle
    SAP --> netweaver 2004s SP12.

    This happens when your archive log file of the application increases,
    Check the folder usr/sap/sid/instance/j2ee/cluster/server0/log/archive folder this is the reason for your disk space increase. Just take a backup and delete the files in the archive folder (except temp folder).
    The deletion of older archive files is not handeled by SAP, you have to manually delete the archive logs.

  • Servlet not working...

    i'm running tomcat 4.0.1 on IIS and i haven't been able to get my servlet to work.
    i'm thinking that it has something to do with where i am placing my servlet, or my directory structure.
    my applet is run out of the directory "\\server\\wwwroot$\\testDir\\"
    and my servlet is in the directory "\\server\\tomcat$\\webapps\\ROOT\\WEB-INF\\classes\\"
    here is my applet code for calling the servlet....
    URL url = new URL("http://www2.homepage.com/serlvet/servletOne");
    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
    InputStream inputStreamFromServlet = conn.getInputStream();
    catch(IOException io) { io.printStackTrace(); }
    here is my servlet code....
    public class servletOne extends HttpServlet {
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException
    FileWriter f = new FileWriter("\\server\\wwwroot$\\testDir\\test2.htm");
    catch(IOException io) { io.printStackTrace(); }
    the error i get when i try to run it is a FileNotFoundException.
    i believe that this is the proper location for my servlet, but does the tomcat directory have to be within the wwwroot$ directory, in order for it to work?
    any help would be greatly appreciated

    Seems that FileWriter cannot find test2.htm file. The path for FileWriter constructor can be any absolute system dependent path. So you can use "c:\\server\\wwwroot\\testDir\\test2.htm".

  • NAC guest server hangs and guest portal is not working

    Hi all ,
    Our guest nac server NAC3315 is oftenly getting hung state . And our guest wireless network is not working . We are able to ping the NAC server but web page is not opening for the clients if they connected to guest network.
    Any clue on this ....

    All  actions within the Cisco NAC Guest Server are logged into the database.  This enables you to see any action that occurred as part of the normal  operating process of the application.
    To access the system log from the administration interface select Server > System Log from the left hand menu
    Please check the Error Logs for troubleshooting of NGS

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