9iAS and iFS

I want to install 9iAS (with Portal 3.0.9) and i want to use iFS features in my content management applications (in Portal).
Are iFS and Portal integrated? Do i need something called an iFS portlet?
Is it available with 9iAS (Portal 3.0.9)
Thanks in Advance for any reply.

The Installation Guides of both products cover the issue in great detail.
Hope that helps.

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    Si vous avez utilisé la commande Save As Template depuis Pages, il y a forcément un dossier
    iWork > Pages
    contenant Templates > My Templates
    comme il y a un dossier
    iWork > Numbers
    contenant Templates > My Templates
    Depuis le Finder, tapez cmd + f
    puis configurez la recherche comme sur cette recopie d'écran.
    puis lancez la recherche.
    Ainsi, vous allez trouver vos modèles personnalisés dans leur dossier.
    Chez moi, il y en a une kyrielle en dehors des dossiers standards parce que je renomme wxcvb.template quasiment tous mes documents Pages et wxcvb.nmbtemplate à peu près tous mes documents Numbers.
    Ainsi, quand je travaille sur un document, je ne suis pas ralenti par Autosave.
    Désolé mais je ne répondrai plus avant demain.
    Pour moi il est temps de dormir.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)  mercredi 23 janvier 2011 22:39:28
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is : <http://public.me.com/koenigyvan>
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    You may want to take a look at WebMin - besides an all-round great way to manage a server, it provides in depth tinkering w/Apache, albeit not so much for the faint-of-heart at times. You'll have loads of control over Apache, but deciding how to wield it can be intimidating until you've gotten settled in.
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    I had this same issue when upgrading from 9.0.4 to Someone else in the forum had a solution. You could probably search for it. However, here are the details:
    The fillowing are the notes from Oracle:
    Applies to:
    Oracle Discoverer - Version: to This problem can occur on any platform.
    The user interaction performance using Discoverer Plus 10g (10.1.2) when configured with Sun java plug-in (JRE/JVM) 1.6.0_03 or higher.
    Every action in Discoverer takes longer. For example:
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    displaying the Help > About window.
    The problem does not exist with JInitiator or with Sun plugin 1.4 or 1.5 and earlier versions of 1.6
    JRE 1.6.0 - works correctly, runs with 1.5.0-like speed JRE 1.6.0_01 - works correctly JRE 1.6.0_02 - works correctly JRE 1.6.0_03 - here the problem is observed for the first time. The issue is then observed in all subsequent versions (e.g., _04, _05, _06, _07 and the new_10)
    The problem does not exist when an entry for the Discoverer server exists in the local hosts file on the client PC (C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts).
    Sun's Java plug-in performs reverse DNS lookups when connecting to the Application Server. This can be observed with a network sniffer trace (Wire Shark).
    There is a change in the DNS handling in Sun plug-in 1.6.0_03 and higher.
    This issue may be more prevalent if you are accessing Discoverer Plus via a firewall, proxy server
    To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
    Ensure the external facing IP address of the Discoverer server has a reverse DNS entry in the DNS server.
    For example:
    nslookup <IP address> must resolve to the <machinename.domainname>
    nslookup <machinename.domainname> must resolve to <IP address>
    An alternative or temporary solution would be to add an entry to the local PC host file as described above.
    Hope this helps,

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    Thank you

    To start off, just work with iDS - so to run your form in that case you need to manually start OC4J - use the option in the Start menu for this -
    Oracle 9i Developer Suite -> Forms Developer -> Start OC4J Instance
    By default, that OC4J will be listening on port 8888,
    so your url would be something like:

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    Please see my answer in the thread:
    Re: sql error (ORA-01722: invalid number)
    Pavna Jain
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    in the proc directory you can do cat sem.
    Your output should be 250 32000 32 128
    Reset the values by doing echo 250 32000 100 128 >sem
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    It is not possible to install BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 alongside of Crystal Enterprise 10.  You will have to upgrade the servers in place.  Although speaking through my experience this process is fairly seemless and hardly ever has issue.  If you are looking to do side by side installs and saving costs for your customer base I would recommend looking at using a virtualization product like VMware Server or Workstation as a temporary bridge to get both products installed side by side.  Also one other thing you mentioned you are a progress shop, but you should know that the CMS repository database that runs the application can not be hosted on progress.  MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, UDB DB2 and Sybase your only options for the CMS.  For reporting you can use a wider range of products.

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    I think you are confusing the concept of "Oracle9ias Instance" with that of a database instance. They are two different things with no relation to each other. For Oracle9ias an instance is just an installation identifier (with no dependence on any database instance). All that matters is that you provide unique instance names for each installation. Just give it any logical name (such as "infra" for the infrastructure install and "bi" for the business intelligence installation and so on and so forth).
    Ashesh Parekh
    Oracle9iAS product Management

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  • Very slow processing on LSMW and IFS access

    Hi all,
    we have a very slow processing on LSMW and IFS access. I believe it was slow all the time in the past. This LSMW transaction only converts some data, which are stored in a flat file in the IFS and stores it again into a flat file in the IFS. It is reading the data from IFS and writing again the data into the IFS.
    IFS is not fast, I know. But do you have an similar experiences with such LOAD ?!
    R/3 Enterprise 4.70 shows with transaction SM50  the following lon running job:
    4  BGD  65988    waiting         Yes                                                     
    5  BGD  65989    waiting         Yes                                                     
    6  DIA  85421    running         Yes                    1      SAPLTHFB   100  USER1   
    7  DIA  65993    running         Yes                    11500  /1CADMC/SA 100 USER2   
    8  DIA  65994    waiting         Yes                                                     
    9  DIA  65995    waiting         Yes                                                     
    The WRKACTJOB Display shows:
    This means for me the job is not doing so much with the database. Only 439 I/O's in 21 minutes. This is nothing. I have tried to give to this job Priority 19, but this is not the reason, the job is not going faster.
    Work with Active Jobs                                                                               
    02.07.08  1
    CPU %:    89,0     Elapsed time:   00:21:25     Active jobs:   895                                                                               
    Subsystem/Job  Type  Pool  Pty      CPU  Int    Rsp  AuxIO  CPU %
          WP06         BCI     2   20     395,2                136    0,0
          WP07         BCI     2   19   10274,0                439   12,7
          WP08         BCI     2   20    1156,0                  8    0,0
          WP09         BCI     2   20     874,3                  6    0,0
    The WRKSYSSTS Display shows: This means for me, the is no memory lack.                                                                               
    Sys      Pool   Reserved    Max  ----DB-----  --Non-DB---  Act-   Wait-  Act- 
    Pool    Size M   Size M     Act  Fault Pages  Fault Pages  Wait   Inel   Inel 
      1    5000,00   1448,43  +++++    0,0   0,0    0,4   0,5   94,9    0,0    0,0
      2   60340,00     44,65   3500   51,6  6335  113,4 364,1   7887    0,0    0,0
      3     128,00      0,00     10    0,0   1,3    0,2   0,8   17,2    0,0    0,0
    The WRKDSKSTS Display shows no problem in DASD.
    I/O   Request   Read  Write   Read  Write    %  
      Rqs  Size (K)    Rqs   Rqs     (K)   (K)   Busy 
    11,5     12,4     3,0    8,4   13,2   12,1     2 
    13,2     10,2     1,5   11,6    7,0   10,6     1 
    10,6      8,8     3,5    7,0    8,2    9,2     2 
    13,8     12,4     4,2    9,5   10,1   13,5     2 
      8,3     71,3     7,5    0,8   78,4    7,4     5 
    17,7    123,6    17,5    0,2  125,2    4,0     9 
    27,0     83,1    25,7    1,3   87,1    4,3    10 
    26,9     95,0    25,6    1,3   99,6    5,8     9 
    16,9    115,4    16,2    0,7  120,3    4,0     8 
    37,3    116,7    37,0    0,2  117,3   18,0    13 
    21,4     94,0    20,3    1,0   98,6    6,2     7 
    12,7     72,8    11,5    1,1   77,6   26,8     6 
    13,5     85,1    12,3    1,1   92,0   12,8     5
    Any idea, here ???
    best regrads,
    Carsten Schulz
    Teamleader SAP-Basis, ebmpapst Mulfingen, Gemany

    Hi together,
    thanks for answering so fast.
    The jobs read from the  sysbas-IFS   /usr/sap/a/b/ and writes to /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/work/ also in the sysbas-IFS.This IFS is not remote. Not through the QfileSrv.400 mechanism.
    And yes, we have a HA solution. We have two IASP's on two different iSeries and are using XSM to mirror the data.
    I have tried to increase the speed by switching off the XSM mirroring, but the speed does not increase. Sorry.
    best regards,
    Carsten Schulz


    oracle 9ias and oracle 9i database in same machine Feb 25, 2003 11:22 PM
    Dear Friends,
    I installed oracle 9ias. and then i hosted my form,report into that server . All was working properly.
    at this time my database was into another machine.
    then i installed oracle 9i database into the same machine
    (as the oracle 9ias was installed)
    at the instalation of oracle 9i database one error comes
    and shows that Agent configuration Assistant Installation
    but After installation of database it work properly.
    there is no problem.
    but when I try to run from through web(by using oracle 9ias)
    it gives Internal error(500).
    i check and find that my appache server for 9ias is working properly and in services of windows 2000 no error comes.
    With regards
    Siddharth Singh
    [email protected]

    Hi James,
    Have u ever tried ORACLE 9iAS R2 on Redhat Linux ?
    If yes what is the version of RH Linux you were using ?
    Any docs for that ?
    [email protected]

  • 9iAS and database on Linux

    I'm about to try and install 9iAS and 8.1.7 on a machine running Red Hat 7.0.
    Two questions:
    1. Is it possible for them to reside on the same machine without conflict?
    2. Any "tips" for a smooth installation?

    It's true, I have been able to run iAS 1.0.2, but I won't be able to run 8i 8.1.7 under RedHat 7.0 until Oracle solves a tricky problem. Oracle server 8.1.7 has been compiled with an older glibc library. RedHat 7.0 comes with glibc 2.1.9. Up till now, the only way to get 8.1.7 Server running under RedHat 7.0 is to install it under RedHat 6.X and then upgrade RedHat to 7.0. But, if you ever need to relink Oracle 8.1.7, you'll have to fool the gcc enviroment to make the server think it has an older glibc. All in all it's to messy to work with. Probably the best solution is to keep a machine running redHat 6.2 wiht Oracle 8.1.7 and install iAS 1.0.2 as the frontend machine. After all, frontend machines are those that interact with the user and those that benefit most from an up-to-date operating system. Metalink Alert states that Oracle is trying to solve the issue, but I think the only easy solution is comming up with a new full release of 8.1.7 server.

  • Problem with 9iAS and Day Communiquh 3

    i have a problem with the deployment of Day Communiquh 3 web application (a tool for content management) on Oracle 9iAS (not on the OC4J stand-alone..).
    As explained on Day guide, i've disabled the following services in the delivery.xml of publish/system/conf directory (the file is put in attachment for a better comprehension):
    - ServletEngineService;
    - ShoutService.
    Moreover, i've updated the following tags:
    - fakeurls, with <redirect from="/" to="/cq3/playground/en.html" />;
    - loopback, with the port i use (7778).
    Then i have packed up the CQ3 webapp in a WAR file (cq3-web.war): i give you in attachment the WEB-INF/web.xml used.
    Finally i have packed up the WAR file in a EAR file, using the Enterprise Manager of 9iAS: i've put "cq3" as name of the deployed application, and "/cq3" as context root, so that users can access the application typing in a browser "http://<server_address>:<port>/cq3".
    Then i've found the following problems:
    - firstly, "http://<server_address>:<port>/cq3" doesn't redirect to "http://<server_address>:<port>/cq3/playground/en.html" as specified in delivery.xml: a "404 not found" error raises; so i have to type "http://<server_address>:<port>/cq3/playground/en.html" manually to view the Communiquh Playground;
    - anyway, the Communiquh Playground isn't shown correctly: every link and every image refers to an address like, for example, "http://<server_address>:<port>/playground/en/my_image.gif", i.e. without the "/cq3" context root in front of "/playground..".
    Anyone that could help me to resolve this issue is welcome. Please answer to [email protected]

    i have a problem with the deployment of Day Communiquh 3 web application (a tool for content management) on Oracle 9iAS (not on the OC4J stand-alone..).
    As explained on Day guide, i've disabled the following services in the delivery.xml of publish/system/conf directory (the file is put in attachment for a better comprehension):
    - ServletEngineService;
    - ShoutService.
    Moreover, i've updated the following tags:
    - fakeurls, with <redirect from="/" to="/cq3/playground/en.html" />;
    - loopback, with the port i use (7778).
    Then i have packed up the CQ3 webapp in a WAR file (cq3-web.war): i give you in attachment the WEB-INF/web.xml used.
    Finally i have packed up the WAR file in a EAR file, using the Enterprise Manager of 9iAS: i've put "cq3" as name of the deployed application, and "/cq3" as context root, so that users can access the application typing in a browser "http://<server_address>:<port>/cq3".
    Then i've found the following problems:
    - firstly, "http://<server_address>:<port>/cq3" doesn't redirect to "http://<server_address>:<port>/cq3/playground/en.html" as specified in delivery.xml: a "404 not found" error raises; so i have to type "http://<server_address>:<port>/cq3/playground/en.html" manually to view the Communiquh Playground;
    - anyway, the Communiquh Playground isn't shown correctly: every link and every image refers to an address like, for example, "http://<server_address>:<port>/playground/en/my_image.gif", i.e. without the "/cq3" context root in front of "/playground..".
    Anyone that could help me to resolve this issue is welcome. Please answer to [email protected]

  • Configuring 9iAS and 9iDS on stand-alone WIN XP Pro

    I've been trying to finish up assignments for class using Forms Builder from 9iDS, and now when I try to run a form after it has been compiled I get this message:
    FRM-10142: The HTTP listener is not running on <computer name> at port 8889. Please start the listener or check your runtime preferences.
    I've read through various websites, along with Oracle, that talk about configuring the HTTP listener. And all of them mention an Oracle Application Server Manager 4.0. I cannot find such a component in my installation of 9iAS.
    The TNS Listener seems to be running fine. I'm able to connect to the database, and run various services. Can you tell me how I can get an HTTP Listener configured?
    A Question that was asked was if I was running the form as a web-form or as client-server? The HTTP listener is only involved when attempting to run the form as a "web-form".
    Also, for some reason, the DEMO schema did not get installed. Where would I find this?

    Has anyone here actually had a problem which they traced to SP2 and as a result decided to remove SP2 or otherwise go back to an XP install without SP2?
    No one that i've heard about if installing from slipstreamed sp2 cd.
    The only ones with problems i've noticed is peps that have all kind of software and drivers installed pre sp2 upgrade .
    And the upgrade goes bad caused by unidentified installed software and/or drivers that crash with the A64 combined with sp2 DEP technology.

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