A,B,C Weighting Filter vi

How can I make an A,B,C Weighting Filter vi for my Sound Pressure Level Meter project....???
IF there is one already made please send it to me.......[email protected]

If you Google "C-weighted filter" you will find the transfer functions for the filters. (www.ptpart.co.uk/noise.htm or www.cross-spectrum.com/audio/weighting.html for example). Those could then be implemented using standard LV filter VIs.

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    Hi ykhalil,
    Here's a pretty detailed explanation of signal processing in LabVIEW:
    Also, are you using the NI Sound and Vibration Toolkit?
    Lindsey W. | Applications Engineer | National Instruments

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    Designing these sorts of weighting filters can be tricky. There is no design method that ships with LabVIEW that will cover this well. If your sample rate is pretty high, you could take the analog specification of the filter and use a bilinear transform with pre-warping (at the critical frequency of the A-weight spec) to get the digital filter.
    The easy way to get these filters is to purchase the Sound and Vibration toolkit.

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    Not sure if the question makes sense, but basically I screwed up and took some vibration numbers, saved the FFT but forgot to apply the 1/3 octave hand arm vibration weight. Just wondering if it can be done later.

    Hi ykhalil,
    Here's a pretty detailed explanation of signal processing in LabVIEW:
    Also, are you using the NI Sound and Vibration Toolkit?
    Lindsey W. | Applications Engineer | National Instruments

  • Filter Coding Issues

    I've been following (roughly) the simple virus scanner interface that SUN provides, and adapted it into a slightly heavier weight filter that interfaces with libclamav. At first both were compiled using GCC, and I thought due to some of the weird problems I had when debugging flags were inserted, maybe Sun Studio would give better results. It hasn't, and I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do next.
    The symptom is that parts of the message just dissapear, and I see the old mime boundaries within the message body, so it seems like there's some pointer indicating where the message starts that's being corrupted by something in my code.
    Interestingly, if I stop processing the message while still inside the headers, there is no problem, but that's not a very effective virus scanner if it can only look at the content type and filename of the part now is it?
    This happens regardless of whether I use GCC or CC, and I'm using 0.88.1 of clamav. The output message is shown last. It should be fairly obvious what's wrong with it.
    Here's my code, perhaps someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
    ** WARNING ** This IS NOT polished code, so please don't expect it to be perfect. It's clean, but includes absolute pathnames, and some other nauties that should be removed before anyone even thinks of reusing this. Once it actually works, I'll do the nessisary code cleanup, and release this to the community to do whatever anyone wants with.
    CLAMLIBS=`/usr/local/bin/clamav-config --libs` -lclamav
    CLAMFLAGS=`/usr/local/bin/clamav-config --cflags`
    LIBS=-lmtasdk ${CLAMLIBS}
            cc ${FLAGS} -o msgsr_clamav msgsr_clamav.c \
                    ${INCLUDE} ${LIBPATH} ${LIBS}
            cp msgsr_clamav ${INSTALL_LOCATION}
            cp msgsr_clamav.cnf ${INSTALL_LOCATION}************************************************
    CLAMLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lz -lbz2 -lpthread -lclamav
    CLAMFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -xO4************************************************
    * msgsr_clamav
    * Interface the Sun Java System Message Server with LibClamAV
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <pthread.h>
    #include "clamav.h"     // LibClamAV Header
    #include "mtasdk.h"
    * A structure to store channel options
    typedef struct {
         /* Produce debug output? */
         int debug;
         // Maximum size (in bytes) attachment to scan
         int scan_maxsize;
         // Scan recursion level
         int scan_recursion_level;
         // Max files
         int scan_maxfiles;
         // Path to ClamAV Virus Database
         char db_dir[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
         // Used Internally by ClamAV. Stored here for ease of access
         struct cl_node *root;
         unsigned int signo;
         struct cl_stat dbstat;
         pthread_mutex_t reload_mutex;
         // MIME types to ignore
         char ignore_mime_types[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
         // Types of files to ignore
         char ignore_file_types[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
         /* Unwanted MIME content types (ALWAYS stripped, never scanned) */
         char bad_mime_types[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
         /* Unwanted file types (ALWAYS stripped, never scanned)*/
         char bad_file_types[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
         /* Length of bmt string */
         size_t bmt_len;
         /* Length of bft string */
         size_t bft_len;
    } our_options_t;
    // A structure passed per message to contain message specific data, including open files, etc.
    typedef struct {
         // The filename of the temp file in use so it can be unlinked when we're done with it.
         char temp_file_name[BIGALFA_SIZE * 2 + 10];
         // The file * to the temp file in use, so we don't have to reopen it across calls to decode_inspect
         FILE *temp_file;
         // A pointer to the single instance of our_options_t that is shared across all threads
         our_options_t * options;
    } msg_temp_data_t;
    * Forward declarations
    static void error_exit(int ires, const char *msg);
    static void error_report(our_options_t *options, int ires, const char *func);
    static void error_reports(our_options_t *options, const char* errStr, const char *func);
    static int is_bad_mime_type(our_options_t *options, mta_decode_t *dctx, char *buf, size_t maxbuflen);
    static int is_bad_file_type(our_options_t *options, mta_opt_t *params, const char *param_name, char *buf, size_t maxbuflen);
    static int load_options(our_options_t *options);
    static mta_dq_process_message_t process_message;
    static mta_decode_read_t decode_read;
    static mta_decode_inspect_t decode_inspect;
    * main() -- Initialize the MTA SDK, load our options, and then
    * start the message processing loop.
    int main()
         int ires,ret;
         char error_msg[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
         our_options_t options;
         * Initialize the MTA SDK
         * See explanatory comment 1
         if ((ires = mtaInit(0)))
              error_exit(ires, "Unable to initialize the MTA SDK");
         * Load our channel options
         * See explanatory comment 2
         if ((ires = load_options(&options)))
              error_exit(ires, "Unable to load our channel options");
         * Initialize the ClamAV Virus Engine and Database
         // Preconditions to initializing the ClamAV database
         options.root=NULL; options.signo=0;
         // Load the virus database
         mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() loading database from %s",options.db_dir);
         if ((ret = cl_loaddbdir(options.db_dir, &options.root, &options.signo)))
              sprintf(error_msg,"cl_loaddbdir() error: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
         mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() loaded %d virus definitions",options.signo);
         // Internalize the virus database structure
         mtaLog("cl_build() initializing database");
         if((ret = cl_build(options.root)))
              sprintf(error_msg,"cl_build() error: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
         // Keep track of database updates
         memset(&options.dbstat, 0, sizeof(struct cl_stat));
         cl_statinidir(options.db_dir, &options.dbstat);
         // Initialize our reload mutex
         if (ret = pthread_mutex_init(&options.reload_mutex,NULL))
              sprintf(error_msg,"pthread_mutex_init() error: %d", ret);
         * Now process the queued messages. Be sure to indicate a
         * thread stack size sufficient to accomodate message
         * enqueue processing.
         * See explanatory comment 3
         if ((ires = mtaDequeueStart((void *)&options,
         process_message, NULL, 0)))
         error_exit(ires, "Error during dequeue processing");
         * All done
    *Reloads the virus database and re-initializes the in memory structure
    * Loads a new virus database, then if all succeeds, it
    * swaps the new database with the old one.  It's assumed
    * clamav releases the database gracefully, but another mutex
    * may be required if this is not the case.
    static int reload_database(our_options_t *options)
         struct cl_node *newroot = NULL,*oldroot;
         char error_msg[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
         int ret;
         unsigned int signo=0;
         if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&options->reload_mutex)) {     // Only one reload at a time thank you.
              if(cl_statchkdir(&options->dbstat) == 1) {     // Make sure we actually need an update
                   mtaLog("reload_database() Virus database is stale... reloading");
                   mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() reloading database from %s",options->db_dir);
                   // Load the new virus database
                   if ((ret = cl_loaddbdir(options->db_dir, &newroot, &signo)))
                        mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() error: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
                        return (-1);
                   mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() loaded %d virus definitions",options->signo);
                   // Internalize the virus database structure
                   mtaLog("cl_build() re-initializing database");
                   if((ret = cl_build(newroot)))
                        mtaLog("cl_build() error: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
                        mtaLog("reload_database() Database reload aborted");
                        return (-2);
                   // Save a pointer to the old root
                   oldroot = options->root;
                   // Swap in the new root and signo
                   options->root = newroot;
                   options->signo = signo;
                   // Release the old root
                   mtaLog("database_reload() Successfully loaded new virus database");
                   // Keep track of database updates
                   cl_statinidir(options->db_dir, &options->dbstat);
    * process_message() -- This routine is called by
    * mtaDequeueStart() to process each queued
    * message. We don&#31258; make use of ctx2, but
    * ctx1 is a pointer to our channel options.
    * See explanatory comment 4
    static int process_message(void **ctx2, void *ctx1, mta_dq_t *dq, const char *env_from, size_t env_from_len)
         const char *adr;
         int disp, ires;
         size_t len;
         mta_nq_t *nq;
         msg_temp_data_t msg_data;
         * Initializations
         nq = NULL;
         msg_data.options = (our_options_t *)ctx1;
         msg_data.temp_file = NULL;
         * Check the virus database to make sure it isn't stale
         * If it it's not currently reloading, and is stale, reload it.
         //if(cl_statchkdir(&(msg_data.options->dbstat)) == 1)
         //     reload_database(msg_data.options);
         * A little macro to do error checking on mta*() calls
         #define CHECK(f,x) \
         if ((ires = x)) { error_report(msg_data.options, ires, f); goto \
              done_bad; }
         * Start a message enqueue. Use the dequeue context to copy
         * envelope flags fromt the current message to this new
         * message being enqueued.
         * See explanatory comment 5
         CHECK("mtaEnqueueStart", mtaEnqueueStart(&nq, env_from, env_from_len, MTA_DQ_CONTEXT, dq, 0));
         * Process the envelope recipient list
         * See explanatory comment 6
         while (!(ires = mtaDequeueRecipientNext(dq, &adr, &len, 0)))
              * Add this envelope recipient address to the message
              * being enqueued. Use the dequeue context to copy
              * envelope flags for this recipient from the current
              * message to the new message.
              ires = mtaEnqueueTo(nq, adr, len, MTA_DQ_CONTEXT,
              dq, MTA_ENV_TO, 0);
              /* See explanatory comment 7 */
              disp = (ires) ? MTA_DISP_DEFERRED : MTA_DISP_RELAYED;
              CHECK("mtaDequeueRecipientDisposition", mtaDequeueRecipientDisposition(dq, adr, len,disp, 0));
         * A normal exit from the loop occurs when
         * mtaDequeueRecipientNext() returns an MTA_EOF status.
         * Any other status signifies an error.
         if (ires != MTA_EOF)
              error_report(msg_data.options, ires, "mtaDequeueRecipientNext");
              goto done_bad;
         * Begin the MIME decode of the message
         * See explanatory comment 8
              /* Private context is our message data structure */
              (void *)&msg_data,
              /* Input is the message being dequeued */
              MTA_DECODE_DQ, (void *)dq,
              /* Output is the message being enqueued */
              MTA_DECODE_NQ, (void *)nq,
              /* Inspection routine */
              /* Convert non-MIME formats to MIME */
         * Finish the enqueue
         * NOTE: IT&#25285; IMPORTANT TO DO THIS before DOING THE
         * and then THE ENQUEUE FAILS.
         * See explanatory text 9
         CHECK("mtaEnqueueFinish", mtaEnqueueFinish(nq, 0));
         nq = NULL;
         * Finish the dequeue
         CHECK("mtaDequeueFinish", mtaDequeueMessageFinish(dq, 0));
         * All done with this message
         * Abort any ongoing enqueue or dequeue
         if (nq)
              mtaEnqueueFinish(nq, MTA_ABORT, 0);
         if (dq)
              mtaDequeueMessageFinish(dq, MTA_ABORT, 0);
         * And return our error status
    #undef CHECK
    * decode_inspect() -- This is the routine that inspects each
    * message part, deciding whether to accept
    * or reject it.
    * See explanatory comment 10
    static int decode_inspect(void *ctx, mta_decode_t *dctx, int data_type,const char *data, size_t data_len)
         char buf[BIGALFA_SIZE * 2 + 10];
         const char *virname;
         int i;
         static unsigned int part_c = 1;
         msg_temp_data_t *msg_data = (msg_temp_data_t *)ctx;
         buf[data_len] = 0;
         mtaLog("decode_inspect() (%d,%ud): %s",data_type,dctx,buf);
         switch (data_type)
              case MTA_DATA_HEADER:
              * See if the part has:
              * 1. A bad MIME content-type,
              * 2. A bad file name extension in the (deprecated)
              * NAME= content-type parameter, or
              * 3. A bad file name extension in the
              * FILENAME= content-disposition parameter.
              i = 0;
              if ((i = is_bad_mime_type((void *)msg_data->options, dctx, buf, sizeof(buf))) ||
                   is_bad_file_type((void *)msg_data->options,mtaDecodeMessageInfoParams(dctx,MTA_DECODE_CTYPE_PARAMS, NULL),"NAME", buf, sizeof(buf)) ||
                   is_bad_file_type((void *)msg_data->options,mtaDecodeMessageInfoParams(dctx,MTA_DECODE_CDISP_PARAMS, NULL),"FILENAME", buf, sizeof(buf)))
                   char msg[BIGALFA_SIZE*4 + 10];
                   * Replace this part with a text message indicating
                   * that the part&#30196; content has been deleted.
                   * See explanatory comment 11
                   if (i)
                        i = sprintf(msg,
                             "The content of this message part has been removed.\n"
                             "It contained a potentially harmful media type of %.*s",
                             strlen(buf)-2, buf+1);
                        i = sprintf(msg,
                             "The content of this message part has been removed.\n"
                             "It contained a potentially harmful file named '%s'", buf);
                   mtaLog("decode_inspect(): %s",msg);
                        MTA_REASON, msg, i,
                        MTA_DECODE_CTYPE, "text", 4,
                        MTA_DECODE_CSUBTYPE, "plain", 5,
                        MTA_DECODE_CCHARSET, "us-ascii", 8,
                        MTA_DECODE_CDISP, "inline", 6,
                        MTA_DECODE_CLANG, "en", 2, 0));
              } break; // case MTA_DATA_HEADER:
              case MTA_DATA_TEXT:
              case MTA_DATA_BINARY:
                   if (msg_data->temp_file == NULL)
                        mtaLog("messageDecode(): Opening Temp File %s",msg_data->temp_file_name);
                        msg_data->temp_file = fopen(msg_data->temp_file_name,"wb");
              case MTA_DATA_NONE:
                   msg_data->temp_file = NULL;
                   struct cl_limits limits;
                   memset(&limits, 0, sizeof(struct cl_limits));
                   /* maximal number of files in archive */;
                   limits.maxfiles = 1000;
                   /* maximal archived file size */
                   limits.maxfilesize = 10 * 1048576; /* 10 MB */
                   /* maximal recursion level */
                   limits.maxreclevel = 5;
                   /* maximal compression ratio */
                   limits.maxratio = 200;
                   /* disable memory limit for bzip2 scanner */
                   limits.archivememlim = 0;
                   i = cl_scanfile(msg_data->temp_file_name, &virname, NULL, msg_data->options->root,&limits,CL_SCAN_STDOPT);
                   unlink (msg_data->temp_file_name);
                   if(i == CL_VIRUS) {
                        char msg[BIGALFA_SIZE*4 + 10];
                        size_t idlen;
                        i = sprintf(msg,
                             "The content of this message part has been removed.\n"
                             "It contained the virus %s in a file named '%s'", virname,buf);
                        buf[idlen] = '\0';
                        mtaLog("decode_inspect(): Detected %s virus in part %i of msg ID %s",virname,0,buf);
                             MTA_REASON, msg, i,
                             MTA_DECODE_CTYPE, "text", 4,
                             MTA_DECODE_CSUBTYPE, "plain", 5,
                             MTA_DECODE_CCHARSET, "us-ascii", 8,
                             MTA_DECODE_CDISP, "inline", 6,
                             MTA_DECODE_CLANG, "en", 2, 0));
                   } else {
                        if(i != CL_CLEAN)
                             mtaLog("decode_inspect() Error: %s scanning file %s",cl_strerror(i),msg_data->temp_file_name);
                             mtaLog("decode_inspect(): Part in file %s is clean",msg_data->temp_file_name);
                        //return(mtaDecodeMessagePartCopy(dctx, 0));
                        return(MTA_OK); break;
    * is_bad_mime_type() -- See if the part&#30196; media type is in our
    * bad MIME content types, for example:
    * application/vbscript
    * See explanatory comment 13
    static int is_bad_mime_type(our_options_t *options,
    mta_decode_t *dctx, char *buf,
    size_t maxbuflen)
         const char *csubtype, *ctype;
         size_t i, len1, len2;
         char *ptr;
         * Sanity checks
         if (!options || !options->bmt_len ||
              !options->bad_mime_types[0] ||
         * Get the MIME content type
         ctype = mtaDecodeMessageInfoString(dctx, MTA_DECODE_CTYPE,NULL, &len1);
         csubtype = mtaDecodeMessageInfoString(dctx,MTA_DECODE_CSUBTYPE,NULL, &len2);
         * Build the string: <0x01>type/subtype<0x01><0x00>
         ptr = buf;
         *ptr++ = (char)0x01;
         for (i = 0; i < len1; i++)
              *ptr++ = tolower(*ctype++);
         *ptr++ = '/';
         for (i = 0; i < len2; i++)
              *ptr++ = tolower(*csubtype++);
         *ptr++ = (char)0x01;
         *ptr = '\0';
         * Now see if the literal just built occurs in the list of
         * bad MIME content types
         return((strstr(options->bad_mime_types, buf)) ? -1 : 0);
    * is_bad_file_type() -- See if the part has an associated file
    * name whose file extension is in our list
    * of bad file names, such as .vbs.
    * See explanatory comment 14
    static int is_bad_file_type(our_options_t *options,
    mta_opt_t *params,
    const char *param_name, char *buf,
    size_t maxbuflen)
         const char *ptr1;
         char fext[BIGALFA_SIZE+2], *ptr2;
         size_t i, len;
         * Sanity checks
         if (!options || !options->bft_len || !params || !param_name)
         len = 0;
         buf[0] = '\0';
         if (mtaOptionString(params, param_name, 0, buf, &len,
              maxbuflen - 1) ||
              !len || !buf[0])
              * No file name parameter specified
         * A file name parameter was specified. Parse it to
         * extract the file extension portion, if any.
         ptr1 = strrchr(buf, '.');
         if (!ptr1)
              * No file extension specified
         * Now store the string created earlier in fext[]
         * Note that we drop the &#12539;&#12539;from the extension.
         ptr1++; /* Skip over the &#12539;&#12539;*/
         ptr2 = fext;
         *ptr2++ = (char)0x01;
         len = len - (ptr1 - buf);
         for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
              *ptr2++ = tolower(*ptr1++);
         *ptr2++ = (char)0x01;
         *ptr2++ = '\0';
         * Now return -1 if the string occurs in
         * options->bad_file_types.
         return((strstr(options->bad_file_types, fext)) ? -1 : 0);
    * load_options() -- Load our channel options from the channel&#30196;
    * option file
    * See explanatory comment 15
    static int load_options(our_options_t *options)
         char buf[BIGALFA_SIZE+1];
         size_t buflen, i;
         mta_opt_t *channel_opts;
         int ires;
         const char *ptr0;
         char *ptr1;
         * Initialize the our private channel option structure
         memset(options, 0, sizeof(our_options_t));
         * Set internal defaults for important features
         options->scan_maxsize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MB
         options->scan_recursion_level = 10;
         options->scan_maxfiles = 200;
         strcpy(options->db_dir,cl_retdbdir()); // Default ClamAV Directory
         * Access the channel&#30196; option file
         * See explanatory comment 16
         channel_opts = NULL;
         if ((ires = mtaOptionStart(&channel_opts, "/var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/site-programs/msgsr_clamav.cnf", 0, 0)))
              mtaLog("Unable to access our channel option file");
         * DEBUG=0|1
         options->debug = 0;
         mtaOptionInt(channel_opts, "DEBUG", 0, &options->debug);
         if (options->debug)
              mtaDebug(MTA_DEBUG_SDK, 0);
         * BAD_MIME_TYPES=type1/subtype1[,type2/subtype2[,...]]
         buf[0] = '\0';
         mtaOptionString(channel_opts, "BAD_MIME_TYPES", 0, buf,
         &buflen, sizeof(buf));
         * Now translate the comma separated list:
         * Type1/Subtype1[,Type2/Subtype2[,...]]
         * to
         ptr0 = buf;
         ptr1 = options->bad_mime_types;
         *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
         for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++)
              if (*ptr0 != ',')
                   *ptr1++ = tolower(*ptr0++);
                   *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
         *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
         *ptr1 = '\0';
         options->bmt_len = ptr1 - options->bad_mime_types;
         * BAD_FILE_TYPES=["."]Ext1[,["."]Ext2[,...]]
         buf[0] = '\0';
         buflen = 0;
         mtaOptionString(channel_opts, "BAD_FILE_TYPES", 0, buf,
         &buflen, sizeof(buf));
         * Now translate the comma separated list:
         * ["."]Ext1[,["."]Ext2[,...]]
         * to
         * <0x01>ext1[<0x01>ext2[<0x01>...]]<0x01>
         ptr0 = buf;
         ptr1 = options->bad_file_types;
         *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
         for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++)
                   default : /* copy after translating to lower case */
                        *ptr1++ = tolower(*ptr0++);
                   case '.' : /* discard */
                   case ',' : /* end current type */
                        *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
         *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
         *ptr1 = '\0';
         options->bft_len = ptr1 - options->bad_file_types;
         * Dispose of the mta_opt_t context
         * See explanatory comment 17
         * And return a success
    * error_report() &#12539;Report an error condition when debugging is
    * enabled.
    static void error_report(our_options_t *options, int ires,
    const char *func)
         if (options->debug)
              mtaLog("%s() returned %d; %s",
                   (func ? func : "?"), ires, mtaStrError(ires,0));
    static void error_reports(our_options_t *options, const char* errStr,
    const char *func)
         if (options->debug)
              mtaLog("%s() reported: %s",
                   (func ? func : "?"), errStr);
    * error_exit() -- Exit with an error status and error message.
    static void error_exit(int ires, const char *msg)
         mtaLog("%s%s%s", (msg ? msg : ""), (msg ? "; " : ""),
    broken message
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    nal Message -----=3Cbr=3EFrom=3A chales=40california=2Ecom=3Cbr=3EDate=3A=
    Thursday=2C April 20=2C 2006 11=3A19 pm=3Cbr=3ESubject=3A testing=3Cbr=3E=
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    Ok, so it's not my code. Using the virus_scanner_simple.c example from SUN, if you change the decode_inspect routine to return MTA_OK for every call (which should technically just let the message pass) it has the same behavior as my program. (Not all that suprising since mine is a derivative of said program)
    That said, this now looks like a library issue. I'm using Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.2-3.04 (built Jul 15 2005) according to the SMTP prompt, and was wondering if perhaps I should apply:
    The issue seems to be in the mtaDecodeMessage function, and occurs when the decode_inspect function is allowed to parse the message body, not just the message headers.
    The machine is a Sun Ultra 4500 running Solaris 10. Here's the banner:
    SunOS cookie 5.10 Generic_118822-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise
    Has anyone else had similar problems using the MTA SDK? Is there anything I'm missing here (besides the above mentioned patch) that might fix this?

  • How to create a filter using mathscript transfer function in labview

    Dear all,
    I am currently designing a filter in labview using a Mathscript looping. The filter can be represented in transfer function. I have attachted the transfer function equation together with its value and the desire frequency vs. amplitude graph that I should obtained from it. Also, following are the transfer function written in Matlab.
    B1= tf ([57.5221845],[1 51.017077 205.1868]);
    B2 = tf ([1 0],[7.6991]);
    B3 = tf ([1 0],[14.32433403]);
    B4 = tf ([1 0],[137.6017]);
    F = B1 * ( (1+B3)/((1+B2)*(1+B4)));
    I have also modify the coding as Labview Mathscript does not support the Matlab coding "tf" as transfer function to "bilinear"
    Problem I am facing are:
    1) Unable to display the graph of the filter in labvie.
    2) Unable to have sinewave as an input to the filter.
    3) The output cannot be display in graph format. 
    Hope to have the soonest reply from you guys. Many thanks in advance 
    Go to Solution.
    transfer function.jpg ‏18 KB
    Weighting Filter.vi ‏266 KB

    Thank you again for offering to help me in writing the code.
    I suppose that I should do a frequency sweep on the transfer
    function to prove that it behave as the sample graph. Example, if I have an input sine
    wave with the frequency of 8.8Hz passing through the transfer function filter, the
    output that I should be getting is 1 according to the transfer function graph
    and of cause the frequency range of my input sine wave would only be between
    the ranges of 0.5 Hz to 30 Hz.
    Weighting FilterTest1.vi ‏53 KB

  • How to implement a psophometric filter in Labview software without uising Sound and vibration toolkit?

    Someone know the method to implement a psophometric or weighted filter in Labview software Without using Sound and Vibration Toolkit?

    The simplest way to implement a psophometric filter is to use the Sound and Vibration toolkit.
    Anyway if you don't want to purchase it, you can have a look at this forum discussion and this one.
    Serena Monti
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • SINAD Measurement with CCITT Filter

    I am doing some audio measurements (SINAD) with the NI 4461 Data Aq Card and using LabView to make the measurement. Normally the measurement is done with a Agilent 8903 Audio Analyzer which is obsolete and we are now using the NI 4461 card as a replacement in newer test stations. I am trying to correlate the measurement to a 8903B and I am 3 dB different between the NI 4461 card (SINAD=13dB) and the 8903B (SINAD=16dB).
    I am using the CCITT weighting filter and a 30KHZ low pass filter in LabView which is what I have set on the 8903B Analyzer. Do you know of anyone familiar with using the tool kit or maybe anyone who has modeled a 8903 in LabView?

    Thanks for the reply and appreciate any help you can give as I am very stuck.
    I am using LabView 8.2 with SVT version 4.0. Attached is my VI and I am comparing my reading to a 8903B Audio Analyzer with the CCITT filter and the 30KHz low pass filters switched on.
    CCITT Audio.vi ‏430 KB

  • Sound pressure spectra with SVT

    Hey all,
    I have a project which I have been having a bit of trouble implementing. I'm performing several measurements at 48kHz/24Bit of some sound events. My requirement are as follows for sound pressure spectra analysis. 
    500 - 20 kHz frequency bandwidth with a 25 Hz frequency resolution.
    Peak  Hold  averaging  with  50%  overlap  processing  and  Hanning  windowing  applied  to  the time records. 
    Anti-aliasing filtering. 
    A - weighting. 
    I have the sound and vibration toolkit and have implemented as follows:
    1. Read wav
    2. Convert from Volts to dB via SVL Scale Volts to EU.vi. (I used a calibrated signal of 94dB at 1kHz to find my mic sensitivity). 
    3. A-weighting using SVL A,B,C Weighting Filter.vi
    4. Peform analysis using SVL Zoom Power Spectrum.vi. 
    Few Issues:
    I dont know how to implement the Anti-aliasing filter. 
    Is the method I have used ok with measuring sound spectra? Or should I perform the FFT then convert to dB?
    I have tried to implement the same analysis using Matlab and although I get the same FFT profile, my dB levels are different where the 16kHz noise is almost the same level as the 8kHz noise? Not sure what is happening there, but I want to concentrate on using LV for now. 
    I dont have any guidance available or experience with this sort of analysis. I have trialed my program out on a sample wav file which has two separate distinct noises events, one at 8kHz and another at 16kHz. My FFT is showing that the 16kHz is a much higher sound level (95dB) than the 8kHz (80dB) but when I listen to the wav via a pair of studio monitor speakers, the 8kHz is much more audible. Wouldn't the implementation of A-weighting filter tend to make the 8kHz noise more prevalent in the FFT? 
    Any suggestions on this topic are appreciated.

    Hi David,
    If you want to enable the enhanced alias filter, you can use a DAQmx channel property node. I would recommend placing a DAQmx Channel property node on the block diagram and then going to Analog Input » General Properties » Advanced » Enhanced Alias Rejection Enable. See if that works and let me know.  
    Jake H | Applications Engineer | National Instruments
    Enhanced Alias Rejection.png ‏3 KB

  • Diagram or vi for Sound Pressure Level Meter (SPL)

    Need help for implementing a Sound Pressure Level Meter (SPL) with LabVIEW 7.1 or 6.3....I must use a microfone and a laptop for my project.....Need diagram or ready vi ....!!!
    How can I make an A,B,C Weighting Filter vi for my Sound Pressure Level Meter project....???
    If there is one already made or you can give me any help please send it to me.......[email protected]

    Search the archives. A similar question about the weighting filters was posted within the past month or two, if I recall correctly. I am not aware of any ready-built VIs, but the filter specs are published (Google A-weighting).
    Also be careful with the frequency response of inexpensive microphones. They can skew the results substantially if you do not have some way to measure and compenste for the response.

  • Vibration octave analysis problem

    I'm measuring a vibration in range of 1-80Hz, according to Iso 2631.
    The problem is that I need the velocity information for each 1/3-octave bands. It should be expressed in mm/s. If fractional octave analysis is used it always ends up to psd unit (mm/s)^2. Using some basic fft-analysis the unit is correct (mm/s) but resolution is higher than 1/3 octave. Any ideas?
    ps. Is there any plans to develop a weighting filter needed by Iso 2631-2?

    Human vibration filters were added to the Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite in version 6.0 at the end of 2007 compliant to ISO 2631 and ISO 5439.   

  • Any equalizer program in LabVIEW SVT which can control the dBPa under 1/3 octave frequency band?

    Could we adjust the dBPa of a wav file by equalizer and then save the dBPa modified file to the other wav file for play? The equalizer should be controlled under 1/3 octave frequency band.

    If you import the .wav file into LabVIEW and convert it to the waveform data type, you could use the SVT to do third-octave analysis on the waveform and then use the SVT Weighting Filter VI to adjust the level of different octaves in the signal.
    If you are looking for a pre-made equalizer example for a .wav file in LabVIEW, we do not have an example that does that at this time. However, there are many programs available on the internet that can equalize a .wav file.
    Ross C
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Envelope acceleration measurement

    hello dear all
    i am having problem regarding vibration analysis in which i have to
    measure the envelope acceleration. i am using the weighting filter but
    i have certain lack of knoledge regarding envelope filter which is used
    in the envelope measurement. if  i have to used bandpass filter
    range as follow
    1----   300 -  6k         CPM
    2----   3k  -  60k        CPM
    3----   30k  -  600k    CPM
    4----   300k  - 2.4M   CPM
    if i have to used weighting fileter in sound and vibration
    toolkit,Then  can anybody help me to make vi that can measure my
    envelope measurement within this band pass filter ragne.
    my email address is [email protected]
    thanking you

    You may want to check out the following links:
    Abhinav T.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • ISO Human exposure vibration analysis

    Good Morning,
    I am trying to use LabView 7.1 with the Sound and Vibration toolkit in processing some data in accordance with ISO 5349-1:2001. In this standard, data needs to be collected in 1/3 octave bands from 6.3Hz to 1250Hz then weighted and the RMS taken. Data collection and RMS are not a problem, the challenge I am having is with the octave analysis and creating the custom weighting. Am I just missing the obvious VI's in SVT 3.1? Is there a custom weighting example? How does one perform octave analysis below the low frequency cut-offs of the existing VI's?

    Hi DRK,
    thanks for posting again. A few things:
    1) In the same user manual on pages 9-9 and 9-10 there's this info:
    Performing Third-Octave Analysis Outside the Audio Range
    You might need to perform third-octave analysis on signals outside of the
    20 Hz–20 kHz range. For example, you might need to evaluate human
    exposure to whole body vibration with potential signals of interest in
    the 0.5 Hz–80 Hz range. To perform third-octave analysis outside the
    20 Hz–20 kHz range, use either the SVT Fractional-octave Analysis
    [ANSI] VI or the SVT Fractional-octave Analysis [IEC] VI and select a
    bandwidth equal to 1/3 octave, as illustrated in Figure 9-7.
    2)We don't have a weighting filter according to that standard currently but we would like to discuss the standard a little more with you, if possible. Can you give us a phone number (preferably) or an email address that we can contact you at?
    Brian Spears

  • Format of Filter view

    Hi all,
    How to change format of filter view in answers? How to remove border line of filter? I have looked in views.css and format of filter is set as
    border: solid 1px #CCCCCC;
    font-size: 8pt;
    border: 0px;
    text-align: left;
    padding: 2px 4px;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-weight: bold;
    vertical-align: top;
    top: -6pt;
    padding: 2px 0px 2px 4px;
    And problem is that I have border line. But when I log on VMWare on samplesales repository the same format is there. But there is no borderline on filter view.

    Changing the ini files should change the date format. Have you amended the correct instances of the date format? In dbFeatures there is one for every ODBC connection.
    For example in my DBFeatures.INI
    DATE_FORMAT = 'dd-mm-yyyy' ;
         TIME_FORMAT = 'hh:mi:ss' ;
         DATE_TIME_FORMAT = 'dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi:ss' ;
         IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR = '"';Also a file on the presentation side in OracleBI \web\Config called localedefinitions.xml.
    Inside that there appears to be defaults for localisations - maybe it is possible to amend your locale in the Administration settings of the dashboard.
    However, I haven't tried this sorry.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to get 802.11n speed for Apple TV?

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  • ArrayIndexOutOfBounds error

    Hi all, when running the following code, I get an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds: 255 error. I should note that getHist() returns an int[3][255]. I'm sure there's something simple that I should be doing, but I don't know what it is. Any ideas? private void sa

  • Help needed in Transaction AR02

    halo fellow SAPiens, <b>1)</b> i am new to FI module and i have been told to modify the report AR02 by which the user can see monthly addition,depreciation ....etc.........right now its yearly(fiscal year)......how can i do it.......... <b>2)</b> i n