Filter Coding Issues

I've been following (roughly) the simple virus scanner interface that SUN provides, and adapted it into a slightly heavier weight filter that interfaces with libclamav. At first both were compiled using GCC, and I thought due to some of the weird problems I had when debugging flags were inserted, maybe Sun Studio would give better results. It hasn't, and I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do next.
The symptom is that parts of the message just dissapear, and I see the old mime boundaries within the message body, so it seems like there's some pointer indicating where the message starts that's being corrupted by something in my code.
Interestingly, if I stop processing the message while still inside the headers, there is no problem, but that's not a very effective virus scanner if it can only look at the content type and filename of the part now is it?
This happens regardless of whether I use GCC or CC, and I'm using 0.88.1 of clamav. The output message is shown last. It should be fairly obvious what's wrong with it.
Here's my code, perhaps someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
** WARNING ** This IS NOT polished code, so please don't expect it to be perfect. It's clean, but includes absolute pathnames, and some other nauties that should be removed before anyone even thinks of reusing this. Once it actually works, I'll do the nessisary code cleanup, and release this to the community to do whatever anyone wants with.
CLAMLIBS=`/usr/local/bin/clamav-config --libs` -lclamav
CLAMFLAGS=`/usr/local/bin/clamav-config --cflags`
LIBS=-lmtasdk ${CLAMLIBS}
        cc ${FLAGS} -o msgsr_clamav msgsr_clamav.c \
                ${INCLUDE} ${LIBPATH} ${LIBS}
        cp msgsr_clamav ${INSTALL_LOCATION}
        cp msgsr_clamav.cnf ${INSTALL_LOCATION}************************************************
CLAMLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lz -lbz2 -lpthread -lclamav
CLAMFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -xO4************************************************
* msgsr_clamav
* Interface the Sun Java System Message Server with LibClamAV
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "clamav.h"     // LibClamAV Header
#include "mtasdk.h"
* A structure to store channel options
typedef struct {
     /* Produce debug output? */
     int debug;
     // Maximum size (in bytes) attachment to scan
     int scan_maxsize;
     // Scan recursion level
     int scan_recursion_level;
     // Max files
     int scan_maxfiles;
     // Path to ClamAV Virus Database
     char db_dir[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
     // Used Internally by ClamAV. Stored here for ease of access
     struct cl_node *root;
     unsigned int signo;
     struct cl_stat dbstat;
     pthread_mutex_t reload_mutex;
     // MIME types to ignore
     char ignore_mime_types[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
     // Types of files to ignore
     char ignore_file_types[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
     /* Unwanted MIME content types (ALWAYS stripped, never scanned) */
     char bad_mime_types[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
     /* Unwanted file types (ALWAYS stripped, never scanned)*/
     char bad_file_types[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
     /* Length of bmt string */
     size_t bmt_len;
     /* Length of bft string */
     size_t bft_len;
} our_options_t;
// A structure passed per message to contain message specific data, including open files, etc.
typedef struct {
     // The filename of the temp file in use so it can be unlinked when we're done with it.
     char temp_file_name[BIGALFA_SIZE * 2 + 10];
     // The file * to the temp file in use, so we don't have to reopen it across calls to decode_inspect
     FILE *temp_file;
     // A pointer to the single instance of our_options_t that is shared across all threads
     our_options_t * options;
} msg_temp_data_t;
* Forward declarations
static void error_exit(int ires, const char *msg);
static void error_report(our_options_t *options, int ires, const char *func);
static void error_reports(our_options_t *options, const char* errStr, const char *func);
static int is_bad_mime_type(our_options_t *options, mta_decode_t *dctx, char *buf, size_t maxbuflen);
static int is_bad_file_type(our_options_t *options, mta_opt_t *params, const char *param_name, char *buf, size_t maxbuflen);
static int load_options(our_options_t *options);
static mta_dq_process_message_t process_message;
static mta_decode_read_t decode_read;
static mta_decode_inspect_t decode_inspect;
* main() -- Initialize the MTA SDK, load our options, and then
* start the message processing loop.
int main()
     int ires,ret;
     char error_msg[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
     our_options_t options;
     * Initialize the MTA SDK
     * See explanatory comment 1
     if ((ires = mtaInit(0)))
          error_exit(ires, "Unable to initialize the MTA SDK");
     * Load our channel options
     * See explanatory comment 2
     if ((ires = load_options(&options)))
          error_exit(ires, "Unable to load our channel options");
     * Initialize the ClamAV Virus Engine and Database
     // Preconditions to initializing the ClamAV database
     options.root=NULL; options.signo=0;
     // Load the virus database
     mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() loading database from %s",options.db_dir);
     if ((ret = cl_loaddbdir(options.db_dir, &options.root, &options.signo)))
          sprintf(error_msg,"cl_loaddbdir() error: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
     mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() loaded %d virus definitions",options.signo);
     // Internalize the virus database structure
     mtaLog("cl_build() initializing database");
     if((ret = cl_build(options.root)))
          sprintf(error_msg,"cl_build() error: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
     // Keep track of database updates
     memset(&options.dbstat, 0, sizeof(struct cl_stat));
     cl_statinidir(options.db_dir, &options.dbstat);
     // Initialize our reload mutex
     if (ret = pthread_mutex_init(&options.reload_mutex,NULL))
          sprintf(error_msg,"pthread_mutex_init() error: %d", ret);
     * Now process the queued messages. Be sure to indicate a
     * thread stack size sufficient to accomodate message
     * enqueue processing.
     * See explanatory comment 3
     if ((ires = mtaDequeueStart((void *)&options,
     process_message, NULL, 0)))
     error_exit(ires, "Error during dequeue processing");
     * All done
*Reloads the virus database and re-initializes the in memory structure
* Loads a new virus database, then if all succeeds, it
* swaps the new database with the old one.  It's assumed
* clamav releases the database gracefully, but another mutex
* may be required if this is not the case.
static int reload_database(our_options_t *options)
     struct cl_node *newroot = NULL,*oldroot;
     char error_msg[BIGALFA_SIZE+3];
     int ret;
     unsigned int signo=0;
     if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&options->reload_mutex)) {     // Only one reload at a time thank you.
          if(cl_statchkdir(&options->dbstat) == 1) {     // Make sure we actually need an update
               mtaLog("reload_database() Virus database is stale... reloading");
               mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() reloading database from %s",options->db_dir);
               // Load the new virus database
               if ((ret = cl_loaddbdir(options->db_dir, &newroot, &signo)))
                    mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() error: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
                    return (-1);
               mtaLog("cl_loaddbdir() loaded %d virus definitions",options->signo);
               // Internalize the virus database structure
               mtaLog("cl_build() re-initializing database");
               if((ret = cl_build(newroot)))
                    mtaLog("cl_build() error: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
                    mtaLog("reload_database() Database reload aborted");
                    return (-2);
               // Save a pointer to the old root
               oldroot = options->root;
               // Swap in the new root and signo
               options->root = newroot;
               options->signo = signo;
               // Release the old root
               mtaLog("database_reload() Successfully loaded new virus database");
               // Keep track of database updates
               cl_statinidir(options->db_dir, &options->dbstat);
* process_message() -- This routine is called by
* mtaDequeueStart() to process each queued
* message. We don&#31258; make use of ctx2, but
* ctx1 is a pointer to our channel options.
* See explanatory comment 4
static int process_message(void **ctx2, void *ctx1, mta_dq_t *dq, const char *env_from, size_t env_from_len)
     const char *adr;
     int disp, ires;
     size_t len;
     mta_nq_t *nq;
     msg_temp_data_t msg_data;
     * Initializations
     nq = NULL;
     msg_data.options = (our_options_t *)ctx1;
     msg_data.temp_file = NULL;
     * Check the virus database to make sure it isn't stale
     * If it it's not currently reloading, and is stale, reload it.
     //if(cl_statchkdir(&(msg_data.options->dbstat)) == 1)
     //     reload_database(msg_data.options);
     * A little macro to do error checking on mta*() calls
     #define CHECK(f,x) \
     if ((ires = x)) { error_report(msg_data.options, ires, f); goto \
          done_bad; }
     * Start a message enqueue. Use the dequeue context to copy
     * envelope flags fromt the current message to this new
     * message being enqueued.
     * See explanatory comment 5
     CHECK("mtaEnqueueStart", mtaEnqueueStart(&nq, env_from, env_from_len, MTA_DQ_CONTEXT, dq, 0));
     * Process the envelope recipient list
     * See explanatory comment 6
     while (!(ires = mtaDequeueRecipientNext(dq, &adr, &len, 0)))
          * Add this envelope recipient address to the message
          * being enqueued. Use the dequeue context to copy
          * envelope flags for this recipient from the current
          * message to the new message.
          ires = mtaEnqueueTo(nq, adr, len, MTA_DQ_CONTEXT,
          dq, MTA_ENV_TO, 0);
          /* See explanatory comment 7 */
          disp = (ires) ? MTA_DISP_DEFERRED : MTA_DISP_RELAYED;
          CHECK("mtaDequeueRecipientDisposition", mtaDequeueRecipientDisposition(dq, adr, len,disp, 0));
     * A normal exit from the loop occurs when
     * mtaDequeueRecipientNext() returns an MTA_EOF status.
     * Any other status signifies an error.
     if (ires != MTA_EOF)
          error_report(msg_data.options, ires, "mtaDequeueRecipientNext");
          goto done_bad;
     * Begin the MIME decode of the message
     * See explanatory comment 8
          /* Private context is our message data structure */
          (void *)&msg_data,
          /* Input is the message being dequeued */
          MTA_DECODE_DQ, (void *)dq,
          /* Output is the message being enqueued */
          MTA_DECODE_NQ, (void *)nq,
          /* Inspection routine */
          /* Convert non-MIME formats to MIME */
     * Finish the enqueue
     * and then THE ENQUEUE FAILS.
     * See explanatory text 9
     CHECK("mtaEnqueueFinish", mtaEnqueueFinish(nq, 0));
     nq = NULL;
     * Finish the dequeue
     CHECK("mtaDequeueFinish", mtaDequeueMessageFinish(dq, 0));
     * All done with this message
     * Abort any ongoing enqueue or dequeue
     if (nq)
          mtaEnqueueFinish(nq, MTA_ABORT, 0);
     if (dq)
          mtaDequeueMessageFinish(dq, MTA_ABORT, 0);
     * And return our error status
#undef CHECK
* decode_inspect() -- This is the routine that inspects each
* message part, deciding whether to accept
* or reject it.
* See explanatory comment 10
static int decode_inspect(void *ctx, mta_decode_t *dctx, int data_type,const char *data, size_t data_len)
     char buf[BIGALFA_SIZE * 2 + 10];
     const char *virname;
     int i;
     static unsigned int part_c = 1;
     msg_temp_data_t *msg_data = (msg_temp_data_t *)ctx;
     buf[data_len] = 0;
     mtaLog("decode_inspect() (%d,%ud): %s",data_type,dctx,buf);
     switch (data_type)
          case MTA_DATA_HEADER:
          * See if the part has:
          * 1. A bad MIME content-type,
          * 2. A bad file name extension in the (deprecated)
          * NAME= content-type parameter, or
          * 3. A bad file name extension in the
          * FILENAME= content-disposition parameter.
          i = 0;
          if ((i = is_bad_mime_type((void *)msg_data->options, dctx, buf, sizeof(buf))) ||
               is_bad_file_type((void *)msg_data->options,mtaDecodeMessageInfoParams(dctx,MTA_DECODE_CTYPE_PARAMS, NULL),"NAME", buf, sizeof(buf)) ||
               is_bad_file_type((void *)msg_data->options,mtaDecodeMessageInfoParams(dctx,MTA_DECODE_CDISP_PARAMS, NULL),"FILENAME", buf, sizeof(buf)))
               char msg[BIGALFA_SIZE*4 + 10];
               * Replace this part with a text message indicating
               * that the part&#30196; content has been deleted.
               * See explanatory comment 11
               if (i)
                    i = sprintf(msg,
                         "The content of this message part has been removed.\n"
                         "It contained a potentially harmful media type of %.*s",
                         strlen(buf)-2, buf+1);
                    i = sprintf(msg,
                         "The content of this message part has been removed.\n"
                         "It contained a potentially harmful file named '%s'", buf);
               mtaLog("decode_inspect(): %s",msg);
                    MTA_REASON, msg, i,
                    MTA_DECODE_CTYPE, "text", 4,
                    MTA_DECODE_CSUBTYPE, "plain", 5,
                    MTA_DECODE_CCHARSET, "us-ascii", 8,
                    MTA_DECODE_CDISP, "inline", 6,
                    MTA_DECODE_CLANG, "en", 2, 0));
          } break; // case MTA_DATA_HEADER:
          case MTA_DATA_TEXT:
          case MTA_DATA_BINARY:
               if (msg_data->temp_file == NULL)
                    mtaLog("messageDecode(): Opening Temp File %s",msg_data->temp_file_name);
                    msg_data->temp_file = fopen(msg_data->temp_file_name,"wb");
          case MTA_DATA_NONE:
               msg_data->temp_file = NULL;
               struct cl_limits limits;
               memset(&limits, 0, sizeof(struct cl_limits));
               /* maximal number of files in archive */;
               limits.maxfiles = 1000;
               /* maximal archived file size */
               limits.maxfilesize = 10 * 1048576; /* 10 MB */
               /* maximal recursion level */
               limits.maxreclevel = 5;
               /* maximal compression ratio */
               limits.maxratio = 200;
               /* disable memory limit for bzip2 scanner */
               limits.archivememlim = 0;
               i = cl_scanfile(msg_data->temp_file_name, &virname, NULL, msg_data->options->root,&limits,CL_SCAN_STDOPT);
               unlink (msg_data->temp_file_name);
               if(i == CL_VIRUS) {
                    char msg[BIGALFA_SIZE*4 + 10];
                    size_t idlen;
                    i = sprintf(msg,
                         "The content of this message part has been removed.\n"
                         "It contained the virus %s in a file named '%s'", virname,buf);
                    buf[idlen] = '\0';
                    mtaLog("decode_inspect(): Detected %s virus in part %i of msg ID %s",virname,0,buf);
                         MTA_REASON, msg, i,
                         MTA_DECODE_CTYPE, "text", 4,
                         MTA_DECODE_CSUBTYPE, "plain", 5,
                         MTA_DECODE_CCHARSET, "us-ascii", 8,
                         MTA_DECODE_CDISP, "inline", 6,
                         MTA_DECODE_CLANG, "en", 2, 0));
               } else {
                    if(i != CL_CLEAN)
                         mtaLog("decode_inspect() Error: %s scanning file %s",cl_strerror(i),msg_data->temp_file_name);
                         mtaLog("decode_inspect(): Part in file %s is clean",msg_data->temp_file_name);
                    //return(mtaDecodeMessagePartCopy(dctx, 0));
                    return(MTA_OK); break;
* is_bad_mime_type() -- See if the part&#30196; media type is in our
* bad MIME content types, for example:
* application/vbscript
* See explanatory comment 13
static int is_bad_mime_type(our_options_t *options,
mta_decode_t *dctx, char *buf,
size_t maxbuflen)
     const char *csubtype, *ctype;
     size_t i, len1, len2;
     char *ptr;
     * Sanity checks
     if (!options || !options->bmt_len ||
          !options->bad_mime_types[0] ||
     * Get the MIME content type
     ctype = mtaDecodeMessageInfoString(dctx, MTA_DECODE_CTYPE,NULL, &len1);
     csubtype = mtaDecodeMessageInfoString(dctx,MTA_DECODE_CSUBTYPE,NULL, &len2);
     * Build the string: <0x01>type/subtype<0x01><0x00>
     ptr = buf;
     *ptr++ = (char)0x01;
     for (i = 0; i < len1; i++)
          *ptr++ = tolower(*ctype++);
     *ptr++ = '/';
     for (i = 0; i < len2; i++)
          *ptr++ = tolower(*csubtype++);
     *ptr++ = (char)0x01;
     *ptr = '\0';
     * Now see if the literal just built occurs in the list of
     * bad MIME content types
     return((strstr(options->bad_mime_types, buf)) ? -1 : 0);
* is_bad_file_type() -- See if the part has an associated file
* name whose file extension is in our list
* of bad file names, such as .vbs.
* See explanatory comment 14
static int is_bad_file_type(our_options_t *options,
mta_opt_t *params,
const char *param_name, char *buf,
size_t maxbuflen)
     const char *ptr1;
     char fext[BIGALFA_SIZE+2], *ptr2;
     size_t i, len;
     * Sanity checks
     if (!options || !options->bft_len || !params || !param_name)
     len = 0;
     buf[0] = '\0';
     if (mtaOptionString(params, param_name, 0, buf, &len,
          maxbuflen - 1) ||
          !len || !buf[0])
          * No file name parameter specified
     * A file name parameter was specified. Parse it to
     * extract the file extension portion, if any.
     ptr1 = strrchr(buf, '.');
     if (!ptr1)
          * No file extension specified
     * Now store the string created earlier in fext[]
     * Note that we drop the &#12539;&#12539;from the extension.
     ptr1++; /* Skip over the &#12539;&#12539;*/
     ptr2 = fext;
     *ptr2++ = (char)0x01;
     len = len - (ptr1 - buf);
     for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
          *ptr2++ = tolower(*ptr1++);
     *ptr2++ = (char)0x01;
     *ptr2++ = '\0';
     * Now return -1 if the string occurs in
     * options->bad_file_types.
     return((strstr(options->bad_file_types, fext)) ? -1 : 0);
* load_options() -- Load our channel options from the channel&#30196;
* option file
* See explanatory comment 15
static int load_options(our_options_t *options)
     char buf[BIGALFA_SIZE+1];
     size_t buflen, i;
     mta_opt_t *channel_opts;
     int ires;
     const char *ptr0;
     char *ptr1;
     * Initialize the our private channel option structure
     memset(options, 0, sizeof(our_options_t));
     * Set internal defaults for important features
     options->scan_maxsize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MB
     options->scan_recursion_level = 10;
     options->scan_maxfiles = 200;
     strcpy(options->db_dir,cl_retdbdir()); // Default ClamAV Directory
     * Access the channel&#30196; option file
     * See explanatory comment 16
     channel_opts = NULL;
     if ((ires = mtaOptionStart(&channel_opts, "/var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/site-programs/msgsr_clamav.cnf", 0, 0)))
          mtaLog("Unable to access our channel option file");
     * DEBUG=0|1
     options->debug = 0;
     mtaOptionInt(channel_opts, "DEBUG", 0, &options->debug);
     if (options->debug)
          mtaDebug(MTA_DEBUG_SDK, 0);
     * BAD_MIME_TYPES=type1/subtype1[,type2/subtype2[,...]]
     buf[0] = '\0';
     mtaOptionString(channel_opts, "BAD_MIME_TYPES", 0, buf,
     &buflen, sizeof(buf));
     * Now translate the comma separated list:
     * Type1/Subtype1[,Type2/Subtype2[,...]]
     * to
     ptr0 = buf;
     ptr1 = options->bad_mime_types;
     *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
     for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++)
          if (*ptr0 != ',')
               *ptr1++ = tolower(*ptr0++);
               *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
     *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
     *ptr1 = '\0';
     options->bmt_len = ptr1 - options->bad_mime_types;
     * BAD_FILE_TYPES=["."]Ext1[,["."]Ext2[,...]]
     buf[0] = '\0';
     buflen = 0;
     mtaOptionString(channel_opts, "BAD_FILE_TYPES", 0, buf,
     &buflen, sizeof(buf));
     * Now translate the comma separated list:
     * ["."]Ext1[,["."]Ext2[,...]]
     * to
     * <0x01>ext1[<0x01>ext2[<0x01>...]]<0x01>
     ptr0 = buf;
     ptr1 = options->bad_file_types;
     *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
     for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++)
               default : /* copy after translating to lower case */
                    *ptr1++ = tolower(*ptr0++);
               case '.' : /* discard */
               case ',' : /* end current type */
                    *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
     *ptr1++ = (char)0x01;
     *ptr1 = '\0';
     options->bft_len = ptr1 - options->bad_file_types;
     * Dispose of the mta_opt_t context
     * See explanatory comment 17
     * And return a success
* error_report() &#12539;Report an error condition when debugging is
* enabled.
static void error_report(our_options_t *options, int ires,
const char *func)
     if (options->debug)
          mtaLog("%s() returned %d; %s",
               (func ? func : "?"), ires, mtaStrError(ires,0));
static void error_reports(our_options_t *options, const char* errStr,
const char *func)
     if (options->debug)
          mtaLog("%s() reported: %s",
               (func ? func : "?"), errStr);
* error_exit() -- Exit with an error status and error message.
static void error_exit(int ires, const char *msg)
     mtaLog("%s%s%s", (msg ? msg : ""), (msg ? "; " : ""),
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nal Message -----=3Cbr=3EFrom=3A chales=40california=2Ecom=3Cbr=3EDate=3A=
Thursday=2C April 20=2C 2006 11=3A19 pm=3Cbr=3ESubject=3A testing=3Cbr=3E=
To=3A chales=40california=2Ecom=3Cbr=3E=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 2=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B=
3=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 4=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 5=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 6=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B=
7=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 8=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 9=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 0=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B=
1=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 2=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 3=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 4=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B=
5=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 6=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 7=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 8=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B=
9=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 0=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 1=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 2=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B=
3=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 4=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 5=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 6=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B=
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1=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 2=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 3=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 4=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B=
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3=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 4=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 5=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 6=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B=
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9=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B 0=3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B =3Cbr=3E=26gt=3B
Content-type: text/x-vcard; name=chales.vcf; charset=us-ascii
Content-transfer-encoding: base64
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=chales.vcf
Content-description: Card for <[email protected]>

Ok, so it's not my code. Using the virus_scanner_simple.c example from SUN, if you change the decode_inspect routine to return MTA_OK for every call (which should technically just let the message pass) it has the same behavior as my program. (Not all that suprising since mine is a derivative of said program)
That said, this now looks like a library issue. I'm using Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.2-3.04 (built Jul 15 2005) according to the SMTP prompt, and was wondering if perhaps I should apply:
The issue seems to be in the mtaDecodeMessage function, and occurs when the decode_inspect function is allowed to parse the message body, not just the message headers.
The machine is a Sun Ultra 4500 running Solaris 10. Here's the banner:
SunOS cookie 5.10 Generic_118822-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise
Has anyone else had similar problems using the MTA SDK? Is there anything I'm missing here (besides the above mentioned patch) that might fix this?

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    Configuration issues with the anti-relay filter in Messaging Server 4.1x.
    The following information addresses common questions about configuration issues
    with the anti-relay filter in Messaging Server 4.1x:<BR>
    What is the difference between the delivery
    and submission
    The submission option
    allows specified users to send email to any email address in the world.
    These users are typically internal users.
    The delivery option
    allows specified users to receive email from anybody. These users
    are also typically internal users.
    A standard filter will appear something as follows:<BR>
    # This is the anti-relay config file written by Jay at iPlanet
    # The first section sets default conditions
    # This section sets domains to be delivered to by anybody
    # This section sets domains that can send any place
    The delivery
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    submission option
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    The problem with the submission behavior could be due to the setting of the
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    then <I>all</I> entries in this configuration file must be fully qualified
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    Yes. To allow outside users to connect to the server and send mail
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    useauthinfo option.
    Setting this parameter to "1" (i.e., useauthinfo:1
    ) will require a user who is not in a
    submission address and who is attempting to send email to an address not in
    the delivery range to authenticate with a user ID and password.
    For additional information on the anti-relay filter, please refer to the
    Messaging Server 4.1 Administrator's Guide at<BR>

    Are you using a UBE filter to configure domain-based anti-relayinging? We had better luck with the anti-relay plug-in. There is some info on this (for 4.15) at
    You have to enable the plug-in using configutil, per the above. The anti-relay plug-in is controlled by antirelay.conf. Be aware that the pattern matching rules are very limited, and not well documented. Fortunately, the source code to the plug-in is included, and you can see what it is doing. To pass the tests we had to add a hard-coded test for a "%" in the source and recompile:
    *** antirelay.c.orig Thu Oct 31 04:42:13 2002
    --- antirelay.c Thu Oct 31 04:22:07 2002
    *** 934,939 ****
    --- 934,940 ----
    * Weight must be non-zero to begin with so that matches on just "*"
    * will work.
    + if( strchr(text,'%') != NULL ) return ABORT;
    weight = TRUE;
    for ( ; *p; text++, p++) {
    if (*text == '\0' && p != '')
    Not a really elegant hack, but we didn't need a fully functional regex engine.

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    Test Case:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Objects & Query:
    CREATE TABLE expressions( white_list VARCHAR2(200));
         , OWNER
         , OBJECT_NAME
         , CREATED
         , LAST_DDL_TIME
      -- Create the empty Attribute Set --
      -- Define elementary attributes of EXF$TABLE_ALIAS type --
    INSERT INTO expressions(white_list) VALUES('data.owner=''TEST_USER'' AND data.created BETWEEN TO_DATE(''08/03/2010'',''MM/DD/YYYY'') AND TO_DATE(''08/05/2010'',''MM/DD/YYYY'')');
    exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(USER,'EXPRESSIONS');
    exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(USER,'DATA');
    CREATE INDEX expIndex ON Expressions (white_list) INDEXTYPE IS EXFSYS.EXPFILTER
      PARAMETERS ('STOREATTRS (data.owner,data.object_name,data.created)
                   INDEXATTRS (data.owner,data.object_name,data.created)');
    SELECT /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ data.* FROM data, expressions WHERE EVALUATE(white_list,exptype.getVarchar(data.rowid)) = 1;
    DROP TABLE expressions PURGE;
            DBMS_EXPFIL.DROP_ATTRIBUTE_SET(attr_set => 'exptype');

    If you are already using the queries and are stable enough then rather than modifying query you can try other options to improve the query performance like data compression of the cube, creation of aggregates, placing cube on BIA or creating cache for the query.
    Best Regards,
    Prashant Vankudre.

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    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    Thanks for the reply.
    I also found it difficult to believe that the filter was causing issues with the roll over/out events. I will expand on the example code you provided so you get an idea of what I am trying to accomplish and where my issues arise.
    EDIT: I should add that the issue is only present when I tween AND add a filter. If I only add a filter or if I only tween I have no issues but the combination or adding a filter and tweening causes the OVER/OUT events to fire rapidly.
    //This code does not result in a flashing animation
    myClip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overClip);
    myClip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outClip);
    function overClip(e:MouseEvent):void
       myTween =  new Tween(myClip, "scaleX", Regular.easeOut, myClip.scaleX, 1.5 , 3, true);
       myTween =  new Tween(myClip, "scaleY", Regular.easeOut, myClip.scaleY, 1.5 , 3, true);
    function outClip(e:MouseEvent):void
       myTween =  new Tween(myClip, "scaleX", Regular.easeOut, myClip.scaleX, 1 , 3, true);
       myTween =  new Tween(myClip, "scaleY", Regular.easeOut, myClip.scaleY, 1 , 3, true);
    //However if i add these lines of code to add and remove a filter I can observe the flashing effect when the mouse is near the edge of the moveclip
    myClip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overClip);
    myClip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outClip);
    function overClip(e:MouseEvent):void
       myClip.filters = [myDropShadowFilter];
       myTween =  new Tween(myClip, "scaleX", Regular.easeOut, myClip.scaleX, 1.5 , 3, true);
       myTween =  new Tween(myClip, "scaleY", Regular.easeOut, myClip.scaleY, 1.5 , 3, true);
    function outClip(e:MouseEvent):void
       myClip.filters = [];
       myTween =  new Tween(myClip, "scaleX", Regular.easeOut, myClip.scaleX, 1 , 3, true);
       myTween =  new Tween(myClip, "scaleY", Regular.easeOut, myClip.scaleY, 1 , 3, true);
    Is there something obviously wrong with this approach to adding a filter/tweening? I am fairly new to flash.
    Thanks again!
    Message was edited by: Dafunkz

  • Illustrator SVG Effects Coding Issues

    I am having some REAL big problems coding SVG XML and having it being reproduced in Illustrator as I am expecting. Major problem right now is the feColorMatrix effect. I understand the effect and how the matrix changes the pixels but problem I am having is that when I specify 0.5 as the final output result on any of the color channel rows, Illustrator is not interpreting 0.5 as RGB 127, in other words, 50% the color value. It is more like 0.215 equates to 127 RGB decimal. Here is some code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
        viewBox="0 0 576 432"
        <g id="Canvas">
                style="fill:#9d8654;fill-rule:evenodd;" />
            <filter id="ShadowFilter-Text1" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" primitiveUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="200%" height="200%" x="-50%" y="-50%">
                <feColorMatrix type="matrix"  in="SourceAlpha"
                    values="0 0 0 0 .5
                        0 0 0 0 0
                        0 0 0 0 0
                        0 0 0 1 0"/>
                <feOffset dx="24.395183950936" dy="24.395183950936" result="shadow"/>
                <feBlend in="SourceGraphic" in2="shadow" mode="normal"/>
            transform="translate(1.1272727272727,297.27272727273) rotate(0) scale(3.5238813920454546,2.642911044034091)"
                        d="M 0,0 M 46.4,-98.24 L 46.4,-15.68 C 46.4,-8.96 47.466666666667,-3.7333333333333 49.6,-0 L 30.4,-0 C 32.533333333333,-3.7333333333333 33.6,-8.96 33.6,-15.68 L 33.6,-98.24 L 31.36,-98.24 C 21.653333333333,-98.24 12.106666666667,-96.373333333333 2.72,-92.64 L 8.32,-106.72 L 79.68,-106.72 L 74.56,-92.64 C 68.693333333333,-96.48 59.306666666667,-98.346666666667 46.4,-98.24 z" />
    As you can see, the first filter retrieves the SourceAlpha which is all black. Then the color matrix takes that and does this on the first row of the matrix:
    (a x red) + (b x green) + (c x blue) + (d x alpha) + e = final red output
    plugging in the numbers:
    (0 x 0) + (0 x 0) + (0 x 0) + (0 x 0) + 0.5 = 0.5
    Should be 50% red! Or 127 RGB!!! I did the math and in Illy it is more like 0.215 = 127 = 50% ??????

    This has been answered:

  • ABAP coding issues after BW upgrade

    Hello Gurus,
    We recently did a BW upgrade from version 3.5 to 7.31 and even since have been encountering few strange issues with many of our ABAP coding.
    For example, there is an APPEND statement in one of our Update Rules as below:
    APPEND <lw_rtab_wa> TO <lt_rtab>.
    Before upgrade, this was working as expected and the contents of <lw_rtab_wa> was getting transferred to <lt_rtab> without any issues.
    Now after upgrade, we find that the contents of <lw_rtab_wa> is being clubbed together in the 1st few columns of <lt_rtab>.
    Both the <lw_rtab_wa> & <lt_rtab> have the same fields, but the length of few fields in <lt_rtab> is bigger than that in <lw_rtab_wa>. For example DOC_NUMBER in <lw_rtab_wa> is of type C(10) while in <lt_rtab> it is C(20). This difference is causing the data of the 2nd field also to be over-writen in the DOC_NUMBER field of <lt_rtab>.
    Please let us know if you have encountered similar situations after your BW upgrade. Any possible solutions to this would be very much appreciated as this is causing PROD issues at the moment!

    Hi Arvind,
    After Upgrade In BW 7.3 or higher versions All data elements that use the domain RSCHAVL are converted from CHAR60 to SSTRING. thats the reason you are getting that syntax error.
    Take help of some ABAP programmer and try to change the syntax as suggested from below link.
    Just scroll down and check the same. even though link shows for BW 7.4 issues, its applicable for 7.3 too. Please let me know

  • Filter function issue

    Hi ,
    I am trying to calculate the count by using filter function like this for two different condition
    FILTER(count(distinct "trade"."issue") USING ("block"."path_id" = 10))
    FILTER(count(distinct "trade"."issue") USING ("block"."path_id" = 20))
    but is giving the same result as count(distinct "trade"."issue") . So , the filter condition is not getting applied, while in database , i am getting the different result . Please suggest .

    Check if "trade" and "block" are joined and the content level settings are done appropriately. Verify by creating an analysis for "issue" and "path_id" and make sure that query picks up both tables. Resolve any issues that you see here.
    Rajesh Gurram

  • Filter Restricition issue

    I have a filter issue in my query analyzer. If I restrict  filter values above 20 entries - In the report I am getting filter infoobject displays complex .No filter values are displaying.If I restrict filter values is  20 or less than 20 values it displays properly  the filter values. We are in SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0 and Front end BW3.5 pack 11.
    Advance thanks for your help.

    Check if "trade" and "block" are joined and the content level settings are done appropriately. Verify by creating an analysis for "issue" and "path_id" and make sure that query picks up both tables. Resolve any issues that you see here.
    Rajesh Gurram

  • Command Navigation Item + Filter mapping issue

    I have 2 questions here
    1) How is navigation item different from commandLink ?
    2)I am having a navigation item in my Main Page. the code of which is
    <f:facet name="globalLinks">
                <af:group id="g1">
                  <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s1"/>
                  <af:navigationPane id="np1" hint="bar"
                    <af:commandNavigationItem text="Home" id="cni2"
                    <af:commandNavigationItem text="Logout" id="cni1"
              </f:facet>I have configured a filter to intercept all URL of type "/*" and redirect it tologin page if the session attribute is null
    the issue happening here is on click of the Home link, it takes me to the login page in spite of configuring the commandNavigationItem for home link (see the above code). When i click on logout though i am redirected to login page i get the NPE.
    Code for Filter is
                    if (session.getAttribute("userLoginId") != null) {
                        user = (String)session.getAttribute("userLoginId");
                    if ((user == null) || (user.equals(""))) {
                        String finalRedirectURL =  "/Portal/faces/LoginPage";
                        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                        context.responseComplete();  //*on logout i get NPE here*
                    }Please advice..

    Question one still unanswered also a bit of question 2.
    Now the issue is getting the following error on logout, clicking on home page now doesn't redirect me to login page.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward a response that is already committed
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(
         at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.dispatch(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ExternalContextDecorator.dispatch(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ExternalContextDecorator.dispatch(
    Any ideas ?
    Edited by: in the line of fire on Nov 1, 2011 1:18 PM

  • Album photo editor sharp filter preview issue

    when I try to edit a photo selected from album using the built-in photo editor, for the sharpness filter I have issues with effect preview. The photo gets distorted in a weird way.
    At the moment I can't upload a picture but the problem was described in another forum (so far without solution), please have a look:
    I was wondering if this is already being tackled or if anyone has experienced the same issue.

    I believe there was an update to the ALBUM app. Anyway for additional info my ALBUM app is version 6.4.A.0.16
    I thought it was important to highlight that the problem with sharp filter scrambling up pictures still exists.
    And by the way it sometimes does and sometimes does not occur regardless of whether pictures were taken with front/rear camera of my Z2 or imported from another camera (RX100 II). Therefore I can't really say what triggers this...
    Can someone please try to use the sharp filter on a few pictures and check if he or she has the same issue? Hard to believe I'm the only one.
    Btw. I'm guessing the bug is in the PHOTO EDITOR app which I think is only accessible via ALBUM and may not have been updated together with ALBUM

  • Sort,filter Apexir_rollover issue in IR report

    I am using apex latest version, My Interactive report has several columns, to help user I have set overflow:auto;Sort,filter Apexir_rollover is working fine only for first few columns, for rest of the columns it disappears, I did refer to the several posts related to the same issue, I could not get the solution, can any one help me on this.

    use this blog to
    Filter interactive report by clicking report cell

  • Filter / variable issue

    Hey guys,
    I'm setting up a report in which I'm using a filter on user role. Two roles are selected hard-coded.
    Besides this I'm using user name with a variable.
    Now I would like to see only those names linked to the two roles. Currently all names belonging to all roles are shown, since data is only filtered after selecting the names.
    Any ideas on how to set this up?!

    Hello Jost,
    I understand that you are trying to check result ( roles) assigned to variable (username). Kindly  check if you can achive it using authorizations for roles.
    Asit Ramteke

  • SWF Object - Redirect Coding Issue

    Our firm recently completed incorporation of flash video for
    client but having issues with detect/redirect javascript coding
    that we could use some help on. The html coding can be reviewed by
    going to:
    - Then click "View" "Source"
    The javascript coding for flash movie in body portion is:
    div id="flashcontent"
    var so = new
    SWFObject("video/biovideo2006autoplaylessbuffer.swf", "mymovie",
    "419", "280", "6", "#ffffff"); so.addParam("play", "true")
    so.addParam("loop", "false"); so.addParam("menu", "true");
    so.addParam("quality", "autohigh"); so.addParam("base", "video");
    so.setAttribute('RedirectUrl', '');
    The coding is taken directly from Macromedia Website but its
    not totally intuitive:
    Redirect coding is issue. If person doesn't have flash plugin
    its suppossed to redirect to non-flash page. In this case its
    index-noflash.php .

    Our firm recently completed incorporation of flash video for
    client but having issues with detect/redirect javascript coding
    that we could use some help on. The html coding can be reviewed by
    going to:
    - Then click "View" "Source"
    The javascript coding for flash movie in body portion is:
    div id="flashcontent"
    var so = new
    SWFObject("video/biovideo2006autoplaylessbuffer.swf", "mymovie",
    "419", "280", "6", "#ffffff"); so.addParam("play", "true")
    so.addParam("loop", "false"); so.addParam("menu", "true");
    so.addParam("quality", "autohigh"); so.addParam("base", "video");
    so.setAttribute('RedirectUrl', '');
    The coding is taken directly from Macromedia Website but its
    not totally intuitive:
    Redirect coding is issue. If person doesn't have flash plugin
    its suppossed to redirect to non-flash page. In this case its
    index-noflash.php .

Maybe you are looking for

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  • MP3 files do not appear in Library

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