A Beginner with JAVA.

Hi all you pros out there,
I am a total beginner at this so please bare with me. I looked at Sun Java Studio Creator and was very impressed. I liked the layout and the intro or demo played the right sort of music etc. Everything about the demo just got to me.
I am in the process of laying out a lot of money to test a product for a while but I have been hesitant and I thought that if I found the right software to build my own webpage or site I could save a few bucks for an initial trial. I found you guys.
I learnt how to program in Basic when the TRS80 by AppleShack started invading the homes in the 80's. I know this has been a long time but I need some advise. This explains my presence here on this forum. I am very excited - a new community.
I tried downloading the program but because I ran out of my Broadband requirements here in New Zealand - trying to download 245 MB was going to take 8 - 9 hours - and it gave up after a while. I will download the program after the 23rd of May when my 1 Gb allowance kicks in.
Until then - can someone please tell me whether this is a task too daunting for a beginner like me or should I start with something else? I want to build my own website and have the processes in place and information and I have a flowchart of the whole project in object oriented form. I hope I make sense here. I am an accountant by trade but I have been wanting to start this personal project of mine for a long time - so this is it - no turning back.
Please, I will be most happy with any advise and I thank you all for any input whatsoever - I am very grateful.

I've been using JSC for a few months now, and while it does have its (very) annoying quirks, I think that it's pretty easy to use and works well. What sort of website are you looking at building? More importantly, what data will be in it? If you have a database backend to your site, that will increase the complexity of the development somewhat, though it's still a lot simpler than working from scratch without JSC or similar tools. If you're looking to build a relatively simple site (<100 pages, limited or no DB, no login required, etc.), I would say that you will have no problem. If it's to be more complicated, I would encourage you to go for it anyway, and make liberal use of the forums and tutorials provided by Sun.
Good luck, and let us know how things are going!

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    notwist wrote:
    I downloaded a zip file Is it a .zip file or a .jar file. If it is a .jar then you can place it anywhere you like. Add a shortcut on your desktop and double click. If it is a .zip then what type of files does it contain, .java or .class? If they are .java files then you will need to compile them before you can run the program.

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    Griffiths says that it is bad to have both the IDE and the command line version on the same PC.It is not really that bad. It is bad if you have your IDE but use command line to compile and run your programs. I almost never use command line except maybe for JAR signing.
    What you call command line version is probably the JDK executables themselves, like java.exe, javac.exe, etc. You dont wanna delete those. If you want to use "command line version" you just need to copy the "cmd.exe" (its in C:\Windows\system32) to your JDK bin directory and deploy it.

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    The test file should be in d:\nopol, if it's not a part of your package utilities.myapp. Everything should be compiled from d:\nopol, the test class with "javac ClassName.java" and the class in the package with "javac utilities/myapp/ClassName.java".
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    I think I should learn JSP afterwards, what is your opinion?

    Thanks guys for th replies.
    Now I have the simple program working, so let's move on.
    import java.awt.Button;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.TextField;
    import java.awt.Frame;
    import java.awt.Font;
    import java.awt.Label;
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    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
    import java.awt.event.FocusAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    class Quotation
    String QuotationID;
    String QuotationType;
    String FindByQuotationNo(String Type)
    if (Type == "Test") {
    return "Q08011132";
    return "Error";
    public class TestSwing extends Frame
    Button post = new Button("Find");
    Label mouseLabel = new Label("");
    Quotation quo = new Quotation();
    TestSwing(String title)
    mouseLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 20));
    super.add(post, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    super.addWindowListener(new MyWindowListener());
    super.add(mouseLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    mouseLabel.addMouseListener(new MyMouseAdapter(mouseLabel));
    public static void main(String[] args)
    TestSwing demo = new TestSwing("Hello World");
    String QuoType = quo.FindByQuotationNo ("Test");
    class MyAction implements ActionListener
    private String name = null;
    MyAction(String name)
    this.name = name;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    class MyWindowListener extends WindowAdapter
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    class MyMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter
    private Label label = null;
    MyMouseAdapter(Label label)
    this.label = label;
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
    int x = e.getX();
    int y = e.getY();
    String key = null;
    if (e.getButton() == e.BUTTON1)
    key = "left key";
    else if (e.getButton() == e.BUTTON3)
    key = "right key";
    label.setText ("X-" + x + "Y-" + y + "," +key);
    With the above snippet, I wonder how can you connect "FindByQuotationType" to the main class
    ///// Error
    C:\JavaTest>javac TestSwing.java
    TestSwing.java:72: non-static variable quo cannot be referenced from a static co
    String QuoType = quo.FindByQuotationNo ("Test");
    1 error

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    Question moved from
    Someone please help a complete beginner with Enterprise Manager!
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    emctl stop dbconsole
    emca -deconfig dbcontrol db
    emca -repos recreate
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    Thanks in advance

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  • Help needed with java

    Hello everyone
    I'm a Student and new to java and I have been given a question which I have to go through. I have come across a problem with one of the questions and am stuck, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out.
    here is my code so far:
    A Class that maintains Information about a book
    This might form part of a larger application such
    as a library system, for example.
    @author (your name)
    *@version (a version number or a date)*
    public class Book
    // instance variables or fields
    private String author;
    private String title;
    Set the author and title when the book object is constructed
    public Book(String bookAuthor, String bookTitle)
    author = bookAuthor;
    title = bookTitle;
    Return The name of the author.
    public String getAuthor()
    return author;
    Return The name of the title.
    public String getTitle()
    return title;
    and below are the questions that I need to complete. they just want me to add codes to my current one, but the problem is I don't know where to put them and how I should word them, if that makes sense.
    Add a further instance variable/field pages to the Book class to store the number of pages in the book.
    This should be of type int and should be set to 0 in the Constructor.
    Add a second Constructor with signature
    public Book(String bookAuthor, String bookTitle, int noPages) so it has a third parameter passed to it as well as the author and title;
    this parameter is used - obviously?? - to initialise the number of pages.
    Note: This is easiest done by making a copy of the existing Constructor and adding the parameter.
    Add a getPages() accessor method that returns the number of pages in the book.
    Add a method printDetails() to your Book class. This should print out the Author title and number of pages to the Terminal Window. It is your choice as to how the data is formatted, perhaps all on one line, perhaps on three, and with or without explanatory text. For instance you could print out in the format:
    Title: Robinson Crusoe, Author: Daniel Defoe, Pages:226
    Add a further instance variable/field refNumber() to your Book class. This stores the Library's reference number. It should be of type String and be initialised to the empty String "" in the constructor, as its initial value is not passed in as a parameter. Instead a public mutator method with the signature:
    public void setRefNumber(String ref) should be created. The body of this method should assign the value of the method parameter ref to the refNumber.
    Add a corresponding getRefNumber() accessor method to your class so you can check that the mutator works correctly
    Modify your printDetails() method to include printing the reference number of the book.
    However the method should print the reference number only if it has been set - that is the refNumber has a non-zero length.
    If it has not been set, print "ZZZ" instead.
    Hint Use a conditional statement whose test calls the length() method of the refNumber String and gives a result like:
    Title: Jane Eyre, Author: Charlotte Bronte, Pages:226, RefNo: CB479 or, if the reference number is not set:
    Title: Robinson Crusoe, Author: Daniel Defoe, Pages:347, RefNo: ZZZ
    Modify your setRefNumber() method so that it sets the refNumber field only if the parameter is a string of at least three characters. If it is less than three, then print an error message (which must contain the word error) and leave the field unchanged
    Add a further integer variable/field borrowed to the Book class, to keep a count of the number of times a book has been borrowed. It should (obviously??) be set to 0 in the constructor.
    Add a mutator method borrow() to the class. This should increment (add 1 to) the value of borrowed each time it is called.
    Include an accessor method getBorrowed() that returns the value of borrowed
    Modify Print Details so that it includes the value of the borrowed field along with some explanatory text
    PS. sorry it looks so messey

    1. In the future, please use a more meaningful subject. "Help needed with java" contains no information. The very fact that you're posting here tells us you need help with Java. The point of the subject is to give the forum an idea of what kind of problem you're having, so that individuals can decide if they're interested and qualified to help.
    2. You need to ask a specific question. If you have no idea where to start, then start here: [http://home.earthlink.net/~patricia_shanahan/beginner.html]
    3. When you post code, use code tags. Copy the code from the original source in your editor (NOT from an earlier post here, where it will already have lost all formatting), paste it in here, highlight it, and click the CODE button.

  • Need Help with Java Homework

    This is my first post here, seeking some help with my java homework. I am required to create a program to write out a receipt for a pizza company: name of company, total number of pizzas, costs (including tax etc), and print out the receipt after taking an order from the customer.
    This is a beginner's java class and my book isn't very good at explaining (mainly because it says "will be discussed in ch 14" when we're in ch 1-3 and it's an essential part of the program).
    But anyways, if anyone is up right now, would be helpful for some help. I have a general idea of what I wanna do, but the program so far is very messy and incomplete and having trouble getting it to look nice and proper.

    well there were two ways of doing this, im only 2 weeks new in java so bear with me.....I was gonna set 3 classes, one appclass, one order form, and one receipt. I was told you can combine the order and receipt in 1 class, but I thought doing 3 woudl be better to help me learn more...anyways, I haven't worked on the appclass yet, but for the order I have a very messy set of codes. I know that it's wrong but it's a start, im looking for any input cause the book does not explain very much.
    For the order class, I will be doing showinputdialog boxes for how many pizzas, the sizes, and the toppings. Here is what I have so far ( i know it is VERY messy and disorganized but I am a bit lost in where I should go next):
    * @author AlexNguyen
    * To take the order with number of pizzas and toppings
    package project2;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Order {
         public int NumberOfPizzas;
         public char Pepperoni;
         public char Sausage;
         public char Cheese;
         public Order(int n) {
         NumberOfPizzas = n;
         JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Number of Pizzas"));
    String ptype; {
         public void start();
         public void takeOrder();
         public void writeReceipt();
              public void takeOrder();
              ptype = Topping
    public String selectPizza(char P, char S, char C) {
         Pepperoni = P;
         Sausage = S;
         Cheese = C;
    public void numPizza(int numberOfPizzas) {
         num = numberOfPizzas;
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Topping for Pizza?");
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Pizza Size?");
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Number of Pizzas?");

  • What is up with JAVA

    Dear Experts,
    I am new to the Java programming language, and I just purchased the Jbuilder 4 development kit. Everything is going okay; however, I would like to know the advantages of writing in JAVA as opposed to writing in other languages. I pretty much need the complete spiel on the power of the this new language and how it will help me in future, as far as jobs are concerned.
    Also, I need a couple of things defined:
    Finally, is J Builder a good tool?
    Thank you group,
    Robert Lawrence Perkins
    P.S. I need a mentor, please help.

    Java is by far the best programming language that I've worked with so far. Here're a few of the advantages it has:
    1] Portable - Java is portable. That means a program developed under one Operating System will work just fine on a different Operating System. So far only some of the more popular OS's are supported i.e. UNIX, Windows etc. The cliche "write once, run anywhere" is more true for Java than for any other language nad this is a really big plus
    2] Object-Oriented - Java is a purely object oriented language. You can find various comparisions between Java and C++. I'll like to point out that for it's time C++ was not bad, but now Java is definitely a better choice
    3] Robust - Java is a fairly robust language and has a very rich set of tools for developers. Newer additions are being made to the language at a rapid pace and there's practically nothing that one can't get done with Java
    4] Security - Java places a lot of emphasis on security. With the advent of the Internet this is a very big plus again
    JDK - Is the acronym for Java Developer's Kit. The JDK consists of the various Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These APIs enable developers to develop applications rapidly since most of the functionality needed is already provided by the APIs rapidly and "one does not need to reinvent the wheel"
    JDBC - Java Database Connectivity is a again an API designed for fast and efficient extraction of data from a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) using SQL queries
    There are several ways Java is deployed in conjunction with Web pages. Depending upon the application's requirements you might make use of 'Applets'. You can find more information on applets at
    Amongst the other technologies servlets are pretty commonly used. See
    HREF http://java.sun.com/products/servlets
    for more information. A good reference book would be "Core Servlets and Java Server Pages" by Marty Hall.
    Finally, is J Builder a good tool?
    It is a good tool but I think it's utility to a beginner is limited. If you're just starting developing in Java you'll probably be better of starting at scratch. That way, you'll be able to know the language better. Once you acquire enough familiarity with the language then you might want to move to an IDE. This is just my personal opinion. I personally prefer using JEXT for editing most of my stuff and the ubiquituos command-line for compiling and building. You should know what suits you best once you start developing yourself
    Future Prospects: This is what lot of people are betting on. With the rapid endorsement of the Java platform definitely there's going to be a lot of progress

  • XSLT Mapping with Java class not working in Integration Repository

    I have an XSLT mapping program with Java enhancement and I was able to successfully tested it in Stylus Studio. However, when I imported the Java class and the xslt program in Enterprise Service Builder and tested it, my program does not compile.
    Here is the error message: "Transformer Configuration Exception occurred when loading XSLT mapping_temp.xsl; details: Could not compile stylesheet".
    My java program is in a zip file containing SOAPHeaderHandler.java and SOAPHeaderhandler.class. My Java has a package com.nga.xslt.
    Here is the declaration of my Java class in the XSLT: xmlns:javamap="java:com.nga.xslt.SOAPHeaderHandler"
    It seems that it could not read the java class. Can you please advice what is wrong?

    Hi ,
    select XMLTOOLKIT option in Operation mapping and execute it.
    I am not sure we can call java program in XSLT Program,but alternative is copy the code and use it in XSLT mapping it self,that means your XSLT program will become with JAVA extensions.
    then in Operation mapping level select SAPXMLTOOL kit option and execute it. i hope it will work. if it is not working then you have deploy some JAXP files on server,because the way execution of XSLT Mpaping program got changed,like when eve you executing XSLT with extnasions( if you are not using XMLTOOL kit option) then you have to use latest version of JAXP.JDK files.

  • Sir i am using datasocket read ,i am communicating with java but my problem is that bcz im using while loop to see if value has changed my labview consumes all the processors time ,sir i want a event like thing so that while loop is not in continuous loop

    sir i have given lot of effort but i am not able to solve my problem either with notifiers or with occurence fn,probably i do not know how to use these synchronisation tools.

    sir i am using datasocket read ,i am communicating with java but my problem is that bcz im using while loop to see if value has changed my labview consumes all the processors time ,sir i want a event like thing so that while loop is not in continuous loopHi Sam,
    I want to pass along a couple of tips that will get you more and better response on this list.
    1) There is an un-written rule that says more "stars" is better than just one star. Giving a one star rating will probably eliminate that responder from individuals that are willing to anser your question.
    2) If someone gives you an answer that meets your needs, reply to that answer and say that it worked.
    3) If someone suggests that you look at an example, DO IT! LV comes with a wonderful set of examples that demonstate almost all of the core functionality of LV. Familiarity with all of the LV examples will get you through about 80% of the Certified LabVIEW Developer exam.
    4) If you have a question first search the examples for something tha
    t may help you. If you can not find an example that is exactly what you want, find one that is close and post a question along the lines of "I want to do something similar to example X, how can I modify it to do Y".
    5) Some of the greatest LabVIEW minds offer there services and advice for free on this exchange. If you treat them good, they can get you through almost every challenge that can be encountered in LV.
    6) If English is not your native language, post your question in the language you favor. There is probably someone around that can help. "We're big, we're bad, we're international!"
    Trying to help,
    Welcome to the forum!
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Problem with java installation on Linux

    HI ,
    I am trying to install jdk on Linux..I am new to java and Linux both. I am trying to download the file for the linux installation onto my home PC(windows XP) and then ftp it to my Linux machine. I need to do this because I have a remote login to my Linux machine( a server at school). However when I try to download file my IE jsut crashes. I can see the page for accepting the Agreement but when I click on Accept the next page just stops responding.
    Could someone explain why this is happening.

    The problem doesn't have to do anything with Java or Linux as far as i can see. It's more likely a problem with Windows XP and IE. Be assured that normally downloading the Linux JDK in windows is not a problem.

  • Problem with Java and Windows (Mainly Vista and UAC)

    Hi all,
    I am having a problem with a program that I've devoloped. The program itself is packaged as a jar and I plan to deploy it across multiple platforms eventually however right now i am only concerned about windows based systems. I have made an installer for a windows baised systems using NSIS to install the software files. I made the installer as I need several java packages to be installed so the program would work (JAI, J3D, JAI ImageIO) and I also require the program to have fileassociations on windows.
    I know that this is not what java is about, however the majority of the users will be on windows baised systems so I've decided that OS specific installers is the best option.
    During the process I have noticed that there are several key problem with java for this type of application!
    The first issue that I have come across is getting file associations to work on java. As a .jar is not an excutable it is not possible to directly associate a filetype with it in java so to overcome this I currently run the program from a .bat files and also the program requires large memory so this also allows me to run the program with -xmx. The batch file that I use is :
    start javaw -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xmn100M -Xms500M -Xmx1000M -jar "PATH TO PROGRAM\program.jar" %1 -vram 134217728
    Ok so all this appears to work fine and allows windows to have file associations and start the program and thats all works perfectly but this is a non-ideal solution. Has anyone got any advice on improving this?
    The next problem that I have appears to be a problem with Vista and UAC (user access control). When a user installs the program and installs the program into the program files directory I found that the program did not work and kept saying that I did not have access to the files in the current directory. This is a problem as I read and write settings files during program execution.
    On a Vista system UAC prevents file write operations into the Program Files directory unless the program has requested elevated status even if the user is a full administrator. The probem is that there appears to be no real way to achieve this under java that I'm aware of...
    Has anyone else had this probem and has a suitable solution?
    Any advice on these issues would realy be appricated.

    Ok so i've kinda found a solution, its not ideal but its very good. I found this program called Elevate
    A link to the site I got it was
    This program allows you start java with a UAC dialog for high access using
    Elevate java -jar myjar.jar
    This then allows you to have full access using java... I guess it could be dangerous but it does the job.

  • Problem with java and flex web service

    I have a basic web service written in java using jax ws 2.1
    ri. I need to call it from Flex using the WebService class
    Annotations for the java web method :
    public void Login(
    @WebParam(name="server") String serverURL,
    @WebParam(name=AUTHENTICATE_HEADER,header=true,mode=WebParam.Mode.INOUTHolder<Authenticate Header>
    When I try and call the service from Flex , it can't find the
    login method and attempts to call it fail. If I set the web service
    to RPC based using @SOAPBinding , the method is found but then
    there are issues with the authentication header.
    What do I need to do to get flex web services communicating
    succesfully with java ?
    Are there are any known compatibility issues ? Or guidelines
    for going about this ?
    Any help would be appreciated

    well Shay,
    i've used JDev's tools to developer and to deploy the web service: the war and ear files are automatically generates you to the end of the process.
    I have included all the files java and the compiled classes, but I do not have files jar.
    But don't works: if i create only one java class with all code inside then it works fine!!

  • Problem with java and yahoo games

    hello everyone,
    i have a mac 10.6.8 with java SE 6 1.6.0_33-603-424 and i have problems with yahoo games.... anyone can help me please, i have a mac 10.6.8 with java SE 6 1.6.0_33-603-424 and i have problems with yahoo games.... anyone can help me please

    So here is what comes to pass.
    Recall this started as a Lion Safari/5+ environment that SU took to version 6.
    Two weeks ago I just updated Flash Player. Today I fire up Java Preferences and I am told that I need to download Java. Did so, intentionally hit the "factory reset" button and then installed the Flash Player from teh Adobe site. The most recent install suggests automatic update but I choose "ask first."
    Restart Safari and we seem to be in order

Maybe you are looking for