A big present to the man who solve my littel problem

Hello !
My name is Eli and i want to ask you somthing about Applet.
I creat an Applet that connect to server .when i try to connect with the applet viewer is ok but when itry to connct with the Explorer it`s not work out ,there is a security problem . why ? how can i make it possible ???
Thak You Anyway

u need to import a CA or verified certificate in order to run in browser, import yr cert
try this command in a bat file and run it
keytool.exe -import -alias a -file DeploymentBrowser.cer -keystore "E:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit -storetype jks
remember to change the path and yr alias

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    I purchased The Man who Built America in HD and would like to view it with a Smartboard. How could I project The Man who Built America in HD to a SmartBoard?

    Your smartboard would need to include a data projector function of such sort, and then you would connect your device to that projector as you would any other data projector. We cannot be more specific without more details as to what device you are using and what brand and model of "smartboard" you're referring to.


    I'm serious. I am so fed up I am with this problem. Ground rules: you must NOT just give me code. I need to be able to know why my problem is happening, and how to fix it myself. I'm a grad student and am bound by a code of conduct. I don't have any more time to spend investigating this. It could be something simple or complex...I am at a loss.
    Here is the situation: I'm developing this console java application on my Windows PC. When I run it on my pc, it runs in under a minute. However, when I transfer my program to the servers at my school (sun unix workstations) it takes a ridiculous amount of time to run the same program. I am told that 80% of the students in my class have their programs running in less than 5 minutes. Almost all of them didn't have to do any kind of optimizations. They just wrote it, and it worked. My program is averaging 10-15 min, but my prof runs it locally at school, and says it takes 40 min!
    The entire program is posted below. Please forgive me for not commenting so great. They were better at first, but when I started moving things around and changing everything, I threw comments out the window. Still, the existing comments should be helpful in understanding what I'm doing. NOTE: Below the code is the DTD that all the .xml files I'm parsing conforms to. Here are a few links to .xml files that represent part of the dataset. The actual dataset consists of 40 files totaling 30MB.
    the dtd is at:
    And here is the code:
    /* Instructions:
    This program processes all files passed on the command line (to parse
    an entire diectory, type "java MyParser myFiles/*.xml" at the shell).
    At the point noted below, an individual XML file has been parsed into a
    DOM Document node. You should fill in code to process the node. Java's
    interface for the Document Object Model (DOM) is in package
    org.w3c.dom. The documentation is available online at
    A tutorial of DOM can be found at:
    Some auxiliary methods have been written for you. You may find them
    Modified by:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
    import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
    class MyParser{
        static DocumentBuilder builder;
        static final String[] typeName = {
        static final String[] itemTags = {
        static class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
            public void warning(SAXParseException exception)
                    throws SAXException {
            public void error(SAXParseException exception)
                    throws SAXException {
            public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
                    throws SAXException {
                System.out.println("There should be no errors " +
                        "in the supplied XML files.");
        /* Non-recursive (NR) version of Node.getElementsByTagName(...) */
        static Element[] getElementsByTagNameNR(Element e, String tagName) {
            Vector elements = new Vector();
            Node child = e.getFirstChild();
            while (child != null) {
                if (child instanceof Element && child.getNodeName().equals(tagName))
                child = child.getNextSibling();
            Element[] result = new Element[elements.size()];
            return result;
        /* Returns the first subelement of e matching the given tagName, or
        * null if one does not exist. */
        static Element getElementByTagNameNR(Element e, String tagName) {
            Node child = e.getFirstChild();
            while (child != null) {
                if (child instanceof Element && child.getNodeName().equals(tagName))
                    return (Element) child;
                child = child.getNextSibling();
            return null;
        /* Returns the text associated with the given element (which must have
        * type #PCDATA) as child, or "" if it contains no text. */
        static String getElementText(Element e) {
            if (e.getChildNodes().getLength() == 1) {
                Text elementText = (Text) e.getFirstChild();
                return elementText.getNodeValue();
                return "";
        /* Returns the text (#PCDATA) associated with the first subelement X
        * of e with the given tagName. If no such X exists or X contains no
        * text, "" is returned. */
        static String getElementTextByTagNameNR(Element e, String tagName) {
            Element elem = getElementByTagNameNR(e, tagName);
            if (elem != null)
                return getElementText(elem);
                return "";
        /* Returns the amount (in XXXXX.xx format) denoted by a money-string
        * like $3,453.23. Returns the input if the input is an empty string. */
        static String strip(String money) {
            if (money.equals(""))
                return money;
            else {
                double am = 0.0;
                NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);
                try { am = nf.parse(money).doubleValue(); }
                catch (ParseException e) {
                    System.out.println("This method should work for all " +
                            "money values you find in our data.");
                return nf.format(am).substring(1);
        /* Process one items-???.xml file. */
        static void processFile(File xmlFile) {
            Document doc = null;
            try {
                doc = builder.parse(xmlFile);
            catch (IOException e) {
            catch (SAXException e) {
                System.out.println("Parsing error on file " + xmlFile);
                System.out.println("  (not supposed to happen with supplied XML files)");
            /* At this point 'doc' contains a DOM representation of an 'Items' XML
            * file. Use doc.getDocumentElement() to get the root Element. */
            System.out.println("Successfully parsed - " + xmlFile);
            /*Open the output files for each relation****************************/
            PrintWriter itemsFile = null, usersFile = null,
                    bidsFile = null, categoriesFile = null;
            /*Open files for writing each of the txt files******************/
                itemsFile = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("Items.dat", true)), true);
                usersFile = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("Users.dat", true)), true);
                bidsFile = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("Bids.dat", true)), true);
                categoriesFile = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("Categories.dat", true)), true);
            }catch(FileNotFoundException e){
                System.out.println("Error trying to open an output file: " + e.getMessage());
            /*Parse content for each relation in turn********************/
            //Write to the Items.txt file
            NodeList itemNodes = doc.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("Item");
            final String colSep = "|#|";
            String itemID = null;
            Element[] categories = null;
            NodeList bids = null;
            NodeList eBid = null;
            NodeList bidders = null;
            Element tempElement = null;
            Element itemElement = null;
            Element thisBid = null;
            String description = new String();
            for(int i=0; i<itemNodes.getLength(); i++){
                //Get the item Element for this iteration
                itemElement = (Element)itemNodes.item(i);
                /*Write out ItemID**************************************/
                itemID = itemElement.getAttribute("ItemID");
                /*Write out Name****************************************/
                itemsFile.print(getElementTextByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Name"));
                /*Write out the Currently element***********************/
                itemsFile.print(strip(getElementTextByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Currently")));
                /*Write out the Buy_Price element, if it exists*********/
                Element checkNode = null;
                if( (checkNode = getElementByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Buy_Price")) != null){
                /*Add the First_Bid element*****************************/
                itemsFile.print(strip(getElementTextByTagNameNR(itemElement, "First_Bid")));
                /*Now iterate over the next three elements, adding them in turn*/
                for(int j=0; j<itemTags.length;j++){
                    itemsFile.print(getElementTextByTagNameNR(itemElement, itemTags[j]));
                /*Add the SellerID**************************************/
                itemsFile.print(getElementByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Seller").getAttribute("UserID")
                        + colSep);
                /*Finally, add the description.  Truncate, if necessary*/
                description = getElementTextByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Description");
                itemsFile.print(description.substring(0, Math.min(4000, description.length())));
                /*Locate all of the Categories******************************/
                categories = getElementsByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Category");
                /*For every category in this item, write a ItemID-Category pair*/
                for(int j=0; j<categories.length; j++){
                    categoriesFile.print(itemID + colSep);
                if( (bids = itemElement.getElementsByTagName("Bid")) != null){
                    /*Go through the bids, writing the info***********/
                    for(int j=0; j<bids.getLength(); j++){
                        thisBid = (Element)bids.item(j);
                        bidsFile.print(getElementByTagNameNR(thisBid, "Bidder").getAttribute("UserID"));
                        bidsFile.print(getElementTextByTagNameNR(thisBid, "Time"));
                        bidsFile.print(strip(getElementTextByTagNameNR(thisBid, "Amount")));
                /*write out userid and rating from any and all bidder nodes*/
                if( (bidders = itemElement.getElementsByTagName("Bidder")) != null){
                    for(int j=0; j<bidders.getLength(); j++){
                        //If there's a location node, write it
                        if( getElementByTagNameNR((Element)bidders.item(j), "Location") != null){
                            usersFile.print(getElementTextByTagNameNR((Element)bidders.item(j), "Location"));
                        //If there's a country node, write it
                        if( getElementByTagNameNR((Element)bidders.item(j), "Country") != null){
                            usersFile.print(getElementTextByTagNameNR((Element)bidders.item(j), "Country"));
                /*Now write out the Seller information*******************/
                usersFile.print(getElementByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Seller").getAttribute("UserID"));
                usersFile.print(getElementByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Seller").getAttribute("Rating"));
                usersFile.print(getElementTextByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Location"));
                usersFile.print(getElementTextByTagNameNR(itemElement, "Country"));
        public static void main (String[] args) {
            if (args.length == 0) {
                System.out.println("Usage: java MyParser [file] [file] ...");
    /* Initialize parser. */
            try {
                DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                builder.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler());
            catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) {
                System.out.println("unable to get a document builder factory");
            catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
                System.out.println("parser was unable to be configured");
    /* Process all files listed on command line. */
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                File currentFile = new File(args);
    REMEMBER: Please do not just post the correct code. This will violate my code of conduct. I need tutoring--consultation.

    If I was trying to get someone else to do my work,
    I wouldn't be posting this saying what I have said
    would I? I'm not unwilling to do the work myself.From what was stated in your OP, it seemed that you
    were.I'm sorry if it seemed that way. I don't want something for nothing. I've spent MANY hours, which I don't have, trying to work this out. I have hit a point where I don't think my expertise is going to solve the problem. That's why I've turned to some experts who might say something along the lines of, "Hey, I know what that is...you're compiling against... and on the Unix box, it's compiling against..." I was NOT looking for something like, "See the code below that fixes your problem."
    The only problem is that I don't have direct access
    to the sun unix machines I'm running the app on,
    so I can't run a profiler on it. Ah, okay. So the only knowledge you have of how it
    performs on those machines is from your instructor
    running it and then telling you how long it took?No. I can SSH into the servers and run the program from a command line. But I wouldn't be able to install any profiler programs.
    You could ask your prof to run it with -Xprof or
    -Xhprof or whatever. Or you could put in a bunch of
    timing statements to get a rough idea of which parts
    are making it take that extra 39 minute or whatever.is -Xprof a java command line option? If so, I will look into doing that. Maybe it's available on the machines at school. Thanks for that input.


    For an app I am writing I need to get the name of the titles of the current programs running .
    I know that it can't be done in java, but if you do it in C++ or any other language you can do it and the use it in java with Native methods. Can someone please write a full working class that has a method that easily can be called by another java class and that returns an array with the names of the titlebars of the current running programs. They should be ordered to when they was opened so I don't want it in alphabetic order please.
    I give 60 duke dollars to the one who give me the full working code of such class.
    Please help me, I will be very happy to get this working!
    Best Regards

    > I give 60 duke dollars to the one who give me the
    full working code of such class.
    Take a look at this: http://www.rentacoder.com/RentACoder/default.asp
    I don't know if they accept Duke Dollars, for they are worth nothing.

  • For the man who knows everything

    Just tell what information you have received. Customers need useful informations, not just apologize and hide things we dont or wont know. Please kindly tell the truth why sony deleted the part of video and the update info you get before.Also what sony gonna do to us. A big Thanks to you.
    Go to Solution.

    Are you referring to the Jelly Bean Update for the tablet?
    Go through the information available here regarding the Jelly Bean Update: http://community.sony.com/t5/Sony-Tablet-Announcements/Jelly-Bean-Release-Schedule/m-p/102681#U10268...
    You can get back with the detailed information regarding your concern, if you've other than the Jelly Bean Update.
    Note: If my post answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution."

  • So i accidently dropped my ipod on the sement. i went to go get my screen replaced and the man said the ipod was already broken but he was the one who broke it. so what can apple do to help me?

    So i accidently dropped my ipod on the sement. I went to get it fixed. The man who was "fixing it" completely messed up my ipod. So now my ipod screen does not work at all. What can you guys do to help me? Is there any chance I can replace it for a much cheaper price?

    Is there a much cheaper price? What if i bring a 3rd generation ipod that doesn't really work and the 4th generation ipod that kinda works?

  • A big thank you to the person who said to go to edit/preferences/advance tab.  I did that but I could not find my external hard drive which is a passport.  I could not find it on my pc or control panel.  I know it it there.  Help!!!

    A big thank you to the person who said to go to edit/preferences/advanced tab.  That helped.  My external hard drive is a passport.  I know I have it ,  I just can't findit.  Not in control panel or desk top.  I don't know how they named it.  Please help!!!

    What Mac OSX version are your running ("iOS" as shown in your profile cannot run on a Mac computer)?

  • How to solve the error (Device is no longer present in the system). ?

    I have error say (Device is no longer present in the system). What should I do to solve this problem and reconnect the hardware with software again?

    you said its visible under "Sites and work-spaces" so what happens when you click on subsite, any error?
    you can use the remove-spweb
    Remove-SPWeb http://sitename/subsite
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

  • HT3529 I'm having trouble with my iPhone 5 iMessage service. The device does not recognize the users who have iMessage when I try to contact them using this feature. Who have the same issue and what did you do in order to solve it?

    I'm having trouble with my iPhone 5 iMessage service. The device does not recognize the users who have iMessage when I try to contact them using this feature. Who have the same issue and what did you do in order to solve it?

    Read here:

  • [SOLVED] Where are all of the Man pages?

    On my system, man-pages do not exist for many things e.g.  bash commands like ls, rm, cp & cd are missing?
    The directory /usr/man/ has the following folders: man1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
    It would seem that at least numbers 2 & 6 are missing.
    I have reinstalled the man utility (though it already worked) & man-pages, though it doesn't give me access to the bash commands that I know man pages exist for.
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by handy (2008-10-19 03:49:01)

    Onwards wrote:
    handy wrote:Which is now entered in my /etc/profile/ but it has no noticeable effect.
    /etc/profile is read by the login shells only. So you could have got the desired effect w/o a reboot by doing either:
    su -
    konsole --ls #starting it as a login shell
    What I needed to know was not just the line to add & where, which first answer told me, but also the line to delete, which second useful answer told me. I had logged out after adding the line, & decided after the removing the offending line that I will reboot for good measure!
    Thanks for your confirmation that a logout would have done the job.

  • Thr_create() returns -1 which isn't specified in the man page. What is -1?

    I'm for the first time experimenting with Solaris threads as I'm porting an AIX app. over to Solaris.
    Anyhow, I have a sample program that creates a simple thread. For some reason, the return value of of the initial thr_create is -1, which isn't specified in the man page for thr_create. The man page lists the following return values, non of which are -1:
    Zero indicates a successful return and a non-zero value
    indicates an error.
    If any of the following conditions occur, these functions
    fail and return the corresponding value:
    EAGAIN The system-imposed limit on the total number
    of threads in a process has been exceeded or
    some system resource has been exceeded (for
    example, too many LWPs were created).
    EINVAL The value specified by attr is invalid.
    If any of the following conditions are detected,
    pthread_create() fails and returns the corresponding value:
    ENOMEM Not enough memory was available to create the
    new thread.
    If any of the following conditions are detected,
    thr_create() fails and returns the corresponding value:
    EINVAL o stack_base is not NULL and stack_size is
    less than the value returned by
    o stack_base is NULL and stack_size is not
    zero and is less than the value returned by
    However, I don't see a -1 there and therefore, don't know what this means.
    Here is the simple code that I wrote for this experiment as well as the output. It doesn't get too far into the program before exiting - I've bolded where it exits:
    #define _REENTRANT
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <thread.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    /* Function prototypes for thread routines */
    void sub_a(void );
    void sub_b(void );
    void sub_c(void );
    void sub_d(void );
    void sub_e(void );
    void sub_f(void );
    thread_t thr_a, thr_b, thr_c;
    void main()
    thread_t main_thr;
    int rc = 0;
    main_thr = thr_self();
    printf("Main thread = %d\n", main_thr);
    if (rc = thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_b, NULL, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_b))
    printf("\n rc = %d",rc);
    case EAGAIN: printf("This one1");
    case EINVAL: printf("This one2");
    case ENOMEM: printf("This one3");
    default: printf("rc = %d");
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't create thr_b\n"),
    * exit(1); *
    /* if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_a, (void *)thr_b, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_a))
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't create thr_a\n"), exit(1); */
    if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_c, (void *)main_thr, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_c))
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't create thr_c\n"), exit(1);
    printf("Main Created threads A:%d B:%d C:%d\n", thr_a, thr_b, thr_c);
    printf("Main Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)main_thr);
    void sub_a(void arg)
    thread_t thr_b = (thread_t) arg;
    thread_t thr_d;
    int i;
    printf("A: In thread A...\n");
    if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_d, (void *)thr_b, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_d))
    fprintf(stderr, "Can't create thr_d\n"), exit(1);
    printf("A: Created thread D:%d\n", thr_d);
    /* process
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("A: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)77);
    void * sub_b(void *arg)
    int i;
    printf("B: In thread B...\n");
    /* process
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("B: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)66);
    void * sub_c(void *arg)
    void *status;
    int i;
    thread_t main_thr, ret_thr;
    main_thr = (thread_t)arg;
    printf("C: In thread C...\n");
    if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_f, (void *)0, THR_BOUND|THR_DAEMON, NULL))
    fprintf(stderr, "Can't create thr_f\n"), exit(1);
    printf("C: Join main thread\n");
    if (thr_join(main_thr,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr, "thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("C: Main thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", main_thr, ret_thr, (int) status);
    /* process
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("C: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)88);
    void * sub_d(void *arg)
    thread_t thr_b = (thread_t) arg;
    int i;
    thread_t thr_e, ret_thr;
    void *status;
    printf("D: In thread D...\n");
    if (thr_create(NULL, 0, sub_e, NULL, THR_NEW_LWP, &thr_e))
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't create thr_e\n"), exit(1);
    printf("D: Created thread E:%d\n", thr_e);
    printf("D: Continue B thread = %d\n", thr_b);
    printf("D: Join E thread\n");
    if(thr_join(thr_e,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr,"thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("D: E thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", thr_e,
    ret_thr, (int) status);
    /* process
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("D: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)55);
    void * sub_e(void *arg)
    int i;
    thread_t ret_thr;
    void *status;
    printf("E: In thread E...\n");
    printf("E: Join A thread\n");
    if(thr_join(thr_a,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr,"thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("E: A thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", ret_thr, ret_thr, (int) status);
    printf("E: Join B thread\n");
    if(thr_join(thr_b,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr,"thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("E: B thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", thr_b, ret_thr, (int) status);
    printf("E: Join C thread\n");
    if(thr_join(thr_c,(thread_t *)&ret_thr, &status))
    fprintf(stderr,"thr_join Error\n"), exit(1);
    printf("E: C thread (%d) returned thread (%d) w/status %d\n", thr_c, ret_thr, (int) status);
    for (i=0;i<1000000*(int)thr_self();i++);
    printf("E: Thread exiting...\n");
    thr_exit((void *)44);
    void sub_f(void arg)
    int i;
    printf("F: In thread F...\n");
    while (1) {
    for (i=0;i<10000000;i++);
    printf("F: Thread F is still running...\n");
    # /emc/smithr15/solthread
    Main thread = 1
    rc = -1Can't create thr_b
    rc = -1#
    Any ideas as to what -1 indicates and how to solve this?
    Thanks for your response,

    ok, my bad. I wasn't linking in the -lthread library.
    Thanks anyway.

  • Reporting (Project Publish) job is failing with 'The given key was not present in the dictionary'

    I am using Project Server 2010 with SQL Server 2008 R2.
    I have a PWA Instance which was running fine. I have a big number of projects and I do not keep site for all the projects as we do not need project site in our business.
    Everything was running fine but during last few days, some of the jobs like Reporting (Project Publish) and Reporting (Project Delete) job is failing with the same error details for all the projects. I am not able to trace where the data is wrong/corrupt
    and how to resolve it.
    The error detail and ULS Log is given below anod I would appreciate if someone can guide me where the problem is and suggest me any solution.
    General Reporting message processor failed:
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='4f36afe0-43dc-4143-befc-0452da416e69' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='071aeb7b-540e-45fa-b40b-a94a5d2e8e04' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='55445e77-51e3-40d8-a62f-e6db0b897444' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='3ab5a1ba-0915-45bb-a078-4b4b7c38af51' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='b27acd8f-6cde-47d4-bd53-5930e84dc940' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) - The given key was not present in the dictionary.. Details: id='24006' name='ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed' uid='b7250544-2a11-4887-8dcd-378b34b33ae1' QueueMessageBody='Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'' Error='The given key was not present in the dictionary.'.
     GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000) - ReportingProjectPublish.ReportProjectPublishMessageEx. Details: id='26000' name='GeneralQueueJobFailed' uid='0706d212-f737-43ea-b694-c420488d57bb' JobUID='ca238fcf-d91b-46d6-a9c2-15f2cc35230d' ComputerName='WebSrv1' GroupType='ReportingProjectPublish'
    MessageType='ReportProjectPublishMessageEx' MessageId='1' Stage=''. For more details, check the ULS logs on machine WebSrv1 for entries with JobUID ca238fcf-d91b-46d6-a9c2-15f2cc35230d.
    ULS LOG:
    Timestamp               Process                                
     TID    Area                           Category                     
     EventID Level      Message  Correlation
    01/19/2015 19:05:07.44 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x23FC SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=117.485513497555 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:07.66 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2C94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=192.534598230475 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:08.16 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x1CFC SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=448.362263674397 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:08.36 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x17E0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=162.22152253546 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:09.00 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x0898 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=557.699412860413 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:09.36 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x1F20 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=253.695754010613 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:09.67 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x0D68 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=239.76302803952 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:10.64 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x3324 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=973.469925841736 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:11.92 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2DB8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=1275.5063556303 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:12.96 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x0A1C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=1041.55499409959 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:13.15 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x0518 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=133.891034879385 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:13.35 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x14EC SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_FULL_PUBLISH_DELETE). Execution Time=207.250205426327 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:14.69 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x10B4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_PUBLISH_PROJECT). Execution Time=267.137845971639 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:14.93 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x14E0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar -- MSP_PUBLISH_PROJECT). Execution Time=209.552772167485 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:16.10 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2AB4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureNoResultWithOutputParameters -- MSP_SRA_ValidateServerLevelSRA).
    Execution Time=717.808222684698 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:16.67 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2AB4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (FillTypedDataSet -- MSP_SRA_GetData). Execution Time=307.24482978413 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:17.58 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2AB4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureNoResultWithOutputParameters -- MSP_SRA_ValidateServerLevelSRA).
    Execution Time=123.306566048297 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:19.12 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x25F4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureNoResult -- MSP_WEB_SP_QRY_CreateSavedTasksForProject). Execution
    Time=111.699445284922 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:19.61 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2AC8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (ExecuteStoredProcedureNoResult -- MSP_WEB_SP_QRY_Statusing_BuildTaskHierarchy). Execution
    Time=449.279962592357 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:19.79 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x26D0 Project Server Server-side Project Operations 8tci Monitorableser1 PWA:http://epm.company.com/PWA, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1,
    PSI: [QUEUE] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The site
    http://epm.company.com/sites/Workspaces2/PROJECT_1 could not be found in the Web application SPWebApplication Name=SharePoint - 80.     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite..ctor(SPFarm farm, Uri requestUri, Boolean contextSite, SPUserToken
    userToken)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite..ctor(String requestUrl)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Project.OpenProjectWeb(Guid projectUid)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Project.SetPwsProperties(Guid
    projectUid)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Queue.ProcessPublishMessage.ProcessMiscellaneousPublishMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:19.79 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x26D0 Project Server Server-side Project Operations 8tcj Monitorable PWA:http://epm.company.com/PWA, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1,
    PSI: [QUEUE] MiscellaneousPublishMessage failed on project b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29 ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:27.42 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x3088 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:
    http://epm.company.com/PWA  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:27.42 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x3088 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:http://epm.company.com/PWA, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:28.47 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x31F8 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:
    http://epm.company.com/PWA  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:28.47 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x31F8 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:http://epm.company.com/PWA, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:29.51 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2B00 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:
    http://epm.company.com/PWA  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:29.51 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2B00 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:http://epm.company.com/PWA, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:30.56 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x1D20 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:
    http://epm.company.com/PWA  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:30.56 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x1D20 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:http://epm.company.com/PWA, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:31.60 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2170 Project Server Reporting atwj Monitorable Error is: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed. Details: Attributes:  Project UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'.
    PublishType='ProjectPublish'  The given key was not present in the dictionary.  . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d  PWA Site URL:
    http://epm.company.com/PWA  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:31.60 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x2170 Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:http://epm.company.com/PWA, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:32.66 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x24DC Project Server Reporting atwj Critical Standard Information:PSI Entry Point:   Project User: Domain1\User1  Correlation Id: ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d 
    PWA Site URL: http://epm.company.com/PWA  SSP Name: SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication  PSError: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed (24006) RDS: The request to synchronize change(s) to project Project
    UID='b95c52ba-bc00-4301-aab5-890d0b057c29'. PublishType='ProjectPublish' failed.  Message: 'ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed'. Message Body: The given key was not present in the dictionary. Error:(null) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d
    01/19/2015 19:05:32.66 Microsoft.Office.Project.Server (0x1D30) 0x24DC Project Server Reporting atwr High PWA:http://epm.company.com/PWA, ServiceApp:SharedServices1_PsiServiceApplication, User:Domain1\User1, PSI: [RDS] ULS
    Event: ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed was associated with exception: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal.InitializeSprocParameterTypeData(Dictionary`2& routineParameterInfos)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.SubDal..ctor(DAL
    dal, DataStoreEnum store)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.DAL.get_Reporting()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.GetRefreshOperationStatus(MessageAreaType
    messageArea)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.RDSBaseMessageProcessor.CheckIfAllowedToProceed(ReportingBaseMessage msg, MessageContext msgContext, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.ReportingLayer.ProjectPublishMessageProcessor.HandleMessage(Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket, MessageContext mContext) ae078058-f794-47ca-b1ad-0834f7a07f4d

    Without seeing the history, one possibility might be some corruption in the reporting database. Assuming that you are following best practices for SQL DB management, and this is not a DB neglect problem, then I would try to force a refresh to see if that
    helps. You can do this by executing a custom field backup and then restore. Note: Do not do this during production hours. Let us know if that provides any therapy.
    Gary Chefetz, MCITP, MCP, MVP msProjectExperts
    Project and Project ServerFAQs
    Project Server Help BLOG

  • How is it impossible to change the shipping method when Verizon Wireless is the one who screwed up?

    Verizon Wireless doesn't have an email address because they know they'd get inundated with their many dissatisfied customers. I used to say "I love Verizon Wireless!!" now when people ask why I'm still with Verizon I say, "Better the devil I know than the devil I don't." And that's what almost everyone I know says!!! Why are we paying for terrible customer service and terrible policies!!! Don't they get enough money from us without having to treat us like garbage?!?!?!
    Anyway, this is a bit of a rant, and I just hope someone sees it who can try to effect some change, although I doubt that's possible.
    I know this is probably not the best way to resolve my issue, but I've been on the phone with customer service for over an hour, and I don't have time to go through the proper channels to leave feedback that I'm not sure even gets reviewed.
    I ordered a new iPhone 5c on March 31st, through a promotion where I got the 32GB for free. Wonderful promotion, I was very excited, it worked out very well for me. I entered my credit card information to pay the $30 upgrade fee, which, quite frankly, should be illegal, and Verizon Wireless should be ashamed of themselves for charging customers to continue being customers. But that's a battle for another day.
    The iPhone 5c was on back order and was guaranteed shipped by April 18th. I'm a tax accountant, so it works out well that I was super busy and not staring at the mailbox during those 18 days. But every now and then I checked my order status and it was never updated with FedEx. So I was a little concerned. On Friday, April 18th at 6.06 EST, I called in and spoke with a woman who assured me nothing was wrong with my order, and by the time the weekend was over, I should have an updated status. I asked her to review it carefully because I was concerned that I hadn't received any kind of update. She said there was nothing in there to delay my order.
    Cut to Tuesday, April 22. I was perturbed, but not alarmed that I didn't have my new phone. Until my mother reminded me that she was getting my old phone, and her grace period ends on Friday, when she needs to either reconnect a phone, or start paying for service again, with or without the phone. So I called Verizon to find out what was going on.
    The $30 charge didn't go through, so they never sent my device out. There is no reason the charge didn't go through, I have confirmation that I entered my card information correctly, there was over $2,000 in that account. So nothing on my side was amiss. Nobody at customer service can figure out why the payment didn't process. And nobody has the authority to expedite the shipping of my new phone. Ashley had me on hold for over 10 minutes while she conferred with a supervisor. Then she hung up on me. An accident, I know, but she didn't try to call me back, or text me to give me a callback number (which I've been told is an option).
    So I had to call back in and explain this all over again to a new representative who was unable to transfer me to Ashley. And Ashley didn't put her correct inner email on my call record, so the new rep couldn't contact her. The new rep said all she could do was take the $30 payment, and then send my phone out. I was understandably upset at how I'd been hung up on, and previously lied to by the rep on Friday the 18th. But the rep insisted there was nothing she could do to expedite the shipping of my phone. I asked to speak to a supervisor, waited almost 20 minutes, which I understand.
    The supervisor gets on the phone, and insists there's nothing she can do to expedite the shipping of my phone. Even after I explained the whole story, she still couldn't do anything. Because I chose normal shipping when I ordered the phone, they couldn't change it to overnight shipping now without cancelling the order. But if they cancelled the order, then I wouldn't be eligible for the promotional price, since that promotion had ended. I find it hard to believe 1) that there is **nobody** at Verizon Wireless customer service who can contact the warehouse and ask them to overnight a shipment and 2) that there is **nobody** at Verizon Wireless who could cancel my original order, create a new order with overnight shipment, and then waive the price of the phone to be in line with the promotion/sale.
    I find it equally impossible to believe that in special circumstances, you can't forward the stock request to a store near me so I can pick up in person.
    And then, to make matters even more fun, the supervisor I was on the phone with told me I had to order asap, because the shipping cutoff had passed 15 minutes before, and there wasn't even a guarantee that my phone would be shipped out at the end of the day. So instead of getting my phone a week later than I should have, I'd be getting it over a week later than I should have. To further compound my anger and frustration, when I called Verizon on March 31st to ask a question about my update, I sat on hold for a few minutes and was transferred and then hung up on. So I was hung up on twice by customer service, and that still didn't get me what I wanted.
    Now, I know these are first world problems. But if consumers keep letting themselves get pushed around by the big monopolies who don't care about my $75 a month, then it will just get worse.
    Ask yourself: Would you stay with a company who treated you the way I was treated above?
    If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
    Soon to be a Former Verizon Customer

    I think most Verizon customers feel the same way:/  I was chatting with Verizon for over 2 hours and they still wouldn't help me.  Verizon Wireless and their customer service is TERRIBLE!!  I do not know why they still have customers.  I upgraded to the iPhone 5S end of December 2013.  I spent over $250 for the brand new iPhone 5S and only had it for 3 mos before I started having problems with it.  It is now June and am on my 3rd iPhone 5s.  This 3rd phone is having issues already, which will make it the 4th phone since I upgraded and the 3rd replacement refurbished phone they sent me.  I called today asking for a new phone.  I do not want any part of the iPhones anymore with as many problems as I have had.  I spoke to 3 different representatives, and none of them would help me.  I still have a year and a half at least left on my contract, so they are going to let me go through god knows how many more iPhones before my contract ends. They basically stated that if I wanted a different phone I have to pay full retail price for a new phone or else be stuck with replacement iPhone 5S' for the next year and a half.  Verizon is worthless!!  I'm thinking I'm going to switch carriers.  I spent so much money on a brand new phone when I upgraded and only had the new phone for 3 mos....that's just ridiculous and unfair and Verizon won't replace it with another brand new phone. I am stuck with refurbished iPhone 5S'. 

  • How to identify the user who created the variant

    Hi All,
    Can anyone tell me how to identify the user who created the variant ?

    Hi Dear,
    For the same go to SE11 and view the table "VARID". This table give the details of the program,user,variant etc.
    From this table u can know which user created the variant. Hope this solve your purpose.

  • Presenter forces the file save dialog even for unchanged documents

    Presenter always forces the "Do you want to save the changes ..." file save dialog to appear even for unchanged documents.
    To confirm the saving all times is not the solution because then I will loose the file's time/date stamp for the last real change.
    Not confirming the saving can be risky in case of any changes to the document which I am not aware anymore for that moment.
    Especially in case of having multiple documents open - this drives me really crazy.
    Deactivating the Adobe Presenter Add-in would solve the issue - so it is a problem related to Adobe Presenter (and not related to Powerpoint).
    I am using:
    Adobe Presenter 9.0.2
    Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
    Windows 7, 64 bit, Service Pack 1
    Thanks for your help

    The easiest way to solve the problem is to temporarily deactivate Adobe Presenter when you don't need it.
    In PowerPoint, go to File / Options / Add-Ins, select "COM Add-Ins" at the bottom of the window and click "Go".
    Then un-check the Adobe Presenter PowerPoint COM AddIn:
    You can easily reverse the process when you next need to use Presenter.

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