A cutoff low is similar to an eddy

A cutoff low is similar to an eddy in the curve of a river that becomes isolated from the main current. Like a curve in a river, a cutoff low begins as a dip (trough) in the winds known as the westerlies. When one of these eddies becomes cut off from the
main westerly flow, the closed circulation can last for two to three days on average. In the case of last week, the cutoff low lasted up to four days and dumped two months' worth of rain.
During the first stage of a cutoff low, a deep trough of cold air will dip south resembling an upside-down Omega-type shape in the jetstream.
Cold air will then start to encircle the low on the west side, as the warm humid air moves north along the east side of the low. Eventually the warm air will wrap completely around, creating a pocket of cold air within the core of the low pressure system.
The low will now drift slower than if it was a part of the main jetstream. Over the course of an average of two to three days -- occasionally as much as 10 or more -- the low-pressure system will merge back with the jetstream as the next dip (trough) digs southward
and picks up the cutoff low.

Send me a Private Message and I'll provide an email address where you could send your DCR and HTML and I'll see if I can help.

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    Several ways to get similar results.  Image > Adjustments > Posturize with low values similar to what you'd use n Cutout.  This is the most flexible way I can think of as you keep the image in RGB mode with layers intact.  A more radical approach would be to reduce bit depth using Indexed Colour.  You'll need to experiment with settings, try changing Forced to Primaries, and Matte to Foreground Color.  There's no going back from this route, although you can change the mode back to RGB to re-enable layers, adjustment layers etc.
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    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)
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    Last edited by socials (2013-11-15 20:47:44)

    Alright, an update.
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    Several ways to get similar results.  Image > Adjustments > Posturize with low values similar to what you'd use n Cutout.  This is the most flexible way I can think of as you keep the image in RGB mode with layers intact.  A more radical approach would be to reduce bit depth using Indexed Colour.  You'll need to experiment with settings, try changing Forced to Primaries, and Matte to Foreground Color.  There's no going back from this route, although you can change the mode back to RGB to re-enable layers, adjustment layers etc.
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    Hi - welcome to the discussions.
    You really do need to spend some time with the manual and tutorials in order to get a good handle on how this thing works... First up is the fact you'll need to downsample from HD to SD in order to get your footage to show up. DVDSP does not do 'blu ray', and the HD DVD format it did create is now no longer used. You have therefore only one option, and that's Standard Def.
    In FCP you export your footage to Compressor to MPEG2 format, and the audio to AC3 (Dolby Digital) format. You'll end up with two files. These get imported to DVDSP as the assets you are authoring with. When using Compressor you have to get the settings right, and this is more of an art than a science - it really needs time and effort to get it right, but as a start point you have to encode the footage at a bitrate that will give you the best visual quality but at the smallest file size. This will vary according to your piece of footage, and no one size fits all here... however, you can make a good estimate of what you need from doing some bit budgeting. i.e. how long is the video file in minutes, and what size disc are you hoping to put it on? A simple bitrate calculator can be found here:
    This will tell you that if you have 1.5 hours footage (I note you have far less), and you encode the audio to AC3 at 192Kbps, and you are hoping to fit this onto a standard recordable disc, single layer - often sold as 4.7Gb capacity, they actually hold 4.37Gb for what we need to do - you need to encode at no more than 6.5Mbps. However, lower bitrates mean smaller file sizes and so you can fit more footage onto your disc, but you will start to see a loss in visual quality if you go too low. Similarly, if you go higher you will gain file size, but you will also improve visual quality up to a point. There is a law of diminishing returns here - you get a bigger file, but you'll see little or no difference over 7.5Mbps. Also, if you encode at higher than 7.5Mbps you run the risk of the disc not playing back too well in a lot of players. Some will be fine, others may 'choke'. The top bit rate allowed for your video is 9.8Mbps, but don't go there... you'll get nothing but trouble with a recordable disc, IMO. As I said - this is an art and a science - you have to spend time to get this bit right.
    Once you have got the bitrate sorted and the files encoded you can move to authoring.
    DVDSP needs to be started up to create a 'SD' disc - not HD. You need to go through the preferences and make sure this is set correctly. When done, import the footage (which will be less than 4.37Gb in total).
    From there you should be good to go - add the assets to a track, create a menu and make at least one button, and point that at the track to get it to play. Set the end jump for the track to go back to the menu and you're about done.
    There are about a hundred 'gotcha's' along the way, which I can't hope to set out here. One simple one is to create a short piece of black 'slug' and add it as a small track (about a second long), and set this as your first play item. Jump from that to a menu and the disc will be a little more compatible with more players. The menu will also be an issue for some folk - the visual quality can be lower than you want - set your preferences in DVDSP for encoding to be at least 4.5Mbps and VBR. These encoding settings operate on the menus and anything that is not already encoded to the correct format.
    If you want to add chapter markers to help skip along the track then do so - but don't add any commands to them... they'll play back just fine one after the other. If you want to create a chapter index menu then that's easy enough too - but you then start to get into the decisions about how the playback should operate (i.e. one chapter and return to the menu, or start at the chapter and continue playing). It gets steadily more complex!
    Good luck with it - come back with questions if you run into issues.

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  • Obtain source IPs in Web Server logs

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    So, no matter which client originates a request we cannot see the source IP as it is NAT'ed to one of a small range of IP addresses, while passing through the VIP. Since the Policy Agents always use the same URL we are unable to determine which requests originate from which clients.
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    Eddie T

    quad3d@work wrote:My work uses BB and Cacti, both works well!
    Thanks. What is BB?
    I need a SSH and Apache/WWW Monitoring not very difficult to setup and config.
    I want to have the failed attempts (SSH) and Ips that connected to my httpd.
    Thank you and for the other solutions. I will check them and I will decide
    Last edited by k3rn31 (2008-03-06 07:50:38)

  • Mac mini poor Wifi strength

    I have a stock Core Solo with OS 10.5.3.
    I can see my neighbours' open APs. With a Gateway XP laptop, I can connect to their APs, though with low strength just fine.
    But my Mac mini it keeps "searching for AP" and sometimes shows those APs and sometimes they disappear in the list at the top right of menu bar, and then display again, so I Just think it barely sees them due to low signal strength...
    So the question is.. why is my Mac mini has such bad Wifi connection by Windows laptop can connect with though with low signal (similar to one-bar strength)?
    Is this a known Mac mini problem?

    First the obvious comment: that unless you have permission, you shouldn't be connecting to neighboring wifi networks that you do not pay for. In many places in fact it is illegal to do so.
    That said, to some extent what you report is not an uncommon issue with the mini. In comparison with the laptop you mention, the mini's wifi antenna is small and buried inside the system's casing, and while it is just under the top cover (in the back-right corner) anything above the mini or indeed any sources of interference will significantly impact the wifi signal strength, more than likely on laptops or other systems where the antenna is less likely to be bounded by metal casings.
    You can test the wifi signal strength and quality with a application such as AP Grapher (http://www.chimoosoft.com/apgrapher.html) which is an excellent tool for analyzing wifi signal and thus helping to troubleshoot these kind of problems. However it can't resolve issues where there is poor signal due to range or interference sources such as structural components in buildings deflecting the signal or microwave ovens or cordless phones, or external radio sources such a paging systems, all of which are capable of causing wifi disruption.
    Given the frequency at which wifi operates, small changes in location of the access point or system can make a big difference to signal level and quality, so you might find that moving the mini a little (even a few inches) can make a lot of difference. Making sure there is no electronic equipment directly above will also help to some extent. It's also possible in many situations that something as simple as changing the wifi channel resolves these problems because they can be caused by multiple wifi networks interfering with each other. Changing the channel will require the owner of the access point/router/AP to make that change however.
    Bear in mind however, that effective wifi range is very limited, so much about 30 or 40 feet and signal becomes subject to considerable losses and distortions. The solution may be to get your own network set up!

  • Client Variable Purge

    I am at my wits end trying to fix what I think is a client
    variable problem. I am currently running CFMX 6.1 + updaters on a
    Windows 2003 R2 SP1standard edition server with IIS 6.0. Since
    implementing with this server (01/2007), we have installed all the
    necessary Windows patches for security every month. I have
    installed hot fixes for client variables (TN 19590) and a few
    others for COM and cfforms issues. I have experienced CF 'hanging';
    not allowing anyone into the application. I shut down the CF MX
    Application service, the CF MX ADBC agent, and try to shut the CF
    MX ODBC server, but it remains in a 'stopping' state, with a reboot
    the only cure.
    While trying to troubleshoot the problem, I have come across
    the following error:
    10/16 15:12:24 error Operation failed on the data source
    named "Treasury".
    coldfusion.runtime.ClientScopeDBException: Operation failed
    on the data source named "Treasury".
    coldfusion.runtime.ClientScopeServiceImpl.PersistClientVariables(ClientScopeServiceImpl.j ava:282)
    coldfusion.runtime.ClientScopeServiceImpl.PersistClientVariablesForRequest(ClientScopeSer viceImpl.java:264)
    coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke(ClientScopePersistenceFilter.java:3 2)
    at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(CfmServlet.java:105)
    at jrunx.scheduler.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:66)
    That's it - nothing else. I have searched high an low,
    finding similar errors, but they all have an additional error
    message like outOfBounds. This error appears up to 200 times per
    day, some within seconds of each other. (I never really looked at
    the logs, but it has been occurring since I brought up each server,
    test and production). I mentioned the client variable fix above
    because of the references in the error message like
    'ClientScopeServiceImpl.PersistClientVariables'. I am using an
    Access DB to store the client variables, with a purge date of 90
    days. Within the Access DB there are the CDATA and CGLOBAL tables,
    but with only 278 records in each. I inheritated the system in
    version 4.5, and have upgrade to 5 and the to 6.1, so I have never
    really looked at client variables before.
    Any ideas? Could these errors be created every time someone
    logs onto the application? Your time and suggestions are greatly

    Libby, your wits should take you further. Your problem is
    your choice of databases more than a client variable issue. It is
    regularyly stated that ODBC and especially ODBC to a desktop
    database (access, paradox, etc.) is not recommended for real
    applications. More so, only use Access for low traffic,
    departmental applications or not at all. Storing client variables
    in access only compounds the bad choice. Client variables stored in
    a database means there is a db read at the start of every request
    and a write at the end of each request. That alone will over stress
    And then you have your explicit database queries on top of
    that. With a datasource named "treasury", it seem likely you are
    storing application data there too. So you have a multithreaded
    application server going to a database that can only handle a
    single connection at a time where you are making multiple database
    queries for every page request.
    Win2k3 was originally distributed
    without any desktop ODBC drivers, the msjet, etc. Microsoft
    indicated that an application server was not a place where desktop
    databases should be used. Unfortunately, MS let up and eventually
    put the destop ODBC drivers back in win2k3. But, their thinking is
    correct. Desktop db's cannot keep pace with a high speed appserver,
    including coldfusion and win2k3.
    Path of a JDBC query to MS SQL
    CFMX (java) - JDBC SQL server driver - over wire as TDS
    request straight to the database server. MSS DBMS engine does all
    work on back end.
    [Path of a ODBC query to MS Access:
    CFMX (java) - JDBC sequellink driver - sequelink server -
    sequelink client - windows ODBC - Access driver -msjet manipulates
    access file.
    I will make the main points in this thread only, since they
    are all around these forums. ODBC is very indirect. File based
    desktop databases are typically not thread safe, multi-user or just
    capable enough for any appserver. Use a real DBMS, in short. Even
    mssql developer, desktop or what ever their new low cost database.
    Say good bye to Access for any real application's backend.


    In RFC to File scenario, I am executing the ABAP program in ECC and generates a empty file in PI server.
    I am getting the error message in SM58 of ECC:
    u2018Bean Z_HR_OUTBOUND_DATA2 not found on host SDNPI1,u2019
    'call FM Z_HR_OUTBOUND_DATA2 to ProgId ECCTOPI_OUTBOUND on host SDNPI1 wit'
    RFc Source code:
    ""Local Interface:
    *"  TABLES
      DATA : wa_status TYPE zhrt0031,
             wa_itab10 LIKE ITAB10.
      LOOP AT p_status INTO wa_status.
        CONCATENATE wa_status-pernr
                    INTO wa_itab10-str1.
        APPEND wa_itab10 TO itab10.
    wa_itab10-str1 = 'test'.
    append wa_itab10 to itab10.
    append wa_itab10 to itab10.
        CONCATENATE sy-datum
    And in the ABAP program the RFC is called like:
    in background task destination 'ECCTOPI'
      INTERFACE       =
       FILENAME        = filename
       return = return
       ITAB10          = itab10
       P_STATUS        = p_status
    When i am testing the standard program STFC_CONNECTION in ECC with the same RFc destination it works fine and creates a o/p file with the datas in it, but if i m executing the other function module it doesnt contain any data it.
    What could be the error? and how to resolve the errors that i am getting in SM58?

    Bean Z_HR_OUTBOUND_DATA2_1 not found on host SDNP1, ProgId =ECCTOPI_OUTB
    Change the case of your Program ID to lower ecctopi similar was the issue in this thread:
    Bean ZFM_MODULE_OUT not found on host <XI_HOST>
    And may be for the same reason even Michal used lower case program ID in his blog.

  • SATA or SSD

    I am currently using Windows Vista on a Dell laptop and am thinking (or rather I have already decided and its just a matter of saving up) of switching to a MacBook. I already know what I want on it but I have to ask about the new solid state drives.
    Basically I am trying to choose between the 320 SATA and the 256 SSD. I was wondering a few things. And pleases bear with me, I am not very familiar with how computers work.
    1) Which is faster?
    2) Which runs multiple applications more smoothly?
    3) I know the SSD is silent, but how much noise do the SATAs make on the MacBooks anyway? Comparitively?
    4) If you had enough money for either hard drive, which would YOU personally get and why?
    If any additional information can be given to factor into my desicion, that would be great. Oh and I am planning to get 4GB of memory, and the 2.4GHz model if that makes any difference or anything.
    Thank you in advance.

    Nissin101 wrote:
    Yeah youre right, looks like I'm going to be going with the 320GB serial ATA hard drive. No need to spend all that extra money on stuff I dont absoultely need. But I'm not buying the MacBook Pro because its too big for what I need it for. Thanks again Kappy, youve saved me a ton of extra cash.
    I don't know if I'd describe SSDs as a "fad" as Kappy described. Right now they're primarily for "early adopters" who would like to have the coolest gadgets. They are a quantum leap in terms of read performance, power consumption, noise, shock resistance, and overall reliability. They don't suffer from the mechanical failures that eventually cause every hard drive to fail - the random head crash and/or bearing wear. Their main drawbacks right now are low capacities and high prices. Each cell also has a limited number of rewrite cycles, but I doubt that's a problem given the technology (wear leveling) used to distribute write cycles to different areas of the drive.
    The price of traditional hard drives is substantially lower given similar capacities. You could probably buy 4-6 similar capacity hard drives. Perhaps even carry along a bus powered hard drive for backups.
    I do get the feeling that eventually solid state drives will become the predominant laptop storage mechanism because of all of the benefits of power consumption and mechanical robustness. At one time the USB flash drive was an expensive "gee whiz" technology. I remember when someone in my office got a Targus (relabeled Disk on Key) USB 1.1 32 MB drive for $120. Now we're looking at 16 GB (500 times as much capacity) SanDisk Cruzer Micros selling for $30 on sale. There was a point where PC hard drives were considered a rich person's toy and floppies were the predominant storage mechanism. Very little in the computing industry remains static.
    Also - I sincerely believe that replacing the OEM hard drive with an aftermarket replacement is something that most people reading and posting to this forum could do. I haven't tried it myself with one of the new unibody MacBooks, but I've seen the pictures and it doesn't appear to be anything that couldn't be done by someone reasonably adept with a screwdriver. I don't know if you would necessarily want to do so with a 320 GB hard drive given the $75 build to order cost. However - you'll probably have to wait longer if you want a build to order MacBook and they don't have the option for a 500 GB and/or 7200 RPM drive. Some retailers don't even handle build to order Macs. If you carefully shop, aftermarket hard drives are available at very good prices.

  • What shutter speed to use for 1080i60 HDV?

    I shoot with an HDR-FX1. The default setting is 1/60s. I could really use the extra light provided by 1/30, given how much the 35mm lens adapter eats up.
    The HDV is 29.97fps, so 1/30 would seem the best choice anyway, but being interlaced, it’s really 60 half-frames...
    Will using the 1/30 affect the image quality, the way undercranking or overcranking shutter on purpose would?
    Thank you,

    You get more blur, but the only way to really find out is to shoot some test video to how YOU perceive the differences.
    Go to a darker setting about which you are concerned, shoot some in automatic shutter (it will go no lower than 1/60th in 1080i60 (progressive scan OFF)). Either have moving objects or move the camera around. Then switch to not-auto (probably need the IRIS set to IRIS mode so you can manually set iris, gain, and shutter speed). Let the iris and gain set automatically, and just set the shutter to 1/30th (whatever) and shoot the same scenes in the same lighting conditions.
    Drag 'em both into FCP and see what you like. Too much blur? No effect?
    Note that if you shoot in Progressive Scan 30 (that's 30p), the shutter will automatically go to as low as 1/30th.
    Eddie O.

  • Background noise-appears to be of a fan

    I just bought this Apple Cinema Display 24-inch. It makes constant background low noise similar to a CPU cooling fan. Is that normal? Should I expect such noise or is display silent? The noise is irritating in a quiet room.
    Your help is much appreciated. I shall wait for a couple of days before contacting the dealer.

    Lets say that back up has a bug, all your doing is putting that bug back onto your iPhone. Try set up as a new iPhone and see if that work, then atleast you can try to find the source of the problem.

  • Does anyone have issues with the instrument library?

    I've installed iLife 08 and then added all the jam packs. Now when I open GB the default track is an accordion (not a piano) and when adding loops to the timeline they take on a different instrument sound (e.g. drum loop sounds like raindrops, etc.)
    I've searched high and low for similar problems and have found nothing that resembles this, I've cleared my preferences and repaired permissions and still nothing helps, I've contemplated reinstalling but I have no guarentee that that will help and I'm reluctant to invent the 3 hours it will take to do all that if it is all for nothing...
    Bottom line is...is this really an issue with the instrument library and is there any way for me to fix this without reinstalling?

    Just loaded the 6.0.2 update a few days ago.  I was hoping it would fix the dropping of wifi where the 4g and 3g always kept.  I have restored the router and I have even switched towers through AT&T's help, but to no avail.  I still am dropped and sometimes it spins and spins looking to connect and then says, Cannot connect at this time. Sometimes it connects, and when the phone goes to sleep, it disconnects and then it is heck connecting again.   I am very upset for I do not have unlimited data and my data has soared over 270 mg which I usually always kept way below 200 as  being in my home most of the time.  I am planning to take into AT& T store for a new one, just not happy with the wifi situation.  It is sad that this cannot be fixed with an update.  I saw earlier that some Iphone 5 made in China were the cuprits, and maybe I got one of those.  I hope At&T and Apple are reading these dialogs.  Please let me know if fixes are on the way!

  • Premiere not exporting with correct settings.

    So I make videos for youtube and up untill yesturday I used the youtube 720p preset changed to 30fps to match my footage and everything else left standard. Normally videos around 17minutes come out at 700-800mb
    However for some reason when i export with these same settings, estimated video still in the 700-800 range. What adobe is actually exporting is a 57mb file, I did this multiple times and recieved the same result and even upped the bit rate from 5mbs to 17.5mbs  which changed the estimated size to 2.3gb and once exported i received yet another 57mb file.
    the final video is extremely low quality similar to that of the original camera phones, my original footage is hd.
    The only way around it i found was to use the check box export with sequence settings.

    Hopefully this works below are 2 screen shots to get the full video settings shown.
    http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a230/_Draven_/Screenshot2014-03-07at170122_zpsdbe066b9.p ng
    http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a230/_Draven_/Screenshot2014-03-07at170115_zps88ccfdad.p ng

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