A page does not behave the same in every case

I am using adfbc and jsf/adf pages.
I have an entity called Parish (CountryId, CityId, AreaId, ParishName), and created a simple validation method (if the parish name is equal to "test" then to show an error by returning false).
I created a custom validation method in my AppModule that i just simply get the record id, find the entity and set the values with the method parameters
I then created a view based on the entity and dragged my view object on my jsf page. I created a button and i binded my custom edit method to the command button, setting the appropriate parameters to bindings on the form. I then double clicked by button and created a binding for the method in a bean.
When i edit a record and change for example the CountryId, CityId, AreaId and set the ParishName to test (so to force my validation method fire), i am shown the error but the data that i last inputed are lost, and the original are show.
In another case where i am doing the same thing, the data are kept.
For example, i have a record with CountryId:UK, CityId:London, AreaId:Finchley, ParishName: North Finchley and when i edit the record and define CountryId:USA, CityId:New York, AreaId:Manhattan, ParishName: test, i get the error message but the data are the original (CountryId:UK, CityId:London, AreaId:Finchley, ParishName: North Finchley). I want to keep the last entered data. In some forms this is done automatically, but in this form i didn't do anything, just dragged and defined, and is not working.
Anyone please help?

I apologize for insisting on this, but in my humble opinion it's not useful to try and figure out why your hand-written example is not working if already the declarative way is not working as we expect. We need to figure out why the declarative way is not working first.
One of my primary jobs is helping customers use ADF correctly and understand how it works internally.
The code in your updateParish() method is redundantly applying updates to entity attributes that ADF will already have applied to the entity for you. To see this for yourself, you can set a breakpoint in one of the setter methods of your entity object and you'll see that your code is applying the updates a second time.
I see one reason why your error reporting won't be working as expected, which is that you are directly using the entityImpl object to apply the values. The ADF bundled exception mode only works when you use the view object row to apply the updates to the entities indirectly. Howing using the view object row to apply the values is what ADF will have already done automatically for you, so it's not necessary to do that.
It's also not a best practice to pass a literal integer value for the first argument of setAttribute(). If for any reason the constant values change, then your code will break. You should call setAttribute("TheAttributeName",thevalue) instead for more robust code.
Finally, your programmatically setting the user principal name and current date time can also be handled for you automatically by ADF by setting those attributes to be of the correct "History Attribute" type. See section " History Attributes" in the ADF Developer's Guide for Forms/4GL Developers on the ADF Learning Center at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/adf/learnadf.html
Set a breakpoint in your validation method and debug the completely declarative edit form with the simple (Commit) button. We need to understand if the:
(a) validation is executing, failing, but the validation error is not being reported correctly, or
(b) validation is never being enaged at all.

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    Good day,
    What you described is fairly common for conversions where the PDF file that's being converted to Word wasn't originally created from Word.  The service does the best it can to interpret the font data as well as the formatting, but as that information is often not present within the code of the PDF file, sometimes the resulting Word document does not exactly resemble the PDF file.
    Kind regards,
    Acrobat Community Manager
    Adobe Systems

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    Firstly, you shouldn't really 'apply' a template to a page, you should create a child page by going to FILE>NEW>Page from Template.  Too many things can happen when applying a template the way you are doing it. eg:; editable and non-editable regions not matching up and being asked where to place these regions and in all likelihood, you end up with 2 or more of the same region.
    When a swf file is inserted into a page, a corresponding Scripts folder is written automatically is stored in the root of the site - it is also linked to in the head of the document. What I believe is happening is that when you apply a template to the page, the Template has no idea that there is a swf file on the page and is not aware of the correct link to the Scripts folder.  If you do a test and add the swf file to the template page itself, I bet that the links to the swf and the scripts folder are correct - because DW knows the correct path to the script file.   Hence the reason the page probably works when you detach it from a template.

  • OC4J: marshalling does not recreate the same data structure onthe client

    Hi guys,
    I am trying to use OC4J as an EJB container and have come across the following problem, which looks like a bug.
    I have a value object method that returns an instance of ArrayList with references to other value objects of the same class. The value objects have references to other value objects. When this structure is marshalled across the network, we expect it to be recreated as is but that does not happen and instead objects get duplicated.
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    Object[0] = com.cramer.test.SomeVO@1
    Object[0].getValueObject[0] = com.cramer.test.SomeVO@2
    Object[1] = com.cramer.test.SomeVO@2
    Object[1].getValueObject[0] = com.cramer.test.SomeVO@1
    We would expect to see the same (except exact addresses) after marshalling. Here is what we get instead:
    Object[0] = com.cramer.test.SomeVO@1
    Object[0].getValueObject[0] = com.cramer.test.SomeVO@2
    Object[1] = com.cramer.test.SomeVO@3
    Object[1].getValueObject[0] = com.cramer.test.SomeVO@4
    It can be seen that objects get unnecessarily duplicated – the instance of the ValueObject1 referenced by the ValueObject2 is not the same now as the instance that is referenced by the ArrayList instance.
    This does not only break referential integrity, structure and consistency of the data but dramatically increases the amount of information sent across the network. The problem was discovered when we found that a relatively small but complicated structure that gets serialized into a 142kb file requires about 20Mb of network communication. All this extra info is duplicated object instances.
    I have created a small test case to demonstrate the problem and let you reproduce it.
    Here is RMITestBean.java:
    package com.cramer.test;
    import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
    import java.util.*;
    public interface RMITestBean extends EJBObject
    public ArrayList getSomeData(int testSize) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
    public byte[] getSomeDataInBytes(int testSize) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
    Here is RMITestBeanBean.java:
    package com.cramer.test;
    import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
    import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
    import java.util.*;
    public class RMITestBeanBean implements SessionBean
    private SessionContext context;
    SomeVO someVO;
    public void ejbCreate()
    someVO = new SomeVO(0);
    public void ejbActivate()
    public void ejbPassivate()
    public void ejbRemove()
    public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx)
    this.context = ctx;
    public byte[] getSomeDataInBytes(int testSize)
    ArrayList someData = getSomeData(testSize);
    try {
    java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutputStream = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream();
    java.io.ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new java.io.ObjectOutputStream(byteOutputStream);
    System.out.println(" serialised output size: "+byteOutputStream.size());
    byte[] bytes = byteOutputStream.toByteArray();
    return bytes;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Serialisation failed: "+e.getMessage());
    return null;
    public ArrayList getSomeData(int testSize)
    // Create array of objects
    ArrayList someData = new ArrayList();
    for (int i=0; i<testSize; i++)
    someData.add(new SomeVO(i));
    // Interlink all the objects
    for (int i=0; i<someData.size()-1; i++)
    for (int j=i+1; j<someData.size(); j++)
    // print out the data structure
    for (int i = 0; i<someData.size(); i++)
    SomeVO tmp = (SomeVO)someData.get(i);
    System.out.println("Object["+Integer.toString(i)+"] = "+tmp);
    System.out.println("Object["+Integer.toString(i)+"]'s some number = "+tmp.getSomeNumber());
    for (int j = 0; j<tmp.getValueObjectCount(); j++)
    SomeVO tmp2 = tmp.getValueObject(j);
    System.out.println(" getValueObject["+Integer.toString(j)+"] = "+tmp2);
    System.out.println(" getValueObject["+Integer.toString(j)+"]'s some number = "+tmp2.getSomeNumber());
    // Check the serialised size of the structure
    try {
    java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutputStream = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream();
    java.io.ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new java.io.ObjectOutputStream(byteOutputStream);
    System.out.println("Serialised output size: "+byteOutputStream.size());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Serialisation failed: "+e.getMessage());
    return someData;
    Here is RMITestBeanHome:
    package com.cramer.test;
    import javax.ejb.EJBHome;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import javax.ejb.CreateException;
    public interface RMITestBeanHome extends EJBHome
    RMITestBean create() throws RemoteException, CreateException;
    Here is ejb-jar.xml:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd">
    <description>Session Bean ( Stateful )</description>
    And finally the application that tests the bean:
    package com.cramer.test;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.rmi.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    public class RMITestApplication
    final static boolean HARDCODE_SERIALISATION = false;
    final static int TEST_SIZE = 2;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
    props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory");
    props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ormi://lil8m:23792/alexei");
    props.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "admin");
    props.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "admin");
    try {
    // Get the JNDI initial context
    InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(props);
    NamingEnumeration list = ctx.list("comp/env/ejb");
    // Get a reference to the Home Object which we use to create the EJB Object
    Object objJNDI = ctx.lookup("comp/env/ejb/RMITestBean");
    // Now cast it to an InventoryHome object
    RMITestBeanHome testBeanHome = (RMITestBeanHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objJNDI,RMITestBeanHome.class);
    // Create the Inventory remote interface
    RMITestBean testBean = testBeanHome.create();
    ArrayList someData = null;
    // ############################### Alternative 1 ##############################
    // ## This relies on marshalling serialisation ##
    someData = testBean.getSomeData(TEST_SIZE);
    // ############################ End of Alternative 1 ##########################
    } else
    // ############################### Alternative 2 ##############################
    // ## This gets a serialised byte stream and de-serialises it ##
    byte[] bytes = testBean.getSomeDataInBytes(TEST_SIZE);
    try {
    java.io.ByteArrayInputStream byteInputStream = new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
    java.io.ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new java.io.ObjectInputStream(byteInputStream);
    someData = (ArrayList)objectInputStream.readObject();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Serialisation failed: "+e.getMessage());
    // ############################ End of Alternative 2 ##########################
    // Print out the data structure
    for (int i = 0; i<someData.size(); i++)
    SomeVO tmp = (SomeVO)someData.get(i);
    System.out.println("Object["+Integer.toString(i)+"] = "+tmp);
    System.out.println("Object["+Integer.toString(i)+"]'s some number = "+tmp.getSomeNumber());
    for (int j = 0; j<tmp.getValueObjectCount(); j++)
    SomeVO tmp2 = tmp.getValueObject(j);
    System.out.println(" getValueObject["+Integer.toString(j)+"] = "+tmp2);
    System.out.println(" getValueObject["+Integer.toString(j)+"]'s some number = "+tmp2.getSomeNumber());
    // Print out the size of the serialised structure
    try {
    java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutputStream = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream();
    java.io.ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new java.io.ObjectOutputStream(byteOutputStream);
    System.out.println("Serialised output size: "+byteOutputStream.size());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Serialisation failed: "+e.getMessage());
    catch(Exception ex){
    The parameters you might be interested in playing with are HARDCODE_SERIALISATION and TEST_SIZE defined at the beginning of RMITestApplication.java. The HARDCODE_SERIALISATION is a flag that specifies whether Java serialisation should be used to pass the data across or we should rely on OC4J marshalling. TEST_SIZE defines the size of the object graph and the ArrayList structure. The bigger this size is the more dramatic effect you get from data duplication.
    The test case outputs the structure both on the server and on the client and prints out the size of the serialised structure. That gives us sufficient comparison, as both structure and its size should be the same on the client and on the server.
    The test case also demonstrates that the problem is specific to OC4J. The standard Java serialisation does not suffer the same flaw. However using the standard serialisation the way I did in the test case code is generally unacceptable as it breaks the transparency benefit and complicates interfaces.
    To run the test case:
    1) Modify provider URL parameter value on line 15 of the RMITestApplication.java for your environment.
    2) Deploy the bean to the server.
    4) Run RMITestApplication on a client PC.
    5) Compare the outputs on the server and on the client.
    I hope someone can reproduce the problem and give their opinion, and possibly point to the solution if there is one at the moment.

    Eugene, wrong end user recovery.  Alexey is referring to client desktop end user recovery which is entirely different.
    Alexy - As noted in the previous post:
    Each recovery point has users permisions tied to it, so it's not possible to retroacively give the users permissions.  Implement the below and going forward all users can restore their own files.
    This is a hands off solution to allow all users that use a machine to be able to restore their own files.
     1) Make these two cmd files and save them in c:\temp
     2) Using windows scheduler – schedule addperms.cmd to run daily – any new users that log onto the machine will automatically be able to restore their own files.
     Cmd.exe /v /c c:\temp\addreg.cmd
     set users=
     echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>c:\temp\perms.reg
     echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent\ClientProtection]>>c:\temp\perms.reg
     FOR /F "Tokens=*" %%n IN ('dir c:\users\*. /b') do set users=!users!%Userdomain%\\%%n,
     echo "ClientOwners"=^"%users%%Userdomain%\\bogususer^">>c:\temp\perms.reg
     REG IMPORT c:\temp\perms.reg
     Del c:\temp\perms.reg
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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    8.2 to make analog voltage readings.  Within my main VI I first
    create a data folder in the same location as the VI using a property
    node and then use case statements to call two sub VIs that create a
    data file within the data folder and then collects data.  When I use the
    application builder to create an executible the resulting file does not
    operate the same as the origional VI.  The program appears to be
    reacting to button presses on the GUI, but there is no indication that
    the data folder is being created or that any measurements are buing
    made.  Are there any known issues that may account for this
    Message Edited by TMBurleson on 10-16-2006 03:09 PM

    Are you using the VI Path property, using a reference to the current VI?
    I could be wrong, but if you're attempting to use a path relative to the current VI, I think that does indeed change in a built application. If your VI used to be C:\somewhere\foo.VI, then after building its path would actually be C:\somewhere\foo.EXE\foo.vi . Thus, if foo.VI used to try to make a folder like C:\somewhere\datafolder, the built application would be trying to make C:\somewhere\foo.EXE\datafolder , which wouldn't work.
    This is sort of a shot in the dark, but does this sound like it might be the case?
    EDIT: Dennis beat me to it.Message Edited by kehander on 10-16-2006 03:26 PM

  • Applet does not function the same.

    When I run my applet in IBM Visual Age it works fine. When I run it in my browser it does not function the same. It has to save a file on to my hardrive but it doesn't work. Can someone help.
    Thank you

    *hundreds of things*
    You gotta post some code, tell us what kind of error
    messages you're getting, or something. It could be
    dozens of things.

  • Cat0-3750 upgrade. Error: system number 1 does not support the same feature

    I am trying to upgrade or rather downgrade from ipadvservices (inadvertently upgraded to) to ipservices on a stack of Cat-3750s, but I get the following error message:
    Ios Image File Size: 0x00877A00
    Total Image File Size: 0x00B04200
    Minimum Dram required: 0x08000000
    Image Suffix: ipservicesk9-122-37.SE1
    Image Directory: c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-37.SE1
    Image Name: c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-37.SE1.bin
    Image Feature: IP|LAYER_3|PLUS|SSH|3DES|MIN_DRAM_MEG=128
    Error: The image in the archive which would be used to upgrade
    Error: system number 1 does not support the same feature set.
    Any ideas?

    I was having the same issue even with entering the following:
    archive download-sw /overwrite /allow-feature-upgrade tftp://
    I noticed the image which was running on the switch was correct without the ".bin" at the end:
    3560#sh ver | i image
    System image file is "flash:c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE7"
    I uploaded a fresh IOS image from CCO and made sure the image name had ".bin" at the end. Seems trivial except the error is produced through a sanity check. See below (please excuse the extra unplugging in the output):
    3560#sh ver | i image
    System image file is "flash:c3560e-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE7.bin"
    3560#$de tftp://
    Loading c3kx-sm10g-tar.150-2.SE7.tar from (via Vlan1): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                             !!!!!!!!!
    Mar 30 01:33:35.480: %USBFLASH-5-CHANGE: usbflash0 has been removed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mar 30 01:34:15.636: %PLATFORM_ENV-1-FRU_PS_ACCESS: FRU Power Supply is not responding!!!!!!!!!!!
    [OK - 24893440 bytes]
    Loading c3kx-sm10g-tar.150-2.SE7.tar from (via Vlan1): !!!
    Mar 30 01:34:35.593: %PLATFORM_ENV-6-FRU_PS_OIR: FRU Power Supply 2 removed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                             !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    examining image...
    extracting info (100 bytes)
    extracting c3kx-sm10g-mz.150-2.SE7/info (499 bytes)
    extracting info (100 bytes)
    System Type:             0x00010002
      Ios Image File Size:   0x017BDA00
      Total Image File Size: 0x017BDA00
      Minimum Dram required: 0x08000000
      Image Suffix:          sm10g-150-2.SE7
      Image Directory:       c3kx-sm10g-mz.150-2.SE7
      Image Name:            c3kx-sm10g-mz.150-2.SE7.bin
      Image Feature:         IP|LAYER_3|MIN_DRAM_MEG=128
      FRU Module Version:    03.00.78
    Updating FRU Module on switch 1...
    Updating FRU FPGA image...
    FPGA image update complete.
    All software images installed.
    Worked for me, hope this helps.

  • Firefox causes crash when using Youtube explorer does not have the same effect

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    Troubleshooting extensions and themes
    * https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting%20extensions%20and%20themes
    Check and tell if its working.

  • My firefox page does not show the bar that shows me file, edit, tools, etc bar. How do I get it back. thanks

    My Firefox page does not show the bar on top where you have "file, edit, view, history, bookmarks, tools, help etc

    Firefox 3.6+ versions have a feature to allow the user to hide the Menu bar.
    Hit the '''Alt''' key to temporarily show the Menu bar, then open View > Toolbars and select Menu bar, so it has a check-mark. <br />
    The F10 can also be used on most PC's to temporarily reveal the Menu bar.

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    The home page does not show the awesome bar or the file,edit,history,bookmarks,tools or help options anymore. how can I get these feature to come back up. All it shows now is latest headline & getting started.

    * In Firefox 3.6 versions on Windows and Firefox 4 on Windows and Linux it's possible to hide the "Menu Bar" via "View > Toolbars" or via the right-click context menu of a toolbar.
    * Press F10 or press and hold the Alt key down to bring up the "Menu Bar" temporarily.
    * Go to "View > Toolbars" or right-click the "Menu Bar" or press Alt+V T to select which toolbars to show or hide (click on an entry to toggle the state).
    See also:
    * [[Menu bar is missing]]
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Toolbar_customization

  • TS4083 I delete an email on my iphone but it does not delete the same email on my laptop. Any suggestions to help?

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    Yes,  There are actually 4 calendars listed under my iCloud account.  The listing on my iPhone is exactly like the listing on my iPad.  The iPad is updating but not the iPhone.  It's odd because the iPhone did work at one time so I'm assuming it some setting I've changed.  I have checked and double checked that the settings on both devices are the same.  Do you have any other ideas?
    Thanks for your help.

  • My Imac late 2012 running Yosemite does not recognise my Huawei 3g usb modem. itried to install Java bt still it does not although the same modem works with my MacBook pro . any help please

    My Imac late 2012 running Yosemite does not recognise my Huawei 3g usb modem. itried to install Java bt still it does not although the same modem works with my MacBook pro . any help please

    Hey there mbarikiwa,
    If your iMac still has not recognized the usb modem, I would use the troubleshooting for Yosemite USB issues in the following article:
    OS X Yosemite: If a USB device isn’t working
    If the device is connected to a USB hub: 
    Make sure the device and the hub are the same speed. Connect USB 3.0 SuperSpeed devices to a USB 3.0 SuperSpeed HUB, USB 2.0 Hi-Speed devices to a USB 2.0 Hi-Speed hub, and so on. 
    If the device doesn’t have a power cord and is plugged into another USB device that doesn’t have a power cord: 
    Try plugging the device directly into your computer’s USB port  or into a USB device that does have a power cord. You might need to disconnect and reconnect the other device as well, if it has stopped responding. 
    If you have many devices connected to your Mac: 
    Disconnect all USB devices except the device you’re testing, an Apple keyboard, and an Apple mouse. Make sure that the device is connected directly to the computer, and that any hubs or extension cables are disconnected. If you can use the device now, the problem may be with one of the other USB devices or hubs you had connected to your computer. Try reconnecting them, one by one, to your computer. When you find the device causing the problem, review its documentation for further troubleshooting steps. 
    Verify that the device appears in System Information: 
    Choose Apple menu > About This Mac. In the window that appears, click Overview, then click the System Report button to open System Information. 
    In the window that appears, see if the USB device is listed below Hardware in the Contents list. If the device appears but does not work, review the device’s documentation for further troubleshooting steps. 
    Restart apps: 
    Quit and restart any apps that use the device. 
    Restart your Mac: 
    Choose Apple menu > Restart.
    Check your device’s USB connection
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

  • Button does not make the same thing in English and in German

    I have created an HTMLDB-Application (HTMLDB 2.0) with two Pages:
    Page1 has one Region in which there is one Report and two Buttons. Button1 has the Label 'German' and Button2 has the Label 'English'.
    Page2 is a HTML-Page wich only gives a success-Message.
    Page1: There is a Process1 wich is activated when Button1 is pressed. The Process sets the 'FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE' to German (de-ch) which is the Applications primary language. After that the Application branches to Page2
    There is a Process2 wich is activated when Button2 is pressed. The Process sets the 'FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE' to English (en). After that the Application branches to Page2
    When the Application has the FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE = de-ch and I tick the Button2 (English) the Application branches to Page2 and sets the FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE = en.
    When the Application then has the FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE = en and i tick the Button2 (German) the application only reloads the page and it doesn't start the process and doesn't branch to page2. The same happens when FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERNCE = en and I press the Button1 (English).
    It seems that the Application can not see the processes and the branches when the FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE is en.
    Does anyone have an Idea what could be the reason?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Daniel
    When I run your application, the language is set to en. Both the Englisch ENG and Deutsch buttons are javascript:redirect's to page 1, which as I understand it, will change the page in the browser as though you had typed in the address directly. It does not submit the page, and therefore the processes do not run.
    When you run the page in german, what do the button links point to?
    Have you made any changes to the german version, and not re-published the english version?
    I'm not an HTML DB expert, so I hope what I've said is correct and it helps you.

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    Thank you
    Kind Regards
    Jeanelde Mouton

    Good day!
    Please post Photoshop Elements related queries over at

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