A problem with binding a visual control to a class property defined with a getter&setter pair

I am having the following problem (simplified here for
I am using a class for data model with a property named
x (using a getter & setter) as follows:
public class MyData
private var _x :String;
public function MyData()
_x = "default value";
public function set x(value:String):void {
trace("setting x with: '" + value + "'");
_x = String(value);
public function get x():String {
trace("getting x: '"+_x+"'");
return _x;
I then linked (binded) the
x property to a TextInput, as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="
private var _data:MyData = new MyData();
<mx:TextInput id="inputX"
text="{_data.x}" />
When loaded,
inputX is set with the "default value". However, when
changing the value of
inputX the value of
_data.x remains unchanged (in this sample - there are no
trace messages from the setter).
I have tried numerous variations using <mx:Bindind
...>, mx.bindinding.utils.BindingUtils, changing order of setter
and getter, and more.
The only solution i could find for now is to add a change
event handler to the
inputX control as follows:
<mx:TextInput id="inputX" text="{_data.x}"
Is there something i did wrong? or is it ... simply ... a bug

thanx for your quick reply.
The actual problem was the that _data.x initialization should
not be done in the MyData constructor, but after the object is
fully created, as follows:
private var _data:MyData = new MyData();
// called in the application's initialize event
public function init():void {
_data.x = "default value";
After this, adding the <mx:Binding> does the trick for
the inputX.text --> _data.x binding, and there's no need to add
"this". I simply have assumed (being a novice flex developer) that
using <mx:TextInput id="inputX" text="{_data.x}" /> binds for
both directions inputX.text <--> _data.x.
thanx again,

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    Thanks for helping ;)

    If you use a built-in control rather than your custom control, does binding work? You should verify that first.
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
    NOTE: If I ask for code, please provide something that I can drop directly into a project and run (including XAML), or an actual application project. I'm trying to help a lot of people, so I don't have time to figure out weird snippets with undefined
    objects and unknown namespaces.

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    public final Object[] toArray()
    return subEntityMap.values().toArray();
    public final Iterator subEntities()
    return subEntityMap.values().iterator();
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    return (GFIBaseSubEntity)subEntityMap.get(key);
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    In 1.4 you have ImageIO available ... javax.imageio.ImageIO.write is the method to call.
    - David

  • Problem with binding of a selectManyCheckbox inside a dataTable

    first i want to point out that my english is not the best. :)
    A german version is followed at the end of the english text.
    I have a class "MyClass" with few attributes like:
    private long id;
    private String text;
    private Set<MyClass2> childs;
    An a second class "MyClass2" wich also have some attributes:
    private long id;
    private String text;
    Now i have a List with lots of objects from typ "MyClass":
    List myList = new ArrayList();
    // Sample Data!!
    for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
    MyClass1 m1 = new MyClass1();
    m1.setText("MyClass1 Line " + i);
    // Now add some "childs":
    for (int j=0; j<i*2; j++)
    MyClass2 m2 = new MyClass2();
    m2.setId( i );
    m2.setText("Sample "+ i);
    myList.add ( m1 );
    So now i want to show the ID and text every Object of MyClass1 on my "test.jsp" (width JSF Tags).
    The Collections inside this class should display as checkboxes (value = id, label = text).
    ID: +1+ TEXT: MyClass1 Line 1
    [x] Sample 0
    [x] Sample 1
    ID: +2+ TEXT: MyClass1 Line 2
    [x] Sample 0
    [x] Sample 1
    [x] Sample 2
    [x] Sample 3
    Okay i think you know what i mean. ;-)
    I tryed it also with a dataTable to iterate in "myList" and use a selectOneMenu with selectItems to generate the checkboxes.
    Here is the code:
    <h:dataTable value="#{myBean.myList}" var="rowInstance" binding="#{myBean.dataTable}" id="dataTable">
    <h:outputText value="ID: #{rowInstance.id}" />
    <h:outputText value="TEXT: #{rowInstance.text}" />
    <h:selectManyCheckbox id="cbox" styleClass="checkbox">
    <f:selectItems value="#{myBean.childs}"/>
    Maybe you see the that i've used childs in the selectItems.
    This is a methode like that:
    public SelectItem[] getChilds()
    MyClass1 mc1 = (MyClass1) dataTable.getRowData();
    // now i iterate the childs and make for each a SelectItem()
    Also you maybe see that i have no binding on selectManyCheckbox, because i have no idea how it works. :-)
    I've tried to bind it to a String[] but and the end this String[] always contain the last low.
    My Question is now:
    When the user pressed the submit Button how can i figure out which Checkboxen the user clicked ?
    Thank you a lot.
    Now the german version (surley better explained):
    Hallo nochmal,
    ich habe versucht auf englisch mein Problem zu schildern.
    Was mit sicherheit nicht zu 100% gelungen ist, deshalb hier noch mal eine deutschsprachige Version (maybe some germans out there).
    Wie oben abgeblidet habe ich im Prinzip zwei Klassen.
    Die erste Klasse "MyClass1" hat eine Collection die Objekte von der Klasse "MyClass2" enth�lt.
    Nun m�chte ich auf meiner JSP Seite die JSF Tags benutzt eine Liste von Objekten (die vom Typ "MyClass1" sind) abbilden.
    Die Collection innerhalb dieser Klasse soll als Checkboxen dargestellt werden.
    Ich habe es ohne gro�e Probleme hinbekommen, dass er das so anzeigt wie ich das m�chte.
    Nur habe ich z.Z. noch Probleme damit wie ich sp�ter herausfinde, welche der Checkboxen denn nun angew�hlt sind.
    Normalerweise w�rde man ja ein binding machen, so k�nnte man alle ausgew�hlten Checkboxen (getSelectedValues()) ja bekommen.
    Da aber die Anzahl der Objekte immer unterschiedlich ist kann ich nicht die entsprechenden Variablen anlegen.
    Deshalb die Frage: Wie bekomme ich mit welche der Checkboxen ausgew�hlt wurden? Wie muss das binding aussehen?
    Vielen Dank.
    Greetings from Germany. :)

    Just bind it to the row object.
    JSF<h:dataTable value="#{myBean.myDataList}" var="myData">
            <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{myData.selectedItems}">
                <f:selectItems value="#{myData.selectItems}" />
    </h:dataTable>MyDataprivate List<String> selectedItems; // + getter + setter
    private List<SelectItem> selectItems; // + getter

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  • Problem with binding in rich:tabPanel

    I have the problem with binding in rich component. In the first request the tabPanel work fine, but in the second request the component is not displayed. When i remove binding="#{organizationController.tabPanel}" everything works well. Anybody can help me? thanks.
    <rich:tabPanel style="height : 63px; width:auto; border:0px;" id="panelOrganizationForm" binding="#{organizationController.tabPanel}" >
    <rich:tab label="Dados da organizacao" id="tab1">
                   <h:panelGrid columns="2" id="panelGridOrganizationForm">
         <h:outputText value="Id: " id="idlabel"/>
         <h:inputText value="#{organizationController.organization.organizationId}" styleClass="input" id="organizationId" required="true"/>
         <h:outputText value="Nome: " id="nameLabel"/>
         <h:inputText size="60" value="#{organizationController.organization.organizationName}"
         styleClass="input" id="organizationName"/>
    <a4j:commandButton value="Voltar" action="back" id="bot" immediate="true"/>

    Thanks a lot, both of your replies are immensely instructive. Maybe a little background on what I'm trying to do. In the table, I have header rows with dependent line rows. When a check box is ticked in the header, I want the corresponding check boxes in the dependent lines to be checked automatically (in slave fashion and ideally without using JavaScript). My idea was to update the bound components (for the lines) from within the Bean (in response to change on the header). However, given there's only a single component for each column in the table, this of course doesn't make sense.
    I'm trying to get to the typical MVC workflow of a) user updates a View component, b) Controller detects the change and updates the Model, c) The Model fires a property change event, which the View detects and updates appropriately. What's the way to achieve this in JSF (by design)?
    Here's a simple fragment (which does not work):
            <h:dataTable value="#{bean.lines}" var="line">
                <h:outputText value="#{line.id}"/>
                <!-- (1) This is the master and (2) should refresh on update here --/>
                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox onchange="submit()" value="#{line.lineSelected}"/>
                <!-- (2) This is the slave and I want this to update in response to a change of (1) above --/>
                <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{line.slaveSelected}"/>
            </h:dataTable>In the setter method for lineSelected, I'm setting slaveSelected to the new value but the View is not refreshing based on this. How do I get the View to update (each dependent line) based on the new values for slaveSelected?
    Thanks again

  • When I inherit Form with binding DataSet why then designer find mdb file in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\'

    When I inherit Form with binding DataSet why then designer find mdb file in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\' 
    Do I have to anything to change in my application settings or what I am doing wrong?
    When I inherit a plain Form with no binding DataSet then is all ok.

    I finally saw my longingly expected inherited window containing binding dataset.
    But only by way that I put mdb file right in to the this damn path.
    "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Zdrojove Data\ISMS2003.mdb" 
    In addition mdb file shall be clear too of password.
    We have many windows in our application and we have to work strongly good with inheritance of Form Classes.
    But how I will explain to my Boss if he click on that inherited window and will see this break window?
    Though I will advice to my Boss that hi have to copy too that MDB files to this damn path,
    but the best way could be to find what I need to change that this inherited windows shows without copy this MDB files to
    'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\'
    When I check the settings for DataDirectory every paths looks good.
    Even if I set password for the mdb file I almost see only broken designer window.
    Only by copy this MDB file without his password to this path
    'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\'
     I can see this inherited window right. 

  • Dynamic region table with binding problem

    Hi. I'm using jdev and ADF full stack.
    My app uses single page approach with ADF libraries and a dynamic region to show content. Main page includes a menu bar which is created on session startup and is used to load task flows from libraries.
    I have a class to provide some table functionality like CRUD, multi-row delete, etc and I need to reuse with every table included in libraries.
    To do this, in main web app I have a managed bean to hold table binding and to provide this common functions to all fragments if needed.
    I think it must be in request scope as fragment changes.
    Here's the problem: when I navigate to a fragment which contains a table with binding, first time goes well,
    but next time table, when fragment changes,new table displays without header or without data.
    If I go to another fragment without binding and return to a fragment with problem, it displays well. With fragments without table binding, it works OK.
    I've tried changing scope of this 'general' managed bean, but same thing. If I put a bean for each fragment, it works OK.
    So, how can I 'share' this managed bean through every table? Any suggestions? is it possible?
    Please, help me ....

    I am seeing a similar problem in my app. I have a main menu that drives a dynamic region. If the task flow that gets displayed in the dynamic region also contains a dynamic region, when the inner dynamic region is refreshed to point to a second task flow, the page does not render correctly. The errors we have seen include data in tables not being displayed in some cases, and PPR errors in other cases. In both cases, if the inner dynamic region is replaced (by a single bounded task flow with navigation logic in a template, for example) the errors go away. There appears to be issues involved with including a dynamic region within a dynamic region.
    Have you made any progress on solving your issue?

  • Problem with Bind Variable in 11.2

    I have a slow statement with bind Variables. With literals it works fine. Is there a way to replace the bind by literal in advanced ? I use Release
    Thank you

    904062 wrote:
    I have a slow statement with bind Variables. With literals it works fine. Is there a way to replace the bind by literal in advanced ? I use Release specific scenario is very much an exception to the rule - and you need to back your statement up with execution plans of the SQL with bind variables and with literals, and run stats that show the difference between these two execution plans.
    See the {message:id=9360003} from the {forum:id=75} forum's FAQ for details on how to post a SQL performance tuning question.

  • Problem with Bind Variable not updatable.

    Hi all,
    I'm using Jdev In my VO, I created a Bind Variable and set it NOT UPDATABLE. Then I created a View Criteria with some other Bind Variables.
    I use this View Criteria in a search page, but at runtime I see also an inpunt text for the variable that is set NOT UPDATABLE and I can change its value.
    Of course if I try to change the value and I do the search, I get an error.
    This is the VO source:
    Is it a ADF bug?
    Thank in advance.

    try selecting the bind variable and open the Property Inspector, under UI Hints, set the "Display Hint" to hide. This should hide it (No bug for this reason)

  • Problem in page overflow with table contents having control level

    Hello members,
    My scenario is to display table contents from (Master Page)MP1 and then overflow to MP2 and use the MP2 for the rest of the overflowed pages too. In the form context, the table has control level grouping on a field(F1), which is set in context, because of which we can sub total for the group of records based on field F1.
    Take the scenario that the content area(CA1) of MP1 fits only 10 records and content area(CA2) of MP2 fits only 20 records.
    Test scenario 1:
    If the table contents have records upto 20, then MP1 gets filled with first 10 records and then MP2 with rest of the 10 records. This scenario works fine.
    Test scenario 2:
    If the table contents have records upto 5, then only MP1  with current 5 records gets filled. This scenario also works fine.
    Test scenario 3:( ISSUE BEING FACED)
    If the table contents have records upto 50,(which are more than the combined number of rows of MP1 and MP2) then no data is displayed on MP1 and data starts filling in next MP2 and only approx 22 records are visible where few even cross the content area of the MP2. And no over flow for the rest of the records happen.
    We use SFP Transaction in SAP to modify the layouts of the forms. Please let us know if the table having group set by control level causes any issue in this scenarion Test scenario 3.
    [email protected]

    master pages don't support page breaks. Those pages are only used for the background things of body pages like page numbers, company logs or letter head layouts.
    Don't use repeating objects on masterpages that may overflow its content area, this will always end up with unexpected results.
    Put all those objects on a regular page (body page) which allows page breaks.

  • BAM: Problem with 'Binding' while creating event linkage

    Hello colleagues.
    We have an ECC 6.0  and a PI 7.1 system. I want to create a prototype using the features of BAM.
    In transaction SWF_BAM, i tried to create a binding for the OB proxy parameters and the event object parameters. Unfortunately, the proxy class no longer has the method 'EXECUTE_ASYNCHRONOUS' and hence i am unable to create the binding.
    Any pointers on how to go about this. Please also let me know if i am not doing it the right way.

    HI Keshav,
    Try writing the method which u create in the same name as the implementing class; also known as the provider class. I have faced the same problem, and when writing the method, use the operation name, which is used in PI 7.1, while creating the interface, and there shouldn't be any problem during Binding.

  • Report Performance with Bind Variable

    Getting some very odd behaviour with a report in APEX v
    I have a complex query that takes 5 seconds to return via TOAD, but takes from 5 to 10 minutes in an APEX report.
    I've narrowed it down to one particular bind. If I hard code the date in it returns in 6 seconds, but if I let the date be passed in from a parameter it takes 5+ minutes again.
    Relevant part of the query (an inline view) is:
    ,(select rglr_lect lect
    ,sum(tpm) mtr_tpm
    ,sum(enrols) mtr_enrols
    from ops_dash_meetings_report
    where meet_ev_date between to_date(:P35_END_DATE,'DD/MM/YYYY') - 363 and to_date(:P35_END_DATE,'DD/MM/YYYY')
    group by rglr_lect) RPV
    I've tried replacing the "to_date(:P35_END_DATE,'DD/MM/YYYY') - 363" with another item which is populated with the date required (and verified by checking session state). If I replace the :P35_END_DATE with an actual date the performance is fine again.
    The weird thing is that a trace file shows me exactly the same Explain Plan as the TOAD Explain where it runs in 5 seconds.
    Another odd thing is that another page in my application has the same inline view and doesn't hit the performance problem.
    The trace file did show some control characters (circumflex M) after each line of this report's query where these weren't anywhere else on the trace queries. I wondered if there was some sort of corruption in the source?
    No problems due to pagination as the result set is only 31 records and all being displayed.
    Really stumped here. Any advice or pointers would be most welcome.

    Don't worry about the Time column, the cost and cardinality are more important to see whther the CBO is making different decisions for whatever reason.
    Remember that the explain plan shows the expected execution plan and a trace shows the actual execution plan. So what you want to do is compare the query with bind variables from an APEX page trace to a trace from TOAD (or sqlplus or whatever). You can do this outside APEX like this...
    ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 1';Enter and run your SQL statement...;
    ALTER SESSION SET sql_trace=FALSE;This will create a a trace file in the directory returned by...
    SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'user_dump_dest' Which you can use tkprof to format.
    I am assuming that your not going over DB links or anything else slightly unusual?

  • ADF - ViewObject (with Bind Variable) Bind to Table- JDeveloper 10.1.3 EA

    Hi all,
    1.- This is the situation:
    In JDeveloper 10g 10.1.3 EA I have two JSP JSF Pages with bind automatically coponents (backing bean).
    - In the first page I can select a value from a list. Then, when I press the "Accept" ADF Command Button, the selected value is stored in a property called "rutEntidad" of a Session Managed Bean and the Flow Control is passed to the second page.
    - In the second page I have an ADF Table (called tablePolizas) bind to a ViewObject (I drop the ViewObject from the Data Control Palette to the Page - ADF Read-Only Table ). The ViewObject has a Bind Variable called RUT_ENTIDAD. When this page is loaded, value in the rutEntidad property of Session Managed Bean is passed to the ViewObject in order the ADF Table show filtered data . Also in this page there is a "back" ADF Command Button to the first page. The filter mechanism is performed in the getTablePolizas method in the backing bean of the second page, like this:
    //**** The backing bean of the second page *****
    package cl.bicevida.view.backing;
    public class CrearUsuario {
    private CoreTable tablePolizas;
    public CoreTable getTablePolizas() {
    DCBindingContainer dcbc;
    DCControlBinding cb;
    String rutEntidad;
    FacesContext ctx =FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ValueBinding vb =
    rutEntidad = vb.getValue(ctx).toString();
    dcbc = this.getBindingContainer();
    cb = dcbc.findCtrlBinding("VoPolizasAsociadasEntidadExterna1");
    ViewObject vo = cb.getViewObject();
    vo.setNamedWhereClauseParam("RUT_ENTIDAD", rutEntidad);
    return tablePolizas;
    2.- And this is the problem:
    The first time all works fine... then I press the "back" ADF Command Button to the first page (and NOT the back button of the browser). The second time, if the numbers of rows returned by the ViewObject is different than the first time, the application throws this message (but not crash):
    validation - JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: oracle.jbo.JboException, msg=JBO-35007: Row currency has changed since the user interface was rendered. The expected row key was oracle.jbo.Key[1 ]
    validation - JBO-35007: Row currency has changed since the user interface was rendered. The expected row key was oracle.jbo.Key[1 ]
    Well, I had read the "Generic Approach for Back-Button-Friendly Web Rowset Paging" article of Steve Muench in http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/tips/muench/paging/index.html
    but I think here have another problem.
    3.- The questions:
    Which is the cause of this problem?
    How I can solve it?
    What another way I can programmatic pass a parameter to a ViewObject connected to a table?

    Another thing: the used strategy to obtain a binding container is explained by Steve Muench http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/tips/muench/1013eabinding/index.html:
    Next, you can use JDeveloper's Overview tab of the faces-config.xml file editor to configure a managed property. Define the managed property name as bindingContainer to match the property in your bean, and set the class to the fully-qualified name of the DCBindingContainer class. You can use the (Browse...) button to quickly locate the class using the new JDeveloper 10.1.3 class browser. Just type in the first few letters of the DCBindingContainer name, and then select the class. Edit the new managed property and set its Value to the JSF EL expression: #{bindings}.

  • ExecuteWithParameter with Binds on several view objects

    I thought I knew how to do this, but it has been a month or two, and can't seem to get the syntax right. I would really appreciate some guidance on this.
    I'm using jdev 11 to create a basic page using ADF Faces. In the model, I have three seperate read only view objects based on queries I created in SQL Developer. I also have two lookup tables for use in LOVs to display names for IDs. In one of the views, I added two LOVs for id columns. I have one more lookup that displays name, id for Tech's.
    All three views have the same named bind variable - :TechID
    What I want is to have a single select box that displays the name column from Tech that will return the ID for TechID. When the user clicks the ExecuteWithParms, all three views should be refreshed and re-queried with the new bind value, and display the results. To see this work, I have been working with readonly tables, but eventually hope to use graphs for the three views.
    Here is the general layout that I am trying to achieve.
    Select One Choice (List of Techs with display set to name, and the return set to ID)
    ExecuteWithParams button. Currenly have table1, table2, table2 in the partialtriggers field.
    ViewObject1 that has a named bind of :TechID
    ViewObject2 that has a named bind of :TechID
    ViewObject3 that has a named bind of :TechID
    This seems like it should be easy to setup. Can this be done declaratively, or do I need code. If I need code, can I get a few hints?
    Is there an example that has something similar that I can gleen how to accomplish this?
    Thanks, Ken

    Timo et al,
    I still can't seem to get this to work. I finally worked through a problem with JDeveloper working (Feels like it has been April 1st for a week straight! (American Humor)). In trying to simplify this, I am asking if someone can create the following example use case based on the HR schema. I'm not asking for a paper, just 15 or so minutes from someone that is good at this to create a working example. Also, send me a zipped copy of the project, or make it available on your blog or other downloadable location.
    Thanks for any help with this to really understand how to get JDeveloper to work for me.
    Here are the specifics for a Highly desired example:
    This is based on HR schema.
    Read Only View Objects
    (street_address || ' ' || city || ', ' || state_province || ' ' ||to_char(postal_code) || ' ' || country_id) as location_name,
    order by country_id, location_name;
    -- ViewObject DepartmentStuffView
    select *
    from departments
    where location_id = :LOC_ID;
    -- ViewObject EmployeeStuffView
    select * from employees
    where department_id in (select department_id
    from departments
    where location_id = :LOC_ID);
    -- Modify the AppService and ViewObjects to expose Java code to
    -- modify the (name)Impl.java file
    AppService Code
    public void updateViews(String locationID) {
         // Get a reference to the ViewObjects
    DepartmentStuffView vo1 = (DepartmentStuffView) getDepartmentStuffView1();
    EmployeeStuffView vo2 = (EmployeeStuffView) getEmployeeStuffView1();
         // Now have each view object requery itself with the new parameter
    ViewObject Code
    -- In both ViewObjects
    -- (DepartmentStuffViewImpl.java and EmployeeStuffViewImpl.java),
    -- add the following code at the bottom
    public void updatewithParam(String locationID) {
    Location Name: ComboBox <== Displays LOCATION_NAME, Returns LOCAION_ID
    <Run Report> <== Button to run the process
    The view object DepartmentmentStuffView
    The View Object EmployeeStuffView
    Expected Behavior:
    Change the location in combo box and press the run report button.
    The data in both views with bind variables get updated.
    Page can have search with multiple filters. The AppService can control
    which views get updated with which values depending on selections. Common
    use case.
    Thanks so much, Ken

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