ABAP SQL Query (Select data from intervals)

Hi All,
From    To      Temp
101      200     1111
201      300     2222
301      400     3333
401      500     4444
501      600     5555
From, To & Temp are three Fields.
Consider the above table, if i enter input as 150, need to pick 1111.
If the input is inbetween of From & To values means I want to pick the exact
Data from temp field.
Edited by: hema prabakaran on Jan 19, 2009 7:54 AM
Edited by: hema prabakaran on Jan 19, 2009 8:30 AM

Data: itab type table of tbl with header line.
select * from tbl into table itab.
if sy-subrc eq 4.
Message E000(YJK).
        loop at itab.
         if v_temp between itab-from and itab-to.
               write itab-temp.
You can use the above code.
It is not possible to use select stmt with your i/p variable in the where clause as that field is not present in table.
hope this helps

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    Here is hte sample program in se38.
    *-- Include for data declarations and performs
    include ZFGLI00003_f01.
    *--Include for Classes and their Implementation
    include ZFGLI00003_cl.
    *                selection-screen                                      *
    *-- Selection Values : Block1
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    *--         Ledger
    parameters: p_rldnr  like zzprodnt-rldnr default 'NP'.
    *--         Fiscal year
    parameters: p_ryear  like zzprodnt-ryear.
    *--         Period(month)
    parameters: p_rpmax  like zzprodnt-rpmax.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    *-- Selection Values : Block2
    selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
    *--              Company ID's
    select-options : s_glcomp  for ZZPRODNT-ROBUKRS .
    *--              Profit Center
    select-options : s_prctr   for ZZPRODNT-RPRCTR .
    *--              Product Assignment
    select-options : s_prasn   for ZZPRODNT-RZZWWZ01 .
    *--              Corporate Brand
    select-options : s_crpbd   for ZZPRODNT-RZZWWZ05 .
    selection-screen end of block b2.
    *-- Selection Values : Block3  Download Options
    selection-screen begin of block b3 with frame title text-003.
    parameters : p_local radiobutton group 1,
                 p_unix  radiobutton group 1,
                 p_path  like rlgrap-filename obligatory
                         default 'C:P20Z_Formatted.txt'(009).
    selection-screen end of block b3.
    *            At Selection-Selection on value-request  for file path    *
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_path.
      if p_unix <> 'X'.
    *-- Getting F4 help for output file
        perform get_filename changing p_path.
        message i999(zi) with
              'Sorry !! Function not available for UNIX file.'(i01).
    *-- At selection screen validations
    at selection-screen on p_path.
      if p_unix <> 'X'.
    *-- Validate local file
        if p_path+1(2) <> ':'.
          message e999(zi) with 'Invalid file path'(006).
    *-- Validate unix file
        if p_path+0(1) <> '/'.
          message e999(zi) with 'Invalid file path'(006).
    *                   Initialization                                    *
    *-- Initialize the period
      perform init_period changing p_rpmax p_ryear.
    *                    start-of-selection                               *
      data : o_tm1_intf type ref to lcl_tm1_intf.
      create object o_tm1_intf.
    *-- Extract the data from ZZPRODNT
      call method o_tm1_intf->get_data exporting e_rldnr  = p_rldnr
                                                 e_ryear  = p_ryear
                                                 e_rpmax  = p_rpmax
                                                 e_glcomp = s_glcomp[]
                                                 e_prctr  = s_prctr[]
                                                 e_prasn  = s_prasn[]
                                                 e_crpbd  = s_crpbd[]
                                       importing i_subrc  = v_subrc.
    *   INCLUDE ZFGLI00003_CL                                              *
    *       CLASS lcl_tm1_intf IMPLEMENTATION
    class lcl_tm1_intf definition.
      public section.
    *-- Data Declaration
        data  : lv_date     type sy-datum,       "Date
                lv_time     type sy-uzeit,       "Time
                lv_count    type i,              "Count for total records
                lv_acsline  type zfgl014-acsline,"ACS line code
                lv_amt_curr type zzprodnt-kslvt, "current month amount
                lv_amt_ytd  type zzprodnt-kslvt, "YTD Amount
                lv_check,                        "check if any record is
                lv_msg(100),                     "message
                lv_count_s(5)  ,                 "Count for total(char)
                lv_amt_curr_s(23),               "Current month amount(char)
                lv_amt_ytd_s(23),                "YTD Amount(char)
                lv_ksl_pd(17),                   "KSLxx
                lv_period(2) type n.             "month(period)
    *-- Types Declaration
        types : ty_rldnr type zzprodnt-rldnr,    "Type for Ledger
                ty_ryear type zzprodnt-ryear,    "Type for Fiscal Year
                ty_rpmax type zzprodnt-rpmax,    "Type for Period
                ty_glcomp type range of char4,   "Type for company selection
                ty_prctr type range of char10,   "Type for profit center sel
                ty_prasn type range of char6,    "Type for prod assignmt sel
                ty_crpbd type range of char4,    "Type for Corp Brand sel
                begin of ty_file,                "Type for File
                end of ty_file,
                begin of ty_ZZPRODNT,            "Type-ledger summary table
                  company       type OBUKR,      "Company
                  gl_acct       type RACCT,      "GL Account
                  cst_ctr       type KOSTL,      "Cost Center
                  prt_ctr       type PRCTR,      "Profit Center
                  rfarea        type FKBER,      "Functional Area
                  wbs_ele       type PS_POSID,   "WBS Element
                  prd_***       type RKEG_WWZ01, "Product Assignment
                  corp_bd       type RKEG_WWZ05, "Corporate Brand
                  ksl01         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 01
                  ksl02         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 02
                  ksl03         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 03
                  ksl04         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 04
                  ksl05         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 05
                  ksl06         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 06
                  ksl07         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 07
                  ksl08         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 08
                  ksl09         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 09
                  ksl10         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 10
                  ksl11         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 11
                  ksl12         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 12
                  ksl13         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 13
                  ksl14         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 14
                  ksl15         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 15
                  ksl16         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 16
                end of ty_ZZPRODNT.
    *-- Structure Declaration
    *           Structure for final file
        data  : x_file         type ty_file,
    *           Structure for Product Ledger Summary table
                x_ZZPRODNT     type ty_ZZPRODNT,
    *           Structure for Functional Area to ACS line mapping
                x_zfgl014      type zfgl014.
    *-- Internal Table Declaration
    *           Table for records of Product Ledger Summary table
        data  : it_ZZPRODNT     type table of ty_ZZPRODNT,
    *           Table for final file
                it_file         type table of ty_file,
    *           Table for Functional Area to ACS line mapping
                it_zfgl014      type table of zfgl014.
    *-- Method Declaration.
        methods : get_data      importing e_rldnr  type ty_rldnr
                                          e_ryear  type ty_ryear
                                          e_rpmax  type ty_rpmax
                                          e_glcomp type ty_glcomp
                                          e_prctr  type ty_prctr
                                          e_prasn  type ty_prasn
                                          e_crpbd  type ty_crpbd
                                exporting i_subrc type sy-subrc.
    endclass.                    "lcl_tm1_intf DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_tm1_intf IMPLEMENTATION
    class lcl_tm1_intf implementation.
    *-- Method get_data selects the North American Product Ledger Summary
    *   table data and then maps the Functional Area to ACS line to get
    *   the ACS line code
      method get_data.
    *-- Local Variable
    *-- Get the data from North American Product Ledger Summary table
        select robukrs
          from zzprodnt
          into table it_ZZPRODNT
         where rldnr    = e_rldnr
           and ryear    = e_ryear
           and rpmax    = e_rpmax
           and ROBUKRS  in e_glcomp
           and RPRCTR   in e_prctr
           and RZZWWZ01 in e_prasn
           and RZZWWZ05 in e_crpbd.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          loop at it_ZZPRODNT into l_zzprodnt.
            condense l_ZZPRODNT-rfarea no-gaps.
            if l_ZZPRODNT-rfarea is initial.
              delete it_ZZPRODNT.
    *-- Get the Functional Area to ACS line code mapping data
          select *
            from zfgl014
            into table it_zfgl014
             for all entries in it_ZZPRODNT
           where fkber = it_ZZPRODNT-rfarea .
          if sy-subrc = 0.
        i_subrc = sy-subrc.
      endmethod.                    "get_data
    endclass.                    "lcl_tm1_intf IMPLEMENTATION
    *   INCLUDE ZFGLI00003_F01                                             *
    *                             Table
    tables : zzprodnt.
    *                          Data Declaration
    data : v_subrc type sy-subrc.
    *&      Form  get_filename
    *  Description : This subroutine is used for F4 Prompting
    form get_filename changing p_path like rlgrap-filename.
    *-- Local variables
      data : lv_file  like ibipparms-path, "Local file for upload/download
             lv_repid like syst-cprog,     "ABAP program, caller in external
             lv_dynnr type syst-dynnr.     "Current screen No
      lv_repid = syst-cprog.
      lv_dynnr = syst-dynnr.
    *-- Function module used for F4 help
      call function 'F4_FILENAME'
                program_name  = lv_repid
                dynpro_number = lv_dynnr
                file_name     = lv_file.
      move lv_file to p_path.
    endform.                    " get_filename
    *&      Form  init_period
    FORM init_period changing p_rpmax p_ryear.
      if sy-datum+4(2) = 01.
        p_rpmax = 12.
        p_ryear = sy-datum+0(4) - 1.
        p_rpmax = sy-datum+4(2) - 1.
        p_ryear = sy-datum+0(4).
    ENDFORM.                    " init_period
    Hope this helps.

  • Getting SQL*Net more data from client waits when running a query through web based interface

    Hi, you all,
    We are having this weird behavior when running query through web based interface, we get a lot of "SQL*Net more data from client" waits, the OEM indicates that the current wait event is SQL*Net more data from client
    It's just a very simple query wich invokes a db link.
    When I execute the same query on any PL/SQL tool like toad or sql developer it works fine, but that query inside an application executed through a web based interface, it hangs for ever.
    Where can I start looking for the problem.
    We are working on a 3 Node RAC 11gr2, both databases are on the same RAC.

    Hi ,
    we managed to reproduce the case in test environment, below are the steps:
    1)have 2 databases on different machines, will call the first one local, the other one remote.
    2)in the local database create:
    a - DBLink to remote database.
    b - read data from remote database(we simply used select count(*) from dummy_table )
    c - insert data into a table on the local database
    d - terminate the connection between the 2 databases (disconnect either machine from the network)
    e - commit on local database.
    what we noticed was the following:
    1)when the local database is disconnected from the network(the machine is not connected to any network at the moment): almost immediately throws an error, and issuing the following:
    select * from dba_2pc_pending;we found some data .
    2) when the remote database was disconnected(the local database is still connected to the network):
    after 7-8 seconds an error is thrown, and issuing the following:
    select * from dba_2pc_pending;did not return any data.
    since this is pretty similar to our case ,we concluded that it's a network issue.
    is this the correct behavior ?
    as a temporary solution till the network issue is fixed ,we did the following:
    1) changed the call of the remote procedure to calling a local procedure that calls the remote procedure.
    2) added pragma autonomous_transaction to the local procedure.
    3) at the end of the local procedure rollback the autonomous transaction.
    it seems that since the global transaction does not use the DBLink database does not issue a 2PC commit.
    this works in my cases since the DBLink is only issed to read data.

  • How to compare result from sql query with data writen in html input tag?

    how to compare result
    from sql query with data
    writen in html input tag?
    I need to compare
    user and password in html form
    with all user and password in database
    how to do this?
    or put the resulr from sql query
    in array
    please help me?

    Hi dejani
    first get the user name and password enter by the user
    String sUsername=request.getParameter("name of the textfield");
    String sPassword=request.getParameter("name of the textfield");
    after executeQuery() statement
    int exist=0;
    String sUserId= rs.getString("username");
    String sPass_wd= rs.getString("password");
    if(sUserId.equals(sUsername) && sPass_wd.equals(sPassword))
    out.println("user exist");
    out.println("not exist");

  • How to select data from a PL/SQL table

    I am selecting data from database after doing some screening i want to store it in a PL/SQL table (temporary area) and pass it to oracle reports.
    Is there any way to select the data from a PL/SQL table as a cursor. Or is there any other way of holding the temporary data and then pass it back as a cursor.

    A PL/SQL "table" is anything but a table. Whoever came up with this term in PL/SQL to describe what is known as dynamic arrays (the correct programming terminology that existed since the 70's if not earlier and what is used in all other programming languages I'm familiar with)... well, several descriptions come to mind and none of them are complimentary.
    You cannot "select" from a PL/SQL dynamic array as it is not a table within the Oracle context of tables.
    Thus you need to convert (cast) a PL/SQL dynamic array into a temporary Oracle data set/table in order to select from it. This is in general a Bad Idea (tm). Oracle tables and SQL and concurrency controls and all that are especially designed for processing data. PL/SQL arrays is a very simplistic data structure with very limited usage. Why would you want to use that in SQL via a SELECT statement when you can use Oracle tables (or proper temp tables) instead? Besides that, it is also slow to cast a dynamic PL/SQL array into an Oracle SQL data set structure (context switching, copying of memory, etc).
    The proper way to use PL/SQL to generate data sets for use via the SQL engine is pipelined table functions.
    This is not to say that you should never use PL/SQL arrays and casting in SQL.. simply that you need to make sure that this is the correct and scalable way to do it. And that will also always be an exception to the rule when you do.

  • How to select data from 3rd row of Excel to insert into Sql server table using ssis

    Iam having Excel files with headers in first two rows , i want two skip that two rows and select data from 3rd row to insert into Sql Server table using ssis.3rd row is having column names.

                                                         CUSTOMER DETAILS
    COL1        COL2        COL3       COL4           COL5          COL6          COL7
           COL8          COL9          COL10            COL11      
    1            XXX            yyyy         zzzz
    2            XXX            yyyy        zzzzz
    3           XXX            yyyy          zzzzz
    4          XXX             yyyy          zzzzz
    First two rows having cells merged and with headings in excel , i want two skip the first two rows and select the data from 3rd row and insert into sql server using ssis
    Set range within Excel command as per below
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  • Deleting selected data from an Infocube in BW using ABAP program?

    Hi Everybody,
                       I have to create a ABAP program in SE38 which, on execution will delete selected data from a Cube in BW module. How to achieve it. Is there any function module that can do so? Eagerly waiting for your suggestions.

    select the records from the cube or  ods and put in to one internal table.
    and then u can delete the records

  • Querying EBS data from APEX through PL/SQL process

    Hi all,
    I have read through http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/apex-ebs-wp-cabot-consulting-169064.pdf
    and    http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/learnmore/apex-ebs-extension-white-paper-345780.pdf
    But I still do not have much idea on how do I query for data from ebs. What I am trying to achieve is to query for a table in EBS and put the data as a httpresponse
    then parse the data using javascript by creating a html region in APEX.
    Previously, I was creating an application process in the following manner
    element_List varchar2(4000) := '';
    for i in (select END_MEASURE from SCS_ELEMENT_DATA where ATTRIBUTE10 = :P9_ASSET_ID) loop
    element_List := element_List || i.END_MEASURE || ' ';
    end loop;
    exception when no_data_found then null;
    My table structure in EBS is something like this:
    XXEAM_LAM_ELEMENTS (lam_element_id, csi_instance_id, element_name, element_desc, label, type, continuous, reference, shared, start_measure, end_measure, lat_long)
    Would appreciate any advice as I'm new to both APEX and EBS.

    Hi Scott and Tom,
    Sorry about this.
    My Apex is installed in the same instance as my EBS. I assume this means they are in the same DB? So if this is the case, can I just query with the EBS table name and the APEX application will know its EBS table and not APEX table?
    Because previously my query was based on APEX tables and now I have query based on my EBS table using an APEX application process. I couldn't really understand what's needed even after looking through the whitepaper. I do not need to create a view/report based on the queried data because my APEX page only has a HTML region where I put all my javascript code in.
    Hope this is clearer. Sorry for not being clear on my issue.

  • Selecting data from Multiple Partitions in a single select stmt.

    Hi all,
    My Database is very large & my tables are partitioned.
    My question is:
    1) If my data is spread across multiple partitions, is there any way to select data from multiple partitions in a single query?
    If we dont mention partition name also it works fine, but perofmance wise it will be very slow. (Using EXPLAIN PLAN)
    (Note:I dont want to make use of Union concept, i want to do it in a single select statement)
    For ex:
    select empno from emp_trans partition (P012000)
    This above query(qry1.sql) will work fine.
    select empno from emp_trans partition (P012000,P022000)
    The above query(qry2.sql) will return will return the following error:
    ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    If anybody has any solution for this, pls mail me immediately.
    Thanks in advance

    All my queries are dynamically generated. All my tables are also indexed partition wise based on date field. My question is, if i want to mention multiple partition names at the time of generating my query(select), then with parformance will be good. I have refered some books, inthat what they say is to use UNION concept, i dont want to use that, instead i want in a single select statement.
    Thaks for ur reply

  • Query xml data from a CLOB datatye

    I read in an oracle white paper that is is possible to query XML data from CLOB datatype using oracle text index using operators HASPATH() and INPATH(). I am not able to find any example on how to do this. Can someone please post a simple example here.
    Thank You very much!

    SCOTT@10gXE> CREATE TABLE your_table (id NUMBER, xml_data CLOB)
      2  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> INSERT INTO your_table (id, xml_data)
      2  SELECT t.deptno,
      3           DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXML
      4             ('SELECT d.dname,
      5                   CURSOR (SELECT e.ename, e.job
      6                        FROM   emp e
      7                        WHERE  e.deptno = d.deptno) emp_data
      8            FROM   dept d
      9            WHERE  d.deptno = ' || t.deptno)
    10  FROM   dept t
    11  /
    5 rows created.
      2  /
    Commit complete.
    SCOTT@10gXE> begin
      2    ctx_ddl.create_section_group('xmlpathgroup', 'PATH_SECTION_GROUP');
      3  end;
      4  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@10gXE> CREATE INDEX myindex
      2  ON your_table(xml_data)
      3  INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.context
      4  PARAMETERS ('datastore ctxsys.default_datastore
      5              filter ctxsys.null_filter
      6              section group xmlpathgroup'
      7            )
      8  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT * FROM your_table
      2  WHERE  CONTAINS (xml_data, 'PERSONNEL INPATH (//DNAME)') > 0
      3  /
            ID XML_DATA
            50 <?xml version="1.0"?>
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT * FROM your_table
      2  WHERE  CONTAINS (xml_data, 'HASPATH (//DNAME="PERSONNEL")') > 0
      3  /
            ID XML_DATA
            50 <?xml version="1.0"?>
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT * FROM your_table
      2  WHERE  CONTAINS (xml_data, 'CLARK INPATH (//ENAME)') > 0
      3  /
            ID XML_DATA
            10 <?xml version="1.0"?>
    SCOTT@10gXE> SELECT * FROM your_table
      2  WHERE  CONTAINS (xml_data, 'HASPATH (//ENAME="CLARK")') > 0
      3  /
            ID XML_DATA
            10 <?xml version="1.0"?>

  • Select data from database tables with high performance

    hi all,
    how to select data from different database tables with high performance.
    im using for all entries instead of inner joins, even though burden on data base tables is going very high ( 90 % in se30)
    hw to increase the performance.
    kindly, reply.

    Also Check you are not using open sql much like distict order by group by , use abap techniques on internal table to acive the same.
    also Dont use select endselect.
    if possible use up to n rows claus....
    taht will limit the data base hits.
    also dont run select in siode any loops.
    i guess these are some of the trics oyu can use to avoid frequent DATA BASE HITS AND ABVOID THE DATA BASE LAOD.

  • Select data from different database

    may I know how to select data from different database?
    for example,
    I've 2 databases, OracleDB and OracleAR
    Connect with OracleAR in SQL*Plus
    select * from OracleDB.TableName
    does Oracle support this kind of query?
    how can I retrieve data from other database while im connecting with
    other database?

    Yes, it's possible. No, your syntax won't work.
    First of all you have to define a DATABASE LINK inside the DB where you are already connected (in this case OracleAR). Read docs how to do that.
    Second thing is the query. It will look like
    SELECT * from TableName@<NameOfDatabaseLink>Greetings,

  • Select data from plsql collections

    Hi All,
    I am not a developer but working as a DBA, so not very much familiar with pl/sql, still gone through with documentation and could come up with some solution of my problem. I need some expert advice here.
    Problem : I am writing down some kind of plsql program for monitoring of some special batch job, I know we have lot of other option to do the same including db/grid control ..etc but for some
    reason i have to do this using plsql only.
    Requirement : my requirement is to select data from table in plsql and then should have ability to query it again and again. I would not prefer to go to table rather than directly from plsql..
    I wrote down below code for sample, bulk collect data into collection type and can print using for loop.
    type ts is table of v$session%rowtype index by pls_integer;
    tsess ts;
    select * bulk collect into tsess from v$session ;
    for i in 1..tsess.count loop
    end loop;
    But, is there any way same collection ( tsess in above example ) can be queried using select statement like 'select * from table ( Tsess ) ' I have searched on net and found this can be done using creating type at database level. But my problem is I can not create any object in database as being it is a production one.
    I was looking for if is there any way same can be accomplished ... like cast / multiset .. however, I could not get it through.
    your help would be appreciated !!

    I don't think you need to use arrays here, only SQL, have a look at subquery factors and report back if that is insufficient...
    Edited by: BrendanP on 12-Feb-2012 03:07 to add an example:
    I gather that you want to 'requery' data that you have already got from the database purely to be able to use SQL functionality such as ORDER BY in multiple ways. Here is how you can do this in the original SQL for one particular example, where you want to query v$sql ordering by CPU time and by disk reads separately (I tested this but the output won't look good here, so omitting it):
    WITH v AS (
        Substr (sql_text,1,500)             sql_text,
        cpu_time/1000000                    cpu_seconds,
        CASE WHEN rows_processed != 0 THEN Round( buffer_gets / Nvl (Replace (rows_processed, 0, 1) ,1)) END Buffer_gets_rows_proc,
        Round (buffer_gets / Nvl (Replace (executions, 0, 1), 1)) Buffer_gets_executions,
        elapsed_time / 1000000              elapsed_second,
    FROM v$sql s)
        'CPU'                order_by,
        cpu_seconds          order_val,
    FROM v
        'Disk reads',
    FROM v
    ORDER BY order_by, order_val DESC

  • Best way to spool DYNAMIC SQL query to file from PL/SQL

    Best way to spool DYNAMIC SQL query to file from PL/SQL [Package], not SqlPlus
    I'm looking for suggestions on how to create an output file (fixed width and comma delimited) from a SELECT that is dynamically built. Basically, I've got some tables that are used to define the SELECT and to describe the output format. For instance, one table has the SELECT while another is used to defined the column "formats" (e.g., Column Order, Justification, FormatMask, Default value, min length, ...). The user has an app that they can use to customize the output...which leaving the gathering of the data untouched. I'm trying to keep this formatting and/or default logic out of the actual query. This lead me into a problem.
    Example query :
    WHERE CONTRACT_ID = <<value>>Customization Table:
    CONTRACT_ID : 2,Numeric,Right
    PV_ID : 1,Numeric,Mask(0000)
    START_DATE : 3,Date,Mask(mm/dd/yyyy)The first value is the kicker (ColumnOrder) as well as the fact that the number of columns is dynamic. Technically, if I could use SqlPlus...then I could just use SPOOL. However, I'm not.
    So basically, I'm trying to build a generic routine that can take a SQL string execute the SELECT and map the output using data from another table to a file.
    Any suggestions?

    You could build the select statement within PL/SQL and open it using a cursor variable. You could write it to a file using the package 'UTL_FILE'. If you want to display the output using SQL*Plus, you could have an out parameter as a ref cursor.

  • ORA-13773: insufficient privileges to select data from the cursor cache

    We are trying to create STS using the below query:
    exec sys.dbms_sqltune.create_sqlset(sqlset_name => 'TEST_STS', -
    sqlset_owner => 'SCOTT');
    The below procedure will load sql starting with 'select /*MY_CRITICAL_SQL*/%' from cursor cache into STS TEST_STS.
    stscur dbms_sqltune.sqlset_cursor;
    OPEN stscur FOR
    FROM TABLE(dbms_sqltune.select_cursor_cache(
    'sql_text like ''select /*MY_CRITICAL_SQL*/%''',
    null, null, null, null, null, null, 'ALL')) P;
    dbms_sqltune.load_sqlset(sqlset_name => 'TEST_STS',
    populate_cursor => stscur,
    sqlset_owner => 'SCOTT');
    We were getting the following error: ORA-13761: invalid filter
    After granting the below privileges to the user we are getting the below error:
    Err msg:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-13773: insufficient privileges to select data from the cursor cache
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQLTUNE", line 2957
    ORA-06512: at line 10
    For SQL Tuning Sets:
    For Managing SQL Profiles:
    For SQL Tuning Advisor:
    grant select on sys.DBA_HIST_BASELINE to SCOTT;
    grant select on sys.DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT to SCOTT;
    grant select on sys.DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT to SCOTT;
    grant select on sys.DBA_HIST_SQLBIND to SCOTT;
    grant select on sys.DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV to SCOTT;
    grant select on sys.DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT to SCOTT;
    Any info from your end to resolve the issue will be of great help.

    What is the alert log reporting. Are you seeing any other errors than these in the alert log too?

Maybe you are looking for

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