ABAP XSLT Extensions or XSLT (XI imported archive)?

Hi all,
I would like to know which is having better performance in a scenario with a significant number of messages.
I know that ABAP XSLT Extensions is based in XSLT 1.0 and have some features of XSLT 2.0. So, for me it means some limitations and a disadvantage compared with all of XSLT 2.0 “standard” can offer.
But, my question is related with performance and I just want to know which is faster.
Thanks in advance,

Hi Ricardo,
abap xslt has one great advantage
abap stack does not have to communicate with
java stack to perform the - so no RFC calls for mapping
with many messages that might influence their flows
but it wuold be best if you could just test it
in YOUR environment (there are many test tools -
like Loadrunner from Mercury) or you can write your own scripts
and just test in your particular examle which one is better
<a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Manoj,
                XI supports 4 types of mappings
                            1. Message mapping
                            2. XSLT MApping
                            3. JAVA Mapping
                            4. ABAP Mapping.
                     If you go with message mapping or ABAP mapping no need to use imported archive. If you want to implement XSLT or JAVA mapping then only you need to import those programmes into imported archives. when import the external programms(XSLT or JAVA) to the Imported archives then should keep those file as a ZIP. The ZIP files only can import to the Imported Archives. 

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    Sorry, perhaps I should have been clearer! The function that I picked just to test what you need to do just happened to return a string that contains SPAN tags with style attributes. The actual function code is:
    create or replace FUNCTION out_string_fn
       CURSOR emp_cur
          SELECT ename
            FROM emp;
       v_string   VARCHAR2 (4000);
       v_string := ' ';
       FOR c IN emp_cur
          v_string :=
             || '&lt;SPAN style="font-weight:bold;color:green"&gt;'
             || c.ename
             || '&lt;/SPAN&gt;'
             || ', &lt;/br&gt;&lt;/br&gt;';
       END LOOP;
       RETURN v_string;
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
    <xsl:param name="queryString" select="'SELECT * FROM FASTATUS'"></xsl:param>
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    <xsl:message>Error Connecting to the Database</xsl:message>
    <xsl:copy-of select="sql:getError($dbObj)/ext-error" />
    <xsl:message>Database Coneection successful</xsl:message>
    <TITLE>List of Values</TITLE>
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    <xsl:variable name="table">
    <xsl:copy-of select="sql:query($dbObj, $queryString)"/>
    <xsl:if test="not($table)" >
    <xsl:message>Error in Query</xsl:message>
    <xsl:copy-of select="sql:getError($dbObj)/ext-error" />
    <xsl:message>Query execution successful</xsl:message>
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    <xsl:value-of select="@column-label"/>
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    <xsl:template match="row">
    <TR><xsl:apply-templates select="col"/></TR>
    <xsl:template match="col">
    <TD><xsl:value-of select="text()"/></TD>

    No idea. You didn't mention pquery in your original post, and I don't even know what that is (even after googling it).
    Anyway, your problem is the same as in your first post. You haven't done your research. All you know is it's "not working". Find out in what way it is not working and then post a detailed question.

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    Thanks Regards

    Instead of doing all this work, you can do in simple
    Use RFC LOOKUp in XI Mapping to pull the values based on the input value and Maintain the ZTable in ABAP Stack of XI or in R/3 itself.
    RFC Lookups
    The specified item was not found.
    Use this crazy piece for any RFC Mapping Lookups!

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    Tommy Sedin

    Combining the XSLs isn't the problem. Calling the
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    and clean way is. I hate having 4-5 lines of code to
    call a template, when it should be possible to have
    just 1.XML is a verbose language, isn't it?
    I appreciate your answers, but - as I said in my
    previous post - you're giving solutions to something
    that is already solved without even touching the
    problem I actually need help with. And I'm sorry if
    I'm making "smart ass comments", but I don't much
    appreciate you attacking my skills as a programmer and
    systems architect. There is a reason why I've solved
    something in a harder, more clumsy way than what
    everyone else does.Yes, people always have their reasons for doing things. And sometimes those reasons are bad reasons. Questioning a design is not an attack, it's just a question. So there's no need to take it personally. However, I really didn't read your first reply properly, and that didn't help.

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    Thanks for the answer, Steve!
    Depends on what call you're using in your extension function to
    read your properties.Maybe I tried a too simplistic approach. I'm just using this:
    Properties props = new Properties();
    try {
    props.load(new FileInputStream("/foo.properties"));
    This (with the slash) works if the properties file is in the root
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    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLExtFunctions.getClass(XSLExtFunctions.java:351)
    Trying even a simple example using java.lang.xxxx gets the same error.
    <!-- x.xsl: show value in Hexadecimal -->
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" exclude-result-prefixes="Int"
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:variable name="x" select="99"/>
    <!-- Invoke public static toHexString() method on current node "." -->
    <x-hex><xsl:value-of select="Int:toHexString($x)"/></x-hex>
    This is XDK
    Thanks in advance.

    Terris Linenbach (guest) wrote:
    : Does the v2 parser support XSLT extension functions?
    : Here is a cool example of an implementation at
    : http://www.jclark.com/xml/xt.html :
    : A call to a function ns:foo where ns is bound to a namespace
    : the form http://www.jclark.com/xt/java/className is treated as
    : call of the static method foo of the class with fully-
    : name className. Hyphens in method names are removed with the
    : character following the hyphen being upper-cased. Overloading
    : based on number of parameters is supported; overloading based
    : parameter types is not. A non-static method is treated like a
    : static method with the this object as an additional first
    : argument. A constructor is treated like a static method named
    : new. Extension functions can return objects of arbitrary types
    : which can then be passed as arguments to other extension
    : functions or stored in variables.
    : For example, the following
    : <xsl:stylesheet
    : xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/XSL/Transform/1.0"
    : xmlns:date="http://www.jclark.com/xt/java/java.util.Date"
    : xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"
    : result-ns="">
    : <xsl:template match="/">
    : <html>
    : <xsl:if test="function-available('date:to-string') and
    : function-available('date:new')">
    <xsl:value-of select="date:to-string(date:new
    : </xsl:if>
    : </html>
    : </xsl:template>
    : </xsl:stylesheet>
    : will print out the current date.
    Our current release 2.0.2 does not support extension functions
    but they will be supported in the very near future.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network

  • What is main diff b/w imported Archives and External Defination in IR

    What is main diff b/w imported Archives and External Defination in IR

    Hi Vijay,
    ED-standard schema for describing the message structure.If you have the structure provided to you from some external application you can use it in PI directly without recreating in PI.you can import following formats which are used to describe message schema
    WSDL (Web Service Description Language),
    XSD (XML Schema Definition Language),
    DTDs (Document Type Definitions)
    Imported Archives: its used basically for java and xslt mapping where you create the required mapping externally using some tools
    (java-eclipse/NWDS .XSLT-stylus studio).You can also implement XSLT and Java mappingsf and save them as archives in the Integration Repository.
    read More details here
    [Imported Archives|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/4c/b2ad3de2d76b3be10000000a114084/content.htm]

  • Imported Archive not visible

    Hi Guru,
    I have imported into XI a XSLT Mapping in IMPORTED ARCHIVE; now I have to use thi mapping in my Interface Mapping, but the imported Archive (the XSLT Mapping...) is not visible! How is it possible?
    Thanks to all!

    1. Make sure that the XSLT program .zip or jar format.
    2. If the mapping program it' not showing then forceble you need to push your interface mapping.
      If the mapping program it is not showing mean particular source message particular target message couldn't defind the mapping program..this is not complesary any mapping program we can push through forceble .

  • What is the Use of Imported Archives in Mapping Objects

    Hi All,
    What is the Use of Imported Archives in Mapping Objects ( IR )

    Hi Vamsi,
    When we are doing JAVA , XSLT mappings we have to do import archievs
    after developing the JAva mapping in NWDS and create jar file come back to IR under imported archieves we will import the jar file.
    Similarly XSLT als make the zip and import under imported archieves
    Also when we have any java packages ,import it under archieves and make them to use in UDF
    See the below links
    XSLT Mapping
    XSLT Mapping with java enhancement
    Check this thread...
    Reusability of User-defined Functions
    Check this thread...
    Re: User-defined function in multiple Message Mappings
    Using external JARs in Web Dynpro Dev.Component
    see sap documentation:
    <b>** REward POints if found useful **</b>

  • How to upload into import archive

    How to import the XSL mapping and JCO LOOK UPS int to import archive archive 
    should i import java file or class file in look ups part , what abt the XSLT mappimg part, then i want to test the mapping part will you please tell me how to copy the already existing interface so that i can test the mapping part without distrubing it
    thanking you

    To test the XSLT Mapping:
    -Zip the .xslt file and import the zip into Improted Archive
    -Then create the new Interface Mapping or you can copy old Interface Mapping by right clicking on the Interface Mapping where you required to use XSLT mapping
    btw, if you are using xslt or java mapping, you need to just use this in the Interface Mapping.
    -In interface mapping, you can see the drop down list to select type of mapping and proceed further. It will direct you .
    Hope this helps,

  • Problem with imported archives

    Hi all,
    I have created Message mappings(this I have to delete once get the sucess),Interface mapping.I need to use XSLT mapping so I copied the Message mapping output to XSLT file Organization_2_PSTCS_Department_XSLT.xslt and when Imported into imported archieves.
    When I try to use this mapping I am getting the message as in SUB .Alternatively if i use the message mapping I am getting sucess.
    Please let me know what is the problem.

    >>>>>>I need to use XSLT mapping so I copied the Message mapping output to XSLT file Organization_2_PSTCS_Department_XSLT.xslt and when Imported into imported archieves.
    you copied the output ? (you mean the result of message mapping?)
    this has no sense as message mapping has nothing to do with
    xslt mappings
    you need to create your xslt mapping yourself and then import it
    you cannot create xslt mapping from message mapping
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

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