
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' 4th Where clause: ' || WHERE_CLAUSE);
HKey_Local Machine -> Software -> Microsoft -> MSLicensing
Removing batch of Files in linux:
find . -name "*.arc" -mtime +20 -exec rm -f {} \;
find . -name "*.dbf" -mtime +60 -exec mv {} /backup/Arch_Bkp_02May11/ \;
Find top N records:
select * from (select ename from emp order by sal)
where rownum <=n;
Find top Nth record: (n=0 for 1st highest)
select * from emp a
where (n =
(select count(distinct b.sal) from emp b
where b.sal > a.sal));
Query for Listing last n records from the table
select * from (select * from emp order by rownum desc) where rownum<4
HOW TO tablespace wise and file wise info
col file_name for a45
col tablespace_name for a15
set linesize 132
select a.tablespace_name,a.file_name,a.AUTOEXTENSIBLE,----a.status,
round(a.bytes/1024/1024,2) Total_MB,
round(sum(b.bytes)/1024/1024,2) Free_MB,
round((a.bytes/1024/1024 - sum(b.bytes)/1024/1024),2) Used_MB
from dba_data_files a,dba_free_space b
where a.file_id=b.file_id
and a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name
group by a.tablespace_name,b.file_id,a.file_name,a.bytes,a.AUTOEXTENSIBLE--,a.status
order by tablespace_name;
col tablespace_name for a15
SELECT tablespace_name,ts_#,num_files,sum_free_mbytes,count_blocks,max_mbytes,
sum_alloc_mbytes,DECODE(sum_alloc_mbytes,0,0,100 * sum_free_mbytes /sum_alloc_mbytes ) AS pct_free
FROM (SELECT AS tablespace_name,ts# AS ts_#,
NVL(SUM(bytes)/1048576,0) AS sum_alloc_mbytes,
NVL(COUNT(file_name),0) AS num_files
FROM dba_data_files f,v$tablespace v
WHERE = f.tablespace_name (+)
GROUP BY,ts#),
(SELECT AS fs_ts_name,ts#,NVL(MAX(bytes)/1048576,0) AS max_mbytes,
NVL(COUNT(BLOCKS) ,0) AS count_blocks,
NVL(SUM(bytes)/1048576,0) AS sum_free_mbytes
FROM dba_free_space f,v$tablespace v
WHERE = f.tablespace_name(+)
WHERE tablespace_name = fs_ts_name
ORDER BY tablespace_name;
col file_name for a45
col tablespace_name for a15
set linesize 132
select a.tablespace_name,a.file_name,a.AUTOEXTENSIBLE,----a.status,
round(a.bytes/1024/1024,2) Total_MB,
round(sum(b.bytes)/1024/1024,2) Free_MB,
round((a.bytes/1024/1024 - sum(b.bytes)/1024/1024),2) Used_MB
from dba_data_files a,dba_free_space b
where a.file_id=b.file_id
and a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name
group by a.tablespace_name,b.file_id,a.file_name,a.bytes,a.AUTOEXTENSIBLE--,a.status
order by file_name;
col column_name for a30
col owner for a10
set linesize 132
select --a.table_name parent_table,
b.table_name child_table
, a.constraint_name , b.constraint_name
from dba_constraints a ,dba_constraints b
where a.owner='LEIQA20091118'
and a.constraint_name = b.r_constraint_name
--and b.constraint_type = 'R'
and a.constraint_type IN ('P','U')
and a.table_name =upper('&tabname');
List foreign keys and referenced table and columns:
SELECT DECODE(c.status,'ENABLED','C','c') t,
SUBSTR(c.constraint_name,1,31) relation,
SUBSTR(cc.column_name,1,24) columnname,
SUBSTR(p.table_name,1,20) tablename
FROM user_cons_columns cc, user_constraints p,
user_constraints c
WHERE c.table_name = upper('&table_name')
AND c.constraint_type = 'R'
AND p.constraint_name = c.r_constraint_name
AND cc.constraint_name = c.constraint_name
AND cc.table_name = c.table_name
SELECT DECODE(c.status,'ENABLED','P','p') t,
SUBSTR(c.constraint_name,1,31) relation,
SUBSTR(cc.column_name,1,24) columnname,
SUBSTR(c.table_name,1,20) tablename
FROM user_cons_columns cc, user_constraints p,
user_constraints c
WHERE p.table_name = upper('PERSON')
AND p.constraint_type in ('P','U')
AND c.r_constraint_name = p.constraint_name
AND c.constraint_type = 'R'
AND cc.constraint_name = c.constraint_name
AND cc.table_name = c.table_name
ORDER BY 1, 4, 2, 3
List a child table's referential constraints and their associated parent table:
t.table_name CHILD_TABLE,
t.constraint_name FOREIGN_KEY_NAME,
r.table_name PARENT_TABLE,
r.constraint_name PARENT_CONSTRAINT
FROM user_constraints t, user_constraints r
WHERE t.r_constraint_name = r.constraint_name
AND t.r_owner = r.owner
AND t.constraint_type='R'
AND t.table_name = <child_table_name>;
parent tables:
select constraint_name,constraint_type,r_constraint_name
from dba_constraints
where table_name ='TM_PAY_BILL'
and constraint_type in ('R');
select CONSTRAINT_NAME,TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME from user_cons_columns where table_name='FS_FR_TERMINALLOCATION';
from dba_constraints a,dba_cons_columns b
and a.table_name=upper('TM_GEN_INSTRUCTION')
and a.constraint_type in ('P','U');
select constraint_name,constraint_type,r_constraint_name
from dba_constraints
where table_name ='TM_PAY_BILL'
and constraint_type in ('R');
col column_name for a30
col owner for a25
select a.owner,a.index_name, --a.table_name,a.tablespace_name,
from dba_indexes a,dba_ind_columns b
where a.owner='SCE'
and a.index_name=b.index_name
and a.table_name = upper('&tabname')
order by a.index_name,b.column_position;
col column_name for a40
col index_owner for a15
select index_owner,index_name,column_name,
column_position from dba_ind_columns
where table_owner= upper('VISILOGQA19') and table_name ='TBLTRANSACTIONGROUPMAIN';
-- check for index on FK
set linesize 121
col status format a6
col columns format a30 word_wrapped
col table_name format a30 word_wrapped
SELECT DECODE(b.table_name, NULL, 'Not Indexed', 'Indexed' ) STATUS, a.table_name, a.columns, b.columns from (
SELECT SUBSTR(a.table_name,1,30) table_name,
SUBSTR(a.constraint_name,1,30) constraint_name, MAX(DECODE(position, 1,
SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || MAX(DECODE(position, 2,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position, 3,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position, 4,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position, 5,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position, 6,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position, 7,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position, 8,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position, 9,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position,10,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position,11,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position,12,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position,13,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position,14,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position,15,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(position,16,', '|| SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) columns
from user_cons_columns a, user_constraints b
WHERE a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
AND constraint_type = 'R'
GROUP BY SUBSTR(a.table_name,1,30), SUBSTR(a.constraint_name,1,30) ) a, (
SELECT SUBSTR(table_name,1,30) table_name,
SUBSTR(index_name,1,30) index_name, MAX(DECODE(column_position, 1,
SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || MAX(DECODE(column_position, 2,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position, 3,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position, 4,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position, 5,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position, 6,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position, 7,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position, 8,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position, 9,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position,10,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position,11,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position,12,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position,13,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position,14,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position,15,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) || max(DECODE(column_position,16,', '||SUBSTR(column_name,1,30),NULL)) columns
from user_ind_columns group by SUBSTR(table_name,1,30), SUBSTR(index_name,1,30) ) b
where a.table_name = b.table_name (+) and b.columns (+) like a.columns || '%';
HOW TO FIND unique keys
col column_name for a30
col owner for a10
set linesize 132
select a.owner , --a.table_name,
from dba_constraints a, dba_cons_columns b
where a.table_name = upper('&tabname')
and a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
and a.constraint_type in ('P','U')
and a.owner=b.owner
order by a.owner,a.constraint_name,b.position;
col object_name for a30
col terminal for a20
set linesize 1000
col spid for a10
col osuser for a15
select to_char(logon_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),OSUSER,--owner,
s.sid, s.serial#,p.spid,
s.terminal,l.locked_mode,o.object_name,l.ORACLE_USERNAME --,o.object_type
from v$session s, dba_objects o,v$locked_object l, V$process p
where o.object_id=l.object_id
and s.sid=l.session_id
and s.paddr=p.addr
order by logon_time;
ORDER BY Object ASC, lockwait DESC;
SELECT DECODE(request,0,'Holder: ','Waiter: ')||sid sess,
id1, id2, lmode, request, type
WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN
(SELECT id1, id2, type FROM V$LOCK WHERE request>0)
ORDER BY id1, request;
find locks
set linesize 1000
SELECT --osuser,
from v$session a, v$sqltext b, V$process p
where a.sql_address =b.address
and a.paddr = p.addr
and p.spid = '&os_pid'
order by address, piece;
select sql_text
from V$sqltext_with_newlines
where address =
(select prev_sql_addr
from V$session
where username = :uname and sid = :snum) ORDER BY piece
set pagesize 50000
set linesize 30000
set long 500000
set head off
select s.username su,s.sid,s.serial#,substr(sa.sql_text,1,540) txt
from v$process p,v$session s,v$sqlarea sa
where p.addr=s.paddr
and s.username is not null
and s.sql_address=sa.address(+)
and s.sql_hash_value=sa.hash_value(+)
and spid=&SPID;
select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee = 'SCE';
select * from dba_role_privs where grantee = 'SCE'
select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee in ('CONNECT','APPL_CONNECT');
Check high_water_mark_statistics
Multiple Blocksizes:
alter system set db_16k_cache_size=64m;
create tablespace index_ts datafile '/data1/index_ts01.dbf' size 10240m blocksize 16384;
11g default profiles:
alter profile default limit password_lock_time unlimited;
alter profile default limit password_life_time unlimited;
alter profile default limit password_grace_time unlimited;
logfile switch over:
STATUS,to_char(FIRST_TIME,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') switch_time
from v$log;
Temporary tablespace usage:
SELECT b.tablespace,
ROUND(((b.blocks*p.value)/1024/1024),2)||'M' "SIZE",
a.sid||','||a.serial# SID_SERIAL,
FROM sys.v_$session a,
sys.v_$sort_usage b,
sys.v_$parameter p
WHERE = 'db_block_size'
AND a.saddr = b.session_addr
ORDER BY b.tablespace, b.blocks;
Inactive sessions killing:
serial# || '''' || ' immediate;' text
FROM v$session
AND last_call_et > 86400
AND username IN (SELECT username FROM DBA_USERS WHERE user_id>56);
FOR rec_session IN (SELECT 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION ' || '''' || SID || ',' ||
serial# || '''' || ' immediate' text
FROM v$session
AND last_call_et > 43200
AND username IN (SELECT username FROM DBA_USERS WHERE user_id>60)) LOOP
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE rec_session.text;
END Inactive_Session_Cleanup;
sequence using plsql
v_next NUMBER;
script varchar2(5000);
SELECT (MAX(et.dcs_code) + 1) INTO v_next FROM et_document_request et;
script:= 'CREATE SEQUENCE et_document_request_seq
MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999 START WITH '||
     v_next || ' INCREMENT BY 1 CACHE 20';
execute immediate script;
Terminal wise session
select TERMINAL,count(*) from v$session
group by TERMINAL;
total sessions
select count(*) from v$session
where TERMINAL not like '%UNKNOWN%'
and TERMINAL is not null;
select count(distinct a.token_number) dup
from tm_pen_bill a,tm_pen_bill b
where a.token_number = b.token_number
and a.bill_number <> b.bill_number
and a.token_number is not null;
when Block Corruption occurs:
select * from DBA_EXTENTS
WHERE file_id = '13' AND block_id BETWEEN '44157' and '50649';
select BLOCK_ID,SEGMENT_NAME,BLOCKS from dba_extents where FILE_ID='14'
and BLOCK_ID like '%171%';
select BLOCK_ID,SEGMENT_NAME,BLOCKS from dba_extents where FILE_ID='14'
dbv blocksize=8192 file=users01.dbf log=dbv_users01.log
DBMS_REPAIR:(Block Corruption)
exec dbms_repair.admin_tables(table_name=>'REPAIR_TABLE',table_type=>dbms_repair.repair_table,action=>dbms_repair.create_action,tablespace=>'USERS');
variable v_corrupt_count number;
exec dbms_repair.check_object('scott','emp',corrupt_count=>:v_corrupt_count);
print v_corrupt_count;
select login,substr(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(password)),1,30) password
from mm_gen_user where active_flag = 'Y' and user_id=64 and LOGIN='GOPAL' ;
SELECT value$ FROM sys.props$ WHERE name = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET' ;
select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
set linesize 1000
set arraysize 1000
col OBJECT_TYPE for a20
col OPTIMIZER for a20
col object_name for a30
col options for a25
from plan_table
where statement_id='&statement_id';
Rman settings: disk formats
%t represents a timestamp
%s represents the backup set number
%p represents the piece number
The dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot procedure creates a manual snapshot in the AWR as seen in this example:
EXEC dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;
Calculation of a table the size of the space occupied by
select owner, table_name,
BLOCKS * AAA/1024/1024 "Size M",
from dba_tables
where table_name = 'XXX';
Finding statement/s which use lots of shared pool memory:
SELECT substr(sql_text,1,40) "SQL", count(*) , sum(executions) "TotExecs"
FROM v$sqlarea
WHERE executions < 5
GROUP BY substr(sql_text,1,40)
HAVING count(*) > 30
See a table size table
select sum (bytes) / (1024 * 1024) as "size (M)" from user_segments
where segment_name = upper ('& table_name');
See a index size table
select sum (bytes) / (1024 * 1024) as "size (M)" from user_segments
where segment_name = upper ('& index_name');
monitoring table space I / O ratio
select B.tablespace_name name, B.file_name "file", A.phyrds pyr,
A.phyblkrd pbr, A.phywrts pyw, A.phyblkwrt pbw
from v $ filestat A, dba_data_files B
where A.file # = B.file_id
order by B.tablespace_name;
monitor the file system I / O ratio
select substr (C.file #, 1,2) "#", substr (, 1,30) "Name",
C.status, C.bytes, D.phyrds, D.phywrts
from v $ datafile C, v $ filestat D
where C.file # = D.file #;
the hit rate monitor SGA
select a.value + b.value "logical_reads", c.value "phys_reads",
round (100 * ((a.value + b.value)-c.value) / (a.value + b.value)) "BUFFER HIT RATIO"
from v $ sysstat a, v $ sysstat b, v $ sysstat c
where a.statistic # = 38 and b.statistic # = 39
and c.statistic # = 40;
monitoring SGA in the dictionary buffer hit ratio
select parameter, gets, Getmisses, getmisses / (gets + getmisses) * 100 "miss ratio",
(1 - (sum (getmisses) / (sum (gets) + sum (getmisses ))))* 100 "Hit ratio"
from v $ rowcache
where gets + getmisses <> 0
group by parameter, gets, getmisses;
monitoring SGA shared cache hit ratio should be less than 1%
select sum (pins) "Total Pins", sum (reloads) "Total Reloads",
sum (reloads) / sum (pins) * 100 libcache
from v $ librarycache;
select sum (pinhits-reloads) / sum (pins) "hit radio", sum (reloads) / sum (pins) "reload percent"
from v $ librarycache;
monitoring SGA in the redo log buffer hit ratio should be less than 1%
SELECT name, gets, misses, immediate_gets, immediate_misses,
Decode (gets, 0,0, misses / gets * 100) ratio1,
Decode (immediate_gets + immediate_misses, 0,0,
immediate_misses / (immediate_gets + immediate_misses) * 100) ratio2
FROM v $ latch WHERE name IN ('redo allocation', 'redo copy');
control memory and hard disk sort ratio, it is best to make it smaller than .10, an increase sort_area_size
SELECT name, value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name IN ('sorts (memory)', 'sorts (disk)');
monitoring what the current database who are running SQL statements?
SELECT osuser, username, sql_text from v $ session a, v $ sqltext b
where a.sql_address = b.address order by address, piece;
monitoring the dictionary buffer?
The latter divided by the former, this ratio is less than 1%, close to 0% as well.
see the table a high degree of fragmentation?
SELECT owner,segment_name table_name, COUNT (*) extents
FROM dba_segments WHERE owner NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM') GROUP BY owner,segment_name
HAVING COUNT (*) = (SELECT MAX (COUNT (*)) FROM dba_segments GROUP BY segment_name);
select table_name,round((blocks*8),2)||'kb' "size"
from user_tables
where table_name = 'BIG1';
Actual Data:
select table_name,round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||'kb' "size"
from user_tables
where table_name = 'BIG1';
The establishment of an example data dictionary view to 8I
The establishment of audit data dictionary view with an example to 8I
To establish a snapshot view using the data dictionary to 8I Case
The table / index moving table space
How can I know the system's current SCN number?
select max (ktuxescnw * power (2, 32) + ktuxescnb) from x$ktuxe;
Will keep a small table into the pool
alter table xxx storage (buffer_pool keep);
Check the permissions for each user
Tablespace auto extend check:
col file_name for a50
from user_segments
from dba_tablespaces;
alter tablespace temp default storage(next 5m maxextents 20480 pctincrease 0);
default STORAGE ( NEXT 10 M maxextents 20480 pctincrease 0);
Moving table from one tablespace to another
alter table KHAJANE.TEMP_TM_PAY_ALLOTMENT_NMC move tablespace khajane_ts;
for moving datafiles location:
alter database rename file a to b;
for logfile Clearence:
select * from global_name;
col member for a50
set linesize 132
set trimspool on
select 'alter database clear logfile ' || '''' || member || '''' || ';'
from v$logfile where status ='STALE';
logfile switch over:
STATUS,to_char(FIRST_TIME,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') switch_time
from v$log;


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    generate all the permutations of BCDEF
    prepend them all with Aor, for fun:
    for every permutation of ABCEF, insert a D at all indeces after the A.
    and for some more fun, use recursion.

  • Script putting fractions instead of ABCDEF

    Running Acrobat Standard X.
    I have a little bit of Javascript which is pulling the initials from a full name in one form field and placing the persons initials into a textbox throughout my document.
    My script works very well, except if there is a capital A,B,C,D,E, or F. In those instances it puts 1/2 for A, 1/4 for B, 3/4 for C, 1 for D, 2 for E, and 3 for F.
    Jane Doe would become J.1. (The 1,2,and 3 are shown as exponents). If I replace event.value in my script with an app.alert everything shows correctly in the message box.
    Can someone please help, starting to pull my hair out. Below is the script. NameC2 is my Full Name field. Thanks
    function Intials(cString) {
    return cString.replace(/\W*(\w)\w*/g, '$1.').toUpperCase()
    } // end Initials function;
    var cName = "NameC2";
    event.value = "";
    var oName = this.getField(cName);
    if(oName ==  null) {
    app.alert("Error accessing field \"" + cName + "\"", 0, 0);
    } else {
    event.value = Intials(oName.value); // set field value;

    That's odd... What happens if you run this code from the JS console:
    Intials("Jane Doe");
    I'm getting "J.D." as the result...
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    I don't think there is any way to do that. The following previous discussion theorizes that it is due to the smaller screen size on the iPhone 4. My iPhone 4 displayed them that way but my 5s does not.

  • I seem to have inadvertently pressed control plus a key which has chanɡed all my uppercase letters in firefox to various symbols. also my numbers, so abcdefɡ becomes ɑβçðɛɱɣ and one to five is ɨøɜɾɫ. helpǃ

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  • BSI Tax Factory 9.0 Upgrade

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    Hello All
    We are upgrading TaxFactory from 8 to 9 by following the SAP note 1469858.
    when we run the report RPUBTCU0, SAP system is giving system failure error. We are in contact with BSI support but no use, as suggested by them we have changed the password of user ID (OS user) tf90 to password bsi and it did not work.
    With our tf90 Os user ID and password abcdef, we are able to connect to tf90 database but when we run report RPUBTCU0, it is throwing system failure dump.
    Please advice on the below error message.
         db2 connect to TF90 user tf90 using abcdef
       Database Connection Information
    Database server        = DB2/AIX64 9.1.2
    SQL authorization ID   = TF90
    Local database alias   = TF90
          tf90lic -i tf90license.txt
    ConnectToDataSource() failed: 7777 - [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason "3" ("PASSWORD MISSING").  SQLSTATE=08001
          more tf90server.csh
    #tf90server.csh: Set execution environment for SAP TaxFactory 9.0
    Set your DB2/UDB environment variables
    Remember to grant database rights to the user invoking this
    setenv DB2INSTANCE db2sid     #Replace with your DB2 unix instance owner
    setenv DB2DBDFT    TF90       #Replace with your DB2 Database Name
    setenv DATABASE    TF90       #Replace with your DB2 Database Name
    setenv DB2USER     tf90       #Replace with your DB2 User ID
    setenv PASSWD      abcdef  #Replace with your DB2 Password
    Change directory to the TaxFactory Server Directory
    Set the TaxFactory Default Database connection
    cd /sapmnt/SID/exe
    For SAP Trace Debugging, Uncomment Below & Refer to /tmp/error.txt
    ./tf90server $1 $2 $3 -o /tmp/error.txt
    log of /tmp/error.txt:
    =Running function srv_payroll_tax_calc_us_90
    =Loading import parameters
    =Loading export parameters
    =Loading internal tables
    =Calling payroll_tax_calc_us
    =Running connect_db_taxfactory
    BSI dataset                  -> 030
    ConnectToDataSource... Starting 
    Error String ->  7777 - [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID"
    ).  SQLSTATE=08001
    =RFC error
    operation/code connect_db_payroll_tax_calc_us
    key rfc system error raised
    message for more information: see tracefile dev_rfc
    internal status
    dev_rfc log file:
    Trace file opened at 20110314 085512 EDT SAP-REL 640,0,162 RFC-VER 3 878571
    ======> CPIC-CALL: 'CMACCP'
    LOCATION    SAP-Gateway on host xxxxxx / sapgw03
    ERROR       Conversation 88399050 not found
    TIME        Mon Mar 14 08:55:12 2011
    RELEASE     700
    COMPONENT   SAP-Gateway
    VERSION     2
    RC          728
    MODULE      gwxxrd.c
    LINE        6254
    COUNTER     3664

  • BSI upgrade from 8.0 to 9.0

    Hi Experts,
    New BSI Tax factory 9.0 has been released recently. I would like to know what are the steps needed to upgrade tax factory from 8.0 to 9.0.
    I have gone through SAP Note 1469858 for details and found that major activities are related to basis. Can somebody help to determine what is the functional impact on payroll due to this upgrade.
    Looking forward for your responces.

    Hello All
    We are upgrading TaxFactory from 8 to 9 by following the SAP note 1469858.
    when we run the report RPUBTCU0, SAP system is giving system failure error. We are in contact with BSI support but no use, as suggested by them we have changed the password of user ID (OS user) tf90 to password bsi and it did not work.
    With our tf90 Os user ID and password abcdef, we are able to connect to tf90 database but when we run report RPUBTCU0, it is throwing system failure dump.
    Please advice on the below error message.
         db2 connect to TF90 user tf90 using abcdef
       Database Connection Information
    Database server        = DB2/AIX64 9.1.2
    SQL authorization ID   = TF90
    Local database alias   = TF90
          tf90lic -i tf90license.txt
    ConnectToDataSource() failed: 7777 - [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason "3" ("PASSWORD MISSING").  SQLSTATE=08001
          more tf90server.csh
    #tf90server.csh: Set execution environment for SAP TaxFactory 9.0
    Set your DB2/UDB environment variables
    Remember to grant database rights to the user invoking this
    setenv DB2INSTANCE db2sid     #Replace with your DB2 unix instance owner
    setenv DB2DBDFT    TF90       #Replace with your DB2 Database Name
    setenv DATABASE    TF90       #Replace with your DB2 Database Name
    setenv DB2USER     tf90       #Replace with your DB2 User ID
    setenv PASSWD      abcdef  #Replace with your DB2 Password
    Change directory to the TaxFactory Server Directory
    Set the TaxFactory Default Database connection
    cd /sapmnt/SID/exe
    For SAP Trace Debugging, Uncomment Below & Refer to /tmp/error.txt
    ./tf90server $1 $2 $3 -o /tmp/error.txt
    log of /tmp/error.txt:
    =Running function srv_payroll_tax_calc_us_90
    =Loading import parameters
    =Loading export parameters
    =Loading internal tables
    =Calling payroll_tax_calc_us
    =Running connect_db_taxfactory
    BSI dataset                  -> 030
    ConnectToDataSource... Starting 
    Error String ->  7777 - [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID"
    ).  SQLSTATE=08001
    =RFC error
    operation/code connect_db_payroll_tax_calc_us
    key rfc system error raised
    message for more information: see tracefile dev_rfc
    internal status
    dev_rfc log file:
    Trace file opened at 20110314 085512 EDT SAP-REL 640,0,162 RFC-VER 3 878571
    ======> CPIC-CALL: 'CMACCP'
    LOCATION    SAP-Gateway on host xxxxxx / sapgw03
    ERROR       Conversation 88399050 not found
    TIME        Mon Mar 14 08:55:12 2011
    RELEASE     700
    COMPONENT   SAP-Gateway
    VERSION     2
    RC          728
    MODULE      gwxxrd.c
    LINE        6254
    COUNTER     3664

  • BSI version upgrade from 8 to 9 query

    Hello All
    We are upgrading TaxFactory from 8 to 9 by following the SAP note 1469858.
    when we run the report RPUBTCU0, SAP system is giving system failure error. We are in contact with BSI support but no use, as suggested by them we have changed the password of user ID (OS user) tf90 to password bsi and it did not work.
    With our tf90 Os user ID and password abcdef, we are able to connect to tf90 database but when we run report RPUBTCU0, it is throwing system failure dump.
    Please advice on the below error message.
         db2 connect to TF90 user tf90 using abcdef
       Database Connection Information
    Database server        = DB2/AIX64 9.1.2
    SQL authorization ID   = TF90
    Local database alias   = TF90
          tf90lic -i tf90license.txt
    ConnectToDataSource() failed: 7777 - [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason "3" ("PASSWORD MISSING").  SQLSTATE=08001
          more tf90server.csh
    #tf90server.csh: Set execution environment for SAP TaxFactory 9.0
    Set your DB2/UDB environment variables
    Remember to grant database rights to the user invoking this
    setenv DB2INSTANCE db2sid     #Replace with your DB2 unix instance owner
    setenv DB2DBDFT    TF90       #Replace with your DB2 Database Name
    setenv DATABASE    TF90       #Replace with your DB2 Database Name
    setenv DB2USER     tf90       #Replace with your DB2 User ID
    setenv PASSWD      abcdef  #Replace with your DB2 Password
    Change directory to the TaxFactory Server Directory
    Set the TaxFactory Default Database connection
    cd /sapmnt/SID/exe
    For SAP Trace Debugging, Uncomment Below & Refer to /tmp/error.txt
    ./tf90server $1 $2 $3 -o /tmp/error.txt
    log of /tmp/error.txt:
    =Running function srv_payroll_tax_calc_us_90
    =Loading import parameters
    =Loading export parameters
    =Loading internal tables
    =Calling payroll_tax_calc_us
    =Running connect_db_taxfactory
    BSI dataset                  -> 030
    ConnectToDataSource... Starting 
    Error String ->  7777 - [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID"
    ).  SQLSTATE=08001
    =RFC error
    operation/code connect_db_payroll_tax_calc_us
    key rfc system error raised
    message for more information: see tracefile dev_rfc
    internal status
    dev_rfc log file:
    Trace file opened at 20110314 085512 EDT SAP-REL 640,0,162 RFC-VER 3 878571
    ======> CPIC-CALL: 'CMACCP'
    LOCATION    SAP-Gateway on host xxxxxx / sapgw03
    ERROR       Conversation 88399050 not found
    TIME        Mon Mar 14 08:55:12 2011
    RELEASE     700
    COMPONENT   SAP-Gateway
    VERSION     2
    RC          728
    MODULE      gwxxrd.c
    LINE        6254
    COUNTER     3664

    Hello hingekumar,
    Please refer the thread below where many community members have contributed with hints:
    TaxFactory 9.0 Install - Short Dump - System Failure
    Please also refer the following threads:
    *BSI 8.0 becomes obsolete August 31st 2011, 9.0 troubleshooting guide here*
    US - SYSTEM FAILURE after upgrading to BSI 9.0
    Kind regards,

  • How to handle Coldfusion SOAP Web Service Errors

    I have just created simple wsdl example:
    My Component:
    <cfcomponent displayname="mytest">
        <cffunction name="service_login_authentication" access="remote" output="true" returntype="any" hint="Returns login">
         <cfargument name="login" type="string" required="yes">
            <cfargument name="password" type="string" required="yes">
              <cfif #arguments.login# eq "abcdef" and #arguments.password# eq "123456">
                      <cfxml variable="soapRes">                
                         <cfthrow type="MyException" message="INVALID LOGIN" errorcode="1000" />
          <cfreturn soapRes >
    Its generating wsdl and no problem with response but when generating any error like username and password does not match then it's generating fault code like this:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
             <faultstring>coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [coldfusion.runtime.CustomException : INVALID LOGIN. ]</faultstring>
                <ns1:hostname xmlns:ns1="">HOST_NAME</ns1:hostname>
    But I want customize Fault Code like this:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
             <faultstring>INVALID LOGIN</faultstring>
    Fault Code and Fault String should be customize and I don't want detail tag completely. In old ColdFusion version like ColdFusion 8 displaying detail tag with <ns1:stackTrace xmlns:ns1=""> coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: and so on.
    Any suggestions on how to create customize faultcode and faultstring is very helpful.

    But my component is not produces this fault code:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">                   
                                                   <faultstring>INVALID LOGIN</faultstring>                   
    What is your ColdFusion Version as i have checked in ColdFusion 11 developer edition and ColdFusion 8 enterprise which is on window 2003 server.
    Could you please check my below component, did i am doing something wrong.
    <cfcomponent output="false">
        <cffunction name="service_login_authentication" access="remote" output="true" returntype="any" hint="Returns login">
         <cfargument name="login" type="string" required="yes">
            <cfargument name="password" type="string" required="yes">
      <cfset var isLoginValid = False>
              <cfif #arguments.login# eq "1111" and #arguments.password# eq "1111">
                  <cfset isLoginValid = True>
                 <cfif isLoginValid>
                        <cfsavecontent variable="soapRes"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>           
                        <cfthrow type="MyException" message="INVALID LOGIN" errorcode="1000" />           
                      <cfcatch type="MyException">           
                         <cfsavecontent variable="soapRes">               
                                <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">                   
          <cfreturn soapRes >
    If my component is okay then may be possible some setting in ColdFusion administrator. i have checked in SoapUI as well via getSoapResponse method.

  • App store on phone has switched to different region, how do I change it back?

    Somehow when browsing the app store on my iPhone it's changed to US app store. My account is based in New Zealand and I can no longer download or update anything as it keeps telling me that I need to change the store to New Zealand but I don't know how!
    If anyone can walk me through what I need to do to change this back to my default NZ app store that would be much appreciated.

    Open the App Store... Scroll all the way to the bottom and Select "Apple ID: abcdef", then View my Apple ID, then log in, and make sure Country/Region is selected as appropriate and hit done.

  • Issue with parallel operation of SAP NW SSO 2.0 and SNC Client Encryption (Logon Groups)

    One of our customers is using the SNC Client Encryption solution to ensure encryption using SNC (based on Kerberos Technology) for their SAP GUI Dialog connections. They have lots of SAP backends DEV, QAS, PRD all with the SNC Client Encryption SNC Lib installed. The profile parameter snc/identity/as contains the following value: p:CN=SAP/<ServiceAccount>@<DOMAIN>.
    Example: p:CN=SAP/[email protected]
    The customer is using one AD Service Account "SNCServiceUser" with one registered SPN "SAP/SNCServiceUser" for all systems (yes, this is not recommended... but the case).
    Important: All users use group entries in the SAP Logon (saplogin.ini). Means, for SAP logon the SNC name can not be manually configured on the SAP Front End. With group logons, the application server's SNC name is dynamically requested by the message server each time a SAP GUI connection is started. The SNC Name is greyed out in this case as dynamically obtained from the applications servers profile parameter snc/identity/as.
    Now our customer implements SAP NetWeaver Single Sign-On 2.0 within his landscape. Based on the Secure Login Server 2.0 (SP3) he likes to use X.509 based authentication to his AS ABAP backends using SAP GUI SNC while others still use SNC Client Encryption.
    Replacing the SNC Library on the AS ABAP
    The Secure Login Library 2.0 (SP3) has been installed on one of the ABAP systems and the SNC Client Encryption SNC Library (which is based on SSO 1.0) is no longer used, thus we changed the parameter snc/gssapi_lib to point to the new SNC library. We removed the old PSE.ZIP containing the keytab and created the new SAPSNCSKERB.PSE incl. the keytab and proper credentials. To ensure parallel operation, we kept the snc/identity/as value as is =  p:CN=SAP/[email protected].
    After restarting the system with initialized Secure Login Library 2.0, still the SNC client encryption works fine for existing users.
    The problem
    We created on the Secure Login Server an SNC certificate for the AS ABAP which has the following X.509 Distinguised Name Fomat: CN=SAP/[email protected] This is to avoid having to change the snc/identity/as to an "real" X.509 DN which would lead to non-working SNC Client Encryption for all the other users using SAP GUI and logon groups.
    As soon as we install the PSE via STRUST on the system the SNC Client Encryption solution stops working with error „Server refuses kerberos key exchange“.
    As part of an pilot implementation we have installed Secure Login Client 2.0 (SP3) on some test PCs. The test PC with SLC is able to perform Single Sign-On with SNC based on X.509 (incl. Encryption) to the ABAP system.
    Seems the SAP System now only tries to do X.509 based authentication thus key exchange fails. The problem is, we cannot change the snc/identity/as value because of the logon groups. If we were able to do so, we would in any case set the server identity to X.509 DN and in addition create the SAPSNCSKERB.PSE incl. keytab. This should work, as confirmed by SAP see this post.  
    Any ideas how to solve this and have both solutions in parallel?
    Appreciate any help.

    Hi all,
    we was able to fix the issue. It was an issue with the customers cluster configuration and the  $SECUDIR variable. This tricky issue leads to non working or sporadic working SNC Client Encryption...
    This was how the configuration looks before:
    Environment variable $SECUDIR is defined:
    sapgenpse seclogin -l -v
    running seclogin with USER="<SID>adm"
    Credentials for username '<SID>adm':
    0 (LPS:OFF):
             (LPS:OFF): /ABCDEF<SID>/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGSxx/sec/SAPSNCSKERB.pse
    1 (LPS:OFF):
             (LPS:OFF): /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGSxx/sec/SAPSNCS.pse
    After changing the $SECUDIR to "/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGSxx/sec“ and re-creating the credentials, it worked like a charm.
    As a result of this we can confirm, this configuration and SNC Client Encryption works with CommonCryptoLib in parallel to the SSO configuration.
    And Valerie was right with 2. SLC starting from V. 1.0 SP2 PL3 was able to convert the CN= part of the SNC Name into an SPN, was my mistake. In addition SNC Client Encryption starting from Version 1 SP1 PL1 does this also.. just to make this clear
    Thread closed hope this helps someone

  • How get all child elements from XML

    I have one xml i tried to parse that xml using dom parser and i need to get some child elements using java
    ---------some data here......
    ----Some data here
    my intention was
    get group name (here ABC) i need all other name value from group1category ,group1 subcategory but pblm that
    my xml contains any number of Group nodes...but only i want name contains ABC
    i wriiten code like this
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document document = builder.parse(xmlFile);
    NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
    for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++)
    Element element = (Element) nodeList.item(i);
    what is next step i need to do..please help

    964749 wrote:
    Sorry for inconvenience caused..i only asked if any ideas i not ask any body to spent time for me...
    This is simple code developed using xpath..i not know how i proceed further
    public class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    DocumentBuilderFactory domFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    try {
    DocumentBuilder builder = domFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document dDoc = builder.parse("hello.xml");
    XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
    javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("//Group/NAME");
    Object Name= expr.evaluate(dDoc, XPathConstants.STRING);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    i need get group name (here ABC) i need all other name value from group1category ,group1 subcategory but pblm that i done in XPATH and also do manipulation of remining result...
    i also try with DOM like
    NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("GROUP");
    for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++)
    Element element = (Element) nodeList.item(i);
    if (element.getNodeName().matches("ECUC-MODULE-DEF"))
    String str=((Element) nodeList.item(i)).getElementsByTagName("NAME").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
    NodeList children = element.getChildNodes();
    for (int k = 0; k < children.getLength(); k++) {
    Node child = children.item(k);
    if (child.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
    how iterate for particular ABC name to group1 and subcategoryFew things
    1. Use code tags to format code
    2. Explain the problem statement clearly. Take time to formulate your question. Explain what you expect from your code and what you are getting along with any exceptions that are being thrown

  • Siebel Fix Pack; Unable to get the seed from binary file.

    Hello Folks,
    Can anyone throw some light into what action is required on my scenario.
    I have applied Fix Pack Siebel on top of SBA. After it is appled, I am facing a documented issue within the Release Notes for the Fix Pack
    The issue is "UNABLE TO LAUNCH URL AFTER APPLYING SIEBEL". I tried the steps given with the MR document, however, I am still having this issue.
    I am also not sure what is expected at the step of; Run the following command: seedgeneratorutil myseed.dat abcdef .
    It's asking me for a value to enter for seed at command prompt. "Enter the seed":
    what I should give here. As an assumption values,I gave SADMIN and tried to launch but still shows up the same error
    Please Assit
    Steps Details from Release Notes:
    Component: Server Infrastructure
    Subcomponent: SWSE
    Product Version: Siebel
    Base Bug ID: 11938270
    **Users are unable to launch the URL after applying the Siebel Fix Pack.
    **Use the following workaround to address this issue:
    Navigate to the eappweb/bin directory from the command line on the SWSE installation.
    Run the following command:
    seedgeneratorutil myseed.dat abcdef
    NOTE: In the example, myseed.dat is a filename. You can give any file name you wish.
    The myseed.dat file is generated in the eappweb/bin directory.
    Edit eapps.cfg to include the following parameters under the SWE section:
    seedfile = < complete path for myseed.dat >
    Bounce the web server.
    (For Linux only) Copy from the eappweb/bin folder to the web/ohs/modules folder

    Thanks for your reply.I have repeated the steps and regenerated the error messages.
    An error occurred while trying to process your request. This error indicates a problem with the configuration of this server and should be reported to the webmaster (along with any errors listed below). We apologize for the inconvenience
    Initialization error:
    Unable to get the seed from binary file.
    2021 2011-09-20 23:23:01 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0530 00000000 001 003f 0001 09 ss110920_7068 7068 7852 E:\sba80\SWEApp\log\ss110920_7068.log [20444] ENU
    ProcessPluginState     ProcessPluginStateError     1     000000024e781b9c:0     2011-09-20 23:23:01     7852: [SWSE] Unable to get the seed from binary file.
    Language = enu
    Log = errors
    LogDirectory = $(SWSERoot)\log
    ClientRootDir = $(SWSERoot)
    SessionMonitor = False
    AllowStats = true
    LogSegmentSize = 0
    LogMaxSegments = 0
    DisableNagle = False
    seedfile = E:\sba80\SWEApp\BIN\80012seed.dat

  • DFS replication stopped working and cannot be debugged because WMI repository cannot be accessed

    two days ago our DFS replication suddendly stopped working sometime around midnight local time. At least this is what our second domain controller is reporting. Event log is flooded with event id 5002 from DFSR. It is unclear what caused this sudden problem
    and even worse, how to solve it. First thing I tried was to perform propagation tests. According to propagation report none of them was successful. Creating an integrity report brought me to another problem: It fails with two errors. First it is unable to
    connect to the other DC. Second it is unable to access local WMI repository. This is true for both machines.
    First I tried to find information on possible problems with WMI. WMIdiag provided a lot of information. However, opinions I found on the net largely disagree whether output from WMIdiag is useful or not. Yet I tried to re-compile .mof files and rebuild the
    repository. So far, nothing changed. This is my output from WMIdiag:
    34309 13:02:46 (0) ** WMIDiag v2.1 started on Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014 at 12:49.
    34310 13:02:46 (0) **
    34311 13:02:46 (0) ** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved - July 2007.
    34312 13:02:46 (0) **
    34313 13:02:46 (0) ** This script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service.
    34314 13:02:46 (0) ** The script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all
    34315 13:02:46 (0) ** implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability
    34316 13:02:46 (0) ** or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance
    34317 13:02:46 (0) ** of the scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors,
    34318 13:02:46 (0) ** or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the script be liable for
    34319 13:02:46 (0) ** any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits,
    34320 13:02:46 (0) ** business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of
    34321 13:02:46 (0) ** the use of or inability to use the script or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised
    34322 13:02:46 (0) ** of the possibility of such damages.
    34323 13:02:46 (0) **
    34324 13:02:46 (0) **
    34325 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34326 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------- WMI REPORT: BEGIN ----------------------------------------------------------
    34327 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34328 13:02:46 (0) **
    34329 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34330 13:02:46 (0) ** Windows Server 2008 R2 - Service pack 1 - 64-bit (7601) - User 'COM\ABCDEF' on computer 'DC2'.
    34331 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34332 13:02:46 (0) ** INFO: Environment: .................................................................................................. 1 ITEM(S)!
    34333 13:02:46 (0) ** INFO: => 1 possible incorrect shutdown(s) detected on:
    34334 13:02:46 (0) ** - Shutdown on 01 April 2014 10:20:54 (GMT-0).
    34335 13:02:46 (0) **
    34336 13:02:46 (0) ** System drive: ....................................................................................................... C: (Datenträgernr. 0 Partitionsnr. 1).
    34337 13:02:46 (0) ** Drive type: ......................................................................................................... SCSI (Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device).
    34338 13:02:46 (0) ** There are no missing WMI system files: .............................................................................. OK.
    34339 13:02:46 (0) ** There are no missing WMI repository files: .......................................................................... OK.
    34340 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI repository state: ............................................................................................... CONSISTENT.
    34341 13:02:46 (0) ** AFTER running WMIDiag:
    34342 13:02:46 (0) ** The WMI repository has a size of: ................................................................................... 26 MB.
    34343 13:02:46 (0) ** - Disk free space on 'C:': .......................................................................................... 10665 MB.
    34344 13:02:46 (0) ** - INDEX.BTR, 4276224 bytes, 22.05.2014 12:52:30
    34345 13:02:46 (0) ** - MAPPING1.MAP, 67248 bytes, 22.05.2014 12:52:30
    34346 13:02:46 (0) ** - MAPPING2.MAP, 67168 bytes, 22.05.2014 12:48:33
    34347 13:02:46 (0) ** - OBJECTS.DATA, 23126016 bytes, 22.05.2014 12:52:30
    34348 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34349 13:02:46 (0) ** INFO: Windows Firewall status: ...................................................................................... ENABLED.
    34350 13:02:46 (0) ** Windows Firewall Profile: ........................................................................................... DOMAIN.
    34351 13:02:46 (0) ** Inbound connections that do not match a rule BLOCKED: ............................................................... ENABLED.
    34352 13:02:46 (0) ** => This will prevent any WMI remote connectivity to this computer except
    34353 13:02:46 (0) ** if the following three inbound rules are ENABLED and non-BLOCKING:
    34354 13:02:46 (0) ** - 'Windows Management Instrumentation (DCOM-In)'
    34355 13:02:46 (0) ** - 'Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-In)'
    34356 13:02:46 (0) ** - 'Windows Management Instrumentation (ASync-In)'
    34357 13:02:46 (0) ** Verify the reported status for each of these three inbound rules below.
    34358 13:02:46 (0) **
    34359 13:02:46 (0) ** Windows Firewall 'Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)' group rule: ............................................. DISABLED.
    34360 13:02:46 (0) ** => This will prevent any WMI remote connectivity to/from this machine.
    34361 13:02:46 (0) ** - You can adjust the configuration by executing the following command:
    34362 13:02:46 (0) ** i.e. 'NETSH.EXE ADVFIREWALL FIREWALL SET RULE GROUP="Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)" NEW ENABLE=YES'
    34363 13:02:46 (0) ** Note: With this command all inbound and outbound WMI rules are activated at once!
    34364 13:02:46 (0) ** You can also enable each individual rule instead of activating the group rule.
    34365 13:02:46 (0) **
    34366 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34367 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM Status: ........................................................................................................ OK.
    34368 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI registry setup: ................................................................................................. OK.
    34369 13:02:46 (0) ** INFO: WMI service has dependents: ................................................................................... 1 SERVICE(S)!
    34370 13:02:46 (0) ** - Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) (SHAREDACCESS, StartMode='Disabled')
    34371 13:02:46 (0) ** => If the WMI service is stopped, the listed service(s) will have to be stopped as well.
    34372 13:02:46 (0) ** Note: If the service is marked with (*), it means that the service/application uses WMI but
    34373 13:02:46 (0) ** there is no hard dependency on WMI. However, if the WMI service is stopped,
    34374 13:02:46 (0) ** this can prevent the service/application to work as expected.
    34375 13:02:46 (0) **
    34376 13:02:46 (0) ** RPCSS service: ...................................................................................................... OK (Already started).
    34377 13:02:46 (0) ** WINMGMT service: .................................................................................................... OK (Already started).
    34378 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34379 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI service DCOM setup: ............................................................................................. OK.
    34380 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI components DCOM registrations: .................................................................................. OK.
    34381 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI ProgID registrations: ........................................................................................... OK.
    34382 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI provider DCOM registrations: .................................................................................... OK.
    34383 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI provider CIM registrations: ..................................................................................... OK.
    34384 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI provider CLSIDs: ................................................................................................ OK.
    34385 13:02:46 (2) !! WARNING: Some WMI providers EXE/DLL file(s) are missing: ............................................................ 1 WARNING(S)!
    34386 13:02:46 (0) ** - ROOT/MICROSOFTACTIVEDIRECTORY, ReplProv1, replprov.dll
    34387 13:02:46 (0) ** => This will make any operations related to the WMI class supported by the provider(s) to fail.
    34388 13:02:46 (0) ** This can be due to:
    34389 13:02:46 (0) ** - the de-installation of the software.
    34390 13:02:46 (0) ** - the deletion of some files.
    34391 13:02:46 (0) ** => If the software has been de-installed intentionally, then this information must be
    34392 13:02:46 (0) ** removed from the WMI repository. You can use the 'WMIC.EXE' command to remove
    34393 13:02:46 (0) ** the provider registration data.
    34394 13:02:46 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIC.EXE /NAMESPACE:\\ROOT\MICROSOFTACTIVEDIRECTORY path __Win32Provider Where Name='ReplProv1' DELETE'
    34395 13:02:46 (0) ** => If not, you must restore a copy of the missing provider EXE/DLL file(s) as indicated by the path.
    34396 13:02:46 (0) ** You can retrieve the missing file from:
    34397 13:02:46 (0) ** - A backup.
    34398 13:02:46 (0) ** - The Windows CD.
    34399 13:02:46 (0) ** - Another Windows installation using the same version and service pack level of the examined system.
    34400 13:02:46 (0) ** - The original CD or software package installing this WMI provider.
    34401 13:02:46 (0) **
    34402 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34403 13:02:46 (0) ** INFO: User Account Control (UAC): ................................................................................... DISABLED.
    34404 13:02:46 (0) ** INFO: Local Account Filtering: ...................................................................................... ENABLED.
    34405 13:02:46 (0) ** => WMI tasks remotely accessing WMI information on this computer and requiring Administrative
    34406 13:02:46 (0) ** privileges MUST use a DOMAIN account part of the Local Administrators group of this computer
    34407 13:02:46 (0) ** to ensure that administrative privileges are granted. If a Local User account is used for remote
    34408 13:02:46 (0) ** accesses, it will be reduced to a plain user (filtered token), even if it is part of the Local Administrators group.
    34409 13:02:46 (0) **
    34410 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Access Permissions/Edit Limits): ................................................... MODIFIED.
    34411 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON' has been REMOVED!
    34412 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34413 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34414 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34415 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34416 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h7
    34417 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34418 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_LOCAL
    34419 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_REMOTE
    34420 13:02:46 (0) **
    34421 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34422 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34423 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34424 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34425 13:02:46 (0) **
    34426 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Access Permissions/Edit Limits): ................................................... MODIFIED.
    34427 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\PERFORMANCE LOG USERS' has been REMOVED!
    34428 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34429 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34430 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34431 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34432 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h7
    34433 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34434 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_LOCAL
    34435 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_REMOTE
    34436 13:02:46 (0) **
    34437 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34438 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34439 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34440 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34441 13:02:46 (0) **
    34442 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Access Permissions/Edit Limits): ................................................... MODIFIED.
    34443 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'EVERYONE' has been REMOVED!
    34444 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34445 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34446 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34447 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34448 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h7
    34449 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34450 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_LOCAL
    34451 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_REMOTE
    34452 13:02:46 (0) **
    34453 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34454 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34455 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34456 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34457 13:02:46 (0) **
    34458 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Default): ..................................... MODIFIED.
    34459 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS' has been REMOVED!
    34460 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34461 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34462 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34463 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34464 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34465 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34466 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34467 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34468 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34469 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34470 13:02:46 (0) **
    34471 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34472 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34473 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34474 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34475 13:02:46 (0) **
    34476 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Default): ..................................... MODIFIED.
    34477 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE' has been REMOVED!
    34478 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34479 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34480 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34481 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34482 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34483 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34484 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34485 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34486 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34487 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34488 13:02:46 (0) **
    34489 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34490 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34491 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34492 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34493 13:02:46 (0) **
    34494 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Default): ..................................... MODIFIED.
    34495 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' has been REMOVED!
    34496 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34497 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34498 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34499 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34500 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34501 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34502 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34503 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34504 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34505 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34506 13:02:46 (0) **
    34507 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34508 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34509 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34510 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34511 13:02:46 (0) **
    34512 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Limits): ...................................... MODIFIED.
    34513 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS' has been REMOVED!
    34514 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34515 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34516 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34517 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34518 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34519 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34520 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34521 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34522 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34523 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34524 13:02:46 (0) **
    34525 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34526 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34527 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34528 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34529 13:02:46 (0) **
    34530 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Limits): ...................................... MODIFIED.
    34531 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\PERFORMANCE LOG USERS' has been REMOVED!
    34532 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34533 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34534 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34535 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34536 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34537 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34538 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34539 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34540 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34541 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34542 13:02:46 (0) **
    34543 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34544 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34545 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34546 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34547 13:02:46 (0) **
    34548 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Limits): ...................................... MODIFIED.
    34549 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'EVERYONE' has been REMOVED!
    34550 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34551 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34552 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34553 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34554 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &hB
    34555 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34556 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34557 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34558 13:02:46 (0) **
    34559 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34560 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34561 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34562 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34563 13:02:46 (0) **
    34564 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED.
    34565 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS' has been REMOVED!
    34566 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34567 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34568 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34569 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34570 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34571 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34572 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34573 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34574 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34575 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34576 13:02:46 (0) **
    34577 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34578 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34579 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34580 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34581 13:02:46 (0) **
    34582 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED.
    34583 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE' has been REMOVED!
    34584 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34585 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34586 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34587 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34588 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34589 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34590 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34591 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34592 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34593 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34594 13:02:46 (0) **
    34595 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34596 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34597 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34598 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34599 13:02:46 (0) **
    34600 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED.
    34601 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' has been REMOVED!
    34602 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34603 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34604 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34605 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34606 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34607 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34608 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34609 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34610 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34611 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34612 13:02:46 (0) **
    34613 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34614 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34615 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34616 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34617 13:02:46 (0) **
    34618 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED.
    34619 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' has been REMOVED!
    34620 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34621 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34622 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34623 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34624 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34625 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34626 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34627 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34628 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34629 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34630 13:02:46 (0) **
    34631 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34632 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34633 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34634 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34635 13:02:46 (0) **
    34636 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED.
    34637 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE' has been REMOVED!
    34638 13:02:46 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:
    34639 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEType: &h0
    34640 13:02:46 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE
    34641 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0
    34642 13:02:46 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F
    34643 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE
    34644 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL
    34645 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE
    34646 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL
    34647 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE
    34648 13:02:46 (0) **
    34649 13:02:46 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.
    34650 13:02:46 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!
    34651 13:02:46 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.
    34652 13:02:46 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.
    34653 13:02:46 (0) **
    34654 13:02:46 (0) **
    34655 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security warning(s) detected: .................................................................................. 0.
    34656 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM security error(s) detected: .................................................................................... 14.
    34657 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI security warning(s) detected: ................................................................................... 0.
    34658 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI security error(s) detected: ..................................................................................... 0.
    34659 13:02:46 (0) **
    34660 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: Overall DCOM security status: ................................................................................ ERROR!
    34661 13:02:46 (0) ** Overall WMI security status: ........................................................................................ OK.
    34662 13:02:46 (0) ** - Started at 'Root' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34663 13:02:46 (0) ** INFO: WMI permanent SUBSCRIPTION(S): ................................................................................ 1.
    34664 13:02:46 (0) ** - ROOT/SUBSCRIPTION, NTEventLogEventConsumer.Name="SCM Event Log Consumer".
    34665 13:02:46 (0) ** 'select * from MSFT_SCMEventLogEvent'
    34666 13:02:46 (0) **
    34667 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI TIMER instruction(s): ........................................................................................... NONE.
    34668 13:02:46 (0) ** INFO: WMI namespace(s) requiring PACKET PRIVACY: .................................................................... 3 NAMESPACE(S)!
    34669 13:02:46 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/SECURITY/MICROSOFTTPM.
    34670 13:02:46 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/TERMINALSERVICES.
    34671 13:02:46 (0) ** - ROOT/SERVICEMODEL.
    34672 13:02:46 (0) ** => When remotely connecting, the namespace(s) listed require(s) the WMI client to
    34673 13:02:46 (0) ** use an encrypted connection by specifying the PACKET PRIVACY authentication level.
    34674 13:02:46 (0) ** (RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY or PktPrivacy flags)
    34675 13:02:46 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIC.EXE /NODE:"ISWDC2" /AUTHLEVEL:Pktprivacy /NAMESPACE:\\ROOT\SERVICEMODEL Class __SystemSecurity'
    34676 13:02:46 (0) **
    34677 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI MONIKER CONNECTIONS: ............................................................................................ OK.
    34678 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI CONNECTIONS: .................................................................................................... OK.
    34679 13:02:46 (1) !! ERROR: WMI GET operation errors reported: ........................................................................... 32 ERROR(S)!
    34680 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, MSFT_NetInvalidDriverDependency, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34681 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34682 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_OsBaselineProvider, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34683 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34684 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_OsBaseline, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34685 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34686 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_DriverVXD, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34687 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34688 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfFormattedData_BITS_BITSNetUtilization, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34689 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34690 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfRawData_BITS_BITSNetUtilization, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34691 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34692 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_GenericIKEandAuthIP, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34693 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34694 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_GenericIKEandAuthIP, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34695 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34696 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_IPsecAuthIPv4, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34697 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34698 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_IPsecAuthIPv4, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34699 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34700 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_IPsecAuthIPv6, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34701 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34702 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_IPsecAuthIPv6, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34703 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34704 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_IPsecIKEv4, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34705 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34706 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_IPsecIKEv4, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34707 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34708 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_IPsecIKEv6, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34709 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34710 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_IPsecIKEv6, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34711 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34712 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfFormattedData_TermService_TerminalServices, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34713 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34714 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfRawData_TermService_TerminalServices, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34715 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34716 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, ReserveDisjoinThread, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34717 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34718 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, ReserveLateCount, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34719 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34720 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, ReserveJoinThread, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34721 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34722 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, ReserveDelete, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34723 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34724 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, ReserveBandwidth, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34725 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34726 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, ReserveCreate, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34727 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34728 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, SystemConfig_PhyDisk, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34729 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34730 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, SystemConfig_Video, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34731 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34732 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, SystemConfig_IDEChannel, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34733 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34734 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, SystemConfig_NIC, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34735 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34736 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, SystemConfig_Network, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34737 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34738 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, SystemConfig_CPU, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34739 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34740 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, SystemConfig_LogDisk, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34741 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34742 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root/WMI, SystemConfig_Power, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found.
    34743 13:02:46 (0) ** MOF Registration: ''
    34744 13:02:46 (0) ** => When a WMI performance class is missing (i.e. 'Win32_PerfRawData_TermService_TerminalServices'), it is generally due to
    34745 13:02:46 (0) ** a lack of buffer refresh of the WMI class provider exposing the WMI performance counters.
    34746 13:02:46 (0) ** You can refresh the WMI class provider buffer with the following command:
    34747 13:02:46 (0) **
    34748 13:02:46 (0) ** i.e. 'WINMGMT.EXE /SYNCPERF'
    34749 13:02:46 (0) **
    34750 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI MOF representations: ............................................................................................ OK.
    34751 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI QUALIFIER access operations: .................................................................................... OK.
    34752 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI ENUMERATION operations: ......................................................................................... OK.
    34753 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI EXECQUERY operations: ........................................................................................... OK.
    34754 13:02:46 (2) !! WARNING: WMI GET VALUE operation errors reported: ................................................................... 5 WARNING(S)!
    34755 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root, Instance: __EventConsumerProviderCacheControl=@, Property: ClearAfter='00000000000030.000000:000' (Expected default='00000000000500.000000:000').
    34756 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root, Instance: __EventProviderCacheControl=@, Property: ClearAfter='00000000000030.000000:000' (Expected default='00000000000500.000000:000').
    34757 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root, Instance: __EventSinkCacheControl=@, Property: ClearAfter='00000000000015.000000:000' (Expected default='00000000000230.000000:000').
    34758 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root, Instance: __ObjectProviderCacheControl=@, Property: ClearAfter='00000000000030.000000:000' (Expected default='00000000000500.000000:000').
    34759 13:02:46 (0) ** - Root, Instance: __PropertyProviderCacheControl=@, Property: ClearAfter='00000000000030.000000:000' (Expected default='00000000000500.000000:000').
    34760 13:02:46 (0) **
    34761 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI WRITE operations: ............................................................................................... NOT TESTED.
    34762 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI PUT operations: ................................................................................................. NOT TESTED.
    34763 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI DELETE operations: .............................................................................................. NOT TESTED.
    34764 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI static instances retrieved: ..................................................................................... 1822.
    34765 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI dynamic instances retrieved: .................................................................................... 0.
    34766 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI instance request cancellations (to limit performance impact): ................................................... 1.
    34767 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34768 13:02:46 (0) ** # of Event Log events BEFORE WMIDiag execution since the last 20 day(s):
    34769 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM: ............................................................................................................. 0.
    34770 13:02:46 (0) ** WINMGMT: .......................................................................................................... 0.
    34771 13:02:46 (0) ** WMIADAPTER: ....................................................................................................... 0.
    34772 13:02:46 (0) **
    34773 13:02:46 (0) ** # of additional Event Log events AFTER WMIDiag execution:
    34774 13:02:46 (0) ** DCOM: ............................................................................................................. 0.
    34775 13:02:46 (0) ** WINMGMT: .......................................................................................................... 0.
    34776 13:02:46 (0) ** WMIADAPTER: ....................................................................................................... 0.
    34777 13:02:46 (0) **
    34778 13:02:46 (0) ** 32 error(s) 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found
    34779 13:02:46 (0) ** => This error is typically a WMI error. This WMI error is due to:
    34780 13:02:46 (0) ** - a missing WMI class definition or object.
    34781 13:02:46 (0) ** (See any GET, ENUMERATION, EXECQUERY and GET VALUE operation failures).
    34782 13:02:46 (0) ** You can correct the missing class definitions by:
    34783 13:02:46 (0) ** - Manually recompiling the MOF file(s) with the 'MOFCOMP <FileName.MOF>' command.
    34784 13:02:46 (0) ** Note: You can build a list of classes in relation with their WMI provider and MOF file with WMIDiag.
    34785 13:02:46 (0) ** (This list can be built on a similar and working WMI Windows installation)
    34786 13:02:46 (0) ** The following command line must be used:
    34787 13:02:46 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag CorrelateClassAndProvider'
    34788 13:02:46 (0) ** Note: When a WMI performance class is missing, you can manually resynchronize performance counters
    34789 13:02:46 (0) ** with WMI by starting the ADAP process.
    34790 13:02:46 (0) ** - a WMI repository corruption.
    34791 13:02:46 (0) ** In such a case, you must rerun WMIDiag with 'WriteInRepository' parameter
    34792 13:02:46 (0) ** to validate the WMI repository operations.
    34793 13:02:46 (0) ** Note: ENSURE you are an administrator with FULL access to WMI EVERY namespaces of the computer before
    34794 13:02:46 (0) ** executing the WriteInRepository command. To write temporary data from the Root namespace, use:
    34795 13:02:46 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag WriteInRepository=Root'
    34796 13:02:46 (0) ** - If the WriteInRepository command fails, while being an Administrator with ALL accesses to ALL namespaces
    34797 13:02:46 (0) ** the WMI repository must be reconstructed.
    34798 13:02:46 (0) ** Note: The WMI repository reconstruction requires to locate all MOF files needed to rebuild the repository,
    34799 13:02:46 (0) ** otherwise some applications may fail after the reconstruction.
    34800 13:02:46 (0) ** This can be achieved with the following command:
    34801 13:02:46 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag ShowMOFErrors'
    34802 13:02:46 (0) ** Note: The repository reconstruction must be a LAST RESORT solution and ONLY after executing
    34803 13:02:46 (0) ** ALL fixes previously mentioned.
    34804 13:02:46 (2) !! WARNING: Static information stored by external applications in the repository will be LOST! (i.e. SMS Inventory)
    34805 13:02:46 (0) **
    34806 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34807 13:02:46 (0) ** WMI Registry key setup: ............................................................................................. OK.
    34808 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34809 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34810 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34811 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34812 13:02:46 (0) **
    34813 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34814 13:02:46 (0) ** ------------------------------------------------------ WMI REPORT: END -----------------------------------------------------------
    34815 13:02:46 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34816 13:02:46 (0) **
    34817 13:02:46 (0) ** ERROR: WMIDiag detected issues that could prevent WMI to work properly!. Check 'C:\USERS\ABCDEF\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\WMIDIAG-V2.1_2K8R2.SRV.SP1.64_ISWDC2_2014.05.22_12.49.13.LOG' for details.
    34818 13:02:46 (0) **
    34819 13:02:46 (0) ** WMIDiag v2.1 ended on Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014 at 13:02 (W:89 E:52 S:1).
    There are a lot of error in the report and I don't know, whether they are relevant or how to solve them. To my current knowledge, I need to solve at least some of them so that I can access the local WMI repository again and get replication back working.
    But after hours of research I am stuck. Any hints are greatly appreciated.

    I don't know why, but soon after posting this, I found a solution to the problem. The WMI part was solved in this thread:
    The relevant portion is this:
    Open a CMD prompt in %windir%\system32\wbem
    mofcomp dfsrprovs.mof
    net stop winmgmt
    net start winmgmt
    net start iphlpsvc
    net stop dfsr
    net start dfsr
    I don't know why recompiling of all mof did not solve the problem, but the solution above did. Restarting the DCs solved the communication issue. I don't know why the primary DC forgot about the WMI DFS provider or why communication failed. However, it is
    working again, it seems.

  • ALV  - coulmn names differ from Grid display to Excel download

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