About Matrix

How can I make a matrix control editable in add mode?
pls send me some sample code.
My previous question still having without answer regarding crystal report.
pls help me.

The forum that you have posted your question in is for questions related to the SAP Business One integration for SAP NetWeaver.  Your question seems to be related to the Business One SDK.  Please post your question in the SAP Business One SDK Discussion Forum.

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    well, i'm learning Java3D but it seems to involve lots of matrix manipulating.
    but i still cannot think of transforming object, rotating, scaling, in a form of matrix.
    can anyone suggest me online site about this? i donot have Credit card and not living in America so suggesting me to buy books would not help. Thanks in advance

    You don't have to know details about matrix-calculations to work with Java3D. Simply have a look into the specification. There you can find functions in the Transform3D object which change the position (setTranslation()), rotate (rotX(), rotY(), rotZ()) and scale (setScale()) an Shape3D. And all this can be done completely without the knowledge what happens behind the Transform3D scenes ;-)

  • About Matrix report

    I know how to create matrix report but there is one problem
    i want to dispaly matrix column name(heading) from table and below it i want to dispaly sum of other fields.
    there is problem regarding column header if value is not avilable then header also not displayed currently but i want to dispaly column header also weather value is there or not.
    please help me ........

    Modify the query and add (probably using UNION) dummy records for all columns needed in the matrix.

  • Plz help me...to display in  matrix  form

    Hi sir..
    i want to get this report in matrix form...plz i don't have any idea about matrix form...
    Right now iam getting like Below format::
    emp_name cat_name     type_name      theme_name                levels_skilllevel
    rubin      FE MODELLING SKILLS      A2-Assembly - connectors      N
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Assembly - welding                N
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Batch meshing                I
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-CFD meshing                     None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-I order Hex meshing                None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-I order Tet meshing                None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-II order Hex meshing           None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-II order Tet meshing           None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Macros                     None     
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Mid-plane shell meshing           None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Moldflow meshing                None
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Morphing                     B
    rubin      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           SKILL2                          None
    rubin      POST PROCESSING AUTO[SUB]SYS      AUTO-36                N
    rubin      POST PROCESSING AUTO[SUB]SYS      AUTO-6                     B
    rubin      POST PROCESSING AUTO[SUB]SYS      AUTO3                     I
    rubin      POST PROCESSING AUTO[SUB]SYS      TERMINAL                P
    freddy      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Assembly - welding                B
    freddy      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Batch meshing                P
    freddy      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Macros                     P
    freddy      FE MODELLING      SKILLS           A2-Morphing                     I
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-15                          None
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-41                          B
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-42                          I
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-45                          P
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-47                          N
    freddy      THERMAL      SKILLS           SKILL-57                          None
    -->     .....check the below one...
    -->Example:see emp_name rubin->cat_name     -> type_name ->theme_name->levels_skilllevel is 'N'
         see emp_name freddy->cat_name-> type_name ->theme_name->levels_skilllevel is 'B'
    cat_name     type_name           theme_name                rubin      freddy
    FE MODELLING      SKILLS      A2-Assembly - connectors      N     B     
    I have written the below query To get it as Above::
    SELECT ae.emp_name, am.cat_name, am.type_name, am.theme_name, am.levels_skilllevel
    FROM alt_employee ae, (
    SELECT *
    FROM alt_category ac, alt_type at, alt_theme atm, alt_levels al, alt_employee ae
    WHERE ac.cat_id
    IN (
    SELECT cat_id
    FROM alt_category
    ) AND ac.cat_id = atm.theme_catid
    AND atm.theme_typeid = at.type_id
    AND atm.theme_id = al.levels_theme_id
    AND al.levels_skilllevel
    IN ('B', 'N', 'I', 'P', 'None')
    GROUP BY cat_name, type_name, theme_name, levels_skilllevel
    WHERE ae.emp_id = am.levels_employee_id

    My solution was a pivot function.
    Using that function will give you something like:
    SQL> select * from table( pivot(
      2  'select cat.cat_name
      3       , type.type_name
      4       , theme.theme_name
      5       , emp.emp_name
      6       , levels.levels_skilllevel
      7  from alt_theme theme
      8     , alt_category cat
      9     , alt_type type
    10     , alt_levels levels
    11     , alt_employee emp
    12  where cat.cat_id (+) = theme.theme_catid
    13  and   type.type_id = theme.theme_typeid
    14  and   levels.levels_theme_id = theme.theme_id
    15  and   emp.emp_id = levels.levels_employee_id
    16  '
    17   ) );
    CAT_NAME TYPE_NAME       THEME_NAME                freddy    ruby
    FE       MODELLING       A2-Assembly - welding     B         B
    FE       MODELLING       A2-Assembly - connectors            N
             THERMAL SKILLS  SKILL-41                  B         I
             THERMAL SKILLS  SKILL-42                  N         P
    SQL> Anton
    create or replace type PivotImpl as object
      ret_type anytype,      -- The return type of the table function
      stmt varchar2(32767),
      cur integer,
      static function ODCITableDescribe( rtype out anytype, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number,
      static function ODCITablePrepare( sctx out PivotImpl, ti in sys.ODCITabFuncInfo, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number,
      static function ODCITableStart( sctx in out PivotImpl, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number,
      member function ODCITableFetch( self in out PivotImpl, nrows in number, outset out anydataset )
      return number,
      member function ODCITableClose( self in PivotImpl )
      return number
    create or replace type body PivotImpl
      static function ODCITableDescribe( rtype out anytype, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number
        atyp anytype;
        cur integer;
        numcols number;
        desc_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab2;
        rc sys_refcursor;
        t_c2 varchar2(32767);
        cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
        dbms_sql.parse( cur, p_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
        dbms_sql.describe_columns2( cur, numcols, desc_tab );
        dbms_sql.close_cursor( cur );
        anytype.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_object, atyp );
        for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
          atyp.addattr( desc_tab( i ).col_name
                      , case desc_tab( i ).col_type
                          when 1   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                          when 2   then dbms_types.typecode_number
                          when 9   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                          when 11  then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show rowid as varchar2
                          when 12  then dbms_types.typecode_date
                          when 208 then dbms_types.typecode_urowid
                          when 96  then dbms_types.typecode_char
                          when 180 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
                          when 181 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
                          when 231 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
                          when 182 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
                          when 183 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
                      , desc_tab( i ).col_precision
                      , desc_tab( i ).col_scale
                      , case desc_tab( i ).col_type
                          when 11 then 18  -- for rowid col_max_len = 16, and 18 characters are shown
                          else desc_tab( i ).col_max_len
                      , desc_tab( i ).col_charsetid
                      , desc_tab( i ).col_charsetform
        end loop;
        open rc for 'select distinct ' || desc_tab( numcols - 1 ).col_name || '
                              from( ' || p_stmt || ' )
                              order by 1';
          fetch rc into t_c2;
          exit when rc%notfound;
          atyp.addattr( t_c2
                      , case desc_tab( numcols ).col_type
                          when 1   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                          when 2   then dbms_types.typecode_number
                          when 9   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                          when 11  then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show rowid as varchar2
                          when 12  then dbms_types.typecode_date
                          when 208 then dbms_types.typecode_urowid
                          when 96  then dbms_types.typecode_char
                          when 180 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
                          when 181 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
                          when 231 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
                          when 182 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
                          when 183 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
                      , desc_tab( numcols ).col_precision
                      , desc_tab( numcols ).col_scale
                      , case desc_tab( numcols ).col_type
                          when 11 then 18  -- for rowid col_max_len = 16, and 18 characters are shown
                          else desc_tab( numcols ).col_max_len
                      , desc_tab( numcols ).col_charsetid
                      , desc_tab( numcols ).col_charsetform
        end loop;
        close rc;
        anytype.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_table, rtype );
        rtype.SetInfo( null, null, null, null, null, atyp, dbms_types.typecode_object, 0 );
        return odciconst.success;
        when others then
          return odciconst.error;
      static function ODCITablePrepare( sctx out PivotImpl, ti in sys.ODCITabFuncInfo, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number
        prec     pls_integer;
        scale    pls_integer;
        len      pls_integer;
        csid     pls_integer;
        csfrm    pls_integer;
        elem_typ anytype;
        aname    varchar2(30);
        tc       pls_integer;
        tc := ti.RetType.GetAttrElemInfo( 1, prec, scale, len, csid, csfrm, elem_typ, aname );
        sctx := PivotImpl( elem_typ, p_stmt, null );
        return odciconst.success;
      static function ODCITableStart( sctx in out PivotImpl, p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
      return number
        cur         integer;
        numcols     number;
        desc_tab    dbms_sql.desc_tab2;
        t_stmt      varchar2(32767);
        t_stmt_end  varchar2(32767);
        type_code   pls_integer;
        prec        pls_integer;
        scale       pls_integer;
        len         pls_integer;
        csid        pls_integer;
        csfrm       pls_integer;
        schema_name varchar2(30);
        type_name   varchar2(30);
        version     varchar2(30);
        attr_count  pls_integer;
        attr_type   anytype;
        attr_name   varchar2(100);
        dummy2      integer;
        cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
        dbms_sql.parse( cur, p_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
        dbms_sql.describe_columns2( cur, numcols, desc_tab );
        dbms_sql.close_cursor( cur );
        for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
          t_stmt := t_stmt || ', "' || desc_tab( i ).col_name || '"';
        end loop;
        t_stmt := substr( t_stmt, 2 );
        t_stmt_end := t_stmt;
        type_code := sctx.ret_type.getinfo( prec
                                          , scale
                                          , len
                                          , csid
                                          , csfrm
                                          , schema_name
                                          , type_name
                                          , version
                                          , attr_count
        for i in numcols - 1 .. attr_count
          type_code := sctx.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
                                                     , prec
                                                     , scale
                                                     , len
                                                     , csid
                                                     , csfrm
                                                     , attr_type
                                                     , attr_name
          t_stmt := t_stmt || ', ' || p_agg || '( decode( ' || desc_tab( numcols - 1 ).col_name || ', ''' || attr_name || ''', ' || desc_tab( numcols ).col_name || ' ) )';
        end loop;
        t_stmt := 'select' || t_stmt || ' from ( ' || sctx.stmt || ' ) group by' || t_stmt_end;
        sctx.cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
        dbms_sql.parse( sctx.cur, t_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
        for i in 1 .. attr_count
          type_code := sctx.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
                                                    , prec
                                                    , scale
                                                    , len
                                                    , csid
                                                    , csfrm
                                                    , attr_type
                                                    , attr_name
          case type_code
            when dbms_types.typecode_char          then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, 'x', 32767 );
            when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2      then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, 'x', 32767 );
            when dbms_types.typecode_number        then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as number ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_date          then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as date ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_urowid        then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as urowid ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp     then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz  then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp with time zone ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp with local time zone ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym   then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as interval year to month ) );
            when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds   then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as interval day to second ) );
          end case;
        end loop;
        dummy2 := dbms_sql.execute( sctx.cur );
        return odciconst.success;
      member function ODCITableFetch( self in out PivotImpl, nrows in number, outset out anydataset )
      return number
        c1_col_type pls_integer;
        type_code   pls_integer;
        prec        pls_integer;
        scale       pls_integer;
        len         pls_integer;
        csid        pls_integer;
        csfrm       pls_integer;
        schema_name varchar2(30);
        type_name   varchar2(30);
        version     varchar2(30);
        attr_count  pls_integer;
        attr_type   anytype;
        attr_name   varchar2(100);
        v1     varchar2(32767);
        n1     number;
        d1     date;
        ur1    urowid;
        ids1   interval day to second;
        iym1   interval year to month;
        ts1    timestamp;
        tstz1  timestamp with time zone;
        tsltz1 timestamp with local time zone;
        outset := null;
        if nrows < 1
    -- is this possible???
          return odciconst.success;
        end if;
        if dbms_sql.fetch_rows( self.cur ) = 0
          return odciconst.success;
        end if;
        type_code := self.ret_type.getinfo( prec
                                          , scale
                                          , len
                                          , csid
                                          , csfrm
                                          , schema_name
                                          , type_name
                                          , version
                                          , attr_count
        anydataset.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_object, self.ret_type, outset );
        for i in 1 .. attr_count
          type_code := self.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
                                                     , prec
                                                     , scale
                                                     , len
                                                     , csid
                                                     , csfrm
                                                     , attr_type
                                                     , attr_name
            case type_code
              when dbms_types.typecode_char then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, v1 );
                outset.setchar( v1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, v1 );
                outset.setvarchar2( v1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_number then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, n1 );
                outset.setnumber( n1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_date then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, d1 );
                outset.setdate( d1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_urowid then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ur1 );
                outset.seturowid( ur1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ids1 );
                outset.setintervalds( ids1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, iym1 );
                outset.setintervalym( iym1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ts1 );
                outset.settimestamp( ts1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, tstz1 );
                outset.settimestamptz( tstz1 );
              when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then
                dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, tsltz1 );
                outset.settimestampltz( tsltz1 );
            end case;
        end loop;
        return odciconst.success;
      member function ODCITableClose( self in PivotImpl )
      return number
        c integer;
        t_id user_objects.object_id%type;
        c := self.cur;
        dbms_sql.close_cursor( c );
        select object_id
        into t_id
        from user_objects
        where object_name = 'PIVOTIMPL'
        and   object_type = 'TYPE BODY';
    -- invalidating of the type body forces that ODCITableDescribe is executed for every call to the pivot function
    -- and we do need that to make sure that any new columns are picked up (= new values for the pivoting column)
        dbms_utility.invalidate( t_id );
        return odciconst.success;
    create or replace
    function pivot( p_stmt in varchar2, p_agg in varchar2 := 'max' )
    return anydataset pipelined using PivotImpl;

  • Matrix  Organization in OM Module

    Hi experts,
    My client want to implement matrix Organization in OM Module. I have to study about matrix organization and until now I still have no ideas what actually matrix organization was. My question is :
    1. What is the matrix organization ?
    2. What is the function of matrix organization ? 
    3. What is the impact if I implement this?
    4. Is that any possibility to implement matrix organization in OM module.
    Needs your help. Thanks in advance.

    MATRIX is one fo the Structure we use to Develop the OM structures as we do with Simple Maintainence , staffing method ...........along with these MATRIX is of the structure
    See this:
    Matrix structure.
    see this:

  • Un-bound Matrix

    I have a problem about matrix, so I need a help, please =). I create a form using screen painter and I added a matrix, but I don't bind the columns in my matrix to a table, hence, when I fill my matrix, like this: oMatrix.Columns("Month").Cells(1).Specific.String = "January", it doesn't create any error, but what seems strange to me is as soon as the matrix is filled, it become empty again. Why should that happen? But it only happen when a column in a matrix is not bind to a table, actually this is the first time I am not binding my column to a table, when I bind the column, there is no problem in filling the cell, but when it un-bound, there came a problem.
    Is there anyone who can give me a solution? Thanks for your kindly attention =)

    You must bing columns in matrix because it will doesn`t work.
    You must bind column to UserDataSources or DBDataSources.
    Kamil Wydra

  • Matrix in MDM

    Hi all
    can someone explain the concept of matrix in MDM and how is it used for storing Variants for the same product?
    What will be the performance issue if any?Do we have any restrictions on number of master and slave relationships?
    Can anyone who has worked on this scenario justify its usefulness?
    No links please.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Ravi,
    Though I have not actually worked on Matrix but will share how much I know and the stuff i had collected.
    Please refer to the link below that contains the fair information about Matrix and also how to configure it.Refer from page no. 12.One more suggestion from my side is:Use SAP's standard shipped Article repository because it is configured for the Matrix application so you have to do few things only.
    [https://websmp208.sap-ag.de/installMDM] -> Installation -> MDM 5.5 SP06 IT Scenario Configuration Guide
    Once your repository is Matrix enabled (by right clicking on the repository and enabling the Matrix support property), Add Master option will be enabled in the Data manager.By which you can actually create Master and variants relationship but this functionality will be visible only through iViews that u will deploy on your portal (stated in the document mentioned above).
    Once you have created Master and its variants and they are sharing some common fields(whose Matrix type have been selected as Master in the Console) then if you change the Master field of the master record, it will be reflected in the corresponding variants also.
    Note: If you add the record using Add Master option then that record cannot be deleted unless you have configured all the necessary settings.So it would be better if you try this on some dummy repository.
    Jitesh Talreja
    Edited by: Jitesh Talreja on Apr 8, 2008 3:05 PM

  • Matrix structure.

         Does anybody have some good documentation about Matrix organization in OM.can anybody explain me waht is use of matrix and how we use matrix in real time scenarios.and for example
    what will be dimention 1 and 2.if i want one org unit reports to more than one org unit .can u show me with example it will be highly appreciated i am really confused about Matrix.

    I do not have document but can help you with the required steps
    1 You have to define the relationship which you want to maintain in a matrix in table T779M.(If not working you can go through SPRO under OM).For creating this table you have to mention relationship name along with dimensions.For each dimension you have to give object type and the evaluation path.(eg O-O-S , O-O-S-P, O-S-P, O-O-VACS  etc depending upon the matrix you want to maintain)
    2.Through Tcode PPME change access and PPMS display access you can see the relation which you have maintained in the above said table.Here you can maintain the relationships.

  • Changes to be made to the proprties file to add timestamp to a folder added

    Hi All,
    I want to add timestamp to a folder name.So I want to made some
    changes in the properties file .So should I add in the proprties file for
    fr_scheduler.properties file.

    i think that is exactly his issue. Using those deprecated functions:
    creates this image:
    Replacing the last multiplication only with the current version of "multiply":
    creates this image:
    I found out, that the current version of "multiply" obviously does work the same as "A x B.vi" from the matrix-palette:
    whereas the deprecated version handles the matrix as a simple array (multiplying index per index).
    So i would consider the old, deprecated version as bug when talking about matrix'es and the new behavior as fix for it. Obviously (overlay tells us so) this fix was implemented with 8.0.
    hope this helps,
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • Two hiearchies in consol monitor. Do we need two data extraction?

    When we have two hierarchies in the console monitor where one consolidation unit appears on both hierarchies, should we do extraction of reported financial data for same consildation unit in both the hierachies?. Won't the data get duplicated?
    Example: In consol monitor
    1. Regional Hierachy: Europe-->Paris Company
                                                       UK Company
                                                       Belgium Company
    2: Product Hierarchy: Food and Beverages--> UK Company
                                                                              Philippines Company
    In this scenario the UK company is present in two hierarchies. Should we do data extraction in both the hierarchy? Won't the data get duplicated? Should we do consolidation fuctions at two hierarchy level?
    Could someone please explain?

    When we have two hierarchies in the console monitor where one consolidation unit appears on both hierarchies, should we do extraction of reported financial data for same consildation unit in both the hierachies?
    Won't the data get duplicated?
    Should we do data extraction in both the hierarchy?
    Won't the data get duplicated?
    Should we do consolidation fuctions at two hierarchy level?
    The answer is NO to all your questions provided that we do not talk about matrix consolidation.
    In the plain (not matrix) consolidation all entries are done simultaneously for all hierarchies of ConsUnits. It's still a huge advantage of SEM-BCS comparing with the other products, like SAP BO FC or SAP BPC. In other words, if to treat different hierarchies of ConsUnits as different perimeters of consolidation, then SEM-BCS works with all perimiters at once, while other apllications cannot do  it.
    P.S. All said above is true if you run tasks from the higher level of one of the hierarchies. Certainly, you may do it for a particular hierarchy node or even a single ConsUnit. But, anyway, no duplication of running tasks is needed.
    Edited by: Eugene Khusainov on Nov 15, 2011 12:04 PM

  • Discrete state-space representation in FPGA

    Hello all,
    My aim is to simulate a discrete state-space model is the cRIO FPGA (in order to use an observer).
    I am currently trying to simulate it on my computer without using the discrete state-space VI from the Control Design and Simulation toolbox (because there is not state-space model VI for the FPGA). However my discrete state-space model representation does not work.
    There is below the continuous state-space model:
    Then I obtained the discretized model (using the zero-order-hold and t=0.01s):
    Below is the discretized state-space model I designed (in order to design a similar model in the FPGA):
    Here is the discrete state-space VI I'm using to compare the results:
    The graph plots the state X1, which is infinitely increasing. However it should look like a first order, as you can see:
    I understand why the state X1 is increasing like this, I know I'm missing something (integration saturation ?).
    Thanks in advance
    PS: Does somebody know if implenting other controller than the PID is doable in the cRIO FPGA? I also asking myself about matrix inversion if I want to use the Kalman gain in my observer.
    PS2: I apologize for my disorganized/unclear Labview files, I'm beginning with it.
    Go to Solution.
    SS Discret Simulation.vi ‏544 KB
    SS Discret Model.vi ‏21 KB

    I think the problem might be caused by rounding errors in your A and B matrices.  Have you tried getting it to display the values with greater precision?
    Matlab calculates those values as:  A = [0.995, 0.009925; 0 0.99],  B = [2.488e-5; 0.004975]

  • LinkedButton in a Columngrid

    Hi everyone,
    how can I set a linkedbutton in a column grid?
    I've seen some samples about matrix, but not about grid

    I've found it!
                Dim oLink As SAPbouiCOM.EditTextColumn
                oLink = CType(Me.oGridGasoil.Columns.Item(0), SAPbouiCOM.EditTextColumn)
                oLink.LinkedObjectType = "1"

  • Want Document about performance matrix for WLS 5.1,6.1,7.0 and 8.1

    Where can I find the document about weblogic 5.1,6.1 , 7.0 and 8.1
    server performace matrix? currently we want to update our system from
    5.1 to the most recent WLS, everyone know WLS 8.1 is running faster than
    5.1, who can tell me how faster it can be based on very generically way.

    Where can I find the document about weblogic 5.1,6.1 , 7.0 and 8.1
    server performace matrix?Roy asks a great question - and I've been searching Weblogic site for the info
    From a management perspective, it takes time and money to upgrade to the latest
    I need to put together a business case for management illustrating a Cost/Benefits
    If I can point to sources were people upgraded from 5.1/1.3.1 to 8.0/1.3.1 and
    achived an XX% increase; then I can relate that to the cost of upgrading hardware/etc
    - and better decide where to spend the money.
    If anybody has the numbers or experience - I'd love to hear from you.

  • Want document about  weblogic 5.1,6.1 , 7.0 and 8.1 server performace matrix

    Where can I find the document about weblogic 5.1,6.1 , 7.0 and 8.1
    server performace matrix? currently we want to update our system from
    5.1 to the most recent WLS, everyone know WLS 8.1 is running faster than
    5.1, who can tell me how faster it can be based on very generically way.

    Where can I find the document about weblogic 5.1,6.1 , 7.0 and 8.1
    server performace matrix?Roy asks a great question - and I've been searching Weblogic site for the info
    From a management perspective, it takes time and money to upgrade to the latest
    I need to put together a business case for management illustrating a Cost/Benefits
    If I can point to sources were people upgraded from 5.1/1.3.1 to 8.0/1.3.1 and
    achived an XX% increase; then I can relate that to the cost of upgrading hardware/etc
    - and better decide where to spend the money.
    If anybody has the numbers or experience - I'd love to hear from you.

  • About Dot matrix printer device problems

    Hai ,
              I have a problems in smartforms and i used the printer device is dot matrix(Used PLY paper)..Its unable to print the vertical & horizontal lines but the corresponding spooler contains correct alignments..in the same time i used HP laser device (Used A4 sheet)..but its able to print..
    whats the main reason for this problem????
    pls reply me asap.because its a urgent requirement for me..
    advanced thanks for ur reply..

        Thanks for your immediate reply..
    Previously we used sapscript form..its able to print properly in same device(dot matrix)...As per some new requirement, we implemented smartforms with same alignment..and also we used same printer settings as per previous..but something we missed...

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