About message box

hi friends,
in my adobe forms iam having only one check box.
if i select that check box, i should get a message box data.
i wrote the following code for check box,
if($.rawValue == 1) then
Subform1.c.messageBox("this is clicked")
iam not getting the messageBox output.
can any one help me.

If you can use JavaScript, then you can use the following code for your requirement.
Place the following code in the Change event of you Checkbox, and select "JavaScript" as you Scripting Language:
if ( this.rawValue == 1)
xfa.host.messageBox("this is clicked...");
hope this helps,

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    I don't want this message box.
    How can i disable this dialog?

    AdfPage.PAGE.clearAllMessages() is good solution for this problem.
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    Thank for your help!

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    Hey, i'm making this game and i have one frame and i have and one panel inside, and when the user completes the game i want a message box to popup saying "Congratulations, You Won!"
    At the moment when the user wins the game, i've just put a "System.out.println("You've Won"); but i want a message box to appear on top of the game. What's the best and simplest way to achieve this?
    I tried replacing my "System.out.println("You've Won") with JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You Won!"); and that just caused the whole thing to freeze up.

    saru88 wrote:
    I did as you suggested and changed the "null" in
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You Won!"); to
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "You Won!"); to refer to the JPanel which contains the game code.And? Any benefit (unlikely)?
    Sorry for my lack of explanation about freezing up, what happens is the message box appears, but the inside is completely transparent and so i can see the game display behind it. And if i click inside it, then it does nothing but change the focus to that window. When i said freeze before i meant, it becomes "non responding" and so I have to open "Task Manager" and close it that way. This sounds like a thread issue. Are you calling JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(...) off of the EDT, the Event Dispatch Thread?

  • How to insert a carriage return chr(13) to a message box

    On my form I have a button, called "Instruction".
    When the user clicks on it, I present him with a message box expalining key points about the form and the fields.
    Here a dummy example:
    xfa.host.messageBox("Hello Everyone! The form contains 5 required field identied by Red border. Make sure you fill them before submitting the form. To calculate the winner percentage you Must fill in the number of tables first."
    , "INSTRUCTION", 3);
    There must be a way to insert a line in a message box, such as chr(13).
    What's the syntax?

    To enter a CR in a string for javascript use a \n in the text of your string.

  • Pass File Path into Message Box

    I’m building an application that is being used to create a report for whatever date range the user chooses. After the data is exported into Excel I have a message box pop up telling the user where the file has been saved to. However, as it is now, I have
    the file path hard coded. What I want to do is have the file path chosen by the user passed into the message box and display a message with the selected path. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using ClosedXML.Excel;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
    using System.IO;
    namespace LoanOrig_FDIC_Codes
    public partial class Form1 : Form
    SqlCommand sqlCmd;
    SqlDataAdapter sqlDA;
    DataSet sqlDS;
    DataTable sqlDT;
    SqlCommand sqlCmdCnt;
    public Form1()
    private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string sqlCon = "Data Source=FS-03246; Initial Catalog=ExtractGenerator; User ID=myID; Password=myPW";
    //Set the 2 dateTimePickers to today's date
    DateTime @endDate = End_dateTimePicker.Value.Date;
    DateTime @startDate = Start_dateTimePicker.Value.Date;
    //Validate the values of the 2 dateTimePickers
    if (endDate < startDate)
    MessageBox.Show("End Date must be greater than or equal to the Start Date OR Start Date must be less than or equal to the End Date ", "Incorrect Date Selection",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
    //Reset both dateTimePickers to todays date
    Start_dateTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Today;
    End_dateTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Today;
    //End of date validation
    string sqlData = @"SELECT AcctNbr,
    FROM I_Loans
    WHERE CAST(ContractDate AS datetime) BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate ORDER BY ContractDate";
    SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(sqlCon);
    SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlData, connection);
    sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", startDate);
    sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@endDate", endDate);
    sqlDS = new DataSet();
    sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd); //SqlAdapter acts as a bridge between the DataSet and SQL Server for retrieving the data
    sqlDA.SelectCommand = sqlCmd; //SqlAdapter uses the SelectCommand property to get the SQL statement used to retrieve the records from the table
    sqlDA.Fill(sqlDS, "I_Loans"); //SqlAdapter uses the "Fill" method so that the DataSet will match the data in the SQL table
    sqlDT = sqlDS.Tables["I_Loans"];
    //Code section to get record count
    sqlCmdCnt = connection.CreateCommand();
    sqlCmdCnt.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(AcctNbr) AS myCnt FROM I_Loans WHERE ContractDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate";
    sqlCmdCnt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", startDate);
    sqlCmdCnt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@endDate", endDate);
    int recCnt = (int)sqlCmdCnt.ExecuteScalar();
    txtRecCnt.Text = recCnt.ToString();
    btnExport.Enabled = true;
    //End of code section for record count
    dataGridView1.DataSource = sqlDS.Tables["I_Loans"];
    dataGridView1.ReadOnly = true;
    //Reset both dateTimePickers to todays date
    Start_dateTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Today;
    End_dateTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Today;
    private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    { //ClosedXML code to export datagrid result set to Excel
    string dirInfo = Path.GetPathRoot(@"\\FS-03250\users\dyoung\LoanOrig_FDIC_Codes");
    if (Directory.Exists(dirInfo))
    var wb = new XLWorkbook();
    var ws = wb.Worksheets.Add(sqlDT);
    ws.Tables.First().ShowAutoFilter = false;
    SaveFileDialog saveFD = new SaveFileDialog();
    saveFD.Title = "Save As";
    saveFD.Filter = "Excel File (*.xlsx)| *.xlsx";
    saveFD.FileName = "LoanOrig_FDIC_Codes_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
    if (saveFD.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
    Stream stream = saveFD.OpenFile();
    //End of ClosedXML code
    MessageBox.Show("File has been exported to U:\\LoanOrig_FDIC_Codes", "File Exported", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
    MessageBox.Show("Drive " + "U:\\Visual Studio Projects\\LoanOrig_FDIC_Codes" + " " + "not found, not accessible, or you may have invalid permissions");
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Set dates to be today's date when the form is openend
    Start_dateTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Today;
    End_dateTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Today;
    private void Form1_Load_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dataSet1.I_Loans' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
    private void iLoansBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    David Young

    Assuming I have located the part of your code you are talking about, I think you just need to replace the hard code path in the message with the path from the SaveFileDialog. You should only display the message if the use clicked OK.
    if (saveFD.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
    Stream stream = saveFD.OpenFile();
    MessageBox.Show("File has been exported to " + saveFD.FileName, "File Exported", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

  • I can put in an address and subject, but there is no cursor in the message box.

    After I put in the address & subject, I click on the message box to do some typing, but all it does is sit there. Up in the tool bar, the little circle is just spinning counterclockwise until I click in the message box, then it reverses to clockwise and just sit there stuck in a loop. I've waited for several minutes, rebooted the Firefox and rebooted the computer, even letting it sit several minutes for turning it on again. Still I get the same result. I contacted Earthlink about that, because I use their webmail, and they suggested I try through Explorer, and that worked OK. I went back and tried again with Firefox, to no avail.

    Restart the computer.

  • Notification message box of Hyperion Planning when user login

    Can we have a notification message box popup when user login Hyperion Planning or Workspace application? We would like to communicate to the end users by the system instead of just email because some end users may not check the email so frequently. It is the best to notify end users about any latest changes e.g. budget rate, etc when they login the system to check data or print reports.
    We noticed that there is a broadcast message feature but only limit to those users already online. And the message will not shown when there are some users login later. We would like to have some notice board like message instead of instant messaging.
    The online help of "broadcast message" feature:
    "Use broadcast messaging to communicate a text message to all Planning users currently logged on to an application. For example, you can send messages about system availability or periodic maintenance. You should also send broadcast messages to request that users log out before upgrading or migrating applications.
    You can send broadcast messages using the Web client or a command line utility. If you send them using the Web, they are sent to users of your current application. If you send them using the command line, you can specify any application, without being logged on to it. You can also schedule messages using standard operating system mechanisms. "
    Thanks in advance!

    I have tried the above step and it only works when i am in the advanced mode. but when i change to basic mode i can see the forms and still can access without any disturbance. for your help i am pasting the planningcentral.jsp so that you could suggest me something other.
    Thanks in advance...
    the original file :
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">
    <%@ include file="Common.jin" %>
    <% nWhichPage = HspConstants.PLANNING_CENTRAL;
    String redirectString = request.getParameter("Redirect");
    String mainFrameContentURL = (String)session.getAttribute(HspConstants.SESSION_MAIN_FRAME_CONTENT);
    String mainFrameContent = ((inAdvancedMode) && (mainFrameContentURL != null)) ? mainFrameContentURL : "SelectForm.jsp";
         String queryString = request.getQueryString();
         String mastHeadURL = "BT_Masthead.jsp" + ((queryString != null) ? "?" + queryString : "");
    <%@ include file="SessionValidate.jin" %>
    <%-- Section for Checking latest CSS version and redirecting to AppSettings.jsp --%>
    <%     if ((HspPlanning != null) && (HspPlanning.isApplicationOwner()))     {
              boolean isHubRegistered = (HspPlanning.getHubServer() != null);
              if ((!isHubRegistered) || (HspPlanning.isUserMigrationReqd())) {
                   inAdvancedMode = true;
                   redirectString = null;
                   mainFrameContent = "AppSettings.jsp?RND=" + Math.random();
    <%-- End CSS validation section --%>
    <title><%= HspMsgs.LABEL_WELCOME_TO_HP %></title>
    <%@ include file="PlanningLibraries.jin" %>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    var isPlanningFramework = true;
         var topFrameLoaded = false;
         var taskListViewPaneLoaded = false;
         var processBarLoaded = false;
    <frameset id="mainframeset" rows="72,19,*" cols="*" frameborder="NO" border="1" framespacing="0">
         <frame src="<%= mastHeadURL %>" name="topFrame" id="topFrame" scrolling="auto" noresize >
         <frame src="BT_ProcessBar.jsp" title="object palette header" id="objPaletteHeader" name="objPaletteHeader" scrolling="no">     
         <frameset id="nestedFrameSet" cols="20%,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
    <% if (inAdvancedMode) { %>
         <frame src="LP_ObjectPalette.jsp" id="leftPalette" name="leftPalette" scrolling="no">
         <frame src="<%= (redirectString != null) ? redirectString : mainFrameContent %>" id="mainFrame" name="mainFrame" scrolling="auto">
    <% } else { %>
    <%     int currentTLId = -1;
         HspTaskList thisTL = (HspTaskList)session.getAttribute(HspConstants.SESSION_TASK_LIST);
         if (thisTL != null) thisTL = HspPlanning.getTaskList(thisTL.getId());
         if (thisTL != null) {
              currentTLId = thisTL.getId();
         } else {
         Vector availableTaskLists = null;
         availableTaskLists = HspPlanning.getTaskLists();
         HspObjectPositionComparator hspObjectCompare = new HspObjectPositionComparator();
         HspCSM.sortVector(availableTaskLists, hspObjectCompare);
         if ((availableTaskLists != null) && (availableTaskLists.size() > 0))
              currentTLId = ((HspTaskList)availableTaskLists.firstElement()).getId();
         } %>
         <frame src="LP_ObjectPalette.jsp?TaskList=<%= currentTLId %>" id="leftPalette" name="leftPalette" scrolling="no">     
         <frameset id="wizardFrameSet" name="wizardFrameSet" rows="*,0" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
    <%     if (currentTLId != -1) {
              String wizardFrameContent = "TL_Navigator.jsp?TaskList=" + currentTLId;
              HspTask currentSessionTask = (HspTask)session.getAttribute(HspConstants.SESSION_TASK);
              if (currentSessionTask != null) {
                   wizardFrameContent = "TL_Navigator.jsp?TaskList=" + currentTLId + "&SelectedTask=" + currentSessionTask.getId() + "&ShowWizard=true";
                   mainFrameContent = "TL_Wait.jsp";
              } else {
                   mainFrameContent = "TaskListStatus.jsp?TaskList=" + currentTLId;
              <frame src="<%= mainFrameContent %>" id="mainFrame" name="mainFrame" scrolling="auto" noresize>
              <frame src="<%= (redirectString != null) ? redirectString : wizardFrameContent %>" id="wizardFrame" name="wizardFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize>
    <%      } else { %>
              <frame src="<%= (redirectString != null) ? redirectString : "Error.jsp" %>" id="mainFrame" name="mainFrame" scrolling="auto">
    <%      } %>
    <% } %>

  • I am using a Application in c dll calling from jni jar by java applet in firefox version 19.0 , the problem is click event message box will not working correct

    I am using a Application in c dll calling from jni jar by java applet in firefox version 19.0 , the problem is button click event message box or popup window will not working correctly. Please any one suggest me the steps to overcome this not responding or slowness in the responding problem of Button click event.

    In Firefox 23, as part of an effort to simplify the Firefox options set and protect users from unintentially damaging their Firefox, the option to disable JavaScript was removed from the Firefox Options window.
    However, the option to disable JavaScript was not removed from Firefox entirely. You can still access it from about:config or by installing an add-on.
    # In the address bar, type "about:config" (with no quotes), and press Enter.
    # Click "I'll be careful, I promise"
    # In the search bar, search for "javascript.enabled" (with no quotes).
    # Right click the result named "javascript.enabled" and click "Toggle". JavaScript is now disabled.
    To Re-enable JavaScript, repeat these steps.
    You can alternatively install an add-on that lets you disable JavaScript, such as
    *[https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/noscript/ No-Script] (to disable JavaScript on a per page basis, as required)
    *[https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/quickjava/ QuickJava] (to easily disable and enable JavaScript, automatic loading of images, and other content)
    Thank you and I hope this helps!

  • How would you read in each line of data and display them to message box?

    How would you read in each line of data from the _.txt file_ and display the whole data using an information-type message box?
    I know how to display each line of the .txt file data, but I do not know how to display the whole thing.
    Here is how I did to display each line of data using the message box:
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;          // Needed for the JOptionPane class
    import java.io.*;                         // Needed for file classes
    public class problem3
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
              String filename;          // Needed to read the file
              String categories;          // Needed to read the categories
              // Get the filename.
              filename = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the filname.");
              // Open the file.
              FileReader freader = new FileReader(filename);
              BufferedReader inputFile = new BufferedReader(freader);
              // Read the categories from the file.
              categories = inputFile.readLine();
              // If a category was read, display it and
              // read the remainig categories.
              while(categories != null)
                   // Display the last category read.
                   // Read the next category.
                   categories = inputFile.readLine();
              // Close the file.
    }I think I need to change here:
    // If a category was read, display it and
              // read the remainig categories.
              while(categories != null)
                   // Display the last category read.
                   // Read the next category.
                   categories = inputFile.readLine();
              }but I don't know how to.
    Could you please help me?
    Thank you.

    kyorochan wrote:
    jverd wrote:
    What is not understood about your question is which part of "read a bunch of lines and display them in a textbox" do you not understand.
    First thing's first though: You do recognize that "read a bunch of lines and display them in a textbox" has a few distinct and completely independent parts, right?I'm sorry. I'm not good at English, so I do not understand what you said...
    What I was trying to say is "How to display the whole lines of .txt file in single dialog box."We know that.
    Do you understand that any problem can be broken down into smaller pieces?
    Do you understand that your problem has the following pieces?
    1. Read lines from the file.
    2. Put the lines together into one String.
    3. Put the String into the message box.
    and maybe
    4. Make sure the message box contents are split into lines exactly as the file was.
    (You didn't make it clear if that last one is a requirement.)
    Do you understand that 1-4 are completely independent problems and can be solved separately from each other?
    Do you understand that you have stated that you already know how to do 1 and 3?
    Therefore, you are NOT asking "How to display the whole lines of .txt file in single dialog box." Rather, you ARE asking either #2 or #4 or both.
    If you say once more "display all the lines of the file in one dialog box," then it is clear that we are unable to communicate with you and we cannot help you.

  • No Access to Message Box

      It seems their is something wrong with the access to the Message Box, I am unable to retrieve the messages. When trying to access the messages before  a voice would say to enter your pass word now their is nothing looks like it is on a TILT.. three of our stations have the similar problem. The stations indicate a message on the handset yet when trying to access the messages nothing not even the command to enter your password.
    And on the dispaly it show: on top it shows 1, To: 500 and at the bottom it displays: Ring out    Callback, Endcall Acct
    Frank NO Idea what wrong

    hello Lini, when you check in firefox > help > about firefox, are you already on version 17.0.1?

  • InDesign contact sheet  is prompting reject or delete file message box

    Some of us are experiencing a very weird problem in Bridge CS3. When we use the delete button to remove data from the contact sheet settings window (for ex., deleting any data typed into the Template or Output Options fields), the reject/delete files message box appears. I've watched one of my production artists do this, and it's quite odd. All he's doing is selecting a couple or all files in a folder and then creating an InDesign contact sheet. Has anyone else experienced this problem? We were also able to replicate the issue on a different Mac computer. Thanks.

    When I was writing that script, I chose to make it's dialog a palette rather than a dialog so that the user could modify the selected images while the palette was showing.
    What's happening is that:
    When the delete key is being pressed, the palette to set the settings isn't active (you can tell by the title bar in the window). When it's active, it will receive the delete key event from Bridge, when it's not active, Bridge will process the delete key.
    It seemed like a better way to do it at the time. This was the one bad case I can see, and I never thought about it nor saw it in testing.

  • My iPad screen is totally frozen with a message box asking me to go to photo stream settings but when either option (ignore or settings) is selected nothing happens. I can't turn off the device either because the screen won't respond. Help please

    My iPad screen is totally frozen with a message box asking me to go to photo stream settings but when either option (ignore or settings) is selected nothing happens. I can't turn off the device either because the screen won't respond. Help please

    Try a reset:
    Hold the Sleep and Home button down for about 10 second until you see the Apple logo.

  • Strange, annoying message box from .mac - and I'm not a member!

    I suddenly get a message box on my screen that requests my .mac username
    and password for .mac. I haven't been a .mac (or MobileMe) member for months.
    When I enter my old password and user name, another message says it is invalid. Very annoying, as this keeps popping up now suddenly for no reason.
    Any suggestions on how to get rid of this message, and why it is happening?
    Thanks for any help,

    Hi, Bruce,
    Sorry about posting this in the wrong place. I couldn't find an appropriate forum. As for my "MobileMe control panel," I don't have one since I'm not a member. I don't do ANYTHING with iDisk because I am not using the service at all. The iDisk icon still lives on my desktop ever since I got this computer, and maybe I should trash it?
    The only other odd thing that happened that day was: I had an electrical outage in my house. The computer is surge-protected and works perfectly now. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
    Thanks for any more suggestions!

  • Remove all message boxes

    How about replacing all the message boxes with something like (and i can't believe i'm saying this) the information bar from internet explorer in the sense that you wouldn't need to click OK or whatnot to be able to continue your work.
    Here's an example:
    With the brush tool selected, you click by mistake in the image while a vector layer is selected. What happens? you get a message box telling you to rasterize the layer to continue. You click cancel because it's a mistake and then you get another message box telling you that you can't edit the layer (isn't it fun?).
    This would be replaced by showing you a bar at the top of the image when you click on the vector layer telling you that if you click again with it on the layer you will rasterize the layer. The thing is that if you select a different tool or layer, the bar would disappear(as well as the effect of rasterizing by clicking once more in the image) without the need to click in some specific area before you can continue with your work.
    The end result is that we'll be able to work faster and smoother. No more click ok for stuff like "no pixel is more than 50% selected", "could not complete because the area is empty", "cannot paint on hidden layer", "cannot continue because no layer is selected", etc

    Here's another example where this status bar would be useful:
    With a multi-layered document you go to Image->Mode->Lab and instead of asking you whether to flatten or not, it will automatically convert the image without flattening and show the bar saying something like "if the appearance doesn't match and you want to flatten the image then click here". And if you click on the bar it would redo the conversion but this time flattening the file before going to Lab. Also add an option in the bar to reverse the behavior of the conversion so that it automatically flattens the file and gives a bar saying the opposite to make sure that you won't get any angry users that always flatten when going to Lab or some other color space
    Something similar would be when running actions that include a stop. Instead of relying on the user to know that he has to click play to continue or the creator of the action to write that when making the action, the bar would appear and tell you to click on it to continue the action after having made the necessary adjustments 
    I for one prefer the bar to appear only when needed instead of it always being onscreen and taking up screen space but at the end of the day, as long as it's implemented i won't mind the exact method of the implementation.

  • HT3228 My ipad4 is connected to my yahoo mail. Yesterday, no text show in the message box. However, I can see that  there is message from the inbox index list under each email.

    My iPad 4 is connected with my yahoo email. Yester day, I suddenly could not see ant text in message box.

    Quit the mail app completely. Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Double tap the home button and the task bar will appear with all of your recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the app that you want to close. Tap the home button or anywhere above the task bar.
    Launch mail again.
    Or .... Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.

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