About the ACE program

Hello Everyone!!
I am an Adobe Certificate Expert on After Effects CS4 and I would like to know if there is a list or somewhere I could find other ACE's in my area.
I'm asking this because I do need to know this fact for an interview I'm about to have and I think that the ACE is a very powerful tool to mention, it would be great if I could say something like "There are only xx ACE in the city and I'm one of them"
Any ideas on how to find out about this?
Thank you!!

Many thanks to Philetus for his help today.  He was very quick to respond to my questions and was patient with me while I tried to fix my problem.  Very knowledgable on subject. Glad there are ACE's out there like Philetus. Thanks again.

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    I didn't receive any news about the replacement program for the Ipod 1st generation. I have already sent the serial number online, but didn't have any progress. What should I do? Thank you

    After you set up your service use your repair ID to track your replacement here:
    Remember: You will receive a replacement unit approximately 6 weeks after Apple gets your current iPod nano
    Hope this helps.

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    Driver's programs are used to drive other programs e.g. for Dialog Programs, Module pool reports are written and the underlying programs are excuted only using the dialog screens. They can't be executed directly. Like the same way, driver's program are used in SAP Scripts and Printing related programs.
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    hope this will help

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    Hello Steve,
    Did you allocate the vlans to the new context?
    Did you configure a class-map type management in the new context?
    Here you have a document with additional information:
    Hope this helps


    Following is the code of the Resistivity measurement program that i had posted a question about.
    Look at the loop in the following position in the program::
    Outermost TRUE frame
    Frame 2
    Frame 2
    Look at the loop taking input from the Q control on the front panel.Also the input is taken from another array , F .The program first calculates Qa and then searches array Q for the closest value and then remembers the index at which the closest value was found and from the same position in another array (f)gets a value Fa .Fb is calculated similarly.
    resistivity.zip ‏257 KB

    "utp" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    news:[email protected]...
    > Ben,
    > Following is the code of the Resistivity measurement program that i
    > had posted a question about.
    > Look at the loop in the following position in the program::
    > Outermost TRUE frame
    > Frame 2
    > Frame 2
    > Look at the loop taking input from the Q control on the front
    > panel.Also the input is taken from another array , F .The program
    > first calculates Qa and then searches array Q for the closest value
    > and then remembers the index at which the closest value was found and
    > from the same position in another array (f)gets a value Fa .Fb is
    > calculated similarly.
    > UTPAL
    concerning the code you mention, Ben's answer is correct, it is a sort of
    interpolation which is done in your code.
    The calculation is done in an extremely inefficient manner in the code. I
    compared it with an optimised code and found that the speed differed by a
    factor of 10. The absolute numbers were 12 ?sec for the optimised code and
    117 ?sec for the code in your program. But this was under Labview 6.1 on a
    2.3 GHz pentium, and you talked about LV 4 (on a probably much slower
    HOWEVER, the calculation speed depends on the value of the input number Qa,
    since a long array (roughly 6000 elements) has to be searched through. For
    Qa values close to 1 (which you probably have for a "well behaved" van der
    Pauw sample) the code in your program takes twice as long as the numbers
    above indicate (whereas for a Qa of, say, bigger than 5000 the speed is much
    Now suppose your PC is a factor of 10 slower and suppose further that LV 4
    is another factor of 10 slower than LV 6.1 (it is doing lots of 'array
    subset' operations in your code) and considering further that the algorithm
    is performed 4 times in your program, we might expect a speed of 2 x 10 x 10
    x 4 = 800 slower than the numbers above, i.e. 800 x 117 ?sec which is appr,
    0.1 sec.
    Therefor I believe that the awfully long times you report are not due to
    this (admittedly very inefficient piece of) math code.
    I attach 2 png pictures, showing
    a) the optimised code
    b) how to convert the two big array constants in your code into a form
    suitable for the optimised code
    You should run b) only once of course and then store array [(Q,f)] in your
    If you have access to Labview 6.0 or 6.1, I could also send you the code
    [Attachment Calculate interpolated f(Q)d.png, see below]
    [Attachment Make Q,f arrayd.png, see below]
    Calculate_interpolated_f(Q)d.png ‏4 KB
    Make_Q,f_arrayd.png ‏2 KB

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    Yes, same problem with my ipad2.

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    I'm not exactly sure what the issue is.  Have you waited up to 24 hrs as suggested in the link I provided?
    If "Waiting for Activation" still appears after you perform these steps, turn FaceTime and iMessage off and on in Settings > Messages and Settings > FaceTime. You may need to wait up to 24 hours to complete activation. Most attempts will take less than an hour, but some attempts may take up to 24 hours. If your issue isn't resolved after 24 hours, please contact Apple for assistance. If you've recently performed a remote wipe on your iPhone, wait 24 hours from the time you performed the remote wipe, and then turn iMessage off then back on.
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation

  • Question about the programming of a legend

    Hello everybody,
    I have a question about the programming of a waveform's legend. I
    already asked here in this forum about the legend programming (03)
    months ago.
    I went satisfied but I ve just noticed that this code
    (See Code old_legend_test.llb with main.vi as main function) operates a
    little different from my expectances.
    Therefore I have a new question and I want to know if it
    is possible by labview programming to plot and show, on a waveform
    chart, a signal with activ plot superior to zero (0) without to be
    obliged to plot and show a signal with activ plot equal to zero (0) or
    inferior to the desired activ plot.
    I give you an example
    of what I m meaning. I have by example 4 signals (Signal 0, 1, 2 and 3)
    and each signal corresponds respectively to a channel (Chan1, Chan2,
    Chan3, Chan4). I want to control the legend (activ plot, plot name and
    plot color) programmatically. Is it possible with labview to plot signal
    1 or 2 or 3 or (1, 3) or (2,3) or (1,2,3) or other possible combination
    without to active the signal with the corresponding activ plot zero
    Let see the labview attached data
    (new_legend_test.llb with main.vi as main function). When I try to
    control the input selected values again I get them back but I don't
    understand why they have no effect on the legend of my waveform chart.
    Could somebody explain me what I m doing wrong or show me how to get a
    correct legend with desired plots? Thank by advance for your assistance.
    both attached data are saved with labview 2009.
    old_legend_test.llb ‏65 KB
    new_legend_test.llb ‏65 KB

    Thanks for
    posting on National Instruments forum.
    The behavior
    you have is completely normal. You can control the number of row displayed in
    the legend and this rows are linked to the data you send to your graph. Thus,
    if you have 3 arrays of data, let say chan1, chan2 and chan3, you can choose
    which data you want to display in your graph using the property node (Active
    plot and visible). But for the legend as you send 3 plots there is an array of
    the plot name [chan1, chan2, chan3] and you can display 0, 1, 2 or 3 rows of
    this array but you cannot control the order in this array! So, to be able to
    change this array you have to only send data you need to you graph. I'm not
    sure my explanations are clear so I have implemented a simple example doing
    Benjamin R.
    R&D Software Development Manager
    GraphLegend.vi ‏85 KB

  • Hi, I was wondering more about the apple recycling program

    Hi I was wondering more about the recycling program

    If you read the link I provided to you then you know if you mail it in you won't get anything back. If you buy a new one at an Apple Retail Store you will get 10% off the cost of the new one.

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    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C)

    Download CS5 products

  • Does the replacement of the recall program of the iPod nano 1st gen come in a box?

    I heard about the recall program of the 1st generation. So I went to the nearest iStore and applied for the said program 3 weeks ago.  I got a text yestrday that I can already get the replacement unit. But when I got the replacement (iPod nano 6th Generation), it was just placed in a plastic. Thought it came with a box?

    No, it does not come in a box.

  • Misinformed about Early Edge Program! Can I file a complaint?

    Back in September when the new IPhone 6 was released I was very excited to find out about the Edge program and also to find out that I could do an early Edge and get my iPhone 6 before I was eligible for an upgrade.
    I first attempted to do a live chat to get more information and was informed that I could do an early Edge and that I would have to send back my old phone but would get a gift card in return.  I made sure I asked about this because I saw it flashing all over the website. I wanted to know more details and make sure that if I sent back my old phone that I would get this gift card.  I was also told that I would get $10.00 off my monthly bill (I made sure I asked about this because I also saw it on the website).  The person on the live chat was disconnected so I called into customer service to order my iPhone 6.  I made sure I asked about trading in my old IPhone again because if I could keep it I would rather do that but the female representative told me that I would have to turn it in. She said that there would be a label that would be enclosed in the box that my new iPhone would come in.  I should use the box and the label to send it back.  I made sure to ask AGAIN that I would get the gift card, she said yes, it would take 4 to 6 weeks.  I also asked again about the $10.00 discount on my phone bill and she said yes I would get that also.
    So, I did get my new iPhone and I sent back my old iPhone as instructed using the box and label that was sent to me.  It was delivered on 10/14/14 to the Return Processing Center in Texas. 
    I called two weeks ago and tried to find out status but the recycling department did not have any information for/about me and customer services didn’t even bother to look anything up and said to call back later, they have 4-6 weeks.
    Today I called again to check status and after 4 phone calls being bounced back and forth from customer service and the recycling department I spoke with a very nice representative who told me that since I did an early Edge that I was not entitled to the gift card. Needless to say I was very upset that I was misinformed.  I then went on to ask her about the $10.00 discount on my phone bill and she said that I could get the discount if I had the More Everything plan.  None of this was said to me when I initially ordered the iPhone 6.  The representative was nice enough to try and help me get some kind of discount to correct this wrong.  She switched me to the More Everything plan so I could get the $10.00 discount I was told I would get initially.  Why the representative who I spoke with initially did not tell me this, I will never understand.
    I am more upset because my co-worker ordered her phone right after me, spoke with the same representative, and was given the same misinformation.  I have been a long time customer with Verizon Wireless and have always advocated for Verizon.  This is why my whole family has Verizon Wireless now.  My co-worker even switched from AT&T to Verizon because of me and now I am so embarrassed to have convinced her to do this.  
    It is really not about the $200.00 gift card that makes me upset it’s about how Verizon has let me down and has made me feel like I can’t trust anything that has been said to me by your representatives.  Needless to say, that as soon as I can I will be leaving Verizon and going to AT&T and will no longer be able to give positive recommendations for your company. 
    Thank you for your time in reading this.

        Hi susieque74! Thanks so much for your loyalty to Verizon Wireless, and I'm sorry for any misinformation with regard to edging up your device with the trade in program. We actually do not handle any of the details with the trade in program. However, you can contact them by phone at 877-247-3846 or online at http://vz.to/1zkLiXx
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • I run OSX10.6.8. Just dwnlded FF8.1 and everytime I go to open it I am asked about the disk image. But if I delete the dmg, the program won't run.

    I just downloaded the 8.1 version. It was a 30+mb file. Previously I ran 4.0. So I drag the new Firefox icon into the Apps folder. It does its merge thing with the old version. Problem is when I click to open FF now, it always throws up this window asking me about the disk image of what I just downloaded. I even tried restarting the computer--but the same message pops up. I checked on your website and it says that I need to "eject" the disk image (i.e. I'm guessing that means the 30+ mb file I just down loaded), so since I don't have an eject option that I can find (except for external harddrives and cd/dvd), I just drug it into the trash. I go to empty the trash and I get a message that that dmg file is "in use" even though FF is completely shut down. So again I'm guessing that means that even though I already merged that dmg file with the old 4.0 version file, if I dump the update file it seems that it's going to mess up the actual revised program file still remaining. I just want to be able to click on the icon in my dock like I've always done and have FF open. I don't want to keep being asked about disk image stuff. Somehow this feels like an easy resolution, but I just can't seem to put my finger on how to resolve it. Thanks for you help.

    Nope---didn't work. I've owned Macs for about 12 years so although I am brain dead on some things, I do have a working knowledge on most things. I only say that to say this--I did try holding down the mouse and choosing empty trash. It asks if I want to permanently delete what's in there. I say yes--and then I get the same identical message again-----'The operation can't be completed because the item "Firefox 8.0.1.dmg" is in use I can then click stop, or continue.' So apparently that complains the same way it does if I click it up on the menu :)))
    As for item owned by---that's not an issue and isn't coming up. User is not a problem either as I am the only user on this system. There is only ONE file in my trash at the moment at that is this dmg file. Nothing Mac. Nothing owned by anyone other than Firefox. The problem seems to be that the dmg file and the original 4.0 FF file are working in tandem with each other--even though I have already drug the new 8.0 globe into the Apps folder and it updated the FF app with the new stuff. If I could force the dmg file to go away, I would do so, but at every turn the system is telling me it can't be done because it seems to think that dmg file is in use---even though everything is shut down and/or ejected. Hey--I'm getting ready to head out and won't be back till evening. I'll check back in this evening. Thank you again for your help.

  • Questions about the Apple Developer Enterprise Program

    Hi there,
    i got some questions about the Apple Developer Enterprise Program:
    - is there a way a company can create their own "AppStore" with only the APPs the employees should use?
    - when I developed the enterprise app are the install files on a apple hosted server or do i need my own infrastructure to distribute my app?
    Thanks in advance for answers!

    Google: MDM

  • I sent in my iPod nano to the replacement program about two weeks back. However, I checked the status of the repair and it still says it has not been received yet. Is there any way to follow up on where the nano could be? I sent it via FedEx.

    I sent in my iPod nano to the replacement program about two weeks back. However, I checked the status of the repair and it still says it has not been received yet. However, my boyfriend sent in his the same time I did and his repair status says repair being diagnosed. I still have the "receipt" of the package when they first sent it to me. I sent it via FedEx. Is there any way to follow up on where the nano could be or maybe find out if I can still get a replacement even though my nano might be lost in transit?

    I sent it via FedEx. 
    Call FedEx.  They will be able to track their own packages.  They will let you know if your iPod Nano was delivered and to who!

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