Access an existing PerformancePoint Report programmatically

Hi Guys,
I have built a PerformancePoint report using the multidimensional datasource(SSAS Cube) using Dashboard designer. Now i want to access the same report programmatically. The reason being, i need to check the MDX query at the runtime. I want to make the report
Role based, so i want to pass the user to the MDX query at the runtime.
Any Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.

Hi Nageddra YR,
for performance point, i may suggest you to open a thread at officeperformancepoint forums. i believe at that forums there will be more people that are experienced and knowledgeable regarding this product.
regarding this issue, i may only able to give you general solution.
Microsoft Online Community Support
Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

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    I am not aware of any existing api to do that except webservices api. This one is however flexible enough and well documented
    You can code your webservices calls in any language your choice (java,python,any other what you are skilled in) - here is a very basic example in plsql:
      l_envelope      varchar2(32767);
      l_http_request  utl_http.req;
      l_http_response utl_http.resp;
      l_url           varchar2(1000);
      x_envelope      xmltype;
      l_sessionid     varchar2(1000);
      l_src           varchar2(1000);
      l_tgt           varchar2(1000);
      -- Get session id
      l_url      := 'http://zajin:7003/analytics01/saw.dll?SoapImpl=nQSessionService';
      l_envelope := '
      xmlns:v5="" >
      l_http_request := utl_http.begin_request(l_url, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.0');
      utl_http.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');
      utl_http.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Length', length(l_envelope));
      utl_http.write_text(l_http_request, l_envelope);
      l_http_response := utl_http.get_response(l_http_request);
      utl_http.read_text(l_http_response, l_envelope);
      x_envelope := xmltype(l_envelope);
      select extractvalue(x_envelope,
        into l_sessionid
        from dual;
      -- Based on the obtained session handler
      -- rename requests i.e. move from l_src to l_tgt
      l_src := '/shared/Sample Sales/01 Ranking and Toppers/Multi-Dims Top Ns';
      l_tgt := '/shared/Sample Sales/01 Ranking and Toppers/Multi-Dims Best Ranked';
      l_url      := 'http://zajin:7003/analytics01/saw.dll?SoapImpl=webCatalogService';
      l_envelope := '
      xmlns:v5="" >
             <v5:pathSrc>' || l_src || '</v5:pathSrc>
             <v5:pathDest>' || l_tgt || '</v5:pathDest>
             <v5:sessionID>' || l_sessionid || '</v5:sessionID>
      l_http_request := utl_http.begin_request(l_url, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.0');
      utl_http.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');
      utl_http.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Length', length(l_envelope));
      utl_http.write_text(l_http_request, l_envelope);
      l_http_response := utl_http.get_response(l_http_request);
      utl_http.read_text(l_http_response, l_envelope);
    end;With similar calls you can rename any items in your catalog, but you should be aware, if original items are referenced somewhere, those references have to be modified accordingly ( so, a lot of xml parsing may be required), of course, before you try to do it programmatically, you should probably backup your catalog.
    Best regards

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    If your company (or your client's company) has an SAP license (I assume this is the case, since there would be no other reason for you to want to access an SAP system using Excel), there is a person in your company who can request an ID for you.  It is called a SAP Service Marketplace userid, more commonly called an 'S' number.  This person in your company is usually a Basis Administrator.  Go to your SAP Basis team and ask them for access to Service Marketplace.
    The common solution for your Excel analysis problem is to install the Bex Analyzer on your PC.  You will need these same guys (Basis Team) to help you with getting the required SAP access, and to install the associated SAP software onto your PC.
    In the meantime, here is some bedtime reading for you.
    Analysis &amp;amp; Reporting: BEx Analyzer - Business Intelligence - SAP Library
    Best Regards,

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    Kent Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Experts,
    I want to add fields "company code" "'region" to existing  query report AQZZ/SAPQUERY/FKF1============
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    I solved issue by changing infoset in SQ02 by means of assigning field to field group and changed the query in SQ00.

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    So I have 2 questions:
    1) anyone know how I can make these heading words stack up vertically, one word to a line?
    2) are we going to get access to customize the default report templates?

    1) anyone know how I can make these heading wordsstack up vertically, one word to a line?
    Probably the best way to do this is to just hard code
    a &lt;br /&gt; between your words.That's exactly what I'm doing (and what I said in my original post), however those breaks are disappearing during page rendering when I choose the report templates I mentioned.
    I don't understand why this technique works in the multi-row report templates and not in these vertically oriented value/attribute report layouts.
    2) are we going to get access to customize thedefault report templates?
    No, you should just use a regular theme based
    template, the default report templates are there for
    backwards compatibility and well basically for people
    that don't care about the UI. Since your at the point
    it seems you do care about UI the proper thing to do
    is to move to a standard report template that you
    have full control over.Fair enough. I'll look into that, but I think there's still an open question here as to why the HTML breaks aren't being returned in the page markup for these report layouts.

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    It is either :
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    2. Use XML Publisher

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    Data from Table_1
    AAA 10 1 1.2
    BBB 12 2 3.1
    AAA 20 2 4.1
    CCC 23 1 5.2
    Here, In the matrix report the NAME and UNITS are row fields and 'DAYS' is column field , RATE would be the cell field, and
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    AAA 2
    AAA 2
    BBB 2
    CCC 3
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    select basic into v_basic where name =:name;
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    looking for your valuable help. Thanks Bcj

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    using VBScript. and I have to pass the folder names again and again. I want this to be happened for all the reports of all the folders at single shot only using VBScript.

    Hi DineshRemash,
    Based on my research, we can store the following VB Script to a text file, then modify the file name extension from .txt to .rss.
    Dim rootPath As String = "C:\Reports"
    Sub Main()
    Dim items As CatalogItem() = _
    rs.ListChildren("/", true)
    For Each item As CatalogItem in items
    If item.Type = ItemTypeEnum.Folder Then
    Else If item.Type = ItemTypeEnum.Report Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub CreateDirectory(path As String)
    path = GetLocalPath(path)
    End Sub
    Sub SaveReport(reportName As String)
    Dim reportDefinition As Byte()
    Dim document As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
    reportDefinition = rs.GetReportDefinition(reportName)
    Dim stream As New MemoryStream(reportDefinition)
    document.Save(GetLocalPath(reportName) + ".rdl")
    End Sub
    Function GetLocalPath(rsPath As String) As String
    Return rootPath + rsPath.Replace("/", "\")
    End Function
    Then navigate to the folder contains the script, we can directly run the below command from the run menu:
    rs -s
    http://aa/ ReportServer -i download.rss
    We can modify the rootpath to point at whaterver fold you’d like to download the RDL files.
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    and Microsoft.Office.Server.WebAnalytics.UI.dll) are not available any more.
    They are available in the user interface as Excel reports, in CA->Application Management->Manage Service Applications->Search Service Application->Usage Reports , but I am interested to obtain these reports programmatically.
    Is this scenario still supported in SP 2013?

    try this 
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(MainBUPageUrl))//open root
                            using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                                AnalyticsReportFunction AnalyticReport = new AnalyticsReportFunction(); //create object of analyticsReport
                                Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent());//this is used only
    in timer job if not used then GetWebAnalyticsReportData will not work
                                object[,] result = null;
                                    web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                                   result = AnalyticReport.GetWebAnalyticsReportData(SiteCollurl, "2", ReportType.TopDestinationForSiteReport.ToString(),
    DateTime.Today.AddDays(-3.0), DateTime.Today); //this gives top visitor for provided site collection by providing time duration(start and end date),report type and url
                                    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("AppreciationsList");//list
                                    for (int counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++) //show top ten pages
                                        Item = list.AddItem();
                                        s_count = result[rcount, 1].ToString(); //code
    to get top vistor usage count
                                        Username = result[rcount++, 0].ToString();//get
    top vistor name
                                        user = null;
                                            user = web.EnsureUser(Username);//check
    user available?
                                        catch (Exception)
                                        IfExist = checkUserExistence(user);//call the
    function   // IfExist = false; //this flag is used to check existence of user in insightMember group
                                        if (IfExist == true)//if user is not in the insight2
    group member list
                                            Item["Appreciated Person"]
    = user; 
                                            Item["Title"] = s_count;
                                        else //if user is in the insight2 group member
                                  web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;

  • How to add a new tables in the existing Pricing Report

    I have created Z2 list report in the pricing report (V/LD) with some tables and field names.
    Now I got one requirement that i have to Add some more tables and filed names in the List Report Z2 in the pricing report.
    Could anyone helpme out how can i add tables and fileds names to the existing list report in the Pricing report
    Thanks for your support
    Best Regards

    hi, Pasha:
    May i know how to solve this problem? as i also met this kind of problem.
    and i tried V/lb, do not find the place to add the table.

  • Standalone 5.6 example of running a report programmatically required

    I'm a newbie to XMLP and my first impressions of it is that it is excellent. I have been working through the user guide and Mark Rittmans blog where he discusses some examples etc. I am quite comfortable with creating the templates and writing the SQL etc for the reports and running them through the XMLP Enterprise interface - so far everything works a treat.
    However what I would really like to explore is how you can run a report programmatically, so far I have searched the forum and documentation and haven't found example code of how you write the software to set the RTF template and then process it against the data and deliver the output file to either the file system or email etc.
    Could someone please pass on an example to get me started, like anything new once I have a basic example to enable me to understand the principles I will be away.

    Thanks Klaus, I have managed to get a few examples built and it is working fine. One suggestion I would like to make though for the next version of the user guide is to list the jar files that are required to be added to your project in order to run XMLP classes - I ended up importing all of them from my Tomcat webapps folder where I had dropped in the xmlpserver.war file. I don't think I needed all of them but it was quicker than adding each one and then working out after the next "make" in what jar file the not found classes where in ;-)
    I am new to all of this and assume that is what I had to do in order for my java to compile?

  • Change form in existing KE30 report

    Hello Gurus.
    I would like to know if there is a way to assign a different form to the existing KE30 report. 
    Any feedback would be helpful.  Thank you.

    Hello Thanks for your reply. 
    Here is the scenario:
    <b>Report A</b> has <b>Form A</b> assigned to it
    I created <b>Report B</b> by copying <b>Report A</b>. 
    However, when I copied from <b>Report A</b>,  <b>Form A</b> that is assigned to <b>Report A</b> has populated in <b>Report B</b>. 
    I want <b>Form B</b> in <b>Report B</b> and not <b>Form A</b>.
    Is there a way to create <b>Report B</b> by copying <b>Report A</b> and assigning <b>Form B</b>
    Any reply would be hepful and rewarded. Thanks a lot.

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    I was able to acomplish the following way...
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    The function does this...
      USING SELECTION-SET lv_variant
        WITH pnppernr IN pnppernr
        WITH pnpbegps EQ act_begda
        WITH pnpendps EQ act_endda
        WITH pnpbegda EQ act_begda
        WITH pnpendda EQ act_endda
        WITH pnptimed EQ blank
        WITH p_layout EQ '/MGR SEP'
        WITH p_portal EQ 'X'.
    My p_portal parameter is a flag that REPORTXYZ will use to export the it_output to memory.
    I then import that table to the function module which returns to WD4A alv.
      IMPORT zit_output TO tbl_output FROM MEMORY ID

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    The 'Access Incident Details Extract' report captures both intra-role and inter-role conflicts at the user level.
    Is there a way to segregate the inter-role conflicts from the 'Access Incident Details Extract' report and do the remediation without following the process of intra-role remediation first?
    Please advise. Require the inputs urgently.

    please also use our .NET sample lib on diamond.
    You will find lots of sampels how to access  report fields in crystal reports and to add, modify or delete them.
    You'll find diamond under :

Maybe you are looking for