Access Registrar Prepaid Configuration

I need to configure CAR 3.5.2 for prepaid users or services.
How can I set cisco-ssg-control-info attribute to control time or volume quota? (What is the notation for this configuration?)
Is there any other way to configure access registrar for prepaid users? I just want to disconnect users when their quotas is over.
(I am working in a project for 312 hot spot locations using wireless technologies. In the center of our solution includes SSG, SESM and CAR)

The AR prepaid solution is designed to work with a billing server. The billing server holds the subscriber quota information and allocates quota. AR converts the RADIUS prepaid requests from the RADIUS client, in this case SSG, into requests the billing server can understand.
To do this, a prepaid AR 'service' must be written to provide the AR/billing server integration. This is typically done by the billing server vendor. Cisco provides the billing server vendor with API information to write the AR service.

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    Hi Every one
    I want to install Cisco Access Registrar 5  on two different servers in active/ active design
    What design or requirements for active/ active deploiement ?
    Using Sun Solaris ? (i know using sun Sloaris i can have this mode of high availability BUT I PREFER INSTALLING IT ON  RED HAT ENTERPRISE )
    Using RED HAT ENTERPRISE on the two servers  ?   i wan to knew if i must use Vmware with the adequate licences (Vcenter) to provide FT fonctionnality for active / active Design ?
    How i can use the replication   to provide a complet active / active Design ?
    Zammit Ikbel

    It depends what functionalities you want to use on CAR.
    For example:
    If only plain authentication is needed, you can install two servers independently and just configure replication between them (they just need IP visibility to replicate configuration). NAS clients can contact servers in  round-robin or you can share load on two servers in some other way.
    If you want CAR to perform session management and dynamic IP address allocation, than you need some cluster solution, as two servers must have synchronized state of sessions and consistent administration of addresses allocated from a pool.
    Best regards,

  • Cisco Access Registrar (CAR) UserList, dashboard status unavailable

    Hello, all,
    I need help. I am observing weird problem with Cisco Access Registrar cluster workin on MySQL cluster. I do not see any users or sessions in the GUI dashboard or in the CLI stats.
    Master/Slave replicated CAR cluster on RHEL 5 32-bit servers
    CAR version:
    RHEL version: Linux version 2.6.18-164.el5PAE ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)) #1 SMP Tue Aug 18 15:59:11 EDT 2009
    MySQL version: 7.1.15-1 ndb cluster
    ODBC sessions are working properly. Users from BRAS are being provisioned, at the moment I have about 20 users logged onto the network, authenticated and authorized. However, I do not see any users in the Dashboard's userlist, nor do I see any sessions although some surely exist. In the CLI, when I try to count sessions I see:
    --> count-sessions /radius all
    No active sessions found in /Radius/SessionManagers
    In the GUI, there are no sessions nor users shown, there is none listed. I have been checking logs and traces, but to no avail, I do not see any misconfiguration hint or other clue that would indicate problems with configuration.
    Please be so kind and look at my issue. I am aware that there was similar bug that has not been fixed yet, as listed here:
    In GUI, user session graph is not getting plotted with more sessions in database.
    Symptoms: In GUI, user session graph is not getting plotted with more sessions in database.
    This occurs when you:
    1. Install Cisco AR server.
    2. Send a valid request.
    3. Create a million session.
    4. Launch GUI.
    Workaround: None.
    however, my problem seems a little bit 'expanded', since I cannot see either userlists through GUI or CLI (and I KNOW that there is tens of thousands of users in the MySQL database), nor I can see any users or sessions listed neither in GUI nor in CLI.
    I have been sniffing MySQL requests towards the sql (odbc) server, but I have not noticed anything relevant for querying for UserList, nor have I noticed any other queries except when authenticating users. Accounting logs are being collected properly, though.
    Thanks for all and any that spared time to read this, and if possible, help me solve my problem. If you need more details on my problem/environment, please ask.
    Best regards

    Hello, all,
    I need help. I am observing weird problem with Cisco Access Registrar cluster workin on MySQL cluster. I do not see any users or sessions in the GUI dashboard or in the CLI stats.
    Master/Slave replicated CAR cluster on RHEL 5 32-bit servers
    CAR version:
    RHEL version: Linux version 2.6.18-164.el5PAE ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)) #1 SMP Tue Aug 18 15:59:11 EDT 2009
    MySQL version: 7.1.15-1 ndb cluster
    ODBC sessions are working properly. Users from BRAS are being provisioned, at the moment I have about 20 users logged onto the network, authenticated and authorized. However, I do not see any users in the Dashboard's userlist, nor do I see any sessions although some surely exist. In the CLI, when I try to count sessions I see:
    --> count-sessions /radius all
    No active sessions found in /Radius/SessionManagers
    In the GUI, there are no sessions nor users shown, there is none listed. I have been checking logs and traces, but to no avail, I do not see any misconfiguration hint or other clue that would indicate problems with configuration.
    Please be so kind and look at my issue. I am aware that there was similar bug that has not been fixed yet, as listed here:
    In GUI, user session graph is not getting plotted with more sessions in database.
    Symptoms: In GUI, user session graph is not getting plotted with more sessions in database.
    This occurs when you:
    1. Install Cisco AR server.
    2. Send a valid request.
    3. Create a million session.
    4. Launch GUI.
    Workaround: None.
    however, my problem seems a little bit 'expanded', since I cannot see either userlists through GUI or CLI (and I KNOW that there is tens of thousands of users in the MySQL database), nor I can see any users or sessions listed neither in GUI nor in CLI.
    I have been sniffing MySQL requests towards the sql (odbc) server, but I have not noticed anything relevant for querying for UserList, nor have I noticed any other queries except when authenticating users. Accounting logs are being collected properly, though.
    Thanks for all and any that spared time to read this, and if possible, help me solve my problem. If you need more details on my problem/environment, please ask.
    Best regards

  • Access/set dynamic configuration in client/server abap proxy

    I have 2 question regarding reading/setting dynamic configuration in ABAP proxies:
    1) Is it possible to set dynamic configuration objects in a server abap proxy (SAP --> XI)?
    When looking at the class CL_PROXY_FRAMEWORK is looks as if it is possible. This class has en attribute IF_XMS_MAIN~DY which is a reference to the class CL_XMS_MSGHDR30_DYNAMIC.
    I'm not sure if I'm supposed to try and access the dynamic configuration objects via this class or if I'm supposed to use the GET_PROTOCOL method in some manner as suggested by:
    Above link is for client proxies not server, and I've been unable to find any documentation on this for server proxies.
    2) The same question goes for server proxies (XI --> SAP), though now I would like to set some dynamic configuration data.
    This I believe should be done using get_protocol( if_wsprotocol=>ws_header ) as indicated by before mentioned link.
    However in both cases I'm not sure of if it is indeed possible and which road to choose for sure. So a hint or 2 would be really nice.
    Best Regards,
    ps. maybe I should just mention that I am pretty new to the ABAP world, so bear with me.

    The link that you gave does give you an example for both server and client proxies:
    Accessing Protocol Classes for Client Proxies
    In client proxies, you access the protocol class by using the GET_PROTOCOL method. Below is an example for the IF_WSPROTOCOL_PAYLOAD protocol:
    lo_clientProxy      TYPE REF TO co_clientProxy,
    lo_payload_protocol TYPE REF TO if_wsprotocol_payload
    lo_payload          TYPE REF TO if_ws_payload.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_clientProxy.
    Get Protocol Class Using Method GET_PROTOCOL
    lo_payload_protocol ?=
           lo_clientProxy->get_protocol( if_wsprotocol=>payload ).
    CALL METHOD lo_clientProxy->execute_synchronous
                EXPORTING output  = ls_request
                IMPORTING input   = ls_response.
    Use Protocol Methods
    lo_payload = lo_payload->get_sent_request_payload( ).
    Accessing Protocol Classes for Server Proxies (XI Only)
    Within the implementation of a server proxy, you get the protocol class by using the CL_PROXY_ACCESS=>GET_SERVER_CONTEXT( ) method:
    DATA:  lo_server_context   TYPE REF TO if_ws_server_context,
           lo_payload_protocol TYPE REF TO if_wsprotocol_payload.
    lo_server_context   = cl_proxy_access=>get_server_context( ).
    lo_payload_protocol =
         lo_server_context->get_protocol( if_wsprotocol=>payload ).

  • "error in accessing Star office configuration data"

    Hi I'm posting this on behalf of someone who has Star Office 7 pre-installed on their PC. They are no longer able to open Star Office and are getting the message in the title above. Their message to me is below:
    the exact message is Star office cannot be started due to
    an error in accessing Star office configuration data
    It is not a trial version it was with the comuter when I bought it from Aldi.
    It is Version 7 Star Office. I have not recently added any more programs, or changed the way i am running the computer.
    I cannot find this issue reported in the forum. i have found a similar open office issue in the faq. fails to start, and the following error message appears:
    OpenOffice can not be started due to an error in accessing the configuration data.
    Please contact your system administrator.
    The following internal error has occurred: Get Storage: "No Content".
    The message often occurs because a file named Common.xcu becomes corrupted. In most cases, this file becomes filled with 0s. The problem seems to occur most often in Windows, possibly as a result of a crash or an improper exit while was open.
    are they comparable? if so, could someone advise on transfering the recommended action to Star Office 7? Thanks! Nick

    Thursday 15 February 2007
    I am assuming that you are referring to a Windows system.
    SO7 and OOo1.1.x are based on the same OOo build series - 645. Most of the time comments about one apply to the other, except in the case of SO7 commercial addons. (SO8 is 680).
    The error message indicates that their is corruption in some kind in the User data found in
    The easy way to fix it is to back up the User folder, then delete it and let SO7 rebuild the user data.
    You can try backing up and deleting Common.xcu only--it's found in two places, in both the Share and User folders.
    I suspect the one in Share is used for the creation of the one in User, but I am not sure.

  • PI 7.1 Access to Dynamic Configuration through Java Class

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    I have attempted calling a Java Class from XSL with the use SAPXMLTOOL kit option set in the adaptor and it works but I need to be able to call the transform method
    public void transform(TransformationInput arg0, TransformationOutput arg1)
    from XSL so I can access the message and update the File Name via Dynamic Configuration.
    Whilst I can call a static class with in the object I can not call transform with the correct arguments (arg0, arg1). I need access to arg0 (payload) to set/figure out the filename. I can calculate the filename in XSL and pass it to the Java but in a static method it is useless as it need to access the arg0 which is a object and obviously non-static context.
    Is this possible ? How do I get access to Dynamic Configuration from XSL through Java in 7.1 ?
    I have successfully called a static method but that is no help.
    Thanks in advance.

       Unfortunately you link isnt operational but thankyou anyway, I have managed to call as Java class as per my original post, but a static method does not allow me to get a handle to the Dynamic Configuration Variables in the message.
    It seems importing the 7.0 LIBS may be an option and Im not entirely sure I have that option.
    It certainly isnt possible to use the JDK5 XML implementation to even call a static method on an Java OBJ from XSL (obviously the USE SAPXMLTOOLKIT option is there for a reason).
    I think and again I could be wrong but direct access via XSLT..
    Is what Im looking for, I shall report back success or failure but the doco seems to fit the bill. Im not sure why I wanted to instatiate a sperate Java class when it can all exist in the XSLT.

  • View access denied to configurator

    hi all,
    I have created a workflow which contains just one activity other then start and end.This activity is calling a form.Whenever i try to run the workflow from end user menu i get the error "view access denied to configurator".However when i add this workflow name to configuration object's end user tasks the error disappears and i am able to execute the workflow.Can some one explain me why is it so?

    This is because the end user doesn't have enough rights to execute the workflow. You can add your workflow to "EndUserTasks.xml".
    Get the "EndUserTasks.xml" configuration object from debug/session and add your work flow.
    <String>ur workflow</String>
    <String>ur workflow</String>

  • Hide / Remove access to Organization Configuration in Exchange Management console Ex 2010

    I am planning to give EMC access to helpdesk and modified Helpdesk Role so that they have Mail Recipient Creation and Mail Recipents Assigned roles.
    Helpdesk are able to created new and also modify exixiting mail enabled objects fine.
    My boss wants me Hide / Remove access to Organization Configuration in Exchange Management console Ex 2010 as they are able to edit Client access policies. Is this possible ?

    Please use the following cmdlet to check the permission of Helpdesk support group on all management roles.
    Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -GetEffectiveUsers | Where { $_.EffectiveUserName -Eq "Helpdesk support group" }
    Then you can remove some unnecessary permissions of the Helpdesk support group.
    Hope it helps.
    If there is any problem, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Access switch already configured to manage it

    Hello everyone,
    First I want to say I am new to the community and also congratulate everyone for the excellent work performed!
    I have a sg300-28p and would like to access it to configure a management IP on a specific vlan. I've tried via the serial port, but it still fails.
    The switch is configured as follows:
    - 1 port in trunk for all VLANs;
    - Rest of the ports on vlan referring to the department;
    Have any special configuration for serial connection? Would have another way to connect via RJ45?
    Thanks in advance!

    The little bit that I know about the Cisco 300 series switches seems that normal access for configuration is via the web based GUI. So I would assume that connecting to one of its Ethernet interfaces and using your browser is the normal way to manage the switch.
    It is not clear to me how much configuration has already been done and especially whether you have already assigned an address (though the question implies that you have not yet configured an address in which case the switch would be using its default address). I found some helpful information about how to determine the addressing status of the switch
    When the device is using the factory default IP address of, its power LED flashes continuously. When the device is using a DHCP assigned IP address or an administrator-configured static IP address, the power LED is on solid. 
    at this link where you should find much helpful information.

  • Cannot access my prepaid SKYPE credit.

    In January, I was erroneously billed via Paypal for a premium account I didn't authorize. After reporting this to Paypal, I received an immediate refund.  I'm still able to call skype-to-skype, but I can no longer access my prepaid SKYPE subscription with a $6.41 credit.  Trying to get this problem resolved via SKYPE support has been unsuccessful. It seems the company makes contacting them extremely and intentionally difficult. I'd really like to use the prepaid credit on my account. Can anyone here advise me?

    In your case, you need to contact customer support. They may ask you to answer some verification questions to prove that you indeed own that account, before they can assist you in resetting your password - Just open the link pasted below to see the instructions on how to get in touch with customer service -

  • Cisco 1242AG Access Point proper configuration

    Hello everyone,
    Here is the situation:
    Recently we decide to create a small WLAN in our business.We choose the Cisco AIR-AP1242AG-E-K9 with 2x2.4GHz 2.2dbi Swivel Dipole Antenna.
    For better managability a new routable VLAN (ID:20) added to our Router with IP and SNET
    Next, I made the followings configurations in the autonomous AP through WEB Console:
    Static IP:, SNET:, GWY:
    VLAN1 (Native) and VLAN20 (Radio0-802.11g) added into Services.
    I set the Encryption Mode to None for VLAN1 and Cipher AES CCMP for VLAN20
    Into Server Manager I defined a new RADIUS server (AP IP) and a shared secret and left the default ports for Authentication and Accounting (1645 and 1646). Also, in Default Server Priorities section I set as Priotity 1 both for EAP and MAC authentication the Access Point IP (Radius Server)
    In Local RADIUS Server General Set-Up, I add as current network access server (AAA client) the same IP and shared secret like the ones I use during RADIUS server configuration above. Into Enable Authentication Protocols I left checked only the LEAP and MAC. Also, into Individual Users section 2 new users created with text passwords.
    Into SSID Manager a new hidden SSID created for interface Radio0-802.11g, associated with VLAN20 and into Client Authentication Settings section I left as accepted Method Open Authentication with MAC authentication and EAP. Also, I left the Use Defaults option both for EAP and MAC Authentication Servers in Server Priorities Section and finally into Client Authenticated Key Management section I choose Mandatory for Key Management and checked the Enable WPA option.
    I can ping both the AP and VLAN20 IPs from any PC which is a member of the native VLAN
    As wireless clients I use 2 Motorola MC5574 with Windows Mobile 6.1 professional. Both of them have a Jedi WLAN adapter configured with the followings:
    IPs: and
    Also, a unique profile has been created on each one of them to be used for AP association-authentication. Each profile has been configured for WPA2 Enterprise with AES and LEAP and the predefined user credentials (those defined into AP for Individual Users)
    The problem:
    Clients association with AP is always succesful but, Authentication fails and I can't ping from the clients AP IP,  VLAN20 IP, neither each other.
    What am I missing here? I'm sure that it is somenthing quite simple but although I tried several different setups (i.e. WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK even with TKIP) I always end up without a proper solution for ping inability.
    Thank you in advance for any help

    Hello Madhuri,
    below is the latest run config output from the access point
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 3743 bytes
    ! Last configuration change at 03:56:04 +0200 Sun Nov 28 2010 by Cisco
    ! NVRAM config last updated at 03:58:07 +0200 Sun Nov 28 2010 by Cisco
    version 12.4
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    service password-encryption
    hostname RCT_THP_AP1
    enable secret 5 $1$26u0$emaUzNvvihCCZeKeooQ8M0
    aaa new-model
    aaa group server radius rad_eap
    server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
    aaa group server radius rad_mac
    server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
    aaa group server radius rad_acct
    aaa group server radius rad_admin
    aaa group server tacacs+ tac_admin
    aaa group server radius rad_pmip
    aaa group server radius dummy
    aaa authentication login eap_methods group rad_eap
    aaa authentication login mac_methods local
    aaa authorization exec default local
    aaa accounting network acct_methods start-stop group rad_acct
    aaa session-id common
    clock timezone +0200 2
    ip name-server
    dot11 ssid RCTHP
       vlan 20
       authentication open mac-address mac_methods eap eap_methods
       authentication key-management wpa
    power inline negotiation prestandard source
    username Cisco password 7 00271A150754
    username 00236867a192 password 7 101E594B56414A5D5B057B7276
    username 00236867a192 autocommand exit
    username 00236867a19b password 7 091C1E5B4A534F445C0D557329
    username 00236867a19b autocommand exit
    bridge irb
    interface Dot11Radio0
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    encryption vlan 20 mode ciphers aes-ccm
    ssid RCTHP
    channel 2462
    station-role root
    bridge-group 1
    bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio0.20
    encapsulation dot1Q 20
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 20
    bridge-group 20 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 20 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 20 source-learning
    no bridge-group 20 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 20 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio1
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    no dfs band block
    channel dfs
    station-role root
    interface Dot11Radio1.1
    encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 1
    bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    interface FastEthernet0
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface FastEthernet0.1
    encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 1
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    interface FastEthernet0.20
    encapsulation dot1Q 20
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 20
    no bridge-group 20 source-learning
    bridge-group 20 spanning-disabled
    interface BVI1
    ip address
    no ip route-cache
    ip default-gateway
    ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    ip http help-path
    ip radius source-interface BVI1
    snmp-server view dot11view ieee802dot11 included
    snmp-server community public view dot11view RO
    snmp-server contact IS
    radius-server local
      no authentication eapfast
      nas key 7 03130807055F2C1F
      user motomob1 nthash 7 15315B29557B0D767E111074455E332022000F0D0A725C223B300C7A0E760A0371
      user motomob2 nthash 7 075E716D6C2F49514636532A5C0B0A067C1567003224335553047F0C710058263E
    radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req format %h
    radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key 7 120E561B115B0157
    radius-server vsa send accounting
    bridge 1 route ip
    line con 0
    line vty 0 4
    sntp server
    sntp broadcast client

  • No Internet Access while Apps configure with Static IP - How to resolve?

    Dear Legends,
    I have installed a development instance which my configuration as follows:
    OS - Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.7 64 bit
    Instance - R12.1.3
    HDD - 500 GB
    RAM - 8GB
    IP - static -
    Subnet mask -
    Gateway - --> router ip
    I need to setup a static ip only, but if i setup a static ip am able to access instance but no internet access, so that if i need to do any automation work like cron and sendmail is not working. How do i resolve this?
    1. I tried to setup a static ip configuration as editing the /etc/hosts and entry as hostname alias
    2. edited the resolv.conf for adding a nameserver as follows
    search hostname
    nameserver primary dns
    nameserver secondary dns
    but these entries are not available when i issue a service network restart
    3. Edited /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
    # Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
    BOOTPROTO=none --> even i have changed this to STATIC/none but no change
    Since i'm trying to update my old threads if it is similar to this but i dont find any old threads, please kindly request you to provide your valuable suggestions.
    Karthik Singh

    karthiksingh_dba wrote:
    Hi Hussein,
    As per your request i am continuing this thread in the followiing link HOW TO ACCESS MY VISION INSTANCE GLOBALLY? is it correct?
    Karthik SinghYes.

  • Internet working but can't access AirPort for configuration changes

    I have an AirPort Express and it connects to the internet properly through my cable modem -- solid green light and all -- and allows my PC to surf wirelessly.
    Sounds pretty good, but...
    For some reason I can't access the AirPort Express to change any of the settings. For example, I would like to change the SSID and the IP numbering scheme to give out 192 IPs, but when I open the Admin Utility I can't see the AirPort Express. When I try to access it manually in the utility by hitting "Other..." and entering the IP that my PC is assigned on the network (, it puts up a window that says "Reading configuration from base station", then an error message with code -6753.
    I know it is working, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this right now, but how to I access it???
    Thanks in advance for someone helping me out.

    journey778, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Your system information states OS 10.0.x. If you are using that version of OS X you do not have an Intel based iMac. I would suggest that you upgrade to OS 10.2 at least.
    If you do have an Intel based iMac, you may want to try renewing the DHCP lease. Open System Preferences->Ethernet->Advanced... and click on the "Renew DHCP Lease".

  • Access Point Bridge Configuration

    I have two 1262N access points with 5Ghz antennas, and I have configured one of them as a root bridge and the other as a non-root bridge; both using the same ssid.  I have enble both dott11Radio interfaces on each access point.  The problem I am having is that they do not associate.  I have not configured them for any encryption or security.  I just want to make sure the connect before I add any other configuration.  Is there anything else that I need to configure to make them associate.

    Wrong forum, post in "wireless". You can move your post using the actions panel on the right.

  • Remote Access Management Console - configuration issue with Network Location Server

    2012 Std R2
    The remote Access management console operation status shows  all green except for network location server .
    Error: There is no response from the network location server URL. DirectAccess connectivity might not work as expected, and DirectAccess clients located inside the corporate network might not be able to reach internal resources.
    Resolution listed as:
    1. Configure the network location server on a server that is highly available to clients on the internal network.
    2. If the network location server is running on the Remote Access server, ensure that IIS is running, and that the URL is available.
    The remote access server is located on this server. IIS is running. What URL: show I be looking at?
    Any other thoughts so I can get remote access working.
    l also am getting a remote access error for IPV6, could this be a cause:
    RoutingDomainID- {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}: Unable to add the interface {D37062B2-A3E0-4496-A459-9E0BBCE5423C} with the Router Manager for the IPV6 protocol. The following error occurred: Cannot complete this function.
    John Lenz

    Hi John,
    please follow the steps to reinstall TCP/IP stack.
    1.Restart your PC into Safe Mode with Networking.
    Edit your registry. Delete the following keys:
    Open the nettcpip.inf file in your %winroot%/inf folder
    (%winroot% is usually c:/windows).
    Find the [MS_TCPIP.PrimaryInstall] section. Change the Characteristics value from 0xA0 to 0x80.
    Open the properties of the network connection you want to fix. In the General tab, click on the Install button. Click on the Have Disk button, and point the location to %winroot%/inf. After that select TCP/IP (not version 6).
    Now you would notice that you can uninstall TCP/IP!
    Do that, then restart the PC.
    Go back to your network connection, and install TCP/IP again as per the above. After another reboot, you should be up and running.
    I also noted that the XP network repair tool may yank out the ISA 2004 firewall client stuff. Just run the firewall clinet repair or install it again to fix that problem after you did your reboot. Before you do this kind of crazy stuff.
    This along with a TCP/IP reset using the netsh command:
    netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt
    wish you have a nice thanksgiving too
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

Maybe you are looking for