Access usage statistic

hi all,
Does anyone know of a way to access iPhone usage statistics through Objective-C, and if there is a way to reset these programatically.

Thanks for your reply but how should i enable this feature ?
I check from my CR server but there is a message said that "Your license is not alllow auditing feature".
Does that mean i have no way to enable it ? Once i enable, i know that the CR server will create an auditing database to log those activity hence we need to write our own report to get the CR server usage statistic isn't it ? I want to confirm my understand and approach first before we go ahead to do anything.

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    Nathan Voxland wrote:
    This isn't a Kodo specific issue, and I don't know if anyone else feels this
    way and/or saw this, but here you go...
    I sometimes feel that JDO seems a forgotten API in the Java comunity. I
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    What I found very interesting, therefore, was an article in the December 15,
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    (Just about every thing is explained in help - just keep looking and searching help until you find it).
    1. Adding a "shadow/highlight" over a particular person in a moving clip
    This requires the creation of a white circle that you slightly superimpose over the picture simply by putting it on an above track and setting the level of it to very low - just enough to see the faint circle.
    It can be a graphic (same pixels as movie) quickly made in Paint or Photoshop or a camera shot of a white card.
    If the graphic has a fuzzy edge then highlight edge will also be fuzzy.
    Zoom and move it about as for your point 4
    Trying to follow movement is a bit trickier as you would have to shift it at least 2 frames at a time.
    Alternately you can use the chroma key effect except you insert the same picture in the hole as the background then reduce the level of the background picture to make it darker.(see help)
    2. Being able to "tag" or add keywords to clips that I've edited in the timeline for See answers to your other posts
    Whats wrong with an old fashioned simple notebook and pencil and note the time, changing it if you change it's position.  I use one all the time - much quicker.
    3. Repeating a clip in slow motion. Requires making a copy and slowing it down.
    Set a break point at the beginning or end of the section to be repeated
    Select and Copy the section
    Paste insert it into the point where you want the section be repeated.
    Select the new copied bit
    Change it's speed
    If you want normal speed audience noise instead of strangly slowed down or hollow sound you can first unlink the audio & video and place enough of a third copy of the original audio again in the audio gap that would otherwise appear.
    (Note Many function are found by right clicking on various areas of the screen)
    4. Zooming in on a particular portion of a clip.
    Click on the preview screen and drag the markers to zoom or reposition to suit

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    You'll need VPC (or keep the XP PC). If you're getting a PowerBook G4, yes it will be slow(er). If you're getting an MacBook Pro, you won't be able to use Virtual PC.
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  • (Usage Decision )Stock Post To Unrestricted Use.

    Dear QM Expert,
    I create a inspection lot of Finished Good and inspection type is 04 used when take a decision in QA11 then the Inspection lot is not open and the message has shown.
    <b>The function you selected
    cannot be
    carried out:
    Access usage decision</b>
    When i use QA12 then message show is this,
    <b>You cannot perform this task because the usage decision has not been made yet.</b>
    But the stock is not posted To unrestricted use.
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    Once problem has been mentioned here that the logistic period has been closed and FI/CO period will be close after six days.
    Message was edited by:
            Shahzad Sami

    Follow these steps for the qm inspn procurement.
    1.Create Material Master Record with QM View.
    2.Activate QM Proc/ Specify Control Key 0001.
    3. choose Inspn set up and inspn type to be entered as 01 and set the active indicator.
    4. Create Q-info record with material / vendor.(qi01)
    5. Enter the release by date as 31.12.9999
    7.Create inspn plan(qp01) with usage 5 and status 4and enter the control key as PPQM.
    8.Choose the operation and assign the inspn characteristic / sampling procedure
    10 Convert the Purchase requisition as Purchase Order.
    11. Receive the Material against the PO.
    12. In MIGO against PO receive the material.
    13.QM lot will be created
    14.qa02 check inspn plan / sample.
    15.qe51n results recording
        lot origin 01 mat no and execute results
    16.qa11 ud code select accept and chooseinspn tab page and type the qty to be proposed and save.
    17.stock will move to unrestricted use .

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    For this issue, we need to research your account to ensure the provisioning is established correctly and verify that the correct credentials are being used to access Usage Controls.  
    For immediate assistance, please call our Technical Support team, from an alternate phone, and call 1-800-922-0204, option 3. Please be in front of your computer when you call.  For more information on Usage Controls, please visit the link below:
    Usage Controls
    Thank you.

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    I check the software updater(This had been a problem in the past). The log of downloaded updates shows no activity there as well.
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    It left me scratching my head.
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    The only options I haven't tried yet are scanning the backup drive( assumed this was scanned at the same time when I scanned the main nard drive, but am not sure) and possible a couple of other partitions. I have Windows XP installed on this computer through bootcamp, but haven't booted up in over 2 months. I also have a second version of windows installed within the mac osx partition through a Virtualbox program. I don't know if a virus could be hiding in there, but I am relatively certain that I installed antivirus protection on it and updated it as well. Even at that, I don't know if a trojan or virus could be play havoc while the program is turned off.
    That is what I have done so far, and am out of ideas. Does anyone know of a way I can track down what this was?
    If not, does anyone know of a program that could monitor this in the future and alert me to massive unauthorized downloads?
    All comments and ideas are appreciated.

    There may be a way to monitor who (else) may have access, presumably
    unauthorized and more possible if you have a local wireless aspect to your
    home or business network where someone else not so far away could get in.
    As both up and down load activities can be monitored, are you able to tell if
    some of your usage is due to something in the computers "calling out" online
    and them perhaps something else connecting back to your computers? The
    app Little Snitch will tell what may be attempting some connections out.
    Sometimes, you can tell if another computer is on a local network, unless that
    owner or user has somehow set their computer to be invisible to a network it
    may be borrowing internet access from.
    Do you have any apps that offer an option to provide backups online to some
    outside server? Some kinds of products can offer web-dependent services.
    Even widgets in DashBoard can consume bandwidth. I have and use a widget
    that turns off all widgets until I launch DashBoard. Dash-quit is a handy tool.
    {Having dual operating systems in the computers, possibly could be an issue;
    but whether or not your configurations are accessing the internet somehow,
    is an unknown to me. If the Windows systems can't go online while you aren't
    using them, maybe those aren't a probable cause of this; until they actually are.}
    Is the network usage statistic based on mbps, kbps or some other set of numbers
    where your version may appear different than that of the provider? Some of the
    math (like MB vs. GB in drive capacities; comparing grapes and bananas) can be
    harder to follow if one entity derives their quota from a different connection math.
    Almost as bad in a few cases, as the cited hard disk drive capacities, when there
    may be two different kinds of numbers!
    I've only used dialup, ADSL, and some low-end cable internet. Had dish TV but
    at the time, they offered nothing for internet; except weather outages of all signal.
    If you have nothing checking for automatic updates, including apps that may offer it;
    and have the firewall set to not allow some invasive efforts of outside connections
    to try and hook up to your network, and no body accessing your satellite internet via
    a wireless component whose security is not what it should be; I am not so sure what
    kind of other thing you'd need to be looking into at this point. Apparently something.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    see this discussion

  • Cisco SA520 - Unable to block all torrents and Poor Performance

    Hi, I have installed a Cisco SA520W Appliance at a Client who has about 40-50 PC's, the device has the latest firmware 2.1.7 and latest IPS signature (17) installed, the client is quite disappointed about the performance of the device as he believes Internet browsing access has slowed down substantially.
    The main problem the client is encountering is that, he is unable to block Utorrent P2P software and this is not allowing him to retain Internet control from the SA520 appliance.
    He had also commented on the fact that there does not appear to be a status monitor on IP usage of Internet access to pinpoint who at that time would be hogging up the bandwidth.
    Any feedback, same encounters scenarios and possible fixes to the above issues would be appreciated.

    You might find this thread interesting regarding the router's performance with IPS turned on.  An SA540, and an access point, would yield slightly better performance.  That's what we use.
    There are some older threads regarding the SA500 series router's ability to detect torrent activity.  You might want to dig them up and respond to them.  The Cisco folks were working diligently at optimizing the IPS engine's ability to detect different types of torrent activity.
    There is no way to monitor Internet access usage at the individual IP level that I am aware of.  I suggest turning on network logging (to a syslog server as there will be a lot of data to capture) and monitor traffic that way.  Kiwi Syslog Server has a free version that your client could use.

  • Operation of Search architecture.

    Good morning MS community,
     So far i have been done the SharePoint Server 2013 search architecture:
    Afterward, i myself interpret the diagram into the image below: This is an operation of SharePoint 2013 search from my understanding.
    My question is: "Could you please advise me whether i understand correctly about the "search architecture" - SharePoint 2013 - from my below analytic?"
    ******************* My analysis of "Search operation " *****************************
    1. User enter a string of information that he/she wants to looking for. The string is sent to query components.
    2. Query processing components will:
    - Analyze the Search queries.
    - Perform linguistic processing. Such as "word-breaking" and "stemming".
    - Optimize precision, recall, relevancy.
    - Submit to index component.
    * Later on, index component will gather data from 2 source:
    - Crawl and components process.
    - Analytic process.
    3. Gathering Data from Crawl and components.
    Crawl component will collect crawling content sources: invoke connectors/ protocol handler to interact with content source to retrieve data.
    - Type of data:
    + Actual data.
    + Metadata.
    - At the same time, the crawl components will:
    + Store information about crawled items on crawled DB. Crawl component will write the following information to crawl Database:
    * Last crawl time.
    * Last crawl ID.
    * Type of updating during last crawl.
    + Track crawl history.
    è After successfully gathering information from content resource, the crawled
    data will be sent to "content processing component".
    3.2. Content processing component:
    - Transform crawled items into "artifacts" that can be included in "search index".
    + How to transform: performing some operation such as "document parsing
    and property mapping".
    - Perform linguistic process, such as "language detection + entity extraction".
    - At the same time, content processing component will write information about "links + URL" to the links database.
    è When finish, content processing will send data to index component.
    4. Gathering data from Analytic process.
    * Explain about components in this part:
    4.1. Analytic process component.
    - Operations: search analytic + usage analytic.
    - Aims: improve search relevance, create search reports, and generate recommendations and deep links.
    4.1.1. Search analytic:
    - Extracting information
    + Link
    + Number of times clicked.
    + Anchor text.
    + Data related to people.
    + Metadata.
    4.1.2. Usage analytic:
    - Analyze usage log information. (retrieve this info from the font-end via event store).
    è Generate usage and statistic reports, store in "analytics reporting
    4.2. Analytic reporting database.
    - Result of usage analytics: usage + statistic reports.
    4.3. Link database.
    - Store information of:
    + search clicks.
    + Number of times people click on a search result from the search result page.
    4.4. Event store:
    - Usage events ( such as number of times viewed).
    *** operation of "analytic processing component ***
    - Get information from "link DB", "analytic DB", "event store".
    - Extracting information (links, number of times an items clicked, anchor text, data related to people, metadata …)
    - Send information to "index components".
    - At the same time, write new information to "link DB" + "analytic DB".
    5. "index and query process"
    - Receive processed items from "content processing components" "analytic processing components"
    è write those items to an index file.
    - Send back results to "query processing component".
    6. "Query processing component" Return a set (results) based on the processed query back to the query processing component.

    Search in SharePoint 2013 has been re-architected. You could refer Figure 1 from the link below for big picture of Search process and components:
    For some basic concepts, you could refer to:
    If you would like more detail information about search, you might need to contact Microsoft support engineer for more sufficient information.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to track Software Update server activity

    Does anyone know how to access usage information on the Software Update Server. I don't see a way to see who and when updated what software on the server. Thanks.

    - In, I can see "swupd_access.log", but it does not give an user fiendly view of who updated what software at what time.
    - I can only view "SoftwareUpdateServer.log" in ServerAdmin, which does not give out detailed user information, just repeated lines of "Main Sync"
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  • User Profile created to block the UD, if RR is not done.

    Hi Gurus,
    For Inspection Type Z10,the UD to be blocked,if Result Recording is not carried out.
    ie if open charac. exist, System should block the UD.
    I have created a user status coping SAP Std. STATUS PROFILE - QM_L_003 AND
    System Status Profile - QM_L_003 is used to block the UD
    (No Stock Posting Before UD)
    I have assigned this Status Profile to the INSP. TYPE - Z10.
    I have defined two status namely (1) INIT AND (2) QFIN.
    STATUS    --     POSITION    --      PRIORITY
    INIT            --           1           --         1
    QFIN          --           2           --         1
    (1) For Status - INIT - Business transaction
                         - Access Usage Decision - FORBIDDEN 
    (2) For Status - QFIN - Business Transaction
                        - Make Usage Decision - ALLOWED.
    I have done the GR.
    System created the Inspection Lot.
    The insp.lot has user status as "INIT"
    Now the UD is blocked.
    I am able to do Result Recording.
    After completing the  the Result Recording, The Status must change to QFIN.
    It is not changing.
    Hence I am unable to do UD.
                             MY REQUIREMENT
    After entering the Results in Result Recording Screen, the user status must change to QFIN  automatically.
    Once the QFIN status exists, UD can be done.
    Please do the needful.
    With Regards,
    Raghu Sharma

    Dear Shyamal Ji,
    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    I have created a new profile and copied your statuses only.
    For RRCL,When we assign the "Make usage decision" as FORBIDDEN AND  I have selected "NO ACTION" COMBINATION.
    You have stated that RRCL and NSBU  - SET AS INITIAL STATUS.
    Statuses RRCL and NSBU are initial statuses
    Message no. BS246
    In each status profile only an initial status may have a reference number.  However, status RRCL and NSBU are
    both initial status and for both a reference number is specified.
    Mark one of the two status as initial status or delete the reference number of one of these status.
    With out selecting the "INITIAL STATUS" FOR NSBU, I have checked.
    The status changes as soon as I select the code.
    But for both the cases the status is changing.
    I could not stop the UD, when RR is not done.
    How you are able to check the box " INITIAL STATUS".
    I am able to copy your setting completely except the checking of the INITIAL STATUS BOXES FOR BOTH THE STATUSED - RRCL AND NSBU.
    Please guide me.
    Thanks for your concern.
    With Best Regards,
    Raghu Sharma.

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