Accessing hash values

I'm using a concurrent hash map
and i use as values to keys an object that is a bit complex.
it has a queue and i add urls.
how can i add urls while it is in the hash without get & replace methods?

maybe i did not stated it correctly.
I am trying to access the value of the hash.
This is done like getValue(key). Then i want to change that object-(value of hash).
MyObj newobj = hash.hetValue(key);
newobj.add(1);But then i see that the change is at the newobj and not at the object in the hash!!
How do i modify the value of the hash?

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    db: 11gr2
    os: linux
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    1. SORT ORDER BY===============12 rows======00:00:35
    2. ---NESTED LOOPS OUTER==========12  rows=====00:00:35
    3. -----NESTED LOOPS==============12  rows=====00:00:35
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    using "Cardinality feedback used for this statement" and was showing me many different plan with different hash value ....
    some of the plans are really good and finishes in 5 seconds and some took 55 seconds.A not unusual experience with cardinality feedback.
    If you don't like the feature - and my experiences have been very mixed - turn it off.
    Either via system wide parameter optimizeruse_feedback or on a statement basis using the parameter via opt_param hint or alter session.
    1. how can I force oracle to use/run query as per historic hash value with minimal runtime? is it possible?a. SQL Plan Baselines
    b. SQL Profile via COE_XFR_SQL_PROFILE.sql, see Oracle Support doc id 215187.1.
    c. Hint the plan you want using the outline hints from plans above - see DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_AWR and the format parameter '+OUTLINE'
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    my current explain plan slows at below operation id:
    but hash value with good plan using "Hash Join Right Semi" for step-3 and "access table by index" for step 4... You've got the template tuning threads which detail the information required to comment on this.

  • Plan hash value for two queries!

    DB : Oracle 11g (
    OS: RHEL 5
    I have two question:
    1. Can two queries have same plan hash value? I mean I have below two queries:
    SELECT /+ NO_MERGE */ MIN(payor.next_review_date)*
    * FROM payor*
    * WHERE payor.review_complete = 0*
    * AND payor.closing_date IS NULL*
    * AND payor.patient_key = 10;*
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    * FROM payor*
    * WHERE payor.review_complete = 0*
    * AND payor.closing_date IS NULL*
    * AND payor.patient_key = 10;*
    When I tried to review the execution plan for both queries, the plan hash value remain same. Does it mean that execution plan for both queries are same? If yes, then how Oracle understands or changes the execution plan based on hint. If no then what plan hash value represents?
    2. If the execution plan with hint and without hint is same except for a given query except no.of rows and bytes. Does it mean that query with less rows and bytes scanned is better?
    Thanks in advance

    there are two different things. One is EXPLAIN PLAN, which is how the optimizer thinks the query will be executed. It contains some estimates of cost, cardinalities etc. There is also EXECUTION PLAN. It also contains all this information regarding the optimizer estimates, but on the top of that, it also contains information about actual I/O incurred, actual cardinalities, actual timings etc.
    So if a hint is changing optimizer estimates, but the plan stays the same, then impact on query's performance is zero.
    If the actual numbers are changing, this is probably also irrelevant to the hint (e.g. you can have less physical reads because more blocks are found in the buffer cache the second time you're running the query, or you less work because you don't have to parse the statement etc.).
    Actually, most of optimizer hints don't affect optimizer estimates; rather, they try to get the optimizer to use a certain access method or a certain join order etc. regardless of the cost. So you must be talking about such hints as cardinality, dynamic_sampling etc. If that's not the case -- please clarify, because this means that something wrong is going on here (e.g. an INDEX hint may work or it may fail to work, but if it fails, optimizer estimates shouldn't change).
    Best regards,

  • Access field value in ALV

    Hello experts,
    I have created an simple ALV Grid report, in that I have implemented double click event n I want to create a new ALV grid with new data to be displayed. So I want to access field value ie using SLIS_SELFIELD or anything. Could anyone please guide me how can I access a field value using slis though SLIS_SELFIELD has methods like SEL_TAB_FIELD... I wan to access something like SEL_FIELD_VALUE but its not available in the class.
    Thanks in advance...
    Viral Patel

    Hi Viral,
    SLIS_SELFIELD has an attribute named VALUE which holds the value you selected row & TBAINDEX holds the row number.
    Refer below code snippet :-
    FORM user_command
              USING s_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
              s_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.                    "#EC CALLED
      CASE s_ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.
          CLEAR wa_podat2.
          READ TABLE itab_podat2 INTO wa_podat2 INDEX s_selfield-tabindex.
          CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
          IF wa_podat2-ebeln = s_selfield-value.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'BES' FIELD wa_podat2-ebeln.
            IF wa_podat2-ebeln IS NOT INITIAL.
              CALL TRANSACTION c_tcode.
    For above event to happen, you have to use parameter I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND of  REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY as below :-
          i_callback_program      = l_repid
          i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
          it_fieldcat             = itab_fieldcat
          it_events               = itab_events
          t_outtab                = itab_podat2[].
    Edited by: Abhii on Nov 30, 2009 11:25 AM

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    How can I get access to the contents of the ProfileArray?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Elmar,
    thanks for paying attention to my problems.
    I use Vision 8.5. My email adress is [email protected]
    I don't need the hole intensity of the image/2D array. I only need the
    intensity values of a given line which should be a 1D array of bytes.
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            CWIMAQVision1.LineProfile2 Image, Line, Report
    When I understood the command correctly the intensity values are
    in the Report. I would get them with 
    But that does not work. I get a runtime error #450.
    Other stuff with the report works and gives reasonable values e.g.
    Or passing the hole array to plot the values also works
            frmLineProfile.CWGraph1.PlotY Report(1).ProfileArray
    Best regards,

  • Accessing the value of a text box input

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    You're mixing JSP and JavaScript. If you're staying within the same page, e.g. no get/post to another JSP, and you need to update values of a text field within a form, use pure JavaScript, such as:
    <form name="fred">
    <input type="text" name="USERID" size="15" onBlur="document.fred.PASS.value=document.fred.USERID.value;"><br>
    <input type="text" name="PASS" size="15"><br>
    This will change the value of the PASS field to the same as the USERID field, which is what I think you were trying to do.
    Not to be rude, but in the interest of keeping the Java forum pure, I would look towards a JavaScipt forum if you wish to use pure JavaScript (

  • How to access the value of a field of a field symbol.

    Hello All,
    i need to access the value of a field in a field symbol. But when i am trying to get the value like <FS>-POSNR, it's showing that that the <FS> has no structure.
    In my program, the field itself that i need to check should be dynamic. ie i'll get the field in a variable and i need to find the value of that field.
    Am pasting my code below, please tell me what needs to be done.
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    FUNCTION z_39181_dyn_fs_60758.
    ""Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
    *"      DATA_TAB
      DATA name(5) VALUE 'POSNR'.
      DATA: dref TYPE REF TO data,
            dref1 TYPE REF TO data,
            dref2 TYPE REF TO data.
      DATA: lv_lips TYPE string.
      DATA: lv_lipsfld TYPE string,
                lv_fld TYPE string,
                lw_lips TYPE lips.
                lv_lips = 'LIPS'.
                lv_fld = 'LW_lips-POSNR'.
      CREATE DATA dref1 TYPE (lv_lips).
      CREATE DATA dref2 LIKE LINE OF data_tab.
      ASSIGN dref->* TO <fstab>.
      ASSIGN dref1->* TO <fs>.
    assign dref2->* to <fs
      <fstab> = data_tab[].
      LOOP AT <fstab> INTO <fs>.
        lw_lips = <fs>.
        WRITE lw_lips-vbeln.
        ASSIGN (lv_fld) TO <fs1>.
       write <fs>
    Helpful answers will be rewarded...

    Use syntax

  • Hash Values in BODS

    Hello Experts,
    I am a newbie to Data Services. We are using Data Services XI 3.0 Premium. I was given a task to identify duplicates by using hash values so that there is no loss of data and at the same time we can identify the duplicates. I was able to find that functionality in Oracle. But client wants the functionality in Data Services, before it loads into Oracle. I looked everywhere, couldn't find the right information. Help would be really appreciated. Please let me know if any further information needed.
    Thank you for going through my post. I really appreciate your time.
    Thank you,

    As per your statement "to identify duplicates considering bunch of columns together" you can implement logic using BODS built in function "gen_row_num_by_group"
    create new column in query transformation say "Dup_find" with data type int
    write logic in mapping tab as below
    gen_row_num_by_group( field1 ||  field2 || field3 || ....... ) and drag the subsequent fields in group by tab as well
    the above logic will return the row ids per group
    FIELD1     FIELD2     FIELD3     DUP_FIELD
    A                    B                    C                    1
    A                    B                    C                    2
    A                    B                    C                    3
    D                    E                    F                    1
    G                    H                    I                     1
    take two query transformations in parallel
    In first query transformation, you have to filter the duplicate records using "WHERE" clause
    WHERE DUP_FIELD > 1 ( map this to one temp table to catch duplicate records )
    in second  query transformation, you can consider only unique records using "WHERE" clause
    WHERE DUP_FIELD = 1 ( map this to second temp table to catch unique records )
    hope it helps in your requirement

  • Crystal 2008 not showing a Hash Value correctly

    We are using a SQL database with Crystal 2008.
    The Problem:
    We are having some issues displays the hash value of a varchar(20) in our crystal reports. Every value in the field is either going to be a Null or 20 characters long. We are getting varying length characters, when it should not. And it is showing blank for some of the records when the double check shows that they exist.
    What can we do to make Crystal 2008 show these fields correctly? I can use a command but that is a temporary solution for a reoccuring problem with the field in question.
    Thank you for your time!

    We use EncryptbyCert() function in SQL. It returns only a value that is either null or 20 characters long. That is all I am able to give for information about that.

  • Accessing ID Value Mapping table in XSLT

    Hi Experts,
    In the XSLT mapping,I would like to access my value mapping table which i defined in ID .The purpose of ID value mapping here is, the table entries will be changing in future and i don want to use fix values, XML table  which is defined in runtime.
    I have gone through the blog
    which explians design value mapping table in XSLT.
    Is there any way to access Configuration Value Mapping table in XSLT? If yes, can you explain how should i achieve it ?

    you can use the xivmService to call ID val map tables.
    Use tha java function executeMapping, Its a standard SAP api.
    Declare the Service in XSLT at start
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:vm="" version="1.0"> 
    Call the val mapping table using below template wherever required.
    <xsl:template name="ValueMapping">
    <xsl:param name="SenderParam"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="vm:executeMapping( 'SenderType', 'SenderTypeSchema', $SenderParam, 'receiverType', ReceiverTypeSchema')"/>
    Call template like :
    <xsl:call-template name="ValueMapping">
    <xsl:with-param name="SenderParam">
    try it and let me know if you have any doubt.
    Edited by: Kulwinder Grewal on Aug 12, 2009 11:36 PM

  • How to access the value of application item in javascript

    How to access the value of application item in javascript?

    One way
    var myVariable = '&MY_APP_ITEM.';Br,Jari

  • How to access the value of the editorDataField="value" to the actionscript file

    Hi ,
    I have a itemRenderer component(button) in the datagrid ,I am
    catching the label of the button (when changed )using the property
    in the <dataGridColumn> tag .
    My tag looks like this
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="ABC" dataField="COL1"
    rendererIsEditor="true" editorDataField="value"
    itemRenderer="renderer.buttonRenderer" editable="false"/>
    I need to access the value of the editorDataField in to my
    actionscript file ,
    Can any one please help me

    if it is the current row, use this.getCurrentRow().getAttr() where the attribute can be identified by the index or a String (its name). If you need to access aspecific non-current row, use getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)

  • Delete hash value row in Bex report output

    Hi All,
    Can anybody suggest how can i remove hash value(not assigned) row in Bex report out put.
    my report looks like this:
    project position
      WBS element
    For each Project position and WBS element hierarchies, i did supress the " not assigned" tick in hiearchy attributes in RSH1.
    but in colums i have budget as one of the column.
      this budget comes from project position nodes to last node of WBS element but not in order, for order it will be blank but after this order a new row coming up with bold" Not assigned" with that budget amount against this not assigned.
    My problem is how can i get rid of this not assinged entire row. I search so many links in SDN, they talk about just to replace the not assigned  to some other value as blank or something like that.
    Please suggest me how can i get rid of this.
    i did tried to restrict Order with "#" but then the whole budget column getting blank.

    HI Arun,
    As i mentioned earlier, i have gone through these links, they just talk about replacing # value or Not Assigned  to some other value or blank.
    my issue is i need to get rid of that entire row.
    when i drop proj def hierarchy ,then wbs hierachy starts, sometimes at the end of wbs hierarchy i get row with #
    and sometimes after wbs hierarchy ,then order row then # row is coming.
    even after i tick supress unassigned nodes in both Projdef and wbs hierarchies.
    i am not supposed to simply replace #( not assigned) symbol or text with some other symbol or text ( thats what they discussing in these links).
    i created that macro they said in those links but its just deleting # symbol to blank not the whole row.
    hope i made my issue clear.
    i have seen so many other links as well
    [Re: Bex macros]

  • Access InputText Value in Declarative Component

    I have created a declarative component that contains an inputText component:
    <af:inputText label="#{attrs.ucitLabelText}" id="dc_it1" contentStyle="text-transform:uppercase;" converter="StringAsUppercase"/>
    When I use the declarative component on a page, is there any way to easily access the value of its inputText through the page backing bean? The declarative component is bound to the page, but what method can I use to access the inputText value?

    I also figured out that I can simply do the following:
    When creating the declarative component...
    - Add an attribute to the declarative component (let's call it "inputValue")
    - Assign the inputValue attribute to the inputText value.
    When using the declarative component on a page...
    - Create a String property in the page's backing bean
    - Assign that property to the declarative component's inputValue attribute
    Then I can access the backing bean property to get the inputText value.

  • Hash values coming in extraction,how to rectify

    Dear All,
    During Extraction we are getting hash values,for which our extraction is getting failed,we manually edit the psa and doing the load from PSA to Cube,is there a way where we can restrict this hash values
    so our extraction din failed,in rskc all values are maintaide including hash.
    pls suggest.

         Characters whose hexadecimal value is 00-1F these will be displayed as # and we think this is maintained in RSKC and even then the load is failed... the invalid characters are displayed as # and there by u need to stop them . Even With ALL_CAPITAL u will not be able and it wont be good to use ALL_CAPITAL in rskc.  this is part of code which i used to eliminate such cases.........and this is absolutely working fine... it will be invalid characters....
             G_ALLOWED_CHAR(300) TYPE C.
    concatenate G_ALLOWED_CHAR 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz£Ö@[]' into G_ALLOWED_CHAR.
    in the above concatentate statement add all the characters which u want to allow apart from the allowed characters .....**
    if not RESULT co g_allowed_char.
    shift RESULT+sy-fdpos left.
    Here result is the field for which say invalid characters are coming ...above is the code to remoce invalid characters from the field Result.....

Maybe you are looking for