Accessing label in another class?

I'm trying to learn Java so sorry for the very simple question but I'm trying to change the text of a label in another class. I think I need to create a new instance of this label to access it from the second class but I just can't seem to get it to work. I don't know how to create the instance, which class to create the instance in why I want to create this instance and what this instance does really?
import java.awt.*;*
*import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;*
*import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.*;*
*public class StopWatch extends JFrame implements ActionListener*
*    private JButton button1 = new JButton("Start");*
*    private JButton button2 = new JButton("Stop");*
*    private JButton button3 = new JButton("Lap");*
*    private JButton button4 = new JButton("Clear");*
*    public JLabel label1 = new JLabel("The time goes here!!!!!!!!!!");*
*    public StopWatchConfig aConfig;*
*    public StopWatch(String input)*
*        button1.addActionListener(this);*
*        button2.addActionListener(this);*
*        button3.addActionListener(this);*
*        button4.addActionListener(this);*
*        displayGUI();*
*        aConfig = new StopWatchConfig();*
*    public void displayGUI()*
*        Container c = getContentPane();*
*        c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());*
*        //c.setBackground(;*       
*        c.add(button1);*
*        c.add(button2);*
*        c.add(button3);*
*        c.add(button4);*
*        c.add(label1);*
*        setSize(300,100);*
*        setVisible(true);*
*        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)*
*            Object source = e.getSource();*
*            if ( e.getSource() == button1 )*
*                aConfig.start();*
*            if ( e.getSource() == button2 )*
*               aConfig.stopp();*
*            else if ( e.getSource() == button3 )*
*    //           timerSetup.lap();*
*            } // end if/else*
*            else if ( e.getSource() == button4 )*
*     //          timerSetup.clear();*
*            } // end if/else*
*    } // end method*
*import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;*
*import java.util.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.System;
public class StopWatchConfig extends Thread
  public void start()
  public void stopp()
  public void lap()
  public void clear()

You don't want a new instance -- that would be an entirely different label, and not have any effect on what you're doing. What you want is a reference to the object you're changing.
What I would suggest is that you make sure only StopWatch can change its own label, say, with a method setTime(). Then, any other object that has a reference to that instance of StopWatch can call that method, and StopWatch will control the changing of its own components.
However, you're dealing with multithreading issues here, too, which is another beast. When you have two threads talking to each other you've got some things you need to take into account, such as synchronization. I'd say try to get this to work within a single thread first -- maybe have a button inside StopWatch that sets its own time.

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    {     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e,JMenuItem& item)
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    You don't want your Main class to have accessor methods or public variables... that's the worst dependency you can have.
    Anyways, think in terms of objects. When one object has a reference to another object, it can access all of its public data and methods.
    I'd recommend reading up on the basics:

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    No, that isn't possible.
    abc is said to be a local variable. And it's only useable within method().
    It's part of the job of the class Xyz to control the access to its state. As an example:
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        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Xyz xyz = new Xyz()
            String a = xyz.getSpecialValue();
    public class Xyz {
        private String a;
        public String getSpecialValue() {
            return a;
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            a = "hi";
    }Note that a won't be reference to the string "hi" until after method() has been called.

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                   templine = (String) super.filelines.get(i);
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                                                ^ cannot find symbol
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                            templine = (String) super.filelines.get(i);

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    one way:
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    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    * Subclasses JPanel, can send text out via the getText() method
    * can hook into button press via addActionListener
    * @author Pete
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      private JTextField sendingField = new JTextField(12);
      private JButton sendButton = new JButton("Send");
      public PanelCommSender()
      public void addActionListener(ActionListener al)
        // attach this listener to the button
       * call this to get the text currently in the textfield
       * @return String text
      public String getText()
        return sendingField.getText();
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    * Subclasses JPanel, receives text from another class
    * @author Pete
    public class PanelCommReceiver extends JPanel
      private JTextField showResultsField = new JTextField(12);
      public PanelCommReceiver()
        add(new JLabel("Results from other panel: "));
       * call this to set text of textField
       * @param text
      public void setText(String text)
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.JDialog;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
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      private static void createAndShowUI()
        // create new instances of the receiving and sending panels:
        final PanelCommReceiver receivePanel = new PanelCommReceiver();
        final PanelCommSender sendPanel = new PanelCommSender();
        // let the communicate w/ each other
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        frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 300)); // make it bigger so it can be seen
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        java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable()
          public void run()
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    <DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter.GroupPopulator">
       First Expression
        How can I access another class's properties ? 
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    thanks for the idea, but that will not work. $Target/Id$ refers always to the group to be discovered.
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    Step 1
    Collect all the DB SQL Logfile Objects and write computername (PrincipalName?) and Driveletter into a textfile, line by line. Shouldn't be a problem, PowerShell is your friend.
    Step 2
    Read the file from Step 1, build discovery data for each disk drive as object of class "Logical Disk (Server)",
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    Thanks to all, who have read.
    I will inform you about progress and success

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    public class DataFile implements
         private String dataTransferType;
         public DataFile(){}
        public DataFile( String aDataTransferType )
            this.dataTransferType = aDataTransferType;
         public String getDataTransferType()
              return dataTransferType;
         public void setDataTransferType( String dataTransferType )
              this.dataTransferType = dataTransferType;
    }Here is the way that the initial value of the "dataTransferPropery" is set in the faces-config.xml file:
    </managed-bean>Now, in another class FileManagementBean, I first instantiate the DataFile class
    private DataFile datafile;and then in the constructor of the FileManagementBean I tried to access the initial value of the property "dataTransferType":
    this.recordItems = this.getRecordsList( datafile.dataTransferType );The compiler did not like it at all.
    But, if I arbitrary introduced a String in the FileManagementBean:
    String defaultSelectedDataTransferType = "importFile";
    this.recordItems = this.getRecordsList( defaultSelectedDataTransferType );My code worked as I had expected without any problem.

    Thanks for all your attention.
    The runtime error is rather strange:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.faces.FacesException: Can't instantiate class: 'actions.DataManagementBean'.. class actions.DataManagementBean : java.lang.NullPointerException
    The DataManagementBean is the class that accesses the property "dataTransferType" in the DataFile class. And the initial value of the "dataTransferType" is defined in the faces-config.xml file.
    If I arbitrarily introduced a String value in the DataManagementBean:
    String defaultSelectedDataTransferType = "importFile"and in the DataManagementBean's constructor, I use this statement:
    this.recordItems = this.getRecordsList( defaultSelectedDataTransferType );Things worked as I had expected without problem. But, I think this is not an elegant way of coding it. Because there is a pre-defined value of dataTransferType in the faces-config.xml file, I should access it from there.
    But, when I specify:
    this.recordItems = this.getRecordsList( datafile.getDataTransferType() );The DataManagementBean cannot even be instantiated!
    In my faces-config.xml file, I have:

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    I have to read an attribute of a class and that attributes type another class.
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    data: lo_fpm                                 type ref to if_fpm.
    data: lo_msg_mgr                        type ref to if_fpm_message_manager.
    data: lo_component_manager    type ref to cl_fpm_component_manager.
    lo_fpm = cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( ).    " cl_fpm_factory is a class which has a static method get_instance
    lo_msg_mgr = lo_fpm->mo_message_manager.
    lo_component_manager = lo_fpm->mo_component_manager.
    The above statement is giving syntax error. I do not know why.
    The basic difference b/n the two methods is if_fpm~mo_message_manager    type ref to if_fpm_message_manager    and
    mo_component_manager     type ref to cl_fpm_component_manager.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I cannot test the following coding because I do not get the singleton instance yet it should work:
    *& Thread: How to access an attribute(this is referencing to another class) in a class
    *& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="1398429"></a>
    REPORT  zus_sdn_cl_fpm_factory.
    DATA: go_fpm TYPE REF TO cl_fpm.  " class implements if_fpm.
    DATA: go_msg_mgr TYPE REF TO if_fpm_message_manager.
    DATA: go_component_manager TYPE REF TO cl_fpm_component_manager.
      go_fpm ?= cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( ). " cl_fpm_factory is a class which has a static method get_instance
      CHECK ( go_fpm IS BOUND ).
      go_msg_mgr           = go_fpm->mo_message_manager.
      go_component_manager = go_fpm->mo_component_manager.

  • Accessing a variable defined in one class from another class..

    I've only been programming in as3 for a couple months, and so far I've written several compositional classes that take MovieClips as inputs to handle behaviors and interactions in a simple game I'm creating. One problem I keep coming upon is that I'd love to access the custom variables I define within one class from another class. In the game I'm creating, is my document class, from which I invoke a class called '' which invokes all the other classes I've written.
    Below I've pasted my class 'DieLikeThePhishes'. For example, I would love to know the syntax for accessing the boolean variable 'phish1BeenHit' (line 31) from another class. I've tried the dot syntax you would use to access a MovieClip inside another MovieClip and it doesn't seem  to be working for me. Any ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks,
    - Jeremy
    package  jab.enemy
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import jab.enemy.MissleDisappear;
    public class DieLikeThePhishes
    private var _clip2:MovieClip; // player
    private var _clip3:MovieClip; //phish1
    private var _clip4:MovieClip; //phish2
    private var _clip5:MovieClip; //phish3
    private var _clip6:MovieClip; //phish4
    private var _clip10:MovieClip; // background
    private var _clip11:MovieClip // missle1
    private var _clip12:MovieClip // missle2
    private var _clip13:MovieClip // missle3
    private var _clip14:MovieClip // missle4
    private var _clip15:MovieClip // missle5
    private var _clip16:MovieClip // missle6
    private var _clip17:MovieClip // missle7
    private var _clip18:MovieClip // missle8
    private var _clip19:MovieClip // missle9
    private var _clip20:MovieClip // missle10
    private var _clip21:MovieClip // missle11
    private var _clip22:MovieClip // missle12
    var ay1 = 0;var ay2 = 0;var ay3 = 0;var ay4 = 0;
    var vy1 = 0;var vy2 = 0;var vy3 = 0;var vy4 = 0;
    var phish1BeenHit:Boolean = false;var phish2BeenHit:Boolean = false;
    var phish3BeenHit:Boolean = false;var phish4BeenHit:Boolean = false;
    public function DieLikeThePhishes(clip2:MovieClip,clip3:MovieClip,clip4:MovieClip,clip5:MovieClip,clip6:M ovieClip,clip10:MovieClip,clip11:MovieClip,clip12:MovieClip,clip13:MovieClip,clip14:MovieC lip,clip15:MovieClip,clip16:MovieClip,clip17:MovieClip,clip18:MovieClip,clip19:MovieClip,c lip20:MovieClip,clip21:MovieClip,clip22:MovieClip)
    _clip2 = clip2;_clip3 = clip3;_clip4 = clip4;_clip5 = clip5;_clip6 = clip6;
    _clip10 = clip10;_clip11 = clip11;_clip12 = clip12;_clip13 = clip13;_clip14 = clip14;
    _clip15 = clip15;_clip16 = clip16;_clip17 = clip17;_clip18 = clip18;_clip19 = clip19;
    _clip20 = clip20;_clip21 = clip21;_clip22= clip22;
    _clip3.stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame)
    function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
    vy1+= ay1;_clip3.y += vy1; vy2+= ay2;_clip4.y += vy2;
    vy3+= ay3;_clip5.y += vy3; vy4+= ay4;_clip6.y += vy4;
    if (phish1BeenHit ==false)
    if(_clip3.y >620)
    {_clip3.y = 620;}
    if (phish2BeenHit ==false)
    if(_clip4.y >620)
    {_clip4.y = 620;}
    if (phish3BeenHit ==false)
    if(_clip5.y >620)
    {_clip5.y = 620;}
    if (phish4BeenHit ==false)
    if(_clip6.y >620)
    {_clip6.y = 620;}
    if (_clip11.hitTestObject(_clip3) ||_clip12.hitTestObject(_clip3)||_clip13.hitTestObject(_clip3)||_clip14.hitTestObject(_cl ip3)||_clip15.hitTestObject(_clip3)||_clip16.hitTestObject(_clip3)||_clip17.hitTestObject( _clip3)||_clip18.hitTestObject(_clip3)||_clip19.hitTestObject(_clip3)||_clip20.hitTestObje ct(_clip3)||_clip21.hitTestObject(_clip3)||_clip22.hitTestObject(_clip3))
    _clip3.scaleY = -Math.abs(_clip3.scaleY);
    _clip3.alpha = 0.4;
    ay1 = 3
    vy1= -2;
    phish1BeenHit = true;
    if (_clip11.hitTestObject(_clip4) ||_clip12.hitTestObject(_clip4)||_clip13.hitTestObject(_clip4)||_clip14.hitTestObject(_cl ip4)||_clip15.hitTestObject(_clip4)||_clip16.hitTestObject(_clip4)||_clip17.hitTestObject( _clip4)||_clip18.hitTestObject(_clip4)||_clip19.hitTestObject(_clip4)||_clip20.hitTestObje ct(_clip4)||_clip21.hitTestObject(_clip4)||_clip22.hitTestObject(_clip4))
    _clip4.scaleY = -Math.abs(_clip4.scaleY);
    _clip4.alpha = 0.4;
    ay2 = 3
    vy2= -2;
    phish2BeenHit = true;
    if (_clip11.hitTestObject(_clip5) ||_clip12.hitTestObject(_clip5)||_clip13.hitTestObject(_clip5)||_clip14.hitTestObject(_cl ip5)||_clip15.hitTestObject(_clip5)||_clip16.hitTestObject(_clip5)||_clip17.hitTestObject( _clip5)||_clip18.hitTestObject(_clip5)||_clip19.hitTestObject(_clip5)||_clip20.hitTestObje ct(_clip5)||_clip21.hitTestObject(_clip5)||_clip22.hitTestObject(_clip5))
    _clip5.scaleY = -Math.abs(_clip5.scaleY);
    _clip5.alpha = 0.4;
    ay3 = 3
    vy3= -2;
    phish3BeenHit = true;
    if (_clip11.hitTestObject(_clip6) ||_clip12.hitTestObject(_clip6)||_clip13.hitTestObject(_clip6)||_clip14.hitTestObject(_cl ip6)||_clip15.hitTestObject(_clip6)||_clip16.hitTestObject(_clip6)||_clip17.hitTestObject( _clip6)||_clip18.hitTestObject(_clip6)||_clip19.hitTestObject(_clip6)||_clip20.hitTestObje ct(_clip6)||_clip21.hitTestObject(_clip6)||_clip22.hitTestObject(_clip6))
    _clip6.scaleY = -Math.abs(_clip6.scaleY);
    _clip6.alpha = 0.4;
    ay4 = 3
    vy4= -2;
    phish4BeenHit = true;
    if (_clip3.y > 10000)
    _clip3.x = 1000 +3000*Math.random()-_clip10.x;
    _clip3.y = 300;
    _clip3.alpha = 1;
    _clip3.scaleY = Math.abs(_clip3.scaleY);
    ay1 = vy1 = 0;
    phish1BeenHit = false;
    if (_clip4.y > 10000)
    _clip4.x = 1000 +3000*Math.random()-_clip10.x;
    _clip4.y = 300;
    _clip4.alpha = 1;
    _clip4.scaleY = Math.abs(_clip4.scaleY);
    ay2 = vy2 = 0;
    phish2BeenHit = false;
    if (_clip5.y > 10000)
    _clip5.x = 1000 +3000*Math.random()-_clip10.x;
    _clip5.y = 300;
    _clip5.alpha = 1;
    _clip5.scaleY = Math.abs(_clip5.scaleY);
    ay3 = vy3 = 0;
    phish3BeenHit = false;
    if (_clip6.y > 10000)
    _clip6.x = 1000 +3000*Math.random()-_clip10.x;
    _clip6.y = 300;
    _clip6.alpha = 1;
    _clip6.scaleY = Math.abs(_clip6.scaleY);
    ay4 = vy4 = 0;
    phish4BeenHit = false;
    var missleDisappear1 = new MissleDisappear(_clip11,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear2 = new MissleDisappear(_clip12,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear3 = new MissleDisappear(_clip13,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear4 = new MissleDisappear(_clip14,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear5 = new MissleDisappear(_clip15,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear6 = new MissleDisappear(_clip16,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear7 = new MissleDisappear(_clip17,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear8 = new MissleDisappear(_clip18,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear9 = new MissleDisappear(_clip19,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear10 = new MissleDisappear(_clip20,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear11 = new MissleDisappear(_clip21,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);
    var missleDisappear12 = new MissleDisappear(_clip22,_clip3,_clip4,_clip5,_clip6,_clip10);

    I would approach it in much the same way as you would in java, by making getters and setters for all of your class variables.
    Getters being for returning the values, Setters being for setting them.
    So you would make a get function for the variable you want to access ala:
    function get1PhishBeenHit():boolean {
         return this.phish1BeenHit;
    Then to access the value of that variable from outwith the class:
    var result:boolean = ClassInstanceName.get1PhishBeenHit();

  • Access data of one class from another class

    I am creating one class say ClassA with some data members,the same class has main() method on execution of which the data members will b assigned a value.
    now i have another class say ClassB with main() method and i want to use the data in ClassA in ClassB do i have any way by which i can have access to that data.
    The instance of ClassA created in ClassB is not showing any values in data members.
    Can u help me find a solution for this.
    Thank you.

    I have tried by making one data member public so that it can have direct access from other class.But it shows null value.
    The problem is that ClassA class data members are assigned values when it completes the execution of function main() so does it retains the values.
    c sample code below.
    public classA{
    int a,b;
    p s v m(String [] args)
    public void setab()
    //set values of a and b by doing some manipulations.
    public classB{
    p s v m(string []args)
    classA aclass = new classA();
    /* now what should i do to access the values of a & b in
    aclass object*/
    i strictly need to follow this way do i have a way out.

  • Accessing an Array List from another class

    Hi, I was a member on here before, but I forgot my password and my security question is wrong.
    My question is how do I access a private arraylist from a different class in the same package?
    What I am trying to do is the following (hard to explain).
    Make a picking client for a shop, so that when an order is recieved, the picker can click on the orders button, and view all of the current orders that have not been completed. This Pick client has its own user interface, in a seperate class from where the BoughtList array is created, in the cashier client. The boughtlist is created when the cashier puts in the product number into the cashier client and clicks buy. I seem to be having trouble accessing the list from another class. Once the order is completed the cashier clicks bought and the list is reset. There is another class in a different pagage that processes some of the functions of the order, eg newOrder().
    Yes it is for Uni so I dont need / want the full answers, jist something to get started. Also please dont flame me, I have done many other parts of this project, just having trouble getting started on this one.
    Here is the code for the cashier client. The code for the Pick client is almost the same, I just need to make the code that displays the orders.
    package Clients;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import Catalogue.*;
    import DBAccess.*;
    import Processing.*;
    import Middle.*;
    class CashierGUI 
      class STATE                             // Cashier states
        public static final int PROCESS  = 0;
        public static final int CHECKED  = 1;
      class NAME                             // Names of buttons
        public static final String CHECK  = "Check";
        public static final String BUY    = "Buy";
        public static final String CANCEL = "Cancel";
        public static final String BOUGHT = "Bought";
      private static final int H = 300;       // Height of window pixels
      private static final int W = 400;       // Width  of window pixels
      private JLabel      theAction  = new JLabel();
      private JTextField  theInput   = new JTextField();
      private JTextArea   theOutput  = new JTextArea();
      private JScrollPane theSP      = new JScrollPane();
      private JButton     theBtCheck = new JButton( NAME.CHECK );
      private JButton     theBtBuy   = new JButton( NAME.BUY );
      private JButton     theBtCancel= new JButton( NAME.CANCEL );
      private JButton     theBtBought= new JButton( NAME.BOUGHT );
      private int         theState   = STATE.PROCESS;   // Current state
      private Product     theProduct = null;            // Current product
      private BoughtList  theBought  = null;            // Bought items
      private Transaction     theCB        = new Transaction();
      private StockReadWriter theStock     = null;
      private OrderProcessing theOrder     = null;
      private NumberFormat theMoney  =
              NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance( Locale.UK );
      public CashierGUI(  RootPaneContainer rpc, MiddleFactory mf  )
        try                                             //
          theStock = mf.getNewStockReadWriter();        // DataBase access
          theOrder = mf.getNewOrderProcessing();        // Process order
        } catch ( Exception e )
          System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage() );
        Container cp         = rpc.getContentPane();    // Content Pane
        Container rootWindow = (Container) rpc;         // Root Window
        cp.setLayout(null);                             // No layout manager
        rootWindow.setSize( W, H );                     // Size of Window
        Font f = new Font("Monospaced",Font.PLAIN,12);  // Font f is
        theBtCheck.setBounds( 16, 25+60*0, 80, 40 );    // Check Button
        theBtCheck.addActionListener( theCB );          // Listener
        cp.add( theBtCheck );                           //  Add to canvas
        theBtBuy.setBounds( 16, 25+60*1, 80, 40 );      // Buy button
        theBtBuy.addActionListener( theCB );            //  Listener
        cp.add( theBtBuy );                             //  Add to canvas
        theBtCancel.setBounds( 16, 25+60*2, 80, 40 );   // Cancel Button
        theBtCancel.addActionListener( theCB );         //  Listener
        cp.add( theBtCancel );                          //  Add to canvas
        theBtBought.setBounds( 16, 25+60*3, 80, 40 );   // Clear Button
        theBtBought.addActionListener( theCB );         //  Listener
        cp.add( theBtBought );                          //  Add to canvas
        theAction.setBounds( 110, 25 , 270, 20 );       // Message area
        theAction.setText( "" );                        // Blank
        cp.add( theAction );                            //  Add to canvas
        theInput.setBounds( 110, 50, 270, 40 );         // Input Area
        theInput.setText("");                           // Blank
        cp.add( theInput );                             //  Add to canvas
        theSP.setBounds( 110, 100, 270, 160 );          // Scrolling pane
        theOutput.setText( "" );                        //  Blank
        theOutput.setFont( f );                         //  Uses font 
        cp.add( theSP );                                //  Add to canvas
        theSP.getViewport().add( theOutput );           //  In TextArea
        rootWindow.setVisible( true );                  // Make visible
      class Transaction implements ActionListener       // Listener
        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ae )   // Interaction
          if ( theStock == null )
            theAction.setText("No conection");
            return;                                     // No connection
          String actionIs = ae.getActionCommand();      // Button
            if ( theBought == null )
              int on    = theOrder.uniqueNumber();      // Unique order no.
              theBought = new BoughtList( on );         //  Bought list
            if ( actionIs.equals( NAME.CHECK ) )        // Button CHECK
              theState  = STATE.PROCESS;                // State process
              String pn  = theInput.getText().trim();   // Product no.
              int    amount  = 1;                       //  & quantity
              if ( theStock.exists( pn ) )              // Stock Exists?
              {                                         // T
                Product pr = theStock.getDetails(pn);   //  Get details
                if ( pr.getQuantity() >= amount )       //  In stock?
                {                                       //  T
                  theAction.setText(                    //   Display
                    pr.getDescription() + " : " +       //    description
                    theMoney.format(pr.getPrice()) +    //    price
                    " (" + pr.getQuantity() + ")"       //    quantity
                  );                                    //   of product
                  theProduct = pr;                      //   Remember prod.
                  theProduct.setQuantity( amount );     //    & quantity
                  theState = STATE.CHECKED;             //   OK await BUY
                } else {                                //  F
                  theAction.setText(                    //   Not in Stock
                    pr.getDescription() +" not in stock"
              } else {                                  // F Stock exists
                theAction.setText(                      //  Unknown
                  "Unknown product number " + pn        //  product no.
            if ( actionIs.equals( NAME.BUY ) )          // Button BUY
              if ( theState != STATE.CHECKED )          // Not checked
              {                                         //  with customer
                theAction.setText("Check if OK with customer first");
              boolean stockBought =                      // Buy
                theStock.buyStock(                       //  however
                  theProduct.getProductNo(),             //  may fail             
                  theProduct.getQuantity() );            //
              if ( stockBought )                         // Stock bought
              {                                          // T
                theBought.add( theProduct );             //  Add to bought
                theOutput.setText( "" );                 //  clear
                theOutput.append( theBought.details());  //  Display
                theAction.setText("Purchased " +         //    details
                           theProduct.getDescription()); //
    //          theInput.setText( "" );
              } else {                                   // F
                theAction.setText("!!! Not in stock");   //  Now no stock
              theState = STATE.PROCESS;                  // All Done
            if ( actionIs.equals( NAME.CANCEL ) )        // Button CANCEL
              if ( theBought.number() >= 1 )             // item to cancel
              {                                          // T
                Product dt =  theBought.remove();        //  Remove from list
                theStock.addStock( dt.getProductNo(),    //  Re-stock
                                   dt.getQuantity()  );  //   as not sold
                theAction.setText("");                   //
                theOutput.setText(theBought.details());  //  display sales
              } else {                                   // F
                theOutput.setText( "" );                 //  Clear
              theState = STATE.PROCESS;
            if ( actionIs.equals( NAME.BOUGHT ) )        // Button Bought
              if ( theBought.number() >= 1 )             // items > 1
              {                                          // T
                theOrder.newOrder( theBought );          //  Process order
                theBought = null;                        //  reset
              theOutput.setText( "" );                   // Clear
              theInput.setText( "" );                    //
              theAction.setText( "Next customer" );      // New Customer
              theState = STATE.PROCESS;                  // All Done
            theInput.requestFocus();                     // theInput has Focus
          catch ( StockException e )                     // Error
          {                                              //  Of course
            theOutput.append( "Fail Stock access:" +     //   Should not
                                e.getMessage() + "\n" ); //  happen
          catch ( OrderException e )                     // Error
          {                                              //  Of course
            theOutput.append( "Fail Order process:" +    //   Should not
                                e.getMessage() + "\n" ); //  happen

    (disclaimer: I did not read through your Swing code, as I find that painful)
    My question is how do I access a private arraylist from a different class in the same
    package?Provide a public accessor method (getMyPrivateArrayList())

  • Access another class function

    I am trying to access another class function. I have 2 Classes and my main menu features are in my Main Class and I want to call that function from my Level Class
    What is a good idea to approach this, some how I need to import it in a way but I don't know how I could do that.

    Fixed it myself
                        public static var instance:Main;
                        public function Main()
                                  instance = this;
    And I called a function from Main Class in my Level Class using:

  • Accessing another class

    A have my "main" class (a JPanel) and the thing I want to do is simply to access another class' data and methods through my main class (That class also extending JPanel and is added together with the main class to a JFrame in a third class). The thing is i have this JTextPane that i wished to edit from my main class. Like:
    //Main class
    public class Main extends JPanel {
         private class Listener implements KeyListener{
              public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) {
                   if (ke.getKeyCode() == foo){
                        //Do like:
    }//My JTextPane handling class
    public class Log extends JPanel {
         private JTextPane logText;
         public Log(){
              logText = new JTextPane();
         public void appendLogText(String str){
              String text = str;
              Document textDoc = tempLogText.getDocument();
              int end = textDoc.getLength();
              try {
                   textDoc.insertString(end, text, logText.getLogicalStyle());
                   logText.setText(textDoc.getText(0, textDoc.getLength()));
              } catch (BadLocationException e) {}
    }This is just scraps of code, if there is a better way to do it please tell me, what i want is (again) simply one JPanel displaying something where you can edit the JTextPane in another JPanel (and class).

    public class Main extends JPanel {
        private Log log;
        public void setLog(Log log) {
            this.log = log;
    }It's up to the builder code that instantiates Main and Log classes to call:
    tehMain.setLog(tehLog);For an extra schmear of abstraction, you can do this variant:
    public interface ILog {
        void appendLogText(String s);
    public class Main extends JPanel {
        private ILog log;
        public void setLog(ILog log) {
            this.log = log;
    public class Log extends JPanel implements ILog {...}That way, you can pass Main other ILogs -- for testing Main, for example.

  • Accessing a JTextField from another class

    I 've got 2 classes I am trying to get the value of a JTextField that located in a second class see the code
    class1 myClass = new class1();
    String text = myClass.jTextField1.getText();
    System.out.print(text);What happens is when i run the program and enter some text in the jTextFild1 and then click on my Jbutton it does not print anything
    the JButton is in the caller class
    Could anyone explains to me what is wrong

    an example would help maybe....
    if you want to access your jtextfield from another class then:
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class FieldHolderClass {
    public JTextField jtf = null;
    public FieldHolder() {
      JFrame jf = new JFrame();
      jtf = new JTextField();
      jtf.setText("this is the text that is here when other callerclass seeks for text");
    public class CallerClass {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      FieldHolderClass fHolder = new FieldHolderClass();
    }of course i have not written any swing app for a long time, so i might have forgotten everything... so, don't flame me when that code does not compile.
    the thing that it's supposed to show, is that you make a <b>public</b> variabel (jtf) and you simply ask for it from another class by typing holderclass instances name dot and that variable name (in this case jtf) and dot and then call the method on that variable (or object...)
    it might also be that you want your code to work the way that when you enter a text into jtextfield, then after pressing enter it would get printed on terminal...
    in that case you should also register some Listeners... i remember that back when i was just getin' to know java then i had problems with it as well... but then again, i didn't read any manuals...
    i hope i was somewhat help...

  • Accessing a servlet from another class

    Not to confuse anyone too much, but here's the scenario.
    I have a servlet that calles other Java classes which perform various functions. Now can I have one of these classes access the servlet directly, without setting up a socket based connection. What I mean is can I just simply call its methods and have access to the HttpServletResponse/HttpServletRequest objects?
    Usually the servlet gets accessed via an HTTP client where then servlet will call classes it needs to access, where here I have a class accessing the servlet directly.
    I do not have the capability of running servlets at the moment so I cannot just do a quick and dirty test to see how it would be done.
    Any input would be appreciated.

    If you have a servlet that contains methods that
    aren't related to the processing of a request (except
    for initialization) then those methods are in the
    wrong place. I don't know where they should be
    instead, that depends on your design. Perhaps you
    should post some details about what you are trying to
    do here.Currently I have not written code for what I am attempting.
    What I am attempting is quite an unorthodox approach of getting server information via a servlet. However unlike your standard servlet the servlet will be accessed via a java class, rather than being invoked from a URL.
    If I had to use psuedo-code I would put it like this:
    class A{
    public void accessHeaders(){
    // access servlet HttpRequest object.
    // use the object.
    // display header info...etc.
    // main prog.
    class Test {
    public static void main(String[] a){
    A a = new A();
    The servlet will be a generic servlet which overrides a doGet().
    That's right an app accessing a servlet. I have done this but using the package but I don't want to use that in this case. Can I implicitely call the servlet?
    Now the more I think about doing something like this the more I feel that it cannot be done this way.
    I am new to servlets so I don't know all the ways they can be used.

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