Accesssing PeopleSoft application by external people

How can I use PeopleSoft application from outside the network.
1. We access our PeopleSoft application with in the network as follows
http://server:port number/psp/environment instance/?cmd=login
2. Now if you want to access my application from your system then how can you access,
what is the configuration we have to do from out side.
I want my peoplesoft application to be accessed from outside the network from any system on any browser.
Jayaprakash Tedla

Well, there are more than one way.
One of them is create a Webserver for your intranet usage (inside the DMZ), and one other Webserver outside the DMZ for extranet usage. This second one should be allowed to go through your DMZ with specific protocol and port.
A second option, much more complicated, could be build two Peoplesoft env (I mean database, appserver, prcs and webserv), one inside DMZ (for intranet) and one other outside the DMZ (for extranet). For that one solution, you'll need to use and/or build some mechanism to replicate the data.
That depend what you're allowed by your security/network admin to show outside your company's network.
Sometimes (and I worked on such system), internal data are not allowed to be access by extranet, so, the second option is used, with data replication only from outside to inside the DMZ system.
I'll try to see if there is documentation on such system.

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    Local Message &msgHTTP;
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    A lot of the time PeopleTools contains a lot of features that we do not know or have forgotten and tend to use external (paid) solutions.
    If you do not have a copy yet, please have a look at the following book written by Paula Dean and Jim Marion.
    PeopleSoft PeopleTools Data Management and Upgrade Handbook (Oracle Press)

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    Hi Pramod,
    To access Peoplesoft applications from Portal you have two options :
    1) By using Appintegrator iView : As all the applications in peoplesoft has their own urls like for attendance regularization, leave applicaion etc., you create appintegrator iview which points to ur peoplesoft application and by doing user-mapping, users can access these applications. Refer link for [How to use appintegrator iview|]
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          - iWay JDBC drivers : These are 3rd party drivers available to connect to peoplesoft database.
    I hope this will help u.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Amol Ghodekar
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    typo error

    I found this document from the Oracle Open World 2009 (maybe you have found it too) :
    "Integration with PeopleSoft applications using oracle soa suite 11g BPEL" --> []
    And this could be a little more simple, but have a good step-by-step tutorial.
    I think you must read this docs by now, but never come amiss.
    Hope this can help you,
    By the way, if you can help me with this I'll appreciate it a lot.
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    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user11239302 on Jun 8, 2009 1:25 AM
    Edited by: user11239302 on Jun 8, 2009 1:26 AM

    Well, I cannot understand the urgency regarding such questions.
    1. Depending of the needs, Peoplesoft CRM could be ready to use as it is delivered. Some customizations could be done if any specifics needs are not covered by the standard Peoplesoft features. Depending if the business wants to work as it is designed by Peopelsoft, or if the business wants to keep their way of work and consequently change Peoplesoft standard behaviour.
    2. Not sure to understand what areas you are looking for, but CRM, HRMS, FSCM, EPM... are some business areas covered by Peoplesoft products.
    3. Customizations should not touch the core of Peoplesoft code. If you need customization, develop your own code and field on top of the Peoplesoft objects, you'll realize how it is benefits and how many time you'll gain if Peoplesoft upgrade or Peoplesoft bundle installation take place later on. Never change Peoplesoft standard objects is the first rule of Peoplesoft dev (there's maybe few exceptions).
    4. Scope of testing a Peoplesoft appl ? It is wide scope and depending what business you are working on, etc. But the QA team should take care about the rules of customization as I said above.

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    FP2 will have the MPs in it. And yes, the upgrade process will move all of them to your target db.
    There is a separate certified upgrade path HCM9.0 to HCM9.1 FP2. Use the template and documentation from this. 
    Check this old post in the forum -
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