Accidentally saved project! Please please help.

I was editing a podcast that we shot lastnight. I always save my work about every 10min. Well, for some reason a good portion of a couple tracks were deledted, and before I realized it, i saved my project. Now I'm screwed and the whole show is ruined if I can't go back to before having saved that last time. Is there any way possible to recover a project that I have saved over? I really appreciate any help with this. Thanks.

MickDagoProductions wrote:
Is there any way to set it up so that each time I save the project, it saves a completely new file
GB doesn't offer such an option, but i think the best suggestion would be to get an external hard drive and set up Time Machine. once you have that running, the MOST work you could lose would be 1 hour's worth

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    Which version of Logic? Which OS? Update your profile so we know what you are running!
    P.S. Welcome!

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    A few quick questions~
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    The user of Recordsets permessage depends on this factor.
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    No one will do your work for you, particularly if it is schoolwork.
    You would be cheating and whatever grade you might get would be false because it wouldn't be your work.
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    search the app store for PDF Writer. I've found a lot that will convert documents to PDF, but none yet that will write within the PDF. One thing you want to avoid are cloud based apps. Any of them that talk about editing on the cloud, etc, aren't going to be as standalone as you want.
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    Can someone please advise?1?!

    Does it give you any error messages?
    Try downloaded FCP RESCUE and then click on TRASH. It will trash your preferences...that usually fixes stuff like this.

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    if it possible troubleshooted for me
    Problem file

    The problem is that you have left paper on the floor near the
    Please you have to do a little of the work yourself.
    First, post a topic that has a title regarding your problem.
    That way people who know about that problem will be more likely to
    take a look.
    Second, don't just say you have a problem and receive and
    error. Shay what kind of problem and tell us what the error says.
    Third. Most people won't download a file from any random
    stranger off the net. So don't expect that is going to explain it.
    Fourth, even if the file does explain it, why should a
    stranger have to do all the steps that you should have done?
    Fifth, do a little work yourself, what have you tried to fix
    Sixth. Just because it is urgent to you doesn't mean it is
    urgent to everybody else.
    So try some of these things and post back.

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    We are currently working through the software engineering phases of development, but we need to decide what our server platform will be and put something together.
    I recently attended a Sun Developer Days conf in Atlanta, and I like a lot of the new "web stack" support that is offered. Here is what we are thinking of using:
    Server apps:
    Operating System:     Solaris 10 (should we go with opensolaris? whats the difference?)OpenSolaris is a moving target, Solaris in theory is not. But then again, why not Windows, *BSD or any flavor of Linux?
    Application Server:     Glassfish (Java EE 5) (or should we use Tomcat?)Tomcat is a "reference" platform. From what I've seen Glassfish is the "next" version. Why not BEA or Websphere?
    Web Server:     Sun Java System Web Server (or should we use Apache?)Or Zeus for that matter.
    Database:          MySQL (or should we use Postgre?)Or Oracle of MS SQL server or Sybase?
    Version Control:     Subversion (is this needed? will have 5 students collaborating on project)Or CVS.
    Client developer tools:
    IDE:          Netbeans 6
    Web 2.0 Framework:     GWT (Google Web Tookit)There is nothing to help anyone give you tips on which way to go. A simple list of software is just a simple list of software. As you flesh out your project you also need to flesh out which each app can provide and hopefully then things get easier. You list no reason why you should tilt towards one app or another. Start with cost and go from there.

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