Accounting period closed?

The issue is about the following error  when creating a customer invoice : "Period 011/2007 is not open for account type D and G/L 12010010"
The period is open though as you can see below from this extract of table T001B :
10     0     GB1     +     ZZZZZZZZZZ          2007     10     2007     11     2007
Is there a customizing missing?
What other check can I do?
Many thanks for your help!
Stan B.

use this IMG path to solve open period and solve your problem :
spro > Financial Accounting (New) > Financial Accounting Basic Settings (New) > Ledgers > Fiscal Year and Posting Periods > Posting periods > Open and Close Posting Periods
please assign points if found useful

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    I am getting this error while doing PGI , I have entered Actual goods issue date in delivery header  manually . 15 .11.2008 . I am trying to do PGI on 7.12.2008 .
    u201C@5C\QError@     E     F5     286     900001     Period 008/2008 is not open for account type S and G/L 500010     @35\QLong text exists@     200.F     WHL ASSY ALUM 16 X 7     30,000     EA     0000000685u201D
    I guess it is because of accounting period closing for November 2008 .
    Just I want to know ,for doing PGI also ,  does  accounting period maters ?
    If it maters , I request you to mention solution please .
    With regards
    Jayapala S.H

    Hi jaypala
    Firstly go to MMPV and check the closing period of your company code if it is in past close the month by MMRV and then do delivery and PGI and check still if it is not working then Go to OB52 and maintain for account type S with the G/L account 500010 and the closing month and the year.

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    You have to lock those periods manually.  B1 would not automatically close them for you.

  • GL account opening/closing balances by day

    Hi All.
    I wish to list day by day opening and closing balances of G/L account by restricting the result to a time interval.
    Anyone know how to write the query for G/L account opening & closing balances by day?
    I found this in the forum and modify it to below:
    declare @fr char(10)
    declare @to char(10)
    set @fr=convert (char(10),[%0],20)
    set @to=convert (char(10),[%1],20)
    declare @PrCl dec(19,6)
    declare @de dec(19,6)
    declare @cr dec(19,6)
    declare @acc char(20)
    declare @Pracc char(20)
    Create table #W
      (M char(10), Acc char(20), Me char(100), Tid char(10), Br char(10), TT char(30), Op dec(19,6),De dec(19,6),Cr dec(19,6),Cl dec(19,6) )
    Insert into #W (M,Acc,Me,Tid,Br,TT,Op,De,Cr,Cl)
    SELECT convert (char(10),T1.[RefDate],20)Mo, T1.[Account],T0.Memo, T0.TransId, T0.BaseRef, CASE
    WHEN T0.TransType = 13 THEN 'AR Inv'
    WHEN T0.TransType = 14 THEN 'AR CN'
    WHEN T0.TransType = 18 THEN 'AP Inv'
    WHEN T0.TransType = 19 THEN 'AP CN'
    WHEN T0.TransType = 24 THEN 'Incoming Payment'
    WHEN T0.TransType = 30 THEN 'JE'
    WHEN T0.TransType = 46 THEN 'Outgoing Payment'
    ELSE 'Other'
    END AS 'Trans Type',
      0,T1.[Debit] De , T1.[Credit] Cr,0
    FROM OJDT T0 INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T0.TransId = T1.TransId
    Group by T1.[Account],convert (char(10),T1.[RefDate],20),T0.Memo, T0.TransId, T0.BaseRef, T0.TransType,  T1.Debit, T1.Credit
    Order By T1.[Account],convert (char(10),T1.[RefDate],20)
    Declare cu cursor for
    Select acc,de,cr from #W
      for update
    set @PrAcc=''
    Open cu
    Fetch next from cu into @acc,@de,@cr
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    If @acc!=@PrAcc set @PrCl=0
    Update #W
       set op=@PrCl,
      where current of cu
    set @PrCl=@PrCl-@Cr+@de
    set @PrAcc=@acc
    Fetch next from cu into @acc,@de,@cr
    deallocate cu
    Select * from #w
    Where M between @fr and @to
    Drop table #W
    but some of the rows are missing from the result. e.g. row with the same value of debit/credit ( same TransId and BaseRef) will come out once only in the result.
    Please guide me on the above issue.
    Thanks & Best Regards,

    You have to make use of many tables for this purpose.
    1. You have to claculate the previuos period and finscal year for the given date..
    2. You have to calculate the G/L balances for this period for the given G/L account from table GLT0.(You can use some of the standard function modules for the same)
    3. You have get the line items from the various tables like BSIS,BSAS,BSIK, BASK, BSID and BSAD for the dates from the begining of the month to the given date-1. sum upthis amount with the amount retrieved from step 2 .This will be the opening balance for the given date.
    4.retrieve the data from he same tables like step 3 for the given date. This will the transactions of the given date.
    5. sum up  the amounts from step 4 with step 3. this will be the closing balance for that date.
    let me know id you want any further info..
    Reward the points if i answered your question..

  • If G/L Account  is closed or not

    Dear Friends
    how can I find out whether the G/L Account  is closed or not for the fiscal year which is determined to an asset.
    Kind Regards

    Hi Marco,
    The standard SAP procedure is as follows:
    (a) Open the Financial Period (T.Code OB52
    (b) Run the Depreciation (T.Code - AFAB)
    (c) Close the Financial Period (T.Code OB52)
    (d) Close the Asset year end (T.Code AJAB & AJRW)
    Either you can follow the SAP note 29694
    Thank you

  • COPA Assessment Cycles and FI Period closing.

    Hi Gurus,
    I have question related to the COPA Assessment cycles.
    We have closed the FI Period 03 and running the COPA Assessment cycles. while running the same, for few of the assesment cycles are completed and for the rest of the few  cycles it is error out stating the Period is closed.
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    Error out cycles contains Cost accounts and Asset Account GL Accoutns.

    If your CO allocation has some external postings (like GL or fixed assets) or generating some intercompany documents, then it needs FI to be open also. It happens sometimes if the allocation goes external so it would need fI period to be open also. If FI is close but CO is open, it would only work for CO specific allocations and others would error out.
    Please check the cycle/segment which is in error. If it is suppose to hit FI, then FI (OB52) and CO (OKP1) periods should be in sync.

  • Accounting Period not open

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    Points will be awarded definitely for the right answer.

    You should not have opened the MM period for 001 2008.
    Please read SAP Note 487381 for Unintetional opening of future period & action to be taken.
    For opening FI Periods use T.code OB52.
    In that for the Posting period varinat assigned to your compnay code , You need to change the period to 12 2007.
    Thanks & Regards

  • MM Period Closing

    Activity Involed in To close the Period at the time of finacial year closing
    Give the Transation code used to close the Year end in finacial & MM

    The Number Range maintenance activity is to be carried out at the end of financial year.
    Accounting Documents Number range using FBN1 or OBH2
    Excise Documents Number range using T code SNRO for give below objects
    T code for FI period closing is OB52 & MM period closing is MMPV.
    Bhavesh Mistry

  • Current System Date is not an open or authorised accounting period

    Has anyone come across this system error message when running a Manual Internal Recon for a Supplier from Business Partners Module:
    "Current System Date is not an open or authorised accounting period"
    I couldn't find a post on it in the forum.
    The scenario:
    December 2010 Posting Period is Unlocked
    November 2010 & January 2011 Posting Period are Locked
    Suppliers transactions to be reconciled average between August 2010 to December 2010, the Suppliers Currency is USD, the Recon Date is 25/01/2011 (todays date), the database LC = ZAR, SC = ZAR therefore making the USD = FC, Recon total = zero (after ticking relevant postings) > Reconcile > Gives above error message
    I tested x3 scenarios:
    - Change Recon Date to 31/12/2010 (as December 2010 period is Unlocked) = Recon reconciles
    - Open the January 2011 Posting Period = Recon Reconciles
    - Reconcile any Local supplier = LC (ZAR) Supplier with the same Recon Date (25/01/2011) = Recon Reconciles
    With the above mentioned it looks like something to do with Exchange Rates based off Recon Date trying to pull from January 2011 but can't because Jan 2011 Posting Period is Locked.
    Any ideas on the error message or why this may happen.
    Kurt Walters

    Hi Rakesh
    Thanks very much for the reply, your answer has agreed to what I have said so I will consider this message closed now, thanks for the help much appreciated.
    Gordon - I am aware of this as per my post, just wanted to check as LC can post fine with the Period being closed but the FC will not based on the Recon Date, as per Rakesh agreement due to the FC looking at the Recon Date as well as Exchange Rate for that recon date and Period not open it will gives an error message.
    Thanks both for your replies, much appreciated.
    Kurt Walters

  • Function for accounting period

    Hi guru,
    do you know a function to know if the accounting period is open or closed?

    This function module will fire message 201 if period is not open.

  • FM/BAPI to open accounting period?

    Hi there,
    is there any Funtion Module or BAPI that allows me to open an accounting period for the time of running my report and closing it after my report again?
    Thanks so much.

    you have to open the FI and MM posting periods.
    Use MMPV, to open the MM period where you can give
    the company code
    fiscal year
    press execute > enter.
    repeat this process till you come to 02/2008 for your company code. Please take care that you dont go beyond.
    Use OB52 to open the FI posting periods for account type S.
    Select Your company code and assign the Varient.

  • Material Master Period closing:

    Hey Gurus,
    Currently we are running MMPV globally which causes few issues regularly.
    Hope running MMPV locally would fix these.
    Splitting the MMPV transaction event (by world time zones) would be a major piece of work to establish the impacts on other processess (such as billing, intercompany accounting, consolidation, standard costing runs and actual costing runs). Needless to say, such a change would need to involve multiple functions (Procurement, sales, finance).
    Immediate response in this regard in highly appreciable,

    You may refer to  note 520010 that has a FAQ on period closing, which recommends not to allow posting while period closing is being done.
    (My comments: You may trying closing the period following the Sun, However you may want to monitor the inter-company transaction closely to avoid any inconsistencies.)
    The note's content is reproduced below.
    "6. Question:
    After the period closing program runs, data inconsistencies occur in the previous period, although the data of the current period is consistent. What causes this?
    The following example describes a rare case that causes a large amount of data inconsistencies. During the period closing program run, the processing of a small MM document overtakes the processing a large MM document.
    - In Customizing for materials management, "Late Lock" is activated.
    - In period closing for the material master (transaction MMPV), periods are closed during the interval between the last day of the old period and the first day of the new period.
    Date July 30, 2005, time 23:59
    - You begin processing MM document 1, an IDoc consisting of 1200 items.
    - Its posting date is July 30, 2005 and posting should occur in the current period.
    Date July 31,.2005, time 00:00 - 00:01
    - The period closing program runs a day before the current period 07 is finished and changes the current period from 07 to 08.
    - Therefore, all future goods movements and price changes with a posting date of July 31, 2005 are posted in the previous period.
    Date 31.07.2005, time 00:02 - 00:03
    - The system processes and updates the next MM document (2), an IDoc with 100 items.
    - MM document 2 contains goods movements that have combinations of material and plant that are the same as for MM document 1.
    - The posting date is to 31.07.2005, that is, MM document 2 is posted in the previous period 07.
    - The posting of MM document 2 causes the system to create history tables of the material masters that are to be posted for period 07.
    - During the posting of the previous period, the quantities and values are updated simultaneously in the history tables of period 07 and the tables of the current period 08.
    Date July 31,.2005, time 00:04
    - MM document 1 is posted and its processing is complete.
    - At the start of processing, the system determined that this document, with a posting date of July 30, 2005, is to be posted into the current period.
    - During the processing of this document the period is closed, but the posting program does not know this.
    - MM document 2 has updated the entries for the current period, however this is now 08.
    - The data in the history table of period 07 is now inconsistent as is the data for all the combinations of material and plant that are contained in MM documents 1 and 2.
    <b>To avoid this constellation, do not allow any postings to occur whilst the period closing programs is running.</b>
    Before the period closing program runs, check in transaction SM13 whether outstanding update terminations of goods movements are still displayed. These must be cleared and closed before the period closing program runs.

  • Personalization in AP accounting periods.

    AP accounting periods
    My requirement is without closing the previous period we should not open the next  period  in period status screen.
    Kindly help it is very help full to me.

    Hi Akshay,
    This is one of the best practises in Oracle E-Business suite that before closing the current period, one should open the next period. Please suggest the logic for your approach.
    well the solution to your issue is possible. will update you soon.

  • FI & MM Period closing dependency

    Is MM & FI period closing is dependent?
    One scenario:- 
    MM Period is open for last & current month.FI period closing is to be done for last month in 1st week of every month.Will it create any problem for MM transactions( for MIGO & MIRO)?

    No, there won't be any problem at all in this case.  The fact is that there are many activities which takes place between MM-related month end closing (via Transaction MMPV) and FI-related account closing (and therefore, they can't be run at the same time) such as
    Stock reconciliation;
    Account reconciliation etc....

  • HIRE Employee prev to the retro accounting period in payroll record

    Hi All,
    I have an issue when I try to hire an employee in the system. The system doesn't allow me to hire any employee before Nov 2009 as the retro accounting period for that payroll area is dated to 11 2009.
    The retro accounting period changed from 10 2005 to 11 2009, when it did not change for any other payroll area.
    Can anyone suggest a solution as how to hire an employee beyond this date?

    in one case we can perform this activity why the user will forget to hire an employee who got hired for the previous months
    U have to change the Retro date in the control record as per the isssue
    ask the client to use the system accurately  other wise deleting the control record is not good practice  in some cases we can do and we have to do
    but this above said shd not be the reason

Maybe you are looking for