Acquisition de la matrice de pixels d'une camera CCD

j'utilise un logiciel d'acquisition de données via une caméra ccd.
Ce logiciel est compatible avec LABVIEW via le VI .NET.
mes questions sont les suivantes:

Tout d'abord, je vous confirme bien que c'est faisable, c'est même spécifié dans une de nos documentations.
Je ne sais pas quels sont vos réglagles mais votre switch supporte-t'il les jumbo frames ?
Voyez-vous toujours vos autres périphériques ?
Quand vous parlez de non reconnaissance, est-ce dans MAX ou directement dans LabVIEW ?
Mathieu P. | Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
National Instruments France
#adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
Journées techniques : des fondamentaux aux dernières technologies pour la mesure et le contrôle/comm...

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    Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

    Bonjour GabN,
    Si j'ai bien compris, la récupération des données suite à un dépassement de seuil fonctionne bien. Si dès que ce seuil est atteint, vous souhaitez aussi générer un signal numérique, cela ne se fera ni avec les fonctions HSDIO (qui est un driver propre à certaines de nos cartes, dans lesquelles les vôtres ne figurent pas), ni avec les modules 9205 et 9411 qui font respectivement de l'analogique et de l'entrée numérique. Impossible donc de parler de génération numérique.
    Vous pouvez cependant utiliser la 6009 pour générer un niveau haut sur une ligne PFI (ne pas oublier de le remettre à l'état bas après). Cela relève simplement d'une étape de génération numérique DAQmx sur une ligne dans SignalExpress.
    Eric M. - Application Engineering Specialist
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Certified LabWindows™/CVI Developer

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    Merci de votre aide.
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    Tout d'abord, je vous confirme bien que c'est faisable, c'est même spécifié dans une de nos documentations.
    Je ne sais pas quels sont vos réglagles mais votre switch supporte-t'il les jumbo frames ?
    Voyez-vous toujours vos autres périphériques ?
    Quand vous parlez de non reconnaissance, est-ce dans MAX ou directement dans LabVIEW ?
    Mathieu P. | Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Journées techniques : des fondamentaux aux dernières technologies pour la mesure et le contrôle/comm...

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    Merci d'avance et bonne journée.

    Bonjour Tanite,
    Tout dépend de la fréquence d'acquistion des images.
    Si vous souhaitez des acquisitions à un rythme soutenue (de l'ordre de la seconde ou moins), il est préférable de garder la ressource (la caméra, en fait) pour le driver IMAQdx (et pas IMAQ comme indiqué dans votre message).
    Une ouverture et fermeture de caméra répétée ne ferait que surcharger le CPU.
    Si vous avez un phénomène lent et réalisez une capture plus lentement, vous pouvez vous permettre de fermer ponctuellement la session IMAQdx.
    Attention au type d'OS sur lequel vous travaillez également. Windows n'est pas vraiment recommandé pour les tests sur plusieurs heures ou jours.
    Eric M. - Application Engineering Specialist
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Certified LabWindows™/CVI Developer

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    Vous avez besoin d'un câble Firewire. Sony appelle cela iLink câble.

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    Alain Turcotte

    Your initial post deals with the iPhone warranty.  Forum participants have no control over Apple warranties.
    You then relate a problem with your cursor which you state that could not be resolved by the Apple genius bar.  If they cannot solve it, certainly forum participants are not likely to succeed either.
    Then you bring up an issue that of an appointment, whether it took place or not, with Apple.  We cannot intervene or assist you in that issue because we are not Apple employees.  We are Apple customers just like you.
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    Donc si vous avez des suggestions, ou des exemples à me montrer, ce sera avec grand plaisir!
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Est ce que vous avez verifier l'attribut de ce fichier ini, à savoir en lecture et ecriture?
    National Instruments France
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    Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
    Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France

  • Peut-on utiliser une caméra pour deux applications sur une seule machine?

    Bonjour à tous,
    Mon problème est le suivant:
    Je possède une caméra GIGE  que je souhaiterai utiliser sous VBAI et Labview sur un seul poste, et en même temps.
    J'ai regardé les fonctionalités de "Broadcast" et "Multicast" dans la documentation Imaqdx mais le fait d'avoir une caméra
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    Auriez vous une solution pour contourner ce problème s'il vous plaît ?
    Yoann B
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Je confirme que le mode multicast ne fonctionne qu'avec plusieurs machines.
    La solution la plus elegante qui existe a ce probleme est de creer une System Variable de type image dans VBAI que vous choisirez de partager sur le reseau(Tools>>Variable Manager), d'utiliser la step Set Variable dans le dernier onglet (Use Additional Tools) pour assigner sa valeur par example a l'image courante traitee dans VBAI. Les variables systemes qui sont "Network Shared" dans VBAI sont en fait des Shared Variables dans LabVIEW.
    Dans LabVIEW, vous pouvez creer un shared variable de type image, que vous pouvez lier a cette variable partagee de VBAI et en faire ce que vous voulez dans votre application LabVIEW.
    En esperant que ca vous depanne. Je reitere le conseil de Titou de poster sur ce forum en Anglais.

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    Merci d'avance.

    Je vous invite à contacter le service commercial de National Instruments au ou bien directement le commercial de votre région.
    Ce seront les plus aptes à vous conseiller.
    Bonne journée
    Certified TestStand Architect
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
    Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France

  • Envoyer un signal trigger sur une caméra déclenché lui-même par un premier signal (via carte PCIe-6321)

    Bonjour à tous,
    Voici mon problème :
    Concrètement je reçois un signal externe TTL à 10Hz , je dois capter une image d'un phénomène qui intervient quelques centaines de µs après le signal 10Hz (mais je ne sais pas exactement quand). J'ai un trigger disponible en entrée de la caméra très précis.
    Je dois pouvoir ajuster ce délai pour caler correctement la prise de l'image sur le phénomène à observer. Après plusieurs essais mon idée était de passer par l'intermédiaire de la carte DAQ PCIe-6321 que j'ai à disposition sur mon système.
    En fait je voudrais pouvoir synchroniser une sortie TTL de la carte sur le signal 10 Hz et ensuite pouvoir ajuster la fréquence de mon signal DO qui est envoyé sur la caméra.
    Je ne pense pas que ce soit compliqué à faire avec le DAQ c'est un peu fait pour ça aussi mais je me perd un peu dans les différentes fonctions, et je voudrais éviter de faire tout ça par soft avec tempo etc...
    Merci d'avance pour vos réponse.

    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
    Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France

  • 19 dead pixels in Isight camera of new 27' imac i7

    Hi there, I received my new Imac 27" i7 yesterday. I was very happy at first as I could not find any dead pixels however when I used my Isight camera I was very upset. I found a total of 19 dead + stuck pixels in the isight camera making it really unusable, I was shocked with this. How is it possible for there to be so many? Has anyone else checked their isight cameras? If you put a black cloth over it or if you are wearing a black top you will be able to see them much better. This is my first post so I'm sorry if I am taking over someone's thread.
    I'm sorry I have posted the same post in several different topics but I could not work out how to post a question at first.
    Apple said they are sending me a replacement but I am scared that it will have other problems now. But how can 19 pixels be possible is what baffles me?

    I'm really upset guys, I got my replacement and I waited forever for it. Now it is even worse:
    1. Isight has 16 dead/stuck pixels in it
    2. Screen has several dead pixels
    3. I have had a few issues with screen flickering/blackout
    4. The computer is extremely slow compared to the first one even after the software update and the same things done to it, in particular Imovie is pretty much impossible to use now with the amount of lag.
    5. Probably the worst as it is a physical defect: There is a tiny crack within the black glass border that I noticed straight away although it is small + The glass is not perfectly aligned so the silver chin sticks out on the left side.
    Its going back, if next one is bad then I'm getting a refund for the time being. Oh and my first one was a week 46 and the replacement is a week 48 which was supposed to have resolved the issues...don't think so

  • IPhone 6 Plus Slo-Mo Pixel Artefacts from Camera

    Hello everyone,
    I got my launch 128GB 6 Plus and everything has been perfect with it apart from one thing.
    When I go to the camera and select Slo-Mo it introduces these little annoying flickering pixel artefacts that ruin the videos made with the mode. The most annoying one is just above center of the screen. The easiest way I can show this is to take a screen grab of a black scene so you can see in the picture below.
    I thought it might be a software thing as the normal photo, video and time lapse modes are all fine but even after a DFU factory reset through iTunes the problem is still there. It's not the screen either as the saved video files are effected.
    Has anyone else experienced this before and cal offer some advice?

    Here you go.
    I ended up taking my phone back and getting a replacement. If I really look I can see the odd light flicker once in a while but nothing like the constant flicker in the same location that I had with the original phone.

  • Bad pixels in the camera sensor

    I've got an iPhone 4S, 64GB (Verizon) and noticed a few bad pixels during video playback on our 42" TV (played back via the HDMI adapter).  It's something that most people would not notice, including my wife as she watched the video with me, but I'm a long time video/photo enthusiast and imperfections like that stand out to me like a pimple on an otherwise perfect looking face.
    After several test videos and even photos, I am able to reproduce this pixel anomaly each and every time.  There are 3 pixels, just slightly to the left of the center, that show up incorrectly in kind of an obtuse triangular formation.  Two of them favor white, the third is dark.  It's not something that is noticeable on the iPhone 4S screen because not all of the pixels are shown, but on a monitor that can render *all* pixels of 1080 HD video playback they show up.
    I'm certain it's not dust as I've inspected and gently cleaned the camera window, not to mention even a small spec of dust would not show up as a single pixel (or in this case, what appears to be two pixels right on top of each other for each of the problem pixels).  The anomaly shows up when lighter colors/gradients are present in that region of the screen.  Darker colors do not reveal the bad pixels.  Just to be clear - it's NOT a screen display issue - the pixels are noticeable on our 42" TV during playback, and also on my Mac monitor and iPad screen (ONLY when zoomed in viewing on my iPad, which is possible during playback of video using the stock photo app).  The bad pixels jump around a bit because of the digital image stabilization (that should make sense to the more hard core video enthusiasts), which further supports it is a capture issue, not a video coding problem or anything like that.  The issue is either with the image sensor itself, or the hardware's processing there of.
    My question - has anyone else observed similar behavior?  If so, is there something  you're aware that can be done to correct it?  This is my second iPhone 4S, the first being a perfectly-functioning 32 GB model (which did not have this issue) that I returned in favor of a 64 GB model because I was burning through space too quickly.
    I'm probably going to have to go back and try to explain this to the good folks at the local Apple Store, and try to get a replacement unit, but I'm not looking forward to having to show video samples and point out three teeny little dots that most people won't even notice, but drive me crazy (especially after dropping $400 plus tax and a two-year commitment).  A huge selling point of my iPhone 4S was of course, its superior photo and video capabilities.  I understand they're not pro quality, but there shouldn't be any consistent pixel issues like this going on.
    Sorry for the long post, but I'd appreciate some feedback, suggestions, input.  Thanks.

    pogster wrote:
    The problem with this type of communication is what you are describing and what I think you are describing can sometimes be different so my apologiies in that regard.
    No worries.  I agree - text-only communication can be a rather clunky experience in trying to convey complex issues without any visual or (2-way live) verbal means.  I was a bit worried about being too wordy in an already wordy post and feared that it might just be ignored if it was too long.  Again - I appreciate your chiming in.  You seem very knowledgable in digital photography, which is exactly what I was hoping to find.
    Given that my description of "bad pixels" is a bit sloppy for what is really going on, I think you understand what I mean in my usage of those words.
    To answer your question, the offending pixels, or very, very small little dots of imperfections, are present in both video playback and in still photos.  After shooting several test videos against neutral and textured backgrounds to see what kind of results I'd get in the appearance of the bad pixels, I also took several stills in "burst mode" using an app called "Camera-" against a wood grain background, as the woodgrain background offered the most visible and consistent view of the blemishes.  In motion video, the dots (bad pixels) are pretty easy to see on a large display, or when zoomed in during playback on my iPad 2's screen.  In stills, it was kind of tricky to identify them, because without the persistent motion of the background, the bad pixels almost blended in as random image noise.  I was however, able to identity with certainty the same bad pixels in most of the stills.  Additionally, at the higher resolution of the stills, the offending pixels almost don't even need masking or removal with photo editing software.  Like I said - without the constant visible background motion to make them stand out as irregularities, or the ability to do a frame-by-frame analysis (which I can do easier with the video file using an app called VideoPix), the bad pixels are more difficult to identify.
    The importance in identifying the bad pixels in stills, even though they are practically not noticeable, is that it can now be determined that the bad pixels are not the result of some kind of video coding glitch, but rather present in the hardware of the device itself - either as a defective image sensor, or defective hardware that translates the data from the image sensor into the pixels utilized by the software for photos and video.
    As part of the tests I ran, I captured video with an app called KingCamera, and it, too, produced the same results.  KingCamera also has an option for "locking" of the auto white balance and brightness, loosely similar to setting those manually on a higher-end, dedicated camera.  Even locking the white balance and brightness, the pad pixels were present, so the potential for the issue being caused by an anomaly in the software's auto-settings management were put to rest.
    In regard to being able to correct the bad pixels in stills - yep, easily done.  BUT, I shouldn't need to.  In terms of correcting them during video playback, that *is* actually something I could probably work out a method of doing.  I used to dable in production videos that involved complex imaging filters, multiple composite video layers, and automated ways of identifying specific colors, contrast points, and patterns within images/video streams and altering them (such as cleaning up sloppy image mattes or locking in on visual patterns for the application of various video effects).  Again, this is something I *shouldn't* need to do.
    The still photo and video capabilities on the iPhone 4S are outstanding, in contrast to what other similar existing devices offer (arguably better than or almost as good as the best competitor offerings, depending), but the quality is not DSLR, and like I said - I'm not expecting it to be.  I do expect however, and I don't think it is unreasonable to, image rendering without persistent "bad pixels" showing - even if I am only in the 1% of people who are likely to notice such image defects.  They are, in fact, defects, and not "normal operation for a device of this caliber".
    I was hoping there might be some trick to correct them, but I kind of figured there would not be.  It seemed smart to at least reach out and see what other people may know that I might be missing.  Again, I regret terribly my poor decision to return my perfectly-functioning 32 GB iPhone 4s for the 64 GB model.  Knowing a little about the very intricate technologies that make these things seem "magical", I understand that there are dozens or even hundreds of very complex little components that are mostly stamped out on an assembly line of robot fabrication means, then assembled, at least in part, by humans in a factory who are required to pump out x number of these things in short periods of time.  I worried about the possibility of trading in my perfectly functional device for something that may be just a tad less perfect - just because of the odds.  My bad for not following my natural instincts on this one.  I just didn't want to have to constantly be managing space on my device.  I failed to think through my initial choice of the 32 GB model in regard to my trigger-happy photo/video nature.  The cumulative files are much larger on this device than I was initially expecting (because I was just too excited to get my hands on one on October 14 and failed to do enough research and calculations).  Days into owning my 32 GB 4S, I was already spending time, almost daily, re-rendering videos at 720 and 580 through iMovie, being somewhat irritated about having to replace the original videos with reduced resolution versions just to keep the videos live on my iPhone (sometimes archiving the originals on my Mac first).  Anyway - enough of my rambling.
    Thank you again for your input, pogster.  If you have any other ideas, please share.  I'm pretty sure I know what I have to do to feel happy with my investment, though.  I'm just not looking forward to complaining about 3 bad pixels to a Genius Bar employee who's probably going to look at me like I'm one of those "never happy with..." people.  Three bad pixels that I won't even be able to show ON the actual iPhone itself, but rather bring my iPad 2 and show zoomed-in playback of the video footage.
    Message was edited by: ascii-T - fixed type-o

  • Blurry/pixelized pictures on camera roll?

    The pictures I had backed up through the iCloud from my iPod Touch are now appearing very grainy on my iPhone 5. Is there any way to restore my pictures back to the way they used to be?

    I'm having the same problem!

  • Acquisition de données

     SUITE    j'ai un petit problème technique voilà donc la suite
    comment récupérer la matrice de pixels de la caméra? (la fonction GET FRAME DATA --> matrix  dans le menu noeud de méthode le permet elle ?)
    sinon où trouver des informations relatives à ce genre de problèmes?
    merci d'avance  

    Bonjour !
    Mr titou ,pour être plus précis ,l’équation de mon cercle est (X-Xc)²+(Y-Yc)² =R² ,avec Xc et Yc comme coordonnées du centre du cercle dans un repère orthonormé et R étant le rayon de mon cerle .
    Ce que je veux faire est un traitement numérique qui me permettra de tracer la courbe me donnant le poucentage d’énergie (par rapport à l’énergie totale ) en fonction du rayon (si je parle de rayon et de cercle c’est parce que je travaille sur de la fibre optique) .
    Le but de la manip en fait est de récupérer les valeurs numériques contenues dans des ensembles de pixels (corespondant à des cercles de rayons croissants) de la matrice de la caméra . En prenant comme centre (coordonnées (0 ;0)) les coordonnées du centroïde que j’ai récupérées , après avoir réduit la matrice car en fonction du montage optique la zone qui m’intéressera ne couvrira pas l’ensemble des pixels de la camera ,je devrai éliminer les pixels dont je ne veux pas récupérer les valeurs .
    Solutions envisagées :
    multiplier par une matrice de 0(valeurs à rejeter) et de 1 ma matrice initiale ou,
    lire sélectivement à l’aide d’indice les valeurs de pixel qui m’intéresse .
    Un problème supplémentaire est que je ne sait pas comment va se comporter labview car les valeurs contenues dans les pixels risquent de varier un peu pendant la durée du traitement ;
    Quelles sont les fonctions d’analyse d’images dont tu parlais.
    Merci d’avance

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