Acrobat - Deactivation/Activation

I just bought a new computer. How do I deactivate Acrobat 10 on my old computer and activate on my new computer? I have a single user license.

Don't remember which menu off hand, but you should find a deactivate selection in one of them, possibly the FILE menu.

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    InDesign CS5 is not opening after deactivation/activation. How can I fix this? Illustrator and Photoshop open and are working fine. Please help!

    First of all, thank you for replying so promptly to my posts this morning!
    I can't remember how I got the software on his computer, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't through migration assistant.
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    Douvaine, Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader are 2 different applications. In which application are your getting this error 93:8?
    93:8 denotes that your serial number is invalid. Please type the serial key again and check.
    Else, give us more details about your issue like your OS, exact error message, application name and version, etc.
    Check this article for reference.

  • Adobe PDF creation cannot continue because Acrobat not activated

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    Perhaps you should use this tool:
    The tool repairs the license but before using this tool, have you tried re-booting the system just in case this is a temporary problem?  Also, it is a good idea to create a temporary profile and try using the PDF printer to see if it is working.
    If it is working in your temporary profile, then this suggests that your preference file might need to be re-created but this is for next time after you have tried using the pdf in your test profile.

  • Acrobat 7 activation issue

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    Hi partnering,
    Activation server for Acrobat 7 is shut down. You need to download the software and use the new key provided by us for Acrobat 7 activation.
    Please refer the discussion on this thread for more details along with links to relevant KB Docs:

  • Acrobat 7 activation error message

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    Any suggestions on what I need to do to use the product I paid for?

    Hi dinan2,
    Activation server for Acrobat 7 has been shut down.
    Please refer the thread :
    You can redownload and activate from : l
    Hope this helps.

  • Can't create PDF, Acrobat not activated

    I recently needed to move my system over from XP to Vista since programs were unresponsive due to virus infection.  Re-installed CS3 Design Premium which comes with Acrobat 8 Professional.
    Had no problem previously creating PDFs, but now sometimes I can and sometimes I can't.  When attempting to print from a report obtained from (background check) I get an error message that says the software has not been activated, but it has been.  I can print to Adobe from my Windows Calendar.
    Tech Support's solution is to deactivate the suite, remove the programs, install Acrobat 8 then install the other components of CS3.
    Does anyone have a solution that doesn't involve reinstalling.

    Acrobat 7 just isn't compatible in the Windows 7 64-bit environment.
    An excerpt from a KB article from the days of XP x64.
    [ ]
    Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Setup was unable to create a new item: Adobe PDF Port Printer," when you install Acrobat 7.0 or Acrobat 3D. The Adobe PDF Printer will not be created. Therefore you will be unable to print to the Adobe PDF Printer to create PDF files. Additionally, other PDF creation paths that use the Adobe PDF Printer will fail; this includes the PDFMaker functions in MS Office applications and AutoCAD and the Create PDF From Multiple Files option in the Acrobat file menu.
    To create PDF files, create PostScript files and open them in Acrobat Distiller 7.0 to convert them to PDF. For instructions on creating PostScript files for use with Distiller, see document , "Install the AdobePS printer driver to create PostScript and printer files in Windows applications."
    This KB article has a link for 64-bit compatibility of Acrobat 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x respectively.
    In a Windows 7 64-bit environment if Office 2010 applications are used and it is desired to use Acrobat's PDFMaker then Acrobat X is needed.
    Be well...

  • Acrobat 8 activation problem

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    Thank You

    If you are trying to install your Acrobat 8 on Windows 7 or Windows 8 , then it is not compatible and it will be no use to install or activate them.
    In case , you are installing it on a Windows XP computer , then call Adobe , they will help you :-
    9am–5pm (Pacific Time)

  • Acrobat 'not activated'

    Not sure if this should go in the printing section, but it seems like an installation issue, so here goes....
    We installed CS6 Design & Web Premium about six months ago, under Windows 8, on a charity/education licence from a registered re-licencer. After about a month, Acrobat stopped working - I think access was denied because it 'wasn't registered', even through it was. Most issues were eventually resolved by - I think - running 'Acrofix', but even so I don't I never been able to print a PDF from within a PDF using Acrobat (and on the rare occasion I've wanted to do so I've used Bullzip instead).
    After a long delay I'm about to make the jump from Quark to InDesign, but have just found that elements of the old problem have re-emerged, or were never solved in the first place. Although I can print to PDF from within Quark/Word etc. using Acrobat, when trying to do so from InDesign the process hangs while displaying a 'Downloading procset' message - this occurs whatever test file is used, even a new file with a just single text frame. There doesn't seem to be any problem in Exporting to PDF.  And I've also just noticed that I cannot print to PDF from Photoshop or Illustrator either. In both cases, the process terminates (not hangs) with a different message: 'Acrobat PDF creation cannot continue because Acrobat is not activated'. Acrobat has been activated, along with the rest of the CS6 suite (I've been using it ever since the 'blip' in the first month or so), so I don't know what the issue is. I think I may have gone through a reinstall/reactivation process for Acrobat before - but annoyingly I can't remember (and didn't make notes) about whether this or the Acrofix route got things running again (and I don't think I would have tested whether printing from Photoshop or Illustrator worked afterwards).
    Does this sort of issue ring any bells with anyone, or does anyone have any idea of how to sort things out?

    Hi Ajlan,
    Thank you for your response to this, and for the link. That's very much appreciated.
    In fact it occurred to me this morning to try one more avenue (which I probably should have thought of before) before trying your suggestion. From the Help menu within Acrobat I ran Repair Acrobat Installation, which ran for about a minute or so. Although this didn't seem to have any immediate effect (the print issues remained), a few hours later there was a pop-up notice of an available update to Acrobat X Pro (something I'd never had before in all the four or five months in which CS6 has been installed), which I duly allowed to run - and this seems to have cured all the print issues (printing a PDF as another PDF using Acrobat, and printing to PDF from InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator).
    So I guess the installation was corrupt somewhere along the line, and the repair function and subsequent update sorted that out (I imagine the corruption which left Acrobat being seen as 'not installed' when printing was also inhibiting online updates).
    I'm slightly worried that this might all re-emerge in 30 days' time, as I had thought this had been sorted out before (I think, although I can't remember for sure, using something like the method posted in your link). But for now I'm relieved and a happy bunny - but can I keep your email on file to contact you in case this does re-emerge?
    I'll post this (apart for the last paragraph) online in case it's of use to anyone else. Thanks again for your help.
    Best wishes,

  • Dual-boot deactivation/activation help needed...

    Having learned that with ADOBE there is always some nightmare scenario, I am stopping in my tracks until I get more information.
    As mentioned in another post, I created a dual-boot - WinXP-64-bit and Win7-64-bit - setup so I can eventually migrate over to Win7.
    I installed (non-trial) Production Premium CS4 in the Win7 partition without any problems. Opened PrPro and exported media using Encore and my preferred codec. So far, so good.
    As expected, I got the "Excuse the interruption" message telling me that there were already two copies with the same serial number running - I have one on my laptop and the other is, of course, in the Win XP partition on the same computer & hard drive as this new install.
    I chose the "30 days to fix the issue" option.
    This was so I could migrate my preferences, keyboard & other presets to the Win7 install and confirm their proper operation before activation.
    PITA #1 - In XP, presets, prefs, etc., are located in "c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Adobe\Premiere Pro\4.0\."
                     In Win7, they are located in "c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Premiere Pro\4.0\. This is a hidden folder, so you must go to Folder Options\View and check "Show Hidden Folders." I think this is now in Control Panel\Settings ( I got there through a Help link so I'm not sure, but it is not in the folder headers "Tools" anymore).
    PITA #2 - After copying my PrPro presets, prefs, keyboard settings, etc., to the above location, I tried to open PrPro in Win7 to confirm everything. This was about an hour after my previous session. But now I no longer get the "30-day option!!!" Only "Activate" "Buy a License" or "Quit!"
    PITA #3 - Since I don't know how Deactivation and Activation work, I am not about to go any further. Since both copies are on the same physical computer and hard drive, they obviously cannot both be online at the same time. I am concerned that whatever happens at Adobe's end of this will not see the deactivation or will not properly activate the new install and then I'll be left with nothing operational. If they cannot keep track of the start date of the new install and wiped out the 30-day test period in an hour, I do not have much confidence that the activation process will go so well. I think there are a limited number of activations as well, and I don't know what that applies to or how that works. I can see a scenario where I have to re-activate the Win XP partition to try and track down something and then get stuck there because I've used up my activations and can't re-activate the Win7 partition.
    Anyone have any insights on any of this...???

    The above thread is the present status of a transition from Win XP, 64-bit on a RAID 10 to Win 7, 64-bit on a different partition of that same RAID 10.
    I thought having all the threads together might help someone doing a similar build:

  • Deactivation / Activation Photoshop Elements 12

    I have just installed PE 12 on a new Windows 8.1 computer. I then decided I needed to reinstall in a different location. I searched for deactivation processes and from what I read on the Adobe site it seemed that I would be asked to deactivate as part of the uninstall process. I uninstalled and at no stage was I asked to deactivate. I reinstalled in a new location and was asked for my serial. I provided this and install was successful. I may need to do this uninstall / reinstall again and I am concerned that because there was no deactivation option I may have used up one of my installs under the license. I also saw one page on the Adobe site where it says deactivate is an option in the program itself under the help menu. It isn't.
    I have also tried to find a way to contact / chat with Adobe itself under the 90 day free support chat option for new products but have been unable to find a way to do this.
    So I am afraid this is 2 questions: do I have a problem with having used up an install - and is there anything I can do about this
    How can I get to Adobe itself under the 90 day support.
    Thank you for any help

    Deactivation does not happen automatically when you uninstall, nor does it get presented as an option when you uninstall.  Before you uninstall you would go into the program and choose Help -> Deactivate to deactivate the program.  At tjis point the program is not longer useable, but is still installed.
    If you would like to get things cleaned up regarding the activations, you can contact Adobe support thru chat.
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) ( )

  • Deactivating/Activating Data Slice Function

    Hi, I'd also like a copy of the document of how to implement a Function to Activate or Deactivate a Data Slice.
    Reward points guaranteed.

    Hello Jesus,
    Here is the Report Code.
    <i>This code was written as Programm without involving the BPS planning functions, because it was meant to be included in the Process chains.
    When you wish flexibility, for example to operate it in the Web using planning functions then, then you have to :</i>
    <i>1) create a planing function of type exit.
    2.a) You would then move the code in the "Init exit function". Fill the code mentioned below with necessary changes.
    2.b) The second exit function would be then an empty function module.
    3) In the Web Interface Builder you would create a Button component of type "Function Button" and set the properties to the planning function you created in steps 1-2.</i>
    Thanks and Good Luck!
    When you require the screenshots, then let me know your mail id.
    ** Start of Code ***
    DATA : lt_areas TYPE UPC_YTO_AREA_KEY,
           ls_areas TYPE UPC_YS_AREA_KEY,
           ls_type  TYPE UPC_Y_AREA_TYPE,
           ls_area  TYPE UPC_Y_AREA,
           ls_dataslice LIKE UPC_DATASLICE,
           ls_action TYPE C.
    **************** Selektionsbildschrim ***************************
          I_MANDT     TYPE     MANDT         DEFAULT SY-MANDT,
          I_LANGU     TYPE     LANGU         DEFAULT SY-LANGU,
          INCLUDE BLOCKS basics,
          INCLUDE BLOCKS slices,
          INCLUDE BLOCKS action,
        END   OF SCREEN 100.
    *****************  Ende *******************************************
      ls_area = I_AREA.
         I_AREA             = I_AREA
         I_ENQMODE          = 'E'
         I_LANGU            = I_LANGU
         E_TYPE             = ls_type
         ETO_AREAM          = lt_areas.
      IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
      IF LS_TYPE EQ 'M'.
        READ TABLE lt_areas INTO ls_areas index 1.
        IF ls_areas IS NOT INITIAL.
          ls_area = ls_areas-area.
      IF I_DACT EQ 'X'.
        ls_action = 'X'.
           WHERE ( SIGN = 'I'
               AND OPTION = 'EQ' ).
        SELECT d~mandt d~area d~sort d~guid d~inactive
               INTO ls_dataslice
                      UPC_DATASLICET AS t
                      ON  d~mandt = t~mandt
                      AND d~area  = t~area
                      AND d~sort  = t~sort
                      AND t~langu = I_LANGU
                      AND t~text  = IS_SLICE-LOW ).
          ls_dataslice-INACTIVE = ls_action.
          INSERT ls_dataslice INTO TABLE lt_dataslice.
      LOOP AT lt_dataslice INTO ls_dataslice.
        UPDATE UPC_DATASLICE FROM ls_dataslice.
    *** End of code ***
    Now use the function, Jump->Text symbols and enter these
    Text defintions:
    <b>1) Text Symbols:</b>
       001 - Activation/Deactivation of Planning Areas
       002 - Choose Action
       003 - Planning area details
       004 - Data Slice Details
    <b>2) Selection Texts:</b>
       IS_SLICE - Data Slices
       I_ACTV - Activate
       I_AREA - Planning Area
       I_DACT - Deactivate
       I_LANGU - Language
       I_MANDT - Client

  • Acrobat XI activation de la licence

    j'ai souscrit à Adobe Creative Cloud pour 1 an hier.
    Acrobat XI me signale que la version d'évaluation n'est pas activée !

    A falta de más información, creo que lo más inmediato seria que contactases a Soporte Técnico, si es en España:
    900 810339

  • Adobe acrobat 8 activation code needed

    I have had to reinstall acrobat 8 on my computer following a reset to factory settings. .  I cannot obtain an authorisation code from the Adobe support  folks - I was told by the agent that I had OEM software and despite the fact that the serial number is registered in my adobe account they will not provide any assistance.   I was told to check out the Adobe forums for help.   My serial number is 1016-11016-1016-1408-4566-6180-0356-8901.  Any advice would be most appreciated

    Please remove your S/N ASAP. By posting it, you risk never being able to use it again as others use it instead. I am not sure what you need to activate. Normally only the S/N is needed.

  • Acrobat 11 activation

    I purchased (online) and downloaded Acrobat 11 Standard. When I try to activate it, I get a pop up indicating I have netered a valid serial number with no corresponding product.  I then asks for me to choose a version which does not include 11 and a serial number. I didn't upgrade, I just purchased 1st time.  I can't seem to get around this pop up. Any ideas?

    I am also having trouble with Adobe Standard 11, i purchased this and it works great on my old windows vista, and now want to download another version on my new windows 8 computer...because it says i can have two downloads, but now it will not let me download this Standard...any idea of what might be happening with this Standard 11

Maybe you are looking for