Acrobat Reader XI not responding....

Reader was working fine until Adobe did an update.  Now, I cannot open any PDF files either on my computer or from any other source - says reader is non responsive. running windows 7 Enterprise. I  tried everything on the Adobe troubleshooting guide to include:
open adobe reader and try fix form "help - adobe reader non responsive.
closed reader and did fix from control panel - no fix
tried reinstalling reader - no fix
removed the new version with intent to install older version - cannot install
no help here - trying to get work done - this is extremely frustrating.
Please advise.

You can try using this tool to first remove all traces of Reader from your computer:
Then, you can download the full offline Reader installer from
After downloading, restart your computer and run the installer before doing anything else.

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    Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 10:28:26 -0800
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Adobe Reader Does Not Respond in Windows 8
        Re: Adobe Reader Does Not Respond in Windows 8
        created by Rob McAfee in Adobe Reader Touch for Windows 8 - View the full discussion
    Do you have Adobe Reader Touch for Windows 8? Or Adobe Reader XI for Windows desktop?
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               Start a new discussion in Adobe Reader Touch for Windows 8 at Adobe Community
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    A simple way is to flatten the form fields, which converts the field appearances to regular page contents. You can do this with JavaScript or PDF Optimizer (Advanced > PDF Optimizer > Discard Objects > Flatten form fields). A very nice script that adds a custom menu item can be found here:

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    Have you done ALL OF THIS?
    In Firefox make sure you have at least two (2) tabs open - (Ctrl+T opens a new tab)
    In the address bar of one tab, type "about:config" - minus the quotes, of course
    You'll see a warning. Click "I'll be careful, I promise" and continue to the configuration page.
    There's a search bar at the top. Type "js" - again, minus the quotes.
    In the results you'll see pdfjsviewer.disabled with a vaule of false. Click it once, then right click it and choose Toggle to make the value "True".
    Close that tab.
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    Acrobat/Reader 9 were the first version to incorporate AES-256 code, so if you want to remain backwards compatible with Reader 7 or 8 you need to continue to use AES-128. I believe this is documented in the help for the section that describes how policy edit works.

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    As Michael said, it is probably a conflict between the two. You may be able to uninstall Reader (assume you have Reader 9) and repair Acrobat. Uninstalling one will usually break the other and the repair should fix it.

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    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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    New computer: Win7 64
    i7 processor, 8Gb memory.
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    As a previous poster mentioned, when you start Acrobat, plan on doing something else for 5 minutes. This happens on several other computers that I know of with v8 and v9, so I suspect Adobe tech support will conclude it's not a problem with their software.
    It seems to go slower when you have more fonts. Has this been confirmed? It's almost as if Acrobat "loads" every font on your computer when opening a document instead of checking the document first for necessary fonts.
    Another thing...
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    How to proceed?

    Two more things to try...
    Can you open Adobe Reader by itself?  If so, try disabling Protected Mode [Edit | Preferences | Security (Enhanced)].
    It could even be a malware issue; see

  • Acrobat Standard 8 not responding

    So i got a license of Acrobat Standard 8 installed on my Windows Server 2008 but for all my users on WTS it keeps not responding.
    I open the software, start using and it just stop responding, so i close, and open again and do the same thing. Sometimes it stop respoding even before i start using it.
    Any ideas ?
    My server is OK, since any other program works fine, such as office and ERP.

    This is the Reader forum. The Acrobat ones are here:

  • Adobe Acrobat Standard XI Not Responding

    This is the third time this has happened. While scrolling down the page, Acrobat stops responding. I have to uninstall and reinstall the software and then it works again. Any ideas how to prevent this from happening again?

    I did not receive a response to my comment (#7, Jan 29) for my specific situation. In it are all the details that have been requested by Adobe more than once. No, I have never used a third party pdf creator. If this is a Win 7 problem, as suggested by another member, we won't get any help from MS as the have stopped supporting Win 7. This problem may be an interesting marketing ploy for us to go to Win 8 or 10 and or buy a new computer.
    Here is Item #7 copied and pasted to hopefully save some time.
    "I am experiencing the same random "Not responding" issue. Here is some additional information. I am using Acrobat Pro 11.0.10 installed as part of Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. The Creative Cloud indicates the SW is up to date even though the update history does not show any updates applied.
    I am running Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64 bit. This happens in all applications where I use the Print command and select Adobe PDF printer. It does not matter when the files are created. Another symptom is the "Convert" button in Internet Explorer (v11.0.9600.17501) does not work. Nothing happens when it is clicked.
    Hopefully we have provided sufficient information for Adobe to find the SW issue and fix it.
    Ironically, Acrobat has been one of my most reliable go to tools."

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