ACS 4.2 Feature Support

Hello All,
Is it possible to export the network devices in ACS..?
We need to do it for our audit purpose.

Prasan, Good to see you again
Yes, you can get the aaa clients/devices information in excel sheet from below mentioned steps:
Go to Network Configuration > Search > Keeps the search setting to default i.e. to search all. Then press search. There will be a "Download" option that will appear in the left corner of the search  result. Click on it save that list.
This list will contain,
- Name
- IP Address
- Type
- NDG name (if any)
NOTE: This will not contain the Shared Secret keys that AAA Client have.
Jatin Katyal
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    Hi there,
    I have answered your questions inline below.
    I am developing a Flex panel for Photoshop CS5.* and 6 using Creative Suite Extension Builder 2. This version has  a new feature called Adobe Exchange that allows extensions to be marketed and sold. As I understand, this feature is supported on CS6 only.
    [Answer]: Yes CS6 is required but you can have a product that is backwards compatible with products earlier than CS6 such as CS5. In other words if you already have a product that supports say CS4/CS5 and CS6 you would not need to strip anything out we just need to have CS6 compatibility in order to be supported on the new Adobe Exchange.
    I have some queries regarding the approval guidelines of a zxp.
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    CS that's fine.
    I hope the above helps.
    Jonathan Ferman | Product Manager

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    PowerMac G5 2.5GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   MacBook Pro 2.0GHz

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    Hi Amol,
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    Laurent Goldsztejn
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    Hi Delon,
    If you are after support for traffic classification using DSCP, then that should already be supported in the c5rsm-dsv-mz.121-5a image, since it has support for the Modular Qos CLI (MQC)...
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    Follow these instructions even if the ACS is already running in detailed logging mode. This will ensure that all the proper service startup information is included in the file.
    System Configuration --> Service Control --> Level of detail - Full At this point, we need to duplicate the issue.
    Do whatever is causing the problem, or wait for the problem to occur again if it's not triggered by a direct sequence of events. Once that's done, we need to gather the verbose logs created. To do so, follow the instructions below AFTER the problem has been recreated and recorded:
    System Configuration --> Support -->Enable generate logs and Collect last x day logs and Collect Log Files
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