Actionscript cuepoints

Hey Guys,
I'm using FLVplayback and Actionscript cue points, no
embedded cue points in the FLV. I will be changing the actionscript
cue points from time to time, but I still need a button to advance
through the cue points and back, so I can't use
seekToNextNavCuePoint(). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have basically the same question... the FLVPlayback buttons backButton and forwardButton, as well as the seekBar, may only jump the play head along and trigger navigation cue points? Is there a way to develop a seek bar that allows seeking along actionscript cue points?
Thanks in advance...

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    I can't figure out how to add  Actionscript cuepoints...I see some documentation from November 2009  online but it doesn't match the OSMF docs online for Sprint 10.
    I seem to be  able to add a cuepoint by writing:
    var cuePoint:CuePoint = new  CuePoint(CuePointType.ACTIONSCRIPT, 1, "good point", null);
    videoElement.addEventListener(MediaElementEvent.METADATA_ADD,  onMetadataAdd);
    But when I take these two functions from the OSMF online  docs:
    private  function onMetadataAdd(event:MediaElementEvent):void
                 if (event.namespaceURL == CuePoint.DYNAMIC_CUEPOINTS_NAMESPACE)
                    var timelineMetadata:TimelineMetadata =  videoElement.getMetadata(CuePoint.DYNAMIC_CUEPOINTS_NAMESPACE) as  TimelineMetadata;
                     timelineMetadata.addEventListener(TimelineMetadataEvent.MARKER_TIME_REACHED,  onCuePoint);
            private function  onCuePoint(event:TimelineMetadataEvent):void
                 var cuePoint:CuePoint = event.marker as CuePoint;
                 trace("Cue Point at " + cuePoint.time);
    I'm not  getting any trace message at 1 second into the video?

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    The best way to preserve your cue points is to export the cue points to an xml file by clicking the "Export Cue Points" button located above the cue points.  After you change sources to your new video, click the "Import ActionScript Cue Points" button and select the xml file you just exported.

  • Creating ActionScript CuePoints

    I have ActionScript Cuepoints working fine by clicking on the
    imported video instance and adding actionscript cuepoints. But we
    keep getting new video and I have to put the cuepoints back in
    every time. So I was hoping to add cuepoints and their times to
    this script instead. Can I do that with the FLVPlayback? The script
    is attached.

    > I was hoping to add cuepoints and their times to this
    >  script instead. Can I do that with the FLVPlayback?
        You can, and the  FLVPlayback component makes it convenient by way of its addASCuePoint()  method.  (If you look up the FLVPlayback class entry of the ActionScript 2.0  Components Language Reference, you'll find this method.)
        By the looks  of it, your FLVPlayback instance name is vid, so assuming that's true, your  code might look something like this:
    var cue:Object = new  Object();
    // first cue point
    cue.time = 2.444; =  "save";
    cue.type = "actionscript";
    //  second cue point
    cue.time = 5.786; =  "americans";
    // third cue point
    cue.time =  12.002; = "howmuch";
    //  etc.
        I assume, for this example, that you're using ActionScript 2.0,  based on the code you showed already.  Notice that in my suggested code,  I've
    declared a generic Object instance named "cue", which is just an  arbitrary name.  The FLVPlayback component expects this cue point object to  be
    formatted in a certain way, which corresponds to the data you can  alternatively provide with the Component Inspector panel; namely, the cue  point needs a time value, a name, and a type (here, "actionscript").  In the  code I've shown, I only set the .type property once, because it keeps the  value "actionscript" until you change it.  The other properties, .time and  .name, are changed for each cue point, then passed into the FLVPlayback  instance, vid, by way of the addASCuePoint() method.
        You can  follow this code by the cuePoint event handler you already have in place,  and it works fine (just tested it here).  Note, though, that you can  *significamtly* reduce the complexity of your event handler by doing away  with the repeated if() statements.  Here's how:
    >  if (  == "save") {
    >  slides.gotoAndPlay("save");
    >  }
        By  happenstance, it looks like you've matched the names of your cue points to  the names of your frame labels.  This is a really good thing!  So really,  you don't have to check what the .name value is (here, "save"), and then  manually enter that same value ("save") into the gotoAndPlay() method. The  value of the expression *is* "save", so you can just pass in  the expression.  Check it out:
    vidList = new  Object();
    vidList.cuePoint = function(cues:Object):Void {
    vid.addEventListener("cuePoint",  vidList);
    ... and that replaces your numerous if() statements, because  rather than checking the value and then typing it in by hand, you're simply  passing that value into the gotoAndPlay() method.  Does that make  sense?
    David Stiller
    Co-author, Foundation Flash CS4 for  Designers
    "Luck  is the residue of good design."

  • Osmf:use both embedded cuepoints and dynamic quepoints and using seek fails,is it possible at all?

    I am tryin to use OSMF to play 4 videos that are divided into scenes using Navigation Cuepoints embedded into the f4v files using Media Encoder.
    I also have a dynamic list of ActionScript cuepoints that is added for subtitling  ( subtitles are done by another company and can't be embedded in the f4v because more subtitles may be added later).
    When I just play a f4v file from the beginning everything works, but when I use seek tot start a different! video on a scene (so start seeking as the video canSeek) the embedded cuepoints never trigger the onCuePoint event.
    The weird thing is that normally the embedded_cuepoints seem to be copied to the DYNAMIC_CUEPOINTS_NAMESPACE !  When trace numMarkers on timeLineData in EMBEDDED_CUEPOINTS_NAMESPACE it only returns cuepoints that have been reached! however numMarkers on timeLineData in DYNAMIC_CUEPOINTS_NAMESPACE  returns the correct number of cuepoints.... but not when I use then teh DYNAMIC_CUEPOINTS_NAMESPACE return NULL
    (this all happens even without adding teh actionscript cuepoints)
    Can anyone shed some light?

    Hi Karan,
    No! You cannot have a Static prompt that is a filtering source for the subsequent dynamic prompts.
    Have a look at Patrick's workaround (and other workarounds) for filtering the prompts based on a Date Range here:
    Dynmaic Cascading Prompts - Populate parameter prompt with only values in date range

  • NetStream Cue Points

    Tried adding cue points via as3 code but haven't been able to find anyway to accomplish this task. Read allot places that when you load a video via netStream you can't add cue points with actionscript. The only way is to embed the cue points is into the video. But this is not an obtain for me since someone else does the videos and they may change or be modified at some time. I can add actionscript cuePoints with the FLVPlayback component but I am looking for ways of increasing video performace.
    By the way what is the difference\advantage of using netStream over using the FLVPlayback component? Often wander this but haven't read anything to say one is better then the other when running video over the web.

    Thanks kglad. Being able to customize is always better in my flash world. LOL
    I'll have to stay with the FLVPlayback component as long as I have to use cue points in my videos.

  • How to use cuepoint in audio files

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    It is possible to make this?
    I have found solutions only for the .flv file but not for wav
    or mp3 or others audio file... Why?
    Help me please

    Seems like this is exactly what you want to read:

  • Actionscript 3 and rtmp

    Hi all:
    I'm trying to create a simple connection to my FMS sever
    using actionscript 3 and the Flash 9 Alpha. The code below *kind of
    works,* but I know it's wrong - I don't know where it's wrong, but
    I know that it's wrong. I've been googling, reading the articles
    here (state machine), and going through the AS3 cookbook, but I'm
    this is the closest I can get by myself.
    Any help would be really appreciated.
    package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class VideoExample extends Sprite {
    private var videoUrl:String = "1";
    private var connection:NetConnection;
    private var stream:NetStream;
    //private function init():void{
    // Create the NetConnection and listen for NetStatusEvent
    and SecurityErrorEvent events
    //nc = new NetConnection();
    //nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatus);
    public function VideoExample():void {
    NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding =;
    connection = new NetConnection();
    private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
    switch ( {
    case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
    private function
    securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
    trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);
    private function connectStream():void {
    var stream:NetStream = new NetStream(connection);
    var video:Video = new Video();

    Found AS3 code on the Flex site, but it throws the following
    errors on trace (video does stream, but this isn't working right).
    Can someone please help?
    Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095: was unable to invoke callback onBWDone.
    error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property onBWDone not found on and there is no default value.
    at VideoTest$iinit()
    metadata: duration=570.2330000000001 width=796 height=536
    package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class VideoTest extends Sprite{
    private var videoURL:String = "1";
    private var connection:NetConnection;
    private var stream:NetStream;
    public function VideoTest():void {
    ////NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding =;
    connection = new NetConnection();
    connection.objectEncoding =;
    private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
    switch (
    case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
    case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":
    trace("Stream not found: " + videoURL);
    private function
    trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);
    private function connectStream():void
    var stream:NetStream = new NetStream(connection);
    stream.client = new CustomClient();
    var video:Video = new Video();
    class CustomClient
    public function onMetaData(info:Object):void {
    trace("metadata: duration=" + info.duration + " width=" +
    info.width + " height=" + info.height + " framerate=" +
    public function onCuePoint(info:Object):void {
    trace("cuepoint: time=" + info.time + " name=" + +
    " type=" + info.type);

  • Triggering; event with a cuePoint

    Hey folks.
    Let me start by saying I'm an actionscript novice. I'm a
    designer and a timeline guy... I've been able to get by with
    actionscript by cutting and pasting so there are some fundamentals
    that I don't understand.
    Now that that's out of the way, I need some help. I have a
    flv in the flvplayback component, instance name roy. I've embedded
    a cuepoint via the parameters panel named it continue. It occurs
    about 2 seconds before the end of the flv.
    The root timeline stops on the frame where the flvplayback
    component is located.
    All I need is for ActionScript to tell my root timeline to
    play(); once that cuepoint is reached.
    And surprise surprise... it doesn't work.
    I would greatly appreciate any help. And please keep in mind,
    I know very little about actionscript...

    Does anyone know if cue points can change the content being
    called when the scrub bar is moved from end to end.
    so let's say you have your embedded FLV playing along and at
    cue point 1 you have slide 1 show, then at cue point 2 you have
    slide 2 show.
    That's all fine and dandy and exciting and users go ooooh and
    aaaaah and you've just saved the world.
    but then the user thinks to themselves, "hey, what did they
    say about slide 1?" and at that point the most dreaded and feared
    thing happens--they click the scrub bar and wrench it rapidly to
    the left.
    so what happens all ye powerful and omniscient Flash
    Programmer Guru Video masters of the world gone yonder? does anyone
    I will buy the first person who can answer this question a
    cold Extra Special Bitter Ale from Breckenridge, Colorado if you
    come to Austin, Texas.

  • Load streaming video at specific cuepoint - AS 3.0

    Hello I have a video with 6 embedded cuepoints
    All I want to do is load the video at a specific, in this
    chase the one named "Chapter4" cuepoint.
    Here is the actionscript 3.0 code I have so far (where
    "player" is the name of the flvplayback component), which obviously
    isn't working...
    player.source = "rtmp://";
    I am getting this error... VideoError: 1003: Invalid seek
    Any advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated...
    Thanks in advance,

    I had the same problem. Dan Carr was kind enough to send a
    reply. Here it is:
    Getting stuck on the loading screen is a symptom that may
    happen for a number of reasons.
    The loading screen sits above the gallery and obscures the
    screen while the thumbnails and screen assets are loading. The
    loading screen stays in place until all the video thumbnails have
    loaded - so what you're seeing is an issue where 1 or more of your
    videos isn't loading.
    Most commonly this is because the server isn't recognizing
    the FLV mime type or one or more videos didn't get uploaded to the
    path listed in the XMLfile. (Actually, the first time I saw
    something like this it was because there were spaces in the video
    file names - local playback worked as expected, but my server was
    URL-encoding the file names which replaced the spaces with
    different characters and broke the expected paths...)
    I'd recommend that you do the following... In the FLA file,
    select the white rectangle graphic on the "Preloading" layer and
    make it invisible by turning its alpha to 0. This will allow you to
    see which videos are not loading on the server. If none of the
    videos load, this would hint that either the server isn't seeing
    the FLV mime type, the XML file isn't loading, or there is a global
    problem with file naming. (If you see all the labels on the
    filters, you know the XML file loaded.) If most of the videos are
    loading, look for the specific problem videos and check to see that
    the naming is correct and that the files were uploaded to the
    correct location.
    My own issue, as Dan suggested, was that FLV wasn't
    registered on the server.
    Hope this helps others.

  • URL Event cuepoints embedded in live flv stream

    I would like to stream live flv files with on-the-fly embedded cuepoints to synchronize slide shows to the live stream
    I use the function frequently on on-demand streams, but those are static xml cuepoint lists
    I understand that it can be done.  I read in the doucmentation that there are navigation and event streams embedded in the .flv, regardless of whether it's live or on-demand.   I need a way to enter cue points at the encoder and to set a listener for them in the player.  I know the url i will be calling for ahead of time, just not the time in the event that it will be called.
    Thanks for your help..

    Thanks for your response.  Our use case seems is pretty basic.  We have a live stream which will have cuepoints added at random times of the live encode.  Additionally we want to retain the functionality for cuepoints added by actionscript to the dynamic timeline metadata  The stream is h.264 and the encoder is inserting an in-stream callback for the cue point. 
    I know I can create a custom callback on the NetStream.client, but was initially investigating if they could/would be handled by current OSMF timeline processes.  Another method I have thought of is to use different handlers for the embedded and dynamic timelines.  MARKER_ADD events on the embedded timeline trigger an action immediately, rather than waiting for the MARKER_TIME_REACHED event.

  • How do I make a movie wait for a FLV cuepoint

    I'm trying to synch a "talking head" FLV with some graphics,
    so I simply want to get my movie to wait for a cuepoint to begin
    playing again. I'm making it Flash 7 compatible, so I'm using the
    older Media Display component.
    Is there a "stop" and "wait for cuepoint" that would work? If
    someone could give me the actionscript I should paste in the frame,
    it would be greatly appreciated, since I don't really know
    actionscript that well. Thanks.

    I'm sensing that you don't know much actionscript. If you
    want to do much that is really fun and cool you will need to learn
    Start with the help files. Everytime you use a new component
    or class go to the Actionscript Language Reference or the Component
    Dictionary. Don't try searching it will generally only confuse you
    This next bit is going to sound silly, but the differences
    are subtle and please take it in the manner it is offered.
    When you say you'd like to pause at a certain frame you mean
    a movieclip that you have, right?
    If you check all the information about the FLVs and the Media
    component you will find there is absolutely nothing that allows it
    to make a movieclip pause or play. But if you check the MovieClip
    class you will find there are the MovieClip.stop() and the methods. These are the only ways to get a
    movieclip to pause/stop and or play. There are no others.
    So you have most of the answer there in your second post. It
    is just worded a bit off.
    You need a movie to pause (for which you will use the
    MovieClip.stop() method) and when a cuepoint happens you will need
    to start the movie using;
    If you check the MediaDisplay component directory there will
    be sample code for how to listen for a cuepoint. I'm still using
    Flash 7 so my help files are organized a bit differently, but what
    you are looking for is under Media.cuePoint.
    Notice the code at the bottom of the entry – READ the
    whole entry, even if you don't understand it all now, read it,
    outloud if it helps. You will need to have an instance of the
    playback component on the stage (in this example it is called
    myPlayback, but you could call it whatever you wanted, just make
    sure that both names are the same.
    I recommend trying this outside of your current project. Set
    up a simple new document, put an instance of the playback component
    on the stage, give it an instance name, assign an FLV to it, give
    it a cuepoint or two, and then add the listener code, just as it
    is. See how it works? Do you get the trace statements?
    Then you can develop it a little further. Add some named
    movieclip to your stage. Add a line myClip.stop(); Also notice that
    you can give your cuepoints names? Put a few in and call some start
    and some stop (or whatever you want.) Then instead of a trace in
    the cuepoint listener have something that says, "If the cuepoint is
    called start I should tell the movieclip to play and if the
    cuepoint is called stop I should tell the movieclip to stop/pause."
    I could easily write all this code out for you, but what
    would be the fun of that for you? Give it your best shot and post
    back as you accomplish things.

  • Labeled Frame CuePoint Navigation

    I have 2 systems with Flash 8 on them. On one system when I
    try to use the FLV playback componenet and the Labeled Frame
    CuePoint Navigation behavior I get an error code. When I take the
    same file and use it on the other system it operates as it should.
    I can't put my finger on what is different from one system to the
    other. Can anyone give any insights? The error code experienced is
    **Error** D:\Documents and Settings\g4yr4y5\Local
    Settings\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash
    8\en\Configuration\Classes\FP7\ Line 18: The same member
    name may not be repeated more than once.
    function play(fileName:String):Boolean;
    **Warning** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 30:
    There is no class or package with the name
    'mx.controls.streamingmedia.behaviors' found in package
    _parent, false);
    Total ActionScript Errors: 2 Reported Errors: 2

    MichaelCo wrote:
    > I am hoping to use a top middle and bottom frames page
    > navigation bars in top and bottom frames - If I want to
    make an
    > addition to the navigation bar, can I set it up so that
    I do not have
    > to go back and change all previous pages. i.e. if I want
    to add
    > another button to navigation bar on bottom frame, will
    it change the
    > bottom frame on previously constructed pages. I hope I
    am making
    > myself clear MC
    IMHO, if your concern is about "maintenance", you should use
    flat pages
    rather than frames and look into using external files:
    Articles and Tutorials:
    The perfect FAQ page:
    CSS-P Templates:
    CSS Tab Menu:

  • Changing Text Using CuePoints

    I'm currently working on creating a video player in Flash. Right now I am trying to figure out how use a cuepoint in the video to change the headline in the top fo the Player when cue point 1 is reached for example.
    I'm really bad at actionscripting so thank you in advance.

    if flv_pb is your component reference, you can use:
    function f(e:MetadataEvent):void{
        for(var s:String in{

  • Cuepoints & play command

    I know this should be simple, but I'm an ActionScript novice
    & can't work this out...
    I've embedded cuepoints into an flv, and coded buttons to
    seek to them. But, because I have autoplay set to false, clicking
    buttons before setting the flv playing just goes to the cuepoint
    but doesn't play. The feedback i've had from testing is "why don't
    the buttons work" - people don't think to hit the "play" button as
    can someone tell me how to alter the code I have, to
    incorporate a "play" command?
    function cue1() {
    var c = this._parent.my_flvPb.findCuePoint("tips");
    seek_btn_1.onRelease = cue1;
    Thanks, Matt.

    Should have worked this out earlier - all I needed was this:
    function cue1() {

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